Serkan Ayan UX Design Portfolio

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Serkan Ayan UX Design Portfolio

Serkan Ayan Portfolio

Serkan Ayan

UX Portfolio or:How To BlendSpaces And CreateBoldExperiences

Finished PhD in Interaction Design in Edinburgh, UKTeaches UX and Interactive Narration at Universities in Istanbul,Works as a Communication Consultant,6 Years of Interaction Design,18 years of Media and Consulting experienceEnthusiastic about creating experiences, changing lives

The Process: Research DesignTestIterate**and occasionally follow people on the street**

Tools of my trade

Visual Competency: SketchingAdobe CS

UX Competency: Information ArchitectureUser Centered DesignUser TestingEthnographyPrototyping

Tools:SketchUXPinSlackFluidUIOptimizelyHTML / CSS

Different Hats:

Product OwnershipLean Startup ExperienceBrand ManagementCopywritingCommunity ManagementCreative Communications ConsultancyTime Management

Project Examples

**Bold parts were established by the author.

Project 1Problem

Sonic Wanderer (2011)

Problem: How to play hot and cold with tourists within a space?48 HoursSt. Andrews University Project

Sonic Wanderer (2011)

Approach: Used audio augmented reality,In pocket experience,Observed tourist paths within the city, Sketched out the experience, Researched the available content online and created the experience on mobile platform

Sonic Wanderer (2011)

Outcome: Team of five researchers won the first prize,Demonstrated that User Experience is not just visual

Project 1Action

St. Andrew Square (2012)

Problem: Turn Edinburghs Iconic garden square into a poetry garden with technology,UNESCO backed the project ,The installation had to be robust, economic and most importantly


Project 1Result

St. Andrew Square (2012)

Approach: Led a team of researchers, designed the poetry experience with the usage of sound showers and augmented reality,100+ hours spent within the premise to observe people,User personnas were created, 500+ miles of travel to visit and had meetings with artists,

St. Andrew Square (2012)

Outcome: Critically praised by UNESCO, Edinburgh Napier University,Project never went live due to budget restrictions,The methodology in this project is used as a base for future interactions

Historical Echoes (2013)

Problem: Create a pleasant experience for tourists visiting a city for the first time,Audio augmented reality application, Users listen to content pieces placed in specific locations,Users have to move around to unlock the content,Historic Scotland was the problem holder

Historical Echoes (2013)

Approach: Led a team of visual designers, software engineers, civil servants and academics, A series of visual iterations have been implemented, boosting the immersion,From conceptual designs,A final app has been created

Historical Echoes (2013)

Approach cont.: A large number of users have been involved in the research,Different methods implemented such as,Interviews, Ethnographic Observations, GPS data collected, Heuristic Research,

Historical Echoes (2013)

Outcome: Internationally acclaimed conference papers have been published, Became the basis of a PhD thesis on users movement in a physical space,

SoYou (2015)

Problem: Social platform for friends suggesting other friends products and services, Create a mobile social shopping platform,

SoYou (2015)

Approach: Based on basic Swipe action, UX Lead of the projectStarted with sketches, UI created based on initial user research,Different platforms such as tablets and browsers have been implemented, Facebook and Amazon are prime partners for initial testing,

SoYou (2015)

Outcome: As a venture SoYou is currently at the investment stage,MVP is ready to launch,

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Tom Weaving Age: 32Occupation: Manager at a travel agencyBackground: Tom is actually from England. After the College, he moved to Scotland and started to work at Glasgow in a travel agency. He later on moved to Edinburgh with her girlfriend. He continued to work at the same agency for years now. He is a relaxed person and he does not want any stress around him. He likes to play social computer games with his friends and likes to spend money on technology. Instead of reading books, he likes to read articles through his tablet PC. To relieve the stress he likes to eat outdoors in parks near his working place around the city centre. He either enjoys browsing Facebook or calling his friends and chat with them. Daily Activities: Tom wakes up early and goes to work around 9. He is a manager so he spends most of his time in his office away from human contact. He tries not to miss the lunch hour because that is the only opportunity to get out of the office. He usually eats sandwiches and crisps outdoor when the weather allows it. Also he likes to take his coffee out as well. During the weekdays he is way too tired to spend time outside the office and he returns to his flat early. And in the weekends he likes to take his girlfriend and get out of the city for daytrips. So the only opportunity he has to enjoy the cityscape is during weekdays and during lunch breaks. St. Andrews Square Experience: Because this square is really close to his office he spends most of his lunchtime here. He usually sits around the monument in the centre of the square. As he eats he likes to watch other people around passing by. Later on he likes to buy his coffee from the shop situated in the north eastern part of the place. He spends a couple of lunch breaks per week in this square and when he has visitors from outside the city, he likes to have his meetings in the coffee shop. Rachel SingerAge: 29Occupation: Jewellery DesignerBackground: Rachel is a self employed citizen living in Edinburgh. Born and raised in Scotland, she has a BDes from a university in Edinburgh. After finishing the school, she got married with her boyfriend from the university who is now working for a bank in downtown Edinburgh. She and her husband Patrick have a baby called Richard. She loves reading books and she is interested in literature. She also likes spending time in outdoors. She finds open areas and nature as an inspiration source. She used to do a lot of hiking around Edinburgh but now she has a baby so she is spending most of her time inside Edinburgh. She has a workshop in her house where she likes to spend time. Daily Activities: She wakes up early with her husband. After having a breakfast with him Patrick leaves and she feeds little Richard for another hour. In order to create herself some free time in the afternoon, she goes out with her baby and hopes open air will help Richard have a nice long sleep. When its not raining and not too windy she likes to spend time in parks. In the afternoon she returns home and works until Richard wakes up. St. Andrews Square Experience: This is one of Rachels favourite places in Edinburgh. She likes to spend time here, then walking around and check the stores for new clothes and design materials. She walks in the park with her baby named Richard. She likes to spend time under the trees in the North Western side of the square. As her baby drinks milk and enjoys the bright weather, she reads book sitting under a tree. She usually spends an hour or so in the square. She feels quite relaxed after a reading session. Rachel thinks that reading is a self-centered experience and the space around her helps concentrating into her occupation.