
Post on 24-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Sharks

  • 1. Sharks

2. WHAT ARE THEY LIKE ? Sharks are mammals. They are carnivores. They are grey and white. Theyre dangerous. There are 360 species in the world. 3. PHYSICAL DESCRIPCION Theyve got a long tail. Theyve got five fims. Theyve got many teeth.(1000) Theyve got gills. Theyve got black eyes. 4. WHERE DO THEY LIVE ? Sharks live in the oceans of the world. They live in warm environments. 5. WHAT DO THEY EAT ? Sharks eat all types of meat. They can eat vertebrates or invertebrates. 6. WHAT CAN THEY DO ? They can swim very fast. They can jump out of the water. They can smell blood. They can eat very fast. 7. IMATGES 8. Credits Aleix Gerard Ismael 9. VIDEO 10. Thank you for watching! I hopethat you liked it.