Sec 3 Subject Combinations for 2019 (NT) - website · National ITE Certificate (Nitec) 2 years GCE...

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Transcript of Sec 3 Subject Combinations for 2019 (NT) - website · National ITE Certificate (Nitec) 2 years GCE...

Briefing for Sec 2 NT on Subject Combinations for Sec 3 NT (2019) 20 April 20186:30pm – 8:30pm

Programme Time Activity Personnel7.00pm-7.20pm Welcome & Overview

Decision-making processMrs Wong Yu Ting (School Staff Developer)

7.20pm-7.50pm Post-Secondary Educationww Institute of Technical

Education (ITE)w Aptitude-based Admissions to

ITE / Polytechnics / University

2019 3N(T) Subject CombinationTaking Higher Stream subjects (For SBB & Non SBB Students)

Ms Arista PangMs Adin(2.7 FT/CTs)

Mr Alex Chiam(SH Data & Info Mgt)

7.50pm-8.30pm Q & A SSD & IP MM, 2.7 FT/CTs

Welcome & Overview

MMrrss WWoonngg YYuu TTiinnggSScchhooooll SSttaaffff DDeevveellooppeerr

§ To share with parents the many pathways available for N(T) students to achieve success in life.

§ To provide information on the subjects offer to students for Sec 3N(T) in 2019.

§ To provide an avenue for dialogue & clarification on post-Secondary matters

Purpose of Briefing

Progression opportunities after GCE ‘N’ levels

National ITE Certificate (Nitec) 2 years

GCE N Level (NA)(2021)

GCE N Level (NT)(2020)

Diploma (3 years)


GCE O Level(2022)

Higher National ITECertificate (Higher Nitec)

2 years

ITE College CentralNiche courses :

Aerospace & Marine Technology, Business, Community & Event Services,

Creative Design & Interactive Media, and

Engineering Design & Manufacturing Technology.

ITE College EastNiche courses :Beauty & Wellness, Business & Entrepreneurship, Chemical & Life Sciences, and Healthcare Services.

ITE College WestNiche courses :

Culinary and Hospitality Services, Land Transport, Security Technology

and Service Innovation


We must make a greater effort to help students discover their interests and

passions, through education and career guidance... We then match student

interests with their course of study as much as possible during the admissions


As Confucius says, :

somebody who knows cannot match someone who

wants to know, and somebody who wants to

know cannot match somebody who loves to


Mr Ong Ye KungActing Minister for Education (Higher Education & Skills)Committee of Supply Debates 2016

Provide Opportunities to explore experiences

Sec 3 Work Shadowing Programme (WSP)

Elements of Business Skills (EBS)

• Business Activities• Career Opportunities in the retail, travel and tourism and

hospitality industries, food and beverage services• Service Industries (Retail, convenience store,

departmental, supermarket etc) • Planning itinerary for inbound tourists• Aspects of Marketing – products, services, pricing, place,

promotion• Customer service

Post-Secondary Education

Ms Arista Pang & Ms AdinForm & Co-Form Teachers (2.7)

What’s after N-levels?


/GCE ‘O’

Exciting Careers

3-Year Nitec Course with Enhanced Nitec

Foundation Programme

2-Year Nitec


Higher Nitec


ITE or Polytechnic Diploma

Local/Overseas Degree

Pathways available for students in Normal(Technical) stream

GCE N-Level Exam

2 year ITE NITEC



2 year ITE Higher NITEC

Pre-requisite grades attained

Pre-requisite grades attained

Pre-requisite grades attained

Lateral TransferLateral transfer to 4 Normal (Academic) for those who qualify based on N level results*

* Terms and conditions apply

1 2-year NITEC course Prerequisites & bonus pts as stated in the course

Progression Pathways for Normal (Technical)

No Criteria

2 3-year NITEC course with Enhanced Nitec Foundation Programme1+2 = 3 years

0 or 1 N-level passes

3 Transfer to 4 Normal (Academic)

Grade A for EL & MathGrade A or B for 1 other subject at NT in same exam year

ELB4, ELR1B3 & ELR2B2 : For ITE CoursesELB4-A

(Early Childhood/ Wellness Mgt)


ELR2B2-C(Science & Technology)

EL English

Language ELEnglish

Language ELEnglish


B4Best 4 other

subjects excluding CCA




Computer Studies


Best 3 other subjects

excluding CCA B2

Best 2 other subjects excluding CCA


Example of Minimum Entry Requirements For Nitec Courses

ITE progression to Higher Nitec courses• Nitec graduates, who meet the Minimum Entry Requirement (MER)

for Higher Nitec courses, can apply through the Nitec Progression to Higher Nitec intake exercise(NCHN)

• ITE offers a wide range of full-time Higher Nitec courses in the following areas at the three colleges:-


Colleges Schools

q ITE CC: College Central

q ITE CE: College East

q ITE CW: College West

q AH: Applied & Health Sciencesq BS: Business Servicesq DM: Design & Mediaq EIC: Electronics & Info-Comm

Technologyq ENG: Engineeringq HS: Hospitality Services

Annex A

Early Admissions Exercise

EAE (ITE) for Sec 4NT Students


The Early Admission Exercise (EAE) is an aptitude and interest-based exercise that allows

your child to apply and receive conditional offers from ITEs prior to receiving the final N-level results, i.e. before the JIE exercise with

everyone else.

It’s for those who have aptitudes and interests in specific fields of study


• Focus on course-specific aptitudes and interests• But, non-course-specific achievements, e.g. sports,

performing arts, leadership, are also considered


You’ll be assessed through different modes

• E.g. interviews, aptitude tests, showcasing your portfolio, depending on the course you apply for


All this will take place before your N-Level exams• If your application is successful, ITE will give

you a conditional offer before you take the N-Level exams


You’ll still have to meet the minimum entry requirements


• Most Nitec courses have subject-specific minimum entry requirements

• ELR2B2 less than or equal to 26


But you won’t have to compete for admission to ITE strictly on the basis of how well you do academically compared to everyone else


(…or your offer will be revoked)

Important Links


JIE 2018 Booklet

Which path should I take?• There are many routes

to success. • Explore all possible

education options and look for one that best fits your needs, passion and abilities.

• It may just mean taking the road less travelled.

Post-Sec Scholarships

Explore the Pathways Post-Sec Scholarships

• MOE Pre-University Scholarship• MOE Humanities Scholarship• Art Elective Scholarship• Language Elective Scholarships• Music Elective Scholarship• Regional Studies Prog Scholarship

DSTA Scholarship• Cluster Sponsorship - Nursing (Dip)• Polytechnic Foundation Programme

(PFP) Profession – Nursing• Sailors' Society - MaritimeONE

Scholarship (SMA-SP)• BCA-Industry Built Environment

Diploma Scholarship / Sponsorship• Scholarships Offered by Polytechnics• Scholarships Offered by Lasalle and


• Community Development Council & Citizen's Consultative Committee-Institute of Technical Education (CDC & CCC-ITE) Scholarship

• BCA-Industry Built Environment ITE Scholarship

• Nursing Sponsorship for NITEC in Nursing

• SingHealth Nursing Sponsorship (NITEC)

• Singapore Olympic Foundation-Peter Lim Sports Scholarship

• Industry Scholarships For ITE Courses

Exp / NA NT


MOE Special AwardsThe LKY Awards

Highest accolade given to any student

29 Name Class MOE Special Awards

Rachel Destinee Lee @ Lee Sihui 4E1 2007 Lee Kuan Yew Award for

All-Round Excellence

Chong Cheryl 4E1 2010 Lee Kuan Yew Award for Outstanding Normal Course

Mavis Saw Kai Lin 4D1 2014 Lee Kuan Yew Award for Outstanding Normal Course

Saraniya D/O Panichelvam 4D1 2016 Lee Kuan Yew Award for

Outstanding Normal CourseHannah Quek Sihui 4A1 2017 Lee Kuan Yew Award for

All-Round Excellence

2019 3N(T) Subject CombinationTaking Higher Stream subjects (For SBB & Non SBB Students)

Mr Alex ChiamSH (Data & Information Management)

Briefing to Parents


Briefing Outline

1. Subject-Based Banding (SBB) development 2017-2018

2. Opportunities to take Higher Level Subjects (For all students)

3. Post-Secondary Options

What is Subject-Based Banding (SBB)?

• Every student is unique and possesses different strengths. Taking subjects at a higher academic level can help students nurture their strengths and give them more opportunities throughout their educational journey, so that they are more engaged in learning.

• Previously, students in N(A) and N(T) courses can take higher-level subjects starting from Secondary 3. With SBB, your child can start doing so from the start of Secondary 1, to build a stronger foundation in subjects that they are good at.


What’s Ahead ?

Q: Will my child be able to take the higher-level subjects all the way to Sec 4? •Your child may continue with the corresponding higher-level subject at upper secondary if she meets our school’s criteria at the end of Sec 2.

•(for both SBB and non SBB) Student can take up to a max of 3 out-of stream subjects.


For Current SBB students


for N(T) students

Progression opportunities for Sec 4 N(T)

• Sec 4 N(T) students have the following progression opportunities:

• To be eligible, students must satisfy the minimum entry requirements.

• A strong literacy and numeracy foundation would ensure students are better prepared for these progression pathways.

• Therefore, students are encouraged to deepen their knowledge in English, Mathematics and Science.

Nitec Programmes Transfer to Sec 4 N(A)

Posting of applicants to NITEC courses

•Posting is based on merit and subject to vacancies in open competition.–Based on aggregate of the best 4 GCE ‘N’ Level subjects, including pre-

requisite subjects and bonus points (where applicable); and–Met course-specific entry requirements.

•Many Nitec courses require a pass in subjects such as English, Math and Science – good foundation in these subjects is critical to students performing well in the corresponding Nitec courses.

•Doing well in these subjects in secondary school, especially at the higher level, will position students better to perform well in ITE.

Examples of NITEC Courses and Requirements

Please refer to full range of courses and subject-specific minimum entry requirements.

Course Minimum Entry Requirement• Aerospace Machining Technology• Electronics (Microelectronics) • Fashion Apparel Production & Design • Medical Manufacturing Technology • Opticianry • Rapid Transit Technology • Visual Effect

3 GCE ‘N’ Level Passes (Grade A-D or Grade 1-5) in ‘Maths or Science’, and two other subjects


2 GCE ‘O’ Level Grades (Grade 1-8) in any two subjects

• Business Services • Finance Services • Fitness Training • Food & Beverage Operations • Travel & Tourism Services • Visual Communication • Western Culinary Arts

3 GCE ‘N’ Level Passes (Grade A-D or Grade 1-5) in English, and two other subjects


2 GCE ‘O’ Level Grades (Grade 1-8) in any two subjects


Sec 2 Parents’ Briefing on Sec 3 Subject Combinations for 2019
