September 20th, 2020 25th Sunday of Ordinary Time

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Transcript of September 20th, 2020 25th Sunday of Ordinary Time




Office Phone: 785-232-5088

Office Fax: 785-232-8834

Emergency Eve : 785-215-6113

Parish Office Email:

“The Love of Christ moves us to spiritual growth, through prayer, faith formation and stewardship.”

Parochial Administrator

Fr. Ray May

Associate Pastor Fr. Ro mulo Real

Deacon Ray Delgado (Retired)

Office Manager Mary Ann Pickering

Bookkeeper Alicia Florez

Secretary Nadia Colorado-Galicia

Ministry Scheduler Gina Gutierrez

September 20th, 2020

Corona Virus guidelines for Masses

and offices are changing on an ongoing basis.

Please watch the OLG website and

Facebook pages for updates.

Debido a la

Pandemia del Corona Virus las normas y regulaciones para

misas y oficinas cambian cada dia. Por favor checar la

pagina de internet de la parroquia y el


25th Sunday of Ordinary Time


Masses For the Week

Please pray for the sick of the Parish / Por favor oren por los enfermos de la parroquia.

As part of the Prayer for the Sick, we always pray for the sick in our community. Names are placed on the list on-ly if requested by family to avoid confusion. Names will be listed for one month. You may call to have them add-ed again. To have a family member listed, please call our office at 785-232-5088.

OLG public Mass re-opening guidelines

1. During the time of the Corona virus pandemic, Archbishop Naumann has given Catholics in the Archdiocese a dispensation from attending in person public Mass. 2. Anyone feeling uncomfortable coming back to public Mass knowing the risks involved should stay home, especially those in high risk groups such as people with serious underlying medical conditions & the elderly. 3. Those consciously choosing to take the risk to attend public Mass must wear a mask and bring their personal hand sanitizer and a towel to cover the upper part of the pew in front of you that you will touch during Mass. 4. During consecration time, all people will stand up, or be seated if unable to stand up for long, so that you avoid touching the kneelers. 5. A six feet social distance must be kept from other people. Only those living in the same household can sit together in proximity. 6. Mass cannot last more than 45 minutes as directed by Archbishop Naumann. There will be no congregational singing, only an accompanist & a cantor. 7. People cannot congregate socializing before or after Mass per Archdiocese and CDC guidelines. Please go home immediately after Mass. The Church will be sanitized after mass to be ready for the next group. 8. Holy Communion will be given only in the hand. 9. OLG can only safely accommodate 48 people seated in the pews using every 3rd pew keeping the 6 foot distance in between people to comply with Archdiocesan & CDC guidelines. 10. Access to the church will be only through the main front entrance. 11. Please call the Church office (232-5088) be-tween 1:00-3:30pm Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thurs-day to register to attend Mass.

*Thanks for your cooperation, patience & understanding as we go through this unprecedented time!!

CONFESSIONS The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be celebrated on Wednesdays from 6-8 pm in the Activity Center. Please bring a mask and be brief.

Lola Delgado Deacon Ray Delgado Teresa Galvan

Cruz Chavez Angel Martinez

Lectors & Ushers If you are interested in serving at Mass, please

contact Gina Gutierrez at 785-608-0638.

Quinceanera Retreat October 3rd & 4th

To sign up please call the church office at 785-232-5088

Sat 9/19 4:00pm †Reginaldo Soto de la Rosa

†Sal Esquibel

6:00pm †Jesus Manuel Romero

†Por La Famila de Luna Solis

Sun 9/20 9:00am †Reginaldo Soto de la Rosa

11:00am †Jaime Benito Soto De La Rosa

Por las Familias de OLG

†Lola Alcala Gonzalez

Tue 9/22 8:00am †Joseph T Baker

6:30pm Para las Almas del Purgatorio

Wed 9/23 8:00am †Reginaldo Soto de la Rosa

6:30pm †Jesus Manuel Romero

Thurs 9/24 8:00am †Sal Esquibel

†Alfonso Gonzales

†Aurora Moreno

6:30pm †Jesus Manuel Romero

Fri 9/25 8:00am †Aron Espino

†Ron Borjon

6:30pm †Jaime Benito Soto De La Rosa

Sat 9/26 4:00pm †Maria "Pana" Chavez

†Adela Benavidez

†Bobby Gomez

6:00pm †Jesus Manuel Romero

Por las Familias de OLG

Sun 9/27 9:00am †Sal Esquibel

†Phillip Hernandez

11:00am †Maria Soledad


Olga Lucia Manjarrez



Marriages: Arrangements must be made with the pastor at least 9-12 Months prior to the planned date. Planes de Matri-monio llame a la oficina. Quinceañeras: Arrangements need to be made with the church office 6-12 Months prior to planned date. Baptism Preparation Session Spanish Baptism class is October 10th, at 3:00pm inside the MCBAC in the Banquet Room English class is October 12, at 7:00pm in the Church or if necessary call the parish office for an appointment. Anointing of the Sick: For the Sacrament of the Sick please call the parish office.

Current Mass Schedule Horario actualizado para Misa

Saturday: 4:00 p.m. Public Mass (English) 6:00 p.m. Misa pu blica (Espan ol) Sunday: 9:00 a.m. Public Mass (English)** 11:00 a.m. Misa pu blica (Espan ol)** Tuesday: 8:00 a.m. Public Mass (English)** 6:30 p.m. transmisio n en vivo solamente (Espan ol)** Wednesday: 8:00 a.m. Public Mass (English)** 6:30 p.m. Misa pu blica (Espan ol)** Thursday: 8:00 a.m. Public Mass (English)** 6:30 p.m. Misa pu blica (Españ ol) ** Friday: 8:00 a.m. Public Mass (English)** 6:30 p.m. transmisio n en vivo solamente (Espan ol)**

**Live Stream via the Our Lady of Guadalupe Facebook page **Trañsmisio ñ eñ vivo por Facebook: Our Lady of Guadalupe

September 5th & 6th Weekly Total

Envelope: $1,795.00 Plate: $555.27 TOTAL: $2,350.27

Budgeted Collections $15,861.75 (pesupuesto mensual de colectas) Income Over (Under) Budget -$13,511.48 (bajo del presupuesto)

Building Fund Balance: $633,078.75

It is never too late to make stewardship a way of life.



Our Lord gives us peace

and gifts of the Holy Spirit as we pray and spend time with Him. We are blessed with having our Perpetual Ad-

oration Chapel. Please contact Angel & Mary Valdivia at 273-1629 for guardian hours from 6:00am-12:00pm, Anna Alcala at 913-909-8490 for hours from 12:00pm - 6:00pm and Monica & Marcus Ramirez at 273-8448 for hours from 6:00pm-6am.

Hours currently open:

Sunday:1:00 am, 10:00 pm & 11:00 pm Monday:1:00 pm, 12:00 noon, 3:00 pm Tuesday:4:00 am, 6:00 am, 10:00 am & 11:00 am, 3:00 pm, 9:00 pm Wednesday:2:00 am, 4:00 am, Friday:2:00 am Saturday:10:00 pm, 11:00 pm

September 12th & 13th Weekly Total

Envelope: $8,903.00 Plate: $721.00 Memorials Donations: $650.00 Donation-Utilities: $500.00 Faith Direct: $4,905.35 TOTAL: $15,679.35

Budgeted Collections $15,861.75 (pesupuesto mensual de colectas) Income Over (Under) Budget -$182.40 (bajo del presupuesto)

Building Fund Balance: $633,078.75

It is never too late to make stewardship a way of life.


VIDA PARROQUIAL MEDITACIO N DEL EVANGELIO El marco de la perspectiva de Dios es siempre la salvacio n. La promesa de Dios se cumplira siempre. Ya desde el Antiguo Testamento, el profeta Isaí as lo proclama. “Pues sus proyectos no son los mí os, y mis caminos no son los mismos de ustedes, dice Yahve . Así como el cielo esta muy alto por encima de la tierra, así tambie n mis caminos se elevan por encima de sus caminos y mis proyectos son muy superiores a los de ustedes. (Isaí as 55:8-9). Por otro lado, el Evangelio muestra nuevamente la gran bondad de Dios con la para bola de los trabajadores de la vin a. Una historia con un final sorprendente. El duen o de la vin a paga el salario por igual al que entro temprano, al mediodí a y al caer la tarde. ¡Gracias Dios! Por pagarnos a todos igual, al inmigrante, al extranjero, al que radica en su tierra. Gracias, porque para ti todos somos raza santa y herederos de tu Reino. Pues, a que patro n se le ocurre contratar personal a u ltima hora y pagar igual como el que tiene sen orí a. ¡No se vale Sen or! decimos los humanos, eso es injusto. Prestemos atencio n, al mensaje. ¿Cua l es el punto de Jesu s? ¿Que pretendí a con sus oyentes? Pretendí a que cambiaran de pensamiento, que no fueran indiferentes con los que sufren, con los menos favorecidos. Ahora, que pretende Jesu s para nosotros en esta Liturgia. No se puede salir de la Eucaristí a igual que cuando llegamos a ella. ¿Cua l es el camino a seguir de ahora en adelante? No seamos sordos a su voz, pongamos atencio n para trabajar en su vin a. ©LPi


El Sacramento de la Confesio n se celebrara todos los Miércoles de 6 a 8 p.m. en el gimnasio del Marlo Cuevas.

Traer cubre bocas por favor y mantener la sana distancia y ser breves.

Guía de reapertura

1. Durañte el tiempo de la pañdemia del Coroñavirus el Arzobispo Nauman a dispensado a los Cato licos de la Archidio cesis de asistir a Misa en persona. 2. Aquellas persoñas que concienzudamente escojan tomar el riesgo de asistir a una Misa en el templo debe de usar un tapa boca y traer su propio alcohol en gel para sus manos al igual que una toalla para cubrir la parte frontal de la banca que puede tocara durante la Misa. 3. Las persoñas ño se coñgregarañ a socializar antes o despue s de la Misa, segu n lo que ordeno el Arzobispo y el guí a de CDC (Centro de Control de Enfermedades Nacional). Esto quiere decir que por favor las personas regresen a sus casas inmediatamente despue s de Misa. La Iglesia sera desinfectada despue s de la Misa para que este lista para recibir al siguiente grupo de feligreses. 4. La Iglesia puede acomodar u ñicameñte a 48 persoñas a la vez, sentadas en las bancas, que estara n separadas por seis pies de distancia y sen aladas por medio de cintas de control, para así seguir las reglas de la Archidio cesis y el CDC. 5. Si escoger asistir a una Misa en pu blico, debe de llamar a Jose Luis Marquez (785) 383-4235 con tiempo para reservar su lugar. U nicamente aquellas personas que reserven su lugar sera n admitidas al templo. *Gracias por su cooperacio ñ, pacieñcia y eñteñdimieñto.

Escuela de Religión Información de la Primera Comunión

Fechas Importantes Misas para la Primera Comunio n Septiembre 20 a las 3pm. Confesiones para la Confirmacio n son Septiembre 22 a las 8pm. Confirmaciones sera n el 26 de Septiembre a las 10am y la 1pm. Cualquier pregunta por favor comuní quese con la Hna. Juanita Banuelos, Directora de EDR 785-383-8552

Retiro de Quinceaneras

Octubre 3 y 4 del 2020 Para Inscrpicones favor de llamar a la oficina al




School of Religion First Communion Information

Important Dates: First Communion Mass September 20th at 3pm. Confirmation Confessions will be September 22nd at 8pm. Confirmation will be September 26th at 10am and 1pm. Any questions please contact Sr. Juanita Banuelos, SOR Director 785-383-8552

OLG Veteran Memorial (Update)

Based on the approximate cost $8,000.00 required for the construction and installation of said monu-ment, a total of $4,000.00 has been collected. In an effort to finalize the monument fund drive, Septem-ber 16th 2020 is the date that contributions will be accepted. Based on the total collected it will then be determined if the monument will proceed as planned. (May God bless our Veterans). Please contact committee members for finial infor-mation. Richard Vasquez 785-633-1604 Gilbert Ramirez 785-633-2557 Modesto Vasquez 785-235-3849 Blasi Ortiz 785-554-3949

Trash Bag Fundraiser Trash bag orders may be placed by calling the Holy Family Catholic School office at 785-234-8980. You may designate that your order be credited to your favorite student and picked up from the school on a cash and carry basis. Please call the school office at 785-234-8980 to set up a pickup time and we will be happy to bring your trash bags to your vehicle. Thank you for your support of Holy Family Catholic School.

Holy Family Catholic School RCIA

Classes are at 7pm inside the MCBAC in the Padre Pio Room. For information about RCIA classes please contact David Matchett at 785-224-8999.

Adorations Leaders Needed!

To cover the hours of 6pm-midnight. For more information please contact Monica and

Marcus Ramirez 785-273-8448

Next Fiesta Food Sale October 17th. More info yet to come!

Also a Big Thank You to the Fiesta Committee

and Volunteers who helped make the last Food Sale a Huge Success!

The Knights of Columbus Council 11777 is sell-ing Raffle Tickets for the Kansas State Council 2020 Religious Education Fund Raffle. Tickets cost $100 each. You may buy a ticket Solo, or a group may buy a ticket. Prizes include: One $30,000, One $7,000, Five $4,000, Eight $2,000 and Eight $1,000. Draw-ing will be held December 5, 2020. If you would to buy one or would like more details please contact Grand Knight Jesus Gutierrez at 785-430-7864. Thank You

Grand Knight Council 11777

When there is a Funeral Mass/Memorial Mass there will be no Daily Mass.