Sandon Public School Plan · Planning template – V2.0 [11/11/14] School vision statement School...

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Transcript of Sandon Public School Plan · Planning template – V2.0 [11/11/14] School vision statement School...



Sandon Public School Plan 2015 – 2017




Discover Together

School background 2015 - 2017


 [Sandon Public School - 5696]

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School vision statement School context School planning process

Sandon Public School is a learning community committed to developing confident, successful learners and leaders who exit Sandon Public School as literate, numerate and value-laden 21st century citizens who SHINE. We will achieve this through the provision of challenging learning programs delivered by high-performing staff in an inclusive, safe and supportive learning environment.

Sandon Public School was established in 1993 and is situated in the city of Armidale. Historically the school has maintained an outstanding reputation for its inclusivity, student leadership program and its responsive teaching and learning programs. The school has a student population of approximately 240 students from diverse cultural, religious and socio-economic backgrounds. Approximately 22% of students are of Indigenous background. As well 14% of students have English as an additional language and 10% of students have a diagnosed disability. This includes students in the special education unit and students with disabilities integrated into mainstream classes. Our teaching and learning and student well-being programs are designed to address this complexity. Historically the school has experienced up to 20% transience which is influenced by students in out-of-home care and the influence of the University of New England with its international student population. Parents and carers are very supportive of the school and there is both an active School Council and Parents and Citizens Association. NAPLAN and in-school assessment data reflects the complexity of the school. NAPLAN growth data has consistently been above state and region growth. Sandon Public School has been a Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) school for four years and the school’s SHINE values (Show respect, Honesty, Include others, Never give up, Engage in learning) and inclusive culture underpin the ethos of the school.

In 2014 Sandon Public School formed a school planning committee which undertook the task of consulting with the community in preparation for the development of our 2015-2017 school plan. To support this plan an action plan and time-line was developed. The consultation process included: • administration of Focus on Learning Survey to

staff and analysis of results; • development and administration of parent

survey seeking feedback on student learning and well-being programs and feedback regarding the school’s operation and communication;

• consultation/information meetings regarding the Melbourne Declaration and DEC reform agenda with staff, P&C and School Council;

• development and administration of student survey; and

• consultation through representative focus groups including Indigenous parents and parents of students with disabilities led by assistant principals.

On-going meetings with the school planning team have been undertaken to reflect on the findings of the consultation process and these have been filtered resulting in the development of an up-dated school vision statement and the formulation of our three strategic directions.


School strategic directions 2015 - 2017


 [Sandon Public School - 5696]

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Purpose: To provide a learning environment that has high expectations and adds value to all students’ literacy and numeracy levels. Students will be productive and ethical users of technology equipped with the skills required for the 21st century. Students will be nurtured to become resourceful, empathetic and resilient lifelong learners. To develop motivated, self-directed learners who accept responsibility for their own learning. To develop in students the use of critical thinking to contextualise their learning beyond the classroom and to have the ability to work independently and in teams to make sense of the world.  

  Purpose: To enable teachers to be active, fearless and collaborative facilitators through creating an engaged and collegial community of learners. Our teachers will demonstrate curriculum innovation, quality teaching and leadership capability that inspires learning. To build the capacity of all staff through the provision of high-quality, disciplined, collaborative professional learning resulting in accreditation of all staff and leaders at proficient or highly accomplished level as per the Australian Professional Standard for Teachers. To build high-level educational leadership capacity supporting distributed leadership and succession planning within the school and beyond.


To build the quality of the whole school operation to reflect the standards as articulated in the NSW DEC School Excellence Framework and the National School Improvement Tool.

To strategically build collaborative and informed partnerships with parents, families, local businesses and community organisations to contribute to improved student learning achievement and well-being.  

Students are confident,

successful and responsible learners

and leaders and value-laden global


Staff are high-

performing, collaborative and

innovative teachers and leaders.


A high performing school working in

partnership with an inclusive, informed

and engaged community.



 [Sandon Public School - 5696]

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Strategic Direction 1: Students are confident, successful and responsible learners and leaders and value-laden global citizens.

Purpose People Processes Products and Practices To provide a learning environment that has high expectations and adds value to all students’ literacy and numeracy levels. Students will be productive and ethical users of technology equipped with the skills required for the 21st century. Students will be nurtured to become resourceful, empathetic and resilient lifelong-learners. To develop motivated, self-directed learners who accept responsibility for their own learning. To develop in students the use of critical thinking to contextualise their learning beyond the classroom and to have the ability to work independently and in teams to make sense of the world.

Students: Through high quality teaching and learning all students will be supported in learning how to take responsibility for their own learning. Students: Students understand the need to be active learners and have the skills to identify and seek help when they do not understand what is being taught. They will understand and be able to articulate their learning goals, what effective learning looks like and how to achieve this. Staff: Through engaging with research and evidence, and participating in collaborative, reflective practice all staff will further develop a deep belief that all students can learn and that the quality of teaching and learning makes the difference. All staff will be committed to refining assessment-informed practice and the explicit teaching of 21st century learning capabilities. Staff: PBL Team monitors and responds to data to successfully manage student behaviour and learning. Parents/Carers: Through a suite of parent engagement strategies parents will gain an understanding of 21st century learning capabilities enabling them to contribute to their children’s learning. Leaders: Through on-going professional learning and dialogue, the leadership team develop a deep understanding of 21st century learning, general capabilities, assessment for learning and the syllabus in order to lead the transformation outlined in this strategic direction.

Develop a whole-school approach which embeds visible learning. (learning goals, success criteria and feedback) as well as tracking student progress using the lit / num continuums and other assessment activity) Planned implementation of the Australian Curriculum ensuring the systematic and explicit teaching of the general capabilities in all subject areas. Program development in support of syllabus implementation to include Focus on Reading, L3 and Primary Connections Science Units. Development and implementation of high quality learning and support programs (ESES, PLPs, IEPs, G&T) which actively facilitate differentiation of learning for all students. Development and implementation of a cross-curriculum K-6 ICT scope and continuum which articulates the ICT capabilities at each stage of learning. Development and implementation of a newly improved creative arts program which delivers high quality outcomes and enhances the capacity of all staff. Whole school implementation of the DEC Student Well-Being Framework with an emphasis on LLW@S and PBL. Evaluation Plan: Monitoring student progress against literacy and numeracy continuums; Monitor student learning goals in relation to syllabus general capabilities; ICT and creative arts assessment; PBL data collection.

Product: 100% of students show progress against the numeracy and literacy continuums from ?% (TBC) achieving at or above their stage level to ?% (TBC). Product: All students achieving their negotiating learning goals which are based on all syllabus documents, the literacy and numeracy continuums and the General Capabilities Framework. Product: All students demonstrate success as competent and creative users of ICT as indicated in the school ICT cross-syllabus scope and continuum. Product: Whole-school assessment and reporting schedule and teacher programs reflect the embedding of general capabilities, the ICT scope and continuum and visible learning practices. Product: PBL is integrated across all school practices and 100% staff have achieved Tier II pedagogical processes; confirmed by SET and Big 5 data review reports. Practice: All teachers engaging in assessment as, of and for learning. Practice: All teachers, in collaboration with students, set visible and challenging learning goals as per product above. Practice: Classroom programs include the Syllabus General Capabilities, ICT scope and continuum, evidence of visible learning and a renewed focus on the creative arts. Practice: All teachers regularly engage in structured professional dialogue (Stage Teams) in order to accurately plot student progress on the continuums.

Improvement Measures 100% of students show progress against the numeracy and literacy continuums from ?%(TBC) achieving at or above their stage level to ?% (TBC). All students are regularly achieving their negotiated learning goals and these increasingly demonstrate independent learning capacity. All students demonstrate success as competent and creative users of ICT as indicated in the school ICT cross-syllabus scope and continuum. PBL is integrated across all school practices and 100% staff have achieved Tier II pedagogical processes; confirmed by SET and Big 5 data review reports.



 [Sandon Public School - 5696]

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Strategic Direction 2: Staff are high-performing, collaborative and innovative teachers and leaders.

Purpose People Processes Products and Practices To enable teachers to be active, fearless and collaborative facilitators through creating an engaged and collegial community of learners. Our teachers will demonstrate curriculum innovation, quality teaching and leadership capabilities that inspire learning. To build the capacity of all staff through the provision of high-quality, disciplined, collaborative professional learning resulting in accreditation of all staff and leaders at proficient or highly accomplished level as per the Australian Professional Standard for Teachers (APST). To build high-level educational leadership capacity supporting distributed leadership and succession planning within the school and beyond.

Students: Through the delivery of high quality learning programs and innovative teacher practice all students will demonstrate improved learning outcomes and will know that their learning is impacted by the on-going learning of their teachers. Teachers: In order to achieve maximum impact on student learning, teachers understand the importance of and are committed to regular self-reflective practice and active engagement in professional learning with a view to ongoing improvement of their knowledge and practice (as per the APST). Teachers: Teachers understand that disciplined collaboration is more than cooperation and requires a joint accountability in that ‘My learning is dependent on your learning’. Staff and Leaders: Staff and leaders recognise the critical importance of both giving and receiving feedback in a professional manner in order to build the capacity of all against the standard (APST). Parents: Through ongoing effective communication practices parents are fully informed of the focus for teacher professional learning and are supportive of the need to commit time and resources to this essential part of the school’s work. Leaders: Leaders understand that it is important to design, plan and lead and evaluate high quality systematic and sustained professional learning for impact.

Plan, design, deliver and evaluate high quality systematic and sustained collaborative professional learning directly reflecting the priorities outlined in this school plan and the NSW DEC reform agenda. Implementation of the NSW DEC Performance and Development Framework to include:

• ongoing self-reflection by all teachers against the APST;

• development of individual teacher Professional Development Plans and setting of professional learning goals;

• regular conferences between teacher and supervisor to discuss learning goals and evidence being provided;

• classroom observations; and • provision of targeted support for

beginning and early career teachers. Engagement in high quality collaborative professional learning through the CALLM Alliance - refer CALLM 5P plan. School leadership team systematically builds their capacity in coaching, mentoring, provision of feedback and demonstrate the standards at highly accomplished and lead teacher standards (APST). Evaluation Plan: Tell Them from Me Survey Data; Focus on Learning Survey Data; Monitoring of DEC PDF implementation and achievement of PDP goals; and Accreditation levels of staff.

Product: All teachers demonstrate high-level competency at the proficient or above levels as outlined in the APST. Product: All teachers and leaders have professional learning goals matched to the standards and the priorities articulated in the school plan and these are attained each year. Product: Teachers are actively engaged in collaborative professional learning within and across schools to improve teaching and learning and consistency of curriculum delivery and assessment practice. Product: Focus on Learning Teacher Survey results show an increase in scores for all Eight Drivers of Student Learning. Product: Tell Them From Me Surveys show increased levels of student engagement and challenge. Practice: The school regularly evaluates PL activities to determine their impact in terms of trialling and embedding new evidence-based practice. Practice: School leaders demonstrate and lead by example high quality pedagogical practice and curriculum implementation directly supporting the ongoing improvement of teacher quality. Practice: All teachers and leaders actively engage in the giving and receiving of high quality professional feedback using the APST as the focus of discussion. Practice: All teachers monitor and reflect on the progress and achievement of their own professional learning goals and professional development.

Improvement Measures

All teachers demonstrate high-level competency at the proficient or above levels as outlined in the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. All teachers and leaders have explicit professional learning goals matched to the standards and the priorities articulated in the school plan and these are attained each year. Focus on Learning Teacher Survey results show an increase in scores for all Eight Drivers of Student Learning Tell them From Me Survey show increased levels of student engagement and challenge.


 [Sandon Public School - 5696]

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Purpose People Processes Products and Practices To build the quality of the whole school operation to reflect the standards as articulated in the NSW DEC School Excellence Framework and the National School Improvement Tool. To strategically build collaborative and informed partnerships with parents, families, local businesses and community organisations to contribute to improved student learning achievement and well-being.

Students: Through the provision of day-to-day high-quality education practice students are proud of their school and can describe in their terms why it is excellent. Teachers and Leaders: Teachers and leaders understand that their core business is consistently working together towards standards of excellence – learning, teaching and leading. They understand that the focus of all work undertaken is about what is best for children. Parents/Carers: Parents and Carers want the very best for their children and understand the importance of being active participants in their children’s’ education and in the school. Leaders: Leaders understand that strong, strategic and effective educational leadership is the cornerstone of school excellence and systematically foster a school-wide culture of high expectations and shared responsibility for school learning.

High-level consultative processes will be developed and utilised to gain feedback re the quality of educational delivery at SPS and in support of improved levels of parent engagement in the education of their child. Ongoing review and reflection of school-community communication, information sharing and community engagement practices. Building a deep knowledge across the school community of the Domains, Elements and Points in Time embedded in the NSW DEC School Excellence Framework. Systematically engaging in the ongoing practice of self-assessment and reflection of school practices against the School Excellence Framework. Linking the priorities in this school plan to the Domains, Elements and Points in Time of the School Excellence Framework to track our impact. Actively engaging with appropriate COS, the CALLM alliance and other community partnerships to enhance school excellence. Evaluation Plan: Collection of evidence which demonstrates systematic improvement of the school as compared to identified elements with the SEF; Parent and student satisfaction surveys Monitoring attendance and engagement of parents in school activities

Product: Focus on Learning Teacher Survey results show an increase in scores for all Four Dimensions of Classroom and School Practices with particular focus on engagement of parents to support learning. Product: Greater than 85% of parents/carers feel their opportunity to contribute to school life has increased and they feel heard and valued for their contributions all or most of the time. Product: At least 50% of parents/carers attend planned information and or consultation sessions. Product: All teachers have a copy of the DEC SEF and regularly refer to this in stage teams, project teams and whole-school professional learning activities building over time a deep knowledge of its content and its relationship to their day-to-day work. Product: Highly positive Validation Process report reflecting school improvement. Practice: Community input is valued through a process of consultative decision making and is reflected in the school plan and school life. Practice: The School Excellence Framework forms the basis for ongoing whole-school reflective and self-assessment practices and the systematic collection of evidence.

Improvement Measures

Focus on Learning Teacher Survey results show an increase in scores for all Four Dimensions of Classroom and School Practices with particular focus on engagement of parents to support learning. Greater than 85% of parents/carers feel their opportunity to contribute to school life has increased and they feel heard and valued for their contributions all or most of the time. At least 50% of parents/carers attend planned information and or consultation sessions. 100% of teachers demonstrate over time a deep knowledge of SEF content and its relationship to their day-to-day work. Highly positive Validation Process report reflecting school improvement.


Strategic Direction 3: A high performing school and an inclusive, informed and engaged community working together in a productive and positive partnership.