Shaheen Enterprise (Pvt.) Ltd. Profile

Post on 24-Nov-2015

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Corporate Profile of Shaheen Enterprise (Pvt.) Ltd. A Solar services company in Karachi Pakistan. Situated at:Office 8, Plot 6, Amber Palace, Sindhi Muslim Society, Main Shahra-e-Faisal, Karachi. Phone: 3432-4016 email:

Transcript of Shaheen Enterprise (Pvt.) Ltd. Profile

  • Powerful Solar Energy


    Shaheen Enterprise (Pvt.) Ltd. | a solar services company


    IInn oorrddeerr ttoo gguuaarraanntteeee qquuaalliittyy aanndd ccuussttoommeerr ssaattiissffaaccttiioonn,,

    SShhaahheeeenn SSoollaarr eevveerryy mmoommeenntt rreesseeaarrcchh aanndd ddiissccoovveerr qquuaalliittyy

    pprroodduuccttss ffoorr ccuussttoommeerrss.. WWee bbeelliieevvee iinn qquuaalliittyy pprroodduuccttss oonnllyy

    aanndd oouurr oowwnn pprrooffeessssiioonnaall ssttaaffff ccrreeaatteess ssttrraatteeggiicc ppaarrttnneerrsshhiippss

    wwiitthh wwoorrlldd wweellll kknnoowwnn ppiioonneeeerr ccoommppaanniieess iinn ssoollaarr iinndduussttrriieess..

    Powerful solar consultant

    Powerful solar consultant


    Shaheen Enterprise (Pvt.) Ltd. | a solar services company

    We put our customers

    and our people first. Hassan Sharif Shaheen

    CEO Message

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our customers, employees, affiliates and partners for their support in helping make

    Shaheen Enterprise (Pvt.) Ltd. a success.

    Shaheen Enterprise (Pvt.) Ltd. is an opportunity solar / green alternative energy solution and services Provider Company in Pakistan based in

    Karachi. We at Shaheen Enterprise (Pvt.) Ltd. have ambitions: to introduce innovations in solar and green alternative energy. Shaheen

    Enterprise (Pvt.) Ltd. pursues and builds high growth solar opportunities by identifying market needs, demands and applying sound investment

    strategies, experienced management and operational excellence.

    Shaheen Enterprise (Pvt.) Ltd. is on a solid expansion path, we have invested in the Pakistan markets. We are bringing solar innovation and

    services to the markets we operate in, wherever they are.

    Our courage, vision and knowledge are the foundations of our strategy. For our customers and partners, we at Shaheen Enterprise (Pvt.) Ltd.

    are building the promise of excellence.

    As a rapidly growing solar services company; we remain committed to corporate and social responsibility. In all of our actions we strive to

    ensure that all economic, environmental and social factors are considered. We believe that this approach, driven by our principles of respect,

    rigor and involvement, makes us more responsible and informed as a company.

    HASSAN SHARIF SHAHEEN Founder and Chief Executive Officer


    Shaheen Enterprise | a solar services company

    Who we are Shaheen Enterprise (Pvt.) Ltd. formed in 1998 based in Karachi, before providing solar energy services in Pakistan, Shaheen Enterprise deals in

    Construction, Aluminum works and design, Wooden works and design, Stainless steel and Iron works; but also involved in solar energy services

    with other companies, from 2004; Pakistan in crises of energy sectors, which is definitely causes over all Pakistan Business Crises, at this stage

    after a long experience Shaheen Enterprise's C.E.O. Mr. Hassan Sharif Mughal, making an Aim and Mission is to make solar energy affordable

    in Pakistan for the grassroots level consumer by tightly securing, owning and managing the supply chain, thus accumulating cost savings to

    pass on to it's customers.

    Shaheen Enterprise (Pvt.) Ltd., situated in Karachi Main Shahra-e-Faisal, Pakistan, end-to-end alternate energy services provider, state-of-the-

    art technical staffs and professional engineers. We provide clean, renewable solar energy at an affordable pricing. As a solar energy services

    company we:

    1. Assessment of clients requisition

    2. Design feasibility reports

    3. Distribute and deploy solar project

    4. Generate energy through solar / wind power

    5. Provide long-term strong back-up service and maintenance

    Our provision module sizes range from 5W to 280W and are IEC61215/IEC61730 certified for Pakistan markets. We work very closely with the

    builders and architects to provide them with our state of the art CPV and PV modules as well.

    When a solar power system exchanges hands between the manufacturers, distributors, installers and service providers it ends up losing its

    cost viability and system accountability, but Shaheen Enterprise (Pvt.) Ltd. is mission to make brighter Pakistan we committed to provide

    without any extract or hidden cost of solar power systems. All energy production issues become the responsibility of the customer who

    purchased the solar power system with up-front capital outlays or through lease agreements. Shaheen Enterprise (Pvt.) Ltd. is committed to

    make solar energy services an affordable alternative to traditional energy sources. We make getting solar energy easy for you through:

    * High-quality, low-cost certified solar equipments,

    * Shaheen Enterprise (Pvt.) Ltd. installation services in all Pakistan rural and urban areas. and,

    * Being a single source provider of integrated solar energy services for our customers which makes Shaheen Enterprise (Pvt.) Ltd. state-of-the-

    art only service provider in Pakistan.


    Shaheen Enterprise (Pvt.) Ltd. | a solar services company


    Personal approach

    Shaheen Enterprise is a private limited company with an

    entrepreneurial culture. For us, the customer and our people

    come first. Since the company was setup in 2010 we evolved

    into a fully-grown organization boasting specialists in the

    fields of solar technology, project development and

    realization. With our personal, customer-oriented approach,

    we initiate, design and realize solar projects a prosperous

    Pakistan basis.


    Internationally orientated

    We are dynamic organization that quickly responds to

    market developments. Top specialists work at an

    international level on every aspect of solar solutions:

    research, silicon production, solar cell and new modular

    design and project realization. We work closely with

    leading research institution and innovative companies

    throughout the world to further develop solar energy.

    Internationally orientated

    We see opportunities in every step of the energy crises.

    Our people are devoted experts focused on Pakistans

    interests: creating value for peoples of Pakistan. We are

    locally present in all basic cities of Pakistan e.g. Karachi,

    Lahore, Islamabad, Faisalabad etc. also in Dubai markets.

    Our presence in most of the cities in Pakistan makes our

    products and services fit for after sales and service

    guarantee. We produce solar energy the power of the

    Pakistan future.


    Shaheen Enterprise (Pvt.) Ltd. | a solar services company



    Shaheen Solar has the knowledge, technology and experience

    to ensure the success of any PV project, home, and business

    or for irrigation. Our quality is evident from such prestigious

    5 solar water pump projects as the Haji Kazim Khan Bangash

    in Bella Orki, Viaro, Banana Farm House, Balochistan and

    major solar power plants in Punjab, Sindh and Karachi. With

    every small or large-scale project your will enjoy the benefit

    of our innovations and our ambitions for the future: creating

    success for you.


    Shaheen is inspired by the vision of its founder Hassan Sharif

    Shaheen: Right from day one, I was convinced that we would

    grow into a big company. It is my ultimate desire to be

    successful in this world. For me, success means making

    Pakistani peoples lives happy and pleasant by means of our

    innovative solutions. Our products and solutions help to

    make a better world. Together with you, we use the sun to

    the best possible advantage. Our customers success stories

    speak for themselves.

    successful solutions

    We guarantee that your

    project will be successful,

    by collaborating closely with

    you from the very first idea.

    Urooj Adil, Head of Technical / Marketing Operation


    Shaheen Enterprise (Pvt.) Ltd. | a solar services company

    Powerful Quality

    In order to guarantee quality and customer satisfaction,

    Shaheen Solar every moment research and discover quality

    products for customers. We believe in quality products only

    and our own professional staff creates strategic partnerships

    with world well known pioneer companies in solar industries.



    In order to guarantee quality and customer satisfaction,

    Shaheen Solar every moment research and discover

    quality products for customers. We believe in quality

    products only and our own professional staff creates

    strategic partnerships with world well known pioneer

    companies in solar industries.


    For us, product and project are an integrated, customer-

    oriented quality concept. Our project development

    specialists will prepare your project in detail whilst

    considering financial, cost cutting, and technical aspects.

    You know in advance that the project will give you an

    optimum return on investment. We develop premium

    quality services, most optimized low cost but premium

    quality products, examine smart solutions and clarify

    complex concepts. That is your return.


    Shaheen Solar covers the entire setup of PV & Hybrid systems project design.


    Shaheen Enterprise (Pvt.) Ltd. | a solar services company


    Our Solar Power service is delivered in three easy steps:

    1- Analysis, Design and Construction

    We conduct an on site assessment of your energy needs and solar

    production potential. From that assessment, Shaheen Enterprise

    designs a photovoltaic power system that utilizes the latest

    technologies, materials and designs to optimize solar energy

    production. We manage the entire construction process including

    logistics and the utility interconnect process.

    2- Certification and Operation

    We manage the complete renewable power certification process and

    perform testing to identify baseline use and savings. We then

    activate your system and generate clean, renewable energy from the


    3- Monitoring and Maintenance

    Using state-of-the-art, technology, we continually monitor and

    control system performance. When needed, we deploy certified

    technicians quickly to keep systems running at optimal levels.

    Long-term savings

    Solar Power is our most comprehensive service. As a solar energy provider, we manage every phase of the solar power process:

    High efficiency inverters drive pumps equipped with high power induction motors.

    Utilizes the dynamic VI maximum power point tracking (MPPT) control method and maximum water pumping tracking.

    Fully automatic operation. It can freely set speed range of pump based on the actual solar irradiation level.

    Operation data can be logged for up to 8 years.

    Intelligent power module with conversion efficiency up to 99%

    Full electrical protection with water-level detection and control circuit to prevent overflow and dry extraction.

    Anodized aluminum case. Enclosure class: IP41,. Ambient temperature, -10-+50.C.