Sesimbra, Nossa Senhora do Castelo

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Sesimbra, Nossa Senhora do Castelo

Sesimbra is a municipality in the Setúbal District, lying at the foothills of the Serra da Arrábida, a mountain range between Setúbal and Sesimbra. Close by, on a mountaintop, 240 m (787.40 ft) above sea level, lies strategically (the ruins of) the Moorish castle. It was taken from the Moors, during the Portuguese Reconquista in the year 1165 by king Afonso Henriques with the help of Frank Crusaders.Close to the Moorish castle is the church Nossa Senhora do Castelo.

Nossa Senhora do Castelo stands on the spot where king Sancho I built a Romanesque chapel in the early 13th century, leading to the creation in 1388 of the parish of Nossa Senhora do Castelo de Sesimbra. The present church was built in 1721. When a new church was built in the village, this church passed into disuse and fell into ruins. It was restored between 1965 and 2001. The walls of the church are inlaid with beautiful azulejos.

Located within Sesimbra Castle, the church of Santa Maria was built to commemorate Christian reconquest of the land. However, it underwent various modifications that altered its original structure. What can currently be seen is practically an 18th century church.

The very simple interior has but a single nave. The walls are fully covered in 18th century blue and white tiles featuring scenes from Mary´s life. In the sacristy, it is still possible to admire a priceless image of Nossa Senhora dos Homens (Our Lady of Men), in alabaster, dated to the 13th century.

There is also the 17th century carving on the retables belonging to the seven altars.

the church Nossa Senhora do Castelo.

the church Nossa Senhora do Castelo.

the church Nossa Senhora do Castelo.

From 2007 for two week (initiative Sculpture Live), the Castle of Sesimbra received seven sculptors (Moisés Preto Paulo, João Antero, Beatriz Cunha, João Renato, Nelson Cardoso, Carlos Bajouca, Hans Varela), that gave new forms to stone blocks (stone type widely used in construction and cobblestone, assigned by local entrepreneurs). Currently, the sculptures can be admired in several locations of the county

Manuel Coelho Pinto(2010

Moisés Preto Paulo Carlos Bajouca 2010

Manuel Coelho Pinto(2010

The battlements afford a beautiful panorama over Sesimbra, its harbour and the surrounding countryside.

Sound: Sara Braga Simoes - Os Versos que te fiz; Árvores do Alentejo (Nuno Côrte-Real)

Text: InternetPictures: Sanda Foişoreanu Gabriela Cristescu InternetCopyrights of the photos belong to each photographer

Presentation: Sanda Foiş