Self perpetuating spiral_arms_in_disk_galaxies

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Transcript of Self perpetuating spiral_arms_in_disk_galaxies

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ABSTRACTThe causes of spiral structure in galaxies remain uncertain. Leaving aside the grand bisymmetric spirals with

their own well-known complications, here we consider the possibility that multi-armed spiral features originatefrom density inhomogeneities orbiting within disks. Using high-resolution N-body simulations, we follow themotions of stars under the influence of gravity, and show that mass concentrations with properties similar tothose of giant molecular clouds can induce the development of spiral arms through a process termed swingamplification. However, unlike in earlier work, we demonstrate that the eventual response of the disk canbe highly non-linear, significantly modifying the formation and longevity of the resulting patterns. Contraryto expectations, ragged spiral structures can thus survive at least in a statistical sense long after the originalperturbing influence has been removed.Subject headings: galaxies: kinematics and dynamics, galaxies: spiral, methods: numerical


Seventy percent of galaxies in the nearby Universe are char-acterized by a disk with prominent spiral arms, but our under-standing of the origin of these patterns is incomplete, even af-ter decades of theoretical study (Toomre 1977; Athanassoula1984; Binney & Tremaine 2008; Sellwood 2011). Severalideas have been proposed to explain the formation of spiralarms. One model posits that these features are large-scaledensity waves continuing to propagate in a differentially ro-tating disk. In particular, this theory argues that the matter inthe galaxy (stars and gas) can maintain a density wave throughgravitational interactions even in the presence of shear. Thisdensity wave remains at least quasi-stationary in a frame ofreference rotating around the center of the galaxy at a fixedangular speed, identified with the pattern speed of the spirals,and covers the entire disk (Lin & Shu 1964; Bertin & Lin1996).

An alternative theory proposes that spiral arms are stochas-tically produced by local gravitational amplification in a dif-ferentially rotating disk (Goldreich & Lynden-Bell 1965; Ju-lian & Toomre 1966). The mechanism behind this process isknown as swing amplification and it can be seeded either bypreexisting leading waves or else by the response of a diskto the presence of a corotating overdensity, such as a giantmolecular cloud. This dynamical response takes the form ofwakelets in the surrounding medium, each amplified by itsown self-gravity through the swinging of leading features intotrailing ones owing to the shear.

According to this second theory, spiral arms would fadeaway in one or two galactic years if the driving perturbationswere removed (Toomre & Kalnajs 1991), in contrast to thequasi-steady nature of the arms in the model proposed by Linand Shu. Thus, a continuous source of perturbations would berequired for these fluctuating spiral patterns to be maintainedthroughout the lifetime of a galaxy. Indeed, by mimickingthe effects of dissipative infall of gas, Sellwood & Carlberg(1984) showed that the addition of fresh particles on circularorbits could cause such spiral patterns to recur, and Carlberg

1 Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics,60 Garden Str., Cambridge, MA 02138 USA

2 Keck Fellow; edonghia@cfa.harvard.edu3 University of Wisconsin,

475 Charter St., Madison, WI 53706

& Freedman (1985) demonstrated that almost any mechanismof dynamical cooling can maintain spiral activity of a similarkind.

However, the pioneering work on density waves in the1960s was based on analytic theory and invoked various as-sumptions in order for solutions to be found. For example, theswing amplification analysis involved linear approximationsto the equations of motion. The theoretical emphasis sincethat time has been on identifying driving mechanisms that cansustain the wave in spite of the damping which would causeit to decay in this picture. Indeed, whereas observations showthat spiral arms might be density waves, N-body experimentshave not yielded long-lived spiral structures, as predicted bythe stationary density wave theory. Simulations of cool, shear-ing disks always exhibit recurrent transient spiral activity andthis situation has not changed over the past several decadesas computational power has increased (Sellwood 2000; Fujiiet al. 2011; Sellwood 2011).

Some work showed that spiral patterns fade away in numer-ical simulations of stellar disks if the effects of gas dissipationare not included; the reason is that the disk becomes less re-sponsive as random motions rise owing to particle scatteringby the spiral activity and giant molecular clouds (Sellwood &Carlberg 1984; Binney & Lacey 1988). Moreover, the debateabout the longevity of the arms practically ceased two decadesago because the available computational power did not permitdefinitive tests of some of the predictions of the theories andalso because observations at that time were not sufficiently de-tailed to discriminate between the two main competing views.

In the past decade, some studies have argued that the contin-uous infall of substructures in the dark matter halos of galax-ies could induce spiral patterns in disks by generating local-ized disturbances that grow by swing amplification (Gauthieret al. 2006; Purcell et al. 2011). According to such simula-tions, the main agent producing transient features would besatellite passages through the inner part of a disk. Becausethe tidal effects of the satellites are generally small (D’Onghiaet al. 2010b), this process is distinct from interactions thoughtto be responsible for grand-design spirals like M51. However,there are indications that dark matter substructures orbitingin the inner regions of galaxy halos would be destroyed bydynamical processes such as disk shocking, and hence wouldnot be able to seed the formation of spiral structure (D’Onghiaet al. 2010a).





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2 D’Onghia et al.

In what follows, we report on high resolution N-body sim-ulations of isolated disks in which we follow the motion of100 million star particles under the influence of gravity, toexplore the idea that spiral arms are seeded by density inho-mogeneities orbiting within the disk. These inhomogeneitiescan be identified with fluctuations in the distribution of gas inthe interstellar medium of galaxies, such as giant molecularclouds or, more speculatively, any massive star clusters em-bedded in the disk. Because early works already showed thatthe gravitational response of a stellar disk to an overdensityorbiting in its plane is similar as the response of a gaseousdisk (see in particular Fig.7 of Toomre (1981)), we performour analysis only on stellar disks, for simplicity.

Our work focuses on understanding the origin of spiralarms and differs in many respects from previous studies. Themethodology we employ here has the potential to discern thephysical processes occurring in stellar disks at a higher levelof detail than in previous simulations of isolated galaxies.

As we describe below, our results indicate that the responseof a disk to local perturbations is highly non-linear and time-variable on galactic scales and so is not fully captured by thelinear approximations invoked in swing amplification theoryor the classic work on quasi-steady density waves.

In what follows, we describe our methodology in §2. In §3we present our results by showing examples in which a diskis perturbed by inhomogeneities orbiting in its plane, and weeven vary the lifetimes of the perturbers. Results anticipatedby linear theory are described in §4, whereas §5 is devoted toillustrating the non-linear effects that arise in our simulations.Finally, we discuss the astrophysical relevance of our work in§6.


Our simulations were carried out with the parallel TreePMcode GADGET-3 (last described in Springel 2005). We onlyemploy the tree-based gravity solver coupled to a static exter-nal potential to solve for the evolution of collisionless parti-cles.

Pairwise particle interactions are softened with a spline ker-nel (Hernquist & Katz 1989) on scales hs, so that forcesare strictly Newtonian for particles separated by more than2hs. The resulting force is roughly equivalent to traditionalPlummer-softening with scale length ε ≈ hs/2.8. For oursimulations the Plummer-equivalent gravitational softeninglength set to ε = 5pc for stellar particles.

2.1. Setting up initial conditionsThe galaxies in our study consist of dark matter halos and

rotationally supported disks of stars. The parameters describ-ing each component are independent and the models are con-structed in a manner similar to the approach described in pre-vious works (Hernquist 1993; Springel 2000; Springel et al.2005).

2.2. Dark HaloWe model the dark matter mass distribution with a Hern-

quist (1990) profile:

ρdm =Mdm


r(r + a)3, (1)

which has a cumulative mass distributionM(< r) = Mdmr

2/(r + a)2, where a is the radial scalelength and Mdm is the total halo mass here set to 9.5x1011


In the past, models of disk galaxies run in isolation and usedto study the properties of spiral arms employed only a fewmillion particles to sample both the stellar disk and the darkmatter halo. In such experiments, randomly-placed particlesproduce fluctuations in the halo potential. Even if the diskis initially featureless, the Poisson noise owing to such dis-cretization of the mass in N-body experiments is inevitablyswing amplified, producing trailing multi-armed spiral pat-terns in the disk (Toomre 1977; Fujii et al. 2011; Sellwood2012).

In order to suppress the development of artificial featuresin all the N-body experiments that follow, we set up a livedisk of stars embedded in a rigid dark matter potential. Weemploy simulations with a sufficiently large number of parti-cles in the disk, i.e. 100 million, so that the disks are essen-tially featureless when evolved without any perturbers actingon them. These simulations serve as “controls,” making itpossible to identify the response of the disk to imposed per-turbations. In this manner, we will be able to separate thesources responsible for exciting features in the disk from thestars which react to the perturbations, unlike previous experi-ments in which the stars themselves acted as perturbers, com-plicating the interpretation of the experiments, as emphasizedby Toomre (1990).

2.3. Stellar DiskWe model the stellar disk in the initial conditions with an

exponential surface density profile of scale length Rs:

Σ∗(R) =M∗


exp(−R/Rs), (2)

so that the stellar disk mass is M∗ = mdMtot, where md isthe disk fraction of the total mass Mtot of the galaxy. For anextremely thin disk the circular velocity of the galaxy wouldbe:

V 2c (R) =

GMdm(< R)




[I0(y)K0(y)− I1(y)K1(y)]. (3)Here, G is the gravitational constant, y = R/(2Rs), and InandKn are modified Bessel functions. We specify the verticalmass distribution of the stars in the disk by giving it the profileof an isothermal sheet with a radially constant scale height z0.The 3D stellar density in the disk is hence given by:

ρ∗(R, z) =M∗


sech2( z


)exp(− R


). (4)

We treat z0 as a free parameter that is set by the vertical ve-locity dispersion of the stars in the disk and fix the veloc-ity distribution of the stars such that this scale height is self-consistently maintained in the full 3D potential of the galaxy(Springel et al. 2005). We adopt z0 = 0.1Rs.

Fig. 1 shows the rotation curve for the fiducial galaxymodel used in the simulations (left panel). The total disk massof the galaxy is 1.9x1010M. The total disk fraction is fixedto md = 0.02 and the scale length of the disk, Rs, is 3.13kpc. The disk is set up so that it is stable, as measured by theQ parameter, defined for infinitely thin disks as:

Q =σRκ

3.36GΣ, (5)

where σR is the radial velocity dispersion, κ is the epicyclefrequency, and Σ is the stellar surface density. The proper-ties of the disk are chosen so that the Q parameter is initially

Self-Perpetuating Spiral Arms 3

FIG. 1.— Left Panel.Rotation curve for fiducial disk galaxy model (left panel). Right Panel. Toomre parameter Q as a function of radius for the fiducial model.The radius is normalized to the value of the disk scale length of 3.13 kpc in both panels.

larger than 1 at all radii and has a minimum value of 1.3 (rightpanel of Fig 1), implying that the disk is stable to axisymmet-ric instabilities (Toomre 1964).

The strength of spiral features is estimated by dividing theface-on disk into concentric annuli which are further dividedinto azimuthal bins. The mass from the star particles is thenassigned to these bins, making it possible to compute the stel-lar surface density Σ(R, θ). Fourier components of the sur-face density are then calculated. We use the Fourier transformanalysis to estimate the residuals of the surface density com-puted by subtracting the azimuthally averaged surface densityfrom the surface density distribution and normalizing accord-ing to Res = (Σ− Σavg)/Σavg.


3.1. Disk Stability TestWe first perform an N-body experiment in which a live disk

of 100 million stars as described above is embedded in a rigidpotential for the dark halo. We run the fiducial case with noperturbers for two-three galactic years and verify that the diskdoes not develop prominent spiral features. The outcome ofthis experiment is shown in Fig. 2 where a time evolution ofthe disk is displayed.

3.2. Dynamical Response of the Disk to PerturbersHaving established that relatively low mass disks run with

sufficiently large numbers of particles do not develop promi-nent spiral patterns in the absence of any perturbing influence,we then evolve the same galaxy models, but add 1, 000 grav-itationally softened particles (each with a mass of the orderof a typical giant molecular cloud: M = 9.5x105 M) dis-tributed with the same exponential law as the disk and as-sumed to be corotating on circular orbits with the disk stars.We note that we use a 20 times larger gravitational softeninglength for these molecular cloud particles due to their largermass compared to the stellar particles in the disk. These per-turbers are kept moving on circular orbits in order to avoidany clumping that could facilitate the formation of overdensestellar regions.

Each softened particle perturbs the motions of neighboringstars and drives a strong local response in the disk. The col-

lective influence of all the perturbers leads to the developmentof spiral structures as shown in Fig. 3. These features extendwell beyond two scale lengths of the disk. At a distance offive scale lengths these segments tend to be more isolated andweaker.

In particular, Fig. 3 displays the time evolution of the diskfor approximately two-three galactic years. Note that the dy-namical response is rapid and already after almost half of agalactic year, multi-armed patterns appear. Fig. 4 (top pan-els) shows the disk and the 1,000 molecular clouds distributedwithin it after approximately one galactic year. The disk isdisplayed face-on in Cartesian coordinates (left panels) andsurface density residuals are shown in polar coordinates (rightpanels). In this case, interior to one disk scale length the diskis characterized by three or four spiral arms. At two scalelengths from the galaxy center the number of spiral arms isapproximately seven with amplitudes reaching values of 10-15% higher than the stellar background.

We repeat the same experiment with the giant molecularclouds counter-rotating relative to the disk stars. As shown inFig. 4 (bottom panels), the disk response after approximatelyone galactic year is now much weaker than for corotating per-turbers displayed at the same time (top panels).

3.3. Finite Lifetime Giant Molecular CloudsOur previous calculations assumed an infinite lifetime for

the giant molecular clouds. Although the lifetimes of thesesystems are much debated, giant molecular clouds in galaxiesare likely short-lived. Furthermore, giant molecular cloudsin real galaxies are preferentially found in spiral arms, andmay be created there by the converging flow of the interstellarmedium due to its motion through the spiral potential. Theclouds disperse after they pass through the arm, perhaps inpart because of the diverging flow as the gas emerges fromthe arm, although other factors such as of the energy inputfrom young stars are important also. This is certainly a toocomplicated picture to be simplified, however here we onlywant to measure the dynamical response of the disk to someperturbers with different lifetimes.

In the following, we show the outcome of runs performedwith a finite lifetime for the giant molecular clouds. In partic-

4 D’Onghia et al.

4 2 0 2 4x/Rs









4 2 0 2 4x/Rs









4 2 0 2 4x/Rs









4 2 0 2 4x/Rs









4 2 0 2 4x/Rs







s t=400Myr

4 2 0 2 4x/Rs









FIG. 2.— Time sequence for the evolution of a live disk of stars embedded in a dark Milky Way-sized halo run unperturbed in isolation and displayed after afew galactic years. The disk is displayed face-on in Cartesian coordinates.

ular, we show two examples: a first run adopting the fiducialdisk of stars embedded in a rigid halo potential with 1,000giant molecular clouds having a lifetime of 2.5x106 yrs anda second run with cloud lifetimes of 2.5x107 yrs. The fi-nite lifetime is directly implemented in our simulation code.Specifically, we assign a time counter to each giant molecularcloud particle. Once this counter exceeds the predefined life-time, this particle is converted to a regular stellar particle bychanging its mass and gravitational softening length. We thenrandomly select another stellar particle in the disk and turnit into a giant molecular cloud particle also by changing themass and gravitational softening length accordingly. To avoidthe sudden destruction of all giant molecular cloud particlesat the same time, we generate the initial set of giant molecularcloud particles with a uniform age distribution in the range ofthe selected lifetime.

The top panels of Fig. 5 show the outcome of the run withthe giant molecular clouds having a lifetime of 2.5x106 yrs.This lifetime is too short to trigger any resonance between theshear flow and epicyclic vibration, hence the forced responsethat leads to the formation of the arms does not occur. The op-posite situation is shown in Fig. 5 (bottom panels) where thegiant molecular clouds are assumed to live for 2.5x107 yrs.Note that this lifetime is sufficient to trigger the formation ofmulti-armed spiral patterns. The orbital period for a typicalgiant molecular cloud in a Milky-Way sized galaxy is ≈ 108

yrs, thus our calculations show that a lifetime of a quarter ofthe orbital time is sufficient to trigger a strong response in adisk and the subsequent development of spiral arms. The ar-gument can be now inverted: in order to form realistic spiralarms in disk galaxies, the giant molecular clouds have to sur-

vive for at least 107 yrs, which is in accord with observationalestimates.


4.1. Material Arms or Density Waves?A long-standing controversy over the nature of spiral arms iswhether they correspond to density enhancements in the back-ground stellar distribution (density waves), or are made up ofstars that always remain in the arm and are just more con-centrated than the stars outside the arm (material arms). Inthe early studies, the arms were assumed to be density waves,because if they were material they would quickly wind up asthe galaxy rotates. Thus, both the swing amplification and thestatic density wave theories argue that the arms are overdenseregions of the disk moving around at a different speed rela-tive to the stars themselves. Stars thus continuously move inand out of the spiral arms. However, recent investigations us-ing numerical simulations of stellar disks have challenged thisclaim and and argue that the arms might be material structures(Grand et al. 2012).

To investigate this in the context of our simulations, weidentify a patch of stars along the arm in the stellar disk afterthe arms are fully developed (after 100 Myrs) as displayed intop panels of Fig. 6, where the patch is colored in black. Then,we follow the positions of the stars originally in the patch for-ward in time and display the outcome after two galactic years(bottom panels). We note that the stars initially in the patchspread out, confirming that the spiral patterns in our simu-lations are density waves and not material structures. Thisis shown in polar coordinates in the bottom panel of Fig. 6where it is clear that the patch is being sheared out by differ-

Self-Perpetuating Spiral Arms 5

4 2 0 2 4x/Rs









4 2 0 2 4x/Rs









4 2 0 2 4x/Rs









4 2 0 2 4x/Rs









4 2 0 2 4x/Rs







s t=400Myr

4 2 0 2 4x/Rs









FIG. 3.— Time sequence of an N-body experiment in which a self-gravitating disk of 100 million stars seen face-on embedded in a dark Milky Way-sizedhalo is run with 1,000 giant molecular clouds (represented with the black dots) which are randomly distributed within the disk and are assumed to be corotatingon circular orbits with the disk stars. The giant molecular clouds act as perturbers and the live disk dynamically responds to the presence of these perturbers bydeveloping features which resemble multi-armed structures in galaxies. Each panel displays a region 30 kpc on a side at the times indicated.

ential rotation and the pitch angle of the patch differs signifi-cantly from that of the spiral features.

4.2. Forced-Wake TheoryThe different response of the disk to the direction of the

motion of the perturbers within the disk, as shown in Fig. 4,suggests that the physical process behind spiral arm formationin our simulated galaxies is initially, at least, wake-making,which operates through a combination of three ingredients:the shearing flow, small-scale epicyclic motions, and the diskself-gravity (Julian & Toomre 1966). We briefly review themain concept.

Consider stars drifting in the flow at slightly larger radiithan a perturber which is corotating with the disk. The drift-ing stars will feel a small force owing to the presence of theperturber, exciting epicyclic motion in the stellar orbits. Atthe same time, the inwards and outwards motions of the starslead to density enhancements and deficits relative to the stellarbackground. These enhancements can swing from leading totrailing owing to shear in the disk. The sense of this shearingmotion is identical to that of the retrograde epicyclic motionof individual stars. Because of this match it is possible for aswinging pattern to resonate with the epicyclic stellar motionsas the shear causes it to become a trailing pattern. This tempo-rary match allows the feature to be amplified by self-gravityas the stars linger within the perturbation (Julian & Toomre1966).

4.3. The Critical Role of Self-gravity as Amplifier

Julian & Toomre (1966) showed that swing amplificationresults from a cooperative effect between shear, epicyclic mo-tions, and self-gravity. In order to verify the importance ofself-gravity in the outcomes of our simulations, we performedan N-body simulation of a disk of stars treated as test particlesembedded in a dark halo along with 1,000 perturbers movingon circular orbits within the disk (for details of the set-up, seeAppendix).

Fig. 7 shows a time sequence from a simulation in whichthe disk is perturbed by density inhomogeneities, but the self-gravity of the disk is ignored. The influence of the disk self-gravity is clear. In the absence of self-gravity, wakes still formaround the perturbers, but the wakes have different shapesand are weaker than when self-gravity is included, as demon-strated in Fig. 7. A harmonic analysis shows that the magni-tude of each Fourier coefficient is greatly reduced if disk self-gravity is ignored, as expected on the basis of similar testsperformed by Julian & Toomre (1966). (In particular, com-pare Figs. 7 and 12 in Julian & Toomre (1966).) Thus, self-gravity acts as a communicator between the stars, amplifyingwakes around each perturber and allowing different wakes toconnect to produce long-range patterns, as in Fig. 3.

4.4. Collective Amplification RegimeSwing amplification is the linear gravitational response of

a disk to an overdensity orbiting in its plane. In a stabledisk, pressure-like or mixing effects of random motions avoidclumping and normally disrupt an overdense region beforeit has time to collapse. Because of the similarity between

6 D’Onghia et al.

4 2 0 2 4x/Rs







s t= 250 Myr

0 1 2 3 4 5R/Rs


















4 2 0 2 4x/Rs








t= 250 Myr

0 1 2 3 4 5R/Rs
















FIG. 4.— Top Panels.A live disk of stars embedded in a dark Milky Way-sized halo run in isolation with 1,000 giant molecular clouds distributed within thedisk and assumed to be corotating on circular orbits with the disk. The disk is displayed approximately after one galactic year face-on in Cartesian coordinates(left) and surface density residuals are shown in polar coordinates (right). Bottom Panels. The same experiment is displayed at the same time with the 1,000perturbers assumed to be counter-rotating on circular orbits with respect to the disk.

shear and epicyclic vibrations however, individual stars re-main within shearing density enhancements for a substantialfraction of the epicyclic frequency κ, which is given by

κ2 = RdΩ2

dR+ 4Ω2, (6)

where Ω = Vc/R is the angular frequency, R is the radius,and Vc is the total circular velocity. For the idealized case ofa Mestel disk, with Vc constant, Toomre (1981) found that thegain of the swing amplifier depends on the value of Q and theratio of the wavelength to a critical value X = λ/λcrit whereλcrit = 4πGΣκ−2 is the shortest wavelength stabilized by ro-tation alone. For this idealized situation, the amplificationfactor peaks at X ∼ 1.5, reaching values in excess of 100for cold disks. Swing amplification is negligible for X ≥ 3.

Indeed perturbations with such long wavelengths are stabi-lized by the angular momentum of the stars. Note that inN-body experiments, particle noise creates a spectrum of per-turbations of all sizes and shapes, including both leading andtrailing spirals. As the differential rotation of the disk shearsleading spirals into trailing configurations, swing amplifica-tion boosts the amplitudes of those which have wavelengthsof order of λ ∼ 1.5λcrit thereby creating a multi-armed pat-tern of trailing spirals with a characteristic spacing that ex-plains the results illustrated in Fig. 3 (see Appendix for anexpression giving the amplification parameter for a generaldisk galaxy).

A naive expectation from Julian & Toomre (1966) is thateach inhomogeneity in the disk should generate a wake, form-ing an initial leading feature which is amplified owing to the

Self-Perpetuating Spiral Arms 7

FIG. 5.— Left Panels. The outcome of the N-body experiment where a live disk of stars embedded in a dark Milky Way-sized halo run with 1,000 giantmolecular clouds with a finite lifetime of 2.5x106 yrs (top) and 2.5x107 yrs (bottom). Right Panels. The surface density residuals are shown in polar coordinates.

differential rotation of the disk to become a stronger trailingwave. However, in our simulations the number of arms isnot determined by the number of perturbers.4 Instead, eachperturber produces a segment of an arm and then these seg-ments are joined at kinks. Thus, there is a collective processthat occurs between the individual wakes that connects themtogether to produce a pattern that resembles the features inmulti-armed spiral galaxies.

According to swing amplification theory, the most stronglyamplified features are those which have wavelength ∼ λcrit.If in some region the perturbers are packed together moretightly than this, they will effectively act as an individual per-turber producing a single response with an extent ∼ λcrit. Inregions where the perturbers are separated by distances much

4 It should be noticed that in linear theory, there is fundamentally no differ-ence, whether or not the perturbers are distinct from the supporting medium(Toomre 1990).

larger than λcrit, they are effectively isolated, and we wouldexpect to see individual, disconnected wakes around each per-turber. However, in the intermediate regime, when the densityof the perturbers is such that they can each produce wakesthat interact with one another, the wakes will connect owingto self-gravity, joining together to produce patterns that cancover an entire disk. This has the effect of selecting out par-ticular global structures that extend throughout a disk and theresulting number of arms is governed by the structural prop-erties of a galaxy through λcrit.

4.5. Determination of the Number of ArmsSo far we have presented models of disks of such mass

that when they are perturbed they develop features charac-teristic of multi-armed spiral galaxies. We have verified thatthe number of arms does not depend on the number of per-turbers. However, the response does depend in detail on themass distribution of the galaxy and the extent to which the

8 D’Onghia et al.

4 2 0 2 4x/Rs







s t= 100 Myr

0 1 2 3 4 5R/Rs


















4 2 0 2 4x/Rs








t= 450 Myr

0 1 2 3 4 5R/Rs
















FIG. 6.— Top Panels. A patch of stars is identified in the overdense region of the arm and colored in black at the time when the arms are fully developed (100Myrs). Bottom Panels. The stars initially identified in the patch are followed forward in time and displayed after less than two galactic years.

disk is self-gravitating.In a set of experiments shown in Fig. 8, we altered the

contribution of the disk to the total mass of the galaxy. Wekept the total mass of the galaxy and the mass distributionof the dark halo as previously but we ran simulations wherewe increased the disk fraction, md, from 0.01 to 0.02, 0.03and 0.04. Once again, we first ran these models without per-turbers orbiting within the disk for one galactic year and ver-ified that the disks do not develop prominent patterns. Wesubsequently introduced in the initial conditions 1,000 giantmolecular clouds corotating with the disk stars. By changingthe disk mass these models were designed to vary the criti-cal length scale parameter λcrit = 4π2GΣ/κ2 and lead to adifferent spiral morphology (see Fig.1 in Carlberg & Freed-man (1985); Efstathiou et al. (1982)), from the multi-armedfeatures typical of galaxies like NGC 7217 obtained for low-

mass disks, to those with a few prominent arms as in M101 orthe Milky Way. As anticipated based on the above arguments,the results shown in Fig. 8 demonstrate that the spiral mor-phology in our simulated disks is indeed determined by thestructural properties of the galaxy through λcrit.


5.1. Self-perpetuating spiral armsTheories based on a linear approximation describing the

local dynamic response, e.g. a disk patch, predict that theemerging spiral patterns should be a superposition of swing-ing wavelets, shearing with the general flow, but exhibitingtransient growth as they swing from leading to trailing. If theperturbation responsible for exciting a wakelet is removed,the linear theory predicts that the wakelet will decay, reveal-ing its transient nature (Toomre & Kalnajs 1991). In order to

Self-Perpetuating Spiral Arms 9

4 2 0 2 4x/Rs








t=0 Myrs

4 2 0 2 4x/Rs








t=50 Myrs

4 2 0 2 4x/Rs








t=100 Myrs

4 2 0 2 4x/Rs








t=150 Myrs

4 2 0 2 4x/Rs







s t=200 Myrs

4 2 0 2 4x/Rs









FIG. 7.— Time evolution of a disk perturbed by 1,000 inhomogeneities co-rotating with the stars, but in which the disk self-gravity is not included.

test the validity of the linear theory and to determine if spi-ral structures arise collectively through a local response of thedisk, we stacked the giant molecular clouds at a fixed radius inthe disk, superposing their associated wakes. The outcome issurprising, and we find that the response is highly non-linearin the sense that the wakes that initially formed around theperturbers, e.g. the giant molecular clouds, depart from themafter only about a tenth of a galactic year and then becomenew perturbers that continuously excite the disk.

In fact, this is apparent in the top right panel of Fig. 4where it can be seen that at a fixed radius between say 2and 4 disk scale-length, the wakelets have different shapesand cannot be superposed. Furthermore, the perturbers (theblack filled circles) are associated with their each individualwakelets, as predicted by linear swing amplification theory,only at distances beyond 4 disk scale-lengths where the self-gravity of the disk is lower and the individual perturbers arewell-separated. As described below, we find that between twoand four disk scale-lengths the arms are reinforced owing tonon-linear effects and the wakelets become sufficiently over-dense that they decouple from the original perturbers and thenact as perturbers themselves.

To demonstrate this unexpected outcome and its radicalconsequences, we remove the original perturbers from thedisk by replacing the giant molecular clouds with an equalmass in stars, and continue to evolve the disk, as illustratedin Fig. 9. The patterns do not disappear, contrary to the ex-pectations of linear theory, and are instead long-lived. Be-cause of the self-gravity of the disk, the wakes imprinted bythe original perturbers become mildly self-gravitating and areof sufficiently high density to serve as perturbers themselves,

thereby making the spiral features self-perpetuating. We haveverified that the ensuing spiral patterns survive for at least an-other eight galactic years.

We emphasize that in our simulations, the spirals are self-perpetuating in a manner completely distinct from the classi-cal density wave theory where the patterns are static or slowlyrising in amplitude with time and are rigidly rotating (Lin &Shu 1964; Bertin & Lin 1996). Indeed, in our simulations thepatterns are not global but they appear as local segments con-necting together and fluctuating in amplitude with time. Theevolution of the resulting spiral structure is characterized by abalance between shear and self-gravity. Locally, shear tendsto stretch the waves, breaking the arms, whereas in regionswhere the self-gravity dominates, the pattern is overdense andgenerates the segments making up the arms. This local bal-ance between shear and self-gravity gives the visual impres-sion that the spiral structures are global patterns, but in realitythey are only segments, produced by local under-dense andover-dense regions.

An alternative explanation for our results involves the pos-sibility that such dynamical systems support actual coher-ent unstable modes, and that the features observed after theperturbers are removed are manifestations of these unstablemodes. Thus the rapidly varying spirals seen in our simula-tions would result from the superposition of a few long-livedwaves (for a detailed study, see Sellwood (2012)).

We generated spectrograms to test this interpretation, whichsupported at some level this possibility. However, our exper-iments were not run for a sufficiently long time to be deci-sive on this point. We will explore this alternative explanationwith tests to discriminate between the two interpretations in a

10 D’Onghia et al.

4 2 0 2 4x/Rs







s md=0.04

4 2 0 2 4x/Rs









4 2 0 2 4x/Rs









4 2 0 2 4x/Rs







s md=0.01

FIG. 8.— Sequence of models where we varied the contribution of the disk to the total mass distribution in the rotation curve of the galaxy. We fix the totalmass of the galaxy and the mass distribution of the dark halo, but increase the disk mass fraction md from a value of 0.01 to the following values: 0.02, 0.03 and0.04. Increasing the disk fraction decreases the number of arms. Models are displayed after one galactic year.

forthcoming paper.Our results naturally predict that the pattern speed of spi-

ral arms in late-type spiral galaxies should not be constantbut should vary with distance from the center of the galaxy.This has already been claimed for patterns speeds estimatedfor NGC 5164 and NGC 628 (Foyle et al. 2010; Meidt et al.2009) and M101 (Foyle et al. 2011). However, whereas theseworks conclude that this supports the interpretation that spiralarms are short-lived, our simulations show that the featurescan be long-lived as various local segments break and thenlater reconnect with other pieces of spiral arms, resulting inlong-lived structures.

Note that we have focused on the idealized case of a ratherlow disk mass. These systems are stable over long periods of

time and do not develop bars or arms if unperturbed. If weconsider disks that are more strongly self-gravitating, by, forexample, increasing the ratio of the mass of the disk to thetotal mass of the galaxy, md = 0.04, the simulations favor theformation of four spiral arms as displayed at the top left panelof Fig. 8. In that event, λcrit is larger, so that longer wave-length disturbances are most strongly amplified. By examin-ing the rotation curves of our galaxy models, we also find thatthose with more massive disks have lower shear rates wherethe bulk of their mass is located, so individual wakes can re-main connected over longer distances without breaking apartowing to shear, yielding patterns with fewer global arms. In-deed the number of arms does not depend on the number ofperturbers but on the structural properties of the galaxies in a

Self-Perpetuating Spiral Arms 11

4 2 0 2 4x/Rs









4 2 0 2 4x/Rs









4 2 0 2 4x/Rs









4 2 0 2 4x/Rs









4 2 0 2 4x/Rs







s t=1000Myr

4 2 0 2 4x/Rs









FIG. 9.— Time sequence for the evolution of spiral arms once the giant molecular clouds are removed from the disk. The left upper panel shows the stellardisk the time at which the perturbers, e.g. giant molecular clouds, are removed. We define this initial time as set to t=0. The subsequent time evolution of thespiral arms is shown in the other panels according to the initial time definition. Each panel displays a region 30 kpc on a side at the times indicated.

way that by changing the rotation curve of the galaxy also thenumber of arms varies accordingly.

In a further set of experiments, we ran simulations of disksafter we systematically reduced the time at which the 1,000perturbers, e.g. giant molecular clouds, were removed andestimated the minimum time the perturbers need to corotatewith the disk to trigger the formation of spiral arms that per-sists even after being removed. We find that if we remove the1,000 perturbers after 15 Myrs, this time is sufficient to trig-ger the process that leads later to the formation of long-lived,self-perpetuating patterns, similar to the estimates we madeearlier for the required lifetimes of the original perturbers.

5.2. Non-linear effectsTo demonstrate explicitly the possible importance of non-

linear dynamics in spiral structure formation, the top panelof Fig. 10 shows the case of a galactic disk influenced by asingle perturber with a mass of 107 M kept cycling at 2 diskscale length, corotating with the disk, and then being removedafter one galactic year.5 The image displays the disk whenthe perturber is still corotating with it. Initially, a wakelet isgenerated around the perturber in a manner consistent withthe linear theory. However, non-linear effects are evident inthe gravitational response of the disk to the perturbation andresult in the development of additional underdense and over-dense regions that are clearly visible especially in the polarcoordinate plot (right top panel of Fig. 10). These features,

5 The perturber is forced to cycle on a circular orbit so that it is not affectedby dynamical friction.

which act as perturbers, are responsible for keeping alive thespiral activity and are not expected based on the linear anal-ysis. These findings indicate that our simulations are probingan entirely new regime in which the linear theory is no longerfully applicable.

Once the non-linear features begin to develop, we removethe perturber as shown at the bottom panel of Fig. 10 andfind that the wakelets do not disappear, as predicted by thelinear theory. Indeed, the overdense and underdense regionsact themselves as new perturbers, exciting a further responsein the disk, leading to a self-perpetuating pattern in which ad-ditional unexpected features such as holes and wrapping armsin the outer regions are produced within four galactic years,as shown in Fig. 10. The expectations of linear theory arethat the disk should relax after the perturbation is removedand that the spirals should gradually disappear, but we findinstead that the patterns survive for many rotation periods.

We note here that the response in the disks we simulate orig-inates at the co-rotation resonance between the perturbers andthe surrounding stars. Thus, while we do not argue againstthe possibility that dynamical effects such as “groove insta-bilities” (Sellwood & Lin 1989) can play an important rolein producing spiral structure in actual galaxies, in our simu-lations, at least, the dominant dynamical effects seem to beassociated with the response at the co-rotation resonance inthe disk.

Next, we performed the same experiment with a perturbermass reduced by a factor of ten, e.g. typical of a giant molec-ular cloud or a globular star cluster of mass 106 M kept cy-cling at two scale lengths of the disk and checked how long

12 D’Onghia et al.

4 2 0 2 4x/Rs







s t= 250 Myr

0 1 2 3 4 5R/Rs


















4 2 0 2 4x/Rs








t= 900 Myr

0 1 2 3 4 5R/Rs
















FIG. 10.— Top Panels: A stellar disk responding to a single perturber with mass of 107 M, which is removed after one galactic year. Bottom Panels: Surfacedensity is shown 4 galactic years after the perturber is removed confirming that the patterns survive for several rotation periods. The disk is displayed face-on inCartesian coordinates (left panels) and surface density residuals are shown in polar coordinates (right panels).

it takes for non-linear effects to develop. The outcome is il-lustrated in Fig. 11 which shows that the linear approxima-tion breaks down after roughly 3 galactic years and holes andwinding arms appear following an additional 2 galactic yearsonce the perturber is removed. This suggests that while reduc-ing the mass of the perturber lengthens the time for non-lineareffects to become important, they nevertheless still develop.Note that the amplitude of the arms (which are the overdenseregions) and the depth of the holes (the underdense regions)are also reduced because they are sensitively dependent on themass of the perturber.


It seems clear from our results that a modest overdensitycorotating with a galactic disk for a small fraction of a galacticyear can trigger the formation of spiral structure that will take

over and become self-perpetuating for at least several billionyears. Intriguingly, observations of nearby disk galaxies sug-gest that when counter-rotating stellar or gas disks are presentin galaxies there is no evidence of spiral structure (Bertolaet al. 1999; Coccato et al. 2011), which is as expected, basedon our simulations.

Furthermore, it has been argued that spiral structures aretransient features that need to be re-generated by continuouslyadding new perturbers in the form of giant molecular cloudsor clumpy gas that maintains ragged arms (Sellwood & Carl-berg 1984). Unlike simulation results of decades ago, whichwere compromised by limited numerical resolution, our ex-periments show that disks do not necessarily thicken becauseof the presence of spiral arms and giant molecular clouds,and that the spiral structure can persist for timescales simi-lar to the ages of actual galactic disks. Moreover, although

Self-Perpetuating Spiral Arms 13

4 2 0 2 4x/Rs







s t= 750 Myr

0 1 2 3 4 5R/Rs


















4 2 0 2 4x/Rs








t= 1220 Myr

0 1 2 3 4 5R/Rs
















FIG. 11.— Top Panels: A stellar disk responding to a single perturber with mass of 106 M, which is forced to remain on a circular orbit (represented bythe black circle). The image displays the disk after three orbital periods computed at a distance of two scale lengths of the disk where the first non-linear effectsare visible. Bottom Panels: The patterns survive for several rotation periods and surface density is shown after 2 additional galactic years once the perturber isremoved. The disk is displayed face-on in Cartesian coordinates (left panels) and surface density residuals are shown in polar coordinates (right panels).

new gas accreted can excite young arms, there should be oldstellar arms present in galaxies and fresh gas is not requiredto maintain spiral patterns over long timescales. This meansthat, in principle, early-type galaxies which are now gas-poormay still exhibit weak spiral features. IC 3328, an early-typedwarf galaxy with spiral structure (Lisker & Fuchs 2009) orNGC1533 (DeGraaff et al. 2007) may be such cases.

Ultimately, other predictions of our models include defi-nite quantitative statements regarding the pattern speeds andtime-variability of actual spiral features in galaxies (Nelson,D’Onghia & Hernquist 2012, in prep.), and the kinematic andspatial response of the stars to these fluctuating features. Spi-ral waves in galaxy disks churn the stars and gas in a mannerthat largely preserves the overall angular momentum distribu-tion and leads to little increase in random motion. However,

recent works (Sellwood & Binney 2002) claim that changes inthe angular momenta of individual stars are typically concen-trated around the co-rotation radius for an individual spiralwave, but given the supposed transient nature of the waveswith a wide range of pattern speeds developing in rapid suc-cession, the entire disk should be affected. Our models indi-cate that spiral structures are not transient features, but even-tually locally break and subsequently reconnect as a balancebetween the shear that stirs the arm and the self-gravity thattends to reconnect the pattern. This calls for a better under-standing for how stars like the Sun can migrate if the natureand the evolution of the waves is different (Roskar et al. 2008;Minchev et al. 2011)

We anticipate that there should be a correlation between theamplitude of the arms and the Q parameter that defines how

14 D’Onghia et al.

dynamically hot the disk is, in the sense that “colder” disksshould, on average, display more prominent spirals. Thisfollows from the fact that swing amplification, which is stillcentral to our interpretation, is most vigorous in dynamicallycool disks (Toomre 1981). Ongoing and planned observations(Elmegreen et al. 2011) will enable tests of our modeling inthe near future, which should shed further light on the still-mysterious nature of spiral structure.


In this paper, we have examined the possibility that spi-ral structure in disk galaxies originates through the dynamicalresponse of self-gravitating, shearing disks to local densityperturbations. While our analysis has much in common withearlier studies of spiral structure formation, it differs in thefollowing respects.

• Our N-body simulations show that spiral patterns canbe described by density waves but the response of thedisk to local perturbations can be highly non-linear andtime-variable. Our work indicates limitations of twotraditional theories that tried to explain arm formation:the theory of arms as static density waves (Lin & Shu1964) and linear forced-wake theory (Julian & Toomre1966) which were based on simplifying assumptions.In particular, our results are inconsistent with the ideathat spirals are static density waves because the arms inour simulations fluctuate in time. Moreover, our resultsare different from what is expected based on forced-wake theory because we show that the arms can belong-lived and are not necessarily transients even whenthe original perturbations responsible for driving thepatterns are removed.

• The spiral patterns in our simulations are not global aspredicted by the classical static density wave theory butlocally they appear to fluctuate in amplitude with time.It is the local balance between the shear that stirs waves,

breaking the arms, and the self-gravity that makes upthe arms that gives the visual impression that the pat-terns are global whereas they are actually segments pro-duced by local under-dense and over-dense regions, atleast for relatively low mass disks. These under-denseand over-dense regions act as perturbers, keep alivethe spiral activity and probe an entirely new regime inwhich the linear theory is no longer fully applicable.

• The dynamical response in the disk originates at the co-rotation resonance between the perturbers and the sur-rounding stars. This implies that our features that wrapup and get replaced statistically have angular speedsthat are not constant with location, but decrease withradius. The feature speed slightly differs from the sur-rounding stars, explaining why the arms do not wind upwhile being at the same time long-lived.

• A modest overdensity corotating for at least 25 millionyears will excite a response in the disk that will lead toa self-perpetuating pattern owing to non-linear effects.

We believe that there is already some observational supportfor our picture. In particular, our model predicts that thereshould exist red disk galaxies with no gas but that may stillhave arms. Galaxies such as this have been discovered (Mas-ters et al. 2010) and current theories for spiral arm formationdo not explain their morphologies. In our model, the patternspeeds of the spiral features should vary with location withina disk, as has been claimed for some nearby spirals (Foyleet al. 2010, 2011; Meidt et al. 2009). We also predict that thenumber of arms in galaxies should depend on the structuralproperties of the galaxy and that there will be a correlationbetween the amplitude of the arms and how dynamically coldthe disk is, in the sense that colder disks should display moreprominent arms. These predictions are readily testable andrelevant observational studies should provide strong tests ofour model in the forthcoming years.



To verify the importance of self-gravity in the formation of arms, we performed an N-body simulation of a disk of stars treatedas test particles. In order to treat the stars as test particles, we compute the forces acting on them by introducing a static potentialfor a thin exponential disk of the form:

ax = − cos θ∂Φ


ay = − sin θ∂Φ


az = − GM∗R2


exp (−R/Rh) tanh




where θ is the angle phase and∂Φ

∂r= − GM∗z0


exp (−R/Rh)( 1


)ln cosh

( z


)− GM∗

2Rh[I0(y)K1(y)− I1(y)K0(y)]

− GM∗y


[I ′0(y)K1(y) + I0(y)K ′1(y)+

− I ′1(y)K0(y)− I1(y)K ′0(y)] (A2)The interactions between the perturbers and stars are computed directly, meaning that the stellar orbits are influenced by thesegravitational interactions, as in the simulations with disk self-gravity presented above.

Self-Perpetuating Spiral Arms 15


To interpret the results shown in §4.4 we consider the Toomre X-parameter for a galaxy like that in our simulations, using

X =κ2



m. (B1)

In general, the epicyclic frequency depends on the total angular frequency which is the sum of the angular frequencies of all thecomponents of a galaxy, in particular the bulge, disk and dark halo, according to

Ω2 = Ω2D + Ω2

B + Ω2H . (B2)

For an exponential disk:

Ω2D =



[I0(y)K0(y)− I1(y)K1(y)


where y = R/2Rh, Rh is the disk scale length and MD the disk total mass. For bulge and halos described by Hernquist models,the angular frequency of the bulge is

Ω2B =


(R+ ab)2, (B4)

where ab and MB are the bulge scale length and mass, respectively and for the halo

Ω2H =


(R+ ah)2(B5)

where ah and MH are the halo scale length and the mass, respectively. The amplification parameter for a general disk galaxybecomes:

X =e2y




2y + 3ab/Rh

(2y + ab/Rh)3



2y + 3ah/Rh

(2y + ah/Rh)3



(3I1K0 − 3I0K1 + I1K2 − I2K1

)+ 4y(I0K0 − I1K1)


where m characterizes the Fourier coefficient Am and indicates the number of arms. Note that substituting the values for thestructural parameters of the galaxy model adopted here into eq. (B6) gives an estimate of the number of arms as ∼ 7, in accordwith our simulations.

We are grateful to the referee Jerry Sellwood for constructive suggestions and to Alar Toomre for much generous and wise advice.We thank Mark Reid and Debora Sijacki for a careful reading of the manuscript. Numerical simulations were performed on theOdyssey supercomputer at Harvard University.


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