School Management System Software

Post on 18-Jan-2015

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Zippro System School College Management Software is an Education system that forms the backbone of every country. A sound education system is a must to nurture young talents who in future will become global citizens and take their nation to new heights.

Transcript of School Management System Software

Zippro School Management System(ZSMS)


ZipproSystem is a global software solutions company with presence in Europe, Asia and Africa. We designs, develop, integrate and maintain business applications that enable enterprises to solve complex, mission-critical business problems.

We offer a wide range of services including business process outsourcing, onsite technical consulting, software development, and product lifecycle management. Our strength lies in our ability to combined domain expertise with low cost software development.

WWe actively collaborate with clients to create something valuable for them. We offer a full suite of IT solutions, including customized application development.

About Us

Our Team Consultant’s of ZipproSystem, are business process specialist with a background in business management, enterprise IT solutions and computer programming which affords ZipproSystem’s customers the most creative, user friendly solutions to their pressing needs.

Our strong values are that the success of our business comes from within and that satisfaction of employees impacts directly on this.

ZippZipproSystem strives to uphold these Values and this reflects in the excellence of our unmatched service delivery.

Industries• Retail• Education• Media and Entertainment• Financial• Legal


Best Of Zippro SystemThe quality of our services and delivered software solutions is always a top priority is to focus on quality demands we meet our customer's business objectives over a long period of time.

Zippro System Technology is a Software development company offering a complete set of services from website creation to advanced internet application development. WWe have successfully delivered our services to businesses worldwide facing the ever-changingtechnological challenges of our clients and providing them with scalable solutions.

Our specialists are equipped to create a dynamic online presence to promote your business on the web, develop truly functional web store to sell your products online, add Intranet/Extranet solution, develop or improve your existing applications adding functionality and effectiveness to your website.

Advanced ProgrammingLeveraging the full potential of internet technologies

Design & Graphic Creating original and unique "look-and-feel" of your online presence

Maintenance & Support Helping your online business running smoothly and error-free we will help you represent and manage your business through the internet.

Reliable Security

Software Reliability and Maintainability

Web Application DevelopmentSolving specific business needs with custom-built web applications

Website Design & Construction

?As the Education Industry is fast emerging as one of the most lucrative business of the 21 centuryTo stay abreast of the time and ahead of the competition, you need to constantly evolve and reinvent yourself

ZSMS A Total Schools and colleges/university management Software

It is the most efficient Windows based Education Establishment College and University Management tool with the power to revolutionize the way institutions runs ZSMS brings together all the stakeholders, Administrator, front staff, faculty, students, parents and even the authority especially UK Home office



Zippro School Management System

FeaturesMeet Home Office & Accreditation Body requirements

Monitor Student Progress and Attendance


Helps collect FEES Dues from students with regular alerts

Manage Daily / Weekly Attendance

Manage Internal & Awarding body test results

IIssue college letters with ease

Issue Low Attendance warning & Final warning

Library ModuleThe Library Module manages all data pertaining to library stocks and procedures includingRECORD OF ISSUES & RETURN OF BOOKS





Major Features of Hostel ModulesHandles all activities relate to hostel

Reservation and allocation of rooms

Maintaining visitors records

Also generates various reports

Hostel ModuleThe Hostel Module manages all activities relating to room availability and allocation, room facilities, housekeeping and cafeteria management.


Mess ModuleThe Mess or Cafeteria module involves victual management including inventory of stocks and consumables, invoices and receipt generation as well as weekly menu generation.

Remote and direct control of all the keyoperations within your administrative system

Administrator Module

Features of Administrator Module:Pre- Admission Module – A time saving module that handles all the chaotic pre-admission procedures such as, Features of Administrator Module :

Sale of Prospectus

Student Registration

Pre-Admission Test

Fee Details

Administering Entrance Exams

Report Generation of Above

Front Office Module

Issuance of various certificates

Student details

Out gate passes

Details of bus staff

Details of visitors

Front office processes are simplified and you have instant access to all front office information. This module features scheduling and maintenance of appointments,

Academic Examination ModuleAdministrator can effectively supervise all examination and test related functionsincluding reviewing syllabus. This module deals with the scheduling of examinations, setting of test papers, reviewing results and generating report cards. Manages the Academic Procedure more transparently


Fee ModuleThis module deals with all fee related data that includes:

Manages complete fee record

Maintain registers of fee receipts and outstanding amounts on a student/class basis

The fee module has a feature for fine maintenance and its

calculation there by

The module oThe module offers various reports for fees and its related


Payroll Module

Designed for handling of payment for employees/staff

Provides generation of pay slip, provident fund statements, and other facilities

Various types of reports are available to represent the information gather

Generate Necessary Pay Slip

This module deals with the crucial database management of staff remuneration including

Financial Accounting ModuleThe Accounts Module is a complete accounting package in itselfand streamlines the management of complex accounting procedures including cash books, balance sheets as well as ledger and voucher entries and transactions based on various criteria.

Manages complete school accounts

Complete accounting package for educational Institutes

Generates day book, ledger, balance sheet, trial balance etc...

Also offers various reports based on the entries

This module is designed to ensure total control of transport facilities including. Keeps complete record of transport

Transport Module

Bus detail route wise & its timings

This module feature bus stop & route allocation to student/staff

Maintenance of vehicle log book

Vehicle expenses and vehicle requisition for various occasions

HR ModuleThe Human Resources Development Module deals with recruitment policy, data base management, generation of interview call letters and follow-ups as well as maintenance of HR records and requirements.

Security ModuleThis module oversees the information management of allsecurity related issues such as logbook maintenance, visitor and vehicle authentication and other details of persons entering the educational premises.

Staff Module








This module maintains a database of your staff's personal details,including

Inventory ModuleThis module takes charge of the all important task of maintaining a database of man and materials, recording purchases, stock maintenance and requisitions, generation of purchase orders, delivery memos, stock statements and computerized generation of routine reports.


The Teacher can view his/her profile Profile >

The module enables the Teacher to view status of attendance as well as generate attendance reports for Students

Attendance >

A unique media that allows you to view and edit the class timetable and disseminate the information to the stakeholders in Real time

Time Table >

Teacher can search the database and reserve a book online

Library >

Teacher can view Leave status as well as submit leave requests online

Leave Status >

Teacher can view his/her salary detailsSalary >

Teacher can mail to Principal, Vice-Principal and Head Master

Mail >

Teacher can submit assignments and review completed assignments by students

Assignment >

Teacher can upload and view Examination Schedules

Exam Schedule >

The cumbersome process of recording marks in ledgers is done away with. With the use of navigationalaids such as graphical icons, the Teacher can easily update and generate Progress Reports

Progress Report >

Teacher can view relevant Student details Search Student >

The Teacher now has a timesaving media for constantly updating Parents and students as well as sending mail or receiving feedback from other key stakeholders

Feedback >

The Teacher can Submit Leave Application to the Administrator online

Leave Application >

Teacher can directly schedule or get details of Parent Teacher meetings online

PTA Meetings >

Student Module

This module has an exhaustive database of the student's details including Complete Student Record

Stores all personal, academic, professional and history data regarding a student

His/Her parents details

Generate reports for current student, dropouts, transferred and alumni students


Teacher Module

One of the key stakeholders is the Teacher and the Zippro System Limited - ZSMS gives the teacher a new media of interaction with the Student.ZSMS simplifies laborious and routine functions by automating pertinent data collection, generation and management.

Time-Table Module

Simplify the most time taking task of generating the time table.

This module has the feature of dynamically generating class/teacher timetables and provisions for a teacher substitution list for absent teacher

A list of teachers teaching a particular subject for a class / all classes and a list of all class teachers

The information is presented in various report format

Solution of every complex time table

This module manages data involving time-table scheduling in synch with class composition and strength, subject information, individual teacher schedules as well as generates class and teacher Time Tables.


Parents can view his/her child's assignmentsAssignments >

Educates parents on various topics and issues pertaining to education and parenting

E-zines >

Parents can send and receive messages from the school administration

Feedback >

Parents can Submit Leave Requests online on behalf of their wards

Leave Application >

Parents can view Fee structure and payment schedules online

Fee Payment >

Parents can view hostel details in terms of facilities and room availability and booking

Hostel >

Parents can access valuable information regarding bus routes, tariff and bus timings

Transport facilities >

Parents can keep track of their child's extra curricular activities such as Sports, Music, Drama etc...

Extra Curricular >

Parents have access to information regarding scholarship eligibility and criteria

Scholarships >


Fees due in 2 weeks

Student Visa Expiry

Passport Expiry

Attendance Warning Letter 1 to issue

Attendance warning letter 2 to issue

List of Current Students

Admissions Admissions report

Receipts report

Attendance report

Letters issued to students

Student progress


Parent Module

With the hectic lifestyle of Today, it is often impossible for parents to personally visit and interact with your teachers. ZSMS enables Parents to keep track of their ward's progress from the comfort of their home or office.


The Student can view his/her profile, Class Time

Tables,attendance record, check examination

schedules, see test scores and access subject syllabus

Profile >

The student can submit leave applications onlineLeave application >

Students can keep channels of communication open with the administrator and teaching faculty and can give and receive feedback

Feedback >

Students can access details regarding bus routes, bus timings and bus fares

Transport >

Using ZSMS, Students have a new platform to increase their knowledge base as well as receive and submit assignments

Homework and Assignments >

Students can get online information about hostel details such as room availability and booking, mess details and other facilities offered

Hostel >

Students have access to details regarding school events and co-curricular activities

Co- curricular activities >

Students can access their performance scores and print Progress Reports

Progress Reports >

Students can access Library records for availability of books as well as reserve a book online

Library >

Students can view fee structure and payment schedules as well as information on scholarships and grants

Fee structure & Scholarships >


New & Existing students

New Admissions

Fees Receipts

Daily & weekly Attendance

College Letters

Awarding Body Test Results

IInternal test / exam results

New Users & permission to use SMS

College details


Student Module

We live in the Information Age where computers have become reigour in educational institution, with more than 90% of students being computer savvy.



Being amongst the first to use this path breaking technology

will enhance your Educational Management's image and

reputation within the community with parents who are looking

for a better educational management for their ward and with

better qualified teachers looking for a challenging environment

Get Noticed with ZSMS

Mountain loads of data generated by the different departments are easily

automated, analyzed, processed, accessed and managed

One Window Online Database Management

One Window Information sharing with authorized users and stakeholders in Real time

Easily configurable Multi -user system

Administrator has direct control of all key operations within the administrative system

Time-saving device – In a world where Time is Money, Time-consuming tasks are

computerized and simplified, saving on valuable time, money and resources

Effortless MIS Reports Generation and management

Three dimensional interface

Key Benefits of implementing ZSMSBeing the Principal / Administrator/ Headmaster of a reputed educational institution such as yours requires you to effectively manage the several departments of the educational Information system.

Financial Gain with ZSMSEnables you to cut down on human resource requirement by a whopping 90%, which directly translates into a huge saving on salaries, PF, stock and other infra structural requirements.

A great PR exercise for your Educational Management



An online script that generates, processes and manages data

in Real time

Web based

Depending on the size of the educational establishment, the server provides

scalability for a growing subscriber base

Server & Client Architecture

A unique feature for a limited set of users and subscribers


100% buying – Single time activation with paid upgrades

Purchase of Licenses

A cost effective method for the end-user that allows for monthly subscription

(with provision of activation keys) which factors in periodic upgrades in technology

Lease of Software

Licensing Methods:

Product HighlightsGlobalised Design Attractive page format and styling

Highly user friendly, employing navigational aids such asgraphical icons, Numeric pad access technology for easy navigation and operation

Web-cam photo capturing

Timely and convenient After Sales Service


Customize Alerts (Visa expiry, Passport expiry, Fees due)

Track business done

Track payments received

Track Fees due and follow up

Help projects new income

Track business sources

Implementation Choices:



ZSMS provides a single platform for the administrator, teacher and student who want real

time information, eg., class schedules, attendance and performance reports with the

click of a few keys.

It is the only application that has an interactive synchronization of data with online and

offline versions. With the use of this software, all school data is easily accessible on your

web site and is secure, up to date and personalized.

SimpSimplifying your enterprise & Harnessing your



Front End: PHP

Back End Database: MySQL

ZSMS software for Web based, Server based and PC based (Stand alone)



Zippro System Limited579, Cheetham Hill Road,Cheetham Hill Greater Manchester, M8 7JETel : +44 (0)800 612 3135Fax : +44 (0)161 870 1035Email :

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