Seven Sentences to Improve Communication With Family

Post on 14-Sep-2015

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Transcript of Seven Sentences to Improve Communication With Family

Seven sentences to improve communication with family.. 1. I Love You

No human being can feel really happy to hear someone say, "I love you". Dare to say to the other person, your spouse, your parents, your brothers, your children, if you've never done, try it and see the result.

2. We admire

In the family, each member has a quality or skill that deserves recognition: Everyone, at some point, felt the need to be recognized for some achievement or goal achieved ... When was the last time you told this to anyone?

3. Thanks!A basic human need is to be appreciated. There is no better way to tell a person that is important what he does for us, that express one thanks !, not mechanically, but with full human warmth.

4. Forgive me, I was wrong

Say it is not so easy, however, when you make a mistake that offend or harm other people, learn to say with maturity, "forgive me, I was wrong."5. Help me, I need you

When we cannot or do not want to admit or express our fragility or need other, we are a serious problem. Do not hold back. Ask for help! Which they are very important words.

6. I listen ... tell me about you!

How many times have you said to a member of your family: "So, tell me, what's wrong?". Perhaps many problems and misunderstandings would be resolved if only we listened to what they try to tell us.

7. You're special!

It is important to let your loved ones how much they mean to you.