SAP S/4HANA 2020-Upgrade - Task #29234

Post on 26-Mar-2022

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Transcript of SAP S/4HANA 2020-Upgrade - Task #29234

SAP S/4HANA 2020-Upgrade - Task #29234

QAS Test Upgrade (Development Issues)

09/20/2021 06:38 AM - Ayat Allam

Status: Done Start date: 09/20/2021

Priority: Normal Due date:

Assignee: Alaa Elbayoumi % Done: 20%

Category: Estimated time: 0.00 hour

Spent Time: 2.00 hours




Time Evaluation: Object / Program:

Task Type: Dev Time




Basis Time




#1 - 09/21/2021 04:31 AM - Ayat Allam

- % Done changed from 0 to 20

MB51 issue, Screenshot_20210920_082055.jpeg screenshot. Related to enhancement implementation "ZMB51_ADDVAL_SGTXT"

of task 26397.

Issue details: field sgtxt is not available in list2 type tab.

solution: from spau_enh, adjust enhancement manually by commenting "list2-sgtxt = str." line then adjust and activate the

enhancement. after include "RM07DOCS_GENERATED" generation. field sgtxt will be generated; uncomment the line and


Solved on DEV.

#2 - 09/21/2021 07:16 AM - Ayat Allam

PDSK900986 - Ayt 20210921 T#29234 MB51 - Upgrade issue (Delete to adjust)

PDSK900988 - Ayt 20210921 T#29234 MB51 - Upgrade issue (Reverse Delete)

Solved On QAS

#3 - 09/22/2021 06:46 AM - Alaa Elbayoumi

- Assignee changed from Ayat Allam to Mohamed Ismail

#4 - 09/22/2021 06:48 AM - Mohamed Ismail

- File mb51 dumb.PNG added

- Status changed from In Progress to Done

Problem is solved as attached photo

#5 - 09/22/2021 06:48 AM - Mohamed Ismail

03/25/2022 1/2

- Assignee changed from Mohamed Ismail to Alaa Elbayoumi


Screenshot_20210920_082055.jpeg 120 KB 09/20/2021 Ayat Allam

mb51 dumb.PNG 40.2 KB 09/22/2021 Mohamed Ismail

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