Seductive Design

Post on 21-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Seductive Design

Seductive Design


Seductive Design


“The Graduate”


Original Sin

Seductive Design

Seductive Interfaces

The Fine Art of User Seduction

Stage 1: The Approach

Create an immediate reaction

The Halo Effect

Unboxing your iPod

Looks count

Status and SecurityAttractiveness boosters

Get a gimmick

Pick up lines

Be a little mysterious

What is beautiful is good

Which site would you buy a used car from?

Make a good first impression

And be easy to get along with

Trust indicators


Have a gimmick

It makes people think you’re interesting

Be friendly and personable

Generate interest through curiosity

and through playful disclosure

A good date starts with a good first impression

Stage 2: Rapport

Shared interests and values

Familiarity breeds attractiveness

Get in with his/her friends


Don’t be needy

Attitude similarity effect





Show how popular you are

Virb do this well

Virb do this well

Common interests

Not fun doing it on your own

Make it easy to invite friends

Stage 3: Desire

Be funny

Flirting and Playfulness

Be cheeky

Seductive language

Give a hint of more to come

But then play hard to get

Be a little mysterious

And know when to make the move

Generate interest through curiosity

Sexy interfaces

Sexy interfaces



Get a personality



Dopplr toys

Fun and games


Seductive language

Be a little mysterious

and play hard to get

Limiting supply can drive desire

Stage 4: Commitment



Don’t be afraid to admit your mistakes

Social exchange theory


Rubin Scale

Liking Indicators

1. I feel that Andy is a very stable person.

2. I have confidence in Andy’s opinions.

3. Most people would react very favourably to Andy after a brief acquaintance.

Liking Indicators

1. I feel that flickr is a very stable person.

2. I have confidence in flickr’s opinions.

3. Most people would react very favourably to flickr after a brief acquaintance.

Liking Indicators

Love Indicators

1. I feel strong feelings of possessiveness towards Andy.

2. I find it easy to ignore Andy’s faults.

3. It would be hard for me to get along without Andy.

Love Indicators

1. I feel strong feelings of possessiveness towards Twitter.

2. I find it easy to ignore Twiter’s faults.

3. It would be hard for me to get along without Twitter.

Love Indicators

Find reasons to (legitimately) get in touch


Reasons to enguage

Unlocking new abilities

Amazon knows my taste in books

LastFM knows my taste in music

Interfaces that grow with you

Interfaces that grow with you

Help people become experts

Admit your mistakes

Fail Whale


So where are the web examples?