Post on 19-Jun-2015

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Introduce SECCON CTF competition.

Transcript of SECCON CTFの取り組み

  • 1. CTF SECCON NTT() Microsoft MVP(Enterprise Security)

2. 3. 5A 4. K 5. C 6. /1020 7. 8. 9. / 10. || 11. IT-Keys 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. /30 17. 18. 19. DEFCON CTF 2 20. 21. = Japanese National Defense Industrial company 22. 23. 24. 25. SECCON SECurity CONtest) 26. SECCON Sutegoma2 27. CTF CTF Capture The Flag 20 DEFCONEU 28. CTF TV 29. / 2012/02 ( 2012/05 2 2013/02 30. CTF 31. 32. CTF 2/18 33. 731 [] Ubel Panzer9 [] hnp63 [] wasamusme and mi17u4 [] coldra1n3 [] TeamWinter183 [] mackey1 Kyushu Cyber Force tonko2 62 34. 35. TV 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 2/9 ITCTFSECCON CTF218 CTF 2/17 SECCON CTF2/182 The Daily Yomiuri "Can Japan embrace white-knight hackers? NHK 2/23 FNN3/15 3/17 I/O4 SECCON CTF 42. 43. 1 44. 45. 46. CTF 47. 2SECCON CTF( ) SECCON JNSA(2012/05/19 13:0021:00 2012/05/20 9:0017:00 : 48. 2SECCON CTFWebOS 49. 2SECCON CTFNEW!CTF 50. 2SECCON CTF / 51. 52. 2SECCON CTF()JNSA20JNSA10 11 10 5 53. JNSA m(__)m 54. 10 55. 56. CTF 57. rot13(1)15.0%10.0%5.0% 0.0%E T A ON R I S H D L F CMUGP YWB V K X J Q Z 58. 59. sh sq dnhtzd lvd uq hv mz tzdz czcsanhzc hv htz edznh hnqrdzknsgsge mzlvdz uq -- htnh ldvk htzqz tvgvdzc cznc bz hnrzsgadznqzc czfvhsvg hv htnh anuqz lvd btsat htzy enfz htz inqh luiikznqudz vl czfvhsvg -- htnh bz tzdz tsetiy dzqvifz htnh htzqz czncqtnii gvh tnfz cszc sg fnsg -- htnh htsq gnhsvg, ugczd evc, qtnii tnfzn gzb msdht vl ldzzcvk -- ngc htnh evfzdgkzgh vl htz pzvpiz, my htzpzvpiz, lvd htz pzvpiz, qtnii gvh pzdsqt ldvk htz zndht. 60. ,86,19.15367483296214% f,8,1.7817371937639197%z,56,12.47216035634744%p,7,1.55902004454343%h,40,8.908685968819599%u,6,1.3363028953229399%t,32,7.126948775055679%e,6,1.3363028953229399%n,29,6.45879732739421% k,6,1.3363028953229399%v,28,6.23608017817372% ,,5,1.1135857461024499%d,22,4.8997772828507795% m,4,0.8908685968819599%s,17,3.78619153674833% a,4,0.8908685968819599%c,17,3.78619153674833% b,4,0.8908685968819599%g,17,3.78619153674833% y,3,0.6681514476614699%q,16,3.5634743875278394% r,2,0.4454342984409799%i,14,3.11804008908686% .,1,0.22271714922048996%l,11,2.4498886414253898%-,8,1.7817371937639197%% 61. 3it, is, the, he , I,for,by,us, 62. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz nmaczletswrikgvpjdqhufbxyo 63. sh sq dnhtzd lvd uq hv mz tzdz czcsanhzc hv htz edznh hnqr dzknsgsge mzlvdz uq -- htnh ldvk htzqztvgvdzc cznc bz hnrz sgadznqzc czfvhsvg hv htnh anuqz lvd btsat htzy enfz htz inqh luii kznqudz vl czfvhsvg -- htnh bz tzdz tsetiy dzqvifz htnh htzqz cznc qtnii gvh tnfz cszc sg fnsg -- htnh htsq gnhsvg, ugczd evc, qtnii tnfz n gzb msdht vl ldzzcvk -- ngc htnh evfzdgkzgh vl htzpzvpiz, my htz pzvpiz, lvd htz pzvpiz, qtnii gvh pzdsqtldvk htz is rather for us to be here dedicated to the greattask remaining before us -- that from these honoreddead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have diedin vain -- that this nation, under god, shall have a newbirth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by 64. 65. 66. .JP