Shingle Jan 2014

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The Shingle is the newsletter of Gilead Presbyterian Church in Carmel, NY.

Transcript of Shingle Jan 2014

The Shingle January 2014 Page 1 of 22

The Newsletter of Gilead Presbyterian Church, Carmel, NY January 2014

Dear Friends, Happy New Year! I hope you started 2014 off as hopefully and happily as we did in our family. May all your holidays be holy days. Ever since the 25th, and on through Epiphany, we’re in that odd-feeling other-world of after-Christmas Christmas, in which the season of Christmas technically goes on into the New Year but we’re sweeping up pine needles and packing the decorations away, and trying to remember to write 2014 on our checks, and it doesn’t really feel all that holiday-ish anymore. Or maybe it’s just that we’re weary of trying to feel festive. It may be easier, though, if we do treat our holidays as holy days. Recovering the Holy is an easier, simpler process than recovering the Festive. All we have to do is open our eyes to the sacred within the everyday—a smile from a friend, the sound of the rain, walking your child to the school bus stop in the slush, even a small joy of remembrance as we’re wearily packing away the ornaments. If we choose, it can all be holy, for the Christ child continues to be born in every act of love we give and receive. Look for him. Seek and you shall find.

My favorite after-Christmas Christmas Scripture is Luke 2:52, following the story of Jesus as a boy teaching the elders in the temple. It’s the last thing we hear about Jesus before the story picks up in his adulthood. And Jesus increased in wisdom and in years, and in divine and human favor. That one sentence sums up all of Jesus’ years of growth from child to Messiah. All those days of ordinary living and loving that weren’t important enough to the story to make the book’s final cut, and yet made him the Savior he was to be. Enjoy the new year. Enjoy this sacred, ordinary time that is no holiday but can be holy day. God is with us, Emmanuel, in every tiny act of love. Joy to the world, the Lord is come. May we all increase in wisdom and years, and in divine and human favor.

Grace and peace,


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Do Prophets Help? At the beginning of a young folks’ sermon one Sunday in Advent, the sizeable group was asked what a prophet does.

Alex Vandenberg volunteered an answer, and described the work of a prophet as well as I have ever heard it done. He said, “A

prophet listens to God, and then tells the people what He says.” When we study the Book of Isaiah, it becomes clear that this is what is taking place. Isaiah says, “In the year when King Uzziah died, I saw God.” In this vision, an angel picked up a hot coal from the altar of heaven, flew to Isaiah with it, and touched it to Isaiah’s lips, clearly identifying him with responsibility for speaking the word of God. And Isaiah spoke to the people of the eighth century BC, and is still speaking to us today. We know Jesus through the word of God as transmitted through Isaiah, and through the other Old Testament prophets as well. “Behold, a virgin will conceive, and bear a son…” This and many other messages concerning Jesus come to us from God through Isaiah, and we can’t miss Him if we listen to the prophet. A common prophetic theme tells us to “Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand.” These words are from a New Testament prophet, John the Baptist. He preached this message in the wilderness before Jesus began his earthly ministry. It is also found in many Old Testament prophecies. Read Amos for a wonderful example. To repent means to change, to turn around, away from our old sinful ways and back toward God where we will find forgiveness for all past,

present and future sins when we ask for it in Jesus’ name. The beginning of a New Year is a great time to Repent! For the Kingdom of God is at Hand! New’ Year’s resolutions may be part of our effort to repent. Do you have an addiction? A gluttonous eating habit? Poor posture? Use bad language? Keep bad hours? Judge others? These and many other human conditions cause us to need repentance, but can be overcome through faith in God through Jesus Christ. And He’s ready to help when we ask Him to. Mark’s gospel tells us of many examples from Jesus early ministry when He cast out demons from

people when He was asked to. You can’t receive Jesus in your heart if some demon is already there occupying the space. So set up a plan early in 2014 for attacking, with God’s help, your personal demons. Identify them, get rid of them, and let Him have their place in your heart. Gilead is a wonderful place to celebrate Christmas. The children‘s pageant, the vocal, bell and instrumental music, the candle lighting, and the reading from prophecies tell us yet again of the unfathomable love God has for us as expressed in His son Jesus. It’s all pretty miraculous, and can be overwhelming unless we know the How and Why of the birth of a virgin’s son in a stable in Bethlehem. Let’s get our demons out where Jesus can help us deal with them in 2014, and make a plan for repentance. Let’s not waste the greatest gift we will ever receive. We need to hear the words of the prophets. After all, they come directly from God. We are strengthened by His Holy Spirit, and, like Paul, we can do all things through Him, who strengthens us. Have a Happy 2014 in God’s love.

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A Note from the

Gilead Music Department January 2014

Happy New Year, Everyone! As Pastor Martin said in his annual Christmas “Sermon ‘n Song” last Sunday, it truly was a season with much “Wonder, Oh,Wonder” in it. From the beginning of the month when we had about 35 Gilead Singers at the annual Tree Lighting to last Sunday’s “sacred” rendition to the tune of “Winter Wonderland”, it has been a Season of Wonder.

With much rehearsal and preparation “Journey to the Manger” was well received on the one night that the weather cooperated. What a magnificent night it was, with an almost- full moon and the stars shining brightly. “Oh Wonder!” Christmas Eve gave us another moment of awe! An impromptu snow “shower” turned into 2 inches of fluffy snow in the parking lot. Every faithful member of the Senior Choir and Senior Bells traveled safely to and from our 10:00 pm service! Another moment of “Wonder”. This coming Sunday, Epiphany, January 5, will bring the Magi bearing gifts to the Christ Child. The Junior Bells will tell their version of this event through the eyes of one small Star in the Heavens. The Gilead Madrigal Singers will give us a preview of what we will see/hear at the upcoming Gilead Castle on, Saturday, January 11. January 8

3:15 pm - Junior Bell Chime/Orff Instrument rehearsal 6:30 pm - Senior Bell Chime rehearsal 7:45 pm - Senior Choir rehearsal

January 12 – Senior Choir & TBA January 15

3:15 pm - Junior Bell Chime/Orff Instrument rehearsal

6:30 pm - Senior Bell Chime rehearsal 7:45 pm - Senior Choir rehearsal

January 19 - Senior Bell Chimes & Senior Choir play/sing in Worship January 22

3:15 pm - Junior Bell Chime/Orff Instrument rehearsal 6:30 pm - Senior Bell Chime rehearsal 7:45 pm - Senior Choir rehearsal

January 26 - Gospel Singers, Senior Choir sing/play in Worship January 29

3:15 pm - Junior Bell Chime/Orff Instrument rehearsal 6:30 pm - Senior Bell Chime rehearsal 7:45 pm - Senior Choir rehearsal

If you would like to join any of our groups, you are very welcome. All

parts are needed!. Come to rehearsal or call me if you have any questions.

Mary Temple 226-6958

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Gilead Youth Group News

January 2014

Facts about Hunger 1. Nearly 842 million people are suffering from hunger. While experts have been

saying the recession is over, that doesn’t seem to be the case overall. Millions of Americans struggle to put food on the table, including the Putnam County area, where a population of approximately 6,000 reflects the U.S. average.

2. The U.S. Census Bureau has reported 22 percent of households have felt one or more possible hardships in fulfilling their families’ basic needs.

3. Hunger kills more people every year than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined.

4. Hunger causes the deaths of about 5 million children each year.

5. About 17 million children are born underweight annually, the result of inadequate nutrition before and during pregnancy.

Help End Hunger

The Confirmation Class of 2014 selected this year’s project for confirmation to be Mission work for the Homeless and Hungry This would be the plan: Each person would have to participate in at least 2 activities:

1. Midnight run on January 3 and a spring date TBD 2. Brewster Shelter dinner Friday 1/31/14 3. SOUPER BOWL Sunday, February 2nd, collection 1 full grocery bag per person collection 4. Fundraiser for Overnight Shelter mission NYC (Project TBD) 5 Overnight NYC Retreat to work at shelter preparing 2 meals. (Date TBD) Note: This retreat is not to replace Holmes They all agreed this is necessary and would be rewarding for them and helpful to many. Please support their efforts in helping those in our community that are hungry.

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Gilead Youth Calendar


Midnight Run

FRIDAY JANUARY 10 Winter Swim Night FREE Youth & Friends leave Gilead 6pm RSVP Fran


Youth Brunch following worship

FRIDAY JANUARY 17 Ice Skating with laser light show $5 per person RSVP Fran


"Let it Snow" Party Youth Pre-K-4th grade following worship Sign-up Lobby Crafts, snacks Snow Man building maybe?


Youth Serve Coffer Hour Heart Healthy!

FRIDAY JANUARY 31 Brewster Shelter Dinner


Help fill our grocery bags

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Join us as we make merry

in celebration of Twelfth Night!

We will light the fireplace and drink glühwein

(mulled wine, non-alcoholic), feast on German

delights prepared by our cook, Fern, and sing songs

of the season. We will crown a king and queen,

and someone may wind up in the stocks!

‘Twill be a night to remember!

Tickets will be on sale beginning Sunday,

December 1st. If you would like to participate

(sing, decorate, serve or clean-up), contact Mariah

Warren at or 845-319-2127. .

Renaissance Banquet At

Gilead Castle



5:00 p.m.



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What is Epiphany

When is Epiphany | Meaning of Epiphany | History of Epiphany

Observed on January 6th, the Epiphany celebration remembers the three miracles that manifest the divinity of Christ. The name "Epiphany" comes from the Greek word Epiphania, and means "to show, make known, or reveal." The celebration originated in the Eastern Church in AD 361, beginning as a commemoration of the birth of Christ. Later, additional meanings were added - the visit of the three Magi, Christ's baptism in the Jordan River, and his first miracle at the wedding in Cana. These three events are central to the definition of Epiphany, and its meaning is drawn from these occurrences. Epiphany Observances While some Greek Orthodox Churches still observe the Epiphany celebration as the Nativity of Jesus, the majority of the Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Anglican Churches focus on the visit of the Magi and Jesus' baptism. The significance behind the visit of the Magi is the revelation of Christ as "Lord and King." The Wise Men were the first Gentiles to publicly recognize the divinity of Jesus, by way of their offerings of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. The baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River revealed his divinity as the Son of God. John the Baptist, according to Matthew 3:16-17, testifies of the Holy Spirit descending upon Jesus like a dove, and a voice from heaven saying, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased." Several Russian, Coptic, and Greek Churches also focus on the Cana wedding miracle as part of the Epiphany celebration observance.

For the Church, the Epiphany represents a responsibility to reveal Jesus as the Divine Son and Savior sent by God the Father to atone for the sins of mankind. It is a time of healing and fellowship, where the Church comes together in the covenant of brotherhood to love one another as Christ commanded. The Church observes a variety of Epiphany rituals and traditions. In places throughout Europe and Latin America, Christians commemorate Three Kings' Day by offering prayers, burning herbs that have been dried and blessed, sprinkling entryways with holy water, and inscribing the initials of the Magi

(Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar) on structures in order to receive a blessing. Many Protestant Churches observe an Epiphany celebration that extends to Ash Wednesday, with the last Sunday of the season honored as Transfiguration Sunday. The tradition of Twelfth Night, which marks the end of the Christmas season, occurs the night before Epiphany. On this night, Kings' Cakes are baked in preparation for the coming winter season. Many Protestants mark Epiphany by taking down Christmas trees and burning them in bonfires. The related tradition of children "raiding" the tree of candy canes and other sweets before it leaves the home is popular throughout Europe and the United States. A favored custom in Central Europe involves "star singers". Children dress as the three kings and go caroling from door to door carrying a large star. In reward, they receive money or sweets, which often go to church charities and relief organizations. For many Christians, the definition of Epiphany is a reminder of God the Father's unlimited love and mercy, which He has extended to all of mankind through the revelation of His Son, and of the hope of salvation that is now manifest for all who come to him in faith. Written by: David Katski

Excerpted from

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WORSHIP AND MINISTRY Pastor McGeachy generally follows the lectionary each week, but there are occasional exceptions. We are making these available for those who may wish to read the likely scripture readings in advance of Sunday worship. The daily lectionary and the Mission Yearbook for Prayer and Study are available on our website:

Lectionary for Sundays and Festivals Scripture Reference January 2014

Second Sunday after Christmas Day—January 5, 2014 Jeremiah 31:7–14 or Sirach 24:1–12 Psalm 147:12–20 or Wisdom of Solomon 10:15–21 Ephesians 1:3–14 John 1:[1–9] 10–18 Epiphany of the Lord—January 6 Isaiah 60:1–6 Psalm 72:1–7, 10–14 Ephesians 3:1–12 Matthew 2:1–12 Baptism of the Lord—January 12 Isaiah 42:1–9 Psalm 29 Acts 10:34–43 Matthew 3:13–17 Second Sunday after the Epiphany—January 19 Isaiah 49:1–7 Psalm 40:1–11 1 Corinthians 1:1–9 John 1:29–42 Third Sunday after the Epiphany—January 26 Isaiah 9:1–4 Psalm 27:1, 4–9 1 Corinthians 1:10–18 Matthew 4:12–23

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1/5 Mary Jo Brett Bill Brett David Cosmo Christine Cosmo

1/12 Paul & Brenda Verdesi

1/19 Lucy & Jose Ojeda

1/26 Robert D’Ascoli

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GILEAD NEWS Annual Congregational Meeting The Annual Congregational Meeting of Gilead Presbyterian will take place on Sunday, January 26, immediately following worship. The purpose of the meeting is to elect officers, receive the annual budget, and any other appropriate business. Ushering

The ushering schedule for 2014 has been prepared. Please see Paul Francis for a copy. Substitutes are sometimes needed. If you are interested in volunteering to be an usher when one is needed, please see Paul Francis. It’s a great way to serve your church, and to get to know other members!

Souper Bowl Sunday

The annual Souper Bowl of Caring will be collected by our

youth on Sunday, February 2nd, the day of the football game with a similar name! All of the proceeds go to Gilead’s food pantry. A donation of even $1.00 per person will go a long way!

Help Needed Our fine Coffee Hour Servers are in great need of

assistance! A couple of our regular helpers have had to

take some time off. This is a wonderful way to share

your time and talents with the church, and a great way

to get to know more of our members.

If you can help out even a couple of Sundays a month,

please see Lucy Ojeda.

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Christmas at Gilead

Getting Ready for the Pageant

The Glorious Pageant

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OUTREACH AND MISSION Brewster Emergency Shelter Partnership

We are looking for members of Gilead to volunteer and support the Brewster Emergency Shelter Partnership. BESP is comprised of a group of local churches and provides meals and a warm place to sleep for local homeless individuals. Gilead has offered to help prepare and serve meals and/or have individuals stay overnight at First Baptist Church in Brewster during the week of January 27th to February 3rd. We are sharing responsibilities with St. Andrews Episcopal Church and need to coordinate coverage. A signup sheet is located in the lounge.

Please see either John Warren or Margery Amato if you are interested in supporting BESP. BESP would also accept donations of men's boxers, warm socks, hats and gloves or financial contributions. Thank you for your support.

Gilead Food Pantry The Gilead Food Pantry is open Friday mornings from 10:00 am until noon to offer food to those who are in need. Donations of food or funds are always welcome. Food items can be placed in the basket in the lounge while funds are best given directly to Marj Williams or placed in the offering basket with the notation “Food Pantry” on the envelope or memo line of your check. The Salvation Army has begun supporting our food pantry by offering free breakfast to food pantry clients

on Friday mornings from 10:00 am until 11:30 am. We greatly appreciate their ministry! For more information on this important ministry, please see Marj Williams. While the goods received during the Kid’s Kitchen Collections have

been a great help to the food pantry, please remember that other things continue to be needed, so please continue to bring other items on non-communion Sundays. Thanks!

Please remember to support the Deacons’ Fund, either by using the special quarterly envelopes or by designating “Deacons’ Fund” on a check.

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Gilead Church School Kid’s Kitchen

As has been our tradition, children bring an offering for the food pantry on the first Sunday of each month. We are expanding upon this tradition by introducing the Gilead Church School Kid’s Kitchen. Each month will have a different theme, and children are requested to bring up an item

related to that theme with them during “Time for the Young at Heart”. In September, the children brought home a calendar for the next 12 months to remind them what to bring each month. Please help your child to remember to bring this important offering for our food pantry ministry. The calendar for this school year follows, and will be also posted on the Church School Bulletin Board by the Church School entrance. If you have any questions about this offering project please see Diana Drake Behan.

The theme for January, jelly and canned fruit, and for February is instant mashed potatoes.

Habitat for Humanity Habitat for Humanity is part of our church mission. There are volunteer opportunities on house sites or off site work. Steve Biolsi is the Project Manager for Habitat for Humanity of Putnam County. He can be reached at 914-774-9314. You can get more information on the web at and you can find them on Facebook

Philippines Typhoon Haiyan

Patrocimio (photo right) lost everything after the typhoon. His farm has been destroyed except one little room that his family used as a refuge, waiting for long hours before the typhoon went away. When they were finally able to get out, they realized that everything disappeared, their belongings were spread all over the area and all their clothes were soaked. Now he wants to repair his house and get his livelihood back on track but he needs everything, such as nails, tools and building material.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) is helping Typhoon Haiyan survivors by working in collaboration with our mission partner the National Council of Churches in the Philippines and as a member of ACT Alliance. Visit the Philippines response index for situation reports and resources.

Like us on Facebook (PDACARES) for updates..

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Financial Report

As of 11/30/13:

Regular Income Year to Date 173,416

Expenses Year to Date 173,416

Surplus (Deficit) (2,994)

We’re in the final stretch…. Help Gilead payoff our Renovation Loan

Outstanding Renovation Loan Balance: $20,299 Monthly Payment: $1,835 Number of Payments Remaining: 11

Online Giving Is Now Available Online giving is an easy, secure way to support Gilead Presbyterian Church. You can conveniently make a donation at any time. Just go to the Gilead website, and click on the “Donate” button, and you will be taken to the PayPal website to complete the transaction. (Please note that PayPal keeps 2.2% plus $ .30 for each transaction as a processing fee.)

You can also click here

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GILEAD GROUPS Faith Discussion Group Until January 9, the group will be in recess so those folks who regularly attend can participate in the full slate of holiday activity scheduled at Gilead. At the first meeting of 2014 on January 9, there will be a brief inquiry into the person of Gamaliel. Then the study of Mark’s Gospel will resume to be followed by a complete look at the Book of Ecclesiastes. Meetings are held in the lounge each Thursday from 7:30 until 8:30 PM. Visitors from other churches, the purely curious, those with a lifetime of faith, and those with little faith to speak of, are welcome along with all hard-core Presbyterians. Continuity and context are maintained, but if you can’t make every session, you will find that each week the Holy Spirit deals with those who attend. So come when you can. Speak with Don De Vries for more information and answers to any questions about the group.

A Continuing Journey to the Manger

Many thanks to all who participated in the cast and crew of our ecumenical December live nativity event, Journey to the Manger. Though we were snowed out on day one, our second night was a rousing success, and given the weather, very well attended. We made significant progress this second season of our Journey, particularly in the organization of our traffic flow and the wonderful publicity, thanks to some really hard-working volunteers. We can’t wait to see what Season Three brings us come Christmas 2014. We dedicate the steps of our Journey so far to our original innkeeper, Bill Listwan, who died suddenly in the very snowstorm that cancelled our opening night. Bill was a valuable part of our group both this year and last, and we hold dearly the memory of the lovely and heartfelt prayer he offered at the close of our final dress

rehearsal, the last time we were to be together on this earth. Rest in peace, Bill. You have completed your journey to the manger!

Gilead Designers

Gilead Designers will be meeting on December 20. The group meets at Gilead at 6:00 pm. Anyone interested in creating craft projects is invited. Please see Mary Temple or Ellen Nielsen for more information.

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Prayer...In the 21st Century

Prayer is such a powerful tool. Prayer roots us in our faith, giving us discernment and a vision. God speaks to us in those quiet moments, strengthening us in spirit. It is good for His people to pray together. But what happens when our life gets so busy that we can’t find the time to be in the same place together?

A group of our members led by Rob LoAlbo have made a commitment to pray specifically for our church, its future, and the roles of its members, every Thursday night, wherever they are at 9:00 pm, for 10 minutes. Additionally, they have been posting on the church’s Facebook page as a means of reminder and encouragement. While they may not be physically together as a prayer group,

they are one in purpose, which is just as effective. If you would like to commit to join them, set an alarm on your phone and wherever you are, join me in prayer at that time every week, praying for our fold and future. Join them in their Facebook discussions on the Gilead Church’s Facebook page. Did you forget to pray at 9 and wanted to? Or maybe you couldn’t get to it until an hour later. Not to worry! Hop in when you can. Whatever you’re offering, it is fine by God, as He looks to the heart and to your commitment to Him. Remember, He longs to spend time with you.

Stretch Exercise Classes

Stretch Exercise Classes are being given every Monday and Thursday at 11:00 am at Gilead. Annina and her friend Brigitta have organized this ongoing class. There is a charge of $1.00 per class which is being donated to Gilead every month. Those with physical problems would especially benefit by these classes. Everyone is welcome. If further information is needed, please contact Annina at 845-225-7012.

Our Daily Bread

Please note that the current issue of our Daily Bread is now available in the lounge. Pick one up for some daily inspiration.

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SpiritWalkers (Ecumenical Hiking Group)

God spoke, “Let us make human beings in our image, make them reflecting our nature

So they can be responsible for the fish in the sea, The birds in the air, the cattle, and, yes, Earth itself,

And every animal that moves on the face of the earth.” Genesis1:26-28

Spirit Walkers unexpectedly lost one of its founders, Bill Listwan, who passed away on December 14th. To those blessed to call him friend, or to have met him, Bill was a man of faith and of service, devoted to following in Christ's footsteps. He also had an infectious sense of humor and told many stories on the trails and around the campfire. While we mourn our loss, we celebrate Bill's new life with Jesus. We are sure he's having a party up in Heaven!

Spirit Walkers will continue and will honor Bill's legacy of faith and of service. Bill's vision for the future of Spirit Walkers will inspire us as we share in the beauty of God's Creation.

If you would like to be kept up to date on the year’s schedule and any updates, please join the Spirit Walkers Ecumenical Hiking Group page on Facebook. All hikers must have a signed waiver on file with the church prior to hiking with us, and, if age 18 or under, a signed permission slip.

We look forward to seeing you as we explore the beauty of God’s creation!

Young Adults of Gilead

Calling all Young Adults of Gilead - there is now a Facebook group just for you "Gilead Presbyterian Young Adults".

What age group are the Young Adults of Gilead? People post confirmation through college graduation. The group is brand new. It was created 4/24/12 and comments are appreciated. it is a place where you can find support and help when you need it or provide support and help when someone needs it. it is a way to stay connected to Gilead or reconnect with Gilead. Links to the Gilead website and PCUSA are there and events will be added they become known. Look for scripture and postings by Micah Rose Emerson, a former youth director of Gilead. Use the group as a way to keep God by your side as you find your way in the world. Come and have a look!

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Gilead Prayer Chain The prayer chain organized by the Deacons is an avenue of support for congregation members who are experiencing joy, pain or dealing with unexpected situations. Currently there are 19 members who have volunteered to be on the prayer chain and are emailed/called about prayer request as they

come in. The Prayer chain is a fast way to gain a community of support when you need it! If you have any joys/concerns you would like us to hear about, Prayers can be emailed to:

Prayer Chain Coordinator: Lindsay D’Ascoli :

If you would like to volunteer to be added to our prayer chain email list Email or contact (845)225-0221

Prayer Chain for Pets

Yes! Thank you, thank you for your great response/interest: there will now be a pet*/pet owners prayer chain for those pets and/or pet owners who have health/behavioral concerns for their treasured friends. We are looking for anyone who would care to join us in a prayer chain for anyone needing prayers for their pets. The following have agreed to act as contacts for the group:

Joyce Scott Carmel 845-225-7293

Mary Lou Cassidy Carmel 845-225-7268

Shirley DeVries Brewster 845-279-8688

Sue Surovic Carmel 845-225-2988

Alicia Briley Carmel 845-228-4672

Please feel free to call any one of us for prayerful support during difficult times..

Prayer requests can also be posted on the Facebook page. I will be checking in with anyone who submits a request by phone, in person or email if they would also like the request posted on the Facebook page. I've noticed sometimes it helps to get comments of encouragement and support when you have a prayer! If you have any questions, always feel free to ask.

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Sermon Podcasts: or They are also available through iTunes software.

YouTube: Facebook: Public Page:

o Facebook Closed Group:


When you click on the Gilead Facebook page, please make sure you click on the “Like” button – it’s another way to keep up with events at Gilead.

Have your remembered the church in your will?


Medieval Banquet

Hear ye, hear ye! We will be holding our third Medieval Banquet this coming January, in celebration of Twelfth Night (Epiphany). We will be featuring German foods and music in honor of our talented cook, Fern. If anyone is interested in becoming a part of Gilead Castle- musicians/singers, artists, kitchen staff, jesters, etc. - please see Lady Cecilia (Mariah Warren), as preparations will soon be underway. Thanks to thee and fare thee well!

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The CNS Pre-K Program is Gilead's nonsectarian school for 2 1/2 to 5 year olds. Since it was founded in 1949, the Pre-School has been a respected community resource for early childhood education. Our staff consists of three teachers and an aide with many years of experience at CNS between them. All are active members of the community and volunteers in the school district.

The school offers two, three and five day programs. They follow the same calendar as the Carmel Central School district.

In preparing a child for Kindergarten, their philosophy is teaching the whole child to grow. They provide a daily routine balanced between academic skills and lessons, crafts, free and structured play time, music, story time, computer time, snack, and outdoor activities on the large playground. The curriculum was developed in conjunction with the area kindergarten teachers to best prepare the child for kindergarten and instill an enthusiasm for learning in a fun loving environment. Utilizing the team teaching method, three teachers give a student to teacher ratio of approximately 8 to 1. For children scheduled to enter public school in September of the year, we routinely prepare a detailed evaluation of Kindergarten readiness.

For more information, please call the school at 845-225-8044, or visit them at, or on Facebook.

Used with permission. Copyright Gospel Communications International, Inc.

Used with permission.

©Communication Resources, Inc.

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Tastefully Simple So far you helped raise over $100 for Gilead, simply by ordering The Food That You Love!

The Tastefully Simple Fundraiser will continue each month with a featured special. A link has been posted on the website, so you can order anytime.

If you would rather place your order with me or have any questions, please call me!

Cynthia Davern Tastefully Simple Senior Consultant

"the food you love, the time you deserve" 845-225-3878

There is an easy way to help Gilead’s finances if you shop at Gilead receives a commission from Amazon if you enter their site through Gilead’s web page. Just go to and click on Gilead Staff Recommendations on the left side menu – the bottom choice just above the church’s name.

You can also reach that page directly at . You can bookmark the page for easier access!

From that page you can view books, music, and other items recommended by Gilead staff members, or search Amazon directly.

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1/1 Yvonne Hyatt 1/24 George Grieco

1/2 Lisa Vandenberg 1/26 Robert Dickson

1/3 Donna Ohberg 1/29 David MacLeod

1/6 Mac Rand 1/30 Charles Hunter

1/9 Susan Boehm

1/10 Robert LoAlbo

1/11 Lisa Carpenter Anniversaries

1/11 Tiffany Roma

1/11 Sandy Regan 1/1 Donna & Phil Engler

1/15 Gina Davis

1/16 Julie Foley

1/17 Hans Dierks

1/17 Mary Jo Brett

1/19 Joe Regan

1/21 William Stavrides

1/22 Abby Clark

1/22 Allen Kessman

1/23 Alice DuBon

Please accept our apologies if we have missed you during the year. If you wish to share these events, please either send an email to or leave a write it on a slip of paper and leave it in The Shingle mail slot in the office.

For more information about Gilead Church, please visit our web site:

Please remember that the deadline for submissions is the 20th of each month. Submissions preferably can be emailed to Martin McGeachy at the church office: with a copy to Warren Behan at, or you may drop off a hard copy at the Office.

Gilead Presbyterian Church 9 Church St.

Carmel, NY 10512 845-225-4586


Martin McGeachy Pastor

Fran Croughan Youth Director

Mary Temple Music Director

Acknowledgements: Some Images © or ©Communication Resources, Inc.


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

2910:00 AM Morning Worshipand Church School

3011:00 AM StretchExercise Class7:00 PM AAMeeting

31 1

7:00 PM AAMeeting

211:00 AMStretch ExerciseClass


9:00 PM MidnightRun

410:00 AM PRPH

510:00 AM Morning Worshipwith Holy Communion andChurch School


7:00 PM AAMeeting

7 86:30 PM BellChimes Reheasal7:00 PM AAMeeting7:45 PM SeniorChoir Rehearsal

911:00 AMStretch ExerciseClass7:30 PM FaithDiscussion Group


6:00 PM WinterSwim Night


10:00 AM PRPH5:00 PM RenaissanceBanquet

12Youth Brunch FollowingWorship10:00 AM Morning Worshipand Church School

137:00 PM AAMeeting

147:30 PM SessionMeeting

156:30 PM BellChimes Reheasal7:00 PM AAMeeting7:45 PM SeniorChoir Rehearsal

1611:00 AMStretch ExerciseClass7:30 PM FaithDiscussion Group


Youth Ice SkatingParty6:30 PM GileadDesigners


Week of Prayer forChristian Unity Begins10:00 AM PRPH


10:00 AM Morning Worshipand Church School11:00 AM "Let it Snow!"Party - Grades Pre-K to 4


7:00 PM AAMeeting

21 226:30 PM BellChimes Reheasal7:00 PM AAMeeting7:45 PM SeniorChoir Rehearsal

2311:00 AMStretch ExerciseClass7:30 PM FaithDiscussion Group

24 2510:00 AM PRPH


10:00 AM Morning Worshipand Church School11:00 AM Annual Meetingof the Congregation11:30 AM Youth ServeCoffee Hour

277:00 PM AAMeeting

28 296:30 PM BellChimes Reheasal7:00 PM AAMeeting7:45 PM SeniorChoir Rehearsal

3011:00 AMStretch ExerciseClass7:30 PM FaithDiscussion Group


Youth ServeBrewster ShelterDinner

110:00 AM PRPH
