Shell Programming. Creating Shell Scripts: Some Basic Principles A script name is arbitrary. Choose...

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Transcript of Shell Programming. Creating Shell Scripts: Some Basic Principles A script name is arbitrary. Choose...

Shell Programming

Creating Shell Scripts: Some Basic Principles

• A script name is arbitrary. Choose names that make it easy to quickly identify file function.

• Use .sh as an extension to denote shell script files.– Example:

• Make #!/bin/sh be the 1st line of your script (she-bang).

• Add comments to your scripts using #. Everything to the right of # is for the benefit of humans.

• Use chmod +x to make the shell script executable.

• To execute in current directory use ./

Interactive vs. Non-Interactive Scripts• Scripts should be both interactive (accept user input) and non-

interactive (for use with pipes, redirection, cron jobs, …)

• The read statement enables a script to take input from user.

• Positional parameters allow scripts to be non-interactive.

– command line arguments are referred to as $0 (the command name), $1, $2, …

– $# refers to the total number of arguments on the command line

– $* is a string representing all the parameters

An Example Script Interactive Version: echo “Enter pattern to be searched: \c” # \c = no newline

read var1

echo “Enter file to be used: \c”

read var2

echo “Searching for $var1 from file $var2”

grep “$var1” $var2 # quote multiword strings

Non-Interactive Version: echo “Program: $0” # $0 always = script name

echo “The number of arguments specified is $#”

echo “The arguments are $*” # all arguments stored in $*

grep “$1” $2

echo “\nJob Over”

• All scripts have an exit status indicating whether or not the script succeeded or failed.

• Use the exit command to indicate the script status.

• exit values– exit - everything OK, default status is 0– exit 0 - True, meaning everything ran OK– exit n - False, meaning error was encountered (n >


• The variable $? stores the exit status of the last command.

• The programmer of the script determines success or failure.

The Exit Status of a Script

&& is the logical AND operator that connects 2 commands:

cmd1 && cmd2 means cmd2 is executed if cmd1 succeeds

|| is the logical OR operator that connects 2 commands:

cmd1 || cmd2 means cmd2 is executed if cmd1 fails


$ grep ‘manager’ emplist && echo “Pattern found”

# display success message if grep works

$ grep “$1” $2 || { echo “not found”; exit 2; }

# quit if search fails

Making Simple Decisions with 2 Logical Operators

Making Decisions with if-then-else Statements

if command is successfulthen

excute commandsfi

if command is successfulthen

excute commandselse

excute commandsfi

if command is successfulthen

excute commandselif command is successful then

excute commandselse

excute commandsfi

Form 1:

Form 2:

Form 3:

An if-then-else Example

$ pico ifthen.shif grep “^$1[: ]” /etc/passwd # did grep succeed?then

echo “Pattern found – Job over” # yes, grep workedelse

echo “Pattern not found” # no, grep failedfi

$ chmod 755 # make script executable$ rick # test script

• test is used for making comparisons. Can be used in if-then-else statements and looping statements.

• Examples: Compare 2 numbers: test $x –gt $y Compare 2 strings: test $x != $y Check a file’s attributes: test -f $file1

• Shorthand notation uses [] instead of test: [ $x –gt $y ] # note the whitespace!! [ $x != $y ] [ -f $file ]

Relational Testing Using test

Numeric String

-eq Equal to = Equal to

-ne Not equal to != Not equal to

-gt Greater than -n string String is not null

-ge Greater or equal to -z string String is null

-lt Less than string String assigned & not null

-le Less or equal to == Equal to (Bash & Korn)

File -f fName fName exists and is a regular file

-r fName fName exists and is readable

-s fName fName exists and is its size greater than 0

Some of the Relational Operators (see text)

• Good for compound conditions in if-then-else

• Each logical operator has 2 forms.

• Logical OR written as || or -o if [“$0” = “lm”] || [“$0” = “./lm”]; then if [“$0” = “lm”] -o [“$0” = “./lm”]; then

• Logical AND written as && or -a if [“$1” = “list1”] && [“$2” = “list2”]; then if [“$1” = “list1”] -a [“$2” = “list2”]; then

Combining Logical and Relational Operators


if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then #interactive part

echo -n “Enter student name: ”

read sname

if [ -z “$sname” ]; then

echo “Student name is null” ; exit 2


grep “$sname” “/etc/passwd”


grep “$1” “/etc/passwd” #non-interactive part


Example: An Interactive/Non-interactive Script

• The case statement is good for decision making that involves more than two-way branching.

• The general form is:

case expression inpattern1) commands1 ;;

pattern2) commands2 ;;

pattern3) commands3 ;;

. . .

patternn) commandsn ;;

esac• Patterns may have multiple values separated by | e.g., Mon|Tue)

The case Statement

# Use of a case statement to offer a 5 item menu

echo “ Menu\n1. List of files \n2. Processes of user\n3. Today’s date\n4. Users of system\n5. Quit to Unix\nEnter your option #: \c”

read choice

case “$choice” in

1) ls -l;;

2) ps -f;;

3) date;;

4) who ;;

5) exit ;;

*) echo “Invalid option” # ;; not needed for last option


Example: A Menu Script

expr allows for the 4 basic arithmetic operations on numbers: +, -, \*, and / (Note that the multiplication symbol, *, is escaped.)

All arithmetic is integer: the decimal parts are truncated

Some Examples:

$ x=3; y=5

$ expr 3 + 5

$ expr $x - $y

$ expr $x \* $y # escape the asterisk

$ expr $y / $x # decimal is truncated

$ z=`expr $x \* $y`; echo $z

Arithmetic Computation with expr

• When using expr on strings, separate 2 strings with a : (whitespace)

• expr with the regular expression .* calculates the length of a string.

Some Examples:

$ length=expr “rick bournique” : ‘.*’

String Handling with expr and basename

if [ `expr “$name” : ‘.*’` -gt 20 ]; then

• basename with an absolute filename extracts the base filename

basename /etc/passwd # yields passwd

• basename with 2nd argument extracts 2nd string from 1st string.

basename .a.test # yields