Short film anaylsis

Post on 24-Apr-2015

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Short Film Analysis

Transcript of Short film anaylsis



This short film ‘What’s virgin mean’ is regarded as a comedy genre. The plot of this short film is about mother and a daughter who are having a conversation however there is slight twist the storyline as the young girl is asking her mother a really awkward and embarrassing question hence the title ‘What does a virgin mean’.

The film stars Kate Issit as the mother and Rebecca Duff, s this short film is 2 minutes and 34 seconds long focusing on the conversation asked by the daughter. In the film we can see that the mother is trying to figure out a way to tell her daughter

The film starts of by showing close up sots of both mother and daughter doing there own thing, while the mother is cooking the daughter is sitting at table and drawing a rainbow. However even though this is stereotypical the director has done this purposely to remind the audience of the relationship and age gap.

The setting creates a warm atmosphere feeling for the audience as they can relate to it, through the shots of the mum cooking shows she is a loving, maternal parent figure. The extreme close up allows the audience to the see young girl as innocent.

The director has worked with the camera person making sure there is close ups of both characters showing what they are doing and also the facial expressions emphasising the relationship between mother and daughter.

The lighting in the scene are shown to be pleasant and happy, in the background we can hear diegetic music being played by the radio adding to the mood in the scene. However the mood in the scene is changed quickly due to the young girl asking her mother ‘What’s virgin mean’. The music slowly begins to fade away and the mother is shown to be in a awkward position where she has to answer this question.

The mother is shown to be in this position by a close up showing her reaction to her daughters question. At the same time she has been forced to answer this question that her daughter has asked , how she answers back is shown through her facial expressions struggling to give an answer.

The mother is shown to be thinking carefully about how to answer this question as the answer she may give can corrupt her daughters childlike, innocent mind.

‘What is a virgin’ is a question you would not expect a small child to ask however this leaves the audience feeling just as awkward as the mother but still finding it funny allowing the humour kick in.

The music which becomes faded out begins to add to the awkward moment of the mother and audience therefore allowing this short film to become a comedy.

Non – diegetic music begins to kick in as the mother begins to answer then becomes fast paced adding to the embarrassing position the mother is in explaining what her daughter has asked ‘What is a virgin’ beginning to talk about sexual intercourse.

Several two shots are used showing the relationship between mother and daughter. Close ups are also used showing the facial expressions of the mother attempting to answer her daughters question.

The mother isn't aware of her actions as she becomes to in to it by playing with props such as the green vegetables, and using the bowl allowing her to become fierce while she is talking.

However this contributes to the situation becoming funny for the audience to laugh at.

Symbolism is used within many short films including this one. When the mother is trying to explain how to make a baby it involves the mother holding a vegetable which can possibly be seen as sexual symbolism therefore only adults will answer this allowing it to be funny to the audience.

Another sexual symbolism being present is when the mother is whisking a cake mixture in a bowl and becoming carried away in explaining the terms of how to make a baby. Yet again here the audience will understand this concept and find it humorous. Also known as iconography.

While the mother tries to explain the concept of how babies are made she gets carried away what she talking and becomes too involved.

We begin to hear non – diegetc music to show this, the music is fast paced relating to the mothers emotions to the audience. The witty music being played and heard fits in well the comedy genre as it is a typical convention.

The director decides to cut to the scene of the daughters reaction of what her mother is saying. This expressions shows she has no idea what her mother is talking about is confused which shows her child like mind is preserved.

Towards the ending there is a mix up to the question. The mother has answered the wrong questions which elaborates on the humour being seen and heard.

The daughter was looking at the virgin oil bottle which is directly in front of her which is why she asked her mother ‘What’s virgin mean’, the actual question was extra virgin’ This shows the highlight of the film allowing the audience to find it hysterical.

In this scene there is a shot of the mother slowly turning her head in shame and even more embarrassment after what she has heard.

The director has used a high angle shot showing the audience her daughters perspective which is small. The music being heard has changed to a more upbeat and fast tempo music linking with the comedy genre.

After the mother has turned around in embarrassment the film ends with credits showing the audience who was involved in the production and names of the actors.

The title is shown for the first time to the audience as it allows them to grasp the short film more and lastly the title is in font which looks like to be written by a child connoting to the comedy genre being explored.