SCLAA May 2015 eNewsletter

Post on 22-Jul-2016

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SCLAA eNewsletter

Transcript of SCLAA May 2015 eNewsletter


The Supply Chain & Logistics Association of Australia (SCLAA) is pleased to announce that the 2015 Australian Supply Chain and Logistics (ASCL) Awards will be held on Thursday the 19th of November, at the Crown Perth, Burswood, Western Australia.

The SCLAA has been running these proud and historic awards for over fifty years, making them the most prestigious and influential in the Supply Chain, Logistics and Transport industries. This is a not-to-be-missed event in the industry calendar. Nominate yourself, your company or a colleague and be recognised by your peers in this historic award program.

PH: 1300 364 160


p: 1300 364 160 e: w:



The SCLAA is in a very strong position, now that we are the only Industry Association for Supply Chain & Logistics professionals and practitioners in Australia. As a result of their

recently held Extraordinary General Meeting, the LAA has officially confirmed their wind up as an Association. While LAA members and LAA Friends will be offered continuing involvement in the industry, it will only be through joining apicsAU.

The SCLAA is the industry association that supports its Members and partners across the entire Supply Chain & Logistics industry and the SCLAA has offered all current and life members of the LAA membership within the SCLAA. Companies listed as Friends of the LAA can become National Partners of the SCLAA and several have already done so. The SCLAA will double its efforts to ensure industry development and we will oversee a stronger Industry Association supporting the Supply Chain and Logistics industry across Australia.

The Supply Chain & Logistics Association of Australia is Run By Members For Members and is the Australian Association for Supply Chain & Logistics Professionals and Practitioners.

Since our last Newsletter, we have seen a surge in membership and National Partners. We welcome these new Members and Toyota Material Handling, Syspro, Integra Packaging, and Linde Material Handling as new National Partners. We have seen increases of new Members in every State & Territory of Australia in the last month. The SCLAA plans to welcome LAA Life Members as well.

As promised in our last newsletter, we have delivered a Caltex/Woolworths National Fuel discount for our Members that will save them up to 5c a litre on diesel for ABN holders and up to 4c a litre for non ABN holders on all Vortex unleaded 95, unleaded 98 and diesel, plus 5% on convenience items. This program has been very successful so far, and is available for all Members, employees of Members, employers of Members and your friends and associates. The offer is available across Australia at over 2000 service stations and truck stops. I signed up quickly and it is so easily not having to keep fuel receipts that fade before tax time anyway, let alone last the required 3 or 7 years. All details are on our website.

The Federal Government has released the Competition Policy Review document and it has potentially vast implications for the Supply Chain & Logistics Industry and as such SCLAA has forwarded the document to Members and industry contacts. The Supply Chain and Logistics recommendations start on page 46 (Part 2) and continue in Section 11 (Part 3, page 191). View a copy of the final report:

You are invited to provide a formal written submission. You may lodge your submission electronically or by post, but electronic lodgement is preferred. For accessibility reasons, please submit responses sent via email in a Word or RTF format. An additional PDF version may also be submitted. For more information on submissions, click here. The SCLAA will be lodging a submission as well.

The SCLAA is now the only Industry Association in Australia that offers the Certified Professional Logistician (CPL) Program. With CILTA, the Certified Professional Logistician (CPL) Program

is an industry wide accreditation scheme for professionals in the Transport and Logistics Industry. The Certified Professional Logistician (CPL) certification is the benchmark professional qualification of excellence for measuring capability and proficiency within the profession of Logistics and Supply Chain Management.

The SCLAA will also release a new website very soon, it is ready now and we are in final testing phase. This website is more flexible and allows us to have more resources available to our Members. I mentioned that we have completed the Federal Governments Energy Efficiency Information Grant project. We ended up completing the project on time and within budget, and as such will be returning unspent funds to the Federal Government. I would like to thank Peter Hollins our Treasurer and our team at Office Logistics for their support with this important initiative.

We have the Supply Chain and Logistics Conference in Brisbane on August 20 and 21 and we have sponsorship

opportunities available. If your company is looking for a wider exposure into other states then this event is ideal. Please contact the SCLAA for details.



3SCLAA NEWSLETTER MAY-JUNE 2015p: 1300 364 160 e: w:



We also have the prestigious Australian Supply Chain & Logistics Awards in Perth on November 19, and as we have sponsorship opportunities available as well for this event. The last time we ran the ASCL Awards in Perth we had record attendance and we have again chosen the popular venue we used last time.

The SCLAA is run by volunteers and without industry volunteers we would not be able to function for you. If you would like to be involved in any capacity in any State or Territory please let us know. It is personally rewarding for you are well, in networking and career advancement.

On behalf of the SCLAA National Board, Division Committees and all the volunteers at the SCLAA, we would like to wish Members continued success in 2015.

For information on why you should join the SCLAA please visit and to join simply click the orange button on the home page.

STEPSupply ChainTraining &EvaluationProfessionals

Expand your knowledge... Extend your vision...Become a NATIONAL PARTNER of the SCLAA



As you are aware the SCLAA is a not-for-profit Industry Association, Run For Members By Members. Our ability to support the SCLAA infrastructure and to expand is highly dependent on our National Partners. We would like to take this opportunity to welcome our three newest National Partners, Integra Packaging, SYSPRO Software and Linde Material Handling. We ask all our Members to support our valued National

Partners where they can.

Integra Packaging creates cost effective solutions to protect and enhance their customers’ products throughout the Supply Chain. They provide a consulting and design service to identify cost-take-out opportunities and use their global network to offer world’s best practise in packaging innovation.

They have specialised on-site teams to provide packing and preservation services around the world.

Their value proposition is:• Understanding your supply chain, its challenges, risks and needs determines the best packaging solution.• Safety, environment, chain of custody and product protection all form part of the solution design process.• Reducing your total supply chain cost and risk, making your business more competitive.

SYSPRO software is an award-winning, best-of-breed Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software solution for on-premise and cloud-based utilisation. Scalable for rapid growth, SYSPRO is acknowledged by industry analysts to be among the finest enterprise-resource planning

solutions in the world. SYSPRO software’s powerful features, simplicity of use, information visibility, analytic and reporting capabilities, business process and rapid deployment methodology are unmatched in its sector. While SYSPRO customers represent all industry segments, rich extensions for food, medical

devices, electronics and machinery companies, make SYSPRO the first choice for growing companies looking for a cost-effective ERP solution.

SYSPRO, formed in 1978, has earned the trust of more than 15,500 companies globally for its suite of visionary software that enhances the competitive thrust of small and mid-sized manufacturers and distributors. SYSPRO’s ability to grow with its customers and its adherence to developing technology based on the needs of customers is why SYSPRO enjoys one of the highest customer retention rates in the industry.

Linde equipment has always enjoyed a reputation for quality and performance second to none, but that is not the key reason why some of Australia’s largest forklift and warehouse equipment users have switched to Linde. And it is not why increasing numbers of

smaller businesses have also joined the trend. It is because at Linde they have transformed ourselves into solution providers, looking beyond the abilities of their wide equipment range to provide intelligent methods of meeting your requirements. The solutions they have developed around parts and service, short term rentals, fleet management systems, Linde Certified Pre-owned, Linde Power Solutions and LPA World Class Warehousing have been game changers for many businesses big and small.

TOTAL POWER From replacement batteries and chargers to battery handling equipment and specialised consulting expertise in battery room design, Linde Power Solutions offers a comprehensive service to operators of all brands. They can provide state of the art hardware, experience, and consultancy services for your electric forklift or electric warehouse equipment investment. Even if you don’t have the benefit of using Linde equipment, they can meet your needs because they have partnered with one of the world’s most respected brands to source batteries, chargers and diagnostic sensors to suit all brands. Their high-tech, reliable forklift battery usage and care monitoring system could add up to three years to the service life which could be otherwise cut short by neglect, improper maintenance or abuse. This powerful solution is available either as a stand-alone service or can be integrated as part of the Linde FleetFOCUS fleet management program.


Rev Dr Steven Koski from Oregon USA recently spoke at the Church I attend. The theme of his presentation was, “The Four Hard Truths that will lead to Greater Peace, Freedom and Joy”. I was personally enthused by the issues he raised and discussed. Although I am working from memory (I wasn’t prepared to take notes because I was sceptical about the possibility of gaining any real value from the Session) I want to share those four hard truths with you.

1. LIFE IS HARD Suffering in various forms in inevitable. Misery is a choice. You can ADAPT to build a productive and fruitful life.

2. LIFE IS TERMINAL-NO ONE GETS OUT ALIVE Eventually you have to face the fact that no one is invincible or immortal so live this life to the full. Take the opportunities as they come.

3. IT IS NOT ABOUT YOU You are not the centre of the universe. The best experiences and life fulfilment comes from the capacity to CONNECT in a helpful and compassionate way with other people. The passion to shine the light on and nurture other people will transform your life and their life.

4. YOU ARE NOT IN CONTROL No matter how brilliant and experienced you are there will often be times when you are not in absolute control. It is important to BALANCE the need to be in control with the learned capability to accept the out of control times. These comments may not be exactly as Koski set out but they convey the important general ideas as perceived by me. As I write this column I can almost hear readers saying, “Well that’s nice but what the hell has all this got do with Supply Chains?” Of course the Koski hard truths do also apply to all of us and indeed to Supply Chains.

1. SUPPLY CHAINS ARE HARD WORK. There is no easy path. There are no panaceas or silver bullets. People and organisations must ADAPT to invest in and build productive and value generating networks that will transform the way you do business. Sometimes the required investment and hard work can be too onerous and a business model other than Supply Chain may be more appropriate in those situations, so a business model other than Supply Chain may be more appropriate. In any event you will endure some suffering in the pursuit of personal and business improvement but never make the choice to be miserable.

2. SUPPLY CHAINS AS THEY EXIST TODAY IN YOUR WORLD WILL NOT PERSIST FOR EVER. Inevitably they will flounder and perhaps perish as participants, partners, business models, technologies, and innovations create demand for new approaches. Meanwhile we should continue to enthusiastically develop and nurture real value generating Supply Chains in the right environments. Live for today and the moment but actively seek the opportunities of tomorrow.

3. THERE IS NO SINGLE OWNER OF ANY SUPPLY CHAIN. It is not just about you. It is about sharing opportunities, information, and value created with all the participants and stakeholders in the value network. Mutual benefit is a primary motive. To authentically CONNECT with partners and stakeholders in meaningful and trusting relationships is the most significant enabler of Supply Chains.

4. YOU CANNOT BE IN ABSOLUTE CONTROL OF AN ENTIRE VALUE CHAIN. A critical success factor is the capability to BALANCE the turbulent fluctuations with intelligent and thoughtful actions and reactions. Agility and flexibility are very important elements of successful value chain networks. Stay calm. Accept the idea of not being in absolute control and needing to utilise the skills and experience of others to guide you through. You have to give something up to get something valuable.

Pretence is the enemy of individual and value chain performance. Pretend Partnerships are destructive. Learn to earn and offer trust to real Partners. Developing your emotional intelligence will enhance your life and your professional performance.

By the way, I notice that the long running and prestigious Queensland Supply Chain and Logistics Conference (coming up in August 2015) has a theme embracing ADAPT, CONNECT, BALANCE. As always I am eagerly looking forward to being challenged and educated in the great fun atmosphere that makes this conference an essential for Professionals and Practitioners.


David Doherty OAMFounder and ExplorerSupply Chain and Logistics

“Today’s problems cannot be solved by yesterday’s solutions and yesterday’s thinking. We need a different kind of wisdom.”Albert Einstein

“Beyond every answer waits a larger question, and beyond every arrival awaits an unforeseen beginning.” Mark Nepo


ASCL Future Leaders AwardThe trophy was first awarded in 1993 and is dedicated to Vince Aisthorpe.

The purpose of the Future Leaders Award award is to provide incentive and recognition to young professionals who are both currently working in and wish to continue their career path within the Supply Chain, Logistics and Transport Industry. This is a wonderful opportunity to showcase young professionals within our great industry.


The winner of the 2015 Future Leaders Award will be awarded an enrolment into the Leadership Management Australia’s ‘The Performance Edge’ 10 week development program valued at $5000. The program assists participants to improve their personal performance and productivity as well as that of their team. The prize includes consultation in the workplace, assistance in the development of some professional goals, all course material, attendance at 10 interactive workshops, facilitation and course coaching and access to LMA’s unique on-line feedback system.

ASCL Storage & Materials Handling AwardThe trophy was first awarded in 1980 and is dedicated to Dexion’s Founder, Demetrius Comino, OBE.

The Storage & Materials Handling Award recognises the significant achievements in the techniques and technology of materials storage and handling at any stage of the Supply Chain. Technology covers equipment and design techniques, including facilities design, and associated information and control systems. ASCL Industry Excellence AwardThis trophy was first awarded in 1987 and is dedicated to Mr Mike Munns, FAIMM.

The prestigious Industry Excellence Award recognises and acknowledges the outstanding achievements and contribution by an individual currently working within the Supply Chain, Logistics and Transport Industry. The judges will be looking for individuals who have demonstrated vision and leadership, shows innovation and not afraid to take risks.

Prize donated by



The Supply Chain & Logistics Association of Australia (SCLAA) is pleased to announce that the 2014 Australian Supply Chain and Logistics (ASCL) Awards will be held on Thursday 19th of November, at the Crown Perth, Burswood, Western Australia.

Submissions are now open for the longest running national awards program in the supply chain, logistics and transport industry. Having served the industry for over fifty years, the Australian Supply Chain & Logistics Awards are the most recognised and esteemed awards for an individual and a company to be awarded in the industry.


ASCL Manufacturing Logistics AwardThe trophy was first awarded in 1963 and is dedicated to the late Mr.W. (Bill) Cribben.

The Manufacturing Logistics Award recognises significant achievement within the manufacturing sector with regard to the integration of manufacturing and the Supply Chain from raw material procurement through to customer delivery. This may include re-thought, re-engineered Supply Chain, integration of the Supply Chain and manufacturing, improved operations and execution.

ASCL Supply Chain Management AwardThe trophy was first awarded in 1984 and is dedicated to Doug Beattie.

The aim of the Supply Chain Management Award is to encourage and acknowledge the outstanding achievement of an organisation that has demonstrated significant achievement in managing the integration of Supply Chains. This could be functional integration within an organisational Supply Chain or more widely across Supply Chains involving several organisations that have formed trading partnerships or alliances. Collaboration and added value across the Supply Chain, achievements gained through outsourcing and the development of new business models could also be demonstrated.

ASCL Environmental Excellence Award The trophy was first awarded in 1966 and is dedicated to Mr Ken Pike.

The Environmental Excellence Award recognises corporate leadership contributing to the solution of environmental sustainability within our industry through performance and action.

ASCL Information Management AwardThe trophy was first awarded in 1994 and is dedicated to the late Len Smith FAIMM.

The Information Management Award will go to the business that can best demonstrate it has made a significant achievement in the application of information technology within its Supply Chain.

ASCL Training, Education & Development AwardThe trophy was first awarded in 2002 and is dedicated to the late Professor Peter Gilmour.

The Training, Education & Development Award to be presented to the company or institution that best demonstrates a significant achievement in aspects such as recruitment process, training, HR Systems, formal education and development programs which is both relevant to and promotes the Supply Chain, Logistics and Transport Industry.


P: 1300 364 160E:







In 2014, two up and coming leaders of our industry were recognised for their efforts and potential in the Supply Chain and Logistics industry. Alexander Prizeman from Polar Fresh Cold Chain Services won

the Queensland Future Leaders’ Award and Renee Robinson (nee Cunningham) from Aurizon won the National Future Leaders’ Award. As a part of their awards, both Alexander and Renee were provided the opportunity to participate in LMA’s The Performance Edge Course to the value of $5000. The Performance Edge course is designed to assist participants to improve their own performance, and their team’s performance in the following areas:• Increased productivity.• Better time utilisation.• Greater focus on High Payoff Activities and priorities.• Improved communication and relationships.• Enhanced employee attitudes.• More effective delegation processes.• Greater empowerment with their teams.• Improved overall team result. Upon successful completion of assessment activities Participants receive a Statement of Attainment towards BSB40812 Certificate IV in Frontline Management. Alexander and Renee both achieved fantastic personal and business successes during their course.

RENEE ROBINSON (nee Cunningham)

“This course for me, has put life into perspective. It has made me question where I am going, why I have taken the path I am on and to reassess my actions. The major benefit from having done this course is that I am now more productive with my time and have worked out what is important to me both personally and professionally. Through the realisation of what is important to me, I have since been able to work out ways to ensure I can set goals that follow the SMART principle and incrementally work towards achieving success.”

“With my learnings throughout this course, I have now realised some areas which I need to concentrate on in order to improve not only the way I work, but how I can empower and facilitate continuous learnings in the workplace to increase productivity and ensure my staff continue to further their careers.”

“’Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration’...goals are hard to develop and success is hard to achieve, but success is certainly more achievable with the concepts learnt throughout this course.” ALEXANDER PRIZEMAN

“Prior to starting the performance edge course with LMA I was under the impression that I communicated well with my team and really got the most out of them. 8 weeks into the course and reflecting back on some of my past habits in dealing with them I can now see that often just telling somebody what to do is not really communicating, they are not learning from the experience and you are not empowering them to be able to make a decision for themselves in the future. Being involved in the course forced me away from the work environment for 1 day a week which really tested what developments I had made within my team and showed me areas for improvement. I then worked on these areas with my team, rather than telling them what to do, I was giving them the ability to make their own decisions and create a learning environment.”

“It has evolved to a point now that the team are greatly improved in their ability to be self-sufficient and for one of my team, to step up and take my role while I was away; secession planning was one of my goals and through being absent one day each week, this goal has very quickly made great progress. Another one of my goals was to ‘shadow’ a senior manager within our organisation and now having essentially earned back a day, through making the team more self-sufficient and empowering them with knowledge and the ability to make their own informed decisions, I have given myself the time to achieve this goal and maintain it at least one day per week.”

“It is amazing the change that can be made in a short time when you’re removed from the environment and given the tools and opportunity to reflect upon your current scenario and see where you think you might be kicking goals but there is potential there to do so much better.” If you would like the opportunity to participate in LMA’s The Performance Edge course, or would like to discuss our suite of courses further, please contact Leonie Buckridge on ph. 0430 176 469 or email





The Supply Chain & Logistics Association of Australia, Queensland Division, will once again be running the Mentoring Program in 2015. If you are looking to partner with someone so that you can improve your self-confidence; expand your professional network; identify areas of opportunity within your career and how to take advantage of these, then the Mentoring Program could be just what you are looking for! We are looking for Mentees who are committed to developing themselves within the Supply Chain, Transport and Logistics industry. If you are a part of this Industry and would like to find out more about being involved, then please fill out the Expression of Interest and return to: by Friday the 29th of May, 2015. Similarly, if you are an experienced member of the Industry who is looking to 'give back' some of your knowledge and are committed to helping further individuals in the industry, then please also fill out the attached Expression of Interest and return to: by Friday the 29th of May, 2015.






As you may be aware the Australian Transport & Logistics Industry is characterised by immense diversity in types of businesses and occupations. Unfortunately this diversity currently doesn’t translate to the workforce demographics in Australia and beyond. The Global Transport and Logistics Industry is described as being a ‘non-traditional’ employment pathway for women as the majority of employees are men and

there is a perception that most work undertaken is stereotypically ‘masculine’. Women and a multicultural workforce are predominately employed in support related roles such as administration, human resources, procurement and finance.

The most common managerial positions undertaken by women are found in the communications, human resources, business development as well as quality and risk management areas. Things have to change and the only way to drive change is to collect the data to substantiate the changes required. Click the Link below to be part of the Australian Marine, Air, Rail Road Logistics and Transport Industry Diversity & Inclusion Survey 2015. We encourage everyone to complete the survey to help make a difference in this industry.



NSW members recently visited the Fuji Xerox site at Rosehill and saw a presentation on Upstream’s content, document and print management solutions followed by a tour of the Fuji Xerox

Eco Manufacturing Facility. The environmentally friendly 5 star facility recycles toner cartridges and over 80% of used printers are either separated for reuse or recycled. The site aims for, and achieves, almost zero landfill waste and is the only facility of its type in Australia.

The site also has the first office photocopier, produced in 1959 as well as more recent photocopier models through to the latest models, made with recycled materials. The facility disassembled 88 categories of materials for reuse, remanufacture or recycling, helping to achieve over 99% resource recovery.

Thank you to Upstream for sponsoring and Fuji Xerox for hosting this great site visit and networking opportunity. Also a special thank you to Cameron Milne for all his efforts. NSW Members also recently attended a seminar and networking morning tea helping us all to understand our Company’s rights and obligations under the Fair Work Act. It was a very interesting event with Employment Relations Consultant Sam Martinic covering topics on handling absenteeism, bullying and harassment, dismissal key, employee entitlements and some HR hot tips.

Thank you to Alexander Orfanos and team at Employsure for setting up and sponsoring this successful seminar and networking opportunity.

NSW SCLAA are also calling out to Members who are wanting to be more involved by becoming a part of the NSW committee to assisting with new ideas and running some more successful events and networking opportunities this year. We have monthly phone hook ups and also get together a couple times a year.

Joshua HolmesDivisional President-

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The first event for 2015 organised by the Future Leaders Group (FLG) was recently held at one of Melbourne’s oldest pubs Captain Melville on a Thursday evening. This night provided young

professionals in Supply Chain and Logistics an opportunity to meet one another in a welcoming atmosphere and get insights and share their passion for Supply Chain and Logistics.

With a cold beer at hand, tasty food on the side and friendly faces to meet people from a wide range of backgrounds attended from current Undergraduates and Master Students to leading Supply Chain and Logistics professionals in the industry.

Attendees gained an insight of what it takes to be in the Supply Chain and Logistics Industry and also to expand their ever-growing professional networks. The night was a complete success and the FLG would like to thank everyone who attended and we hope to see you all at the next event.

Damian CosgriffDivisional President -

Let’s get to work.

Behind every good job, you’ll find a team of dedicated and motivated people. Matching the right workers with the right companies is our job, and we’re determined to make it happen.

Let’s get to workA D E L A I D E • B R I S B A N E • M E L B O U R N E • S Y D N E Y • N E W C A S T L E • P E R T H


Kym ParryDivisional President -


The WA Division recently saw an early morning seminar at the State Tennis Centre sponsored by RTO Illuminate. After a buffet breakfast and networking opportunity, Paul Bond, Manager

Heavy Vehicle Transport Compliance, and Leigh Farrow from Main Roads presented to more than fifty guests the key elements of the revised WA Chain of Responsibility legislation which came into effect in late April.

An indication of the significance of this legislation the WA Supply Chain and Logistics Industry is the fact that the original 2014 SCLAA seminar on the same subject was repeated due to the level of demand, and that April’s event was again exceedingly well-patronised.

As for the two previous events staged in 2014 to cover the same legislation, there was great interest in the subject matter; probably not surprising given its potential impact on all of those present and their business partners.

For the amended legislation that has already been implemented in the eastern states, Paul highlighted the key areas of legislative amendment in WA; vehicle mass, dimension & load restraint and container weight declarations. He particularly mentioned the more stringent load restraint guidelines and the need for a more precise declaration of container weight. He stressed (in part drawing on experiences with his previous employer, the police force) the fact that the rules would be applied to all in the marketplace quoting farmers vehicles and tradies collecting materials from merchants as particular examples.

Paul fielded a number of questions from the audience regarding how to prove compliance and how the legislation would be administered. In response to these he emphasised the need to be able to demonstrate that ‘Reasonable Steps’ had been taken to be compliant.

He mentioned a range of ways of doing this, including such items as:• Evidence of Training and Supervision• Satisfactory Commercial Arrangements• Fit for Purpose Documentation• Rigorous Business Practices• Robust Risk Management MeasuresMore detailed information on this topic is available via the SCLAA website.

Finally the draw took place for the door prize; a hamper, and many of those present took advantage of the both the opportunity to discuss with Paul and his team their own business circumstances in relation to the new legislation, and additional networking time. The general feedback from those attending was that this was an informative and well run event.

The WA program for 2015 continues apace with a number of site visits and other events, coordinated by both the main SCLAA (WA) group and by the Future Leaders Group (FLG). See the SCLAA website and individual flyers for more details.

The 2015 SCLAA Peter Smith Memorial Golf Day has recently been launched. Great opportunities are available at this October event for corporate participation and/or promotion and proceeds will be donated to CANTEEN. See the flyers or SCLAA website for more details or contact the SCLAA or a committee member directly.

The Australian Supply Chain & Logistics will also be hosted in Perth later in 2015. Watch the SCLAA’s various communication channels for

more information on how to be involved with these or email




Proudly sponsored by

The Supply Chain & Logistics Association of Australia, Queensland Division, in conjunction with All Purpose Transport, Energex Limited, Leadership Management Australia (LMA), Strategix

Training Group, Telstra and UQ Business School, officially announced today that submissions are open for the eighth annual Queensland SCL Awards program.

Winners will be announced on Thursday the 20th of August during the 16th annual Queensland Supply Chain and Logistics Conference, which will be held at the Sofitel Hotel.

Queensland Future Leaders Award Sponsored by All Purpose Transport, the purpose of the 2015 Queensland Future Leaders Award is to provide incentive and recognition to young professionals who are both currently working in and wish to continue their career path within the Transport, Supply Chain and Logistics Industry. This is a wonderful opportunity to showcase young professionals within our great industry.

The winner of the 2015 QLD Future Leaders Award will be awarded an enrolment into the Leadership Management Australia’s ‘The Performance Edge’ 10 week development program valued at $5000. The program assists participants to improve their personal performance and productivity as well as that of their team. The prize includes consultation in the workplace, assistance in the development of some professional goals, all course material, attendance at 10 interactive workshops, facilitation and course coaching and access to LMA’s unique on-line feedback system.

Queensland Industry Excellence Award Sponsored by Energex Limited, the 2015 Queensland Industry Excellence Award recognises and acknowledges the outstanding achievements and contribution by an individual currently working within the Transport, Supply Chain and Logistics Industry. The judges will be looking for individuals who have demonstrated vision and leadership, shows innovation and not afraid to take risks.

UQ Business School will provide the winner of the Industry Excellence Award the opportunity to choose from any one of their courses to the value of $4000.

Queensland Supply Chain Management Award Sponsored by Strategix Training Group, the aim of the 2015 Queensland Supply Chain Management Award is to encourage and acknowledge the outstanding achievement of an organisation that has demonstrated significant achievement in managing the integration of Supply Chains. This could be functional integration within an organisational Supply Chain or more widely across Supply Chains involving several organisations that have formed trading partnerships or alliances. Collaboration and added value across the Supply Chain, achievements gained through outsourcing and the development of new business models could also be demonstrated. Queensland Training, Education & Development Award Sponsored by Telstra, the 2015 Queensland Training, Education and Development Award is to be presented to the company or institution that best demonstrates a significant achievement in aspects such as recruitment process, training, HR Systems, formal education and development programs which is both relevant to and promotes the Supply Chain and Logistics Industry. Queensland Information Management Award The 2015 Information Management Award will go to the business that can best demonstrate it has made a significant achievement in the application of information technology within its Supply Chain.

To access a copy of the 2015 Queensland SCL Award criteria and submission forms contact or phone the SCLAA National Office on 1300 364 160 or visit Nominees DO NOT have to be members of the SCLAA to be eligible for entry.

The QLD SCL Awards is the Queensland feeder program for the 2015 Australian Supply Chain and Logistics Awards which will be held on the 19th of November at the Crown Burswood, Perth, Western Australia and is the oldest and largest awards program in the industry.

Submissions are due no later than Friday the 3rd of July.Visit to download the submission forms.


M embers of SCLAA QLD Division recently visited the Toll NQX Depot at Karawatha which is located near the Logan Motorway and covers 13 hectares. When opened in March 2014, it became the largest pallet and oversize freight facility

in the world for the Toll Group.

Attendees were given a tour of the 36,200 square metre facility including a presentation of the planning, development and commissioning of this depot. Toll’s focus on safety, staff participation and efficient workflows was evident during the site visit.

SCLAA greatly appreciates the support of Ngadine Gasmier (National Training Co-ordinator) and Nicole Moffat (Operations Manager).


“I wish to thank the SCLAA for the site visit to the Patrick Brisbane Terminal at the Port of Brisbane. I really enjoyed the presentation and I was impressed with the facility at the Brisbane port and in particular with the innovative system which Patrick use to upload/offload ocean vessels. Thank you team for the opportunity to see it.” “Thank you very much for the site visit today at Patrick Autostrad. Both Matt Hollamby and Maurice Fischer presented a very interesting and informative session.”

Vince AisthorpeDivisional President -


S CLAA QLD Members recently visited the Patrick Brisbane Autostrad Terminal. The Terminal covers an area of approximately 39 hectares and has a quay line length of 900 metres. The site employs approximately 160 stevedoring employees and showcases the automated straddle carrier technology developed by Patrick in conjunction with the University of Sydney Centre for Field Robotics.

Thursday 20th & Friday 21st AugustSofitel Hotel Brisbane

( 1300 920 439 www.qldscc.comJoin the QSCLC Group on


More than 5000 delegates from across Australasia have attended the Supply Chain & Logistics Conference in its 16 year history. Will you be among them in 2015?

This conference is a recognised national event designed for Supply Chain, Logistics, Transport and Procurement professionals and practitioners. It aims for professional and personal development in a unique and relaxed networking-based environment.