Seward United Methodist Church News Stream October 11th · nominations, clergy compensation,...

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Transcript of Seward United Methodist Church News Stream October 11th · nominations, clergy compensation,...

Seward United Methodist Church News Stream October 11th

Charge Conference and Administrative Board Meeting

The regularly scheduled Administrative Council meeting will be Sunday, October 18th at 11:45am following the Praise Worship Service. We will do a hybrid meeting of in-person and Zoom. We will plan to meet in the fellowship hall with masks and social distancing.

At this meeting we will hear an update from the Building Improvement Committee regarding the updated Master Plan. In addition, since the Bishop has decided that we cannot do ChargeConference as we traditionally do Charge Conference, this meeting of the Administrative Council will be voting on all the reports typically dealt with at Charge Conference: nominations, clergy compensation, candidates for ministry, membership, budget, etc. Bishop Saenz has authorized each pastor to see that the executive committee of the Administrative Council acts on these reports and submits them to the District Superintendent by November 1st. Seward United Methodist Church will act on these at our regularly scheduled meeting of October 18th. In advance, thank you for your prayerful preparation and participation.

Please have your team/committee reports to me by next Thursday, October 15th so they may be emailed to everyone prior to the meeting. Reviewing these reports before the meeting maymake the meeting a little quicker.Thank you & see you then

Shelley LorenzOffice Administrator/Treasurer

Crop Walk Wrap Up

Many thanks to all who walked this year in our "virtualwalk"... some walked alone, some walked in smallgroups, and some walked with a doggie!

We appreciate the cool video commercials from theBroderick Family for worship and also those who gavegenerously. We will continue to gather funds for CropWalk through next Sunday. Thank you!!!

Kindergarten and Third Grade Bible Presentation

Wednesday, October 14th 5:30 pm Fellowship Picnic on the Front Lawn6:00 pm Worship with Bible presentation to the Kindergarten and Third Grade Youth. All families should received an email and/or a Facebook message. Please let Pastor Jo Ellen know if you plan to picnic with us so we have the right number of sack suppers. All are invitedto attend, wear a mask and help us celebrate these children!

World Mental Health Day

Adapted and shared from the Kiwanis email news....

World Mental Health Day is Saturday, October 10th. Here are 10 ways you and your club can help people keep their minds active and healthy:

Happiness comes from helping others — it’s scientifically proven! — so perform a small, random act of kindness for a neighbor or friend.

1. Happiness comes from helping others — it’s scientifically proven! — so perform a small, random act of kindness for a neighbor or friend.

2. Ask school counselors how your club can help students cope during the pandemic. 3. Know a child who is missing out on milestone events? Check out these tips to help ease their

blues. 4. Provide students with age-appropriate books to help them escape into fantastic, fun worlds. 5. Create and distribute “family night” kits with activities and games children can enjoy with their

parents and guardians. 6. Drop off gift cards for coffee or treats for teachers. Or purchase teachers’ most-needed supplies. 7. Team up with your community to host a cyber bullying prevention workshop. 8. Use these resources from our partner, Reading is Fundamental, to teach young kid how to

navigate their emotions during frustrating or difficult times. 9. Watch our “ Mental Health Q&A” Lunch with a Leader webcast. 10. Don’t forget about yourself! Here are six ways to keep your mind healthy.

Trunk or Treat Saturday, October 31st 4:00 to 7:00pm

Logan and Lindsey Santin Wedding

Seward United MethodistChurch celebrates andcongratulates Mr. and Mrs.Logan and Lindsey Santin ontheir recent wedding hosted atthe Seward County Fairgroundsgazebo. We wish them well intheir new adventures togetherwith their family.

Virginia Cattle turns 100 Celebration

Blessing of the Animals

It was a wonderful Wednesday to gather and worship outside for the blessing of the animals. Many thanks to all the people who came, around 40, and to all their furry friends. We were able to pray a blessing upon the animals and their families! What a great idea Reverend Mary Kay! Thank you to Wess and the Tech Team for setting everything up outside.