SCRIBBLES Halloween 2017 - North Bay National School realised his error. “Mary had a little lamb,...

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Transcript of SCRIBBLES Halloween 2017 - North Bay National School realised his error. “Mary had a little lamb,...


SCRIBBLES HALLOWEEN 2015Scribbles Halloween 2017

It was almost midnight in Oaktown when Skylar heard Tommy Brown’s soft, sweet, whispery voice singing ‘Mary Had a Little Lamb’ barely reach her open window. She noticed his voice growing louder as he sang.Frowning, Skylar got out of bed and walked outside.

“Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb,” Tommy sang. She realised he was singing the last line incorrectly. She turned the corner and saw him, and the second she made eye contact her head was filled with screams. She staggered against the wall, and if the screams had left her, she would have realised his error.“Mary had a little lamb, his fleece was red with BLOOD !” he shrieked, and then a rift appeared in poor Tommy’s chest, and when she looked in, it was like a starlit sky. The rift then let out a wave of transparent blue, and spread until Tommy’s body was no more. Skylar stared, mesmerised. She started to smile, and almost laughed. She stopped smiling when she heard the roar, though. It was loud, tremendously loud, a roar of pure rage and absolute power. And then, all of a sudden, she saw it.

It had a pointed head, and a snout, with metal plating going down from its neck to its between eyes, which were like ours with iris of brilliant orange, except the sockets constricted our view to slits. Its scales perplexed her though. The longer she stared, they seemed to ripple. Its claws were made of a steel or metal she couldn’t identify.

And then it struck.

Its snarling head came out of the portal first, then the rest of it followed. Now that it was here, she could see it was only the size of a large dog. And then those claws that Skylar had so fondly described came darting towards her belly and sank inwards.The next moment was slow.She became aware of the rift disappearing, and the monster leering. The All Hallow’s Wrath, she decided, would fit,

corresponding to the time of year. She felt its claws give a slight spasm, and then suddenly pull apart in such an outrageous display of blood and limbs that I cannot bring myself to describing it any more.

And when the All Hallow’s Wrath tasted tasted that blood, it was reminded of something.This was its homeworld.

Part 2

A few days later, a similar event took place. A screaming, demented child, a rift and a really gory death. The witness of the event, Alexander, told the authorities what happened. This time The Wrath retracted its claws, and the metal shot out of its gums like extra teeth. The beast pounced on him with a snarl and plunged its teeth in, then played with his - well what remained of his carcass - like a bloody, distorted ragdoll. His wife, Mabel, was completely distraught by his untimely death. After Alexander finished his recollection, his hands were trembling like he had ten bottles too much of Mountain Dew , and sweating like it too. Subsequently, Alexander was killed.

A few people of Oaktown caught on, and realised that the beast, the monster, the thing, was killing witnesses, which made most of the town move hundreds of miles away and put multiple locks on their doors (not that it would help against a transdimensional beast) in case it should ever come back.

Oaktown became known as a warning, both simple as it was effective ; Halloween is bad. Thwwcaptain and vice captain of the local police station, Arthur and Lauren, organised to be interviewed by RTE and said that the remaining population of the town had suspiciously died, apparently because of spattergroit. This confused some of the old townspeople, as spattergroit was a disease from Harry Potter. Then they remembered an earlier interview, in which a missing cat was apparently down to a conspiracy.

The Wrath didn't show up again, which put the townspeople’s minds at ease.That ease was then thrown away and forgotten about when a group of lanky teenagers continued the tradition.

Those teenagers were never seen again.

Years later, scientists examined the town, checking for signs of why it only killed there. And while they were there, they found an engraving on the wall :

I WILL RETURN, WITH MY BRETHRENThey noticed the message was slightly red tinged.Blood-tinged.

All Hallows Wrathby Senan



A Ring In The Nightby Callum Mc

“Bleep bleep! Bleep bleep!” went the telephone as Vanessa stood up to answer it. “Hello?” she said.“That’s a very nice pink dress you’re wearing, isn’t it?” Vanessa looked down, her eyes wide with horror. She scanned the windows, and then she spotted it. A tall dark figure stood outside. Although she couldn’t make out any features, she knew that he meant bad. He pounded his entire body on the window, and she bolted out of the room, and upstairs. She knew the window would give way soon, but she had placed herself in a closet and felt quite safe. She heard the window breaking downstairs, and someone jumping through it. He plodded up the stairs noisily, muttering something to himself. She heard him walk to the end of the landing, and switch the bathroom light on. She heard the shower curtains being jerked to the side and a thud as something hit the bath. Vanessa’s heart skipped a beat as she heard footsteps coming towards the door, and the door opening with a huge creak. “It’s getting very late, you must be tired.” said a voice from outside the door. He repeated this, every time his voice getting softer, and softer, until Vanessa’s eyes closed, almost like magic...

She was woken by the sound of a bang on the wall, and poked open the door, to see if the coast was clear. She silently crept out of the closet, as she couldn’t see him. She thought that this was her chance to escape, so she made a break for it. She sprinted down the stairs, and by the time she noticed the figure at the bottom, she couldn’t stop herself. Just as he grabbed her, the door burst open. “Police! Police! Freeze!”“Take him!” one screamed.“Come on, let’s get you outside.” said another as they walked her outside and threw the man in a car. “Steven, would you take this fine young lady home please?”“Of course!” replied the officer. Vanessa got into the back seat of the car, and he started driving. After driving a short distance, he pulled over and stopped. There was a smug grin on his face when he turned around. He hissed loudly as he flashed his fangs at her.

Jason and Dennis were in bed but Dennis woke to a sound. “Jason,Jason wake up,” he hissed. “What?” Jason said sheepishly. “Did you hear that noise?” Dennis whispered.“No go back to...”he dozed off to sleep again. He looked at his younger brother angrily. Dennis eventually fell back  to sleep.

In the morning Jason was downstairs already dressed. “What time is it?”“Twelve,” Jason replied.“How did you sleep?” their mum asked Dennis.“Not the best,”he answered.“Why, may I ask?”she said.“You can,” he paused. “ There was a loud bang.”“Where's Páscal?”he added.“Your dad took him on a walk,”she said back. “You and that stupid dog!” Mum muttered under her breath.“I’m going to get changed,”Dennis muttered.“Pardon?”mum said.“I’m going to get changed,” he answered back.

Dennis threw on his faded red t-shirt with darkened black stripes and a pair of jeans that that had the knees torn apart. Then he remembered that today was Halloween. Another year of handing out sweets, again.

Charging down stairs  he  saw Páscal and his dad coming through the door. “Páscal ,Páscal!” he called as he reached the bottom of the stairs. When he got to the kitchen he hugged Páscal tightly. Dennis loved his dog so much with his short fluffy hair with light beige spots and his tiny wagging tail. He knew that dog loved the attention!

During the course of the night Páscal was making a racket, which was annoying everyone in the household. Dennis was handing out sweets but when no one was coming to the door, he was watching T.V. with Jason. Sometimes he wished he and his brother where children again, not teens.“Open the door Dennis!” their mum shouted from upstairs. “Doing that

Some Halloween Night!by Euan

He opened the door, he heard a soft click and then, his head exploded.



The Beast Might Get YouBy Billy Moore

“We’re going in” said George “But we might not come out”John saidWe suddenly heard a scream from the forest“On second thoughts” George said “No” I said “We're going to look in it”Abby said confidently “I'm going to bring Zezmo” Maya said “Okay” I said.As we walked in we saw a black figure move “Creepy” whispered John .

We heard a noise it was claws being scratched against trees and then -“come out come out wherever you are” a voice said “let's get out of here”Abby said as we ran to where we came in loads of trees fell in front of us. “There's no way out” Maya said “looks like we're going further in” We saw two eyes it came out “That's no human it's a beast,” I said.It pounced at us so we ran away and took out our knives it took George’s knife and ran away. As we got further into the forest there were heads were being held by chains.We kept walking There was a shadow on the ground we looked up nothing was there but the shadow was still there “run”George shouted soon we got really tired then Zezmo the wolf started barking frantically we looked behind us it was there it jumped over there it jumped over us there was a dead police man beside us George grabbed her gun and the beast but nothing happened , it took Maya by the leg but we ran away we heard screams Maya was being eaten alive “Why did my sister have to die” I screamed “she was such a good friend”abby sobbed “we have to keep going” John said “let's make a booby trap we could use vines or rope”I said “Good idea” George said .

There was a tree with something dangling down we thought it was a plant creeper so I pulled on it but then a body fell down. It was an intestine attached to it. We all screamed and ran. We saw feet dangling. We saw it was Maya. There was big hole in her chest and her left leg was just a bone. Zezmo was trying to take the bone she was being hung by her intestine. It was there behind us with an intestine in his hand. He used it as a whip. He wrapped it around George and flung him towards it. He put his hand right through his body and on the other side was his heart with veins still attached to it. George screamed but then it broke his heart. We sprinted away. I looked back. His skin was being peeled off “AAAAAHHHHHH” I screamed. As we got further we found some vines and rope we went to highish tree. We sat on a branch and put meat on our trap so it would be attracted to it .

7 minutes after they put the trap down the beast it ran it stopped it saw us “There you are” it jumped up and ripped John's leg off “AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH” he screamed. Then it slashed at Zezmo. He whimpered. We grabbed John and Zezmo. We ran away. The beast ran after us but then it got stuck in a hole. There it was a way out. when we got out John said “we're never going in there again” “Agreed” me and Abby said Be careful or the beast might get you kids

now,” he murmured. Nobody else came for the rest of the night.

Casually two men walked down a back alley joking to each other. Then one stopped suddenly. He started to howl in pain as his foot had got trapped in a bear trap. A man was on a roof of a building with a C4 sticky bomb and detonator. Then he threw the C4 at the man in the bear trap,then blew up the bomb.

Dennis got a text from his best friend to ask if he could go to a party. He sent back a text asking where and when it was. “Mum can I go to a party at my friend’s house?”“You can,”she said. “But don’t talk to anyone on the way,”“See you later,” he replied.

When Dennis arrived at the party, he saw a man in a top hat in the corner of the room. After the party the man tried to talk to Dennis. The man had hard  piercing eyes and glowered at Dennis scornfully. This gave Dennis a chill down his spine. He decided that it would be best, to not interact with this man, and took off like a roadrunner out the back door.

The man started to set a trap for Dennis. Then Dennis ran and ran away from the man’s husky voice.He suddenly heard footsteps coming and turned his head and saw the man running behind him. He was gaining on Dennis slowly.... Dennis took a turn in fright, but he didn’ know that he was doubling back on himself. The man followed Dennis but only shortly behind him.  Abruptly Dennis realised he  was doubling  back on him self.

Dennis didn’t know if the man had set anything up by his friend's house, and he became wary of his surroundings. He noticed that there was a little green lump with a flashing red light on the ground, with a small stick. He picked up what he thought was the stick and stopped two houses down the street and then turned around. When the man was close to what Dennis thought was a lump in the ground,  he threw the detonator at the man. Also and since it was spinning the button on the detonator hit the man’s arm and set off the C4. Dennis was surprised that the lump blew the man and his best friend’s house to smithereens.

Being shell shocked Dennis walked back home. It was some Halloween night!!!   



Halloween In Malmo

by Callum Whelan carroll

It was a cold,windy wet night in the town of Malmo,Sweden. Jake,Lila and Carly were out on their BMX bikes in the dark. It was only five days away from their favourite time of the year, Halloween. “ Look at that huge grey house!” said Lila.“ Hey the door is open!” said Jake.“ Let's go in.” said Carly with a buzz of excitement. So off they went straight into the huge grey house not knowing what was inside.“This place is very dark, has anyone got a torch? Said Jake.“Nope.” they both said scaredly. As soon as they went in they found a dolls head inside a box. They couldn't quite figure out how they found it. All in twenty minutes they were on their bikes,eating,talking and now here.“ I am very scared.” said Lila.“ Aren't we all?” said Jake.“ I guess.” Lila said.“Wait, where is carly !?” said Jake.“Right behind you, silly.” said Carly.“Oh good, I thought your presence was lost to us.” said Jake. The kids saw a sign on a door saying “keep out”. So Jake dared to open it. And they nearly had a heart attack when they saw what was inside. It was a circle of dolls. “Oh my god!” they all screamed at once.“Let's go home.” said Lila.“No, there's still more.” Carly said.

Chapter twoOne step at a time...

Lila was in tears she was so terrified.“I'm leaving,i'm too scared.” said a scared Lila.“Fine then, off you go scaredy cat.” said Carly.“Oh my, the door is locked!” “Oh no! Don't worry we will get out, just stay calm.” said a worried Jake. Time was running out

and if the kids didn't get home Before ten o clock, their parents would be raging.“What if we try kicking the door down?” said Carly.“Great idea! 1...2...3 and it's down!” Said a happy Jake. So the kids went home but would return tommorow afternoon.

It was a Sunny afternoon in the city of Malmo. Jake,Lila and Carly had all arranged to meet up at the hardware store first to buy a torch in case it would be dark again. Ten minutes later they were off to the so called “ haunted house.”“Let's go further than yesterday guys.” said Carly. “Good idea.” said a tired Jake. The kids did go further than yesterday but there was Just a dead end! The kids thought the house was much bigger!“I just don't understand!  I could have sworn this house was so much bigger!” said a dazzled Jake. So the kids went home feeling really sad that there was no more to see in the huge grey haunted house. On the positive side they can say they were brave enough to step inside the huge but grey haunted house.

Chapter 3 October the 31st

It was halloween night and the “gang” were out and about trick or treating. The kids were about 20 minutes into trick or treating when an old man stopped them to give them advice about becoming adults. The kids excused themselves and carried on trick or treating. And then a horrible moment occurred. Carly ran across the road and was hit by a speeding car.  Jake and Lila were left completely shocked. Luckily Carly would survive but would remain in the hospital for the next two days. This wouldn't stop Jake and Lila worrying though.



“I hope she is ok.” said Jake.“Yeah, she will be fine.”

The next day the kids went to visit Carly in the hospital.“How are you doing?” asked Lila.“I am feeling much better!” said Carly. Jake and Lila had brought some candy for Carly. “Thanks guys, this candy is yummy.” said Carly.“No problem.” said Jake “Anyway we’d better leave, get well soon.” said Jake.And as soon as Carly was released from hospital the kids lived happily, ever after.

My Name Is Jackby Zelda

Hi!,My name is JackI come from a shackOn the top of the hillRight near the old, bashed mill,Where I sit in the lotIn my very own plot,Ready to be Picked and carved by my new family,Jack sang to him self

Ow who will pick me, I thought to myself,Will it be Mc Bee,Or will i stay on the shelfI with for a home,A place I may roam,A house,Without a little white mouse,Where I sit in the sunAnd have wonderful fun.

But as I sit and grow,I watch the world go by,I notice a crow!,As it swoops into the sky,It let’s out a defining cry,

“Help!,Help” I shouted helplessly I don't want to die,Don't pick me!,Tell a lie!Before life is done,Run,Jack run.I squealed inside,This might be a bumpy ride.

Down the lane, I've got to go,I've got to a house,Without that crow,I hope so much for folx to show,To take me in,Without a doubt,My scratches show,I do know,But i hope they’ll look for me,Behind this old willow tree.Night has come,Darkness too,Hue of black,Like my sack.

There I lie,Till dawn breaks sky,Up I get,From the wet,Then I hear,Lam’s loud sheer.Through the grass,I dared look,There I see not rook,Or a crow,But a circus show,Rolling up to centre stage,Where’s the home,I may roam,Where’ s the house,Without a mouse.

And here i lie,With circus pie,So near the sky.Circus boss is my king,I really can sing,I’m twenty-two,And my names now Rue.

Every harvest,I let my spirit free,To find my self,Another pumpkin body.



The Murdersby Ultan

POLICE STATION, MIDDLE OF NOWHERE 11:00 am‘Captain,captain there has been another killing this time in the church’ said Saxon bursting in.‘What’ replied Captain Peppy Salt.‘Yes,the murderer sent us a message written in blood.’‘Dorm’ said Dorm.‘Saxon,what did he say.’‘He said it was actually red biro.’‘Right well get Dorm and Zozmo in the car and let's go to the church.’‘But I have to finish my doughnut’ eat it later we have to go.’‘Just one minute.’‘OKAY!’Saxon said doing quite a good impression of a moody teenager.CHURCH 11:30 AMWhen they got to the church people were crowded around the south wall.On the wall there was something written in red it read ‘Who ever tries to catch me shall be dead before they reach their bed.‘I don't think that that's red biro Sax’‘What makes you say... Oh!’having only seen it now’‘Has anyone else from the force been inside yet’‘No’‘Well then put tape around all entrances’ take the body to the lab for an autopsy, get everyone we have some to go down and around the dungeons and some to stay up here’

CHURCH 11:00 amAs they entered the church motion sensors went off instantly.The murderer had set up cameras and traps all over the place.Reinforcements were only arriving. They decided to split up into groups of three Dorm,Peppy Salt,Saxon and their german shepherd Zozmo then in another group there was Corporal Farrell,Bob,Jeff.As they moved further into the church the static in their radios went crackly.They were entering the dungeons now suddenly their radios burst into life,‘We found him but there is ac…’ They heard a gunshot and the line went dead.‘Were on our own now’ Salt saidThey walked on for a bit longer as they were walking along a corridor they heard footsteps.‘In that room, quick ’Saxon squealed,Obviously panicking.

But this was the worst room that they could have picked because it was the room that the murderer kept the bodies in. There was a large pile of bodies in the centre of the room, some with bits missing. There were metal chains hanging from the ceiling with skeletons on them. The footsteps became louder and louder. They then stopped outside the door. Then they heard the bolt on the outside of the door slide shut. They were locked in!‘I will be back for you lot in the morning’ he said in a low gravelly voice.CHURCH DUNGEONS 4:00 am‘I can’t believe we walked into this’ shouted Peppy Salt.‘What’ grunted Saxon having nodded off about two hours ago.‘Were you asleep!?.’‘NO!’ Saxon proclaimed while wiping sleep from his eyes.‘Dorm’‘What did he say?’‘He said that that brick looks alot like a button’‘Well then push it, Dorm. It probably won’t do anything, but go ahead’To Captain Salts amazement when he pressed the brick the wall slid open to reveal a hidden corridor. Zezmo’s ears perked up and they could hear footsteps coming down the hall outside.‘I’m coming to kill you’ it said, but this time in a high squeaky voice.‘In the tunnel now!.’Once Zozmo, Dorm and Salt were in the tunnel Saxon got his large belly stuck in the skinny tunnel.‘Oh for the love of god Saxon’ shouted Salt‘Dorm pull me along the corridor,Ow, Ow, Ow, Ow, Ow, This was a bad idea’The murderer burst into the room screamed in frustration she whipped out her walkie talkie squealed ‘they got away through the secret tunnel’When they thought they were safely away the walls of the tunnel started to close in.They tumbled out the end of the tunnel in a big heap they looked back and saw the murder woman being crushed by the walls.‘Eeeeeeeeeewwwwwww I need to bleach my eyes that was horrible’ Saxon said.‘Dorm’‘ Before you ask Salt it means, well that means that the murderer has been taken care of’‘Actually Dorm i think that there's more than just one muirderer think about it , the high pitched girly voice one time a low gravelly voice another and think about what Corporal Grub was saying there is more than one murderer Dorm’



‘Very good captain’ said a voice from the corner ‘unfortunately Saxon here, won't be able to tell anyone about it’‘Saxon get down he’s going to shoot you’But Saxons large tummy made it hard for him to get down quickly, and he shot him in the knee‘Aaaaahhhhh’ and Saxon fell to the floor.Zozmo ran at the hooded figure he leaped up and ripped the flesh from his arm.Dorm ran at him but was too slow and he got the second shot to Saxon’s head.Dorm slammed him into the wall, he slid down leaving a trail of blood on the wall.‘ Oh no, Saxon’But there was no answer, Dorm shook him frantically.‘There is no use Dorm he is DEAD’‘Actually I’m not but I'm dying’‘We need to get you to a hospital, Dorm you grab him, Zozmo lets go’HOSPITAL, 12AM‘But doctor i don't understand how is he still alive’‘Well the bullet just missed his brain’Suddenly the door burst open‘Captain captain, we solved the mystery,there isn't just one murderer but it's a family’‘What!’‘Yes, the detectives looked through our database and found those two voices belong to Mr and Mrs Gleeson and the only remaining murderer is their son’‘But how do you know what their voices sound like’‘Your badge has a built in microphone’‘Well then arrest their son’‘We have already dispatched forces, Sir’ JAIL,MIDDLE OF NOWHERE 3:00 pmOnce the murders had started Captain Peppy Salt had never thought that it would end like this, seeing the murderer being wrestled into a cell.THE NEXT DAY, CAPTAIN SALT’S COTTAGEAfter he went to the shops, he went back to his little cottage and turned the key in the lock. He went into his kitchen, made himself a cuppa,sat himself down on his couch, picked up today's newspaper and read the headline aloud ‘CAPTAIN SALT HAS SAVED THE VILLAGE AGAIN’. He smiled, put the paper down, went outside and got into his car‘I think I’ll visit Saxon’ he said thinking aloud. He turned the key, the car roared into life and he sped away down the road to the hospital.

John Blackby Tilly“Did you hear of the fella’ that broke out of the asylum?” Claire whispered.“Yeah was his name John Black or something” answered Claire’s best friend Rachel.“Yeah i think it was. Any idea why he was in there?” asked Claire.“I think he murdered his family”“How?”“Well, he shot his brother and a few weeks after the accident the police found the body, but they had had never expected it to be John Black that killed him. Two weeks later when the police had stopped the investigation, John set his house on fire with his parents inside. They escaped but died from the carbon monoxide at the hospital. The police finally caught John Black but he escaped!”“Wow!” Claire said in shock “I'm kinda’ scared he could be absolutely anywhere”“I know, but you'd have to be really unlucky to get murdered” Rachel said.

The girls walked into school together. They were so excited PE was today. When they went downstairs with their class to do PE, their teacher (Mr.O'Reilly) had forgotten his whistle.“Hey, Claire can you go get my PE whistle please, you can bring a friend. It’s beside my desk” Mr,O'Reilly said.Obviously she chose Rachel. The two girls ran upstairs, but the window opposite the door was smashed and blood was lined along the edges. They ran, over not even noticing the man at the top of the classroom. They saw the sixth class teacher running he had cuts all over him.“Run girls, run, hide, anywhere!” he shouted.Before they could even run away they heard a bang and Rachel was on the ground with blood on her chest.Mr.O’Reilly came running up the stairs.“Oh my, what's happened!”he said terrified. The man in black laughed a little, and that's when Claire ran at him without even thinking. He pulled out a gun and said “I was aiming for you not your friend” then he ran out of the classroom and into the hallway. They heard a bang and a scream this time it was the principle trying to phone the police. Claire ran to the window and saw the man run away. That's when Mr.O’Reilly called the police.“Quick, John Black I think no time to explain Sammyville National School.” Mr.O’Reilly blurted out.The school was shut down for 1 month for investigation.

2 Weeks Later“I can't believe she's really gone” Claire said in tears.“At least you're safe” said Claire's mom.“But I wouldn't be safe” said Claire.



“What are you talking about?” Claire's mom said anxiously.“Well I didn't tell you this but John Black said to me I was aiming for you not your friend. But why me?” Claire said. “Darling, I never told you this but John Black Is your uncle and your father didn't die in a car crash he was murdered by John Black, remember the news report when it said he killed his brother it was your father, when he went on the family holiday to see his parents.” Claire's mom explained.“Wow” Claire said.

Finally it was halloween but claire didn't feel like trick or treating instead she decided to go to the library. As soon as she got in she went to the fantasy section. She noticed a book saying ‘spells for the undead’, she flicked through it and saw a page saying ‘How to Bring a Loved One to Life’. Claire immediately took a hair clip out of her hair to mark the page. Then once she had borrowed it she sprinted to the graveyard where Rachel was buried to do the spell. Once she had got there she sat cross legged in front of Rachel's gravestone. Then she started the chant. When she had finished the chant she saw a spark behind a tree. She immediately shot up to her feet and ran to the tree, she didn't see rachel instead there was a doll, not an ordinary Barbie doll but a porcelain doll. It was wearing a blue dress and a blue bonnet. Claire looked around to see who'd put it there. But, when she turned back around the doll was gone and she could here little kids laughter around the graveyard. She was so scared she ran home forgetting the book. Halfway home she stopped running and started walking. That's when she noticed trick or treaters. There costumes looked so real she just had to know where they bought them.“Em, excuse me but where did you buy your costume?” claire asked. She had asked a little girl dressed as a witch.“From the lady in the blue dress over there” answered the girl, pointing at the same doll from the graveyard. Clare was just so scared she sprinted all the way home without stopping.

“Aahh!” screamed Claire when she ran inside. Her mom was lying on the ground dead. Claire tried to run out the door but John Black was standing there, his gun pointed in the air. She heard a bang and suddenly her leg was in agony she looked down the bullet had just skimmed her leg, but there was still a lot of blood. She couldn't stop now, she had to run.She pushed John Black out of the way and started to limp to the nearest house,“Don't try i've got Freya, if you don't remember she makes great Halloween

costumes” John Black said in his dark crispy voice.“Oh the doll” thought Claire.Suddenly Freya was sitting in front of her with a knife on her lap.“There's nowhere to run, just give up”“Why me?” Claire blurted out.“What?”“Why do you want to kill me? I never did anything to you”“Well, me and your father where kids...” John Black started.But while he was talking he was talking Claire grabbed the knife off Freya and charged at John Black. He took out his gun and said “don't even try, i can see you”Then Claire took a mad chance and ran into her neighbours house. She was surprised John Black didn't stop her.inside the house she saw a dead body, her neighbours dead body and Freya. Inside every house there was a dead body and Freya.“How, how could you kill all these people?” Claire said crying.“The book” he said.“What?” Claire said wiping tears from her eyes.“Remember, you forgot the book at the graveyard”“That right, all i need is that book then i can get rid of him” Claire thought.“Where's the book?” claire said.“I'm not just gonna’ tell you where it is”“Fine”John Black was still standing on the porch when Claire finally picked up her courage and limped passed him, she noticed he had two guns one in his hand and one in his bag. She slowly moved her hand into the bag and grabbed the gun, she held it to his back. Once he felt the gun he turned around and shot Claire in the arm (his aim wasn't very good). Claire pulled the trigger on her gun and that when John Black fell to the ground.He was dead.

1 Week LaterClaire stayed with her granny for two weeks. It was great but she had to go to bed really early. One night when she was in bed she noticed a new toy on her shelf. It was Freya. Every hour she got closer until she was on the bed.Claire felt a sharp pain in her head.




Halloween At Last by Brian

It was five days before Halloween. Jamie and his friends Magda, Ross and Cathal were all walking to their local park to start planning for Halloween. Ross was the first to get there shortly followed by Magda and Jamie. Cathal was the last to get there. He arrived at the statue of the llama at 1:32 pm. They always meet at the same place every time they get together. This was the first meeting for Halloween. They all took Halloween very seriously. It was almost like life and death to them. Jamie said ‘the first thing we should do is collect wood for the bonfire’. ‘I think we should plan the root for the trick - or - treating,’ said Ross. ‘Well since we can't decide we should have a vote’. said Jamie.‘I think we should collect the wood,’ said Magda.‘So do I,’ said Cathal.‘Ok let's go collect the wood’. said Jamie.They all nodded their heads and set of. First they went to their local plant store to get some bark. On the way to the shop they were talking about how much bark they needed. Magda suggested two bags. Ross said he wanted to get four so they compromised on three bags. They went in and got them and carried them to Ross’s house because it was the nearest house. Then Ross got three axes and gave one to Jamie and one to his dad. Ross, Jamie and ross’s dad went to the forest to chop down some trees for the bonfire. Cathal and Magda stayed at Ross’s house and planned their costumes. Ross and Jamie had a weird feeling of being watched but felt safe because of their weapons. When they got to the forest they started to cut down some small trees and put them into their wheelbarrow. After about 20 minutes they started to wheel the wheelbarrow to Ross’s house. They still had a very odd feeling of being watched but when they looked around they could see nobody. After they got back they all went home. The next day they did not meet but they designed their costumes. Jamie was going to wear a clown mask with a ripped t-shirt and trousers. Cathal was dressing up as a zombie butcher with a machete. Magda is dressing as a crazy scientist. Ross was going to be a pumpkin mani with a pumpkin hat and an orange

onesie. On Wednesday they all met at the orange lama at about 2:30. Then they went to the shop and bought what they needed for their costumes and went home and made their costumes. The following day they met at the statue and went to Ross’s house to plan the route on google maps. When they got there he took out his Iphone 6 and searched google maps. ‘Why is it taking so long?’. said Cathal. Then the horrible, terrible, awful ‘This site could not be reached page popped up;. There was a collective groan. ‘Mum what happened to the internet?’. ‘I don't know’. ‘It wasn't working for me either’. He went out into his back garden to check the internet box. The box was open and the wires were cut. ‘How did that happen?’. said Ross.‘Thats scary’. said Jamie ‘I suppose we’ll have to go around and plan the route by ourselves’. said magda.‘Fine,’ said Jamie.They all got up and started to go around and plan the route. Halfway through a man dressed in all black jumped out of a bush and grabbed Jamie by his arm. Ross was the first to notice and gave him a strong left fist to his face. He was a bit startled for a few seconds. Then Cathal gave him a Glasgow handshake. He fell over and let go of Jamie. Then they all ran to Magda’s house because it was the closest. When they got their they told her parents and at first they didn’t believe her but they started to. Thankfully the internet was working in Magda’s house so they planned the rest of the the route there.

The day had finally come, it was Halloween. They all met really early at the park to get ready for the bonfire. They all came dressed in their costumes. They went to Ross’s house and got the wood and brought it to the park in the wheelbarrow. They waited a few hours and then they started the fire with a match. The bonfire was amazing, they all liked it. All younger children were all kept well away. After the bonfire went out they started going around the route they had already planned. After the trick - or - treating they all went to Jamie’s house for a feast. They had collected a lot of sweets today. Then they were watching the news and apparently cctv cameras caught a man wearing the same black clothes as the one who tried to kidnap Jamie. He had slashed peoples tyres and cut people’s internet boxes and try to kidnap people and broke into houses in their estate. That night they were all shivering in bed.



Why Me?by TadhgLast year Sam’s dad gave out different colour peppers instead of sweets so now everyone thinks that his family is cursed. And it looks like it might be true, looking at how his morning was going. So far he had walked into two doors and he got water sprayed all over himself. As he dragged himself down the stairs he heard Becca screaming

‘’I am not sharing a room with those weirdoes and anyway they’re boys so I can’t share a room with them’’.

“Come on it’ll only be for a few days, it’ll be fun” said dad.

Me and my brother Tom looked at each other. This was going to be the scariest Halloween ever. Even my goldfish Fishy Mo Mo looked sad.

After we had all finished shouting at each other I had a terrible day because I was annoyed at everyone because of my recent misfortune and because my family is generally annoying, so I went to bed in a bad temper. That night I had a nightmare that my dad had made us all dress up as clowns and rob everyone’s belongings then change out of the clown suits and give everyone their things back and became heroes. So I woke up the next morning feeling weirded out by my dream by the time I had gotten dressed and dragged myself out of bed my whole family was having breakfast. My mum with her frizzy pink hair and green eyes and my dad, who had blue eyes and blonde hair and on this particular morning had chosen to wear the most embarrassing thing in his wardrobe... bright pink cycling shorts! My sister Becca looked like an angry ball of pink glitter, as usual, and was scowling at everyone, still annoyed at the ‘unfortunate’ breaking of her favourite, most hideous, purple, love heart sunglasses. My brother Harry was wearing a spurs jersey and an evil grin on his face, probably thinking of all the horrible things he was going to do to us at this particular meal. Just as I was sitting down at the table dad said

“Did you hear that another one has died but the weird thing is that as she was dying she kept on saying the numbers 051739 but by some weird malfunction in the machine that tests your heartbeat it said she was dead while she was still saying her numbers”. “Thats creepy! Who wants to hear about that while they’re having their breakfast?”

“Harry will you please...” but Mum didn’t get to finish because just then we heard screaming coming from outside and then a crashing sound. Turns out it was just our Uncle Bill and his two kids who would be staying with us for the weekend, not any of the creepy clowns from my dream last night.

We spent the rest of the day trying to not go mad because of Uncle Bill and his two very annoying kids. But we came very close to killing them when they shoved dog biscuits into my remote control helicopter. Or when they put Harry’s dog Sparky into the washing machine as well as flushing our turtle Awesome Shelley down the toilet while this was going on Uncle Bill was reminding Dad of the not so good old days and the ice sculptures he had ordered of my mum and my Dad picking their noses for their wedding day. And the cockroaches he had put in the cake.

At around four pm he managed to escape the house and decided to go out and cycle up one of the mountains that surround the village that I lived in but as I was cycling up the steepest bit of the mountain. When I fell off the side and slid down the side of the mountain and then I hit a bump and went sprawling down. I felt like I was falling down a black void.

I woke up feeling a terrible pain in my ankle and my head wondering where I was

“Ah so you’re awake you’ve saved me a lot of trouble by finding this tomb” said a cold lifeless voice.

“Well I’m getting out of here this place is creepy” Sam said in a voice that sounded a lot more squeaky than usual.

“You see that’s the problem I don’t think that we can think that I can let you get out of this chamber alive” he said with no emotion in his voice ”your blood will be the first spilt and everybody in your town will follow”. There was still no emotion in his voice.

Something was creeping up behind me. I wanted to move, to run away but I couldn’t. I never moved again after that. As I died I thought why did something so horrible happen to me?



Never Againby Ciara

I don't know why but we just had to go inside. We went inside. All we saw was a big black room with a giant staircase. Cool said Jake. Not cool let's go, this place is giving me the creeps. You always say that said Jake. ‘Do you really want to stay in this place?’I shouted. I turned around to leave but there was no door. ‘Where has the door gonpe,’Jake said really scared.‘It probably just moved,’ I said.‘No there was definitely a door there,’We both knew that the door was there but we really wished we didn’t .

We found a light switch, well I say light switch it was actually one of those ones you pull down. The place looked completely different. There was everything a kid would ever want and the staircase looked massive. We grabbed our trick or treat bagsAnd put all the toys and sweets we wanted in our bags. Maybe this place wasn't so bad. We then asked each other how we were going to get out of that place. We didn't know how. As I was grabbing the next toy to put in my bag, I saw from the corner of my eye a person, I know it was human and they were smiling but in a scary sort of way. I looked around to make sure it was someone but they ran away, Jake asked me what was wrong and I told him what I saw but he just said I was crazy. After that it wasn't the same I wasn't getting all hyped about the next toy I put in my bag and Jake started to believe me more and more. We sat on the ground.

We started to play some of the games we then put them away.’Let’s try and get out of here

Jake.’ We both nodded our heads and were trying to find a door.

Then I remembered, every Halloween haunted house that disappears but from the thirty - first of October to the thirty - first it, looks like a Halloween decorated house and if you go in you will never come out.

I think Jake was thinking the same thing as me so without talking we ran up the stairs as fast as possible. We stopped and looked back it looked pitch black and like there was never anything there. Just to check I started to walk back down but there was a big wall that I bashed into. There it was again. I saw that creepy smile and they stayed there for about a second until they saw me staring straight at this thing. This time Jake saw it too. He ran after it and I followed but there was just a big long staircase that went on forever. Next we saw a door that was disguised as some bricks but we spotted it. We opened it up and there was a massive lake with pipes on the top and sides. We didn't know what to do, it looked like monkey bars except we can't swim so it is an awful punishment it we were to fall. I turned back to leave the room but there was no door. I was pretty used to it by now and I was surprised that i even turned back and think I can leave.

Jake was always the kind that will try anything. Like the time he saved my younger brother who was stuck on a tree, or when he ate flies, okay that time didn't end well but my point is he will try anything.

The room looked like it was once a place where builders put all their equipment but turned into a massive lake, it still had a few bits and bobs left.

By the time I turned back around Jake had a ladder going across the lake. We both started



to climb along but one of the wooden pieces on the ladder came loose and I slipped off, Shane! Screamed Jake, he jumped after me and the water brought us really far until it was dry land.Then that same human grabbed us. We tried to escape but we were in a headlock and couldn't get out. She went through all these compartments and then put us on seats that had this metal strap so we couldn't move. She told us we will never escape and will die here like everyone else that came here. We looked at each other scared. ‘I know who you are, Jake and Shane!’ Now we were even more shocked. As we turned to look at this woman who was sharpening her knife ready to kill us, she said ‘ I’ve been watching you guys for a whole year. We never figured out how she knew we were coming into this place. I know you’re not brothers and you’re eleven.

Me and Jake aren’t brothers, people just assume we are because we look-a-like and his mom collects the both of us from school.

We both saw a window and he whispered his plan to me and said ‘ I’m not going to make it so just leave me here.’‘No,’ I whispered. He said he’ll make it out another way. When I had the chance I was just able to break the strap and jumped out the window. I ran home and my parents were asking me where I had been for the last week while they were so happy. I told them everything and they didn't care how stupid it sounded and then they rang the police. When they had finally find the room the weird creep was and Jake where, they told Jake was murdered and they arrested the woman. Later that day I was being really clumsy. That kept happening day after day, month after month and then I remembered, that woman said we would be cursed for life if stepped a foot outside of this place. Now awful things are happening to me and I’m never going trick or treating ever again.

The Fate of Barse Bradyby Reuben

This story begins on a cold and windy night in the town of San Andreas, Mexico, where Barse Brady, the local school bully was at home alone. Barse wasn’t a very nice boy - he continually made the lives of his classmates miserable. He was short, round at the sides like a tunnocks tea cake and his head looked like a pimple that urgently needed to be squeezed. And he’d a heart as bitter as a warhead sweet. His parents had gone out for the night to the local casino and Barse was alone with his dog, Onion Bhaji. Onion bhaji  looked like a walking carpet, and for no reason right at this minute he  barked nervously. Suddenly, someone knocked at the door, Barse went to  answered it. Standing there was a girl from down the road that Barse fancied. She was wearing a brown jacket, nike trainers ,a red T-shirt and jeans. She came in and lay a deck of cards out on the table and said “Barse if you win I will go out with you, if I win you will stop bullying my brother in school” . When they were five minutes into playing cards, he dropped a card. As he leaned down to pick it up he saw that she had a cloven hoof and a tail. He frantically sprinted upstairs to his messy room, locked the door searched rapidly for a bottle of water and splashed some water over his face just to make sure he was not dreaming. He could hear the devil's hooves stamping up the stairs after him, his head was spinning, he could not concentrate. He had to escape somehow, he tried to unlock the door, jiggling the lock to unlock it. He could not open the door successfully so he smashed the window with his TV and jumped out of it. He had blood on his hands. He could again hear the devil stomping after him. He got his bike and pedalled away as fast as he could.

He got to the casino  searched frantically for his mam and dad. after searching for over a half  an



hour he found his dad whom he did not recognise at first but his dad saw him and the first thing he said was” why is there blood on your hands?” But before he could get an answer out of Barse the devil came charging into the casino and set a card dealer alight and ripped out his beating heart as he howled in pain. The devil calmly walked over to Barse.The devil said to him “You are coming down to hell with me to bully the souls of the dead.” She dragged him down to hell where he would mercilessly bully kids in the form of a ghost. He still bullies the kids that go to Chipsandwich Educate Together by making their trousers fall down, giving them a swirly in the toilet or slamming them in lockers. Kids say locker and classroom thirteen are haunted and when the teacher leaves the room a few kids get beat up by his ghost and the kids have no memory of getting beat up. It is a  horrifying experience.

Fright nightBy Pippa

“Acorn wake up!!”“No,stop leave me alone”“Get up you big slug the two-legs are coming”“Fine”“Come on Brandy’s outside”Acorn got up,then realised how hungry he was,his tummy felt like there was a black-hole in the centre.“I wish I was leader. Then I’d get to sleep in like grumpy old Jack”Acorn muttered to himself “Uh I’m starving”“Then hurry up I’m hungry too, you two” Acorn followed his friend out of the little brown shed and trotted over to get some food and found that his best friend Brandy had got the last cabbage Brandy spotted him and walked over “Here I saved you this.”“Thanks Brandy, I thought I’d need to eat the hay...again like the last three days.” “It's no big deal.”“Hey Emerald, over here!!” Brandy shouted to a black goat with emerald eyes as Acorn started feasting on the fresh lettuce. “Hi guys, by the way, do you know what orange things are?”“I think it's a Halloween thing” said Acorn finishing the lettuce. “A hollow what?”

“I think it's a type of celebration” the three goats trotted over to the edge of the pen so they could see the strange pieces of cloth wrapped around the two apple trees by the big house “Hey I know what they are, they’re for the loud shiny things, that hate been in the sky at night” said Brandy his eyes shining with pride ( because he knew the answer) “maybe the two-legs are giving a sacrifice suggested Emerald “well whatever it is it doesn't concern us” snapped Acorn. “Hesh, you don’t have to get all snappy”“I’m with Brandy if we’re interested in something”“Come on Emerald let's see if we can join the training group”“Ok, sorry, please don’t leave I hate being alone”“Fine, come on” as soon as Acorn cot, up they ran over to the training session, Emerald round the fence jumping while Brandy and Emerald did the run. The friends spent all day training and at the end the leader Jack called a meeting “Rames and nannies I've called this meeting to talk about tonight...tonight is Fright Night or as the two-legs call it Halloween ““So that's what it is, it's Fright Night, I totally forgot” whispered Emerald to Acorn and Brandy. “There's a lot of dangers to night so I want everyone in bed by the time the stars come out,” said Jack firmly “This Fright Night can't be that scary”Brandy said oblivious that Acorn and Emerald where deep in thought and weren't listening. Shortly after Jack jumped of the high rock and went in side. Suddenly Acorns blue eye lit up “I think I know how to make this fright night even more scary!”“Sorry wasn’t listening” said Brandy. He had gone over to the food trough and stuffed his face in it.“What are you eating?”“What you don’t now, they’re pumpkin seeds”“Try some, I bet you’ll like it” Emerald said slurping up a piece of the long orange stuff. Acorn tasted the smallest bit he could see “Mmm... that's really nice”he shook his head “ but that's not the point, stop eating and follow me”. The two goats followed Acorn to the shady part of the pen, beside the shed “I wanted to to leave this place since I was a kid.”“We know we don’t need a bedtime story,” Brandy interrupted “I know that but tonight is perfect everyone will be asleep”“He has a point, we have seen every thing here there are no surprises” said Emerald calmly“Fine but only for one night I still like it here even if you don’t.” “That's fine with me, so this is what we're going to do”



Acorn explained so that everyone knew the plan. Just after they finished Jack told all the goats to go inside. As all the goats settled down and then shortly after went to sleep Acorn, Emerald and Brandy got up and tiptoed over to the door ( warning tip-toeing when you're an animal with hooves it is very hard) they got outside and gently closed the door. Suddenly a shiny glow of light shot into the sky, then exploded in mid air Brandy jumped What was that?!”Acorn sprang round and looked up “It was just a shiny thing ,come on boys stop being such scaredy cats” the boys caught up to Emerald and they walked up to the gate “together”“Ok”“1..” said Acorn“2..” said Emerald “ 3!!..” shouted Brandy with a huge leap they jumped over the gate then ran behind the apple tree “Should we follow the road” suggested Brandy. “I think that would be best” explained Emerald.“Ok then let's go” the three friends walked alongside the road at a brisk pace knowing that they would be only one night no more. They walked what seemed like days till Emerald finally saw a light in the distance “I see a village for two-legs up ahead !!” shouted Brandy excitedly as he started to run, “Wait for us Brandy” shouted Acorn and Emerald raising after him as they approached the houses Emerald spotted a huge fire surrounded by two-legs “We should stay to the shadows so we won’t be seen”whispered Emerald to Brandy and Acorn. As they followed the shadows through the village they snuck into a garden. There was a perpi pot with rainbow colored ovoides inside, Brandy walked up to the pot and sniffed it “mmm.. That smells like pumpkin seeds” Brandy put his head in the pot and pulled out one of the ovoides and ate it “That is the most horrible thing I've ever tasted” shouted Brandy, he had just eaten a toxic waste candy ( a really sour sweet) “I think I’m gonna..” he ran down the alleyway beside the house.“Did he just?”“Yes ... he did” Emerald and Acorn ran down the alleyway after Brandy, they found him getting sick behind a bin “Are you alright?!” uttered Emerald her green eyes anxious for her friend“Give me a sec” sputters Brandy getting sick one more time,then rose to his feet “Where's Acorn?”“I think he went through that gap” Just as they were about to go looking for Acorn, he shout out of the gap

“RUN DOG!!” shouted Acorn running quicker then light, just before they could get their minds around it a dog's muzzle popped out of the gap “RUN!!” they shouted together then ran faster then they ever ran before, they caught up to Acorn, the dog had gotten out and was chasing them the three goats jumped over the wall and through the garden with the pot then over the other wall, the dog was still behind them “It's gaining!!”shouted Brandy his brown eyes filled with fear, they got to the road but had no time to look the dog stopped,scared by the loud car but the gouts cept going until they reached a berry bush further up the road,they stopped, Emerald crouched out of breath, Brandy stayed still terrified and Acorn looked back the long stretch of grass to see if the dog was behind them “Huu..we showed him who’s faster” said Emerald still out of breath “We need to keep going it's almost dawn!!” exclaimed Acorn as he started walking again then Brandy snapped out of shock and passed up to Acorn.After a few seconds Emerald trotted up to the boys,they passed themselves the last few meters until they got to the two apple trees “We're back!”“Finely!” “Let's go before they wake up!!” they jumped over the fence and ran up to the door opened the door and tiptoed inside and sat down “Emerald, Brandy” “Yea”“I'm sorry”“For what?”“for putting you in danger, I promise no more danger”“What are you talking about as many fright nights as much danger, we’ll always be with you and your dangerous ideas!!”

Halloweenby James

At Halloween the vampires come out,Everyone screams and shouts,As they wander around the streets,All you can hear are the sounds of shrieks,As I am tightly wrapped up in bed,

With garlic wrapped around my head,

I can hear a creepy creek,

When I go to sleep.



Frog Bite?by Ordhan

It was just a normal day in science class.  Niamh and her partner put a frog into a basin and everything was ok until a bird flew in the window, the frog bit the bird and the bird had rabies.The frog turned purple and bit Niamh.  She was scared she started screaming, “Help Help I’m going to die.”Everybody was quiet wondering what would happen next. After she stopped screaming she said she felt a bit dizzy so the teacher brought her to nurse, Annabelle. She looked at her head and it was turning blue.  She asked the Teacher to leave the room and gave Niamh a big injection.Later that evening the girl called Niamh passed away. Everyone assumed that the bite had killed her.Her other friends were then told about it. Tom, Jim and Emma’s parents got a text saying “You are welcome to come to the funeral.”

A few days later an old man walked past her grave and saw a hand popping out of her grave and went over to take a closer look and then got pulled in to the deep dark underground where Niamh was buried.  The man’s wife was wondering where he was so she rang the police.  They said if he didn’t come back in the next 24 hours they would send out search dogs.It was the next day and he still had not come back so the police sent out their dogs.  First they had to let the dogs smell his clothes so they would know his scent.  Two hours later the dogs sat down at the grave were he got pulled in The police were wondering why they two dogs were sitting down at a grave. While the policemen and women were there the mother of Niamh was walking towards the grave.  Seconds later she was at the grave screaming “What are you doing with my daughter's grave?”The police said “This is your daughter’s grave?”Anna’s mam said “Yes, that’s my daughter’s grave.  She got buried three days ago.”

The police said “We’re terrible sorry.  Our dogs smelt something like the man we’re looking for”Niamh’s mam said “You will not find any man in this grave”The thing that Niamh’s mam didn’t know that there actually was a man in beside her coffin.  Later that week they found the body of the man and he died of thirst.

A year had past since Niamh had died, Tom, Jim and Emma were now in 1st year and were now trying not to think of Niamh.  It was Halloween night. Tom, Jim and Emma were on their street trick r treating , They came to an abandoned house , they decided to go in as it looks spooky.  They walked up the path and as they approached the house they  saw a shadow in the window, he shadow resembled a nurse.

As they got closer to the door the door creaked open ....there was a light on inside tempting them in the top of the stairs they spotted Nurse Annabelle , she was holding a large syringe they just had time to turn and run ..

It was then they realised Niamh did not die from the frog bite after all.

The creepy night. . .By Katie

A creepy night, there was a full moon, a face popped over the fence. It had colourful bushy hair and a red nose. I was with Tilly, Lillie, Hannah, Lana and Iseult. Ahead of us stood a dark house. The lights were flickering. Shadows were jumping wildly around trees and hedges. I felt goosebumps on my arm and cold shivers went down my spine. Tilly whispered “Let's go in “ We nodded nervously. I saw blood now you might think it is fake blood but it was real...

We followed the trail of blood . Iseult said “Is this safe?” We went into a dark room . We ran away as fast as possible because there was a frightening man. On the way home there was a tree filled with chocolate.I said”let's climb up.”

We helped each other up the tree.Then we realized a man was up there. It was the same man. He started to attack us. We fell into a thorn bush . We scampered home. There was no sound. We got in and everything was ok. Yay!



The House At The End of the Streetby Iseult

“It’s finally Halloween! Yippee! I bet I’m going to get loads of sweets this year.” I said. “Gracie! Don’t forget your coat! I don’t want you to catch a cold.”“Aw”, I groaned. Mum always makes me wear a coat over my Halloween costume. “It will ruin my skeleton costume! People will be able to see it.”“Yes they will Gracie, because I made you a skeleton jumper as well, so you can wear that instead of a coat.”“Thanks Mum.”, I said. It was a really cool jumper. It was just one of my old black hoodies with bones painted on, but Mum can make any old clothes look great with just a bit of fabric paint.“Alright girls, off you go! Oh, and Emily, you’re taking Gracie Trick or Treating tonight.“What! I can’t! I told Anna we could go see a scary movie tonight.” “ Well have you bought the tickets yet?”“ No but...”Mum interrupted, “Well then you can cancel! And if you’re nice to Gracie then I’ll take you and Anna to the mall tomorrow. “Okay Mum, I’ll go.”Emily made up her mind quite quickly, I guess she just really wanted to go to the mall with Anna.

I love Halloween, you get to dress up and eat sweets and play games and all that sort of stuff. There is one part that I don’t like though, the house at the end of the road gets even more spooky looking. This year I made a map of all of the houses in the houses in the estate and decided which houses to go to first, and I’ve decided to avoid even going near the creepy, abandoned house. Wait, oh no!“Emily, we need to go back home, I forgot my map!” I said.“You don’t need a map, and besides, it’s too late to go home now.”

“Okay”, I groaned, but as soon as I saw the old spooky house in front of us, I knew it wasn’t going to be okay.“Okay”, said Emily when we were at the house, “you can ask whoever lives there for some sweets.”“No way! That house creeps me out. Molly said it’s haunted.”“ just because Molly said that that doesn’t mean it’s true, and I haven’t heard about it.” Emily was acting like she knew everything.“She’s lived here her whole life!” I said. “We just moved here two years ago.”“Oh come on Gracie, I dare you! It won’t be haunted, and if it is abandoned then you just won’t get sweets! It’s not like anything bad is going to happen.” I was scared, but I went up anyway. I mean, ghosts aren’t real, right? I knocked on the door and it opened. I couldn’t see any ghosts, but there weren’t any people either. I walked in to see if there was someone hiding behind the door, but there wasn’t. Then the door slammed behind me. “Aaarrrggghhh!” I screamed. I could hear Emily shouting my name from outside. “Gracie! Can you hear me?! Don’t worry, I’ll get you out of there!”

Suddenly I saw a white figure coming towards me. It was shaped like a girl, but I could almost see through it. I was terrified, could it be a ghost? No it couldn’t be, could it? I ran away as fast as I could, but there wasn’t anywhere to run to. The white thing (that was really all I could call it because I didn’t know what it was) screamed so loud I had to cover my ears when I was running, and it seemed to grow in size and get more ugly and scary. I ran up the stairs and tried to open the door to the room nearest to me, but it was locked! I tried the next one, but that was locked too! I tried the last one, and it opened! I ran inside and the door shut behind me. I was safe! Well, at least for now. For a while there was silence, but then, I heard a click from the door. I tried to open it but it was locked. I was trying not to scream, and when I managed not to, I hid under the bed. I’m not completely sure how that helped the situation, but it



made me feel a bit more secure. It wasn’t very comfortable, that was mostly because I was lying on something. It was a book! On the front of the book it said ‘Elizabeth’s Diary’. I skimmed through the pages and the last few entries made by Elizabeth stated that the doctor had come to visit her as she was very ill. A single tear rolled down my cheek as I read the last entry: “Mommy and Daddy say I have to stay in my room for a while. No-one has come to see me in a few days now. I’m scared, what’s going to happen to me?”

It all made sense, and now my fear of the ghost was mixed with pity. Just then, I heard footsteps on the stairs. Oh no! Was it the spirit of Elizabeth, angered that I had discovered her diary? No! It was Mum and Emily! They came bursting through the door and gave me a huge hug. I showed them the diary and then we put it back on the bed. When we got home we called the police, but no evidence of Elizabeth was found.

A new family has moved into the house now, but Mum told me never to tell them about that one night when I found out what happened at the house at the end of the street.

Annabel’s Comingby Mia

I don't know why but we have to walk past that creepy house.“Oh my god there's a hole in the roof of that house,” said Tess.“Yeah It's pretty creepy isn't it?” I said.“Yeah, do you want to go trick or treating on that house?” said Tess excitedly.“Eh, sure?”  I said nervously.  “But are you allowed to go trick or treating by yourself.”“Yes, only if you’re going.”“Yes I'm going trick or treating.”“Ok then, see you tomorrow. I'll call for you.”“Ok then, ‘bye,” I said.“Bye,” said Tess.When I went to bed I couldn't go to sleep because of that creepy house.  The next morning I woke up and walked to school.  Tess was with me.I couldn't wait to go trick or treating on that spooky house.

After school me and Tess went into my house to make our Halloween costumes.  “What are you dressing up as?” I asked Tess.“I'm dressing up as a ghost.”“Well I'm dressing up as a zombie.”“Cool!” said Tess.“In two days it's Halloween. I can't wait,” I said not very excitedly.“Me too. I'm using a pillow cause for my trick or treating bag.”“I might as well,” I said.

The next day we were off school.  The following night was Halloween.  It was raining out and of course I couldn't go out.  So I stayed in and watched a bit of TV.  Soon it stopped raining. It was all wet out but I went out and called for Tess.  She answered the door.  “Are you coming out?” I asked Tess.“Yes of course. I'll be out in a minute, ok?”“Ok,” I answered.Tess came out and we went for our usual walk around the block.  We went past the creepy abandoned house.  The garden was wet and soggy.  The flowers looked like they were set on fire and then sprayed with water.  When we were half way around the block it started raining so we had to run home.  Me and Tess went into my house to take shelter.  “Will that abandoned house put up halloween decorations?” I asked Tess.“Yes, maybe if somebody goes over. Remember nobody lives in that house.”“Oh yeah what am I  thinking these days?” I said.“How am I suppose to know?” answered Tess.The doorbell rang.  My mam answered the door.  Tess had to go in for dinner.

He next day I woke up so tired because of the abandoned house.  I went to the shops on my bike to get sweets.  I went dark some people were already out trick or treating.  So I got into my costume and waited for Tess to call for me.I was getting darker and darker.  Tess called for me.  I answered the door.“Hi Tess,” I said.



“Hi are you ready to come trick or treating with me?”“Yes, I am.”

I shut the door and we set off down the street.  We’d already got loads of sweets after five houses.  Two more houses to go and then the creepy one I thought.  “Tess, do we really have to go trick and treating on that abandoned house?”“Yes, of course it's going to be fun.”“Ok,” I said angrily.“Ok, let's go, it's going to be a quick knock.”“No I’m not knocking, you knock.”“Sure, I’ll knock. Tess knocked, there was complete silence then the door slowly opened.  It was pitch dark.  “Tess what are you doing?” I yelled at Tess.“Oh I’m going to see what's inside.”“Are you serious?”“Yes of course I am serious, just come on will you.”“Oh fine I’ll come.”We both went up stairs, the stairs creaked as we stood on one.  “Let's go into the room,” said Tess.So we went in there was a doll sitting on the bed.“I’m taking that home,” said Tess.“I wouldn’t if I were you.”Tess took the doll and placed it in her bag.  We finally got out of the creepy house and i’m never going back in their again.Soon after we went into Tess’s house.  Tess showed her mam.  She went in and took it out of her bag.  She came back into me and realised she left her doll in the kitchen.  Tess looked around for it everywhere but couldn’t find her and never did.  She wished she never brought it home because all she could hear at night was a voice saying “One two Annabel's coming for you, three four lock your doors.......”Her life was never the same.

Halloween, the most idiotic festival of the year!!!by Matthew B

“Oh no, is it really that time of year again?” groaned

Adam “Halloween the perfect holiday for the boy afraid of


“Oh come off it Adam” said Dexter his brother.  “You’ll love what your Mam and I have put together this

year” his STEP Dad chimed in.  Adam knew he wouldn’t enjoy it.  Every year his Mam,

Dad, brother and sister put together a haunted house.  Adam was never part of putting up the decorations.  Every

year they also said that it won’t be scary but Adam always ended up in tears.

Sometimes Adam wondered if he spoiled Halloween for

everyone else.  It wasn’t his fault he was afraid of

everything, it was just his nature.  He was the wimpy kid in

the class, afraid of his own shadow and not proud of it.  HIs thoughts were interrupted when his Mam started her

usual morning stress routine.  “Where’s my coat?” she said.

“In your hand” groaned Dexter obviously annoyed at being bothered with these simple questions so early in the

morning.  “Where are my car keys ?” .

“In your pocket” said HIS STEP Dad patiently.  “And my glasses?” she asked as if she didn’t know they

were right on her nose.“On your nose” said April helpfully HER USUAL

CHEERFUL SELF“Mam, calm down” said Adam

“Alright love, it’s just the first day at the new job, it’s a bit stressful that’s all.”

Adam soon realised he was going to be late for school.  He

disliked school very strongly.  The bullies seemed to find his

fear amusing.  He grabbed his coat and bag and walked

reluctantly out the door.  

As he arrived at Oakmore primary school,  it started.  He

felt a cold wet sludgy snowball hit him right on the side of

the face.  Adam deeply regretted that it had snowed early

this year.  “Hey Adam” said the annoying voice of class

bully Kai Thomas striding towards him.  Sure all the other

bullies gave him a bit of stick NOW AND AGAIN  but Kai

seemed to be the only one with Adam number one on his

list.  “Oh hey Kai” Adam said nervously not even botheRINGto

reference the snowball as it would only make things worse.  



Luckily Adam was saved by the bell.  Kai gave him a dirty

look as the classes trooped into the school.  

As he entered his classroom he heard Kai bragging like

always at this time of year.  “Me, my Mam and my Dad are going to build us the best

haunted house in the whole town” HE SAID CONFIDENTLY

This happened every year, all the kids in Adam’s class bet the

sweets they collected on Halloween that they would not be

scared when they entered Kai’s haunted house.  Adam would

always sit at the back and watch the terror unfold.  The kids

in Adam’s class where always scared so Kai never needed to

go trick or treating.  Every year Adam wondered how Kai

pulled it off.  His Dad was rich so he probably pulled a few

strings.  His thinking was rudely interrupted by Kai.  “So Adam did your shadow finally get you last night or was it the tooth fairy?” .

His minions laughed behind him.  “Look Kai I don’t want any trouble” Adam said tentatively.  “So are you going to bet this year or are you chicken as always?”

“Chicken, chicken, chicken” chanted his minions

Adam felt a bead of sweat drop down from his forehead.  This

year he thought things would be different, he wouldn’t be

labelled as the wimpy kid.  Then he did something he

immediately regretted.“Okay fine” said Adam “but I’m not taking your bet, I bet

you get scared when you come to my haunted house”.“Ooooohh” said the whole class except Kai and his minions in

perfect unison.“Okay class settle down” said Miss O’Dowd in her usual

calm voice obviously completely unaware of the trauma that

had just occurred.  

The rest of the day flew by.  Soon Adam was already home

telling everyone about operation: “beat the bully”.

Adam had to work fast, time was slipping away.  Dexter

offered help but April couldn’t, she was studying for her

junior cert.  The kids who lost their sweets in the bet last year

offered to help too.  This amounted to seven people including

Dexter.  The rest were all Kai’s minions helping him with his

haunted house.  Everything was going surprisingly well  and

at 6 o’clock they were ready.  Kai was going to get the shock

of his life

Kai nervously opened the door,crept down the hall.BUT SUDDENLY... The lights went out!!!

“Ha ha very funny “said Kai although his voice was shaKING as he spoke.

“Nice one Dex” whispered Adam

Dexter looked at him puzzled

“That was not me”

Adam looked confused “ Who else could it have been”

“Dexter?” said adam “dexter!” he whispered loudly

He stretched his arm out into the gloom where dexter should

have been but felt nothing.  Suddenly adam heard a thump.  He walked down the stairs and saw kai lying on the floor

motionless.  Adam was beginning to panic.  He looked

through the kitchen door.  AT first he saw nothing but then he

noticed a dark figure looming over the kitchen table.  He had

to be careful that the figure didn’t notice him.  By the person’s

stature it looked to be a male but adam couldn’t tell for sure.  Unexpectedly he tripped over the broom and made a loud

crashing noise.  The figure whipped round and advanced

towards him.  Adam couldn’t make out the face but there was

something familiar about it, very familiar actually.  Suddenly

it dawned on him“DAD it’s you!!!”

The figure looked startled and guilty at the same time.“Look, son this might look bad but here’s the thing Kais dad is

rich we take  kai we get big money for his return ,the family is

rich and we all live happily ever after”he said in a rushAdam was now the startled one .

“Dad that all sounds great and all but I can’t let you do it”Adam said nervously.

All of a sudden his dad turned on him“Adam this is Exactly what your brother said and he is now

lying unconcious under the kitchen table,so want to rethink your statement a little or end up like Dexter” he bellowed .

But adam had already reached for the broom and whacked his DAD RIGHT IN THE GUT.

A series of crashes and bangs could be heard from the kitchen.Until finally Adam and Dexter( who had regained

conciousnes during the fight) emerged the victors . And they were soon dragging him into the police car.

“I would have got away with it to if it were not for you medalling kids” yelled Dad through the car window

“IT IS not  scooby doo “ adam yelled back

They both   laughed

“YOU KNOW WHAT Adam i am really proud of you ,you finally

Found your courage”said Dexter“Well i knew it was there somwhere who has ever heard of a

boy who’s afraid of everything “Dexter smiled and Adam said

“Well maybe Halloween isn’t so bad but it’s still the most idiotic FESTIVAL OF THE YEAR”



Ugly’s Soul StoryBy Lillie

It was a cold evening at the pumpkin patch and everybody was picking their pumpkins. All pumpkins were picked, all except one. His name was ‘Ugly’ … well that was what the children called him. Later that night, Ugly was cheering himself up after not being picked by a child this year. Ugly was sobbing and sobbing for ages, then he heard a voice coming from the distance. He wobbled over to where the voice was coming from.

Ugly slides through the bushes and saw a glowing figure walking towards him. Each time the figure came closer it looked like a girl. She was mumbling something that sounded like “possessing is great”. Ugly stared at the girl In horror. He then, stumbled away as fast as he could , but it was too late, Ugly had been possessed . Uglys eyes glowed up as he let out an evil laugh “I will get all of you children out there” he said as he flew out of the pumpkin patch. Ugly flew all over town looking for the children.

Ugly landed outside a new, lovely house and took a little potions bottle out of his little yellow bag. Ugly drank a tiny bit and became smaller. After, he glided into the house and upstairs, he locked all the rooms shut except the children’s room. He went under one bed and tapped the under side of the bed. In the bed was a girl, and her older sister was Ingoldsby the bed on the other side of the room. Ugly took a tube out of the yellow bag and placed under the mattress so it would be were the girls back was. He blew into the tube as hard as he could . Suddenly , a lot of black smoke came out of the girls mouth and into the tube .

Ugly did the same to the girl's older sister and left a small black box in the middle of the room. Ugly flew out of the house In a hurry and hid behind the bush in the garden. “Three , two , one!” Ugly shout at the top of his lungsBANG!...

The house went up in flames as Ugly giggled.he quickly flew away before the police got there. He landed in The woods so nobody could see him. He took out the tube from his bag and opened them. Inside where there souls . Ugly ate their soles as it made him stronger . His eyes glowed up even brighter than before as he flew to the next house.

Ugly landed outside an apartment. He once again drank a potion but this one made him faster. He did the same to the apartment , sucked out the children’s souls and set the apartment in flames . Ugly did this many times after but each time he did it , it became less and less fun.

Sadly ugly went to the next house. He sobbed as he went in. He went under the bed and took the tube out . “Hello?” said a girl “is anyone there?”Ugly held his breath . The girl then crouched down to see if there was anyone under the bed.“Awwww, your so cute. Where did you come from?” the girl whispered “Th... th... the p-pum-pumpkin pa-patch” Ugly said with a little quiver in his voice. “What are you doing here?” the girl asked “I... I... I was trying to... to... to” Ugly said. “Well if you want to you can stay with me” the girl said softly as she gave Ugly a big hug .

All of a sudden all of the fires stopped , Ugly went back to normal and the children got their souls back. Ugly glowed so bright so that you couldn’t see him . The glowing stopped after a couple of seconds and Ugly wasn’t ugly anymore the girl gave him a hug and whispered softly in uglys ear and said “I love you no matter what you look like”

And ugly and the little girl lived happily ever since



and blew off! I was starting to freak out. Was I imagining this? I ran home and went to my room and got the book. ‘You! You did all of this!’ I said angrily. ‘Never again am I reading you. Oh no, not ever AGAIN!!’ I ripped up the book and went downstairs and threw it in the trash. ‘There. That’ll teach you not to give me bad luck!’ I felt pleased with myself, but when I opened the door I knew I just made the biggest mistake of my life. The book was lying there, on my bed. I was so shocked I turned white. Next, I got a butcher's knife and chopped it like sushi, but, like last time, it was on my bed the same place as I left it.

I was starting to get a bit creeped out, so I went to find mom and dad’s room but I knew that dad was working but it felt much eerier when I came in because it was empty. Usually mom’s reading or drawing or something like that, but no, she wasn’t there. I walked over to the bed and saw a pile of bones, a few red ones and some hair. ‘Oh my god it's... mom? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I screamed. I noticed some letters in some of the bones. They said: ‘Big Mistake.’ The next thing I knew the turned to dust and disappeared like the school. I knew that the book had something to do with it. I called dad but all it said was: ‘Mr. Benson cannot be reached. Please leave a message.’ The phone said. ‘Hi dad. I bought a creepy book that wouldn’t get destroyed and it ended up killing mo-’ I stopped. I don't know why, but when I tried to continue, I couldn’t because the power went out.Besides, I don't have to worry about fixing the electrical box since it was my big sister’s turn to fix it. ‘Tara! It's your turn to fix the electrical box!’ No reply. I went into Tara’s room to get her.‘Tara? Are you there?’ I heard crying in the corner of her room. ‘Hello?’ She looked at me but the each layer of her body fell to the ground starting with the skin, then the muscles, then the bones. I was so shocked that I only had one family member left: Dad. Hopefully, he hasn’t died from the stupid book. I went outside for some fresh air but it was total MADNESS. Everyone was running around, screaming from monsters. Yep, monsters. Also, everything was turning to dust and flying away. This was all my fault. That stupid book did all this, because I bought it. Mostly the monsters were eating people by digging their teeth into the ground where people were.The Police Squad were trying to stop the monsters but most of them got eaten by mutant worms and the rest turned into fish.

The curse of the bookBy Leon

It was a dark stormy night on the travel to the book shop for something to read. There wasn’t really anything there until I spotted a book that looked spooky. I got it because it was close to Halloween but when I went up to the counter to pay the woman was on her phone, annoyingly.‘Yes, yes, I know we need decorations...Not Christmas decorations! Halloween, Ha-lo-ween...What are you buying snakes for?!?!...Oh yeah, sure, why not buy fake mice and draw scary faces on them?...It seemed like the conversation would never end.‘Excuse me?’ I said. I had to say it louder. ‘EXCUSE ME!!’. She finally got off her phone and said:‘Oh, hello there. When did you get here?’Are you kidding me? She didn’t even hear the bell ring when I came in! I thought. ‘I’d like to buy this book.’ I said.‘Oooh that’ll cost you extra.’ She said.‘Why?’ I asked.‘Because I’m working! Ha!’ She said.

It took a pretty long time to actually get the book, but eventually, I got it. I went home to read the book but I was soaking wet because I forgot my coat and nearly got struck by lightning.When I got home, I ran upstairs, closed the door, jumped on my bed and started reading. I felt like it was going to be great, but it wasn’t very good. When I finished it, I was so bored and tired, I just put the book under my bed and just flopped on my bed.But the book was cursed so when I opened it I let out evil spirits that are about to destroy the world!!!

The next day, I knew something felt different. When I walked down the stairs I nearly fell through them, then when I was pouring my cereal I splatted milk and cornflakes on my face. But the most weirdest thing was that it was 3:02 in the morning. It seemed as if 4 hours have passed when I was eating my cereal. I set off for school taking 2 hours to get there, since I can't drive. I tried driving to school already, but it didn’t end very well. Finally, when I reached the school gates, the yard was empty. Usually the yard is full of children chatting and playing but it was just empty. I saw a few tumbleweeds bouncing along. I just decided to go home but when I turned around to go, I walked into a wall that was never there. But when I turned around it looked like the school just turned to dust



‘Wonder where dad is. Wait... dad!!’ I shouted. I got my bike and rode to dad’s work but sadly, I was being chased by weirdos juggling bombs and I nearly got blown up, but I made it.

The place was gone. The whole building. I just remembered I was wearing a watch so I looked at it and it was about 6:30. I’m pretty sure that dad was home an hour ago so that ride was a waste of 20 minutes of my life that i’m sooner or later going to lose. I rode back home dodging all the monsters that tried to eat me or kill me or something. I went home but there was no home. Only the furniture was left. ‘No!! My house! Why did I get the book?!?!’ I screamed. ‘Wait a sec... the book shop! But is it still standing?’ I ran as fast as I could, the world crumbling behind me. It was there. I ran in. ‘Quickly! I need to return this book! Chop chop quickly now!’ I said.‘Ok then, let's get your money out of the regi-’ The cashier stopped because the bookshop disappeared without me!The last bit of the world crumbled away in front of my eyes. ‘Hello?’ I asked. I heared a whisper that said:‘Heeeeeellloo,’ It said.‘Is anyone there?’‘Yeeeeeesss III’mm here,’Oh no... this is the end. I thought.‘Diiiiieeeee,’ I was getting pulled into a void!‘I... can't... breathe...’ I said while choking.‘Haaaa haaaa haaaaaa!’ The whisper said in a whispery tone.‘I... guess... this... is... the... end..... AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!’ I screamed while the void ripped me open and crushed my insides.

I was never heard from again...   

The CemeteryBy Paula

We can hear the bell. I think is time to go to the yard. It was cloudy You almost can’t see anything. Many people were scared ‘cause that day was HALLOWEEN. I was thinking that the people were stupid ‘cause they were scared and telling scary stories. One of my friends told me a story, she said: In my house there is a black cat, one day it was night it was dark and almost the middle of the night. I was in the bed my mam kissed me. Later I saw a

red name on the wall it was BLOOD!!!!! ... and that word was my name. I just fell over the bed.I went to the sitting room and there was a mask. It was the scream mask suddently two candles lit up. I shouted for my mum to run and see what was happening. She asked me and I told her all the things that happened to me but she didn’t believe me. Suddenty the scream mask appeared behind my mam and we ran out of the house.Outside it was dark and you could hear the wolves. There were pumpkins with spiders inside. The scream mask suddently appeared again but this time with Bloody Mary. My mam disappeared!! I was alone in the dark. A zombie appeared. I started to run again. Suddently an electric storm started. I went to my house after getting a big knife and a gun but I just get that to protect myself. My best friend appeared. She almost killed me with fright. Bloody Mary appeared in front of as we tried to kil her but it was impossible. Bloody Mary got a knife. We ran but a witch stopped us and she said “This is your last night of life get ready to die.”My best friend killed the witch and we got out of the house but a vampire stopped us. I was so sad ‘cause he killed my best friend. Her ghost appeared. Now she was evil. I started to run and I appeared in a cemetery far from the cemetery was a zombie and he start to say a poem and it was like this: Ghost and goblins daySpooks galore Scary when he’s At your door Jack –o-lanternssmiling brightwishing youa haunted nightI wasn’t very scared that moment but I killed the zombie cause if not he would have killed me first.Next day I discovered that it was just a dream I saw that my best friend was alive so that night we go house to house duing the TRICK or TREAT. We dress up. I was a vampire my best friend was Harley Quinn. We have so much fun but I remember that Bloody Mary doesn’t die so that night I tried to have the same dream. Instead I had a nightmare. It was about a new movie called HAPPY DEATH DAY at the moment I wake up and I tried to have the dream that I want. I get into that dream: I was in the cemetery…




One night I was lying on my bed.The wind was whistling outside my window I was fast asleep.Then I heard a scratching sound I suddenly I hid under my sheet then it went silent.

Again I heard the same scratching sound but it was getting louder I was scared.

I ran into my mom and dad’s room and they weren’t there. Now I was really scared!! I decided to find them. First I looked in the kitchen and then in my garden. I peeped over the wall and I saw an abandoned circus I’d never noticed it before.

The circus was grey and old. It was ripped to pieces and there was a piece material flapping in the wind and old circus music was playing and clown,he was scratching the post with his long finger nails.He is calling me over “come here I want to show you something”.....

The clown was wearing a colourful jumpsuit he had crazy curls,dark blood red sticking out the side of his head,ghostly pale he has a red bulbous nose and sharp yellow fangs.

I snuck over the wall and quietly and slowly crawled to the fenc. I looked at the clown he was dancing crazly. He stared at me and said “I have your parents so come and I will give them to you”. “I don’t trust you” I said nervously to the clown.

I heard my parents but they were mumbling something that I couldn’t really hear. I wanted to help them escape. I had a plan. When the clown was not looking, I climbed over the fence. I found a small hole at the side. I tapped my parents on their shoulders and called them over. We all ran but unfortunately the clown spotted us. He ran out of the circus and started to chase us. We all got in the house on time and slammed the door shut. We

didn’t notice that the clown put his fingers in the door to try and stop us. His fingers fell off and landed on the carpet. He whispered to me through the letterbox “You are safe for now but I will be back next Halloween”...


1974 in a town called georgesville a group of friends are having fun

on a wet day playing and running around.They begin to play hide n

seek they all run to their hiding's around eight now and

getting dark.twenty eight twenty nine thirty here i come said jack ryan

the boy hiding over beside the old junkyard sees something so

bitterly skin crawling he darted away.all his friend followed him they

all went back to his house ryan what did you see ryan said he saw a

girl in a white dress with hair over her face walking

closer...closer...closer.’’i want to go back’’said ryan carl said no way

i'm going back everyone else said that to.carl was walking home was

walking home and was was by the abandoned house and decided to

have a look around.....he woke up and was in one of the rooms in the

house.he tried to get out but couldn't .he gave up.all the people in the

town where worried sick.back at the abandoned house carl a way out

without hesitation.he sprinted out of the door and ran home.everyone

was delighted to see him cause it was a small town and of he went to

tell his friends.hey! Guys wait up said carl he was telling his friends

there were little kids running around the hallways.carl was still

explaining then he came to a sudden stop he remembered how he

ended up there ah ah ah ah clown! Dragged me in i remember now

he was so scared he didn't speak for the rest of the week.ryan,jack,jill

and kate all had the same kinda happenings but not half as bad.all

them are trying to think of what to do where the only ones that can

stop this said ryan everyone and off they went.they made weapons

like spears made out of scrap metal and knifes.they were back they

went in a ghoul popped out but with no fear they speared it in the

head. they went through a number of doors but the house wasn't

ending. then a door lead down to a basement there it wasn't such a

creepy girl with hair over her face. but a demon they went to kill it but

it vanished.they were looking around and found it but took it from

behind and speared in the back and it start fading it rushed to

another room there did that about three more times it faded away

fully they all jumped around in happiness.they had no problems after

that and they went home feeling safe and then the all hade let's say

normal lives.



The halloween gang of evil!!!By Aidan Pedersen

The time of year had come again for Jason, him putting up the decorations, waiting to go trick or treating, decorating his praying spot with plastic pumpkins, wondering why his one year old brother Tommy hadn’t mastered the potty. Actually, that was year round and not relevant to Halloween. Back to the story.

Anyhow, on the October 25th day our story starts, Jason was walking to school by himself. Actually, he wasn’t alone, he had his twin sister walking with him, but since she was on the other side of the road chatting half-heartedly to her friends and not taking much notice of him, it felt to Jason like he was alone. “I think I’m going to dress up as a demon,” Jason muttered to himself. “Actually a zombie, that might be a better idea.” Abigail suddenly and calmly spoke to her brother on the other side of the road (because she’s his twin sister). “Jason, i’m not going trick or treating this year.”

This hit Jason like a brick wall. His sister wasn’t going trick or treating this year, why?, how?, she loved trick or treating the most in the family but most of it, including himself were confused over whether it was originally a Celtic/Pagan or Christian festival. His family [containing his parents, little brother Tommy (Jason wasn’t sure he thought this yet), his sister Abigail and his widower grandfather] thought it as an ancient Christian celebration because Halloween started off as All Hallow’s Eve and was the day before All Hallow’s Day/All Saint’s Day which was naturally, Christian. Whereas, some of Halloween’s traditions came from the Celtic/Pagan festival of Samhain. So, in his family’s eyes Christianity had more of an effect on Halloween then the Celts did. Though, in a moral sense that was the only reason his family celebrated it.

“Abigail, why are you not going?’’ Jason asked. “Jason, it’s our confirmation in two years time.” She snorted. “We need to prepare, we’re both eleven.” “I’m going trick or treating though, it’s a joint confirmation and we don’t have to prepare yet.” “Well, sometimes life can’t be your own way, you of all people should know that.” Jason sighed, his sister was very irritating sometimes, but she always seemed to be intellectually better then him. He continued walking, with Abigail in tow, he knew that school was only going to start in ten minutes, courtesy of his watch, but even if he arrived on time he might be punished for not completing his homework, he always seemed to forget to put the date on top. No matter how hard he tried to remember. This was of course for the simple fact that he rather liked school and homework, so he margined the page enthusiastically. He passed a lamp post with a picture on it about two missing adolescents, male and female. Jason suddenly had tears in his eyes. The pair looked so happy together, as friends, but he wouldn’t have known since Jason had never had a friend before. He was constantly picked on for his family’s and his own beliefs. Also, no one seemed to enjoy Jason’s interests, which included books, religion, politics, the news, delicacies and the environment. Well people did like some of his interests but, they favoured some parts of his interests over others. Trying not to concentrate to much on the photo, Jason read the details.

Names: John Chase and Beatrice O’ ConnorDisappeared : 23rd of October Last seen at 9:58pm, out to a party in Clondalkin Lost contact at 11:59 pm after multiple Instagram photos of amusement were discontinued and phone calls weren’t responded to.Phone Numbers: 005 670934 if found

But the phone numbers were hard to see because taking up most of the space was a horrific note pinned down, that made Jason turn white and his legs turn to jelly.

If you think of coming after your people, THEN beware!!!

We are a group that have no mercy, and our dearest ambition is to take control of earth. Allow us, and our prisoners will be set free and no harm shall be done. If you do not, then the consequences are dire. Oh yes, and, if you fail to proceed then the prisoners are dead with a deadline of two days.

He looked at his watch, eight minutes to go, forgetting all about the note, he realised that he wouldn’t make it, so he decided to take a shortcut to Raheny Village through St Anne’s Park. The same thought must have occurred to Abigail. Her friends and she were skipping across the park albeit at a fast pace. Since Jason and she went to different secondary schools in Raheny, they went separately but why neither sibling could understand. He continued on, until something he saw made his blood go cold. In the forest, about 25 metres inwards, near the duck pond, a clown, with a knife beside him and a gun in his hands, was casually looting the bloodstained corpses of the two missing adolescents in what was their final resting place.

This clown was not one of the friendly variety. What he was doing was taking both teenagers wallets and lazily pointing his gun at both corpses necks, for of course, both were very much dead. Two figures emerged from the wood, both wearing normal attire like the clown, except for their faces, for both were sporting equally horrible masks, one with a dessicated zombie mask with blood all over it, and the second with a ski mask with dried flesh. The three of them seemed to come to a mutual agreement, zombie mask took the knife and the three of them strode back into the woods. Jason wanted to scream, call 999, have a heart attack and perish at the same time, but what he decided was best just to pray to God and hope that it would help him. He also wished even more now that he had a friend. Actually no, he decided what was best was to get to school and then call 999, because God wouldn’t be happy with him if he didn’t make it on time and may not grant him a peaceful prayer. Luckily for Jason, he arrived on time, so he then went to his locker to put his possessions in. He was just about to do so, when BAM! The entire school shook as a sound like gunfire rang across the school. “AHH!” Some people screamed as the teachers came out of the classrooms and suddenly smoke came down the hallways with a firework, for some reason, going off outside. “Wha, What the Hell!” Jason yelled as the Smoke\Fire alarm went off and everyone struggled and shoved to get out of the school either through the doors, fire exits or windows. “So much for a day at school” Jason muttered.

When he got out, in the distance fire engine alarms were blaring. “Mmm,” he murmured. “I need to call dad about what I’ve seen, then he will call the gardai.” Readers, he of course forgot that he could just notify the Dublin Fire Brigade, but to Jason it was only necessary to call the police. “Hi Dad” he called into his mobile, “I’m walking home again.” “Jason, why are you coming home, you’re meant to be in school, is something wrong.” “You could say that,” he replied “There was a bit of commotion outside due to something that sounded like gunfire and a firework and then smoke came down the hall and the fire alarm went off so we’re all outside now.”“GUNFIRE!!! Are you serious, and smoke, why, how and almost killed you.”“Okay Dad, I’m coming home, and there was something else.” When Jason told his father about the threatening note and murder, he went ballistic.



“WHAT! Okay! I’m coming to bring you home Jason, and then I’m going to notify alright.” Jason sighed, It was going to be a long day.

31st October - All Hallow’s Eve/Halloween Six Days Later

Jason had decided that he wasn’t going trick or treating this year, as he knew that it would now be best if he abstained from going because he was probably too old now. The Gardai had questioned him up to midnight on the 25th, which Jason found quite irritating, as most of the sufficient questions had been asked and most of the ones up to midnight were unnecessary, with them only being about minor details. However, Jason had still found an amusing way to celebrate his Halloween, to give out sweets and chocolate to the trick or treaters, eat some himself, go to Raheny Library and get some Rick Riordan books, one of Jason’s favourite authors, then go home and eat more sweets and chocolate along with watching It, where he hoped that he wouldn’t get nightmares. “Ring!!” the doorbell rang as Jason’s grandfather grumbled upstairs and the boy himself and his sister went to the door. As they opened the door, a cry of “Trick or Treat!” game from a group of six year olds with their parents nearby. Abigail gave out the candy while Jason looked on. After a while Jason lost interest, so after taking a couple of Twix from the bowl and saying goodbye to his mother, and taking his library card, he set off for the library.

It was a cold and windy Halloween, and Jason was glad of his hoodie, which kept him warm. After a while, he reached the Bank of Ireland, which he calmly passed to stop at the traffic light. After crossing, he strode along for a matter of seconds, then turned left and up and into Raheny Library before opening the door of the children’s section. He walked over to the “R” books and found them almost immediately. To his glee, there was quite a selection of books, though that glee, suddenly turned to shock. A banging sound suddenly rang out around the library like, gunfire, a very familiar gunfire, but then wham! Suddenly armed people in Halloween masks broke windows in the Adults section, and then shot. The adults inside screamed, and ran, but some didn’t make it and blood suddenly poured underneath the doors, along with the sound of cracking bone. Three of the people looked very familiar, oh dear, yes, it was clown, zombie and dried flesh again. Bang! Jason blacked out. Yes, readers, the gang then proceeded to drag him out of the library into the bushes at the back of the library, then hand him over to another group of the clan members, then drag him to a van before stuffing him in the back. Five minutes later, his space was limited, with numerous other people in the back, unconscious, and the Gardai chasing them. This meant that every prisoner had broken at least one bone, due to reckless driving, even though the five gang members had taken off their masks. Except, that every unconscious person inside was dying due to lack of oxygen, so they didn’t feel any pain, similar to an anaesthetic that would eventually kill you without intervention.


Everyone was either hysterical or watching RTE News in dead silence. Abigail had chosen the latter. She hadn’t moved from the sofa since trying to stop Tommy from drinking too much milk from his bottle, before picking him up and soothing him to sleep. He was still in her arms, sleeping endearingly, but Abigail’s mind wasn’t on her brother’s doze. Her mind was on the fate of her other brother Jason, who may or may not have perished in a mass shooting in the Village’s library. There was reports that a van had taken off at top speed with citizens inside, but at the moment all she wanted to do was go find her brother, but first she needed permission from her crying mother to go outside. Her father had gone to find her twin, but hadn’t found him yet, but was still in the area because he hadn’t contacted the family for a while. Abigail walked into the kitchen with Tommy. “Mom, can I go to Raheny Library and look for Jason”

“No Abigail, you can’t” she said through tears, “the police are there and they need to do an investigation.” “Yeah, I know, but they’re also chasing a van that may contain my kidnapped twin brother, so they may have to escape out of the van therefore leaving the prisoners unguarded.” Mom narrowed her eyes.“Alright, you’re allowed outside, but it’s too dangerous to deal with these kind of things, so no trying to J..Jason, alright.” Abigail suddenly felt guilty. “Yes mom,” she said, knowing that was not what she was going to do. She gave Tommy to her mother, then walked into the and grabbed her coat. She hadn’t started preparing for her confirmation, but that wasn’t important now. What was important was saving her brother. She opened the door and walked outside.

Jason woke. He seemed to be in a van, along with an extreme pain in his leg, and, Oh My, he was with the gang members. He fished his mobile out of his pocket, turned it to silent, and then texted Abigail. Hopefully she would relay the information that he was alright to his parents, and then Grandpa. He sniffed sadly as he remembered Grandma, before she had died.

When Abigail got the text, she was only slightly relieved. Her twin was still hostage in a van with humans who would massacre everyone in the world if they didn’t get their way. She still couldn’t believe Jason had encountered murderers, she hadn’t believed him the first dozen times he had said it. Anyway she texted her mother, who was glad he was alive, but still terrified that he was a hostage. A screech of tires nearby made her jump, and she put away her phone. She also realised where she was, Church of St John the Baptist, Clontarf. She was suddenly knocked over in full swing and tripped on a gravestone. She got up, and realised that a Garda was chasing after five people. Two men tripped, and he ran to them. Another Garda sprinted after the other three people, two men and one woman, who had conveniently decided to run on the footpath. She turned and realised that the vehicle was a van, with a glimmer of hope, walked over and looked inside. There, collapsed in a heap, was Jason.

Jason was having an awful Halloween. First, he had been bored to death giving out sweets. Next, he had been stopped from taking out a book and was in the midst of a crime scene. Then, he was kidnapped and thrust in a van and promptly broke his leg. Afterwards, that same van braked at an illegal rate, making him fly forward and hit his head on the chair, and was now teetering on the edge of vomiting up the sweets he had eaten an hour before. He tried to stand up, but ended up tripping over another person and then vomited out the glorious things he had eaten. He then also fell unconscious, again. He woke up awhile later, feeling much better. He didn’t feel pain in his head anymore, and his throat wasn’t burning due to vomit. He realised that he was in his own bed at home. He got up, and took a Rick Riordan book from his shelf and began to read it. Abigail came in, gave her brother a hug and then started reading too.



A demon’s jobby Matthew H

It was midnight, he had struck again. People say he has no face, I say It's a load of garbage, but that’s where he gets his name from, the man with no face. At least none of my family have gone. Every night you can hear the screams of the people that are so unlucky. There is only thirty people in the town left.‘Damian come on we’re going to be late!’‘For what?’‘The funeral, the butcher, Pat O’Connel, he was killed with his own knife’‘What’s the point? We do this every morning, I just want a lie in’‘It’s twelve! We’re going to be late! Get up, get up!!’‘If you want me to get up tell Mam to tell me’‘Alright..MAM!!’‘DAMIAN GET UP!’‘Uhhh fine’.I really hated going to funerals. We were twenty minutes late. About ten minutes in I heard a strange voice in my head. It was a whispery, squeaky kind of voice, it said ‘I’m coming for yoouuu, I’m coming for yoouuu and everyone you know will be gone hehehe’. When the voice went I saw the priest was looking at me with two pupiless eyes and his mouth was stitched closed. That wasn’t the priest from a few seconds ago, when I blinked it was the old priest from before.Later that day at nine fifty I told my parents that it was coming for one of them but they didn’t believe me,‘Mam, Dad at the funeral I heard him, in my head, he said he’ll take everyone I know. He’ll take one of you!’‘Don’t be daft’ said my Mother.‘Go up to bed’ said my Dad.When I went to bed I couldn’t sleep until I heard one scream, I was expecting two but that’s not what was going through my head. The scream woke Liza up. We were panicking and when we went into our Mam and Dad’s room we saw Mam lying in Dads arms, Dad was crying so hard that I could only see water in his eyes. As soon as Liza saw Mom she went over to Dad and started crying‘How does it do it?’ Said Liza in tearsThere was blood everywhere, the window was broken.

The next day at the funeral Liza wouldn’t stop crying. Suddenly that voice came back into my head, ‘I’m coming for yoouuu, I’m coming for yoouuu and everyone you know will be gone hehehe’. And I saw him as the priest again.

That evening me and Liza couldn’t sleep and then I heard a yell of pain coming from my Dad’s room. Liza went in and started crying, but I just stayed there thinking of who could be next, Liza.

The next day I heard the same voice saying the same thing. It was getting out of hand, soon the town would be empty. I told my sister I had to go into the forest and kill whatever was doing this.‘Liza, you’re going to spend the night in Susanna and Patrick Killins house tonight. Okay?’‘Why? Wait, you’re going into the forest aren’t you?’‘Liza.....’‘No, I’m coming with you!’‘Not a chance, you’re staying at our neighbours house tonight, understand?’

When I went in the forest it was so quiet. Then I heard the voice, not in my head.... But out loud!‘Ready or not here I come!’I turned round and there was Liza‘What are you doing here?’She didn’t answer‘I said, what are you doing here eh Liza?’‘Found you’‘Wait a second’Suddenly, the thing that’s been murdering everyone, the thing that’s been causing me so much pain broke out of my little sister!

‘I was using your little sister to protect me. I knew that nobody would think that a little girl would be so evil and if they knew, I would break out of your little sister and kill everyone they knew, for I am half demon, half human’‘Why are you doing this?’‘The Gods sent me, they said mankind needed to be punished for what they’re doing to the earth. There is one of me in each country, so I must obey the Gods’The demon pinned me to the ground, knocking the gun out of my hand. It started to slash at my arms, face and chest, until I heard....‘Hey!!’BANG!Liza lying there with exhaustion, hearing everything, just shot it in the middle of the face. The demon fell to the ground lying there motionless. It was dead.

When we went back to the village there were twenty something people left and our neighbours were killed by the demon but the only thing I hope now is there’s no more of him around the globe because if there still are, who knows what’s happening and what’s going to happen.




She shivered as she walked past the abandoned house.  Tully ran around the curve with caution so as not to bump into anything strange.  She ran up to her house, opened the door and kicked off her shoes.

“Mum, I’m back! Sorry I’m late,” Tully said.“You should be. I was worried sick and so was your father. You must explain yourself, missy,” mum said crossly.“Ok, I will,” Tully replied.They walked into the sitting room and had a long chat.  Tully told her mum that she and her friend Della had snuck during lunch break around the corner to the haunted house to investigate inside.  Her mum sas so cross that she grounded Tully for three days.

Tully asked her mother if she could invite her best friend Della over while she was grounded.“Mmmm. I’ll think about that one ... but I’m not that nice,” she said kissing Tully on top of her head.Later on mum texted Della’s mother to ask if she could come over for dinner and stay ‘till seven or half past that evening.  An hour later Della arrived and brought a few gadgets along with her. Tully ran down and brought Della up to her room.“So, I’ve heard you’re grounded. Tough, huh?”“Yeah, it is especially because mum now forbids me from going there and investigating.”They talked on and on for hours until Della and Tully were called down for dinner.

“Yum, your dad’s shepherd’s pie was delicious and I loved your mum’s chocolate cake and cream.”“Thank you. They really enjoy cooking and baking,” said Tully, pleased that her friend had enjoyed the meal. Tully’s mum asked the girls if they wanted to play outside for some time while she cleaned up the dishes.“Now remember to come back at six o’clock sharp,” shouted mum out the door.

The girls walked outside onto the green and over to the haunted house.“Are you sure you want to do this?  Won’t your mum find out?” Della questioned.“No it's ... did you hear that sound? Come, hide under this bush,” said Tully.Della asked her what sound and Tully replied “A clicking sound.”

By the way, you may be wondering what this haunted house looks like.  It is very tall and it is black all over with grey crooked windows on each side.  There is no door and there is a huge hole in the roof.  All around the house is grass with gravestones here and there.

The girls were surprised as they walked in because the lights were on and it was decorated very Halloween.  There were fake bats hanging on the old rusty walls, pumpkins carved into scary faces and one white ghost with red evil eyes staring at them.“Don’t you think we should head off now?” asked Della worried about what her mum would say about this.  Tully assured her it was fine. The girls were exploring around the house until something made them stop in their tracks.“Ring-a-ring-a-rosie, your death is coming closely.”“Oh my gosh, what was that,” shrieked Della.“I’m not sure,” answered Tully, “ but I think it may be coming from that door..”Nothing was there to be seen.“Hello!” she called out. “Is anybody there?”Just as they were about to head out two hands grabbed them both.“Ahhhhh!” they screamed in unison.

Let me describe these hands.  They definitely are not what you would see everyday.  These hands were thin and bony and a light shade of green.  The nails were very long and curvy like a pig’s tail.  They were black in colour and extremely sharp.“Ow!” the girls screamed together.  The monster was digging her nails into their skin.



Everything was dark and all Della could see was a bit of light from outside.  Suddenly she found herself beside Tully with a bit of blood dripping down her neck.  She got up and it seemed like she had made quite a lot of noise but Tully didn’t wake up at all.“Tully, Tully, can you hear me?  Please wake up,” Della pleaded.Suddenly a voice came from behind her.  She turned and there in front of her stood a crooked lady with a crooked hat and what seemed to be a walking stick.“Hello, my dear,” she said in a wobbly voice.  “What has happened to your friend?”“You know exactly what happened to her because you did that and now she won’t wake up,” replied Della.

The witch lady happened to be wearing sunglasses at that time and Della thought - I wonder why is she wearing those when it’s nearly Halloween and it is dark in the house.  But when the witch took them off Della regretted what she had just thought.Instead of the witches eyes there were two dark pools of black that made Della scream so loudly.  Tully stood up but began sleepwalking all around the place.  When Della stepped back she felt something wet, cold, squishy and slimy hit off her foot.  It was a red eyeball staring right at her.  Della screamed and ran to the door, found a piece of wood and started whacking the eyeball and the witch as hard as she could. The witch fell flat on the floor with a loud thump.A few moments later Della found Tully and they began to make their way out when something grabbed Tully’s foot and bit hard on her leg.  She banged into the wall and was lying there while Della was shouting for help.  Della called and called but no one could hear her.  She started to weep until she heard a sound which sounded like her sister’s squeal.  She ran outside and found her parents and Tully’s.  Della told them exactly what had happened.  Tully’s parents called an ambulance and they took her to the hospital.  

Once Tully was taken away,  Della’s parents had called the police so they could investigate the house. While they were waiting, the witch got up and  ran towards Della her sister and her parents with a knife in her hand. Fortunately, when she was about to hurt them, the police arrived and took and arrested the witch.

This most certainly wasn’t easy. First, they grabbed her arms and tried pulling her into  the car but that didn’t work because she was too heavy.  Then they decided to tie her legs and hands together but that didn’t work either because the police had forgotten to take the knife off her and she cut herself out. Finally they found a way by using five policemen to push her into the boot of the car. They got the front of her in but it took some time to push her bum in too. When they pushed her in, they closed the door and got in but before they started the car, the witch used her nail and drew a circle on the glass and pushed it out. The police thought she was trying to escape again  but instead she turned around to face Della and her parents. With a wicked grin she looked over at Della. “It’s not over yet, Della Mc Gee, I’ll be back soon just you wait and see.”