Science Jeopardy

Post on 22-May-2015

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Transcript of Science Jeopardy

Living Stuff

Animal Growth

Plants Systems


1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2 2

3 3 333


Living Stuff #1

Living things are made up of these tiny building blocks.

Living Stuff #2

Plant cells have these, which animal cells do not.

Living Stuff #3

These are made up of one or a few cells and are too small to be seen without a microscope.

Animal Growth #1

This helps an animal blend with its surroundings.

Animal Growth #2

This is a behavior that an animal is born with.

Animal Growth #3

The changes made from an egg to a larva to an adult.

Plants #1

This gas, breathed out by animals, help plants make food.

Plants #2

This is the process that makes food In a plant by trapping sunlight.

Plants #3

Grass is an example of a plant that has these, which mean many roots of the same size.

Systems #1

This blood vessel carries blood away from the heart.

Systems #2

This muscle makes up the heart.

Systems #3

This connects nerves in your body to your brain.

Light #1

Light bouncing off of an object.

Light #2

This word refers to when light hits something like a wall, the light is stopped and held in.

Light #3

When white light is passes through this object, each color of light bends at a different angle.

Living Stuff #1

What are cells?

Living Stuff #2

What are cell wall and chloroplasts?

Living Stuff #3

What are microorganisms?

Animal Growth #1

What is metamorphosis?

Animal Growth #2

What is instinct?

Animal Growth #3

What is metamorphosis?

Plants #1

What is carbon dioxide?

Plants #2

What is photosynthesis?

Plants #3

What are fibrous roots?

systems #1

What is an artery?

Systems #2

What is cardiac muscle?

Systems #3

What is spinal cord?

Light #1

What is reflection?

Light #2

What is absorption?

Light #3

What is a prism?