Semantic Coding and Microformats

Post on 19-May-2015

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Transcript of Semantic Coding and Microformats

  • 1.
      • Serhiy Valchuk
    • Quintagroup, 2008

2. 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 , 1.4 HTML 5 1.5 1.6 2. . 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3. - - , , . , . html . 4. 2.4.1 HTML SGML, . HTML , , - . , , .. . HTML . 5. 9.2.1 :EM ,STRONG ,DFN ,CODE ,SAMP ,KBD ,VAR ,CITE ,ABBRACRONYM . : EM : . . . STRONG : .. . . CITE : . DFN : , , . CODE : ' . 9.2 6. SAMP: , , .. KBD : , . VAR : . ABBR : (., WWW, HTTP, URI, Mass. ..). ACRONYM : (., WAC, radar ..). 7. (. abbrevio ) , , . . ( . , '). ( : , - , , , , ). Wikipedia 8. TheBLOCKQUOTEandQelements Attribute definitions cite = uri [CT] The value of this attribute is a URI that designates a source document or message. This attribute is intended to give information about the source from which the quotation was borrowed. These two elements designate quoted text. BLOCKQUOTE is for long quotations (block-level content) and Q is intended for short quotations (inline content) that don't require paragraph breaks. 9.2.2 Quotations: 9. TheSUBandSUPelements Many scripts (e.g., French) require superscripts or subscripts for proper rendering. The SUB and SUP elements should be used to markup text in these cases. , . 9.2.3 Subscripts and superscripts: 10. ThePelement The P element represents a paragraph. It cannot contain block-level elements (including P itself). We discourage authors from using empty P elements. User agents should ignore empty P elements. 9.3.1 Paragraphs: 11. TheBRelement forcibly breaks (ends) the current line of text. 9.3.2 Controlling line breaks 12. In HTML, there are two types of hyphens: the plain hyphen and the soft hyphen. The plain hyphen should be interpreted by a user agent as just another character. The soft hyphen tells the user agent where a line break can occur. Those browsers that interpret soft hyphens must observe the following semantics: If a line is broken at a soft hyphen, a hyphen character must be displayed at the end of the first line. If a line is not broken at a soft hyphen, the user agent must not display a hyphen character. For operations such as searching and sorting, the soft hyphen should always be ignored. In HTML, the plain hyphen is represented by the "-" character (- or -). The soft hyphen is represented by the character entity reference ( or ) 9.3.3 Hyphenation 13. TheINSandDELelements Attribute definitions cite = uri [CT] The value of this attribute is a URI that designates a source document or message. This attribute is intended to point to information explaining why a document was changed. datetime = datetime [CS] The value of this attribute specifies the date and time when the change was made. INS and DEL are used to markup sections of the document that have been inserted or deleted with respect to a different version of a document (e.g., in draft legislation where lawmakers need to view the changes). These two elements are unusual for HTML in that they may serve as either block-level or inline elements (but not both). They may contain one or more words within a paragraph or contain one or more block-level elements such as paragraphs, lists and tables. 9.4 Marking document changes: 14. 10.2 Unordered lists (UL),ordered lists (OL), and list items (LI) Ordered and unordered lists are rendered in an identical manner except that visual user agents number ordered list items. User agents may present those numbers in a variety of ways. Unordered list items are not numbered. Both types of lists are made up of sequences of list items defined by the LI element (whose end tag may be omitted). Definition lists vary only slightly from other types of lists in that list items consist of two parts: a term and a description. The term is given by the DT element and is restricted to inline content. The description is given with a DD element that contains block-level content. Another application of DL, for example, is for marking up dialogues, with each DT naming a speaker, and each DD containing his or her words. 15. DIV & SPAN div span 7.5.4 : DIV SPAN DIV SPAN id class . (SPAN) (DIV), ' . , , lang . . HTML . 16. HTML5 HTML 5 3.8 Sections 3.8.1 Thebodyelement 3.8.2 Thesectionelement 3.8.3 Thenavelement 3.8.4 Thearticleelement 3.8.5 Theasideelement 3.8.6 Theh1 ,h2 ,h3 ,h4 ,h5 , andh6elements 3.8.7 Theheaderelement 3.8.8 Thefooterelement 3.8.9 Theaddresselement WHATWG - "Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group" ( ) The WHATWG was founded by individuals of Apple, the Mozilla Foundation, and Opera Software in 2004, 17. :

: .heading1 { font-size:32px; font-weight:bold; margin:22px 0; } 18. 1. - - - - 2. . 3. . 4. . 19. Microformats are small bits of HTML that represent things like people, events, tags, etc. in web pages. Microformats enable the publishing of higher fidelity information on the Web, providing the fastest and simplest way to support feeds and APIs for your website. See more explanations of what are microformats, and what you can do with them. 20.

  • hCalendar is a simple, open, distributed calendaring and events format, based on the iCalendar standard.
  • hCard is a simple, open, distributed format for representing people, companies, organizations, and places, using a 1:1 representation of vCard.
  • rel-license is a simple, open, format for indicating content licenses
    • cc by 2.0
  • rel-nofollow - by adding rel="nofollow" to a hyperlink, a page indicates that the destination of that hyperlink SHOULD NOT be afforded any additional weight or ranking by user agents which perform link analysis upon web pages (e.g. search engines).
  • Rel-tag - By adding rel="tag" to a hyperlink, a page indicates that the destination of that hyperlink is an author-designated "tag" (or keyword/subject) for the current page.

Specifications 21.

  • VoteLinks - values are "vote-for" "vote-abstain" or "vote-against"
  • XFN - XFN (XHTML Friends Network) is a simple way to represent human relationships using hyperlinks.
  • XMDP - XHTML Meta Data Profiles
  • XOXO - stands for eXtensible Open XHTML Outlines, and is pronounced variously as 'ecks oh ecks oh', 'zho-zho', or 'sho-sho'.


  • adr - for marking up address information
  • geo - for marking up WGS84 geographic coordinates (latitude; longitude)
  • hAtom - syndicating episodic content (e.g. weblog postings)
  • hResume - for publishing resumes and CVs
  • hReview -
  • rel-directory - to indicate that the destination of a hyperlink is a directory listing containing an entry for the current page
  • rel-ecolabel - for indicating ecolabelled products/services/companies
  • rel-enclosure - for indicating attachments (e.g. files) to download and cache
  • rel-home - indicate a hyperlink to the homepage of the site

Drafts 23.

  • rel-payment - indicate a payment mechanism
  • robots exclusion
  • XFolk - is a simple and open format for publishing collections of bookmarks.

24. Feedburner, plaxo, linkedin, facebook hCard + XFN upcoming, 25. - hCalendar Tails Export Firefox Add-ons 26. Operator by Michael Kaply Operator leverages microformats and other semantic data that are already available on many web pages to provide new ways tointeract with web services. Tails Export by Robert de Bruin An extension for Showing and Exporting Microformats. Currently it supports the following formats... Firefox Add-ons 27. 28. HTML 4.01 Specification - - - Microformats - 29. !