September 7-11, 2008 - Congresos...

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Transcript of September 7-11, 2008 - Congresos...

September 7-11, 2008

Centara Grand & Bangkok Convention Centreat CentralWorld, Bangkok, Thailand

2nd Announcement & Call for paper


Welcome Message / Message de bienvenue 2

Organizing Committee 3

Important Dates 4

Preliminary Scientific Programme 5

Authors Information / Call for Paper 6

Preliminary Scientific Programme 7

Information sur l’inscription 8

Hotel Reservation Information 9

Information sur les hôtel 10

Map & Hotel Location 11

Map BST and MRT route 12

General Information 13-14

Informations générales 15-16

Pre and Post Congress Tour 17-18

Registration Form 19

Hotel Reservation Form 20

Secretariat Office:56th International Congress of Aviation and Space Medicine (ICASM)Wild Blue Co.,Ltd.Congress Secretariat office of 19/2 Soi Ekamai 10, Sukumvit 63,Wattana, Bangkok 10110, THAILANDTel.: +66 (0) 2714 2590-1 ext. 13, 15Fax.: +66 (0) 2714 2656 ext. 1Website : http://www.icasm2008.orgE-mail:

Table of contents

Dear Colleague,

It’s natural that everything has its beginning, much like thecountry of Thailand who has always been dreaming oforganizing its first ICASM. The dream will come true in 2008.Aviation Medicine of Thailand has been attending Interna-tional congress of Aviation and Space Medicine for so manyyears and believe that it is time for Thailand to be the host ofthe event to share its own knowledge and experience aboutAviation Medicine in order to increase the quality of flying,in term of safety, worldwide. The 56th ICASM, hosted byThailand, will be held at the Centara Grand & Bangkok Con-vention Centre at CentralWorld, Thailand. Since this eventwill happen within the year of 2008, we would like to takethis opportunity to dedicate this event to celebrate His MajestyKing Bhumibol Adulyadej’s 80th birthday as well.

We hope that all our attendants and guests will enjoy the comfort and entertainment thatBangkok has to offer. If there is anything you need to fulfill the enjoyment of your trip, pleasedo not hesitate to let us know. We will do our best to make sure that you receive the higheststandard of service throughout your stays in Bangkok.

Finally, we truly wish that the 56th ICASM in Bangkok will meet the expectations andobjectives of us all.

Cher collègue,

Il est naturel que toute chose a un commencement, tout comme la Thaïlande, a toujours rêvéde pouvoir organiser son premier ICASM. Ce rêve sera réalité en 2008.

La Médecine de lûAviation de Thaïlande participe depuis de nombreuses années au CongrèsInternational de Médecine Aéronautique et Spatiale et croit quûil est temps maintenant dûêtrelûorganisatrice de cet évènement afin de partager sa propre connaissance et son expérienceen Médecine Aéronautique et faire progresser la qualité de la sécurité en vol.

La 56e édition du ICASM, organisée par la Thaïlande, se tiendra au Centara Grand &Bangkok Convention Centre au Central World, Thaïlande. Cet évènement se déroulant en2008, nous souhaiterions le dédier au 80e anniversaire de Sa Majesté le Roi BhumibolAdulyadej.

Nous espérons que les participants et les invités apprécieront le confort et les distractionsquûoffre Bangkok. Nûhésitez pas à nous faire part de tout ce dont vous auriez besoin afin deprofiter au maximum de ce voyage. Nous ferons de notre mieux pour que vous receviez lameilleure qualité de service durant votre séjour à Bangkok.

En conclusion, nous souhaitons vraiment que le 56e ICASM à Bangkok puisse satisfaire lesobjectifs de chacun.

2 Welcome Message / Message de bienvenue

Air Vice Marshal Varavut Kanthar, MDCongress President


AVM.Varavut KantharDirector of the Institute of Aviation Medicine


Gp.Capt.Therapap SenawongVice-Director of the Institute of Aviation Medicine


Gp.Capt.Boriboon Thaiyanunt President :Consultant in Aviation Otolaryngology, IAM Dr. Yejezkel Caine, Israel

Gp.Capt.Bundit Wongcharoentham Past President :Director of Aeromedical Evacuation Centre, IAM Dr. Frank Pettyjohn, USA

Gp.Capt.Nirundorn Pidet 1st Vice-President :Director of Aeromedical Safety Division, IAM Dr. Michael Berry, USA

Gp.Capt.Taweesak Kantirat 2nd Vice-President :Director of Flight Medical Standard Division, IAM Dr. Anthony Batchelor, UK

Gp.Capt.Anut Jittinan Directors :Director of Technical Division, Directorate of Dr. David Gradwell, UKMedical Services, RTAF Dr. Jarnail Singh, Singapore

Dr. Alain Martin Saint-Laurent, FranceGp.Capt.Metta Kanthar Dr. James Vanderploeg, USAConsultant in Aeromedical Laboratory Service, IAM

Chancellor :Gp.Capt.Ittaporn Kanacharoen Dr. Daniel Lestage, USAConsultant in Aviation Cardiology, IAM

Secretary General :Gp.Capt.Kriangkrai Sothonchai Dr. Claude Thibeault, CanadaVice-Director of Flight Medical StandardDivision, IAM Deputy Sec. Gen. :

Dr. Anthony Evans, CanadaGp.Capt.Rangsee KaewpukpaSenior Logistics officer and Aeromedical Past Sec.General :Evacuation Officer, IAM. Dr. Leonard Thompson, New Zealand

Gp.Capt.Bussakorn PamornDirector of Technical Division, IAM

Gp.Capt.Komtuan HirunsaiDirector of Aeromedical Research andDevelopment Division, IAM

Gp.Capt.Supachai SinthavalaiVice-Director of Aeromedical SafetyDivision, IAM

Gp.Capt.Pongpan HirandonSenior Aeromedical Evacuation officer, IAM

Wg.Cdr.Niramol YaoyosyingChief of Administrative Section, IAM

3Organizing Committee


Scientific ProgrammeDeadline for Abstract Submission

- June 30, 2008

RegistrationDeadline for Early Registration

- June 15, 2008Deadline for Late Registration

- August 15, 2008Deadline for Registration Cancellation

- July 31, 2008 (50% refund)

Hotel ReservationDeadline for Hotel Reservation

- July 31, 2008Hotel cancellation subjects to each hotel policy.

Social EventOpening Ceremony

- September 8, 2008Welcome Reception

- September 8, 2008Academicians Dinner

- September 9, 2008Farewell Dinner

- September 11, 2008Technical Visitation

- September 11, 2008


Important Dates

Thai National Memorial Royal Thai Air Force Museum Suwannabhumi Airport

Programme scientifiqueDate limite d’envoi des réservations

- 30 juin 2008

InscriptionDate limite d’inscription à tarifpréférentiel

- 15 juin 2008Date limite d’inscription

- 15 août 2008Date limite pour annulation

- 31 juillet 2008(remboursement à 50%)

Réservation d’hôtel- 31 juillet 2008

Programme socialCérémonie d’ouverture

- 8 septembre 2008Réception de bienvenue

- 8 septembre 2008Dîner de l’académie

- 9 septembre 2008Dîner de gala

- 11 septembre 2008Visites techniques

- 11 septembre 2008

5Preliminary Scientific Programme

SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY7/Sep/08 8/Sep/08 9/Sep/08 10/Sep/08 11/Sep/08



















































Safety & AccidentsInvestigation











Space & FutureAvMed


Clinical AvMed




SCIENTIFICSESSION II :AeromedicalEvacuation


Selection+TrainingAirline AvMedATC AvMed


Free Papers













Poster and Paper

Participants must are submit their abstract online only at the following address: no later than June 30, 2008. The intructionsfor authors and the submission form are part of this web site.

Authors shall identify their preferable type of their free paper presentation. The final decisionhowever will be taken by the Scientific committee once all abstracts have been assessed.The procedure is necessary for an efficient Abstract handling.

Abstracts will be approved according to their scientific/clinical merit and should be basedon previously unpublished data. Abstract must be submitted in English or French only.Submission of an abstract constitutes a commitment by the author(s) to present at thecongress if accepted. Abstract acceptance and program scheduling will be communicated tothe corresponding author’s email address. Hard copies of abstracts will NOT be accepted.

Instructions to Authors:

The abstract should be submitted by online, email and mail.

a. The language of the abstract may be either English or French. Translation from otherlanguages into one of these languages is the responsibility of the author.

b. The title of the presentation should be concise and in CAPITAL LETTERS. The titleshould be given in BOTH English and French. (If one of these two languages representsa major problem for the author(s), he/she can contact the scientific coordinationcommittee for assistance)

c. The names of the authors (initials followed by the last name) should be in lower case.The name of the author who will give the presentation at the congress should be inunderlined.

d. The affiliation, city/town and country of the author(s) are to be in lower case.

e. The name and address, including telephone and fax numbers and email, of the authorpresenting are to be given for correspondence.

f. Abstract should be structured to include an introduction, methods, results andconclusions. Abstract of Clinical presentation and case histories may deviate from thisformat. The total number of words in an abstract should not exceed 300. Typeface shouldbe single spaced in Arial font size 12 points.

g. The preferred mode of presentation: oral, poster, or, either oral or poster in to beindicated.

h. For mail submission- please use the following instructions :

- Complete the attached Abstract Submission Form- The print must be sharp, clear and regular. Dot-matrix printers should be avoid.- Photographs are not admissible.- Please also include a copy of your abstract on diskette in both word AND acrobat

(pdf) format.- ABSTRACTS RECEIVED BY FAX WILL NOT BE REVIEWED.- Mail your submission to the address indicated on the Abstract Submission Form.

Authors Information / Call for Paper

7Preliminary Scientific Programme

Registration fee

Early Registration Late Registration On-SiteBefore After September 7-11, 2008

June 15, 2008 June 16-August 15, 2008 Delegate USD 500 USD 550 USD 600

Accompanying USD 200 Person

• All prices are quoted under the US Dollar currency.

Registration Entitlement

Congress registration for participants covers:- Name tag (participants have to wear the name tag during the congress and social program)- Congress bag with program and abstract book- Admission to all scientific sessions and exhibitions- Opening ceremony / Welcome reception- Farewell Dinner- Technical Visitation- Coffee / tea break- Lunch Break

Congress registration for accompanying persons covers:- Name tag (participants have to wear the name tag during the congress and social program)- Admission to exhibitions, Coffee / Tea break- Opening ceremony / Welcome reception- Farewell Dinner- Technical Visitation

Registration fee will NOT include:- Airfares- Accommodation- Transfers- Insurance

Registration should be made to the following address:

56th International Congress of Aviation and Space Medicine (ICASM)Wild Blue Co.,Ltd.Congress Secretariat office of 19/2 Soi Ekamai 10, Sukumvit 63,Wattana, Bangkok 10110, THAILANDTel.: +66 (0) 2714 2590-1 ext. 13, 15 Fax.: +66 (0) 2714 2656 ext. 1Website : E-mail:

On-line Registrations and Abstract Submission:

Registration or submission of abstract is possible on-line through our website

8 Information sur l’inscription

Droits d’inscription

Avant 15 juin 2008 Entre 16 juin et 15 Au congrèsaoût 2008 Du 7 au

11 septembre 2208 Participants USD 500 USD 550 USD 600

Accompagnants USD 200

Les prix sont pratiquès en dollar US.

L’inscription au Congrès des participants donne droit à :- un badge nominatif (à porter lors des sessions du congrès et du programme social)- un sac contenant le résumé des communications- aux sessions scientifique et aux expositions- la cérémonie dûouverture et de bienvenue- au dîner de gala- aux visites techniques- aux pauses-café- au déjeuner

L’inscription des accompagnants donne droit à :- un badge nominatif (à porter lors des sessions du congrès et du programme social)- aux expositions et pauses-café- la cérémonie dùouverture et à la réception de bienvenue- au dîner de gala- aux visites techniques

L’inscription devra être faite à l’adresse suivante :56th ICASMWild Blue Co.,LtdCongress Secretariat office of 19/2 Soi Ekamai 10, Sukumvit 63,Wattana, Bangkok 10110, THAILAND

Inscription en ligne et appel à communication


The congress headquarter hotel is the Centara Grand which is next to Bangkok ConventionCentre. The Organizing Committee of ICASM 2008 is negotiating competitive room ratedirectly with the hotels located in the convenient route to congress venue, within walkingdistance or by skytrain. These are categorized as five, four and three star hotels respectively.

Due to the fact that October is a high tourist period, it is strongly advised to book as early aspossible to ensure reservation of the preferred hotel category.


For Accommodation Reservation, Please Contact the Hotel Directly

Hotel Room Type Single (THB) Twin (THB)

Centara GrandContact person : Mrs.Khanittha Phontanya Deluxe Room 8,674 8,674E-mail : +66 (0) 2100 1234 ext.6758 Fax: +66 (0) 2100 6161 Superior Room 6,798 6,798

Courtyard by Marriott BangkokContact person: Mr.Somchai Chaisareeluk Deluxe 4,200 4,600Email: GuestroomTel: +66 (0) 2656 7700 Fax: +66 (0) 2656 9831

Novotel LotusContact person: Ms.Supa Chudhabuddhi Superior Room 4,150 4,650Email: sm@novotellotus.comTel: +66 (0) 2610 0111 Fax: +66 (0) 2262 1700

Arnoma HotelContact person: Ms.Amarapadee Chunlaphan Superior Room 3,770 3,770Email:, reservations@ arnoma.comTel: +66 (0) 2255 3444 Fax: +66 (0) 2655 3444

Asia HotelContact person: Mr.Sahasawas Vajropala Standard 2,310 2,530Email: +66 (0) 2215 0808 Fax: +66 (0) 2215 9005

• All room tariffs are on PER NIGHT basic inclusive of breakfast in the restaurant.• Room service orders/other services will be charge extra.• Hotel cancellation subjects to each hotel policy

Method of Payment

All international payment for registration must be in US dollar by credit card. For credit cardpayment, please complete the card’s requested details presented on the registration form andfax to congress secretariat office. Only Visa and Master Card will be accepted.

For hotel reservation, please complete the hotel reservation form and send it with a deposit ofone night’s room to the hotel no later than July 31, 2008. The reservation will be valid uponyour receipt of a confirmation letter. Reservation will be confirmed only when your hoteldeposit has been received. Hotel assignment will be made on a first-come, first-served basis.

Registration cancellation must be made in writing to the congress secretariat office to whichthe registration was sent and must be received before July 31, 2008. (50% refundable)In case of hotel cancellation, written notification should be sent directly to the hotel.The refund will subject to hotels policy.

9Hotel Reservation Information

10 Information sur les hôtel

L’hôtel principal est le Centara Grand qui est près du Centre des Congrès de Bangkok. LeComité d’Organisation négocie directement avec les hôtels proches du centre à pied ou entrain, à des tarifs compétitifs. Les hôtels sont classés en 5, 4 et 3 étoiles.Comme cette période de lûannée est chargée en touriste, il est fortement recommandé deréserver le plus tôt possible.

Hotel Room Type Single (THB) Twin (THB)

Centara GrandContact person : Mrs.Khanittha Phontanya Deluxe Room 8,674 8,674E-mail : +66 (0) 2100 1234 ext.6758 Fax: +66 (0) 2100 6161 Supérior Room 6,798 6,798

Courtyard by Marriott BangkokContact person: Mr.Somchai Chaisareeluk Deluxe 4,200 4,600Email: GuestroomTel: +66 (0) 2656 7700 Fax: +66 (0) 2656 9831

Novotel LotusContact person: Ms.Supa Chudhabuddhi Supérior Room 4,150 4,650Email: sm@novotellotus.comTel: +66 (0) 2610 0111 Fax: +66 (0) 2262 1700

Arnoma HotelContact person: Ms.Amarapadee Chunlaphan Supérior Room 3,770 3,770Email:, reservations@ arnoma.comTel: +66 (0) 2255 3444 Fax: +66 (0) 2655 3444

Asia HotelContact person: Mr.Sahasawas Vajropala Standard 2,310 2,530Email: +66 (0) 2215 0808 Fax: +66 (0) 2215 9005

- Tous les tarifs sont par nuit, petit déjeuner au restaurant inclus.

- Paiement Le paiement pour réserver sera en dollar et prélevé par carte de crédit, seules laVisa et la Master Card seront acceptées. Pour la réservation, compléter le formulaire etlûenvoyer avec un dépôt d’une nuit avant le 31 juillet 2008. Une lettre de confirmation dela réservation sera adressée à réception du dépôt dûune nuit.

- Annulation et remboursement :Lûannulation de la réservation doit être demandée par écrit au secrétariat du Congrés(50% remboursé avant le 31 juillet).Pour annuler la réservation de l’hôtel, sûadresser directement par écrit à l’hôtel.Le remboursement dépend du contrat de chaque établissement.

11Map & Hotel Location


12 Map BST and MRT route

BST and MRT route

13General Information

BangkokBangkok shall be the venue for the Congress. Thailand is located in the heart of Southeast Asia, easilyaccessible by air, land and sea transportation, with more than 80 international direct air routes linkingAsia with Europe, Africa, Oceania and the Americans. With the opening of SuvarnabhumiInternational Airport last year, Bangkok will consolidated its position as the aviation hub forSoutheast Asia.

Thailand is fondly described by international travelers as “The Most Exotic Country in Asia” becauseof our diversified attractions and assorted attributes. Bangkok, often called “The City of Angels”.This capital city of The Kingdom of Thailand continues to develop while retaining its charm andexcitement which will certainly offers the perfect venue for all delegates and spouses of 56th ICASM2008. It has multitude of accommodations, cultural and historical heritages, dining experiences withThai cuisine and messes from every country in the world.

Shopping paradise for both bargain - hunters and department stores. Then best of all is the Thai peoplewhich wakes Bangkok so distinctive to any other places, because of the well - known for the warmhospitality and the gentle caring for our visitors.

Congress VenueThe Centara Grand & Bangkok Convention Centre at CentralWorld was the largest integratedconvention venue in downtown Bangkok area and the only venue with an onsite luxurious hotel,Centara Grand. The Bangkok Convention Centre offers meeting space of over 17,000 sq.m. withthe ability to accommodate state of the art events for over 5,000 delegates in a single pillar lessenvironment.

The Centara Grand & Bangkok Convention Centre at CentralWorld has a premier location in thecentral business district and only 45 minutes from Suvarnabhumi International Airport. It can also bereached by BTS sky train via skywalk from either Siam or Chit-lom station.

DateSeptember 7-11, 2008

Official LanguageThe official languages of the Congress are French and English. An English translation for Frenchpresentation will be offered.

Letter of invitationUpon request the Conference Secretariat will be happy to issue a letter of official invitation to attendthe Conference. However, such solicited invitation will not offer payment of any expenses.

VisaAll foreign visitors entering Thailand must possess passport or other travel documents endorsed andvalid for Thailand. For nationals of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, United States of America, Germany,all ASEAN Countries, Japan, Republic of Korea, a stay of 15 days without Visa is permitted. For allother nationals, please contact the Royal Thai Embassy of Consulate in your country.

All foreign visitors entering Thailand must be in possession of a passport, other travel documentsendorsed and valid for Thailand. Please contact the Thai Embassy for Tourist VISA requested forimmigration process. Visit

Official CarrierThai Airways International has been appointed as the official carrier for the Congress. Please contactyour nearest Thai International office for your trip arrangement. The special airfare is offered for theCongress delegates.

Please identify yourself as delegates by presenting your registration and referring to the code:


14 General Information

Official Travel AgentTurismo Asia Co.,Ltd. has been appointed as the official travel agent of the Congress. Please contactTurismo Asia Co.,Ltd. for all travel, tours, and transportation requirements.

Turismo Asia Co.,Ltd.Contact preson : Ms.Pornpawee VichitnakTel: +66 (0) 2245 1551 ext.2200 Fax: +66 (0) 2245 3203E-mail:

Airport TransferSuvarnabhumi International Airport is approximately a 30-minutes drive via a modern motorwayto the city center. Transfer to city from airport can be arranged with Turismo Asia Co.,Ltd. officialtravel partner of ICASM 2008. Metered taxis are also available outside the terminal at ground floorlevel. Alternatively, a public Airport Shuttle Bus operated between the airport and city is alsoavailable.

Transportation in BangkokThe Sky train elevated rail system, operated since 1999, provides convenience with 2 lines: SilomLine from Taksin Bridge, near Conference Venue, to National Stadium; and the longer SukhumvitLine from Moh Chid, near Chatuchak Weekend Market, to On Nuch. The Sky train operates dailyfrom 06.00-24.00 hrs. with fares ranging between Baht 10-40. Air-conditioned Taxi uses the meterwith a very reasonable fare structure.

Currency, Credit CardsThe Thai Currency is “Baht”. Current exchange is approximately 33 Baht/USD. Cash and traveler’scheques can be conveniently cashed at bank kiosks near major hotels and attractions. All major creditcards i.e. American Express, Diners Club, JCB, Master Card and Visa are accepted at most hotels,restaurants and shops.

ClimateThailand is a tropical and rather humid country. During Septemberr to February the climate isgenerally pleasant. Temperature during the time of the Conference is 25 to 30 ˚C

ElectricityVoltage in Thailand is 220v AC. However, electric razor outlets, generally with multi-voltage fittings,are available in most hotels.

LiabilityThe congress will not assume any responsibility for accidents, losses, damages, delays, or anymodifications in the program caused by unforeseen circumstances.

TimeThailand time is GMT plus 7 hours.

ExhibitionAn exhibition of pharmaceutical products and medical equipments will be held throughout theConference. The exhibition will be opened to all participants. For space booking and further details,please contact secretariat office.

Emergency Telephone NumberIn case of emergency, tourists can call to Tourist Police Center or TAT officers at +662 (0) 652 1721-6.General Emergency, please call 1669 and the Local police service number is 191.

15Informations générales

Bangkok sera le lieu du congrès. La Thaïlande se trouve au centre de l’Asie du Sud Est,facilement accessible par voie aérienn et terre et mer, avec plus de 80 lignes aériennes directessur toute l’Europe, l’Afrique, l’Océanie et l’Amérique. Avec l’ouverture de l’aéroportinternational de Suvarnabhumi l’année dernière, Bangkok a consolidé sa position de hub enAsie du Sud Est.

La Thaïlande décrite par les voyageurs comme Äle pays le plus exotique d’Asie. Bangkok estsouvent appelée Äla cité des anges. La capitale du royaume de Thaïlande se développe touten conservant tout son charme pour les participants et les accompagnants au 56th ICASM2008. Elle fournit une multitude d’activité par son héritage culturel historique, par sa cuisine.

C’est le paradis du shopping. Mais ce qui fait de Bangkok un endroit si différent est autresc’est l’hospitalité chaleureuse du peuple Thaï pour ses visiteurs.

Site du congrèsLe centre des congrès du Central World est le plus grand de Bangkok et le seul possédant unhôtel luxueux le Centara Grand. Le Centre des Congrès offre un large espace de 17.000 m2 etpeut recevoir 5000 participants. Il se situe dans le centre des affaires de Bangkok et se trouveà seulement 45 minutes de l’Aéroport International Suvarnabhumi.

DateDu 7 au 11 septembre 2008

Langue officielleLa langue officielle du congrès est l’anglais. Une traduction en anglais des présentationsfrançaises sera proposée.

VisaTous les visiteurs étrangers doivent avoir un passeport valide pour entrer en Thaïlande. Pourles gens originaires du Danemark, de Norvège, de Suède, des USA, d’Allemagne et d’autrespays d’Asie, un séjour de 15 jours sans visa est permis. Pour les autres pays, contacterl’Ambassade de Thaîlande locale qui établira un visa.

Transporteur officielThaï Airways International a été retenue comme transporteur officiel du Congrès. Veuillezcontacter le bureau le plus proche de Thaï International pour aménager votre voyage.Des tarifs préférentiels seront offerts aux participants s’ils se présentent avec le code deréservation du congrès.

16 Informations générales

Agent de voyage officielContacter Turismo Asie Co Ltd qui est l’agent officiel des congrès pour les réservations decircuits et de transports après le congrès.Turismo Asia Co. LtdMs. Pornapawee VichitnakTél : +66 (0) 2245 1551 ext 2200Fax : +66 (0) 2245 3203E-mail :

Transfert de l’aéroportL’Aéroport International de Suvarnabhumi est à 30 minutes de voiture du centre ville.Le transfert par taxi est possible sur demande à l’Agence de voyage officielle. Il est aussipossible de prendre le bus entre l’aéroport et la ville.

Transport à BangkokLe train aérien en marche depuis 1999, opère sur 2 lignes, tous les jours de 6.00 à 24.00 à untarif entre 10ct et 40baht. Les taxis avec air conditionné sont à des prix raisonnables.

Change, carte de créditLa monnaie thaï est le baht.Le taux de change est environ de 33 baht par dollar US.L’argent et les travelers chèques peuvent être changés aux guichets des banques prèsdes hôtels.Les principales cartes de crédit comme American Express, Diners Club, JCB, Master Card etVisa sont acceptées dans la plupart des hôtels, restaurants et des magasins.

ClimatLa Thaïlande est un pays tropical et humide.Entre septembre et février, le temps est agréable.La température au moment du congrès est de 25° à 30°.

ElectricitéLa Thaïlande a un voltage de 220 volts.

ResponsabilitéLe congrès n’assure pas les participants contre les accidents, les vols et retards ou toutemodification de programme causée par des circonstances imprévues.

HeureLa Thaïlande est à GMT +7.

ExpositionUne exposition de produits pharmaceutiques et de matériel médical se trouve à votre disposi-tion pendant le congrès. Elle sera ouverte à tous les participants.

Numéros de téléphone d’urgenceEn cas de nécessité, les touristes peuvent appeler le Centre de Police des touristes au+662 (0) 652 1721 6, le service des urgences : 1669, ou la police locale au 191.

17Pre and Post Congress Tour

HALF DAY TOURESPrice per person : Baht .-1,050ROYAL GRAND PALACE (Code: GP)Seat-in-coachVisit the Royal Grand Palace, then go through the dazzlingWat Phra Kaew with its revered Emerald Buddha, GoldenChedi, Pantheon of the Chakri Kings and the Eight ColoredTowers. This beautiful tours is must for first-timers to Bangkok

RICE BARGE CRUISE (Code: RB)Price per person : Baht .- 1,000Seat-in-coachEnjoy an exciting ride down the river and winding canalsin a long tailed boat. Then relax on the return trip in acomfortable converted rice Barge where seasonal fruits andunlimited supply of soft drinks are served. An interesting halfday to see “Venice of the East”.

FULL DAY TOURESTHAI LIFE STYLE VILLAGE (Code: BAN)Price per person : Baht .-2,000Seat-in-coachThis trip is for those who want to learn how Thai peoplelive, the Thai way of life at Baan Lumphaya. “Bangkok Rim- Thai Country Life & Cooking” at garden home is situated inthe beautiful Nakorn Chaisri River basin and area ofThailand famous for fruits, orchids and rice plantations.Passing rice fields, Lotus ponds and much more, make a shortstop at coconut grove to see the processing of palm sugarfrom coconut sap and then sculling along the Nakorn ChaisriRiver. Enjoy your first hand experience of cooking Thai foodat the garden home.

PATTAYA AND CORAL ISLAND (Code: CIB)Price per person : Baht .- 2,100Seat-in-coachIf you have free day, why not visit Pattaya, one of Thailand’sfamous beach resort destinations on the Gulf of Thailand only120 km. East of Bangkok, you can enjoy a boat trip to thenearby island of Koh Larn for swimming, sun bathing orsnorkeling in the crystal clear water. Lunch will be served onthe island.

* Please contact Turismo Asia Co.,Ltd.Contact preson : Ms.Pornpawee VichitnakTel: +66 (0) 2245 1551 ext.2200 Fax: +66 (0) 2245 3203E-mail:

18 Pre and Post Congress Tour

3 DAYS/ 2 NIGHTSCHIANG MAIITINERARYDay 1 • Transfer to Suvarnabhumi airport, depart for Chiang Mai.

• Arrive Chiang Mai airport, meet and transfer to Hotel.• PM: Visit the sacred mountaintop temple of Wat Phrathat Doi Suthep and a picturesque Meow hill• tribe village.• Overnight.

Day 2 • American breakfast.• Visit a jungle area north of the city to see elephants at work. The program includes a demonstration

of how trained elephants are used to help in lumber work. Stops are made at the Queen SirikitBotani Garden, and at an orchid nursery.

• PM: At leisure.• Khantoke Dinner, a typical northern Thai meal with local variety shows.• Overnight.

Day 3 • American breakfast.• AM: At leisure• Transfer to airport for flight to Bangkok.• Arrive Suvarnabhumi airport, transfer to hotel in Bangkok or connect onward flight back home.

Tour Price: Baht / person (base on twin sharing room)

Hotel Effective 1 pax 2 pax up Single(Twin sharing) Supplement

Royal Princess (Superior) 01/04/08-31/10/08 14,000.00 7,000.00 2,300.00

Chiangmai Plaza (Deluxe) 01/04/08-31/10/08 12,700.00 6,350.00 1,300.00

Tour includes • Airport transfer in Bangkok and Chiang Mai.• 2 nights accommodation at with ABF.• English speaking guide• Tours & meals as specified in the program.

Excludes : Domestic economy class air ticket : Bangkok-Chiang Mai-Bangkok by TG (economy class):Note : The airfare is subject to change without prior notice

PATTAYAITINERARYDay 1 • 08.00: Transfer from hotel in Bangkok to Pattaya by private car.

• 10.00: Arrive Pattaya, check-in at Hotel.• 19.00: Attend Cabaret Show at Alcazar.• Overnight.

Day 2 • 07.00: American breakfast.• 08.00: Full-day Coral Island Tour with lunch. Visit one of the local islands where the water is clear

and clean. A one-hour boat ride will bring you to a sheltered beach where you can relax or enjoyvarious water sports before a seafood lunch

• Overnight.Day 3 • American breakfast.

• At leisure.• 13.00: Transfer to Bangkok or Bangkok International Airport by private car.

Tour Price: Baht / person (base on twin sharing room and min. 2 pax) Hotel Effective 1 pax 2 pax up Single SupplementA One Royal Cruise 01/04/08-31/10/08 14,200.00 7,100.00 2,460.00(Superior [new wing])

Amari Orchid Resort 17/04/08-31/10/08 18,860.00 9,430.00 4,780.00(Superior)

Tour includes • Transfer from Bangkok - Pattaya - Bangkok• 2 nights accommodation at with ABF• Cabaret Show.• Full-day tour.• Tour & Meals as specified in the program

19Registration Form

56th International Congress of Aviation and Space Medicine (ICASM)September 7-11, 2008 Bangkok, Thailand

Secretariat Office: Wild Blue Co.,Ltd.19/2 Soi Ekamai 10, Sukumvit 63, Wattana, Bangkok 10110, THAILANDTel.: +66 (0) 2714 2590-1 ext. 13, 15 Fax.: +66 (0) 2714 2656 ext. 1Website: E-mail:

I. Identification Gender : ❏ Male ❏ Female

Title.................................First Name............................ Middle Name.......................Last Name..........................


Address....................................................................................................................... Country..............................

Telephone........................Fax........................................E-mail :...........................................................................

Accompanying Person(s)

Title.................................First Name............................ Middle Name.......................Last Name..........................

Title.................................First Name............................ Middle Name.......................Last Name..........................

II. Registration

A. Main Congress

Registration Fee Early Registration Late Registration On-Site Total USDBefore After September 7-11,

June 15, 2008 June 16-August 15, 2008 2008

Delegate ❏ USD 500 ❏ USD 550 ❏ USD 600

Accompanying Person ❏ USD 200

Total (A)USD

❏ Academician Member No. ........................................................................ ❏ Non-Academician Member

Note: 1. The registration fee entitles delegate access to scientific sessions, exhibition, Congress materials(Congress bag, final program, abstract book), coffee breaks, Opening Ceremony & WelcomeReception, Technical Visitation, Farewell Dinner, Certificate of attendance.

2. The accompanying person fee entitles guest to coffee breaks, exhibitions, Opening Ceremony& Welcome Reception, Technical Visitation, Farewell Dinner, but not allow to access to scientificsession.

3. All fees are quoted in USD.

4. Please note that all delegates need to present their name badge for all entries.

III. Payment

By Credit Card ❏ VISA ❏ Master Number :.........................................................................

Expiry Date : month........................year............... 3 or 4 digits on your card’s back ............................................Card Owner :..........................................................................................................................................................Address :.................................................................................................................................................................Your Signature :............................................................ Date: ...............................................................................

❏ By Bank DraftPlease instruct the banker to PAYMENT IN FULL AMOUNT in US Dollars toA/C NAME : ICASM2008

Cancellations / Refunda. Any cancellation of registration or replacement of delegates must be made in writing to Conference


b. Schedule of refunds: Before July 31, 2008: Refund with 50% deduction for administrative fees and will beprocessed after the congress. No refunds will be accepted after July 31, 2008.

Please return this form together with the copy of payment confirmation slip to the Conference Secretariat

20 Hotel Reservation Form

56th International Congress of Aviation and Space Medicine (ICASM)September 7-11, 2008 Bangkok, Thailand

I. Identification Gender : ❏ Male ❏ Female

Title.................................First Name............................ Middle Name.......................Last Name..........................Institution...............................................................................................................................................................Address....................................................................................................................... Country..............................Telephone........................Fax........................................E-mail :...........................................................................Accompanying Person(s)Title.................................First Name............................ Middle Name.......................Last Name..........................Title.................................First Name............................ Middle Name.......................Last Name..........................

A. Hotel Reservation

Check-in........../........../.......... Room night Arrival Flight...................................................Time.............................

Check-out........../........../.......... Departure Flight...............................................Time............................

Room type Room rate (THB/night) No. of Subtotal

Single Twin required room(s) (THB)

❏ Deluxe World Room ❏ THB 8,674 ❏ THB 8,674

❏ Superior World Room ❏ THB 6,798 ❏ THB 6,798

Courtyard Marriott Bangkok ❏ Deluxe Guestroom ❏ THB 4,200 ❏ THB 4,600

Novotel Lotus ❏ Superior Room ❏ THB 4,150 ❏ THB 4,650

Arnoma Hotel ❏ Superior Room ❏ THB 3,770 ❏ THB 3,770

Asia Hotel ❏ Standard Room ❏ THB 2,310 ❏ THB 2,530

Total (A)THB

In case of sharing twin, please specify name of sharing person

Title.................................First Name............................ Middle Initial.......................Last Name..........................• The above rates are net and inclusive of the service charge, VAT and American Buffet Breakfast.• Deposit required only one night, a one night non - refundable deposit is required to confirm your reservation.

II. Payment

By ❏ Credit Card ❏ VISA ❏ Master Number :.........................................................................

Expiry Date : month........................year................3 or 4 digits on your card’s back ............................................Card Owner :..........................................................................................................................................................Address :.................................................................................................................................................................Your Signature :............................................................ Date: ...............................................................................

Note: Please noted that hotel cancellation subjects to each hotel policy

Please return this form to the requested hotel as list below: Hotel Contact person NumberCentara Grand Mrs.Khanittha Phontanya Tel: +66 (0) 2100 1234 ext.6758

Fax: +66 (0) 2100 6161E-mail :

Courtyard by Marriott Bangkok Mr.Somchai Chaisareeluk Tel: +66 (0) 2656 7700Fax: +66 (0) 2656 9831Email:

Novotel Lotus Ms.Supa Chudhabuddhi Tel: +66 (0) 2610 0111Fax: +66 (0) 2262 1700Email:

Arnoma Hotel Ms.Amarapadee Chunlaphan Tel: + 66 (0) 2255 3444Fax: + 66 (0) 2655 3444Email:,reservations@

Asia Hotel Mr.Sahasawas Vajropala Tel: +66 (0) 2215 0808Fax: +66 (0) 2215 9005Email:

Centara Grand

ICASM 2008 Secretariatc/o WILD BLUE Co.,Ltd.

Congress Secretariat office of 19/2 Soi Ekamai 10, Sukumvit 63,Wattana, Bangkok 10110, THAILAND

Tel.: +66 (0) 2714 2590-1 ext. 13, 15 Fax.: +66 (0) 2714 2656 ext. 1Website : E-mail: