Shattered Bottles

Post on 19-May-2015

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Transcript of Shattered Bottles

Shattered Bottles

ValueRefers to Dark and Light

Charles White: The Preacher 1952

Kathe Kollowitz1942 Self-Portrait

Edward Hopper1940 Study for Gas

MC Escher1960 Ascending and Descending

Georges Seraut1882 Seated Boy with Straw Hat

Vija Celmins


Refers to surface Quality (real & simulated)

How to Draw Textures?

According to Mittler & Howze, (2001)“reproducing light and dark surface values (and colors) the objects appear simulated, or copied from nature”. (P. 155)


Cubism is, “a style of painting and sculpture developed in the early 20th century, characterized chiefly by an emphasis on formal structure, the reduction of natural forms to their geometrical equivalents, and the organization of the planes of a represented object independently of representational requirements” (


How many differHHow many values do you see?

Name some images that are represented?

Can you see an entire image?

Is the image as you really see it?

How does God see you?

How does the world distort that image?

Picasso’s Guernica

How to Draw Shattered Glass?

Think of a spider web

Observe the natural cracks in glass/mirror


Five bottles

Create shattered glass affect

Wide range of values

Emphasize lights and darks


Visually Communicate Brokenness and Redemption