Section 12 Advanced Features and Utilities

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Transcript of Section 12 Advanced Features and Utilities

  • 8/10/2019 Section 12 Advanced Features and Utilities


    Advanced Features and Utilities

    Section Objectives

    At the conclusion of this topic, the student will be able to perform the following


    1. Compensate data using Reconstructed Waveform compensation.

    2. Convert the units of an entire database using Unit Conversion Utility.

    3. Copy a database onto the end of another database using Append Database


    4. Modify vector information from one or two databases using Database VectorUtility.

    5. Modify parameters of data played back into ADRE from a tape recorder using

    Tape/Data Playback.

    6. Locate alignment of keyphasor probe and notch using the Keyphasor Index.

    7. Collect data from a 108 DAI using 108 DAI Download.

    8. Obtain 208 DAIU performance information using System List.

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    I. Reconstructed Waveform Compensation

    A) Full Waveform Compensation

    Selection of waveform reference data for full waveform compensation wascovered in Section 5. To review, waveform compensation allows you to

    view a direct orbit or timebase plot with the full runout/glitch pattern(s)

    removed. This is accomplished by selecting reference waveforms from a

    slow roll sample, then choosing Waveform Compensation when configuring

    Orbit and Timebase plots. The reference waveforms will be digitally

    subtracted from the waveform samples you are viewing to produce the

    compensated display.

    B) Using Reconstructed Waveforms

    Another compensation option to use when viewing direct orbit and timebase

    plots is reconstructed waveform compensation. Instead of full waveform

    compensation, you can subtract the 1X, 2X, or nX Slow Roll Vector portion

    only from the direct orbit and timebase plots you want to view. ADRE will

    reconstruct a filtered waveform from the amplitude and phase information

    of the slow roll vector chosen in the Edit Reference Slow Roll Vector

    dialog box and then subtract that from the direct orbit and timebase plots.

    Figure 1. Reconstructed Waveform Vector Options in the Edit Reference -

    Waveform Dialog Box

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    To use reconstructed waveform compensation:

    1) Select Edit from the main menu bar. Select Reference Data,

    then Waveform Reference. This will bring up the Edit

    Reference - Waveform dialog box.

    2) Define which type of Slow Roll Vector you want to use for

    compensation. Select OK on exit to save your selection.

    3) Select Edit from the main menu bar, then Reference Data, then

    Vector Reference. This will bring up the Edit Reference Slow

    Roll Vector dialog box. Select the type of Slow Roll Vector you

    chose in step 2 and then select which vector you want to use to

    reconstruct the filtered waveform.

    4) Bring up the configuration dialog box for the plot type you want to

    view (timebase, for example).

    5) Select Direct as the Variable.

    6) Select Slow Roll for Compensation.

    Figure 2.Selecting Reconstructed Waveform Compensation for the Timebase Plot

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    The resulting plot will use direct waveform(s) compensated for the Slow

    Roll Vector portion only. The plot will be annotated as Direct Comp with

    the slow roll vector values used for compensation displayed by the header.

    To avoid confusion, remember that direct waveform plots with full

    waveform compensation are also annotated as Direct Comp, but that theydo not show any slow roll vector values.

    Figure 3. Compensation with Reconstructed Waveforms

    II. Unit Conversion Utility

    A) Unit Conversion Utility Features

    The Unit Conversion Utility can convert previously collected data to new

    units. You will be able to convert data saved in the..\adrewin\database\default database, then save the newly converted

    database to a new directory. The utility selects and converts each channel

    separately. Generic vibration, process variables, and TK-17 channels

    cannot be converted.

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    Figure 4. Accessing the Unit Conversion Utility Dialog Box

    B) Using Unit Conversion Utility

    To use Unit Conversion Utility:

    1) Save the database you want to convert to the

    ..\adrewin\database\default subdirectory. The utility will

    convert the data in the \default subdirectory, not the data stored in

    the RAM memory or in a newly opened database.

    2) Close any opened plots

    3) Select Utilities from the main menu bar.

    4) Select Unit Conversion Utility to bring up the Unit Conversion

    Utility dialog box.

    5) Choose the following inputs and parameters for the first channel

    using the Unit Conversion Utility listboxes.

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    Select the channel for conversion, then select the new

    unit to be associated with that channel.

    Channel Name:

    This column shows the currently configured name for

    each channel.

    Current Units:

    The Current Units column displays the currently

    configured unit associated with each channel. Newly

    selected units move into the Current Units column when

    a different channel is selected or the channels are paged.

    New Units:

    The New Units list box displays all available units for

    conversion. If a current unit is in rms (root mean

    square) units, the conversion selections will contain

    rms units as well. Likewise, if the current unit is in

    intg (integrated) units, the conversion selections will

    show only intg units. Once selected, the New Units

    column (under the New Units listbox) will display the

    new unit. When you select a different channel, the newunit will become the current unit.

    Scale Factor Value:

    The Scale Factor Value column displays the new scale

    factor value for each channel.

    Scale Factor mV/:

    The Scale Factor mV/ column displays the new scale

    factor units for each channel.

    6) Repeat steps 1-5 to convert more channels. Click OK to save

    unit conversions. Click Cancel to return to the original units.

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    III. Append Database Utility

    A) Append Database Utility Features

    The Append Database Utility allows you to copy one databases onto the endof another. After selecting the first database (Database A), the utility

    permanently adds the data contained in your second database selection

    (Database B) to the end of Database A. The data used in Database B will

    remain unaltered in its original location.

    Figure 5. Schematic of Append Database Utility

    Note: Because the data in Database A will permanently include both

    databases, you may want to preserve its original content by saving Database

    A under a different name prior to using the utility. If you forget to do this

    and you want your original unappended data, you can do a Data Range

    Save. From the main menu bar, click File, Data Range Save and pick

    out the original samples you want and save them to a new database (see

    Data Range Save, Section 2).

    Database A

    (1600 Vectors)

    Database B

    (500 Vectors)

    Database A+B

    (2100 Vectors)

    Database B






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    The following restrictions apply:

    1. The configurations of both databases must be identical.

    Figure 6. Error Message when the Configurations Do Not Match

    2. The time stamps of Database B must be later than the time stamps

    of Database A.

    3. The size of the appended database may not exceed the maximum

    size for ADRE databases: 2560 vector and 256 waveform samples.

    For example, a database containing 1500 vector and 150

    waveform samples can not be appended to another database

    containing 1200 vector and 120 waveform samples because the

    appended database would contain 2700 vector and 270 waveform

    samples (over the maximum limit).

    Figure 7. Accessing the Append Database Utility Dialog Box

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    B) Using Append Database Utility

    To use Append Database Utility:

    1) Select Utilities from the main menu bar.

    2) Select Append Database Utility to bring up the Append

    Database Utility Dialog Box.

    3) Choose the two databases to append. Click OK to execute or

    Cancel to abort the operation.

    Note: After appending the databases, it will be necessary to open the

    appended database (A) and adjust the sample stop limits in order to see the

    appended samples on any of the plots. To adjust the sample stop limits from

    the main menu bar, click Edit, then Run Definition, then Limit

    Keyphasor 1 and /or Limit Keyphasor 2.

    IV. Database Vector Utility

    A) Using Database Vector Utilities

    Figure 8. Accessing the Database Vector Utility Dialog Box

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    The Database Vector Utility lets you modify the vector information from

    one or two databases and store the resultant database in the memory. The

    operations are performed on vectors, not on waveforms. When two source

    databases are used, operations can only be performed on data from channels

    with compatible configurations (i.e. transducer units, transducer scalefactors, channel full-scale range and frequency span must match).

    If Database A and Database B do not have the same nX Vectors the

    resulting nX data will be set to zero.

    If either Database A or Database B contain samples with flagged data, a

    message will be posted informing you that the selected database(s) contain

    samples with flagged data. Below Minimum Amplitude and Overrange

    errors may not be flagged in the resultant database. For example, if a sample

    flagged as below minimum amplitude from Database A is added to a valid

    sample from Database B, the resulting sample may not be flagged as being

    invalid even though the source data was flagged. Check the original

    database(s) for the status of the source samples.

    When performing vector operations, all samples in Database A will be

    manipulated regardless of the run definition sample limits. The run

    definition sample limits for the resulting database will be copied from

    Database A. When Speed Matching is used, all samples in Database B will

    be used for possible matches despite the run definition sample limits.

    B) Single Database Vector Operations

    To perform operations on a single database:

    1) Select Utilities from the main menu bar.

    2) Select Database Vector Utility to bring up the Database Vector

    Utility dialog box.

    3) For Database A, enter the path of the desired database or press

    the select button to choose the correct database. When a database

    is selected, the corresponding database comments are displayed.

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    4) Under Configure and Database Operation, select a Single

    Database vector operation, Channel By Vector or Reciprocal

    from the pick list.

    Figure 9. Setting Up For Channel By Vector Operations On A Single Database

    If you chose Reciprocal press OK to perform the operation. If you

    chose Channel By Vector, continue with steps 5-9.

    5) Press the Vectors button to bring up the Define Vector dialog


    6) Select which vector operation you want to use from the Select

    (OP) pick list. Copy this information to the (OP) buttons of

    each individual channel, or to the (OP) button in the Apply to

    All group. Press Copy to copy the operation from the Apply to

    All group to active channels.

    7) Enter the vector amplitude and phase which you want applied to

    the database into the edit boxes for individual channels, or use the

    Apply to All edit boxes and copy your entry down to active

    channels with the Copy push button.

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    8) Specify which type of vector (1X, 2X, nX) you want the operation

    applied to under Data Type.

    9) Press OK to confirm your selections in the Define Vector dialog


    10) Since the options sample by sample and speedmatch are

    grayed out, youll need to press Ok to perform the vector

    operation selected in channel by vector (in database operation


    Figure 10. Define Vector Dialog Box For Single Database Vector Operations

    When one of the operations add(+), subtract(-), multiply(*), or divide(/) is

    selected and then the Sample by Sample option is selected, the operation

    uses only a single database. As a result, Database B and Speed MatchTolerance options will be disabled. For instance, if addition is selected as

    the operation and the Sample by Sample option has been selected, each

    sample in Database A will be added to itself.

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    Figure 11. Setting Up For A Dual Database Vector Operation

    C) Dual Database Vector Operations

    To perform vector operations with two databases:

    1) Select Utilities from the main menu bar.

    2) Select Database Vector Utility to bring up the Database Vector

    Utility dialog box.

    3) For Database A, enter the path of the desired database or press

    the select button to choose the correct database. When a database

    is selected, the corresponding database comments are displayed.

    4) Under Configure and Database Operation, select a DualDatabase vector operation (add, subtract, multiply, or divide) from

    the pick list.

    5) For Database B, enter the path of the desired database or press

    the select button to choose the correct database.

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    6) When an operation uses two databases, the samples must be

    matched by speed.

    Speed Match Tolerance defines an acceptable range for matching. For

    instance, if the Speed Match Tolerance is 5 and the first sample of DatabaseA was taken at 500 rpm, then Database B is searched for a sample with a

    speed of 495 to 505 to match the sample from Database A.

    7) Press OK to perform the operation.

    Figure 12.Database A Database B = Database C

    V. Tape/Data Playback

    A) Tape/Data Playback Application

    Use this utility to make various adjustments to data played back into the

    ADRE! for Windows system from a tape recorder. Tape/Data Playback

    parameters can make the following conversions:

    1) Adjust a date and time to sample run date and time.

    2) Adjust for data played back at a speed other than the one at which

    it was recorded.

    3) Adjust for an amplifier or attenuator that was used in the signal

    path of a channel.

    4) Add or subtract a constant voltage or DC offset from any signal

    path of any channel.

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    B) Setting Tape Speed Correction Factors

    ADRE!for Windows can correct for frequency multiplications or divisions

    that occurred between recording and playing back a signal.

    Figure 13. Accessing the Edit Tape Record / Playback Parameters Dialog Box

    To perform a tape speed correction:

    1) Enter the tape recorder speed at which signals were recorded in the

    Record field under Tape Speed.

    2) Enter the tape recorder speed at which signals were played back

    (into the DAIU) in the Playback field.

    ADRE! for Windows treats these two speeds as a ratio. So if the Record

    Tape Speed was 7.5 inches per second and the Playback Tape Speed was

    3.75 inches per second, you may enter 2 in the Record Tape Speed field and

    1 in the Playback Tape Speed field with satisfactory results.

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    C) Setting Recording Date And Time

    The Data and Time fields let you adjust the timetag of the first Vector

    Record in a database; all subsequent samples are adjusted accordingly.

    D) Setting Channel Gain

    The Gain field lets you correct for amplification or attenuation of a

    transducer signal that was recorded with a tape recorder and then fed to a

    DAIU. Enter the value you want to multiply by to bring the net

    gain/attenuation back to unity. This value is going to be the reciprocal of

    whatever gain was used to make the tape recording.


    A transducer's signal was multiplied by 5 while being recorded

    on Channel 4. Enter 0.2 (1/5) in the Gain edit box of Channel

    4 to establish a net gain of unity.


    A transducer's signal was divided by 4 (a gain of 0.25) while

    being recorded on Channel 2. Enter 4 in the Gain edit box of

    Channel 2 to establish a net gain of unity.

    E) Setting DC Gap Offset Voltages

    Displacement transducers typically have offset voltages between -5 and -12

    volts. FM tape recorders, on the other hand, record DC voltages within a

    more limited range, typically about 1.5 to +1.5 volts. To record a DC gap

    voltage on tape, therefore, it is often helpful to subtract a negative offset

    voltage (in effect, add a voltage) to the transducer's gap voltage and DC

    couple the signal into the tape recorder.

    This utility lets you add these "bucking voltages" back into the data on achannel-by-channel basis. The process usually involves adding a negative

    number to the channel's DC Gap. Values in the DC Gap Offset column

    are added to your database (after the database has been multiplied by the

    Gain factor), so usually they should be negative to adjust the signal


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    VI. Keyphasor Index

    A) Using the keyphasor Index Utility

    This utility lets you check the Keyphasor signal by displaying a solid black

    box that represents the instantaneous Keyphasor trigger in realtime mode.You can also use the Keyphasor Index to locate alignment of the notch and

    Keyphasor Probe without physically accessing the Keyphasor probe. The

    DAIU 208 and computer must be connected to use Keyphasor Index.

    For example, say you want to determine when alignment of the notch and

    Keyphasor Probe occurs so that you can place a zero degree mark on the

    shaft for balancing purposes. If the notch and Keyphasor Probe area is not

    accessible, you can use the Keyphasor index to locate when alignment

    occurs. While the rotor is slowly being rotated with a ratcheting system,

    turning gear, or by hand, use the Keyphasor Index to match-mark a pointon the shaft with a reference point on the casing. When these match marks

    are aligned, you will know the notch and Keyphasor Probe are aligned.

    Note: Zero degrees, as defined by absolute phase angle definition, would be

    located on the shaft at the vibration probe you are using when the notch and

    Keyphasor Probe are aligned. Phase lag angles increase from the zero mark

    against rotation.

    Figure 14. Using the Keyphasor Index


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    VII. Downloading Data from The 108 DAI

    A) Using The 108 DAI Download Utility

    Use this utility to collect data from a 108 Data Acquisition Instrument (108DAI), the earlier generation of the DAIU, and save the data into a database

    that can be used by ADRE! for Windows. Up to ten 108 DAIs may be

    connected through a serial COM port. Each 108 DAI must have a unique

    address in the range from 1 to 10 and must be set at the same baud rate.

    Upon initiation, 108 DAI Download attempts to establish a connection with

    all 108 DAIs using the default settings for this dialog box (COM port 1,

    9600 baud rate, and ADRE! 3 format). At subsequent start-ups, this 108

    DAI Download will use the settings from the previous run. The 108 DAI

    Download utility is available under Utilities on the main menu bar.

    Figure 15. Accessing The 108 DAI Download Dialog Box From The Utilities


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    B) 108 DAI Download Instructions

    1) Click the Identify 108 DAI command button to re-establish the

    connection with all 108 DAIs.

    2) Select which 108 DAI(s) you want to download from by highlighting

    your selection from the 108 DAI Address list box.

    3) Under Subdirectory Name, enter the path and subdirectory name you

    want the data saved to. The subdirectory name may have up to eight

    characters for a single 108 DAI selection. However, the subdirectory

    name may only have up to six characters if multiple 108 DAIs are

    selected. The last two spaces indicate the address of the 108 DAIs. All

    excess characters will be truncated.

    4) Enter any comments for the new database into the Comments text field.

    Comments can have up to 114 characters for Adre!3 format or 1,000

    characters ADRE!for Windows format. These comments are displayed

    in the Files / Open dialog box and are printed in as Database

    comments when this option is selected from the print menu.

    5) Select either ADRE3 or ADRE for Windows format under Save As/

    Format. Use this box to set the format of the data to be collected. Data

    from a 108 DAI consisting of multiple setups cannot be saved in Adre forWindows format. Required Disk Space will display the total disk space

    in kilobytes needed to save the data for all selected 108 DAIs.

    6) Select a COM port in your computer for the 108 DAI connections.

    7) Select a baud rate for the connection between the host computer and the

    108 DAIs. Make sure the baud rate switch on each 108 DAI is set to the

    same baud rate you are selecting here.

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    8) Press the Download/Save Data command button to begin downloading

    data. The data will be saved to disk in the subdirectory name you

    selected in step 3.

    Source ConfigurationsThe Source configuration listbox selects the source of the

    channel configuration file(s) of the data to be collected.

    Use Default Channel Configuration File - When this option

    is checked, a default channel configuration will be used for

    the collected data. Channel names will be Channel 1 -

    Channel 8, odd channels will have an angle of 0 while even

    channels will have an angle of 90, and the direction of

    rotation will be clockwise.

    Specify Channel Configuration Files When this option is

    checked, channel configuration information will be loaded

    from the files specified in the Channel Configuration

    Directories dialog box. Initially, all of the specified

    configuration files will contain default information.

    Edit - The Edit command button is accessible when you

    select Specify Channel Configuration Files. This command

    button opens the Channel Configuration Directories dialogbox. This selects and edits the configuration file paths.

    VIII. System List

    A) Using the System Event List

    The System Event List contains information about the performance of the DAIU.

    After the host has acknowledged that the DAIU is on, the DAIU updates system

    status at least every second. When events occur, they are written to the SystemList. The System List will be cleared when the computer is turned off.

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    Figure 16. Accessing System List From The Utilities Menu

    System List Entries:

    Store Enabled

    The DAIU is ready to collect and store data.

    Store Disabled

    The DAIU is not ready to collect and store data.Manual Trigger Started

    The DAIU started an immediate trigger, regardless of configuration.

    Manual Sample

    The DAIU performed an immediate trigger and collected all current


    Keyphasor 1 Error

    Keyphasor 1 has failed.

    Keyphasor 2 ErrorKeyphasor 2 has failed.

    Low Battery

    The DAIU battery voltage is low.

    Hardware Failure

    The DAIU has failed. Perform a Hardware Self Test. To make the

    DAIU usable again, the power must be cycled.

    Invalid Request

    The DAIU received an unknown command from the host.

    Invalid Setup

    The DAIU contains unknown setup information in the dual port


    Invalid Sequence

    The DAIU received a command out of sequence.