Sanghi Brother Tata Motors Final

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 Summer Internship in Tata Motors

A Project Report on


For Partial Fulillment o the

De!ree o Masters o "usiness A#ministration


& Y14282014-3'

M"A (r# Semester

)n#er the Gui#ance o 

Miss Aphra Gour

*R E+ecuti,e


Department o "usiness Mana!ement

Dr- *ari Sin!h GourVish.a,i#$ala$a

&A /entral )ni,ersit$'

Sa!ar &M-P-'

"atch o 0123425


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I hereby declare that the project report titled “Summer Internship Training and Development

Programme from 15th May to !th  "une #!15$ under the guidance of Miss %pra &our $ '( 

)*ecutive T%T% Motors Indore +M,P,-,

To the best of my .no/ledge this report does not contain any /or. /hich has been submitted for 

the a/ard of any degree any/here.



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The project report on “Summer Internship Training and Development Programme /as allotted tome by Miss Apra Gour   $ '( )*ecutive T%T% Motors Indore +M,P,-,, I am highly obliged for 

guiding me in various aspects of this project,

The main aim of this project is to .no/ the Tranining Programe of )mpoloyees in T%T% Motors

Indore +M,P,-,

The idea behind this project is to give practical .no/ledge and to ma.e me face real life

situation, I tried my best to e*plore the truth and facts in my survey report and reality regarding

the survey and understanding practical e*perience of the survey, This project survey is not only

/ith my o/n efforts but also that of others,


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I /ould li.e to /hole heartily than. and e*press my sincere gratitude to Miss %pra &our $ '( 

)*ecutive T%T% Motors Indore +M,P,- for suggesting me this problem and for giving an insight

in dealing /ith the subject,

I e*press my heartfelt indebtedness and deep sense of gratitude to my teacher and my 0acultyguide Dr, %nil umar ashyap$ %ssistant Professor$ Dr, 'ari Singh &our2ish/avidyalaya$

Indore $ Madhya Pradesh and to my 3orporate guide Miss %pra &our $ '( )*ecutive T%T%

Motors Indore +M,P,-$ Madhya Pradesh for their sincere guidance and inspiration in completing

this project,

4astly$ I must e*press my gratitude to all the elders of the family and citiens of the city /ho

 blessed me in course of discussion, I also e*tend my sincere than.s to my family and my friendsfor their encouragement and support,



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E+ecuti,e Summar$



(1 9)NE 012:


The 3ompany /as incorporate# on 2st Septem;er 2<3:  at Mumbai to manufacture diesel

vehicles for commercial use$ e*cavators$ industrial shunter$ dumpers$ heavy forgings and

machine tools, The commercial diesel vehicles /hich /ere .no/n 6Tata Mercedes 7en8 +TM7-

is no/ called 6Tata8 vehicles after the e*piry of the collaboration agreement /ith Daimler97en

%&$ :est &ermany,

In 1;<! the company8s name$ /hich /as Tata 4ocomotive = )ngineering 3ompany 4td, /as

changed to Tata En!ineerin! = Locomoti,e /ompan$ Lt#, In the year 1;>? the company

undertoo. to set up a ne/ forge shop$ a high output foundry line$ a ne/ paint shop as /ell as

augmentation of engine and gearbo* manufacturing facilities$ all at "amshedpur 

In 1;;1 during the year the company entered into a collaborative agreement /ith aninternationally reno/ned engine research and development organiation to jointly develop higher 

horsepo/er$ fuel efficient diesel and petrol engines to meet the future re@uirements of the

company, The last @uarter sa/ the company launching t/o ne/ passenger vehicles$ the SI)((%

and the )ST%T) totally designed and manufactured in India, The company ac@uired a 7I0( 

company$ MAs Boduron 0ounders Maharashtra 4td, The total cost for Telco /or.ed out to (s,1>

crores as against setting up of similar critical castings foundry, During the year company

launched ne/ earth moving e@uipment T:9!< Tata 0ront )nd :heel 4oader, T/o ne/

models in the )C series of hydraulic e*cavators /ere launched, % 1! tonne pic. and carry

articulated crane$ designed and developed in9house /as also introduced, During the year 

company entered into an agreement /ith Bachi90uji.oshi 3orporation$ "apan to manufacture arc

and spot /elding robots suitable for automobile manufacturing applications, During the year$

company undertoo. to set up a joint venture /ith %sian &lass 3o, 4td,$ "apan to manufacture

float glass to be used as /ind shields for automobiles, %33 along /ith Tata )*ports 4td,

 participated in the joint venture, The joint venture named as 0loathlass India 4td,$ the 3ompany

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/ould have a sta.e of 1<,, Tata 3ummins 4td,$ Mercedes97en +India- 4td,$ Tata 'olset

4td,$ Tata Precision Industries$ Singapore and Bita 3ompany 4td,$ are the joint 2entures of the

3ompany advantage of the broad banding policy announced by the &overnment of India$ the

3ompany entered into a collaboration agreement /ith 'onda Motor 3o, 4td,$ "apan$ for the

manufacture of their 6%33E(D8 model of cars in India, En ##nd %pril$ an agreement /as

entered into bet/een Daimler97en %& and Mercedes 7en %&$ &ermany to setup a joint

venture company Mercede97en India to manufacture 6)8 class paneyer cans and engines in


During the year 1;;5 a ne/ double pic.9up and %rmy 2ersion of various Telco 2ehicles /ere

developed, % ne/ petro engine and turbo diesel engine$ an up9graded ?!; 432$ ne/ sports utility

vehicle Safari e*pected to be launched shortly, % #5 tonne < C # truc. and a bus /ith cummins

engine /ere launched,

Tata )ngineering and 4ocomotive 3ompany +T)43E-$ has ac@uired a second hand paint shop$

machine line and cylinders from the %ustralian unit of the "apanese auto giant$ Bissan, T)43E is

 believed to have pic.ed up the unit for (s, ?! crore, The total cost of import duty /ould be (s

1!! crore, During the year a machine tool division /as e*panded so as to double its machine

 building capacity and significantly reduce production times,

The 3ompany has launched FTATA SAFARIF in its Multi utility vehicle segment, Tata 'olset8s

turbo charger plant inaugurated on Bovember #5$ 1;;<,

In 1;;?$ the Tata )ngineering and 4ocomotive 3ompany 4td, +T)43E- have emerged as

numerous uno in the (evie/ #!! survey conducted by the 0ar )astern )conomic (evie/ in

association /ith 3iti 7an., The 3ompany introduced a ;9tonne vehicle /hich /as /ell received

in the, % G! tonne tractor trailer po/ered by a Tata 3ummins )ngineering /as

introduced, The 3ompany developed a lo/ floor bus chassis to meet the specific needs of urban

transport, The 3ompany signed a ne/ agreement /ith 'itachi for manufacture of upgraded

versions of e*isting range of e*cavators,

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The year 1;;>9 Tata )ngineering and 4ocomotive 3ompany 4td +Telco- announced a tie9up /ith

Tata 0inance 4td and %BH &rindlays 7an.s as the official financiers for its small car F In#icaF to

 be launched in December, Tata )ngineering 4ocomotive 3ompany 4td +Telco- sold its

construction e@uipment business into a ne/ subsidiary company$ Telco 3onstruction )@uipment

3ompany 4td, The 3ompany in its small car segment has launched F Tata In#icaF /hich evo.ed

an over/helming response in the Indian, % ne/ range of cummins engine po/ered

vehicle /hich include a 5 tonne and a G! tonne articulated truc. and t/o variants of buses,

To ma.e substantial improvement in the @uality of bus bodies available /ith T%T% vehicles$ the

3ompany encouraged collaboration bet/een 0uji 'eavy Industries of "apan and the %utomobile

3orporation of &oa, The ne/ project production of bodies on T%T% chassis$

conforming to the most e*acting international standards, 3oncorde Motors 4td,$ a "oint 2enture

 bet/een Tata )ngineering and "ardine International Motors +Mauritius- 4td, /as appointed as

dealer for the 3ompany8s passenger cars in several cities across the country$ in 0eb 1;;>,

The year 1;;;9Telco became the first Indian manufacturer to offer commercial vehicles meeting

euro9I emission norms$ a year before they are due to be introduced in the country, It is proposed

to ma.e T3)34 a one9stop shop for construction e@uipment and earthmoving machinery, In Ect

1;;;$ the 3ompany /on the Bational a/ard for (=D )fforts in Development of Indigenous

Technology in the Mechanical )ngineering Industries Sector instituted by Department of 

Scientific and Industrial (esearch$ Ministry of Science and Technology for the year 1;;;, S0

7earings India 4td has signed an agreement /ith Telco to supply hub bearings for its latest


Ta;le o /ontents




Letter o Transmittal

E+ecuti,e Summar$

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Title Pageno.

1. Introduction of Tata Motors

/ompan$ Proile o San!hi "rothers In#ore

Major Pla$ers o Tata Motors Scope o the Stu#$

2. Industry nalysis

0-2Trainin! an# De,elopment Pro!amme

0-0 Trainin! Metho#s

0-0-2 On the 9o; Trainin!

0-0-0 O the 9o; Trainin!

3. S!"T N#YSIS "$ SN%&I '("T&)(S IN*"()4. T(ININ% P("%(MM) IN SN%&I '("T&)(S+. (esearc, et,odology

5,1 (esearch Design5,# Sampling method5, Sample sie

5,G (esearch tools

5,5 (esearch %rea5,< Ebjectives of the study,

. $indings/. #iitations8. Suggestions. onclusion-




Tata Motors 4imited is India8s largest automobile company$ /ith consolidated revenues of 

(s,?!$ ;>,>5 crores +SD 1G billion- in #!!>9!;, It is the leader in commercial vehicles in

each segment$ and among the top three in passenger vehicles /ith /inning products in the

compact$ midsie car and utility vehicle segments, The company is the /orld8s fourth largest

truc. manufacturer$ and the /orld8s second largest bus manufacturer,

The company8s #G$!!! employees are guided by the vision to be Fbest in the manner in /hich

/e operate best in the prod99ucts /e deliver and best in our value system and ethics,F

)stablished in 1;G5$ Tata Motors8 presence indeed cuts across the length and breadth of India,Ever G million Tata vehicles ply on Indian roads$ since the first rolled out in 1;5G, The

company8s manufacturing base in India is spread across "amshedpur +"har.hand-$ Pune

+Maharashtra-$ +ttar Pradesh-$ Pantnagar +ttara.hand- and Dhar/ad +arnata.a-,0ollo/ing a strategic alliance /ith 0iat in #!!5$ it has set up an industrial joint venture /ith

0iat &roup %utomobiles at (anjangaon +Maharashtra- to produce both 0iat and Tata cars and

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0iat po/ertrains, The company is establishing a ne/ plant at Sanand +&ujarat-, The company8s

dealership$ sales$ services and spare parts net/or. comprises over 5!! touch pointsJ Tata

Motors also distributes and mar.ets 0iat branded cars in India,

Tata Motors$ the first company from India8s engineering sector to be listed in the Be/ Kor. 

Stoc. )*change +September #!!G-$ has also emerged as an international automobile company,Through subsidiaries and associate companies$ Tata Motors has operations in the $ South

orea$ Thailand and Spain, %mong them is "aguar 4and (over$ a business comprising the t/oiconic 7ritish brands that /as ac@uired in #!!>, In #!!G$ it ac@uired the Dae/oo 3ommercial

2ehicles 3ompany$ South orea8s second largest truc., The rechristened Tata Dae/oo

3ommercial 2ehicles 3ompany has launched several ne/ products in the orean$ /hilealso e*porting these products to several international mar.ets, Today t/o9thirds of heavy

commercial vehicle e*ports out of South orea are from Tata Dae/oo, In #!!5$ Tata Motors

ac@uired a #1 sta.e in 'ispano 3arrocera$ a reputed Spanish bus and coach manufacturer$ andsubse@uently the remaining sta.e in #!!;, 'ispano8s presence is being e*panded in other 

mar.ets, In #!!<$ Tata Motors formed a joint venture /ith the 7rail9based Marcopolo$ a global

leader in body9building for buses and coaches to manufacture fully9built buses and coaches for India and select international mar.ets, In #!!<$ Tata Motors entered into joint venture /ith

Thonburi %utomotive %ssembly Plant 3ompany of Thailand to manufacture and the

company8s pic.up vehicles in Thailand, The ne/ plant of Tata Motors +Thailand- has begun

 production of the Cenon pic.up truc.$ /ith the Cenon having been launched in Thailand in#!!>,

Tata Motors is also e*panding its international footprint$ established through e*ports since

1;<1, The company8s commercial and passenger vehicles are already being mar.eted in several

countries in )urope$ %frica$ the Middle )ast$ South )ast %sia$ South %sia and South %merica,It has franchiseeAjoint venture assembly operations in enya$ 7angladesh$ .raine$ (ussia$

Senegal and South %frica,

The foundation of the company8s gro/th over the last 5! years is a deep understanding of economic stimuli and customer needs$ and the ability to translate them into customer9desired

offerings through leading edge (=D, :ith over $!!! engineers and scientists$ the company8s

)ngineering (esearch 3entre$ established in 1;<<$ has enabled pioneering technologies and

 products, The company today has (=D centers in Pune$ "amshedpur$$ Dhar/ad inIndia$ and in South orea$ Spain$ and the , It /as Tata Motors$ /hich developed the first

indigenously developed 4ight 3ommercial 2ehicle$ India8s first Sports tility 2ehicle and$ in

1;;>$ the Tata Indica$ India8s first fully indigenous passenger car, :ithin t/o years of launch$Tata Indica became India8s largest selling car in its segment, In #!!5$ Tata Motors created a ne/

segment by launching the Tata %ce$ India8s first indigenously developed mini9truc.,

In "anuary #!!>$ Tata Motors unveiled its People8s 3ar$ the Tata Bano$ /hich India and the

/orld have been for/ard to, The Tata Bano has been subse@uently launched$ as planned$ in India in March #!!;, % development$ /hich signifies a first for the global

automobile industry$ the Bano brings the comfort and safety of a car /ithin the reach of 

thousands of families, The standard version has been priced at (s,1!!$ !!! +e*cluding 2%T andtransportation cost-,

Designed /ith a family in mind$ it has a roomy passenger compartment /ith generous leg

space and head room, It can comfortably seat four persons, Its mono9volume design /ill set a

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ne/ benchmar. among small cars, Its safety performance e*ceeds regulatory re@uirements in

India, Its tailpipe emission performance too e*ceeds regulatory re@uirements, In terms of 

overall pollutants$ it has a lo/er pollution level than t/o9/heelers being manufactured in Indiatoday, The lean design strategy has helped minimie /eight$ /hich helps ma*imie

 performance per unit of energy consumed and delivers high fuel efficiency, The high fuel

efficiency also ensures that the car has lo/ carbon dio*ide emissions$ thereby providing thet/in benefits of an affordable transportation solution /ith a lo/ carbon footprint,

In May #!!;$ Tata Motors introduced ushered in a ne/ era in the Indian automobile industry$ in

.eeping /ith its pioneering tradition$ by unveiling its ne/ range of /orld standard truc.s called

Prima, In their po/er$ speed$ carrying capacity$ operating economy and trims$ they /illintroduce ne/ benchmar.s in India and match the best in the /orld in performance at a lo/er 

life9cycle cost,

Tata Motors is e@ually focused on environment9friendly technologies in emissions and

alternative fuels, , It has developed electric and hybrid vehicles both for personal and public

transportation, It has also been implementing several environment9friendly technologies inmanufacturing processes$ significantly enhancing resource conservation

Through its subsidiaries$ the company is engaged in engineering and automotive solutions$

construction e@uipment manufacturing$ automotive vehicle components manufacturing andsupply chain activities$ machine tools and factory automation solutions$ high9precision tooling

and plastic and electronic components for automotive and computer applications$ and

automotive retailing and service operations,

Tata Motors is committed to improving the @uality of life of communities by / on four 

thrust areas L employability$ education$ health and environment, The activities touch the lives

of more than a million citiens, The company8s support on education and employability isfocused on youth and /omen, They range from schools to technical education institutes toactual facilitation of income generation, In health$ our intervention is in both preventive and

curative health care, The goal of environment protection is achieved through tree plantation$

conserving /ater and creating ne/ /ater bodies and$ last but not the least$ by introducingappropriate technologies in our vehicles and operations for constantly enhancing environment


:ith the foundation of its rich heritage$ Tata Motors today is etching a refulgent future,


The companys main product lines areN

> Passen!er /arsN the compact car$ Indica$ launched in 1;;>$ the mid sie Indigo$ launched in

#!!#$ and the Indigo Marina$ launched in #!!G in both petrol and diesel versions,

> )tilit$ VehiclesN the Tata Sumo launched in 1;;G$ the Tata Safari launched in 1;;> and their 


> Small /ommercial VehiclesN the company created a ne/ segment in #!!5 by launching the

Tata %ce$ Indias first indigenously developed mini9truc.,

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> Li!ht /ommercial VehiclesN /hich include$ truc.s and buses ranging from #T &2:

to ?,5T &2:

> Me#ium an# *ea,$ /ommercial VehiclesN /hich include truc.s$ buses$ dumpers and multi9

a*led vehicles from ;T &2: to G!T &2:, Through Tata Dae/oo 3ommercial 2ehicle

3ompany 4imited, It no/ offers a range of high horsepo/er truc.s ranging from ##! 'P to G!!

'P in dump truc.$ tractor9trailers$ mi*ers and cargo applications,

%dopting the principle of aien or continuous learning$ the company is constantly improving its

standards, The versatile yet simple 5S approach to process improvement 9 sort$ straighten$

simplify and standardie in a self9disciplined manneris a /ay of life at Tata Motors, These

 principles help optimie various operations of the company and conserve precious resources, 7y

/ closely /ith vendors and partners$ at the design and manufacturing stages$ the company

ensures that they too follo/ the same principles,


Tata Motors$ the first company from Indias engineering sector to be listed in the Be/ Kor. 

Stoc. )*change +September #!!G-$ has also emerged as an international automotive company,

:hile currently about 1> of its revenues are from international business$ the companys

objective is to e*pand its international business$ both through organic and inorganic gro/th

routes, Ever the years$ the company has received more than 5! a/ards from the 3ompany of 

India for its e*ports initiatives, In #!!G$ it ac@uired the Dae/oo 3ommercial 2ehicle 3ompany$

oreas second largest truc., The rechristened Tata Dae/oo 3ommercial 2ehicle

3ompany has already begun to launch ne/ products, In #!!5$ Tata Motors ac@uired a #1 sta.e

in 'ispano 3arrocera$ a reputed Spanish bus and coach manufacturer$ /ith an option to ac@uire

the remaining sta.e as /ell, 'ispanos presence is being e*panded in other mar.ets,

These ac@uisitions /ill further e*tend Tata Motors international footprint$ established through

e*ports since 1;<1, The companys commercial and passenger vehicles are already beingmar.eted in several countries in )urope$ %frica$ the Middle )ast$ South )ast %sia$ South %sia

and %ustralia, It has assembly operations in Malaysia$ enya$ 7angladesh$ .raine$ (ussia$

Spain and Senegal,


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Through its subsidiaries$ the company is engaged in engineering and automotive solutions$

construction e@uipment manufacturing$ automotive vehicle components manufacturing and

supply chain activities$ machine tools and factory automation solutions$ high9precision tooling

and plastic and electronic components for automotive and computer applications$ and automotive

retailing and service operations,


In #!!G Tata Motors ac@uired Dae/oo8s truc. manufacturing unit$ no/ .no/n as Tata

Dae/oo 3ommercial 2ehicle$ in South orea

In #!!5$ Tata Motors ac@uired #1 of  %ragonese 'ispano 3arrocera giving it

controlling rights of the company,

In #!!?$ 0ormed a  joint venture /ith Marcopolo of 7rail and introduced lo/9floor 

 buses in the Indian,

In #!!>$ Tata Motors ac@uired 7ritish "aguar 4and (over  +"4(-$ /hich includes the

Daimler and 4anchester brand names,

In #!1!$ Tata Motors ac@uired >! sta.e in Italy9based design and engineering company

Trili* for a consideration of O1,>5 million, The ac@uisition is in line /ith the companys

objective to enhance its stylingAdesign capabilities to global standards,


The foundation of the companys gro/th over the last 5! years is a deep understanding of 

economic stimuli and customer needs$ and the ability to translate them into customer desired

offerings through leading edge (=D, The companys )ngineering (esearch 3entre +)(3-$ in

Pune /hich has 1G!! scientists and engineers$ /as established in 1;<<, Tata Dae/oo

3ommercial 2ehicle 3ompany and 'ispano 3arrocera also have (=D establishments at &unsan

in orea and Haragoa in Spain, These three facilities together enable the company to share and

access .no/ledge and technology for designing and developing /orld9class products, 7esides

 product development$ (=D also focuses on environment9friendly technologies in emissions and

alternative fuels, The )(3 has enabled pioneering technologies and products, It /as Tata

Motors$ /hich developed the first indigenously developed 4ight 3ommercial 2ehicle$ Indias

first Sports tility 2ehicle and$ in 1;;>$ the Tata Indica$ Indias first fully indigenous passenger 

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car, :ithin t/o years of launch$ Tata Indica became Indias largest selling car in its segment, The

 pace of ne/ product development has @uic.ened through an organiation9/ide structured Be/

Product Introduction +BPI- process, The process /ith its formal structure for introducing ne/

vehicles in the$ brings in greater discipline in project e*ecution, 0or e*ample$ the BPI

 process helped Tata Motors create a ne/ segment by launching the Tata %ce$ Indias first mini9

truc., The years to come /ill see the introduction of several other innovative vehicles$ all rooted

in emerging customer needs, The )(3 in Pune$ among /hose facilities are Indias only certified

crash9test facility and hemi9anechoic chamber for testing of noise and vibration has received

several %/ards from the 3ompany of India, Some of the more prominent amongst them are the

 Bational %/ard for (esearch and Development )fforts in Industry in the Mechanical

)ngineering Industries sector in 1;;;$ the Bational %/ard for Successful 3ommercialiation of 

Indigenous Technology by an Industrial 3oncern in #!!!$ and the 3SI( Diamond "ubilee

Technology %/ard in #!!G,


True to the tradition of the Tata &roup$ Tata Motors is committed in letter and spirit to 3orporate

Social (esponsibility, It is a signatory to the nited Bations &lobal 3ompact$ and is engaged in

community and social initiatives on human rights$ labor and environment standards in

compliance /ith the principles of the &lobal 3ompact, Tata Motors has led the automobile

industrys anti9pollution efforts through a series of initiatives in effluents and emission control,

The company introduced emission9friendly engines in its products in India even before such

norms /ere made statutory, It ensures

that its products are environmentally sound by reducing haardous materials in vehiclecomponents$ developing e*tended life lubricants$ fluids and using oone9friendly refrigerants

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Sang,i 'rot,ers Indore Pt #td ,eado5c•

6, A B Road, New Palasia, Indore - 452001, Near Petrol Pump, Lasudia Mori ,

Manoramaan! (Map)

• +(91)-731-2490361 4006061...more

• +(91)-9669201175

• Car Dealers-Tata, e!o"# $a"# Car Dealers ...more

• 0"#$0 am to 06#00 pmContact NameMr. Sharad ShanghiAddress 6, Manoramaan!, A%B% RoadIndoreEmail: san&i'ros(redi))mail%*omProducts Automo'ile +ealers - Indian Imported

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6arious Products of TT Motors

%1& Passenger cars and utility e,icles


Tata Indigo SW 

• Tata 'erra

• Tata state

• Tata mo* pa!'o

• Tata aar'

• Tata "#'!a

 Tata "#'go

• Tata "#'go Mar'"a

• Tata '"ger

• Tata a"o

• Tata /e"o" /T

• Tata /oer (2009)

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72 oncet e,icles


Tata Clifrider 

• 2000 r'a oa#ster

• 2001 r'a Cope

• 2002 Tata "#'!a

• 2002 Tata "#'a

• 2004 Tata "#'go #e"t

• 2005 Tata /oer

• 2006 Tata Cl'r'#er

• 2007 Tata lega"te

• 2009 Tata Pr'ma

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• Tata tars (Me#'m s)

• Tata ?los (o 8loor s)

• Tata Mar!opolo s (o 8loor s)

• Tata 3015 ($ea: tr!<)

• Tata 311> ($ea: tr!<) (>/2)

• Tata 3516 ($ea: tr!<)

• Tata 4923 (;ltra-$ea: tr!<) (6/4)

• Tata os ($ea: tr!< #es'g"e# : Tata Daeoo)

74 Military e,icles

• Tata @ ('gt pe!'al'st @e'!le)

• Tata 2 tret!er mla"!e

• Tata 407 Troop Carr'er, aa'lale '" ar# top, sot top, 4=4, a"# 4=2 ers'o"s

• Tata PT 713 TC (4=4)

• Tata PT 709

• Tata D 1015 TC (4=4)

• Tata PT 1615 TC (4=4)

• Tata PT 1621 TC (6=6)

 Tata PT 1615 T

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The third largest passenger car manufacturer in India and one of the largest e*porters of 

vehicles,'as established in India as one of its manufacturing bases in the /orld,

'as vision of capturing 1! share of the Indian passenger car by #!1! "2 in India and the largest passenger car manufacturer in India

Ene of the leading players in the Indian premium cars segment

Ene of the leading players in the Indian premium cars segment

Ene of the leading players in the Indian premium cars segment, &M entered the small car 

segment by re9launching the Mati

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The area of operation is around the Indore city, The survey is conducted through the

Personal Intervie/ /ith the employees as /ell as '( )*ecutive Miss %pra &our that is having

the information of overall o/nership e*perience of the vehicle = their suggestions,The

operations are performed in = around Indore city,

0or every research /or. the study may have geographical conceptual scope, %s subject to

the products limited to the study to the Indore district, The survey conducted /ill give the details

about the customer satisfaction level responding product and services /ith helping in vehicle

insurance and understanding the procedure of financing the 2ehicle,

The study of level of satisfaction is also helpful to the management and mar.eting head

to decide ne/ policies for /ell established brand and as /ell as ne/ product range, The level of 

satisfaction for the T%T% Motors user can be measured in terms of loo.$ speeds$ mileage$

maintenance$ safety$ price and services and post sales services,

The benefit of this study to the company and dealer is that they can understand the level

of customer8s satisfaction and can ma.e ne/ policies to satisfy all the ne/ and current users,

:ith the help of the conclusion from this study the company can able for the range selling$ if the

3ustomers are very much satisfied /ith the cars and the services provided by them,


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In t&e ear 1.6", a /ren*& enineer ' t&e name o) Ni*olas % unot inented t&e )irst

automo'ile to run on roads% 3&is automo'ile, in )a*t, was a sel)-powered, t&ree-

w&eeled, militar tra*tor t&at made t&e use o) a steam enine% 3&e rane o) t&e

automo'ile, &oweer, was er 'rie) and at t&e most, it *ould onl run at a stret*& )or 

)i)teen minutes% In addition, t&ese automo'iles were not )it )or t&e roads as t&e steam

enines made t&em er &ea and lare, and reuired ample startin time% lier 

ans was t&e )irst to desin a steam enine drien automo'ile in t&e 7%8%

 A 8*otsman, Ro'ert Anderson, was t&e )irst to inent an ele*tri* *arriae 'etween 19$2

and 19$"% :oweer, 3&omas +aenport o) t&e 7%8%A% and 8*otsman Ro'ert +aidson

were amonst t&e )irst to inent more appli*a'le automo'iles, ma;in use o) non-

re*&area'le ele*tri* 'atteries in 1942% +eelopment o) roads made traellin

*om)orta'le and as a result, t&e s&ort raned, ele*tri* 'atter drien automo'iles were

no more t&e 'est option )or traellin oer loner distan*es%

3&e Automo'ile Industr )inall *ame o) ae wit& :enr /ord in 1"14 )or t&e 'ul;

produ*tion o) *ars% 3&is lead to t&e deelopment o) t&e industr and it )irst 'eun in t&e

assem'l lines o) &is *ar )a*tor% 3&e seeral met&ods adopted ' /ord, made t&e new

inention <t&at is, t&e *ar= popular amonst t&e ri*& as well as t&e masses%

 A**ordin t&e :istor o) Automo'ile Industr 78, dominated t&e automo'ile mar;ets

around t&e lo'e wit& no nota'le *ompetitors% :oweer, a)ter t&e end o) t&e 8e*ond

>orld >ar in 1"45, t&e Automo'ile Industr o) ot&er te*&noloi*all adan*ed nations

su*& as apan and *ertain uropean nations ained momentum and wit&in a er

s&ort period, 'einnin in t&e earl 1"90s, t&e 7%8 Automo'ile Industr was )looded wit&

)orein automo'ile *ompanies, espe*iall t&ose o) apan and ?erman%

3&e *urrent trends o) t&e ?lo'al Automo'ile Industr reeal t&at in t&e deeloped

*ountries t&e Automo'ile Industries are stanatin as a result o) t&e droopin *ar 

mar;ets, w&ereas t&e Automo'ile Industr in t&e deelopin nations, su*& as, India and

Bra@il, &ae 'een *onsistentl reisterin &i&er rowt& rates eer passin ear )or 

t&eir )louris&in domesti* automo'ile mar;ets%

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3&ose w&o are interested in at&erin more in)ormation a'out t&e Automobile

Industry, ma 'rowse t&rou& t&e )ollowin lin;s

• World Automobile Industry

• Automobile Industry Trends

• India Automobile Market

• India Automobile Industry

The World Automobile Industry is turned to the deelo!ing markets.

>it& t&e deeloped mar;ets almost saturated, t&e >orld Automo'ile Industr is now

)o*used on t&e deelopin mar;ets o) 8out& Ameri*a and Asia, and astern urope

wit& spe*ial emp&asis on BRI <Bra@il, Russia, India, and &ina=%

 As per t&e reports o) t&e International rani@ation o) Motor e&i*le Manu)a*turers or 

IA<t&e asso*iation o) t&e *ompanies inoled in >orld Automo'ile Industr=, )or t&e

)is*al end in 2006, t&e automo'ile manu)a*turers in t&e 7%8% &ae 'een oerta;en '

t&ose in apan, in terms o) t&e total olume o) automo'ile units manu)a*tured

worldwide% :oweer, t&e strulin ?eneral Motors o) t&e 7%8% still remain t&e

worldwide leaders o) t&e >orld Automo'ile Industr, a&ead o) t&e rapidl rowin 3oota

Motor orporation o) apan, ' a su'stantial marin%

Measures to be ado!ted by global leaders o" the World Automobile Industry.

8eeral sini)i*ant e*onomi* measures are 'ein *onsidered ' t&e ma!or plaers o) 

t&e >orld Automo'ile Industr in order to ma;e a smoot& entr into t&e mar;ets o) t&e

deelopin *ountries, and to ma;e a name )or t&emseles% 3&e e))e*tie measures

in*lude #• Redu*in t&e sellin pri*es o) t&e automo'iles manu)a*tured in t&eir )a*tories

• Improin t&e leels o) a)ter-sales seri*es to ;eep *ustomers satis)ied

• penin manu)a*turin )a*tories in t&e deelopin nations, to redu*e e))e*tie

*osts o) produ*tion as well as sain s&ippin *&ares, and en&an*in prompt

delier o) automo'ile units%

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Automobile Industry Trends

In ;eepin wit& t&e Automobile Industry Trends, t&e leadin automo'ile

manu)a*turers are turnin to t&e Asian mar;ets t&at appear set to row immensel oer 

t&e net de*ade% 3&e automo'ile mar;ets in t&e 7%8%, urope and t&e apan &ae

almost matured as a result o) saturation and appear set to de*line t&rou& t&e net

de*ade% In *ontrast, t&e automo'ile mar;ets spread oer t&e entire Asian *ontinent <wit&

t&e e*eption o) apan=, are *onstantl in*reasin in si@e and will 'e t&e destination )or 

most o) t&e lo'all leadin automo'ile manu)a*turers%

3&e Automobile Industry Trends reeal t&at t&e emerin mar;ets o) t&e deelopin

nations o) Asia espe*iall &ina, and India are 'a*;ed ' t&eir &ue population rowt&

rate, to add to t&e rowin national e*onom o) t&ese two nations%

3&e rapid rowt& o) t&e national e*onom o) t&e BRI *ountries <in*ludin Bra@il,

Russia, India, and &ina= &ae ena'led a rowin se*tion o) t&e population o) t&ese

*ountries to pur*&ase automo'iles% ?lo'al sures *ondu*ted re*entl reeal t&at wit&in

t&e net ten ears, t&ese emerin automo'ile mar;ets will a**ount )or nearl a

w&oopin "0 per*ent o) t&e lo'al automo'ile sales rowt&% As a result o) t&is, leadin

 Automo'ile manu)a*turers o) t&e world are settin up )a*tories in t&e emerin mar;ets,

in order to sere t&e potential *onsumers 'etter as well as redu*e manu)a*turin and

s&ippin *osts% In addition, t&ese arranements are ena'lin t&e leadin lo'al

automo'ile manu)a*turers to *ompete wit& t&e lo*al automo'ile manu)a*turers, t&at

were )louris&in in t&e a'sen*e o) ualit *ompetition%


S!"T N#YSIS "$ SN%&I '("T&)(S TT M"T"(S P6T. #T*.


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S%OT Anal$sis


1, Ene of the most established company in automobile sector 

#, :ide = e*tensive distribution and service net/or. , &ood penetration in the ta*i = rental segment

G, )*pert service professionals available

5, Many associations li.e "aguar 4and (over$ 'ispanso$ Macropolo etc /hichincreases international presence

<, Dedicated engineering and (=D department

?, More than <!$!!! employees

>, 'ighly diversified product portfolio


1, 4imited international presence

#, Sometimes faces alleged @uality and durability issues

, Bot much customer engagement programs and activities


1, )*panding automobile and available space for competitors

#, Increasing per capita income and purchasing capability of potential customer


, 4everaging customer engagement e*perience to ac@uire ne/ customers

G, 4everaging mergers and ac@uisitions to ac@uire ne/er technology

5, %ugmenting the distribution and service net/or. in various countries


1, Increasing fuel costs

#, 3ompetition from other big automobile giants

, 3ompetitive products offering same level features at a lesser price

G, Product innovations and frugal engineering by competitors



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3ata MotorCs ?roup *onsiders its &uman *apital as a *riti*al )a*tor to its su**ess% 7nder 

t&e aeis o) 3ata 8ons and t&e 3ata 8ons promoted entities, t&e ompan &as drawn up

a *ompre&ensie &uman resour*e strate <t&e D:uman Resour*eD strate= w&i*&

addresses ;e aspe*ts o) &uman resour*e deelopment su*& as#• ode o) *ondu*t and )air 'usiness pra*ti*es%

•  A )air and o'!e*tie per)orman*e manaement sstem lin;ed to t&e per)orman*e

o) t&e 'usinesses w&i*& identi)ies and di))erentiates &i& per)ormers w&ile

o))erin separation aenues )or non-per)ormers%

• reation o) a *ommon pool o) talented manaers a*ross 3ata 8ons and t&e 3ata

8ons promoted entities wit& a iew to in*reasin t&eir mo'ilit t&rou& inter-

ompan !o' rotation%

• olution o) per)orman*e 'ased *ompensation pa*;aes to attra*t and retain

talent wit&in 3ata 8ons and t&e 3ata 8ons promoted entities%

• +eelopment o) *ompre&ensie trainin prorams to impart and *ontinuousl

uprade t&e industrE)un*tion spe*i)i* s;ills%

In line wit& t&e :uman Resour*e strate, t&e ompan, in turn, &as implemented

arious initiaties in order to 'uild orani@ational *apa'ilit t&at will ena'le t&e ompanto sustain *ompetitieness in t&e lo'al mar;et pla*e% 3&e )o*us is to attra*t talent,

retain t&e 'etter and adan*e t&e 'est% 8ome o) t&e initiaties to meet t&is o'!e*tie


• tensie pro*ess mappin eer*ise to 'en*&mar; and alin t&e &uman

resour*e pro*esses wit& lo'al 'est pra*ti*es%

• Introdu*tion o) a lo'all 'en*&mar;ed emploee enaement proramme%

8u**ession plannin t&rou& identi)i*ation o) se*ond leel o) manaers )or allunits, lo*ations, )un*tions%

• Implementation o) a D/ast 3ra*; 8ele*tion 8*&emeD, w&i*& is a sstem )or

identi)in potential talent in t&e areas o) eneral, *ommer*ial and operations

manaement and o))erin t&em opportunities )or rowt& wit&in t&e orani@ation%

3&e ompanCs &uman resour*es team &as 'een inited to repli*ate t&is sstem

in ot&er 3ata ompanies%

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      a      g      e       4        3

• 3&e ompan D3alent Manaement 8*&emeD w&i*& in*ludes t&e identi)i*ation o)

&i& per)ormers and &i& potentials t&rou& arious routes su*& as our

Per)orman*e Manaement 8stem and +eelopment enters% 8u'seuent to

t&e identi)i*ation pro*ess, we proide t&em wit& *&allenin assinments )or)aster deelopment%

• Introdu*tion o) per)orman*e ratin 'ased salar reiew and ualit lin;ed aria'le

pament )or superisor *ateor o) emploees%

• Restru*turin t&e top leel orani@ation and *reation o) new erti*als )or reater

)un*tional )o*us and moin towards *reatin a matri orani@ation%

Implementation o) a power)ul emploer 'rand to attra*t talent - DLead t&e /utureD&as 'e*ome t&e ompanCs mploee alue Proposition statement%

• +riin *ultural trans)ormation - 3&e ompan &as re)ramed t&e mission, ision,

alues and *ulture o) t&e orani@ation and introdu*ed t&e *on*ept o) A8 -

 A**ounta'ilit, ustomer Produ*t )o*us, *ellen*e and 8peed%

• tensie 'rand 'uildin initiaties at uniersit *ampuses to in*rease re*ruitin

)rom premium uniersities%

3o )o*us on s;ill and *apa'ilit 'uildin o) our 'lue *ollar wor;)or*eF *ommon

*urri*ulum, in)rastru*ture and trainin met&ods &ae 'een deeloped% Pilot

in)rastru*ture &as 'een deeloped at Pune and 8anand and t&e same will 'e

introdu*ed at all ot&er manu)a*turin plants

• LR laun*&ed a new D3eam 3al; nlineD portal to its produ*tion wor;ers, w&i*&

proides t&em wit& 'usiness updates alonside in)ormation on emploee

'ene)its, trainin and deelopment%

>e emploed approimatel 66,5"$ and 62,.16 <in*ludes 3ata Motor ?roup= permanent

emploees as o) Mar*& $1, 2014 and 201$ respe*tiel% 3&e aerae num'er o) 

temporar emploees )or t&e /G 201$-14, was approimatel $$,422%

3&e )ollowin ta'le set )ort& a 'rea;down o) persons emploed ' our 'usiness

sements and ' eorap&i* lo*ation as o) Mar*& $1, 2014%

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      a      g      e       4        3

<Late= Mr Harl 8lm, Manain +ire*tor o) t&e ompan &ad an untimel and trai*

demise in Ban;o; in anuar 2014, w&i*& &as *reated a oid in t&e manaement% As

an interim measure, oersi&t on ompanCs operations w&i*& was proided ' t&e

e*utie ommittee o) t&e ompan <om=, *&aired ' t&e Manain +ire*tor, is

now underta;en ' a orporate 8teerin ommittee <8= *&aired ' Mr rus P

Mistr, w&o deotes reater )o*us and attention to t&e manaement o) operations o) t&e


Training and %eelo!ment:

3ata Motors is *ommitted to t&e trainin deelopment o) its emploees% 3&ere is a

)o*used approa*& to address all *apa'ilit aps and prepare emploees )or *&anes in

t&e eternal enironment, su*& t&at it ena'les meetin t&e orani@ationCs stratei*


3&e trainin deelopment sstem addresses deelopment needs o) arious sements

o) wor;)or*e t&rou& t&e 3ata Motors A*adem <3MA=% >ell de)ined entres o) 

*ellen*e <o= li;e Manu)a*turin *ellen*e Innoation, ommer*ial, orporate,

Manaement +eelopment and ?lo'al Leaders&ip are a part o) 3MA% 3&ese os

address t&e dierse needs o) di))erent *ateories o) emploees and )un*tions t&rou&

mediums li;e *lassroom interentions, eternal prorams as well as an in-&ouse

learnin manaement sstem <LM8= 'ased online plat)orm% 3MA o))ers learnin

interentions at ea*& leel o) an emploeeCs transition in t&e orani@ation 'einnin wit&

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      a      g      e       4        3

&isE&er !oinin% :i& potential emploees at senior leels are also sele*ted )or t&e

/ul'ri&t )ellows&ips )or leaders&ip in manaement%

 As a means o) ensurin 'usiness relean*e and alue o) learnin o))ered, e))orts are

ta;en to *losel alin learnin deelopment wit& 'usiness needs and prioritiest&rou& a learnin oernan*e 'od *alled as Learnin Adisor oun*il <LA=% 3&e

ompan &as a multitiered LA stru*ture w&i*& inoles senior leaders in di))erent

parts o) t&e orani@ation as its mem'ers% LAs pla a t&ree)old role namel

desinin, implementin and reiewin t&e learnin aenda%

>it&in t&e 3e*&ni*al 3rainin set up an innoatie /undamental 8;ills 3rainin

interention &as 'een laun*&ed a*ross t&e orani@ation% 3&is aims at addressin

t&rou& trainin o) t&e )ront line team mem'ers on t&e *orre*t s;ill reuired to per)orm

t&e !o'% 3&e ompan is now miratin )rom a trade 'ased trainin approa*& to a

pro*ess 'ased trainin approa*& w&erein itCs more important )or t&e team mem'er to

;now s;ills related to &is a*tual wor; in addition to t&e eneral trade 'ased s;ills w&i*&

&e learns at t&e 3rainin institutes <I3ICs=% 3&ese s;ills are er spe*i)i* and not *urrentl

tau&t at t&e I3ICs%

*nion Wage Settlements: All emploees in India 'elonin to t&e operatie rades are

mem'ers o) la'our unions e*ept at 8anand +&arwad plants% 3&e ompan &as

enerall en!oed *ordial relations wit& its emploees at its )a*tories and o))i*es%mploee waes are paid in a**ordan*e wit& wae areements t&at &ae arin terms

<tpi*all t&ree ears= at di))erent lo*ations% 3&e epiration dates o) t&e wae

areements wit& respe*t to arious lo*ationsEsu'sidiaries are as )ollows#

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      a      g      e       4        3

 A *ordial industrial relations enironment &as 'een maintained in all t&e ompanCs

manu)a*turin units%

3&e aria'ilit in wae settlements was 'uilt in ' introdu*in e&i*les and pro)it lin;ed

pament s*&emeJJJJ 'ased on t&e inde o) arious parameters su*& as ualit,produ*tiit, operatin pro)it and indiidualCs per)orman*e and attendan*e%

peraties and 7nion support in implementation o) prorammes towards ualit, *ost

and produ*tiit improements a*ross all lo*ations is *ommenda'le%


er t&e ears, t&e ompan &as deoted sini)i*ant resour*es towards our resear*&

and deelopment a*tiities% 3&e ompanCs resear*& and deelopment a*tiities )o*us

on produ*t deelopment, enironmental te*&noloies and e&i*le sa)et% 3&e

ompanCs nineerin Resear*& entre, or R, esta'lis&ed in 1"66, is one o) t&e

)ew in-&ouse automotie resear*& and deelopment *enters in India re*oni@ed ' t&e

?oernment% R is interated wit& all o) t&e 3ata Motors ?lo'al Automotie Produ*t

+esin and +eelopment enters in 8out& Horea, Ital and t&e 7nited Hindom% In

addition to t&is, t&e ompan leeraes ;e *ompeten*ies t&rou& arious enineerin

seri*e suppliers and desin teams o) its suppliers%

3&e ompan &as a state o) t&e art *ras& test )a*ilit )or passie sa)et deelopment

towards meetin reulator and *onsumer roup test reuirements and ealuatin

o**upant sa)et% 3&e ompan &as a )ull e&i*le leel *ras& test )a*ilit, sled test )a*ilit

)or simulatin t&e *ras& enironment on su'sstems, a pedestrian sa)et testin )a*ilit,

a pendulum impa*t test )a*ilit )or oods *arrier e&i*les and ot&er euipment

)a*ilities to deelop produ*ts t&at *ompl wit& arious sa)et norms% 3&is )a*ilit is also

supported wit& A In)rastru*ture to simulate tests in diital enironment% 3&e

ompan &as 3ransient +namometer test 'eds, Mileae A**umulation *&assis

dnamometer and mission la's are aaila'le )or )uturisti* enine deelopment, 8tate

o) t&e art nine Noise 3est ell )a*ilit 3ransmission ontrol 7nits are 'ein installed

)or 'etter Powertrain deploment% 3&e ompanalso &as a &emi-ane*&oi* *&am'er 

testin )a*ilit )or deelopin e&i*les wit& lower noise and i'ration leels and an

enine emission and per)orman*e deelopment )a*ilities, to deelop produ*ts meetin

international standards% 3&e ompan also &as an ei&t poster road load simulator )or 

e&i*le stru*tural dura'ilit alidation o) M:% t&er ;e )a*ilities in*lude a )ull

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      a      g      e       4        3

e&i*le enironmental testin )a*ilit, &ea dut dnamometers and areate

enduran*e test ris%

3&e ompanCs produ*t desin and deelopment *enters are euipped wit&

sop&isti*ated &ardware, so)tware and ot&er in)ormation te*&nolo in)rastru*ture,desined to *reate a diital produ*t deelopment and irtual testin and alidation

enironment, resultin in redu*ed o) produ*t deelopment **letime, improed ualit

and proide a'ilit to *reate multiple desin options% 3&ese *enters are rowin wit&

in*reased e&i*le deelopment prorams in 'readt& and dept& o) te*&nolo% Rapid

prototpe deelopment sstems, testin **le simulators, adan*ed emission test

la'oratories and stlin studios are also a part o) our produ*t deelopment

in)rastru*ture% 3&e ompan &as alined our end-to-end diital produ*t deelopment

o'!e*ties and in)rastru*ture, wit& its 'usiness oals and &ae made sini)i*ant

inestments to en&an*e t&e *apa'ilities espe*iall in t&e areas o) produ*t deelopment

t&rou& omputer Aided +esin E omputer Aided Manu)a*turin E omputer Aided

nineerin E Hnowlede Based nineerin E Produ*t Li)e**le Manaement and

spe*i)i* enineerin reiew pro*esses li;e +iital Mo*;up <+M7=% 3&e ompanCs

produ*t li)e**le manaement sstem proides ital pro*esses, in*ludin manu)a*turin

)easi'ilit studies, )or produ*t deelopment In order to tra*; arious issues arisin in

e&i*le desin and deelopment pro*esses, t&e ompan &as institutionali@ed Cissuetra*;inC wor; )low 'ased sstems in arious domains to manae t&em e))e*tiel%

3&e ompanCs resear*& and deelopment a*tiities also )o*us on deelopin e&i*les

runnin on alternatie )uels, in*ludin N?, liue)ied petroleum as, 'io-diesel and

*ompressed air and ele*tri* *ars% 3&e ompan is *ontinuin to deelop reen e&i*les%

3&e ompan is pursuin alternatie )uel options su*& as et&anol 'lendin )or 

deelopment o) e&i*les )uelled ' &droen%

3&e ompan is also pursuin arious initiaties, su*& as t&e introdu*tion o) Premium

Li&twei&t Ar*&ite*ture <PLA=, to ena'le its 'usiness to *ompl wit& t&e eistin and

eolin emissions leislations in t&e deeloped world, w&i*& it 'eliees will 'e a ;e

ena'ler o) 'ot& redu*tion in 2 and )urt&er e))i*ien*ies in manu)a*turin and


Initiaties in t&e area o) e&i*le ele*troni*s )or meetin eer in*reasin reulator

reuirement in t&e area o) enine manaement sstems, in-e&i*le networ; ar*&ite*ture

and Multipleed >irin were su**ess)ull deploed on t&e ompan rane o) e&i*le

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      a      g      e       4        3

w&ereas *ertain te*&noloies le*troni* 8ta'ilit prorams, Automated and Automati*

transmission sstems, telemati*s )or *ommuni*ation and tra*;in, anti-lo*; 'ra;in

sstem intellient transportation sstem are in t&e pro*ess o) arious p&ases o) 

deploment on )uture rane o) e&i*les% Li;ewise t&is *ould possi'l 'e deploed on our )uture rane o) e&i*les%Li;ewise, arious new te*&noloies and sstems t&at would

improe sa)et, per)orman*e and emissions o) produ*t rane are 'ein implemented in

our passener *ars and *ommer*ial e&i*les%

3&e ompan is deelopin and enterprise leel e&i*le dianosti*s sstem )or 

a*&iein )aster dianosti*s o) *omple ele*troni*s in e&i*les in order to proide

prompt seri*e to *ustomers% /urt&ermore t&e initiatie in telemati*s &as spanned into a

)leet manaement, drier in)ormation and naiation sstems, and e&i*le tra*;in

sstem usin ?N88 <?lo'al Naiation8atellite 8stems=%

3&e ompan esta'lis&ed a w&oll owned su'sidiar, 3M3, in 2006, to aument t&e

a'ilities o) its nineerin Resear*& entre wit& an o'!e*tie to o'tain a**ess to

leadin-ede te*&noloies to support t&e produ*t deelopment a*tiities% In *to'er 

2010, t&e ompan also a*uired a desin &ouse in Ital, 3rili 8rl, t&at &as 'een

wor;in wit& t&e ompan on man o) its pro!e*ts and are now a part o) 3ata Motors

+esin orani@ation%

3&e ompan endeaors to a'sor' t&e 'est o) te*&noloies )or its produ*t rane tomeet t&e reuirements o) a lo'all *ompetitie mar;et% All o) its e&i*les and enines

are *ompliant wit& t&e prealent reulator norms in t&e respe*tie *ountries in w&i*&

t&e are sold% 3&e ompanCs strate to inest and deelop its deelopment

*apa'ilities &ae &elped t&e ompan in attainin sini)i*ant a*&ieements su*& as t&e

desin and deelopment o) IndiaCs )irst indienousl deeloped *ompa*t *ar, t&e

sement *reatin mini- tru*; t&e C3ata A*eC and t&e worldCs most a))orda'le )amil *ar 

K t&e 3ata Nano% In *olla'oration wit& its su'sidiar 3+, t&e ompan deeloped t&e

D>orld 3ru*;D, now re)erred to as CPrimaC, a sop&isti*ated and *ontemporar M:

rane wit& per)orman*e standards similar to t&ose in deeloped mar;ets%

3&e auar Land Roer resear*& and deelopment operations *urrentl *onsist o) a

sinle enineerin team, operatin wit&in *o-manaed enineerin )a*ilities, s&arin

premium te*&noloies, power train desins and e&i*le ar*&ite*ture% 3&e R in India

and auar Land Roer enineerin and deelopment operations in t&e 7nited

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Hindom, &ae identi)ied areas to leerae t&e )a*ilities and resour*es to en&an*e t&e

produ*t deelopment pro*ess and a*&iee e*onomies o) s*ale%

LRCs e&i*les are desined and deeloped ' award-winnin desin teams, and it is

*ommitted to a proramme o) reular en&an*ements in produ*t desin% LRCs twodesin and deelopment *entres are euipped wit& *omputer-aided desin,

manu)a*turin and enineerin tools, and are *on)iured )or *ompetitie produ*t

deelopment **le time and e))i*ient data manaement% In re*ent ears, LR &as

re)res&ed t&e entire auar rane under a uni)ied *on*ept and desin lanuae and

*ontinued to en&an*e t&e desin o) Land RoerCs rane o) all-terrain e&i*les% LRCs

R+ operations loo; )or sneries t&rou& s&arin premium te*&noloies, powertrain

desins and e&i*le ar*&ite*ture% All o) LRCs produ*ts are desined and enineered

primaril in t&e 7nited Hindom% LR endeaours to implement t&e 'est te*&noloies

into its produ*t rane to meet t&e reuirements o) a lo'all *ompetitie mar;et% LR is

*urrentl deelopin e&i*les w&i*& will run on alternatie )uels and &'rids and is also

inestin in ot&er prorammes )or t&e deelopment o) te*&noloies to improe t&e

enironmental per)orman*e o) its e&i*les in*ludin t&e redu*tion o) 2 emissions%


3&e ompan *reates, owns, and maintains a wide arra o) intelle*tual propert assets

t&at are amon its most alua'le assets t&rou&out t&e world% 3&e ompanCs

intelle*tual propert assets in*lude patents, trademar;s, *opri&ts desins, trade

se*rets and ot&er intelle*tual propert ri&ts% Patents relate to innoations and produ*tsF

trademar;s se*ured relate to 'rands and produ*tsF *opri&ts are se*ured )or *reatie

*ontentF and desins are se*ured )or aest&eti* )eatures o) produ*tsE*omponents% 3&e

ompan proa*tiel and aressiel see;s to prote*t its intelle*tual propert in India

and ot&er *ountries%

3&e ompan owns a num'er o) patents and &as applied )or new patents w&i*& are

pendin )or rant in India as well as in ot&er *ountries% It &as also )iled a num'er o) 

patent appli*ations outside India under t&e Patent ooperation 3reat, w&i*& will 'e

e))e*tie in di))erent *ountries oin )orward% 3&e ompan o'tains new patents as part

o) its onoin resear*& and deelopment a*tiities%

3&e ompan own reistrations )or num'er o) trade-mar;s and &ae pendin

appli*ations )or reistration o) t&ese in India as well as ot&er *ountries% 3&e reistrations

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mainl in*lude trademar;s )or its e&i*le models and ot&er promotional initiaties% 3&e

ompan uses t&e D3ataD 'rand, w&i*& &as 'een li*ensed to t&e ompan ' 3ata 8ons

Limited% 3&e ompanCs 'eliees t&at esta'lis&ment o) t&e D3ataD word mar; and loo

mar; in India and world oer, is material to its operations% As part o) a*uisition o) 3+, t&e ompan &as t&e ri&ts to t&e perpetual and e*lusie use o) t&e D+aewooD

'rand and trademar;s in Horea and oerseas mar;ets )or t&e produ*t rane o) 3+%

 As part o) t&e a*uisition o) auar Land Roer 'usiness, owners&ip <or *o-owners&ip,

as appli*a'le= o) *ore intelle*tual propert asso*iated wit& LR were trans)erred to t&e

ompan% Additionall, perpetual roalt )ree li*enses to use ot&er essential intelle*tual

properties &ae 'een ranted to t&e ompan )or use in auar and Land Roer 

e&i*les% auar and Land Roer own reistered desins, to prote*t t&e desin o) t&eir 

e&i*les in seeral *ountries%

In arin derees, all its intelle*tual propert is important to t&e ompan% In parti*ular,

t&e 3ata 'rand is interal to t&e *ondu*t o) t&e ompanCs 'usiness, a loss o) w&i*&

*ould lead to dilution o) our 'rand imae and &ae a material aderse e))e*t on t&e



Training Methods

In this lesson, we will study several training methods managers use to teach an

employee a new job or task in the organization. The training methods include on-the-job

training, job rotation and job mentoring. Each method has advantages and


Let's look at how Cookie, a training manager at Sweets Candy Factory, uses the training

methods to train new and current employees.

On-the-ob Training

On-the-Job Training allows employees to learn by actually performing a specific job or

task. The employee will perform the job and learn as he goes. On-the-job training can

be structured by using hands-on application supported by classroom-type instruction. It

can also be unstructured using only hands-on application.

Cookie hired a new candy wrapper named Patti. Patti had no experience working in a

candy factory. In fact, Patti had no experience working on anassembly line either.

Cookie used unstructured on-the-job training to teach Patti how to do her job. This

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method works well for the job of candy wrapping. As the candies move along the

assembly line, Patti learned how to wrap each candy while working alongside a more

experienced candy wrapper. The more experienced candy wrapper showed Patti exactly

how to wrap candies, how to time the assembly line and how to detect irregularly

shaped candies. If Patti made a mistake, the trainer would be able to correct itimmediately.

The advantages of this method are:

• Immediate feedback on performance

• Swift remediation if task is not performed to standard

The disadvantages of this method are:

• Can slow down production for the trainer

• Can disrupt the workflow

Off-the-job Methods

))-t&e-!o' trainin is *ondu*ted in a lo*ation spe*i)i*all desinated )or trainin% It ma

'e near t&e wor;pla*e or awa )rom wor;, at a spe*ial trainin *enter or a resort

ondu*tin t&e trainin awa )rom t&e wor;pla*e minimi@e distra*tions and allows

trainees to deote t&eir )ull attention to t&e material 'ein tau&t- :oweer, o))-t&e-!o'

trainin prorams ma not proide as mu*& trans)er o) trainin to t&e a*tual !o' as do

on-t&e-!o' prorams%

Man people euate o))-t&e-!o' trainin wit& t&e le*ture met&od, 'ut in )a*t a er wide

ariet o) met&ods *an 'e used%


mploee trainin at a site awa )rom t&e a*tual wor; enironment% It o)ten utili@es

le*tures, *ase studies, role plain, simulation, et*% 8ee also on t&e !o' trainin%


“Off the Job Training” Methods 

-. Classroom 'ectures: under t&e o)) t&e !o' met&ods o) trainin, *lassroom met&od or 

le*ture met&od is well-;nown to train w&ite *ollar or manaerial leel emploees in t&e

oranisation% under t&is met&od emploees are *alled to t&e room li;e t&at o) *lassroom

to ie trainin ' trainer in t&e )orm o) le*tures% 3&is met&od is e))e*tiel used )or t&e

purpose o) tea*&in administratie aspe*ts or on manaement su'!e*t to ma;e aware

o) pro*edures and to ie instru*tions on parti*ular topi*%

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 Adantae It *an 'e used )or lare roups% ost per trainee is low%

+isadantaes Low interest o) emploees% It is not learnin ' pra*ti*e% It is ne-wa*ommuni*ation% No aut&enti* )eed'a*; me*&anism% Li;el to lead to 'oredom )or


. Audio/&isual: Proidin trainin ' wa o) usin /ilms, 3eleisions, ideo, and

Presentations et*% 3&is met&od o) trainin &as 'een usin su**ess)ull in edu*ation

institutions to train t&eir students in su'!e*ts to understand and assimilate easil and

&elp t&em to remem'er )oreer% New *ompanies &ae *ome up )or proidin audio

isual material )or students in t&eir *on*ern su'!e*ts% In t&e *orporate se*tor, mainl in

*ustomer *are *entres emploers are iin trainin to t&eir emploees ' usin audio

isuals material to tea*& &ow to re*eie, tal; and 'e&aiour wit& t&e *ustomer%

 Adantaes >ide rane o) realisti* eamples, ualit *ontrol possi'le%

+isadantaes ne-wa *ommuni*ation, No )eed'a*; me*&anism% No )lei'ilit )or

di))erent audien*e

T(%IBIB& P(E&(%MM) IB S%B&'I 7(ET')(S

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      a      g      e       4        3

Drivers Training Institutes

Dr'er 's o"e o te most '"Ae"t'al perso" '" ram'"g a pos't'e op'"'o" o

te e'!le. Dr'er also e"sres saet: a"# se!r't: o pl'! at large a"#pla:s a 'tal role '" e!o"om'!al r""'"g o te e'!le.

*rier Training Institutes9

Beep'"g t's '" m'"#, Dr'er Tra'"'"g "st'ttes are o strateg'! 'mporta"!e. "

part"ers'p 't tate ?oer"me"ts te M'"'str: o ra!e Tra"sport, Tata

Motors as e"'sage# sett'"g p Dr'er Tra'"'"g "st'ttes "#er te Pl'!-

Pr'ate part"ers'p mo#le. Tese '"st'ttes or< as a o"e stop sop or

tra'"'"g tat !oers teoret'!al a"# pra!t'!al tra'"'"g a"# 'sses

ear"erEFs Dr''"g '!e"se to te part'!'pa"ts. Tese '"st'ttes also

pro'#e tra'"'"g '" #'ere"t tra#es or s<'ll #eelopme"t. Dr'ers are tra'"e#

o" M@s, $M@s, T'ppers, Co"str!t'o" eG'pme"t e'!les. T's '"'t'at'e 'll

also e"a"!e emplo:me"t ge"erat'o" '" te reg'o" a"# promote roa# saet:.


• G'ppe# 't a Dr''"g tra!< tat as all real t'me #r''"g terra'"


Dal !o"trol e'!les•  Tra'"'"g o" te!"'!al tra#es s! as ato me!a"'!s, el#'"g, pa'"t'"g,

ele!tr'!al, ele!tro"'!s, et!.

• Hl'at'o" 't .C.T.@.T.


• "a"!'"g #r''"g s<'lls o #r'ers.

• Creat'o" o pool o tra'"e# #r'ers or ato '"#str:.

• Deelop'"g r'gt att't#e or sae #r''"g a"# roa# saet:.

• 'l# pos't'e 'mage or !ompa": pro#!ts.


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      a      g      e       4        3

Learning Centers

:omeampains 3rainins3raininLearnin enters

• er'!e Tra'"'"g Ce"ter 's !omm'tte# to 'mpart '"alale tomot'e

Ma'"te"a"!e a"# repa'r tra'"'"g to ma"poer o Ca""el Part"ers (ot

Domest'! a"# "ter"at'o"al), 8leet I"ers, Pr'ate Cstomers a"#

"st'tt'o"al Cstomers s! as Dee"!e estal'sme"ts, Param'l'tar: or!es,

Pol'!e Depts., tate Tra"sport ;"'ts a"# oter ?ot. age"!'es.

•  Tra'"'"g 's also g'e" to or e"'or =e!t'es, 8'el# ta, Tra'"ees a"#

ppre"t'!es or pgra#'"g e"a"!'"g te'r te!"'!al <"ole#ge, sot s<'lls

s<'lls or e='st'"g as ell as tre pro#!ts to e"sre total !stomer


•  Te Tra'"'"g !e"ters also !o"#!t tra'"'"g programs or ar'os oter#''s'o"s (ales, Jal't:, egal, Pro#!t'o", et!.) as per te'r spe!'K! "ee#


•  Tra'"'"g 's also g'e" to pr'ate garages to e"sre or pro#!ts are ell

spporte# '" remote areas.

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      a      g      e       4        3

:omeampains 3rainins3raininI3I 3rainin /a*ilit

't te grot o atomo'le poplat'o" '" "#'a" mar<et, tere as ee" a

srge '" #ema"# o s<'lle# me!a"'!s a!ross atomo'le '"#str:. T's

#ema"# as oerta<e" sppl: a"# !reate# sortage. De to t's sortage,or<sops are "ale to "!t'o" at te est o te'r pote"t'al a"# eH!'e"!:.

Beep'"g t's '" 'e, a" T p-gra#at'o" s!eme as ee" la"!e# "#er

'! te p-gra#at'o" o 1396 ?oer"me"t "#str'al Tra'"'"g

"st'ttes(Ts) 's e"'sage# trog Pl'! Pr'ate Part"ers'p(PPP). Te MI;

sall e s'g"e# etee" Tree Part'es or ea! T etee" D're!tor ?e"eral,

M'"'str: o aor mplo:me"t, e!retar:* Pr'"!'pal e!retar:-tate* ;T

a"# Tata Motors.

 Tata Motors '"te"#s to ""oate ;pgra#e te T : tra'"'"g te T a!lt:

trog or Tra'" Te Tra'"er programme at TCs at pla"t lo!at'o",

'"tro#!'"g Gal't: !ompo"e"ts '" s<'lls #el'er: : pro'#'"g o"-te-Lo

tra'"'"g a"# orm'"g tra'"'"g pa"els !ompr's'"g o e=perts*spe!'al'sts rom

or !a""el part"ers to g'e '"pts o" spe!'K! sLe!ts.


• "a"!'"g emplo:a'l't: o or<or!e.

• Creat'o" o pool o or<ers or ato '"#str:.

• e!r'tme"ts o T st#e"ts '" Tata Dealers'p*T.

•  Tra'"'"g to T a!lt: o" latest te!"olog:.

• mpart te!"'!al s<'lls a"# latest te!"olog: tre"#s to te st#e"ts.

; gradation of ITI "<ecties

•  To e"sre a stea#: Ao o tra'"e# ma"poer to or Dealers'ps a"#

 T te to "#str: as ell.

•  To ge"erate emplo:me"t or te :ot.

•  To pgra#e te s<'lls o st#e"ts.

ourses doted y TM#

• Motor Me!a"'! @e'!le

• D'esel Me!a"'! Tra#e

• 8'tter

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      a      g      e       4        3

• to le!tr'!'a"

• De"t'"g Pa'"t'"g

• er'gerat'o" 'r Co"#'t'o"'"g

ourses in $ocus

•  Te ma'" o!s o" !orses a#opte# 's o" *iesel Mec,anic

Trade=*MT> a"# Motor Mec,anic 6e,icle=MM6> trade.

•  Te MM@ tra#e !orse 's a 2 :ear !orse.

•  Te DMT !orse 's a 1 :ear !orse.

•  Te '#eal at! s'Ne 's 16-20 st#e"ts per at!.

• 84?0=+040> st#e"ts are e=pe!te# to e '"#str: rea#: : te e"#

o to :ears.TM# ontriution

• ;p-gra#at'o" o "rastr!tre.

•  Tra'"'"g 8a!'l't'es '" terms o ggregates, Ct-e!t'o"s, all-!arts,

Corse mater'al et!.

• @ale ##'t'o" to te Crr'!lm.

•  Tra'"'"g o te st#e"ts '" Dealer T or<sops.

ot <'lls "a"!eme"t.• -ear"'"g.

• Pla!eme"ts 't'" or ar'os Dealers'ps a"# T.


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      a      g      e       4        3

(esearch is an art of scientific investigation through search for ne/ facts in any branch of 

.no/ledge, It is a moment from .no/n to, In this research the research method used

/as the Descriptive research,

Research #esi!n

E+plorator$ research design

E+plorator$ Research Desi!n

Exploratory research is defined as the initial research into a hypothetical or theoretical

idea. This is where a researcher has an idea or has observed something and seeks to

understand more about it. An exploratory research project is an attempt to lay the

groundwork that will lead to future studies, or to determine if what is being observed

might be explained by a currently existing theory. Most often, exploratory research laysthe initial groundwork for future research.

To make this a little more understandable, imagine you are blindfolded or placed into a

room without light. You are not told if something is in the room, but you have a suspicion

there is something in there. You shuffle out slowly into the room, exploring with the tips

of your fingers until you find something.

Exploratory research can come in two big forms: either a new topic or a new angle. A

new topic is often unexpected and startling in its findings. For example, American

psychologist John Watson really began his behaviorism research with a new topic onthe study of human behaviors and learning: rats! Because humans have brains and rats

have brains, it makes a certain kind of sense. There was an attempt to find the universal

laws of learning in all brains.

New angles can come from new ways of looking at things, either from a theoretical

perspective or a new way of measuring something. For instance, computers have

allowed large populations to be looked at. Old experiments can now involve thousands

of people from around the globe instead of a few people from the local train station.

• O;ser,ational$ defined as a method of vie/ing and recording the participants

• /ase stu#$$ defined as an in9depth study of an individual or group of individuals

• Sur,e$$ defined as a brief intervie/ or discussion /ith an individual about a specific


Primar$ #ata

These data /ere collected by personal intervie/ /ith )mployee and the %&M of the Sanghi

7rothers Tata Motors Pvt, 4td, Indore Indore region,

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• During my training period although the management and plant personnel /ere

very co9operative = e*tended their full support$ yet there /ere follo/ing

limitations associates /ith my study /hich I /ould li.e to mentionN

• Due to the busy schedule of an organiation I /as unable to grasp the precious

/ords of the '(D Manager,

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Increase the profit margin during the continuous financial years,

Improving the mar.eting Strategies,

%nalysis the business strategies of competitors, the decision to capture the rural, More test drives should be offered,

Should be more particular about Post Sales 0ollo/ p as it sho/s the concern of the

company /ith the customer,

Should put in more efforts to promote Tata Motor 0inance$ %utocard and %ccessories,

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This study /as a learning e*perience for me and I came to .no/ the training and development

 programs in luma* Industries 4td Sidcul$ (udrapur /as positive in response but still more

training and development is needed in 4uma* so that the employees are motivated time by timeand they should .no/ their strength = /ea.ness so that they can /or. on it = improve their 

.no/ledge = s.ills for the betterment of their organiation,

In the last but not the least I conclude that all the training and development programs of company

are highly effective = beneficial to the employees in giving their best contribution to their 

 personal gro/th = development as /ell to meet the organiational objective,






 Monthl$ tata Ma!a@ineB4 ON T*E MOVE-

Pro#uct "rochures-

Annual reports or ma!a@ines o tata Motor In#ia Limite#

Auto In#ia Ma!a@ine