Sebastian Kneipp PIONIEER OF THE HYDROTHERAPY This project has been funded with support from the...

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Transcript of Sebastian Kneipp PIONIEER OF THE HYDROTHERAPY This project has been funded with support from the...


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


About Sebastian Kneipp

About the hydrotherapy

Audience at the pope

About Sebastian Kneipp-1821 Born in Stephansried (Bayern)

-1844 Receptive to the high school in Dillingen

-1848 Beginning the study of theology in Dillingen

-1849 Disease of tuberculosis

-1850 Cure two fellow students

-1852 Ordination to the priesthood

-1854 Cured 24 persons after cholera epidemic

-1886 "My Water" appears

-1888 Opening of many bathhouses in Wörishofen

-1889 “then you shall live” appears and is also a successful book

-1890 Establishment of the frist kneipp association and appearance of the “Kneippblätter”

-1892 First consultation hours in Wörishofen

-1894 Journey to Rome and audience with Pope Leo XIII

-1896 Last lecture tour

-1897 Diseases of an abdominal tumor

-1897 Died in Wörishofen

-2014 About 600 kneipp associations and many kneipp health resorts in Germany

About the hydrotherapy

The hydrotherapy is an application to treat acute and chronic complaints with water

For the stabilization of body functions, rehabilitation and regeneration

Above all, the difference of temperature and the pressure of water is used for treatment

About the hydrotherapy

Water is used in 3 conditions: cold / regular / warm water and steam.

Hydrotherapy is part of the "classical" naturopathy.

Application forms are:

ablutions, winding,

bathrooms, pads and


Audience at the pope

At the end of 1893 Kneipp was announced by pope Leo XIII to his secrete chamberlain.

The following year he travelled to Rome and received an audience with the pope

Audience at the pope

He was treated by Kneipp and for that he gave him a gold medal

Sebastian Kneipp was appointed by the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem to the Commander of the Equestrian order of the holy grave

Get to know the water right, and than it will always be a

reliable friend - Sebastian Kneipp

Thank you for your attention!!