Second International Symposium on European Languages in...

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Transcript of Second International Symposium on European Languages in...

Dante Alighieri Society The World in Italian

Building learning strategies for the European Languages in East Asia

within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Fabrizio Grasselli

President of Dante Alighieri Society Tokyo

Second International Symposium on European Languages in East Asia 5 - 6 November 2011 Taipei -Taiwan

Dante Alighieri Society The World in Italian

Within the context of a new geopolitical Europe, the Common European Framework is providing a

fundamental tool in helping to overcome the communication barriers between different countries and cultural


Considering that, socioeconomically, East-Asia is the most dynamic region in the world and that multilingualism is a serious issue concerning the development of political and economic relations in the region the European experience and achievements on the subject could represent an important example. Learning European languages, apart from English, will consistently improve the economic, political and cultural relations between the E.U. and the Far East.


Dante Alighieri Society The World in Italian


Its primary purpose is to preserve and spread the Italian language and culture in the world. To achieve its aims, the "Dante Alighieri" relies on about 500 committees, of which more than 400 active abroad, in Africa, America, Europe, Asia and Oceania. The "Dante Alighieri" not only offers courses in Italian language, but also a variety of cultural events

for thousands of students and members.

Dante Alighieri Society in Asia and Oceania has 31,800 members-students, distributed among Viet Nam, Japan, Thailand, India, China, Hong Kong the Philippines and Australia.

Dante Alighieri Society The World in Italian

PLIDA (Dante Alighieri Italian Language Project)

In 150 different countries around the world, the "Dante Alighieri" is committed to apply the Common European Framework to the teaching and learning of the Italian Language trough the PLIDA and has achieved an extensive worldwide experience.

The PLIDA (Progetto Lingua Italiana Dante Alighieri) Certificate is an official diploma issued by the Dante Alighieri Society under an agreement with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and with the scientific approval of the “La Sapienza” University in Rome. The PLIDA is recognized by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies and by the Ministry of University and Research as a qualification for the facilitated university enrolment of foreign students, in Italy.

The PLIDA certificate attests proficiency in Italian as a foreign language on the basis of a 6-level scale: from level A1, the most elementary, documenting the ability to use Italian in everyday situations, to level C2, the most qualified, guaranteeing an expertise comparable to that of an educated mother-tongue speaker, and which can be used in all professional contexts. The PLIDA also offers two special certificates: the PLIDA for juniors and the commercial PLIDA.

In 2010, around the world, 7.325 people registered for the PLIDA and projections based on April 2011 first section of the exam, suggest that by the end of 2011 they could increase by 30%.

Dante Alighieri Society The World in Italian

Another important activity of PLIDA features the organization of training courses for teachers. The courses take place twice a year and supply teachers with useful tools to improve and update their teaching skills and their competence in teaching Italian as a foreign language. The courses’ aim is to combine a thorough and update approach to language teaching along with an extended examination of the most relevant aspects of Italy’s artistic and cultural heritage.

Training of language teachers is essential in order to implement the directions of the CERF. More emphasis should be placed in university courses across Europe to the preparation of language teachers and the 'Erasmus' exchange program could help to create a new generation of 'Multilingual operators'.

Academic preparation however is not sufficient.

European Governments and public institutions should take responsibility for promoting updated cyclical programs conferences and workshops in order to provide teachers with the opportunities to discuss various methodological approaches, in connection with a constantly changing world.


Dante Alighieri Society The World in Italian


A problem particularly relevant to the teaching of European languages in East -Asia, is related to textbooks which are mostly written for European or Western students.

To achieve the linguistic objectives set by CERF it is necessary to create and use textbooks and teaching materials suited to the cultural and sociolinguistic context of the students, this is particularly true for East Asia.

The Dante Alighieri Society is particularly attentive to these issues and is already working for the realization of specific texts. Specifically the Tokyo Committee of Dante Alighieri Society, in collaboration with a leading Italian publishing house, is preparing a new A2 level Italian as a second language textbook, aimed particularly at Chinese, Japanese and Korean students.


Dante Alighieri Society The World in Italian

Another important aspect is the development of curricula or syllabi that referring to the CERF could be adapted to realities very far from the European context.

Each educational system has its own peculiarities related to the context and nature of the students. However, it seems important to carefully consider aspects related to the communicative Tasks and the communicative acts, such as: Basic linguistic forms, Lexicon, Socio-pragmatic, Phonetics, Phonology, Prosody, Semantic-syntactic categories, Elements of

culture, Morph-syntax and meta-linguistic reflection.


Dante Alighieri Society The World in Italian


The type of students attending Italian Language courses in Japan, is the most diversified, but we can find mainly

four main groups: women, seniors, university students and school children.

Concerning the Italian courses offered by universities, it is interesting to note that a growing number of them, offer Italian language classes for adult learners through what are called: 'Open Colleges'. According to data provided by the Embassy of Italy in Japan, the universities, public and private, offering Italian

language courses are about 80, from Hokkaido to Okinawa.

The Embassy of Italy in Tokyo estimates that About 10,000 students are attending Italian language classes at universities, all over Japan. Apparently, unlike other European languages, the demand for Italian language courses continues to be high.

Unfortunately, the Japanese Government does not recognize the CERF.

Dante Alighieri Society The World in Italian

The richness of European languages is a unique heritage that must be preserved and promoted.

Language is a soul of culture and the most spectacular instrument in the evolution of mankind. Only a joint effort by all European Countries will maintain the cultural dignity of the Continent in the world. To achieve this goal we need sensitive strategies, economic and human resources, including language teachers, who are the ideal ambassadors of intercultural dialogue. Their role is fundamental for opening new opportunities in cross cultural, political and economic relations in an increasingly interconnected world.


Dante Alighieri Society The World in Italian


Thanks to: Prof. Massimo Arcangeli, Prof. and Costanza Menzinger, in Rome, for providing data on the PLIDA Project. Contacts: Dante Alighieri Society, Tokyo Committee Tel/Fax: + + 81 3 5459 3222 e-mail: Website: Dante Alighieri Society General Secretariat (Rome-Italy) Tel: + + 39 06 6874531 Fax: + + 39 06 6873685 e-mail: Website:

PLIDA (Rome-Italy) Tel: + + 39 06 6873787 email: