Shh biology in the garden no name

Post on 19-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Shh biology in the garden no name

Student Created! Teacher Approved!

*Biology in The


Corn Human

Kingdom Plantae Animalia

Phylum Anthophyta Chordata

Class Monocotyledonae Mammalia

Order Commelinales Primates

Family Poaceace Hominoidea

Genus Zea Homo

Species Mays Sapiens

*Linnean Classification of

corn compared to a


*Linnean Classification of


**Corn/Maize is apart of the eukaryote domain

* Pantea: this Kingdom includes all land plants

Example- Mosses, Ferns, grass, green algae

* Anthophyta: flowering plants

Biggest of all Phylum plants

dominate the modern world

*Monocotyledonae: 65,000 species including grass and grains

* Commelinales: largest order with 652 species

* Poaceace: 1000 domestic and wild species

example- Maize, wheat, rice, and barley

* Zea: Corn is the only domesticated crop in this Genus

*Mays: Corn


*Cells are the smallest unit of life

*Microscopic in nature

*You cant see cells with your naked eye

*Cells are the building blocks of life

*Humans have about 100 trillion cells

*Some cells are used to carry oxygen through the blood

*A cells dimensions are between 1 and 100 micrometers

*Plant vs. Animal Cells

Animal Plant

Only cell membrane Cell wall

Round and irregular in


Fixed rectangular in shape

One or more small vacuole One large vacuole

No chloroplast Chloroplast

*So what’s the relationship

between plants and


*Plant and animal cells undergo

complimentary processes called

photosynthesis and cellular respiration

*One uses Carbon Dioxide and Water in the

presence of sunlight to produce Sugar and

Oxygen, the other uses Sugar and Oxygen to

produce Energy, Water, and Carbon Dioxide.


* is a process used by plants and other organisms to

convert light energy into chemical energy that can

later be released to fuel the organisms activities

*The conversion of unusable sunlight energy into

usable chemical energy, is associated with the

actions of the green pigment chlorophyll

* this process uses water and lets the oxygen go that

we need to live

*The plant does not use all of the sunlight it obtains

*Cellular Respiration

*Cellular respiration allows organisms to be released

of energy stored in chemical bonds of glucose

*Chemical energy of food molecules is released and

partially captured in the form of ATP (adenosine



*Produces CO2 and H20 as metabolic waste

*Breaking down sugar in the presence of oxygen

*Cellular Respiration


Can be broken into 4 stages-

1. Glycolysis: happens in the cytoplasm

2. Transition Reaction: in the mitochondria acid is

broken down

3. Citric Acid Cycle: Happens in the mitochondria

4. Electron Transport chain: electrons from

Hydrogen are carried down an electron transport

chain to result in the production of ATP

*Thanks For Watching!

I hope you enjoyed our presentation on Biology

in the Garden!