Self-Adapting Linear Algebra Algorithms and Software - Netlib

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Self-Adapting Linear AlgebraAlgorithms and Software



Invited Paper

One of the main obstacles to the efficient solution of scientificproblems is the problem of tuning software, both to the available ar-chitecture and to the user problem at hand. We describe approachesfor obtaining tuned high-performance kernels and for automaticallychoosing suitable algorithms. Specifically, we describe the genera-tion of dense and sparse Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS)kernels, and the selection of linear solver algorithms. However, theideas presented here extend beyond these areas, which can be con-sidered proof of concept.

Keywords—Adaptive methods, Basic Linear Algebra Subpro-grams (BLAS), dense kernels, iterative methods, linear systems,matrix–matrix product, matrix–vector product, performance opti-mization, preconditioners, sparse kernels.


Speed and portability are conflicting objectives in thedesign of numerical software libraries. While the basicnotion of confining most of the hardware dependenciesin a small number of heavily used computational kernels

Manuscript received February 9, 2004; revised October 15, 2004.J. Demmel is with the Computer Science Division, Electrical Engineering

and Computer Science Department, University of California, Berkeley CA94720 USA (e-mail:

J. Dongarra is with the Computer Science Department, University of Ten-nessee, Knoxville, TN 37996 USA and also with the Computer Scienceand Mathematics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN37831 and the Computer Science Department, Rice University, Houston, TXUSA.

V. Eijkhout and E. Fuentes are with the Innovative Computing Lab-oratory, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996 USA (;

A. P. Petitet is with Sun Microsystems, Paris 75016, France (

R. Vuduc is with the Center for Applied Scientific Computing, LawrenceLivermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA 94551.

R. C. Whaley is with the Department of Computer Science, Florida StateUniversity, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4530 USA (e-mail:

K. Yelick is with the Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceDepartment, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA (

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JPROC.2004.840848

stands, optimized implementation of these these kernels israpidly growing infeasible. As processors, and in generalmachine architectures, grow ever more complicated a libraryconsisting of reference implementations will lag far behindachievable performance; however, optimization for anygiven architecture is a considerable investment in time andeffort, to be repeated for any next processor to be ported to.

For any given architecture, customizing a numericalkernel’s source code to optimize performance requires acomprehensive understanding of the exploitable hardwareresources of that architecture. This primarily includes thememory hierarchy and how it can be utilized to maximizedata reuse, as well as the functional units and registers andhow these hardware components can be programmed togenerate the correct operands at the correct time. Clearly, thesize of the various cache levels, the latency of floating-pointinstructions, the number of floating-point units (FPUs), andother hardware constants are essential parameters that mustbe taken into consideration as well. Since this time-con-suming customization process must be repeated whenevera slightly different target architecture is available, or evenwhen a new version of the compiler is released, the relentlesspace of hardware innovation makes the tuning of numericallibraries a constant burden.

In this paper we will present two software systems—Au-tomatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software (ATLAS) fordense and the BeBOP Optimized Sparse Kernel Interface(OSKI) for sparse linear algebra kernels, respectively—thatuse heuristic search strategies for exploring the architectureparameter space. The resulting optimized kernels achieve aconsiderable speedup over the reference algorithms on allarchitectures tested.

In addition to the problem of optimizing kernels acrossarchitectures, there is the fact that often there are several for-mulations of the same operation that can be chosen. The vari-ations can be the choice of data structure, as in OSKI, or the

0018-9219/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE


even a choice of basic algorithm, as in SALSA, the subjectof the third section of this paper. These variations are limitedby their semantic specification, that is, they need to solve theproblem given, but depending on the operation considerablefreedom can exist. The choice of algorithm taken can then de-pend on the efficiency of the available kernels on the archi-tecture under consideration, but—especially in the SALSAsoftware—can also be made strongly influenced by the na-ture of the input data.

In Section II we will go further into concerns of thedesign of automatically tuned high-performance libraries.Sections III and IV then discuss an innovative approach [1],[2] to automating the process of producing optimized ker-nels for reduced instruction set computer (RISC) processorarchitectures that feature deep memory hierarchies andpipelined functional units. These research efforts have so fardemonstrated very encouraging results, and have generatedgreat interest among the scientific computing community.In Section V, finally, we discuss a recently developed tech-nique for choosing and tuning numerical algorithms, wherea statistical modeling approach is used to base algorithmdecisions on the nature of the user data.

We leave a further aspect of self-adapting numericalsoftware undiscussed in this paper. Many scientists andresearchers increasingly tend nowadays to use simultane-ously a variety of distributed computing resources suchas massively parallel processors, networks and clusters ofworkstations and “piles” of PCs. In order to use efficientlysuch a diverse and lively computational environment, manychallenging research aspects of network-based computingsuch as fault-tolerance, load balancing, user-interface design,computational servers, or virtual libraries must be addressed.User-friendly network-enabled application-specific toolkitshave been specifically designed and conceived to tackle theproblems posed by such a complex and innovative approachto scientific problem solving [3]. However, we consider thisout of the scope of the present paper.


A. Well-Designed Numerical Software Libraries

In this section we identify three important considerationsfor well-designed numerical software libraries, portability,performance, and scalability. While portability of func-tionality and performance are of paramount interest to theprojects discussed in later sections of this paper, scalabilityfalls slightly outside the scope of what has currently been re-searched. However, for the purposes of a general discussionof tuned software libraries we cannot omit this topic.

1) Portability: Portability of programs has always beenan important consideration. Portability was easy to achievewhen there was a single architectural paradigm (the serialvon Neumann machine) and a single programming lan-guage for scientific programming (Fortran) embodying thatcommon model of computation. Architectural and linguisticdiversity have made portability much more difficult, but noless important, to attain. Users simply do not wish to invest

significant amounts of time to create large-scale applica-tion codes for each new machine. Our answer is to developportable software libraries that hide machine-specific details.

In order to be truly portable, parallel software librariesmust be standardized. In a parallel computing environmentin which the higher level routines and/or abstractions arebuilt upon lower level computation and message-passingroutines, the benefits of standardization are particularlyapparent. Furthermore, the definition of computationaland message-passing standards provides vendors with aclearly defined base set of routines that they can implementefficiently.

From the user’s point of view, portability means that asnew machines are developed, they are simply added to thenetwork, supplying cycles where they are most appropriate.

From the mathematical software developer’s point of view,portability may require significant effort. Economy in de-velopment and maintenance of mathematical software de-mands that such development effort be leveraged over asmany different computer systems as possible. Given the greatdiversity of parallel architectures, this type of portability isattainable to only a limited degree, but machine dependencescan at least be isolated.

Ease-of-use is concerned with factors such as portabilityand the user interface to the library. Portability, in its mostinclusive sense, means that the code is written in a stan-dard language, such as Fortran, and that the source code canbe compiled on an arbitrary machine to produce a programthat will run correctly. We call this the “mail-order software”model of portability, since it reflects the model used by soft-ware servers such as netlib [4]. This notion of portability isquite demanding. It requires that all relevant properties ofthe computer’s arithmetic and architecture be discovered atruntime within the confines of a Fortran code. For example,if it is important to know the overflow threshold for scalingpurposes, it must be determined at runtime without over-flowing, since overflow is generally fatal. Such demands haveresulted in quite large and sophisticated programs [5], [6]which must be modified frequently to deal with new archi-tectures and software releases. This “mail-order” notion ofsoftware portability also means that codes generally must bewritten for the worst possible machine expected to be used,thereby often degrading performance on all others. Ease ofuse is also enhanced if implementation details are largelyhidden from the user, for example, through the use of an ob-ject-based interface to the library [7]. In addition, softwarefor distributed-memory computers should work correctly fora large class of data decompositions.

2) Performance: In a naive sense, “performance” is a cut-and-dried issue: we aim to minimize time to solution of acertain algorithm. However, the very term “algorithm” hereis open to interpretation. In all three of the application areasdiscussed in this paper, the algorithm is determined to a se-mantic level, but on a lower level decisions are open to theimplementer.

• In a dense LU solve, is it allowed to replace the solutionof a diagonal block with a multiply by its inverse?


• In a sparse ILU, does a tiled ILU(0) have to reproducethe scalar algorithm?

• In linear system solving, is the choice between a directand an iterative method free or are there restrictions?

Thus, optimizing performance means both choosingan algorithm variant and then optimizing the resultingimplementation.

When we fix the algorithm variant (which can be a staticdesign decision, as in the case of kernel tuning, or the verytopic of research in the work in Section V), issues of per-formance become simpler, being mostly limited to compiler-like code transformations. We now have to worry, however,about portability of performance: algorithms cannot merelybe optimized for a single processor, but need to perform opti-mally on any available architecture. This concern is of coursethe very matter that we are addressing with our research inautomatic tuning.

Our kernel tuning software, both in the sparse and densecase, is written with knowledge of various processor issuesin mind. Thus, it aims to optimize performance by taking intoaccount numbers of registers, cache sizes on different levels,independent memory loads, etc. It is important to note thatoptimizing for these factors independently is not feasible,since there are complicated, nonlinear, interactions betweenthem. Thus, to an extent, the tuning software has to engagein exhaustive search of the search space. Search strategiesand heuristics can prune this search, but a more constructivepredictive strategy cannot be made robust without a prioriknowledge of the target architectures.

3) Scalability: Like portability, scalability demands thata program be reasonably effective over a wide range ofnumber of processors. The scalability of parallel algorithms,and software libraries based on them, over a wide range ofarchitectural designs and numbers of processors will likelyrequire that the fundamental granularity of computation beadjustable to suit the particular circumstances in which thesoftware may happen to execute. The ScaLAPACK approachto this problem is block algorithms with adjustable blocksize.

Scalable parallel architectures of the present and thefuture are likely to be based on a distributed-memory archi-tectural paradigm. In the longer term, progress in hardwaredevelopment, operating systems, languages, compilers, andnetworks may make it possible for users to view such dis-tributed architectures (without significant loss of efficiency)as having a shared memory with a global address space.Today, however, the distributed nature of the underlyinghardware continues to be visible at the programming level;therefore, efficient procedures for explicit communicationwill continue to be necessary. Given this fact, standards forbasic message passing (send/receive), as well as higher levelcommunication constructs (global summation, broadcast,etc.), have become essential to the development of scalablelibraries that have any degree of portability. In addition tostandardizing general communication primitives, it may alsobe advantageous to establish standards for problem-specificconstructs in commonly occurring areas such as linearalgebra.

Traditionally, large general-purpose mathematical soft-ware libraries have required users to write their ownprograms that call library routines to solve specific sub-problems that arise during a computation. Adapted to ashared-memory parallel environment, this conventionalinterface still offers some potential for hiding underlyingcomplexity. For example, the LAPACK project incorporatesparallelism in the Level 3 Basic Linear Algebra Subpro-grams (BLAS), where it is not directly visible to the user.

When going from shared-memory systems to the morereadily scalable distributed-memory systems, the com-plexity of the distributed data structures required is moredifficult to hide from the user. One of the major design goalof High Performance Fortran (HPF) [8] was to achieve(almost) a transparent program portability to the user, fromshared-memory multiprocessors up to distributed-memoryparallel computers and networks of workstations. But writingefficient numerical kernels with HPF is not an easy task.First of all, there is the need to recast linear algebra kernels interms of block operations (otherwise, as already mentioned,the performance will be limited by that of Level 1 BLASroutines). Second, the user is required to explicitly state howthe data is partitioned amongst the processors. Third, notonly must the problem decomposition and data layout bespecified, but different phases of the user’s problem mayrequire transformations between different distributed datastructures. Hence, the HPF programmer may well chooseto call ScaLAPACK routines just as he called LAPACKroutines on sequential processors with a memory hierarchy.To facilitate this task, an interface has been developed [9].The design of this interface has been made possible becauseScaLAPACK is using the same block-cyclic distributionprimitives as those specified in the HPF standards. Of course,HPF can still prove a useful tool at a higher level, that ofparallelizing a whole scientific operation, because the userwill be relieved from the low level details of generating thecode for communications.

B. Motivation for Automatic Tuning

Straightforward implementation in Fortan or C of compu-tations based on simple loops rarely achieve the peak execu-tion rates of today’s microprocessors. To realize such highperformance for even the simplest of operations often re-quires tedious, hand-coded, programming efforts. It would beideal if compilers where capable of performing the optimiza-tion needed automatically. However, compiler technology isfar from mature enough to perform these optimizations auto-matically. This is true even for numerical kernels such as theBLAS on widely marketed machines which can justify thegreat expense of compiler development. Adequate compilersfor less widely marketed machines are almost certain not tobe developed.

Producing hand-optimized implementations of even a re-duced set of well-designed software components for a widerange of architectures is an expensive proposition. For anygiven architecture, customizing a numerical kernel’s sourcecode to optimize performance requires a comprehensive un-derstanding of the exploitable hardware resources of that ar-


chitecture. This primarily includes the memory hierarchy andhow it can be utilized to provide data in an optimum fashion,as well as the functional units and registers and how thesehardware components can be programmed to generate thecorrect operands at the correct time. Using the compiler op-timization at its best, optimizing the operations to accountfor many parameters such as blocking factors, loop unrollingdepths, software pipelining strategies, loop ordering, registerallocations, and instruction scheduling are crucial machine-specific factors affecting performance. Clearly, the size ofthe various cache levels, the latency of floating-point instruc-tions, the number of FPUs and other hardware constants areessential parameters that must be taken into consideration aswell. Since this time-consuming customization process mustbe repeated whenever a slightly different target architectureis available, or even when a new version of the compiler isreleased, the relentless pace of hardware innovation makesthe tuning of numerical libraries a constant burden.

The difficult search for fast and accurate numericalmethods for solving numerical linear algebra problems iscompounded by the complexities of porting and tuningnumerical libraries to run on the best hardware available todifferent parts of the scientific and engineering community.Given the fact that the performance of common computingplatforms has increased exponentially in the past few years,scientists and engineers have acquired legitimate expecta-tions about being able to immediately exploit these availableresources at their highest capabilities. Fast, accurate, androbust numerical methods have to be encoded in softwarelibraries that are highly portable and optimizable across awide range of systems in order to be exploited to their fullestpotential.



This section describes an approach for the automatic gen-eration and optimization of numerical software for proces-sors with deep memory hierarchies and pipelined functionalunits. The production of such software for machines rangingfrom desktop workstations to embedded processors can be atedious and time-consuming customization process. The re-search efforts presented below aim at automating much ofthis process. Very encouraging results generating great in-terest among the scientific computing community have al-ready been demonstrated. In this section, we focus on theongoing ATLAS [2], [10]–[13] project, the initial develop-ment of which took place at the University of Tennessee (seethe ATLAS home page [14] for further details). The ATLASinitiative adequately illustrates current and modern researchprojects on automatic generation and optimization of numer-ical software, and many of the general ideas are the same forsimilar efforts such as PHiPAC [1] and FFTW [15], [16].

This discussion is arranged as follows: Section III-Adescribes the fundamental principles that underlie ATLAS.Section III-B provides a general overview of ATLAS as itis today, with succeeding sections describing ATLAS’ mostimportant kernel, matrix multiply, in a little more detail.

A. AEOS—Fundamentals of Applying EmpiricalTechniques to Optimization

We have been using terms such as “self-tuning libraries,”“adaptive software,” and “empirical tuning” in the precedingsections. All of these are attempts at describing a new para-digm in high-performance programming. These techniqueshave been developed to address the problem of keepingperformance-critical kernels at high efficiency on hardwareevolving at the incredible rates dictated by Moore’s law.

If a kernel’s performance is to be made at all robust, itmust be both portable and, of even greater importance thesedays, persistent. We use these terms to separate two linkedbut slightly different forms of robustness. The platform onwhich a kernel must run can change in two different ways:the instruction set architecture (ISA) machine, can remainconstant even as the hardware implementing that ISA varies,or the ISA can change. When a kernel maintains its efficiencyon a given ISA as the underlying hardware changes, we sayit is persistent, while a portably optimal code achieves highefficiency even as the ISA and machine are changed.

Traditionally, library writers have been most concernedwith portable efficiency, since architects tended to keep asmuch uniformity as possible in new hardware generationsthat extend existing ISA lines (example of ISA lines wouldbe IA32, SPARC, MIPS, ALPHA, etc.). More recently, how-ever, there has been some consolidation of ISA lines, butthe machines representing a particular ISA have become ex-tremely diverse. As an ISA is retained for an increasinglywide array of machines, the gap between the instruction setavailable to the assembly programmer or compiler writer andthe underlying architecture becomes more and more severe.This adds to the complexity of high-performance optimiza-tion by introducing several opaque layers of hardware controlinto the instruction stream, making a priori prediction of thebest instruction sequence all but impossible.

Therefore, in the face of a problem that defies even expertappraisal, empirical methods can be utilized to probe the ma-chine in order to find superior implementations, thus usingtimings and code transformations in the exact same way thatscientists probe the natural world using the scientific method.There are many different ways to approach this problem, butthey all have some commonalities.

1) The search must be automated in some way, so that anexpert hand tuner is not required.

2) The decision of whether a transformation is usefulor not must be empirical, in that an actual timingmeasurement on the specific architecture in questionis performed, as opposed to the traditional applicationof transformations using static heuristics or profilecounts.

3) These methods must have some way to vary the soft-ware being tuned.

With these broad outlines in mind, we lump all such em-pirical tunings under the acronym AEOS, or Automated Em-pirical Optimization of Software.


1) Elements of the AEOS Method: The basic require-ments for tuning performance-critical kernels using AEOSmethodologies are as follows.

1) Isolation of performance-critical routines. Just as inthe case of traditional libraries, someone must find theperformance-critical sections of code, separate theminto subroutines, and choose an appropriate applicationprogram interface (API).

2) A method of adapting software to differing environ-ments: Since AEOS depends on iteratively tryingdiffering ways of providing the performance-criticaloperation, the author must be able to provide rou-tines that instantiate a wide range of optimizations.ATLAS currently uses three general types of softwareadaptation.

a) Parameterized adaptation: This method uses ei-ther runtime or compile-time input parametersto vary code behavior (eg., varying block size(s)for cache exploitation).

b) Multiple implementation: The same kernel op-eration is implemented in many different ways,and simple timers and testers are used to choosethe best.

c) Source generation: A source generator (i.e., aprogram that writes programs) takes as parame-ters various source code adaptations to be made(e.g., pipeline length, number and type of func-tional units, register blocking to be applied, etc.)and outputs the resulting kernel.

3) Robust, context-sensitive timers: Since timings areused to select the best code, it becomes very importantthat these timings be uncommonly accurate, evenwhen ran on heavily loaded machines. Furthermore,the timers need to replicate as closely as possible theway in which the given operation will be used, inparticular flushing or preloading level(s) of cache asdictated by the operation being optimized.

4) Appropriate search heuristic: The final requirement isa search heuristic which automates the search for themost efficient available implementation. For a simplemethod of code adaptation, such as supplying a fixednumber of hand-tuned implementations, a simplelinear search will suffice. However, for sophisticatedcode generators with literally hundreds of thousandsof ways of performing an operation, a similarly so-phisticated search heuristic must be employed in orderto prune the search tree as rapidly as possible, so thatthe highly optimal cases are both found and foundquickly. If the search takes longer than a handful ofminutes, it needs to be robust enough to not requirea complete restart if hardware or software failureinterrupts the original search.

B. ATLAS Overview

Dense linear algebra is rich in operations which are highlyoptimizable, in the sense that a well-tuned code may run

orders of magnitude faster than a naively coded routine(the previous ATLAS papers present timing comparisonsof ATLAS-tuned BLAS versus both reference and vendorBLAS, and more recent timings can be found at [17]). How-ever, these optimizations are platform specific, such that atransformation performed for a given computer architecturemay actually cause a slow-down on another architecture. Asthe first step in addressing this problem, a standard API ofperformance-critical linear algebra kernels was created. ThisAPI is called the BLAS [18]–[22] and provides such linearalgebra kernels as matrix multiply, triangular solve, etc.Although ATLAS provides a few LAPACK [23] routines,most of the empirical tuning in ATLAS is concentrated in theBLAS, and so we will concentrate on BLAS optimizationexclusively here.

BLAS is divided into three levels, depending on the typeof array arguments they operate on. The Level 1 BLASperform vector-vector operations (one-dimensional (1-D)arrays), the Level 2 BLAS perform matrix-vector operations(one operand is a two-dimensional (2-D) array, while one ormore operands are vectors), and the Level 3 BLAS performmatrix–matrix operations (all operands are 2-D arrays).The primary reason this division of routines is of interestis that the level gives some indication of how optimizablethe various routines are. As the BLAS level is increased, theamount of memory reuse goes up as well, so that each levelcan achieve a significantly greater percentage of peak thana similar routine from the level beneath it, with the greatestincrease in performance being between Level 2 and Level 3.The gap between a highly tuned implementation and a naiveone goes up drastically between each level as well, and so itis in the Level 3 BLAS that tuning is most needed. Further,the higher level BLAS tend to dominate the performanceof most applications, and so we will concentrate on themore interesting case of tuning the Level 3 BLAS in thesucceeding sections of this paper. ATLAS does, however,support the empirical tuning of the entire BLAS, and so inthis overview we will describe at a very high level how thisis done. A little more detail can be found in [24].

The Level 1 and 2 BLAS are adapted to the architectureusing only parameterization and multiple implementation,while the critical Level 3 routines are tuned using source gen-eration as well. Therefore, the tuning of the Level 1 and 2BLAS is relatively straightforward: some caching-related pa-rameters are discovered empirically, and then each availablekernel implementation (called according to these caching pa-rameters) is tried in turn, and the best performing is chosen.With code generation, this becomes much more complex, asdiscussed in succeeding sections.

One naive approach to performance tuning might be totune each operation of interest separately. This must be em-ployed only when absolutely necessary in an AEOS-enabledlibrary, since the overheads of AEOS tuning are so great(production of the search, timers and generators is very com-plicated, and search times are large). Unfortunately, each in-dividual Level 1 routine must essentially be tuned separately,though we use the real versions of some routines to supportthe analogous complex operation. ATLAS leverages three


Fig. 1. ATLAS’ matmul kernel search.

performance kernels (for each type/precision) in order to op-timize the entire Level 2 BLAS (these kernels are simplifiedversions of rank-1 update, matrix vector product, and trans-pose matrix vector product). The Level 3 BLAS require onematrix multiply kernel (with three minor variations) to op-timize all routines. Indeed, operations with differing storageformats can efficiently utilize this simple kernel, as describedin [10].

Given this overview of ATLAS’ BLAS tuning, we willnow concentrate on the Level 3 BLAS. In Section III-C weoutline how a vastly simplified kernel may be leveraged tosupport the entire Level 3 BLAS. Section III-D will describethe tuning process for this kernel, Section III-E will describethe source generator which provides the bulk of ATLAS’portable optimization. Finally, Section III-F will discusssome of the problems in this approach, and the way we haveaddressed them using multiple implementation.

C. Tuning the Level 3 BLAS Using a Simple Kernel

The Level 3 BLAS specify six (respectively, nine) routinesfor the real (respectively complex) data types. In additionto the general rectangular matrix–matrix multiplication(GEMM), the Level 3 BLAS API [22] specifies routinesperforming triangular matrix–matrix multiply (TRMM),triangular system solve (TRSM), symmetric or Hermitianmatrix–matrix multiply (SYMM, HEMM), and symmetricor Hermitian rank-k and rank-2k updates (SYRK, SYR2K,HERK and HER2K).

From a mathematical point of view, it is clear that all ofthese operations can be expressed in terms of general ma-trix–matrix multiplies (GEMM) and floating-point division.Such a design is highly attractive due to the obvious poten-tial for code reuse. It turns out that such formulations of theseremaining Level 3 BLAS operations can be made highly ef-ficient, assuming the implementation of the GEMM routineis. Such Level 3 BLAS designs are traditionally referred to

as GEMM-based [25]–[29]. ATLAS uses its own variationof recursive GEMM-based BLAS to produce a majority ofthe Level 3 BLAS, with some operations being written to di-rectly exploit a lower level kernel, as described in [10].

Therefore, the tuning of the Level 3 BLAS has now beenreduced to the more targeted problem of tuning the BLASroutine GEMM. Again, the obvious approach is to attemptto tune this routine as the performance kernel, and again, itwould lead to almost unmanageable complexity. Instead, wewrite this rather complicated GEMM routine in terms of amuch simpler building-block matmul kernel that can be moreeasily hand tuned (in the case of multiple implementation) orgenerated automatically (as in source generation).

Our simplified matmul kernel comes in three slightly dif-ferent forms: 1) ; 2) ; and3) . In general, we tune using case 2) anduse the same parameters for 1) and 3). For all versions of thekernel, all matrix dimensions are set to a empirically discov-ered cache blocking parameter, . typically blocks forthe first level of cache accessible to the FPU. On some ar-chitectures, the FPU does not access the level 1 cache, butfor simplicity, we will still refer to as the level 1 cacheblocking parameter, and it is understood that level 1 cache inthis context means the first level of cache addressable by theFPU.

The full GEMM is then built by looping over calls to thiskernel (with some calls to some specially generated cleanupcode, called when one or more dimension is not a multiple of

). The code that calls the empirically tuned kernel is itselffurther tuned to block for the level 2 cache, using anotherempirically discovered parameter called CacheEdge. This isdescribed in further detail in [2].

D. Overview of ATLAS GEMM Kernel Search

ATLAS’ matmul kernel search is outlined in Fig. 1. Ourmaster search first calls the generator search, which uses aheuristic to probe the essentially unbounded optimization


space allowed by the source generator, and returns the param-eters (eg., blocking factor, unrollings, etc.) of the best casefound. The master search then calls the multiple implemen-tation search, which simply times each handwritten matmulkernel in turn, returning the best. The best performing (gener-ated, hand tuned) kernel is then taken as our system-specificL1 cache-contained kernel.

Both multiple implementation and generator searches passthe requisite kernel through a timing step, where the kernel islinked with a AEOS-quality timer, and executed on the actualhardware. Once the search completes, the chosen kernel isthen tested to ensure it is giving correct results, as a simplesanity test to catch errors in compilation or kernels.

For both searches, our approach takes in some initial(empirically discovered) information such as L1 cache size,types of instructions available, types of assembly supported,etc., to allow for an up-front winnowing of the search space.The timers are structured so that operations have a largegranularity, leading to fairly repeatable results even onnondedicated machines. All results are stored in files, so thatsubsequent searches will not repeat the same experiments,allowing searches to build on previously obtained data. Thisalso means that if a search is interrupted (for instance dueto a machine failure), previously run cases will not need tobe retimed. A typical install takes from 1 to 2 h for eachprecision.

The first step of the master search probes for the size of theL1 cache. This is used to limit the search for , which isfurther restricted to a maximal size of 80 in order to maintainperformance for applications such as the LAPACK factor-izations, which partially rely on unblocked computations.Similar small benchmarks are used to determine the maximalnumber of registers and the correct floating-point operationsto use. This process is described in greater detail in [2].

When both the multiple implementation and generatorsearches are completed, the master search designates thefastest of these two kernels (generated and handwritten) asthe architecture-specific kernel for the target machine, andit is then leveraged to speed up the entire Level 3 BLAS, aswe have previously discussed.

E. Source Generator Details

The source generator is the key to ATLAS’ portableefficiency. As can be seen from Fig. 1, the code generatoris completely platform independent, as it generates onlystrict ANSI/ISO C. It takes in parameters, which togetheroptimize for instruction and data cache utilization, softwarepipelining, register blocking, loop unrolling, dependencebreaking, superscalar and fetch scheduling, etc. Note thatsince the generated source is C, we can always use thecompiler’s version of a particular transformation if it ishighly optimized. For instance, a kernel generated with noinner-loop unrolling may be the best, because the compileritself unrolls the inner loop, etc. Thus, the source generator’soptimizations are essentially the union of the optimizationsit and the native compiler possess.

The most important options to the source generator are asfollows.

• Size of L1 cache block, .• Support for and/or being either standard form or

stored in transposed form.• Register blocking of “outer product” form (the most

optimal form of matmul register blocking). Varying theregister blocking parameters provides many differentimplementations of matmul. The register blocking pa-rameters are:– : registers used for elements of ;– : registers used for elements of .Outer product register blocking then implies that

registers are then used to block the ele-ments of . Thus, if is the maximal numberof registers discovered during the FPU probe, thesearch will try essentially all and that satisfy

.• Loop unrollings: There are three loops involved in

matmul, one over each of the provided dimensions( , , and ), each of which can have its associatedunrolling factor ( , , ). The and unrollingfactors are restricted to varying with the associatedregister blocking ( and , respectively), but the

-loop may be unrolled to any depth (i.e., once isselected, is set as well, but is an independentvariable).

• Choice of floating-point instruction:– combined multiply/add with associated scalar

expansion;– separate multiply and add instructions, with associ-

ated software pipelining and scalar expansion.• User choice of utilizing generation-time constant or

runtime variables for all loop dimensions ( , , and; for noncleanup copy L1 matmul,

). For each dimension that is known at generation,the following optimizations are made:– if unrolling meets or exceeds the dimension, no ac-

tual loop is generated (no need for loop if fullyunrolled);

– if unrolling is greater than one, correct cleanup canbe generated without using an if (thus avoidingbranching within the loop).

Even if a given dimension is a runtime variable, thegenerator can be told to assume particular, no, or gen-eral-case cleanup for arbitrary unrolling.

• For each operand array, the leading dimension can bea runtime variable or a generation-time constant (forexample, it is known to be for copied L1 matmul),with associated savings in indexing computations.

• For each operand array, the leading dimension can havea stride (stride of one is most common, but stride of twocan be used to support complex arithmetic).

• The generator can eliminate unnecessary arithmetic bygenerating code with special (1, 1, and variable)and (0, 1, 1, and variable) cases. In addition, thereis a special case for when and are both variables,but it is safe to divide by (this can save multipleapplications of ).

• Various fetch patterns for loading A and B registers.


F. Importance of Multiple Implementation

With the generality of the source generator coupled withmodern optimizing compilers, it may seem counterintuitivethat multiple implementation is needed. Because ATLAS isopen source, however, multiple implementation can be verypowerful. We have designed the matmul kernel to be simpleand provided the infrastructure so that a user can test andtime hand-tuned implementations of it easily (see [24] fordetails). This allows any interested user to write the kernel asspecifically as required for the architecture of interest, evenincluding writing in assembly (as shown in Fig. 1). This thenallows for the exploitation of architectural features whichare not well utilized by the compiler or the source generatorwhich depends upon it.

Our own experience has been that even the most efficientcompiled kernel can be improved by a modest amount(say, around 5%) when written by a skilled hand coder inassembly, due merely to a more efficient usage of systemresources than general-purpose compilers can achieve oncomplicated code. This problem became critical with thewidespread availability of single-instruction, multiple-data(SIMD) instructions such as SSE. At first, no compilersupported these instructions; now a few compilers, such asIntel’s icc, will do the SIMD vectorization automatically,but they still cannot do so in a way that is competitive withhand-tuned codes for any but the simplest of operations.

For example, on a Pentium 4, if ATLAS is installedusing the Intel’s compilers, the best multiple implementa-tion kernel is 1.9 (3.1) times faster than the best DGEMM(SGEMM, respectively) created using source generation.The main differences between the hand-tuned kernels andthe generated kernels is that they fully exploit SSE (in-cluding using prefetch).

Therefore, multiple implementation is very useful asa mechanism to capture optimizations that the compilerand generator cannot yet fully exploit. Since ATLAS neverblindly uses even a kernel written specifically for a particulararchitecture, as greater capabilities come online upstream(for instance, better SIMD vectorization in the compiler,or source generation of SIMD assembly), the search willcontinue to get the best of both worlds. Note that it may seemthat these kernels might be good for only one machine, butthis is certainly not true in practice, as even a kernel writtenin assembly may still be an aid to persistent optimization.For instance, a kernel optimized for the Pentium III mightbe the best available implementation for the Pentium 4 orAthlon as well.



This section reviews our recent work on automatictuning of computational kernels involving sparse matrices(or, sparse kernels) [30]–[34]. Like the dense kernel casedescribed above in Section II-B, tuning sparse kernels isdifficult owing to the complex ways in which performancedepends on the underlying machine architecture. In addi-tion, performance in the sparse case depends strongly on

the nonzero structure of the user’s sparse matrix. Since thematrix might not be known until runtime, decisions abouthow to apply memory hierarchy optimizations like register-and cache-level blocking (tiling) transformations must bedeferred until runtime. Since tuning in the dense case canbe performed offline (e.g., as in ATLAS [2]), the need forruntime tuning is a major distinction of the sparse case.

Below, we show examples of the difficulties that arisein practice (Section IV-A), describe how our hybrid off-line/runtime empirical approach to tuning addresses thesedifficulties (Section IV-B), and summarize the optimiza-tion techniques we have considered for sparse kernels(Section IV-C). This work is being implemented in theOSKI (formerly SPARSITY Version 2) automatic tuningsystem [30], [35]. This system builds on a successful pro-totype (SPARSITY Version 1 [36]) for generating highlytuned implementations of one important sparse kernel,sparse matrix-vector multiply (SpMV). The work describedhere expands the list of optimizations that SPARSITY/OSKIcan consider (Section IV-C.I), and adds new sparse kernelssuch as sparse triangular solve (Section IV-C2).

A. Challenges and Surprises in Tuning

Achieving high performance for sparse kernels requireschoosing appropriate data structure and code transforma-tions that best exploit properties of both the underlyingmachine architecture (e.g., caches and pipelines) and thenonzero structure of the matrix. However, nonobviouschoices often yield the most efficient implementations dueto the surprisingly complex behavior of performance onmodern machines. We illustrate this phenomenon below,after a brief review of the basics of sparse matrix storage.

1) Overheads Due to Sparse Data Structures: Infor-mally, a matrix is sparse if it consists of relatively fewnonzeros. We eliminate storage of and computation withthe zero entries by a judicious choice of data structurewhich stores just the nonzero entries, plus some additionalindexing information to indicate which nonzeros have beenstored. For instance, a typical data structure for storing ageneral sparse matrix is the so-called compressed sparserow (CSR) format, which is the baseline format in standardlibraries such as SPARSKIT [37] and PETSc [38].1 TheCSR data structure packs the nonzero values of the matrixrow by row in an array. CSR stores an additional integercolumn index for each nonzero in a second parallel array,and maintains a third array holding pointers to the start ofeach row within the value and index arrays. Compared todense matrix storage, CSR has a per nonzero overhead ofone integer index (ignoring the row pointers).

The resulting runtime overheads are significant forsparse kernels like SpMV. Consider the SpMV operation

, where is a sparse matrix and , are densevectors. This operation executes only two flops per nonzeroof (Section III), and the elements of are not reused.Thus, there is little opportunity to hide the cost of extra

1Sparse matrices in the commercial engineering package MATLAB arestored in the analogous compressed sparse column (CSC) format [39].


loads due to the column indexes. In addition, sparse datastructures lead to code with indirect memory references,which can be difficult for compilers to analyze statically. Forexample, CSR storage prevents automatically tiling accessesto for either registers or caches, as might be done in thedense case [40]–[43]. Depending on the matrix nonzerostructure, the resulting memory access patterns can also beirregular—for CSR, this possibility prevents hardware orsoftware prefetching of the elements of .

2) Surprising Performance Behavior in Practice: We canreduce the sparse indexing overheads by recognizing pat-terns in the nonzero structure. For example, in simulationsbased on the finite element method, the matrix may consistentirely of small fixed size dense rectangular blocks. Wecan used a blocked variant of CSR—block CSR, or BCSR,format—which stores one index per block instead of oneper nonzero. Fig. 2 shows an example of a sparse matrixwhich consists entirely of 8 8 blocks. This format enablesimproved scheduling and register-level reuse opportunitiescompared to CSR: multiplication in BCSR format proceedsblock by block, where each block multiply is fully un-rolled and the corresponding elements of and elementsof stored in registers. For this example matrix, BCSR re-duces the overall index storage by a factor ofcompared to CSR.

Even if the block structure is simple and known, thebest block size is not always obvious. For example, con-sider an experiment in which we executed 16 BCSRimplementations of SpMV on the matrix shown in Fig. 2,where . We show the results on a machinebased on the Sun Ultra3 microprocessor in Fig. 3(a) andon the Intel Itanium 2 in Fig. 3(b). On each platform, eachimplementation is shaded by its performance in megaflopsper second and labeled by its speedup relative to the CSR(or unblocked 1 1) case. Observe that maximum speedupsof 2.04 on the Ultra3 and 4.07 on the Itanium 2 arepossible for this matrix. On the Itanium 2, this performanceis over 1.1 Gflop/s, or 31% of peak machine speed, and iscomparable to the performance of a well-tuned dense ma-trix–vector multiply performance (DGEMV) of 1.3 Gflop/sby Goto [44]. However, the best block size is 4 2, and not8 8 on Itanium 2. Although there are a variety of reasonswhy users might reasonably expect performance to increasesmoothly as increases toward 8 8—as it does on theUltra3—the irregular variation in performance observed onthe Itanium 2 is typical on a wide range of modern machines[31]. Indeed, this kind of behavior persists even if we removeall of the irregularity in the memory access pattern by, forinstance, using a dense matrix stored in BCSR format [31].

The problem of data structure selection is further compli-cated by the fact that we can alter the nonzero pattern byintroducing explicit zeros to enable the use of a fast imple-mentation. For example, consider the sparse matrix shownin Fig. 4(a), which has a complex arrangement of nonzeros(each shown as a dot). There is no obvious single blocksize that perfectly captures this structure. Suppose we never-theless store the matrix in 3 3 format, as shown in Fig. 4(b),storing explicit zeros (each shown as an “x”) to fill each

Fig. 2. Example of a sparse matrix with simple block structure.Top: A sparse matrix arising from a finite element discretization ofan object in a fluid flow simulation. This matrix has dimensionn = 21216 and contains approximately 1.5 million nonzeros.Bottom: The matrix consists entirely of 8� 8 dense nonzeroblocks, uniformly aligned as shown in this 80� 80 submatrix.

block. We define the fill ratio at to be the total numberof stored zeros (original nonzeros plus explicit zeros) di-vided by the number of original nonzeros. In this example,the fill ratio at 3 3 happens to be 1.5, meaning that SpMVin this format will execute 1.5 times as many flops. How-ever, the resulting implementation on a Pentium III takestwo-thirds as much time as the unblocked implementation (a1.5 speedup). In general, this speedup is possible because:1) though the flops increase, index storage (and possibly totalstorage) can be reduced and 2) implementations at particularvalues of and may be especially efficient, as we suggestedby the Itanium 2 results shown in Fig. 3(b).


Fig. 3. Surprising performance behavior in practice: registerblocked sparse matrix-vector multiply. Each square is an r�c

implementation, shaded by its performance in megaflops per secondand labeled by its speedup relative to the unblocked (1� 1) CSRimplementation, where r; c 2 f1; 2; 4; 8g. (a) On the Sun Ultra3platform (1.8-Gflop/s peak), performance increases smoothly asr; c increase, as expected. (b) On the Intel Itanium 2 platform(3.6 Gflop/s peak), 31% of peak (4� speedup) is possible,but at 4� 2 instead of 8� 8.

There are many additional examples of complex and sur-prising performance behavior, and we refer the interestedreader to recent work documenting these phenomena [30],[31], [35].

B. Hybrid Offline/Runtime Empirical Search-BasedApproach to Tuning

Our approach to choosing an efficient data structure andimplementation, given a kernel, sparse matrix, and machine,is based on a combination of heuristic performance modelingand experiments, carried out partly offline and partly at run-time. For each kernel, we:

1) identify and generate a space of reasonable implemen-tations;

Fig. 4. Altering the nonzero pattern can yield a fasterimplementation. (a) A 50� 50 submatrix of Matrix ex11 from afluid flow problem [45]. Nonzeros are shown by dots. (b) The samematrix stored in 3� 3 BCSR format. We impose a logical grid of3� 3 cells and fill in explicit zeros (shown by x’s) to ensure thatall blocks are full. The fill ratio for the entire matrix is 1.5, butthe SpMV implementation is still 1.5 times faster than theunblocked case on a Pentium III platform. Despite the 50%increase in stored values, total storage (in bytes) increasesonly by 7% because of the reduction in index storage.

2) search this space for the best implementation usinga combination of heuristic models and experiments (i.e.,actually running and timing the code).

For a particular sparse kernel and matrix, the implementa-tion space is a set of data structures and corresponding im-plementations (i.e., code). Each data structure is designed to


improve locality by exploiting a class of nonzero patternscommonly arising in practice, such as small fixed-sized rect-angular blocks, diagonals and bands, or symmetry, or evencombinations of these patterns. Section IV-C summarizesthe kinds of performance improvements we have observedon a variety of different architectures for several locality-en-hancing data structures and algorithms.

We search by evaluating heuristic models that combinebenchmarking data with estimated properties of the matrixnonzero structure. The benchmarks, which consist primarilyof executing each implementation (data structure and code)on synthetic matrices, need to be executed only once permachine. This step characterizes the machine in a matrix-in-dependent way. When the user’s sparse matrix is knownat runtime, we estimate performance-relevant structuralproperties of the matrix. The heuristic models combine thesebenchmarking and matrix-specific data to predict what datastructure will yield the best performance. This approach usesboth modeling and experiments, both offline and at runtime.Below, we describe an example of this methodology appliedto the selection of register-level block (tile) sizes for SpMVand other sparse kernels.

1) Example: Using Empirical Models and Search to Se-lect a Register Block Size: We can overcome the difficultiesin selecting a register block size discussed in Section IV-Ausing the following empirical technique. The basic idea isto decouple machine-specific aspects of performance whichcan be measured offline from matrix-specific aspects deter-mined at runtime.

In the example of Figs. 2–3, trying all or even a subset ofblock sizes is likely to be infeasible if the matrix is knownonly at runtime, because of the cost of simply convertingthe matrix to blocked format. For instance, the cost of con-verting a matrix from CSR format to BCSR format once canbe as high as 40 SpMVs in CSR format, depending on theplatform and matrix [31]. Though the cost of a single con-version is acceptable in many important application contexts(e.g., solving linear systems or computing eigenvalues byiterative methods) where hundreds or thousands of SpMVscan be required for a given matrix, exhaustive runtimesearch—needed particularly in the case when we may allowfor fill of explicit zeros in blocking, for example—is stilllikely to be impractical.

Our goal then is to develop a procedure for selecting anblock size that is reasonably accurate, requires at most

a single conversion, and whose cost is small compared to thecost of conversion. The irregularity of performance as a func-tion of and means that developing an accurate but simpleanalytical performance model will be difficult. Instead, weuse the following three-step empirical procedure.

1) Offline benchmark: Once per machine, measurethe speed (in megaflops per second) of registerblocked SpMV for a dense matrix stored in sparseformat, at all block sizes from 1 1 to 12 12. Denotethe register profile by dense .

2) Runtime “search”: When the matrix is known atruntime, compute an estimate of the true fill

ratio for all . This estimation constitutesa form of empirical search over possible block sizes.

3) Heuristic performance model: Choose that max-imizes the following estimate of register blocking per-formance :


This model decouples machine-specific aspects of per-formance (register profile in the numerator) from a ma-trix-specific aspect (fill ratio in the denominator).

This procedure, implemented in the upcoming releaseof OSKI, frequently selects the best block size, and yieldsperformance that is nearly always 90% or more of the best[30], [31]. In addition, the runtime costs of steps 2) and 3)above can be kept to between 1 and 11 unblocked SpMVs,depending on the platform and matrix, on several currentplatforms [31]. This cost is the penalty for evaluating theheuristic if it turns out no blocking is required. If blocking isbeneficial, we have found that the overall block size selectionprocedure including conversion is never more than forty-two1 1 SpMVs on our test machines and matrices, meaningthe cost of evaluating the heuristic is modest compared tothe cost of conversion [31].

Moreover, we can easily generalize this heuristic proce-dure for other kernels by simply substituting a kernel-specificregister profile (step 1). We have shown that this procedureselects optimal or near-optimal block sizes for sparse trian-gular solve [46] and multiplication by [47].

2) Contrast to a Static Compilation Approach: Thereare several aspects of our approach to tuning sparse kernelswhich are beyond the scope of traditional static general-pur-pose compiler approaches.

• Transformations based on runtime data: For a par-ticular sparse matrix, we may choose a completelydifferent data structure from the initial implementa-tion; this new data structure may even alter the nonzerostructure of the matrix by, for example, reorderingthe rows and columns of the matrix, or perhaps bychoosing to store some zero values explicitly (Sec-tion IV-A). These kinds of transformations depend onthe runtime contents of the input matrix data structure,and these values cannot generally be predicted fromthe source code implementation alone.

• Aggressive exploitation of domain-specific mathemat-ical properties for performance: In identifying theimplementation spaces, we consider transformationsbased on mathematical properties that we would notexpect a general purpose compiler to recognize. Forinstance, in computing the eigenvalues of using aKrylov method [48], we may elect to change to

, where is a permutation matrix. Thispermutation of rows and columns may favorably alterthe nonzero structure of by improving locality, butmathematically does not change the eigenvalues, andtherefore the application of may be ignored.


• Heuristic, empirical models: Our approach to tuningidentifies candidate implementations using heuristicmodels of both the kernel and runtime data. We wouldexpect compilers built on current technology neitherto identify such candidates automatically nor to positthe right models for choosing among these candidates.We elaborate on this argument elsewhere [31].

• Tolerating the cost of search: Searching has an asso-ciated cost which can be much longer than traditionalcompile-times. Knowing when such costs can be toler-ated, particularly since these costs are incurred at run-time, must be justified by actual application behavior.This behavior can be difficult to deduce with sufficientprecision based on the source code alone.

C. Summary of Optimization Techniques and Speedups

We have considered a variety of performance optimiza-tion techniques for sparse kernels in addition to the register-level blocking scheme described in Section IV-B [30]–[34].Below, we summarize these techniques, reporting the max-imum speedups over CSR and register blocking that we haveobserved for each technique. We also note major unresolvedissues, providing pointers both to existing and upcoming re-ports that discuss these techniques in detail and to relatedwork external to this particular research project. At present,we are considering all of these techniques for inclusion in theupcoming release of OSKI.

We have evaluated these techniques on a set of 44 testmatrices that span a variety of applications domains. Forour summary, we categorize these matrices into three broadclasses as follows.

• Single-block finite-element method (FEM) ma-trices: These matrices, arising in FEM applications,have nonzero structure that tends to be dominated bya single block size on a uniformly aligned grid. Thematrix shown in Fig. 2 exemplifies this class of matrixstructures.

• Multiblock FEM matrices: These matrices also arisein FEM applications, but have a nonzero structure thatcan be characterized as having one or more “natural”block sizes aligned irregularly. Fig. 4 shows one ex-ample of a matrix from this class, and we mention an-other below.

• Non-FEM matrices: We have also considered ma-trices arising in a variety of non-FEM-based modelingand simulation, including oil reservoir modeling,chemical process simulation, finance and macroeco-nomic modeling, and linear programming problems,among others. The main distinction of this class is thelack of regular block structure, though the nonzerostructure is generally not uniformly random, either.

This categorization reflects the fact that the register blockingoptimization, the technique we have most thoroughly studiedamong those listed below, appears to yield the best abso-lute performance in practice on cache-based superscalarplatforms.

1) Techniques for Sparse Matrix–Vector Multiply: Thefollowing list summarizes the performance-enhancing tech-niques we have considered specifically for SpMV. Full re-sults and discussion can be found in [31].

• Register blocking, based on BCSR storage: up to4 speedups over CSR. A number of recent reports[30], [31], [35], [36] validate and analyze this opti-mization in great depth. The largest payoffs occur onsingle-block FEM matrices, where we have observedspeedups over CSR of up to 4 . We have also observedspeedups of up to 2.8 on multiblock FEM matricesby judicious creation of explicit zeros as discussed forthe matrix in Fig. 4. The accuracy of the block size se-lection procedure described in Section IV-B means wecan apply this optimization fully automatically.

• Multiplication by multiple vectors: up to 7 overCSR, up to 2.5 over register blocked SpMV. Someapplications and numerical algorithms require applyingthe matrix to many vectors simultaneously, i.e., the“SpMM” kernel , where andare dense matrices [36], [49]. We can reuse in thiskernel, where the key tuning parameter is the depth ofunrolling across the columns of and .

• Cache blocking: up to 2.2 over CSR. Cacheblocking, as described in implemented by Im [36] andanalyzed by Nishtala et al. [33] for SpMV, reorganizesa large sparse matrix into a collection of smaller, dis-joint rectangular blocks to improve temporal access toelements of . This technique helps to reduce missesto the source vector toward the lower bound of onlycold start misses. The largest improvements occur onlarge, randomly structured matrices like those arisingin linear programming applications, and in latent se-mantic indexing applications [50].

• Symmetry: symmetric register blocked SpMV isup to 2.8 faster than nonsymmetric CSR SpMV,and up to 2.1 faster than nonsymmetric registerblocked SpMV; symmetric register blocked SpMMis up to 7.3 faster than CSR SpMV, and up to2.6 over nonsymmetric register blocked SpMM.Lee et al. study a register blocking scheme whenis symmetric (i.e., ) [32]. Symmetry requiresthat we only store roughly half of the nonzero entriesand yields significant performance gains as well.

• Variable block splitting, based on unaligned BCSRstorage: up to 2.1 over CSR; up to 1.8 overregister blocking. To handle the multiblock FEMmatrices, which are composed of multiple irregu-larly aligned rectangular blocks, we have considereda technique in which we split the matrix into asum , where each term isstored in an unaligned BCSR (UBCSR) data struc-ture. UBCSR augments BCSR format with additionalindexes that allow for arbitrary row alignments [31].The split-UBCSR technique reduces the amount offill compared to register blocking. The main matrix-and machine-specific tuning parameters in the split


Fig. 5. Example of complex diagonal structure: an 80� 80submatrix of a larger matrix that arises in an epidemiology study[54]. All of the rows between each pair of consecutivehorizontal lines intersect the same diagonal runs.

UBCSR implementation are the number of splittingsand the block size for each term .

We view the lack of a heuristic for determiningwhether and how to split to be the major unresolvedissue related to splitting.

• Exploiting diagonal structure, based on row-seg-mented diagonal storage: up to 2 over CSR.Diagonal formats (and diagonal-like formats, suchas jagged-diagonal storage [37]) have traditionallybeen applied on vector architectures [51], [52]. Wehave shown the potential payoffs from careful appli-cation on superscalar cache-based microprocessorsby generalizing diagonal format to handle complexcompositions of nonzero diagonal runs [31]. For ex-ample, Fig. 5 shows a submatrix of a larger matrixwith diagonal run substructure. The rows betweeneach pair of consecutive horizontal lines consists of afixed number of diagonal runs. By storing the matrixin blocks of consecutive rows as shown and unrollingthe multiplication along diagonals, we have shownthat implementations based on this format can leadto speedups of 2 or more for SpMV, compared to aCSR implementation. The unrolling depth is the mainmatrix- and machine-specific tuning parameter.

Again, effective heuristics for deciding when andhow to select the main matrix- and machine-specifictuning parameter (unrolling depth) remain unresolved.However, our preliminary data suggests that perfor-mance is a relatively smooth function of the tuning pa-rameter, compared to the way in which performancevaries with block size, for instance [31]. This findingsuggests that a practical heuristic will not be difficultto develop.

Fig. 6. Nonzero structure of a sparse triangular matrix arisingfrom LU factorization: This matrix, from the LU factorization ofa circuit simulation matrix, has dimension 17 758 and 2 millionnonzeros. The trailing triangle, of dimension 1978, is completelydense and accounts for over 90% of all the nonzeros in the matrix.

• Reordering to create dense blocks: up to 1.5over CSR. Pinar and Heath proposed a method toreorder rows and columns of a sparse matrix to createdense rectangular block structure which might thenbe exploited by splitting [53]. Their formulation isbased on the traveling salesman problem. In the con-text of BeBOP, Moon et al. have applied this idea tothe BeBOP benchmark suite, showing speedups overconventional register blocking of up to 1.5 on a fewof the multiblock FEM and non-FEM matrices.

2) Techniques for Other Sparse Kernels: A variety of op-timization techniques may be applied to sparse kernels be-sides SpMV, as summarized below.

• Sparse triangular solve: up to 1.8 speedups overCSR. We recently showed how to exploit the specialstructure of sparse triangular matrices that arise duringLU factorization [46]. These matrices typically havea large dense trailing triangle, such as the one shownin Fig. 6. The trailing triangle in the lower right-handcorner of this lower triangular matrix accounts formore than 90% of the total nonzeros. We partition thesolve into a sparse phase and a dense phase by appro-priate algorithmic and data structure reorganizations.To the sparse phase, we adapt the register blockingoptimization as it is applied to SpMV; to the densephase, we can call a tuned BLAS triangular solve rou-tine (e.g., DTRSV). We refer to this latter step as theswitch-to-dense optimization. Like register blockingfor SpMV, the process of identifying the trailing tri-angle and selecting a block size can be fully automated[46]. We have observed performance improvementsof up to 1.8 over a basic implementation of sparsetriangular solve using CSR storage.


• Multiplication by sparse : 1.5 – 4.2 rela-tive to applying and in CSR as separate steps;up to 1.8 faster than BCSR. The kernel

, where is a given sparse matrix and , aredense vectors, is a key operation in the inner loop ofinterior point methods for mathematical programmingproblems [55], algorithms for computing the singularvalue decomposition [48], and Kleinberg’s HITS algo-rithm for finding hubs and authorities in graphs [56],among others. A typical implementation first computes

followed by . Since willgenerally be much larger than the size of the cache, theelements of will be read from main memory twice.However, we can reorganize the computation to reuse

.• Multiplication by sparse using serial sparse

tiling: when , up to 2 faster than separatelyapplying times in BCSR format. Like ,the kernel , which appears in simple itera-tive algorithms like the power method for computingeigenvalues [48], also has opportunities to reuse ele-ments of . A typical reference implementation stores

in CSR or BCSR format, and separately appliestimes.

D. Remaining Challenges and Related Work

Although payoffs from individual techniques can be sig-nificant, the common challenge is deciding when to applyparticular optimizations and how to choose the tuning param-eters. While register blocking and automatic block size se-lection is well understood for SpMV, sparse triangular solve,and multiplication by sparse , heuristics for the otheroptimization techniques still need to be developed.

The non-FEM matrices largely remain difficult, withexceptions noted above (also refer to a recent summaryfor more details [31]). Careful analysis using performancebounds models indicates that better low-level tuning of theCSR (i.e., 1 1 register blocking) SpMV implementationmay be possible [31]. Recent work on low-level tuning ofSpMV by unroll-and-jam (Mellor-Crummey et al. [57]),software pipelining (Geus and Röllin [58]), and prefetching(Toledo [59]) are promising starting points.

Moreover, expressing and automatically applying theselow-level optimizations is a problem shared with densematrix kernels. Thus, low-level tuning of, say, eachimplementation in the style of ATLAS and OSKI may yieldfurther performance improvements for sparse kernels. It ispossible that by performing an ATLAS style search overpossible instruction schedules may smooth out the perfor-mance irregularities shown in Fig. 3(b). It may be possibleto modify existing specialized restructuring compiler frame-works for sparse code generation to include an ATLAS-stylesearch over possible instruction schedules [60]–[62].

In the space of higher level sparse kernels beyond SpMVand triangular solve, the sparse triple product, orwhere and are sparse matrices, is a bottleneck in themultigrid solvers [63]–[66]. There has been some workon the general problem of multiplying sparse matrices

[67]–[70], including recent work in a large-scale quantumchemistry application that calls matrix-multiply kernelsautomatically generated and tuned by OSKI for particularblock sizes [71], [1]. This latter example suggests that apotential opportunity to apply tuning ideas to the sparsetriple product kernel.



In the previous sections, we looked at tuning numericalkernels. One characteristic of the approach taken is that theanalysis can be performed largely statically, that is, with mostof the analysis taking place at installation time. The tuneddense kernels then are almost independent of the nature of theuser data, with at most cases like very “skinny” matrices han-dled separately; tuned sparse kernels have a dynamic com-ponent where the tiling and structuring of the matrices is atruntime handled, but even there the numerical values of theuser data are irrelevant. Algorithm choice, the topic of thissection, is an inherently more dynamic activity where the nu-merical content of the user data is of prime importance.

Abstractly we could say that the need for dynamic strate-gies here arises from the fact that any description of the inputspace is of a very high dimension. In the case of dense andsparse kernels, the algorithm search space is considerable,but the input data is easy to describe. For dense kernels, atmost we allow for decisions based on matrix size (for in-stance, small or “skinny” matrices); for sparse matrices weneed some description of the nonzero density of the matrixto gauge the fill-in caused by blocking strategies. The inputin such applications as linear system solving is much harderto describe: we would typically need to state the nonzerostructure of the system, various norm-like properties, andeven spectral characteristics of the system. As a corollary,we cannot hope to exhaustively search this input space, andwe have to resort to some form of modeling of the parameterspace.

We will give a general discussion of the issues in dynamicalgorithm selection and tuning, present our approach whichuses statistical data modeling, and give some preliminary re-sults obtained with this approach.

A. Dynamic Algorithm Determination

In finding the appropriate numerical algorithm for aproblem we are faced with two issues.

1) There are often several algorithms that, potentially,solve the problem.

2) Algorithms often have one or more parameters of somesort.

Thus, given user data, we have to choose an algorithm, andchoose a proper parameter setting for it.

Numerical literature is rife with qualitative statementsabout the relative merits of methods. For instance, aug-menting GMRES with approximated eigenvectors speedsconvergence in cases where the departure from normalityof the system is not too large [72]. It is only seldom thatquantitative statements are made, such as the necessary


restart length of GMRES to attain a certain error reductionin the presence of an indefinite system [73]. Even in thislatter case, the estimate derived is probably far from sharp.

Thus, we find ourselves in the situation that the choicebetween candidate methods and the choice of parametersettings cannot, or can only very approximately, be madeby implementing explicitly known numerical knowledge.However, while making the exact determination may notbe feasible, identifying the relevant characteristics of anapplication problem may be possible. Instead of imple-menting numerical decisions explicitly, we can then employstatistical techniques to identify correlations between char-acteristics of the input, and choices and parametrizations ofthe numerical methods.

Our strategy in determining numerical algorithms by sta-tistical techniques is globally as follows.

• We solve a large collection of test problems by everyavailable method, that is, every choice of algorithm,and a suitable “binning” of algorithm parameters.

• Each problem is assigned to a class corresponding tothe method that gave the fastest solution.

• We also draw up a list of characteristics of eachproblem.

• We then compute a probability density function foreach class.

As a result of this process, we find a function whereranges over all classes, that is, all methods, and is in the

space of the vectors of features of the input problems. Given anew problem and its feature vector , we then decide to solvethe problem with the method for which is maximized.

We will now discuss the details of this statistical analysis,and we will present some proof-of-concept numerical resultsevincing the potential usefulness of this approach.

B. Statistical Analysis

In this section we give a short overview of the way a multi-variate Bayesian decision rule can be used in numerical deci-sion making. We stress that statistical techniques are merelyone of the possible ways of using nonnumerical techniquesfor algorithm selection and parameterization, and in fact, thetechnique we describe here is only one among many possiblestatistical techniques. We will describe here the use of para-metric models, a technique with obvious implicit assump-tions that very likely will not hold overall, but, as we shallshow in the next section, they have surprising applicability.

1) Feature Extraction: The basis of the statistical deci-sion process is the extraction of features2 from the applica-tion problem, and the characterization of algorithms in termsof these features. In [74] we have given examples of relevantfeatures of application problems. In the context of linear/non-linear system solving we can identify at least the followingcategories of features.

• Structural characteristics. These pertain purely to thenonzero structure of the sparse problem. While at this

2We use the terms “characteristics” and “features” interchangably, “fea-tures” being the term used in the statistical literature.

level the numerical properties of the problem are in-visible, in practice the structure of a matrix will in-fluence the behavior of such algorithms as incompletefactorizations, since graph properties are inextricablyentwined with approximation properties.

• Simple numerical characteristics. By these we meanquantities such as norms (1-norm, infinity norm, normof symmetric part, etc.) that are exactly calculable in atime roughly proportional to the number of nonzeros ofthe matrix.

• Spectral properties. This category includes such char-acteristics as the enclosing ellipse of the field of values,or estimates of the departure from normality. Whilesuch quantities are highly informative, they are also dif-ficult, if not impossible, to calculate in a reasonableamount of time. Therefore, we have to resort to ap-proximations to them, for instance estimating the spec-trum from investigating the Hessenberg reduction aftera limited-length Krylov run [75], [76].

A large number of such characteristics can be drawn up, butnot all will be relevant for each numerical decision. Afterthe testing phase (described below), those features that actu-ally correlate with our decisions will have to be found. Also,many features need to be normalized somehow, for instance,relating structural properties to the matrix size, or numericalproperties to some norm of the matrix or even the (1,1) ele-ment of the matrix.

2) Training Stage: Based on the feature set describedabove, we now engage in an—expensive and time-con-suming—training phase, where a large number of problemsare solved with every available method. For linear systemsolving, methods can be described as an orthogonal combi-nation of several choices.

• Iterative method. The choice of iterative method en-tails both the choice between such different methods asBiCGstab [77] and GMRES [73] and the choice of pa-rameters such as the restart length of GMRES. In orderto make the latter choice manageable, we “bin” the pos-sible values, in effect limiting it to a few values that wepredict to be practically qualitatively different. For in-stance, for the GMRES parameter we only investigatethe choices 5, 20, 50.

• Preconditioner. This is probably the most importantchoice in constructing an iterative linear system solver.While there are theoretical statements about relationsbetween iterative methods, no such knowledge aboutpreconditioners exists. In fact, for each pair of precon-ditioners we can find problems where one is suitableand the other not. As in the case of iterative methods,we may need to bin method parameters, for instancethe number of ILU fill-in levels.

• Scaling, permutation, and other preprocessing steps.While the above choices of deciding the iterativemethod and preconditioner are the ones that mostlycome to mind when we talk about iterative solvers,there are various preprocessing steps one can apply to


the problem that can have a large influence on conver-gence speed. In fact, for our numerical test below weinvestigate the influence of different permutations ofthe linear system on the speed of solution.

In spite of this multidimensional characterization of iterativesolvers, we will for the purpose of this exposition considermethods as a singly indexed set.

The essential step in the training process is that each nu-merical problem is assigned to a class, where the classes cor-respond to the solvers, and the problem is assigned to theclass of the method that gave the fastest solution. As a resultof this, we find for each method (class) a number of prob-lems that are best solved by it. From the feature vectors ofthese problems we extract a vector of mean values and acovariance matrix

where are the samples in the class for which we arecalculating the covariance matrix.

The mean value vector and covariance matrix give us amultivariate density function for method

Having computed these density functions, we can computethe a posteriori probability of a class (“given a sample ,what is the probability that it belongs in class ”) as

We then select the numerical method for which this quantityis maximized.

C. Numerical Test

To study the behavior and performance of the statisticaltechniques described in the previous section, we perform sev-eral tests on a number of matrices from different sets fromthe Matrix Market [78]. To collect the data, we generate ma-trix statistics by running an exhaustive test of the differentcoded methods and preconditioners; for each of the matriceswe collect statistics for each possible existing combination ofpermutation, scaling, preconditioner and iterative method.

From this data, we select those combinations that con-verged and had the minimum solving time (those combi-nations that did not converge are discarded). Each possiblecombination corresponds to a class, but since the number ofthese combination is too large, we reduce the scope of theanalysis and concentrate only on the behavior of the pos-sible permutation choices. Thus, we have three classes cor-responding to the partitioning types:

• Induced—the default Petsc distribution induced by thematrix ordering and the number of processors;

• Parmetis—using the Parmetis [79], [80] package;

• Icmk—a heuristic [81] that, without permuting thesystem, tries to find meaningful split points based onthe sparsity structure.

Our test is to see if the predicted class (method) is indeed theone that yields minimum solving time for each case.

D. Technical Approach

Following the approach described in the previous section,we first extract a series of statistics and from these, selecta set of features which are suitable for this type of method,e.g., Bayesian analysis requires that the majority of the valuescollected for a feature are at least slightly different from eachother. Several combinations of differing numbers of featureshave been used in different instances. Some of these featuresused are structural and spectral statistics of the matrices:

• diagonal, number of nonzeros, bandwidth;• number of nonzeros;• bandwidth left and right;• number of possible split points found by the ICMK

algorithm;• ellipse enclosing the (estimated) spectrum: and

axes, and coordinates of the center ( , , , and );• positive-definiteness, again based on an estimated

spectrum.The next step is to collect the training data, for which

we randomly divide the totality of the data in two portions,66% is used for training the classifier, and the rest is usedfor testing and validation. With this information we can thenproceed to apply the classifiers for training. In these testswe have used two types of classifying methods: parametricand nonparametric. With a parametric classifier (also called“supervised method”) we estimate the parameters for a pre-sumed probability distribution function such as the normaldistribution, and we use this function as a basis for makingdecisions. The nonparametric classifier does not assume theexistence of any specific probability distribution, the func-tion is instead built specially from the collected data.

The last stage is validation. In our case we use the 34% ofthe data corresponding to the testing set to evaluate the previ-ously trained classifiers and decide, for each testing sampleto which class it belongs. For both of types of classificationmethods, the decision is made using the Bayes decision rule.To assess the performance of the classifiers, we compare thepredicted class to the class that, from the original data, hasthe smallest runtime. If they match, then we call a hit; if theydo not, we have a classification error.

E. Results

These results were obtained using the following approachfor both training and testing the classifier: considering thatInduced and Icmk are the same except for the Block–Jacobicase, if a given sample is not using Block–Jacobi, it isclassified as both Induced and Icmk; and if it is usingBlock–Jacobi, then the distinction is made and it is classifiedas Induced or Icmk. For the testing set, the verification isperformed with same criteria, for instance, if a sample from


the class Induced is not using Block–Jacobi and is classi-fied as Icmk by the classifier, is still counted as a correctclassification (same for the inverse case of Icmk classifiedas Induced); however, if a sample from the Induced classis classified as Induced and was using Block–Jacobi, it iscounted as a misclassification.

The results for the different sets of features tested, are asfollows.

Features: nonzeros, bandwidth left and right, splitsnumber, ellipse axes

Parametric NonparametricInduced ClassParmetis ClassIcmk Class

Features: diagonal, nonzeros, bandwidth left and right,splits number, ellipse axes, and center

Parametric NonparametricInduced ClassParmetis ClassIcmk Class

Features: diagonal, nonzeros, bandwidth left andright, ellipse’s axis and center’s coordinate, posi-tive-definiteness

Parametric NonparametricInduced ClassParmetis ClassIcmk Class

Features: nonzeros, bandwidth left and right, splitsnumber

Parametric NonparametricInduced ClassParmetis ClassIcmk Class

Features: diagonal, nonzeros, bandwidth left and right,ellipse axes, positive-definiteness

Parametric NonparametricInduced ClassParmetis ClassIcmk Class

Features: diagonal, bandwidth left and right, ellipse’scenter coordinate, positive-definiteness

Parametric NonparametricInduced ClassParmetis ClassIcmk Class

It is important to note that although we have many possiblefeatures to choose from, there might not be enough degreesof freedom (i.e., some of these features might be corelated),

so it is important to continue experimentation with other setsof features. The results of these tests might give some lead forfurther experimentation and understanding of the applicationof statistical methods on numerical data.

We now evaluate the performance of these methods by an-alyzing the gain and loss of respectively predicting right andmispredicting. To estimate the pentalty of a misprediction,i.e., relative difference between the time that corresponds tothe predicted class, and the real smallest time recorded; theaverage penalty, taken over the different combinations of pa-rameters of several random trials is 0.7 with a standard devi-ation of 0.6, the maximum being 2.2 and the minimum 0.03.

To estimate the gain of predicting correctly, we computethe ratio between the worse time observed and the time cor-responding to the predicted method; the average gain factoris 4.6, the maximum observed is 20, and the minimum 1.6.Furthermore, we estimate the gain of mispredicting, i.e., evenif the wrong class was chosen, the time associated to it mightstill be better than the worse time observed; for this case wecompute the ratio between the worse time and the time of thepredicted class: the average is 2.1, with a maximum of 5.4and a minimum of 1.4 observed.

These tests and results are a first glance at the behaviorof the statistical methods presented, and there is plenty ofinformation that can be extracted and explored in other ex-periments and perhaps using other methods.


For the efficient solution of scientific problems on today’sadvanced platforms, an application scientist can no longerrely on textbook algorithms and reference implementationsthereof. Both the choice of algorithm and the optimizationof its implementation require a good deal of expertise, tradi-tionally that of a trained computer scientist. It is not enoughto rely on research in programming languages, compilers,software tools. In this paper we have explored approachesto automating the optimization tasks that traditionally wereentrusted to human experts. For kernel optimization, we havepresented the AEOS approach, of which ATLAS and OSKIare prime examples, for dense and sparse operations respec-tively. Through a combination of automatic code generationand hand-coded optimizations, these packages deliver sev-eral factors improvement over what even the best of com-pilers can achieve on reference implementations. We havepresented the SALSA package, which uses statistical datamodeling as a tool for automatic algorithm choice.

Taken individually, the packages discussed here showgreat usefulness in their respective target areas. However,their general approaches can be extended to other areas. Theresults presented here show great promise for the future ofportable adaptive high-performance libraries.


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James Demmel (Fellow, IEEE) received the in mathematics from California Instituteof Technology, Pasadena, in 1975 and the in computer science from the Universityof California, Berkeley, in 1983.

He is the Dr. Richard Carl Dehmel Distin-guished Professor of Computer Science andMathematics at the University of California,Berkeley. He is also Chief Scientist of the Centerfor Information Technology Research in theInterest of Society (CITRIS), an interdisciplinary

center for the application of information technology to problems of societalscale in energy, disaster response, environmental monitoring, and relatedareas. His personal research interests are in numerical linear algebra,high-performance computing, computer aided design for microelectro-mechanical systems, and applications of information technology to solvesocietal scale problems. He is best known for his work on the LAPACK andScaLAPACK linear algebra libraries.

Prof. Demmel is a Fellow of the Association for Computing Machineryand Member of the National Academy of Engineering. He has won theSIAM J. H. Wilkinson Prize in Numerical Analysis and Scientific Com-puting. He was an Invited Speaker at the 2002 International Congress ofMathematicians and the 2003 International Congress on Industrial andApplied Mathematics, for his work on accurate and efficient solutions ofnumerical linear algebra problems.

Jack Dongarra (Fellow, IEEE) received theB.S. degree in mathematics from Chicago StateUniversity, Chicago, IL, in 1972, the M.S. degreein computer science from the Illinois Institute ofTechnology, Chicago, in 1973, and the Ph.D. de-gree in applied mathematics from the Universityof New Mexico, Albuquerque, in 1980.

He worked at the Argonne National Labora-tory until 1989, becoming a Senior Scientist. Heis currently a University Distinguished Professorof Computer Science, Computer Science Depart-

ment, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. He also has the position of Distin-guished Research Staff member in the Computer Science and MathematicsDivision at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN, andis an Adjunct Professor, Computer Science Department, Rice University,Houston, TX.

He specializes in numerical algorithms in linear algebra, parallel com-puting, the use of advanced computer architectures, programming method-ology, and tools for parallel computers. His research includes the develop-ment, testing and documentation of high quality mathematical software. Hehas contributed to the design and implementation of the following open-source software packages and systems: EISPACK, LINPACK, the BLAS,LAPACK, ScaLAPACK, Netlib, PVM, MPI, NetSolve, Top500, ATLAS,and PAPI. He has published approximately 200 articles, papers, reports andtechnical memorandums, and he is coauthor of several books.

Prof. Dongarra is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advance-ment of Science (AAAS) and the Association for Computing Machinery(ACM) and a Member of the National Academy of Engineering.


Victor Eijkhout received the Ph.D. degree inmathematics from the University of Nijmegen,Nijmegen, The Netherlands, in 1990 underO. Axelsson.

He held a Postdoctoral position at the Uni-versity of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and anAssistant Professor position in mathematics atthe University of California, Los Angeles. He iscurrently a Research Professor in the InnovativeComputing Laboratory, University of Tennessee,Knoxville. His current interests are in parallel

numerical linear algebra, as a co-developer of the Petsc library, performanceoptimization of sparse kernels, and self-adaptive numerical software.

Erika Fuentes received the B.S. degree incomputer engineering from the Institute ofTechnology and Superior Studies of Monterrey(ITESM), Mexico City, in 1997 and the in computer science from the Universityof Tennessee, Knoxville in 2002. She is cur-rently working toward the Ph.D. degree at theUniversity of Tennessee.

She is a Graduate Research Assistant for theInnovative Computing Laboratory, Universityof Tennessee, in the SALSA project. Her main

research areas are self-adaptive numerical software and applied statisticalmethods in numerical problems.

Antoine Petitet received the Ph.D. degree incomputer science from the University of Ten-nessee, Knoxville, in 1996.

From 1996 to 2001, he was a Research Sci-entist in the Computer Science Department,University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Since 2001,he has been a Benchmark Engineer with SunMicrosystems, Paris, France. His research in-terests primarily focused on parallel computing,numerical linear algebra, and the design of sci-entific parallel numerical software libraries for

distributed-memory concurrent computers. He was involved in the designand implementation of the software packages ScaLAPACK and ATLAS.

Richard Vuduc received the B.S. degree incomputer science from Cornell University,Ithaca, NY, in 1997 and the Ph.D. degree incomputer science at the University of California,Berkeley, in 2003, where he co-developed asystem to generate highly tuned sparse kernelsautomatically.

He is currently a Postdoctoral Researcherat Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,Livermore, CA. His research interests are in thegeneral areas of high-performance computing,

compiler optimization and automatic tuning, and statistical machinelearning.

R. Clint Whaley was born on November 9,1969. He received the B.S. degree in math-ematics (summa cum laude) from OklahomaPanhandle State University in 1991 and the in computer science from the Univer-sity of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK), in 1994,where his thesis dealt with communication ondistributed memory systems.

His professional career began at Oak RidgeNational Laboratories, where he worked as aResearch Student (1990–1991) on parallelizing

(for distributed memory machines) nuclear collision models in the physicsdivision. From 1994 to 1999, he was employed as a full-time researcher(Research Associate) at UTK. From 1999 to 2001, he was a Senior Re-search Associate at UTK. He is currently with the Department of ComputerScience, Florida State University, Tallahassee. During his years at UTK,he worked on the well-known parallel package ScaLAPACK. Later, asa full-time researcher, he founded the ongoing ATLAS research project,and ATLAS-tuned libraries are used by scientists and engineers aroundthe world. His research interests include code optimization, compilationresearch, high-performance computing, and parallel computing.

Katherine Yelick (Member, IEEE) received thePh.D. degree from the Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology (MIT), Cambridge, in 1991, whereshe worked on parallel programming methodsand automatic theorem proving.

She is a Professor in the Electrical Engineeringand Computer Science (EECS) Department atthe University of California, Berkeley. Her re-search in high-performance computing addressesparallel data structure design, compiler analysesfor explicitly parallel code, and optimization

techniques for communication systems and memory systems. Her pastprojects include the Split-C language, the IRAM processor-in-memorysystem, and the self-tuning Sparsity library. She currently leads the UPCproject at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, and coleadsthe Titanium and BeBOP (Berkeley Benchmarking and OptimizationProject) groups at the University of California, Berkeley.

Prof. Yelick won the George M. Sprowls Award for an outstanding Ph.D.dissertation at MIT and has received teaching awards from the EECS de-partments at both MIT and Berkeley.