Seamless Application Integration between Java EE … Group | 2017 Seamless Application Integration...

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TAS Group | 2017

Seamless Application Integration between Java EE and CICS by WOLA“CARD 3.0 is a Service Oriented Java EE Application based on the Hexagonal Architecture”

IBM zCircle:

Milano, 6 Giugno 2017

Roma, 8 Giugno 2017


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L’integrazione e l’interoperabilità fra il mondo Java EE e il mondo CICS è un tema di fondamentale importanza per la convivenza di componenti MF e componenti distribuiti.

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First Step: Patterns Detection

1. Quali sono i flussi di integrazione?

2. Quali sono i flussi che cambiano destinazione?


Looking for Integration Patterns

Second Step: Patterns Classification

1. Quali sono i flussi transazionali?

2. Quali sono i flussi informativi?

Looking for Integration Patterns




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1. Flussi Informativi sincroni

Definizione Interfaccia Implementazione Adapter SOAP, REST, RAR, RMI

2. Flussi Informativi asincroni

Definizione Interfaccia Implementazione Adapter SOAP, REST, RAR, RMI, JMS, FTP




Data Exchange Patterns

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Definizione Interfaccia

Implementazione Adapter:


EJB-RMI, per Java/EJB application

SOAP WS with WS-Atomic Transaction, WS Coordination




Distributed Transactions

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Distributed vs Concentrated Integration Architecture

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Distributed vs Concentrated Integration Architecture

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Performed at IBM Benchmark Center of Montpellier (FRA) in March/April 2017

Integration Benchmark

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Integration Benchmark – Physical Architecture

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1 z13 N96 with 64 general CPs, 14 IIP and 18 IFL available and 4096 GB memory maximum.

1 LPAR with z/OS 2.2, MQ, WAS, CICS and DB2, defined with 6 CP, 10 zIIP and 64 GB central storage.

WAS Application Server v8.5.5.11 to host CARD 3.0.

4 FICON Express16S (16 Gbps channels) for communication between z13 and DS 8886 Storage using zHPF.

1 DS8886 as storage with 9.5 TB space – in RAID 5, internal disks of 600GB 15K RPM

6 LCU each composed of 48 disks (disk 3390 mod27)

1 network for administration and remote control (accessible from dedicated room or remotely using Open VPN certificate), 1 network for injection.

1 dedicated room for the benchmark with several PC.

PC distribution and usage: 1 PC dedicated as Benchmark controller, 1 PC dedicated for injection tool, the other PCs as network stations connected to the administration network.

Integration Benchmark – HW Specs

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Configurazione e dimensionamentoscelti per riprodurre fedelmentel’ambiente operativo dei nostriclienti

Operating System z/OS 2.2

ApplicationMQ V8 on z/OS TAS CARD 3.0

DatabaseDB2 v11 for z/OS RSU1603DB2 Adminitration Tool v11.2

JEE Application ServerWebSphere Application Server SE 1.7.1 64-Bit, SR3 FP 30 1 ifixApplication tested: CARD3.0

CICSCICS Version 5.3CICS Performance Analyzer Version 5.3

SchedulerTWS v9.3.0 (Tivoli Workload Scheduler)

Load Injection ToolSmartBear Ready API v2.0

Performance reporting toolsSMF/RMF for z/OSTivoli Decision Support 1.8.2OMEGAMON XE DB2 PE v530DB2 Query Monitor v3.2

Integration Benchmark – SW Specs

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Integration Benchmark – Logical Architecture

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Integration Benchmark – Use Cases

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Integration Benchmark – Operations

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1 3


2 4


Load Injection 2PC 2PC







Load Injection2PC 2PC

Integration Benchmark – The Load Injection

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Load Injection realizzata con Ready API di SmartBear

Casi di Test e licenze fornite da TAS

Agenti multipli per distribuire il carico

Virtual User and Rate Load Injection Types

Integration Benchmark – Load Test Running at Fixed Rate (200 TPS)

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Load Profile: Fixed Load Type: Rate

Load Agents: 4 Load Rate per Agent: 50

Total Troughput: 200 TPS

Integration Benchmark – Load Test Running at Fixed Rate (200 TPS)

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Load Profile: Fixed Load Type: Rate

Load Agents: 4 Load Rate per Agent: 50

Total Troughput: 200 TPS

Integration Benchmark – Load Test Running at Fixed Rate (200 TPS)

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Load Profile: Fixed Load Type: Rate

Load Agents: 4 Load Rate per Agent: 50

Total Troughput: 200 TPS

Integration Benchmark – Load Test Running at Fixed VUs (160 VUs)

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Load Profile: Fixed Load Type: VUs

Load Agents: 4 Load VUs per Agent: 40

Total Vus: 160

Integration Benchmark – Load Test Running at Fixed VUs (160 VUs)

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Load Profile: Fixed Load Type: VUs

Load Agents: 4 Load VUs per Agent: 40

Total Vus: 160

Integration Benchmark – Load Test Running at Fixed Vus (160 VUs)

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Load Profile: Fixed Load Type: VUs

Load Agents: 4 Load VUs per Agent: 40

Total Vus: 160

Integration Benchmark – DB2 z/OS Configuration & Settings

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Table Spaces e Indici isolati in buffer pools dedicati, per favorire le performance e facilitare il monitoraggio

Per tutti i buffer pools: PGFIX (YES), FRAMESIZE(1M) per evitare il costo CPU per il page fixing e per sfruttare ilsupporto di z/OS per large frame (1 megabyte page size)

Tuning specifico per le tabelle più usate, ex: Lock Size Row, Append(YES), Compress(YES)

Integration Benchmark – CICS Configuration & Settings

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Nessuna configurazione specifica per le CICS regions

Fine tuning per max task, DB2 threads, WOLA connections and EDSA

Integration Benchmark – z/OS Configuration & Settings

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In WLM, una service class dedicata RT100M - Response time inferior at 100 ms - per le transazioni WAS

Una service class dedicata CICSTAS - Response time inferior at 50 ms – per le transazioni CICS

Tutti i logstream DASD only, STG_SIZE and LS_SIZE aumentati a 300.000

Integration Benchmark – WAS Configuration & Settings

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JVM Heap Size: -Xms 128m –Xmx 4096m

JVM Large Pages Allocation (1 MB): -Xlp

JVM Compressed Refs (32K): - Xcompressedrefs

WAS & App Logging set to ERROR

JIT Compilation logging suppressed

Hibernate Properties:

javax.persistence.validation.mode = false

hibernate.check_nullability = false

hibernate.show_sql = false

hibernate.format_sql = false

Integration Benchmark – WAS Tuning

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JDBC Statement Cache Size: 10 to 30

ORB Service Thread Pool Size:

Custom Workload Profile: IOBOUND to CUSTOM

Servant Region Threads: 50

L’ORB Thread Pool viene usato quando un client invoca un Remote EJB; è molto importante configurarne le proprietàin accordo al carico effettivo, Refs:

Integration Benchmark – WAS Tuning

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JDBC CP Size: almeno una connessione per thread (Min 10 – Max 160)

WOLA CP Size: almeno una connessione per thread (Min 10 – Max 160)

Integration Benchmark – z/OS & CICS Tuning

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Attivazione SMT

Importante per migliorare l’efficienza computazionale deiprocessori zIIP

Per ‘CEMT I DB2C(*)’: Tcblimit( 0100 )

Per ‘CEMT I DB2E(Z3TP)’: Protectnum( 0040 ) & Threadlimit( 0080 )

Settings importanti per prevenire contese tra threads concorrenti

Integration Benchmark – WOLA Performance Fine Tuning

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Per il caso “CICS to CL30”, usando 2PC and WOLA, con un throughput maggiore di 20 TPS, si è osservato un elevato consumo IIP su CP

Registrati diversi errori 0C7, causa di dumps del syslog

L’indagine ha dimostrato che il problema era causato da un anomalia del JIT Compiler nella fase di error handling

Aggiungendo l’opzione: -Xjit:noResumableTrapHandler atutte le JVM (control, servant regions, deployment manager, server) il problema è stato superato

Integration Benchmark – Results Analysis for Fixed Rate (200 TPS)

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Integration Benchmark – Results Analysis for Fixed Rate (200 TPS)

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Integration Benchmark – Results Analysis for Fixed Rate (200 TPS)

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Integration Benchmark – Results Analysis for Fixed VUs (160 VUs)

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Integration Benchmark – Results Analysis for Fixed VUs (160 VUs)

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Integration Benchmark – Results Analysis for Fixed VUs (160 VUs)

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Integration Benchmark – Conclusioni

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Affidabilità: tutti i casi di test hanno mostrato ilcomportamento atteso, in ogni condizione di carico

Stabilità: tutti i casi di test non hanno mostratoproblemi di memoria (Memory Leaks, GC, …)

Robustezza: tutti i casi di test hanno mostratoandamento e prestazioni stabili anche sotto stress (test di lunga durata, >1000 TPS, 2 hours )

Resilienza: tutti i casi di test hanno mostrato una buonacapacità di assorbimento (Fattore 5X sul Workload portaa 2,5X sul Response Time)

Performance: tutti i casi di test con TPS >1000 hannomostrato un response time < 30ms

Integration Benchmark – Conclusioni

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Transazionalità distribuita con WOLA

Testati con successo tutti i casi:

CL30 crea la transazione, CICS partecipa, CL30 esegue commit

CL30 crea la transazione, CICS partecipa, CL30 esegue rollback

CICS crea la transazione, CL30 partecipa, CICS esegue commit

CICS crea la transazione, CL30 partecipa, CICS esegue rollback

Integration Benchmark – The Java EE Side, Architecture

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Integration Benchmark – The Java EE Side, Communications

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WOLA Request Processing

… and now a quick insight on java code

Integration Benchmark – The Java EE Side, Sequence

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WOLA Request Processing

Integration Benchmark – The CICS Side, Sequence

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WOLA Service Invoking

Integration Benchmark – The CICS Side, WOLA Registrations

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Integration Benchmark – The CICS Side, COBOL code

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Integration Benchmark – Sequence Diagram, focus on WAS side

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WOLA Request Processing

Integration Benchmark – The WAS Side, WOLA Registrations

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Integration Benchmark – The CICS Side, COBOL code

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Le informazioni contenute in questo documento non possono essere distribuite a terze parti senza l’autorizzazione scritta di TAS S.p.A

Grazie!Andrea FolliChief Technical Architect

Giovanni CanduraZ/OS Technical Specialist