Self Esteem Lesson Plan

Post on 14-Mar-2016

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A first hand look at the Life Skills program for Self Esteem; a Social and Emotional learning program for teachers to deliver in the classroom.

Transcript of Self Esteem Lesson Plan

self esteemlessons 1-6

Module 3 - Self eSteeM 33




self esteem

34 Module 3 - Self eSteeM


Goal: To increase self-esteemobjectives: To - •Understandthemeaningofself-esteem •Understandhowotherscanaffectself-esteem •Learnhowpositiveself-talkimpactsself-esteem

Module 3 - Self eSteeM 35




Teachers Treasure Chest

lesson 1 self esteem

© 2009 life Skills Programs.

36 teacherScript



Include Puppet


10 mIn

WhatIsSelf-Esteem?CalmInG exerCIseThe one minute calming exercise is to introduce the children to the practice of enjoying being silent and peaceful. This can be used at the beginning of every day or before any class activity to create peace, harmony and concentration in the classroom.


IntroDUCtIon What is Self-Esteem

Deliver the lesson below to the class by using the script provided and encouraging the children to ask questions and create discussion.


Aswe get older, we can help ourselves have high self-esteem. Achievements likegettingagoodgradeonatestorscoringagoalinsoccerarethingsthatmakeusfeelproudofourselvesandboostourself-esteem.




DIsCUss/shareAsk the children to pair up with a ‘Mind Magic Buddy’ that they sit next to. Ask them to discuss and share with each other the answers to the questions below. Listen to a few answers whilst everyone is in discussion and then select one or two to explore further with the whole class.


1 mIn

10 mIn

Module 3 - Self eSteeM 37

© 2009 life Skills Programs.

CenterInG A centering allows the children to use their imaginations and become quiet, calm and peaceful in preparation for a story or any other activity that requires them to be centered. Use the CD provided or alternatively read the centering to the children using the text from the Resources Section.

aCtIvItyHoles in My Bucket Ask the children to write in what they say to themselves to make holes in their bucket (red thoughts). Then on the opposite side of the bucket ask them to turn it around to a positive thought (green thoughts).Use the Activity Workbook.

enDInG lesson Bring the children to the floor to signal the end of the lesson. Ask the question below to ensure the objectives have been met and that the children have understood and ‘experienced’ the lesson.


Choose a child who has participated and give them the honour of saying goodbye to PIP and put him away in his special place.

home PlayHome play has been developed with the intention of children sharing what they learnt with their families. Ask the children to teach a member of their family what they have learnt in the Confidence lesson.

5 mIn

15 mIn

5 mIn


on 1


f est


What is Self Esteem – Lesson 1Self esteem is like a bucket of water. It starts out full when you are born and then whenever you have negative ‘red’ thoughts about yourself, it’s like poking small holes in the bucket and your selfesteem drips out through the holes.

Activity 1 – HOLES IN MY BUCKET Think about what is making your bucket leak.

What red thoughts are making your bucket leak? What green thoughts will plug your bucket up?

Draw or write what you could do to PLUG THEM UP.

© 2009 Life Skills Programs.


Top tip:� Remember that you possess many skills and talents. You will discover many opportunities

for you to reach your goals and dreams.

Activity 1 Self Esteem

Red Negative Thoughts Green Positive Thoughts





Activity corresponds to Lesson 1, pg 36 SELF-ESTEEM of the Confidence Lessons Manual