Senator Patty Ritchie Honors Veterans

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Transcript of Senator Patty Ritchie Honors Veterans

Ha� � Fame

Thursday, May 15, 2014

USO, Fort Drum, New York

Senator Patty Ritchie


BIANCA AMTHORWatertownBianca Amthor was a member of the Army Nurse Corps during World War II. She served in France during the Battle of the Bulge and was there for a victory parade in front of President Dwight D. Eisenhower. She says her desire to “take care of her two brothers”—who were also members of the US Armed Forces—is what inspired her to enlist.

CLARENCEBENWAREBlack RiverClarence Benware knew he wanted to serve his country at the young age of 16, when he was work-ing at Pine Camp—known today as Fort Drum. He joined the US Navy at 17 years-old and served during World War II from 1942 to 1946.

ANDY CAMBRONAdams CenterAndy Cambron en-listed in the US Army several days after the attack on Pearl Harbor. He fought in numerous battles throughout the war including the Battle of Normandy and the Battle of the Bulge. Andy has received several accolades for his service including the Bronze Star and a Silver Star.

ED FLANAGANWatertownEd Flanagan joined US Army in 1942 and served until 1945. Ed was tasked with driving tanks, and took part in numer-ous battles through-out World War II, including the Battle of Normandy.

FRANCESFLANAGANMinettoFrances Flanagan served in the US Air Force from 1950 to 1953, being discharged at the rank of Airman First Class. She met her huband—who was also in the Air Force—on a blind date and the couple raised three children. Frances’s daughter said she was proud of her family, especially her cousin John McCormack, who served as Speaker of the House under President John F. Kennedy.

ROBERT GREENFultonRobert Green was drafted into the US Navy when he was in his � rst semester of college in Syracuse. According to Robert, one of the highlights of his service was taking part in V-J Day in Hawaii—the day on which Japan surrendered and in effect, ended World War II.

JOHN HALFORDGouverneurJohn Halford entered the US Marine Corps at age 17 and served in the Raider Battalion that was part of the daring raid on Makin Island during World War II. After his honorable discharge, he returned to Gouverneur, � nished high school, and went on to SUNY Canton—which at the time, was known as the Agricultural and Technical Institute. Since retiring, John and his wife have played an active role helping to im-prove the lives of people in the North Country, especially through his work as a member of the SUNY Canton Founda-tion Board of Directors.

DOUG HAZELTONOgdensburgDoug Hazelton served in the US Army from 1965 to 1968. One of the con� icts that best describes his bravery occurred during the Vietnam War when he served as a door gunner on a medical evacuation helicopter when it came under attack from the Viet Cong. Doug has received a number of accolades for his service to our nation including the Purple Heart and the Bronze Service Star.

EDWARD W.HURLEYOswegoEdward Hurley served his country as a member of the National Guard and the US Army from 1940 to 1945. Edward fought in a number of battles including the Battle of Luzon. He met his beloved wife Bernadette when they were just 17 and 15 years old respectively. The couple kept in touch throughout his service via letters, as Bernadette waited for Edward’s return.

ARTHUR KRAHNClaytonAfter graduating from high school in 1943, Arthur Krahn enrolled in a local business school. Just six months later he was drafted into the US Army, where he served from 1944 to 1946. Due to his background, he was assigned to the 142nd engineers headquarters section of the 42nd Rainbow Division in the European Theater. According to Arthur, his roles included mailman, clerk typist and supply sergeant—where he made sure every soldier had their shoes and extra clothing.

RICHARDLACROSSE SR.ParishRichard LaCrosse was as a member of the Army Air Corps during World War II, serving as a navigator on a B-29 bomber—which was one of the largest aircraft to have seen service during that period of time. Richard was shot down on July 13, 1945 over Japan and was awarded the Purple Heart for his heroism.

MAYNARD LONISPhoenixMaynard Lonis served in the US Merchant Marine during World War II, from 1943 to 1945. One of his most vivid memories from his time in the service, is being in New Guinea when President Franklin Delano Roosevelt passed away.

JOSEPHMCLAUGHLINEvans MillsCommand Sergeant Major Joseph McLaughlin enlisted in the United States Army in 1973. During his 27 years of distinguished military service he has been a leader at every level from squad to division in the United States and overseas. He has re-ceived numerous accolades in recognition of his service including the Legion of Mer-it, the Meritorious Service Medal with three oak leaf clusters and many others. Joseph has been actively involved in the betterment of the community through participation in numerous organizations, civic groups and volunteer entities focused on the improvement of the quality of life for all our citizens including our veterans and current service members.

MICHAEL MARINOCantonMichael Marino served in the Marine Corps during World War II. Michael says it was a longtime goal of his to serve his country in the Marine Corps where, after enlisting, he was assigned to a torpedo bomber squadron.

RUSSELLMARSDENMexicoRussell Marsden entered the US Army in 1969, serving as a helicopter crewman in Vietnam in the Mekong Delta area. He received a number of accolades for his service including the National Defense Service Medal, the Vietnam Service Medal, the Army Commenda-tion Medal and several others. Throughout the years, Russell has been an integral part of the Mexico VFW Post 369, leading the charge on a number of initiatives that bene� t not only our veterans but the entire Mexico community.

EDWIN PIERCECantonEdwin Pierce served his country during World War II as a sol-dier in the US Army. He was a member of the New England 43rd Division, which was among the � rst divisions to go to the Paci� c. Edwin vividly remembers time spent serving in New Zealand as well as his service in a number of campaigns including New Guin-ea and Manila.

DARRYL SAPOFFGouverneurDarryl Sapoff served for nearly 27 years in the US Army in various assignments throughout the US and overseas, including de-ployments to Cuba and Haiti as well as combat tours in Afghanistan and Iraq. He retired at the highest enlisted rank of Sergeant First Class. For his service, he received more than 30 medals and deco-rations including the Bronze Star. Today, he devotes much of his time to ensuring veterans and soldiers receive the best service and care possible.

BEN SCORDOWatertownA veteran of the US Army, Ben Scordo served his country from 1943 to 1945. Ben says that serving his country during World War II was a tremendous experi-ence, that gave him the opportunity to travel the world, meet lifelong friends and give back.

ARNOLD SHAWWest MonroeArnold Shaw served in the US Army from 1944 to 1946. One of his most vivid memo-ries of his time in the Army was serving on the front lines during the Battle of the Bulge.

GEORGE SMITHOswegoGeorge Smith en-tered the US Army in 1942. During his time in the Army, George served as truck driver, ri� e-man, scout car driver and supply NCO. He was awarded a num-ber of accolades for his service including the American Service Medal, European-Af-rican-Middle Eastern Service Medal, Good Conduct Medal and the World War II Victory Medal.

WILLIAM SPRIGGSMassenaWilliam Spriggs quit school in 10th grade and joined the Army at the age of 17. He landed at Omaha Beach in Normandy just before his 19th birthday, and fought his way through � ve battles in Europe with the 83rd Division, 329th Infantry, obtaining a Purple Heart for injuries in France. He found himself on the Elbe River in Germany near Berlin when the war ended. He has received numerous accolades for his service, including most recently, the Insignia of Chevalier of the Legion of Honor from France earlier this month.

DONALD TURKPennellvilleDonald Turk served in the US Army from 1942 to 1944. He spent most of World War II on the French Coast. After sustaining an injury, Donald returned back to the United States where he recovered and readjusted to civilian life.

ROBERTVanBENSCHOTENHendersonRobert VanBenschoten entered the US Navy at the end of 1942 and served until 1946. Serving during World War II, he was involved in both the Mediterranean as well as the Paci� c. While in the US Navy, he spent most of his time aboard a minesweeper, which was responsible for countering the threat posed by naval mines.

FRED VanPATTENWatertownFred VanPatten served in the US Army Air Corps from 1942 through 1945. Before going overseas, he completed engine mechanic school and during World War II, he served much of his time in England and worked on planes. He recalls on D-Day, hearing the continuous roar of aircraft taking off and returning.

WALLACEWHIPPLEPhoenixBorn in Fulton, Wallace Whipple was a member of the 83rd division of the US Army who served during World War II. A survivor of six months of combat, Wallace fought during The Battle of Hürtgen Forest, where he spent four straight days in a foxhole.

JIM WEINHOLDFultonJim Weinhold served seven years in the Navy and 15 years in the Air National Guard. From 1953 to 1954 he served on a Navy ship near the 38th parallel just off of Korea. Today, he is very active in the community, serving as a member of the American Legion Post 587 where he was once commander. He currently serves as commander of VFW post 569.

ROBERT WILLIAMSClaytonRobert Williams served his country in the US Navy during WWII. Because of his diligence, he achieved the rank of third class petty of� cer in less than two years. Williams reached the rank of second class petty of� cer when he got called back to serve during the Korean War.

STANLEYZAREMBAWatertownStanley Zaremba is a US Army Veteran who served in the Persian Gulf. After serving 37 years, he retired as a Staff Sergeant in 2006. He has served his community as well as his country for most of his adult life—and has held leadership roles at the American Legion, Fort Drum USO and many other organizations. He has been awarded numer-ous military awards including the New York State Medal of Merit, the State of New York Conspicuous Service award and others.

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