Science Communication for PhDs Faculty Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering TU Delft

Post on 19-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Science Communication for PhDs Faculty Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering TU Delft

Or rather: Science and Communication Strategy?Roy Meijer, Science Information Officer TU Delft

•Science and Communication


This presentation

Introduction two cases 3mE Communication Strategy Message Box


Erik Offerman follow up

Results for Erik

New contacts with industry

Invitation to present the results to a large audience of people from the metal industry

Re-establish old contacts at Ministry of Infrastructures and Environment, and Koninklijke Metaalunie


Case 2: Arjan Mol

PR on Economic and Societal Impact of Corrosion


Arjan Mol and media

Press release:

TU Delft: Kosten aanpak corrosie jaarlijks 3-7 miljard te hoog Results in the media

We verven te vaak en te veelBN DeStem, Brabants Dagblad, Gelderlander, Stentor, Zeeuwsche Courant, Twentsche Tubantia: 17 maart 2016 Onnodig verven kost 6 miljardAlgemeen Dagblad: 17 maart 2016

Onnodig veel kosten voor aanpak corrosiebeschermingCobouw: 1 april 2016


Arjan Mol follow up

Discussing the press release with GroenLinks fractie Tweede Kamer in The Hague: they provide the entrance

contacts towards the Ministries of Economic Affairs and Education (June 2016)

Ministry of Economic Affairs: TU Delft to provide independent advice on the current guidelines and regulations

Current and ongoing action: industrial and governmental team of stakeholders (material supply, application

companies, maintenance and inspection and end users) to identify and target white spots in current

regulations and guidelines

Ministry of Education: TU Delft to make a case together with industrial representation to support and raise

awareness for multi-level (LBO-MBO-HBO-WO) education on Corrosion Engineering, Management and


Current and ongoing action: definition of coherent and multi-level course portfolio with ION (Industrial Surface

Treatment Society NL)


Communication strategy

GoalTarget groupMessage(s)Means

Just a little logical thought on who you want to reach with your press release (or overall communication strategy), what you want to tell them and what you would like them to do with that information, and how to best present, package and send that out.


Goal – start with why



Start with why Personal branding Win funds Get sponsors / partners Share results (why?) Attract custumors, sell ‘goods’ Invite audience to an event Inform the public Inform colleagues Get more students Get known (by who and why?) Debate

Start one Contribute to one


Example: goal(s) of Erik Offerman


Example: goals press release Arjan Mol

TU Delft: Raising public, political and industrial awareness of societal and

economic impact of corrosion (structural safety, due maintenance, costs (3.5% GNP), etc)

Need for multi-level and in-depth knowledge, and thus education, on corrosion engineering, management and control across industrial and public stakeholders

Acotec: Difficulty to introduce novel innovative coating systems in practice due

to current regulations and guidelines (e.g. prescribing three-layer coating systems while a one-layer systems these days is sufficient).


What that looks like IRLWe verven te vaak en te veelBN DeStem, Brabants Dagblad, Gelderlander, Stentor, Zeeuwsche Courant, Twentsche Tubantia: 17 maart 2016 Onnodig verven kost 6 miljardAlgemeen Dagblad: 17 maart 2016

Onnodig veel kosten voor aanpak corrosiebeschermingCobouw: 1 april 2016 .....“Corrosiebescherming is dan ook

topsport”, stelt Mol. Zowel in de ontwerpfase, bouwfase, en beheer- en onderhoudsfase. Het is een complexe interactie van materialen en milieu. Probleem ligt in het feit dat kennis hierover lastig is te vatten in één persoon. Tijdens de gehele levensduur van constructies komen nogal wat beslissingsnemers aan bod, die niet altijd van de technisch-inhoudelijke kant van corrosie en corrosiebescherming op de hoogte zijn.”Hiernaast zijn opdrachtgevers voor nieuwe constructies of installaties niet altijd degenen die in een later stadium verantwoordelijk zijn voor het operationeel beheer en onderhoud. Mol: “De kennis moet doorwrocht zijn vanaf de mensen aan de tekentafel tot aan de installatie- en onderhoudsmonteurs in het veld. Er is in de praktijk bijna altijd sprake van over- of onderbescherming. Zelden is er sprake van een bijna optimale corrosiebescherming...”


Target group - audience


Target group - audience

International National Regional Local Specific

Political Scientific Demographic





First! I’m interesting, contact me Give me (more) money Buy my stuff We’re open, come on in / visit us Change your opinion Change your behaviour / lifestyle Don’t worry, all is well Start worrying, we’re doomed! Read this / check this out! Don’t try this at home Use sunscreen wisely Hi mom! …



So What?





ResearchGate, Academia Blog, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, etc. Call / mail / DM directly Personal visit Press release University magazine / newspaper / other (news) platforms Opinion piece, letter to the editor Internet, Calendar Product presentation / launch Fairs, exhibitions, symposia Television Press conference Advert …


It’s all about the message


Message box


Featured blogs

Michel van Baal / media

Roy Meijer and (Science) communication / social media