SESSION 31316 Beyond the Basics of Booth Selling€¦ · trends, you can truly generate results...

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Transcript of SESSION 31316 Beyond the Basics of Booth Selling€¦ · trends, you can truly generate results...






eTrak Online Session | APRIL 14, 2016 | 2PM ET, 1PM CT, Noon MT, 11AM PT

Beyond the Basicsof Booth Selling


All Materials Copyrighted by EXHIBITOR Magazine / Mim Goldberg, CME© 2016 Rochester, MN


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Beyond the Basics of Booth Selling

Presented by:

Mim Goldberg, CME

Mim Goldberg CMEAssociate of marketech360 an exhibit marketing and staff training company. A seasoned educator, Mim brings over 25 years of experience to her exhibiting seminars. Combining her skill in education with her concepts in tradeshow marketing and consultative exhibiting, it is plain to see why she is rated one of the best trainers at conferences and seminar programs across the country. A graduate of The American University, Mim is a frequent speaker to a wide variety of audiences.

Table of ContentsELC’s………………………………………………………………..…p.2-3Understand why you exhibit, benefits………………p.4-5Objectives and strategies, customer objectives.p.5-7Strategy, tactics, driving sales, objectives……….p.8-9Getting visitor attention, knowing audience…….p.9-11Staff determines your success……………………......p.12-13Think, work and communicate differently…….....p.13-16Communication process- the 4R’s………………….….p. 17Reaching out……………………………………………………….p.18Relating……………………………………………………………...p.19Responding………………………………………………….......p.20-21Record………………………………………………………………..p.22-23Your staff are the ambassadors of your brand...p.24-25Learn from others…………………………...................p.25Attitude and etiquette………………………………………..p.26Appendix- work, think, communicate………………..p.27-30

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ELC’sThe Essential Learning Components listed below represent the main learning objectives of this session. These core concepts are the basis of the knowledge transfer objectives for Beyond the Basics of Booth Selling.

ELC 1 By knowing and understanding why you exhibit, your company's exhibit mission and the benefits in today's environment, and the latest trends, you can truly generate results from your efforts.

ELC 2 Your objectives your strategy and tactics and how you will approach your visitors. Plan around their needs and wants, make them the center of your you bring to the thinking. Consider what your customers value, why they come visit you, why they buy from you and the value you bring to them.. Do you make assumptions?Thinking of objectives from customer’s perspective as well as your own will help set you apart. Thinking in this manner is a very different thought process.

ELC 3 Strategy is what you will do to achieve your objectives and the tactics are how you will do it. If driving sales is #1, how will you get there? Consider your objectives

ELC 4 How do you get visitor attention is this crowded marketplace? How well you know your audience, your limitations. How do you deal with customers vs prospects? What are the personality characteristics of your visitors?

ELC 5 85% of your show success depend upon your staff. Creating a team that will work together, and preparing them adequately is essential as working a trade show is not intuitive.

ELC 6 The staff need to understand the unique differences that include thinking, working and communicating in a manner that is not the same as in the field

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ELC 7 There is a process that needs to be used to be effective in this arena. The4R's is a process that works - Reach out, relate, react and respond, record.

ELC 8 Reaching out to strangers is one of the most uncomfortable issues your staff face. Let's explore how to be proactive by knowing what to do and how to do it.

ELC 9 Relating to the audience is second part of the 4 R's. By using probes that are open ended questions, and being better listeners, the staff have the ability to learn what is on the visitor's agenda, and better understand their needs prior to communicating.ELC 10 Responding is achieved by a 6 step message creation plan that helps the staff know what to say and allows for flexibility to address visitor’s needs.

ELC 11 Only by recording with a close on commitment, makes this face-to-face contact the bridge between the show and the sale.

ELC 12 Your staff are the ambassadors of your brand. Prepare them to enhance it.

ELC 13 We can always learn from others. Check out the floor, all exhibitors not just your competition.

ELC 14 Consider attitude and etiquette.

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For staff to be preparedthey need to

Understand your exhibit missionThe role trade shows play in your marketing mix

Understand the benefits of exhibiting in today’s environment

Why do you exhibit?What are the benefits?

List at least 3 reasons for exhibiting

List 3 benefits

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Cost of Sales..... 38% lessExhibit Marketing vs Direct Sales











Visitor Sales Call Close/TS Close/Field

Your Objectives Drive Strategy and Tactics

They will drive your sales

Stop focusing on logistics

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Customer Centric Objectives

Plan around their wants and needs

The customer comes first

They are the center of your thinking

Customer Centric Objectives

What do your customers value?List 2

What are their needs? List 2

Why will they come to visit you?List 2

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Do you know

Why customers buy from you?Consider all the reasons

What is your competitive advantage?

Do you knowWhat kind of assumptions do you make about

The showThe audienceYour competitionYour customersYour prospectsYour products

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Strategy and Tactics

Strategy is the what will you do to achieve your objectives

The tactics are how you will do it

Your strategy and tacticsDriving sales is the #1 show objective

What strategy will you use?Create a clear planChoose committed and focused staff

What tactics will you use?Set expectations for staffInform the staff Use pre-set meetingsCommunicate with customers/prospects

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Show ObjectivesIncrease salesGenerate xxx leads that will yield salesConduct xxx demonstrationsIntroduce new products to xxx attendeesHave xxx participate in your live presentationCapture greater share of customer dollarIncrease brand awareness to xxx visitorsGenerate press interest

How will you achieve these? What tactics will you use?

Getting visitor attentionIt’s knowing how to reach your audienceWhat matters to them

Marketing messages are a blurrrHard to cut through the clutter2000+ exposures per dayUse a theme to reinforce memorability

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Understand your audience

What are your limitations in attracting customers?Whom are you seeking?What about those in audience who are not prime prospects?

How well do your staff know your audience?

Interaction with customers vs. prospects

The constants – open, warm greetings, welcoming, listening

The differences – level or focus of communications

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Relating to your audienceConsider personality types of your

audienceShy in this environmentMay be reluctant to engageMay want many details, proofMay appear to know and understand but really notMay not want to ask questions

AudiencePersonality types

Visitors- no agenda, just lookingViewers- Comparison shoppersEngagers- Have a defined need, active amiable typeQualified leads- meet your defined prospect profile

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Your staff accounts for your success

Only your staff can sellStaff accounts for 85% of your show successThey make the difference

Everything else is support

Create the teamDefine their rolesSet show and personal objectives

Use competitive nature of sales staffRecognize, reward and reinforce

Solicit feedback and report backShow staff they are appreciatedCreate enthusiasm – high energyManage professionally, thank you’s

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Prepare the staff

This is not an intuitive eventYears of experience may not be key

Skill transitioningWorking a tradeshow is different from daily activities

Field sales vs. tradeshow selling

What are the differences?

Be brief


Be memorable



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How many can you name?

List at least 3 differences to include:

What is different about working this eventHow staff need to think differentlyHow do staff need to communicatedifferently from being in the field?

Working differences

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Thinking Differences

Thinking differences

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Thinking differences

Communication Differences

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Communicate differentlyThere is a process – 4 R’s

Reaching outRelating toReacting and respondingRecording

Reaching outNothing happens until you engage

Psychological barriersexhibit staffattendees

Physical barrierbrick wall

Why are both parties so uncomfortable?strangers

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Reaching OutGreeting visitors in 3 seconds

Being proactiveAccompany introduction with a web-to-web handshake

Thank them for taking the time to stopAssure that no one is left aloneUse a hook

ENGAGING LINES -Intelligent Stopping Power

Tell me……

Why you came, stopped…..

What you are looking for in terms of….

How important is … ?

How are you dealing with……..?

How many different ...?

What’s the one thing you’d like to improve about your business?

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Relating to means......Being Customer Focused

Partnering and relationship buildingThink “Welcoming” not selling

Probe to understand needs

Why did they stop?What concerns do they have?How can you help them?What obstacles do you need to overcome?Who is the competition?

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Listen to me so you can understand my needs

Listen to the words, tone of voice, body languageActive/Passive listening

“Most people listen with the intent to reply not to understand.”

Steven Covey

Reacting & RespondingYour messages

Speak directly to their communicationsBuild messages one on top of anotherCustomize

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Objective driven messagingCustomize your messaging

6 Message steps1. 2-3 key points2. Supporting points3. Talk in positives, no negatives4. Stories about people, examples5. Benefits to the user, not features6. Rehearse

Objective driven messagingConsider specialization- your nicheYour differentiation – your competitive edgeSegmentations- any particular area you wish to dominatePositioning- customer perceptionsYour core- what you do best

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RecordClose on a commitment

Your lead is the bridge between the show and the sale

Be sure that information is captured

Why aren’t leads followed?Just lists of names and addresses. Business cards are not leadsThey are viewed as “cold calls”

Not enough qualifying information

Capture that information

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•Take an action•Get a reaction•Get agreement

Trade Show leads cost less to close than field sales call leads

Close on a CommitmentSend literaturePlan a follow-up callSchedule an onsite meeting.

RecordingMentally and Physically

Remember the key pointsRepeat them back to the visitor or to yourself

Review the key points as the dialog continues

Revisit them verbally- it says you listenedTreat each as a lead you would follow

What info would you want to have?

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Remember the objectivesThey are your measure of success

xxxx qualified leads generatedxxxx in sales in 9, 12,18 mo.xxxx of demonstrations conductedxxxx of pre-set meetings xxxx of new prospects foundxxxx of current customers who came and found something newxxxx press interviews leading to xxx articles about your company

You are the ambassador of your brand

You can enhance, detract or destroy your brand

Consider yourself the “Keeper of the Brand”

How many ways will you convey your image?

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Brand Ambassador activity

Food for thought……List everything you have done or will do

at an upcoming show to enhance your brand.

Now, if you could do only 1 thing, what would it be?

Learn by adapting what others do well

Check OutCompetitionOther exhibitors

Use of literature / giveawaysNew product demonstrations

Staff effectivenessExhibit structure and design

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A Little Attitude & Etiquette

Wear your badge on the right hand sideIf you don’t know the answer to a question - say so, don’t fake it

It’s ok to say “ I don’t know, but...”Avoid making promises that cannot be keptYou have only one opportunity to make an impression.Your exhibit is your branch office

A Little Attitude & EtiquetteExhibiting is a team effort - if you cannot help them...who else can

Others are depending on youDon’t make assumptions, ask clarifying questionsVisit only with prospects

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Trade Show work when

You plan completely

Execute aggressively

Follow up thoroughly


Working, thinking and communicating differently

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Working differences

interactiondifferent routinedifferent locationunfamiliar stafftalking with strangersstanding, smiling

longer hours – 6 hrs/day not certain of why they are therenot certain about their rolerepetition

Thinking Differences

This is not an individual activityTeam event Working with people they do not knowMeeting visitors who are strangersTransitioning- other staff or products

Corporate messages become more important

singular, unified, consistent messages

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Thinking differences

Identify how you can meet their needs

First figure out who they areCustomer or prospect

Listen to their needsUnderstand their needsOnly then can you communicate to their needs

Thinking differences

Impact of time and locationTime is finite

14-20 hours – concurrent sessionsThink 3-30-60

The visitor is coming to youWant to be there, paid to comeHere and nowDecision makers, influencers

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Communication DifferencesTalking to strangers - discomfort

What will you say? How do you begin a dialog with a stranger?We don’t know why they stopped or put us on their agendaThe unknown - no links, no cluesCannot prepare in the same fashion

Impact of timeTime is the competition


ELC 1- Your exhibit mission and understanding the benefits of this medium

1. To generate results from your tradeshow effort,you need to understand your company's reasons for participating in this marketing medium, how tradeshows augment and enhance your other marketing efforts, and the role they will play.

Will you use tradeshows to create and enhance relationships with customers. Will you use this medium to increase awareness of your company or build brand

in the marketplace? Will you use this medium to introduce new products, to reposition your company, to educate the audience or as a PR opportunity? You may use tradeshows to accomplish all or some of these reasons.

2. Equally important is understanding your exhibit mission and the benefits that tradeshows offer in today's environment, whether it be the face-to-face contact, the fact the audiences attending most B-B events are pre-qualified, the fact that the medium is 3 dimensional and you can showcase your products so that visitors can see, touch and try them. Or is it because you recognize that that tradeshows are a totally integrated selling tool and you can bring your full arsenal with you, including multi-divisions, multi-products and a mix of staff expertise.

Additional benefits include: lead generation, increased awareness, relationship building, networking opportunities with peers and visitors, intelligence gathering of your competition in the same environment, and on-going learning through seminar participation.

We know for a fact that is costs 38% less to close a lead generated at a show, than one generated in the field, because the audience is pre-qualified and come with an interest in what you will be saying, doing and exhibiting.

In terms of marketing dollars, exhibitions jumped from 5th to 3rd in marketing budgets , only surpassed by advertising and sales. BMA study, 2001

When thinking about your exhibiting mission, you need on what will drive visitors to your exhibit. Virtually 3/4's of audiences come with agendas. They are coming to meet the experts, to make buying decisions, and are willing to set appointments. The question you need to ask yourself is are your reasons for using this medium in sync with their reasons for attending.

ELC 2 Consider your objectives from your point of view and that of the audience Your objectives are the key to achieving success. For the most part, increasing

Sales is the primary reason for exhibiting. This means you need to communicate With your audience and your staff so that they understand your objectives and can fulfill them.

You must consider objectives from two perspectives- what you are trying to accomplish, how will you do it, and what kind of assumptions can and will you make about the show, the audience, your customers, your products. And from the audience's perspective as well by setting customer centric objectives.

You must create your own strategy first, by defining very specificially what you


want to achieve - generate xxx no. of leads, have xxx pre-set meetings, demonstrate to xxx no of visitors, have xxx no of attendees see your newproduct, generate xxx no. of pr opportunities, increase brand awareness to xxx no. of attendees.

The strategy must come. This is the WHAT WILL I DO, followed by your tactics- HOW WILL I ACCOMPLISH THIS, Too often we focus on the tactics, and forget or minimize the strategy. It means thinking about how you will capture the visitor's attention in this very cluttered environment.

ELC 3 How well do you know your audience There will be similarities in how you approach your customers vs your prospects

and there will be differences as well. Think about why visitors should buy from YOU, what value do you provide to them, what are the benefits to them and what sets you apart from your competition.

Do you know the limitations you face in attracting customers- Is it quality, is it price, is it support and customer service? Do you really know who you need to find? And how will you deal with those visitors you are not prime prospects for you- will you make them feel welcome or dismiss them because they have novalue for you?

How will you relate to the audience, realizing that audiences differ from show to show and market to market. Is this a shy and reticent audience, one that does not actively engage. Is this an audience that likes to show off their knowledge and appear to understand all you are saying, even when they might not. Is this an audience that wants lots of facts and proof of points?

Think about your visitors in several fashions - those with no real agenda, those who are conducting comparison shopping, those that have a defined need and those that are truly qualified and meet your prospect profile.

ELC 5 You staff accounts for your success Your staff make the difference and account for 85% of your show success. Only

they can sell. Everything else is your exhibit space is scenery, stage setting.

Part of your job is to take these individuals that you have selected or been sent to you and form a team that will work together. You must set the expectations for performance, define staff roles, set show and personal objectives, solicit

feedback and then respond and report back, create enthusiasm and manage this group of people professionally with ample thank you's.

Working an exhibit is not intuitive and the skills required to be effective must be Taught and learned. You need to help your staff understand how to transition their skills by providing them with all the information they need and helping them understand the key differences in this environment.

ELC 6 Staff need to work, think and communicate differently Working differently means continuous interaction, a different routine and location,

Working with staff they may not know, talking with strangers, standing, smiling, Being repetitive, working long hours and feeling uncomfortable.


Thinking differently means it's all about the team, not individual territories. It means if you cannot help them, what other resources are available and How can you transition that visitor to another staffer who has the knowledge.

Thinking differently means identifying how the staff can meet the visitor's needs. This means asking the right questions and listening to the visitor before talking.

Thinking differently means recognizing the impact of time and location. Time is The competition at shows. It is very finite. This is a situation where the visitor is Coming to see you, on their own dollar, because they want to be at the show.

Communicating differently means that for the most part, staff will be talking with Strangers and this is uncomfortable. They have no relationships with these People. They do not know what caused them to stop and do not know what to Say. The staff cannot prepare in advance and need to be totally flexible.

ELC 7 There is a process- the 4 R's Reach out, relate, react and respond, record

Without using this process, the staff will not succeed.

ELC 8 Reaching out No will happen unless you staff reach out to visitors and actively engage. This

Is highly uncomfortable for most and it is as if there is a brick wall between the staff and attendees. Most of these people are strangers.

Reaching out means greeting the visitors verbally, introducing themselves, shaking hands and thanking them for stopping. Assure no one is ignored or left alone.

Reach out using open ended questions, questions that will begin a dialogue so the staff can understand where the conversation needs to go. Questions like….. Tell me a bit about…..Tell me about why you stopped, what you are looking for, what you do, etc.

ELC 9 Relating We relate by focusing on the visitor not on our products/services. You want your

staff to think about welcoming not selling. Ask probing questions, not only infor- mational questions, but confirmational questions to assure you are talking on

track, attitude questions to see what they think, and commitment questions that will help position and determine the next step after the show.

Relating means communicating one to one, finding something in common and being proactive. It means taking the initiative and not holding back. Find out

about your visitor's needs first. This helps assure a meaningful dialogue.

Relating means being a good listener. Listen to not only the words, but all the Non-verbal communications as well. Listen in an active mode so when the visitor is done, the staff can respond directly to what was discussed.


Being customer focused means that the visitor feels good and wants to see and hear from you again.

ELC 10 Reacting and Responding The staff need to internalize what the visitor said and then respond to that need directly. Show emotion when responding, whether it be sympathy for past problems, or excitement about new opportunities and possibilities. Build the messages carefully one on the other being certain to customize the message for that particular visitor. The visitor may not need to hear everything.

Use this 6 step method to build messages that will be remembered. Messages should be short, clear and concise. Detail can follow later.

Step 1 - 2-3 key points Step 2- Supporting data about the key points Step 3- Only speak in positive terms Step 4- Use stories or examples that show people working with people Step 5- Talk about the benefits to the user, not the features. Step 6- Rehearse - practice out loud so as to internalize the thoughts

Objective driven messaging needs to consider your niche, your specialization. It should include your competitive advantages. After all, there are many similar products/services in the marketplace. What makes yours unique and why should that visitor consider buying it? Consider your market segment and how you will position yourself. Think about your core- what is it that you do best?

ELC 11 Recording- disengage with a close on commitment Be certain that the staff understands that each lead is a bridge between the show

and the sale. This often gets forgotten. The sole reason most of us exhibit, is to feed the sales pipeline.

What will the commitment be to the visitor - send literature, call, send the sales rep for a meeting, schedule a detailed demonstration? Take an action, get a

reaction followed up by some type of commitment.

Capture the information on a lead form, your own, an electronic one, it does not matter. It is the subjective nature of the communication that turns this contact into a lead that will be followed and not viewed by sales as a cold call. Badge swipes are cold calls. Business cards are cold calls.

Help your staff to remember to record mentally and physically. When they canRecall points of the visitor's conversation, it tells the visitor that they were

interested and were listening.

Have your staff treat each lead as one they would receive and follow.

Closing on a commitment means keeping your objectives top of mind- remember why you came and what you need to accomplish.

ELC 12 Everyone in that exhibit is an ambassador of your brand You can enhance your brand, detract from your brand or destroy the brand.

So how do you want to convey your image, what do you want visitors to think.