Sample Social Media Campaign Templates

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Sample Social Media Campaign Templates

A Social Media Campaign is a project with a limited duration, like a “burst” of activity.

They consist of a coordinated series of steps to promote a product/service through a

variety of ways.

This is a template outlining each step of the process. Social Media Campaigns need to be

watched very closely. This is not a “set it in motion and check back in a month” type of

campaign. This plan may require adjustments or editing as it progresses.

Social Media Campaigns usually run about 4-6 weeks, and it’s recommended to only run

one of these at a time. This template should be customized according to the type of

campaign being launched.

Work with your consultant to fill in the following pages:

1. Start

2. Plan

3. Prepare

4. Implement

5. Finish

Social Media Campaign Template

Client’s Name Here

Start Plan Prepare Implement Finish

CampaignTitle (Even if it’s the name of the month, it’s important to distinguish this campaign

from the others done throughout the year.)

CampaignDescription (In your own words, briefly tell us about this campaign.)

Purpose (How will you benefit the end-user’s life by conducting this campaign? What do you hope

to achieve in return?)

WhyNow? (Campaigns tied to a timely event, season, or National Holiday, ie, an occasion

outside the company’s own calendar/agenda, tend to perform better.)

Goals(This table will be repeated at the conclusion to complete the campaign report. These are

numerical goals. Here are some ideas to get you started….)

Goals Desired Value Metric

Increase Social Media

Engagement 30%

Twitter Followers, Retweets. Facebook Likes,

Shares, Comments. Pinterest Repins, Comments

Increase Brand

Awareness 20%

Traditional Media Coverage, Blogger Coverage,

Organic Backlinks

Increase Website

Traffic 40% Unique page views

Gain new email

addresses 200 New emails added to subscriber list

Attendees/Sales 1,000

In person attendees

or Increased revenue during campaign


Determine the nature of the campaign and decide which resources will be needed. Make sure you know what

you’re doing, why you’re doing it, who is doing what, where it’s being done, when it’s being done and how often

it’s being done, before you get started.

TypeofCampaign (Campaigns can take the form of Sweepstakes, Coupons, Give-aways,

Sales, Events, etc. The type of campaign you’re doing will affect the tactics you choose.)

TargetAudience (Who are you trying to reach? Potential customers? Existing customers?

Friends of your customers? How old are they? (This might determine which social media platform you

select. Use more than 1 chart if needed for segmenting.)



Home Value

or Business Role


Target Region/Industry


Preferred Communication


Favorite Social Platform

Pain Points


Budget (Even “free” resources require time. How much are you willing to spend?)

Item Cost Duration/Frequency


Facebook App

Facebook Ads

(display & promoted posts)

Temp Staff

Design Services


Collateral (business cards, posters)


Staffing (Please assign a name to each task. Due dates of delivery are listed in Preparation.)

Assigned To… Tasks

Event Logistics

Content Creation (Writing)

Content Creation (Design)

Content Publishing (Web, Social, PRs)

Media Relations

Technical Support

Securing Marketing Collateral

Securing Prizes

Risks (Could this campaign backfire? Do we have a plan in place for that? Who is responsible for

implementing that plan? What happens if the campaign does not accomplish its goals?)

Tactics (What type of actions should be taken based on your goals and your target audience? What

types of steps will get you where you want to go?)

Ideas Description

Secure Venue

or Schedule Facebook Event N/A

Buy/download Facebook App North Social Sweepstakes App

Set aside budget for paid

advertising $10 per promoted post

Write/Publish Contest Rules How to enter, how winner is selected, notified & announced

Select Supporting Collateral Jpg Image files for Facebook Cover photo & Email Newsletter

Add Check In Special Can this coupon or contest be tied to a location?

Create Pinterest Board Pin the Prizes, Entries, and relevant images

Print On-Site Signage Displays reminding customers of campaign

Track Website Traffic Note daily visits before campaign launches

Schedule Website Content Wordpress lets you upload and schedule posts

Secure Prizes Down filled pillow, queen size (2)


Schedule (This can be used with your Content Calendar. Set calendar reminders too.)

Date/Days/Frequency Content Tool/Platform

April 1 Facebook App & Post Launching Campaign Facebook & Twitter

April 1 Image from Sweepstakes w/ a link to rules Facebook

April 2 Press Release announcing campaign PRWeb

April 15 Media Pitch Email

April 20 Email Newsletter Email

Mondays, April-May Post teaser quiz w/ multiple choice answers Facebook

Fridays Blog article with hashtag call to action Website


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


2 3 4


5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 22

23 24 25 26 27 28 29

30 31




Goals Desired Value Value Achieved Metric

Increase Social Media

Engagement 30%

Twitter Followers, Retweets. Facebook

Likes, Shares, Comments. Pinterest

Repins, Comments

Increase Brand

Awareness 20%

Traditional Media Coverage, Blogger

Coverage, Organic Backlinks

Increase Website

Traffic 40%

Unique page views (referrals from

Social, referrals from PRWeb)

Gain new email

addresses 200 New emails added to subscriber list

Attendees/Sales 1,000

In person attendees

or Increased revenue during campaign

Anecdotes (Note any highlights, Press Clips, lessons learned, ideas for next time...)
