Scaffolding to Improve Student Learning

Post on 18-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Scaffolding to Improve Student Learning

Snowball Fight!!!!

On a piece of paper, write down the craziest thing you did this summer….make sure it’s school appropriate.

Scaffolding to Improve Student Learning

Brian PariseJim Ellis


1. True/False Quiz—Activating Strategy2. Define Scaffolding3. What’s the Problem4. Hitting the Targets5. Helpful Links


True/False Question

1. ______ Scaffolding strategies can improve student learning.

2. ______ As a teacher, you can scaffold for students, materials, and teaching methods.

3. ______ Making sure students are disengaged is a strategy for scaffolding for students.

4. ______ Using YouTube is a strategy for scaffolding teaching materials.

5. ______ Lowering expectations is a strategy for scaffolding instructional practices.






What is Scaffolding?


Do whatever it takes to make “grade level” content learnable.

Scaffolding in Education

Provide Supports

What is Scaffolding?

Decrease Supports to allow students to show


So What’s the Problem?

• How does this phrase play into what we do in education?

• How can it relate to scaffolding expectations?

So What’s the Problem

Would you build scaffolding around this building if all

you had to do was replace the front door?

Hit the Targets!!!

1. With Students2. With Materials3. With Teaching


Scaffolding Learning for Students

1. Do I have students whose reading level is significantly below level of text and materials being used?

2. Do I have students who lack strategies for retaining and applying information?

3. Are there gaps in student’s vocabulary and background knowledge?

4. Engagement Questions– Do any students seem to lack motivation?– Are students interested in the content?– Do struggling students often misbehave to avoid being

called on?

Scaffolding for StudentsActively Engage

Make sure “all” students are responding “in a safe way.” (Think-Pair-Share)What Other Ways?

Provide Strategies for Remembering Key Information

Teach Memory StrategiesMnemonicsKey Words“In 1492, Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue.”Others?

Provide Background Knowledge

Studying the Black Death


Assure Access for All Reading LevelsHave more than one source of course content.Audio Books

Purchased or Self

Tons of information categorized by reading levels.


Scaffolding Teaching Materials

1. What is the actual reading level of the materials being used?2. Is the source unclear or too abstract for learners at this age and

grade level?3. Are the materials organized in a logical and sequential way that

helps students understand and comprehend the content?4. Are there clear examples and models presented to increase

student understanding?5. Is the information in the text layered or does it have many

parts?6. Is the information difficult or complex but crucial to remember?

Scaffolding Teaching MaterialsModify Text

Add graphics, Change Font Size, Add notes, Text to Speak, Audio Recording,

Use Graphic Organizers or Story MapsPaint a picture of information

Use Alternative MaterialsDifferent versions of the same storyYouTube has many books that have been made into videos (Where the Wild Things Are)

Teach Note Taking StrategiesCreate note taking forms that utilize hints and cues (Guided Notes)LFS FoldablesCornell Notes Format

Scaffolding Instructional Practices

1. Are my expectations clear?2. Are the instructional activities contributing to

understanding?3. Have I provided opportunities for all students to

participate in learning?4. Is there more than one way for students to show

what they know?5. Do I share my enthusiasm for knowledge with my

students?6. Do I know what their interests and learning style

preferences are?

Scaffolding Instructional PracticesExpectations Are Clear

Use RubricsUse “Models”

Papers, Projects, AssignmentsRubistar

Classes and Lessons Are Not InterestingMake connections to the learning(Teacher and Student)

Provide Students with More Than OneWay to Demonstrate Competency

Projects, drawings, presentations,postersGive students Choice indemonstrating their knowledge

Raise Expectations for StudentsRaise the Bar and be a CheerleaderDon’t Allow Failure as a StudentChoice

Does the Strategy Increase Student Engagement?

•Does the strategy get the student’s attention?•Does it involve all students in lesson activities?•Will it utilize student’s interest and background knowledge?

Can this strategy give the student greater access to grade level content?

• Are the materials a match or mismatch for the student’s skill level?

• Does it include ways for the student to use the information in meaningful ways?

Will this Teaching Method Improve the Student’s Opportunity to Learn the Skill?

• Does the strategy give the student feedback?

• Will this strategy provide the students with adequate models and examples?

Ways to Scaffold Graphic Organizers

• Teach the structure• Start with partially completed organizer• Give locations of answers on the organizer• Give hints on the organizer• Give answers on the organizer• Have multiple means of engaging with the organizer• Provide alternative references or sources• Include a word or picture bank• Restructure the number of responses needed

Exemplary Strategies that Match Student Learning Needs

• Have school based or grade level planning meetings to organize for acceleration.

• General education teachers utilize advance planners for units with vocabulary and content.

• Students’ schedules include time for both remediation and acceleration.

• IEP’s reflect goals for achievement in the standard course of study.• All teachers use exemplary teaching strategies that maximize

achievement for all students.• Students have access to curriculum content and to classroom

engagement activities• Students, teachers, administrators and support personnel believe

that all students can achieve at high levels.

Helpful Links

Accessibility Strategies for Mathematics•

Scaffolding Strategies for Reading/Language Arts•

Strategies for ELLs in Science•

25 Strategies to Blend Literacy into the Content Areas•

3-2-1• 3 Strategies/Discussion Points You Learned• 2 Strategies/Discussion Points You Are Not

Quite Sure About• 1 Strategy/Discussion Point You want to focus

on right now!