Sample Report for Kyko Psycho Metric Profiling Test for Entrepreneur

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Transcript of Sample Report for Kyko Psycho Metric Profiling Test for Entrepreneur

  • 8/3/2019 Sample Report for Kyko Psycho Metric Profiling Test for Entrepreneur





    Designed Specially for


    Applicant's Particulars


    Secondary Student





    Report Date : 10/29/2011

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    Copyright 2004-2012 KYKO Management Result Consultancy Sdn Bhd. All Rights ReservedPatent Publication No. US2007/0048706-A1

    This report contains confidential information and is intended for purchaser only.Our company accepts no liability for the content of this information or for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of

  • 8/3/2019 Sample Report for Kyko Psycho Metric Profiling Test for Entrepreneur


    the report.

  • 8/3/2019 Sample Report for Kyko Psycho Metric Profiling Test for Entrepreneur



    KYKO, an acronym for Know Yourself Know Other, is a psychometric personalityassessment tool designed from the incorporation of existing Personality Theories by

    Bernard Ah Thau Tan to discover yourself and a significant other.

    The five (5) dimensional model of personality analysis is built based on the followingpremises:

    Human behaviour is motivated by need, satisfaction and deprivation. Human behaviour is a function of our genes, experiences, cognition and the

    environment. Human personality lies in the continuum of the static and the dynamic areas. Human personality lies in the continuum of the normal and the abnormal

    areas. Human personality is not static. It is dynamic and alive. It actualizes and de-

    actualizes with current and future experiences. No two human beings are alike even though they are identical twins growing

    up in the same environment due to genetic differences.The five (5) dimensions of a KYKO Personality Profile are as follows: -

    Self Actualization (SA)A need or desire for achievement, growth, fulfilment and to find meaning in life.

    Security (SE)A need or desire for safety, order, certainties, structure, system and protection.

    Manipulative (M)A need or desire for information, influence, adaptation, change and utilize others for

    survival and to satisfy and perpetuate dominant needs.

    Socio-centric (SO)

    A need or desire or need for love, care, companionship, belonging, affiliation, social

    interaction and acceptance.

    Ego-Centric (E)

    A need or desire for power, status, fame, style, image, recognition, respect, dominanceand to control the environment.

    The five dimensions are organized into a superimposed pentagon known as thespider web. The spider web is to interpret patterns of human behaviour based on thescores of the high and low of each dimension varying in intensities. The average ofthe high and low of each dimension determines typology of infinite personality types.The relationship(s) between the five dimensions and the personality types providesinformation of the behavioural pattern to interpret traits, characteristics andbehaviour. KYKO report is drawn from the respondent's KYKO Personality Formula

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    and is free from human bias.

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    Not everybody is cut out to become an Entrepreneur. Researchers over the years

    show that successful Entrepreneurs share common pertinent traits andcharacteristics.

    The characteristics that appear most frequently among successful Entrepreneursinclude:



    inking Ability Creativity OpportunityIdentification Interpersonal Relationship Communications Skills Technical Knowledge

    KYKO ENTREPRENEUR Report encompasses a series of vital information fromTraits, Characteristics, Entrepreneur Skills, Communication, InterpersonalRelationship, Time Management, Conflict Management, Leadership, Problem Solvingand Decision-Making, Planning, Change Management, Motivation, Skills

    Requirement, Strengths and Improvement Needs and a guide to the qualities anentrepreneur must have to become successful in their business venture.

    The report can be used for

    1. Aspiring potential entrepreneurs to identify their qualities, their successindex and developmental needs to be successful in the business world.

    2. Existing entrepreneurs to discover themselves and take measures todevelop their entrepreneur skills and competencies.

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    KYKO Personality Formula : HE+HM+HSA+HSO+ESE


    Aggressive - Wants challenges - Confident - Critical - Daring Wants to Take the Lead - Dominant -Determined Competitive - Seeks to Play the Key Role - Wants to be Known -Values Pride - Possessesa Strong Will Power - Persistent - Wants Respect - Impatient Has Strong Perseverance - Short-Tempered, Decisive, Ambitious

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    Moderately Dependent - Moderately Loyal - Moderately Materialistic - Moderately Methodical -Moderately Meticulous - Moderately Neat - Moderate Risk Taker - Moderately Careful - ModeratelyConservative - Moderately Factual - Moderately Formal - Moderately Obedient - Average in OrganizingSkills - Moderately Practical - Moderately Precise - Moderately Punctual - Moderately Realistic - AverageRespect for Rules - Moderately Systematic - Moderately Thorough - Moderately Thrifty

    Has a Deep Well for Feelings - Emotionally Inclined - Outgoing - Communicative - Participative -

    Expressive - Friendly - Romantic - Gregarious - Enjoys Group Work - Sentimental - Relationship-Oriented- Sensitive - Good At Networking

    Alert - Intuitive - Analytical - Always in Anticipation - Complicated - Highly Discerning - Flexible - HasGood Foresight - Futuristic - Possesses a Helicopter Vision - Imaginative - Influential - Has Good Insight -Opportunistic - Perceptive - Persuasive - Strategic

    RatingOf Essential Entrepreneurial Characteristics

    Communicative StyleGood in the following: Listen and communicate well - Maintain an open doorpolicy - Communicating understanding, care and concern for staff welfare - Empathetic to others feelings

    TeamworkGood in the following: Work towards building a cordial and harmonious relationship -Promote a sense of belonging among their staff - Build teams to sell their products and services

    Self-ManagementAverage in the following: Keep goals in sight and ensure action plans are on theright track - Ensure that there are enough money to support the organization during the risky start-upperiod - Physically resilient and maintaining a good healthy life style - Prudent in financial management -Priority in maintaining good health and normal life style - Use time wisely and effectively - Cautious indecision making

    System-OrientedAverage in the following: Ensure the systems are in place in the organization - Dothings following rules and procedures - Ensure the operation processes are documented and followed

    Planning and OrganizingAverage in the following: Clear picture of the scenario of the status quoand vision of the future - Setting clear achievable and measurable goals - Plan a course of actions toachieve business goals - Make calls and appointments and keep to schedules - Pay attention to details

    StrategicGood in the following: See many possibilities of handling as situation - Able to generatemany great ideas, not just one or two - Able to make decision strategically - Able to see the forest and thetrees and learn how to navigate through it - Able to seek help in areas outside one's expertise - Constantlyreview possibilities to achieve the business objectives - Enjoy creating business strategies to achievegoals - Identify societal needs and demands and meet them - Keep on stretching personal goals - Monitorsocial trends and adopt new technologies - Take initiative to turn opportunities into realities - Seeingproblems as opportunities in disguise

    InfluenceGood in the following: Able to get along with and adapt to all types of people - Able to exert

    influence and inspiration on others - Able to handle stress and business pressures - Able to identify andget others to give help and support in growing in the business - Strive to exert whatever influence overfuture events - Mobilize people to get involve in the business and help them to be successful

    Opportunity IdentificationGood in the following: Possesses a helicopter vision of the businessenvironment - Alert and conscious of what is happening in the field - Constantly seeking and scanninginformation - Ability to spot opportunities and take action and produce results - Keep themselves wellinformed of the business environment

    Take ChargeGood in the following: Determine own future using skills and interests - Impatience and

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    cannot tolerate others' slow pace or inaction - Take control of people and the situation - Sense of urgencyin implementing plans

    PersistenceGood in the following: Self-confident and determined to succeed - Persistent in thepursuit of achieving goals and objectives

    Self-ImageGood in the following: Highly ambitious with a strong desire to make own personal dreamscome true - Firm belief in ability to accomplish goals - Love challenges and are driven by a need tochallenge one's self - Possess strong feeling of achieving success

    IntegrityGood in the following: - Possess a strong business and work ethic - Values and principles -Honor their commitment - Honest in their business dealings - Want to contribute meaningfully to mankind

    Self-MotivationGood in the following: Love and enjoy working - Passionate in doing andimplementing business ideas - Find great satisfaction in the performance of the business - Get fulfillmentin achieving business goals

    Growth NeedsGood in the following: Constantly seeking knowledge, skills and competencies -Enjoys developing and growing staff potentials - Learn quickly, enjoy feedback, and are able to learn from

    mistakes - Constantly learning and overcoming a myriad of problems and obstacles - Desire to build andprogress in business ventures

    Work AttitudeGood in the following: Possess a positive outlook in life - Willing to work long hoursThink positively and quickly get over their failures - Focus on resources and energies on essentialbusiness operations - Able to trust others appropriately and delegate responsibilities - Accept personalresponsibility for successes and failures - Accept things as they are and deal with them accordingly

    SociabilityGood in the following: - - Interested in getting to know more people - Love parties and fun -Outgoing and gregarious - Enjoy social interactions

    ChallengesGood in the following: Thrive on competition - Perceive problems as challenges - Enjoysimportant and challenging tasks


    Has a bird eye view of the situation - Knows many possibilities of dealing with a situation - Good atanalyzing, deducting and interpreting information - Flexible and adaptable to the environment - Capable ofinfluencing, persuading and convincing others - Adaptable to people and situation - Knows how to play thesurvival game - Strategic -see many possibilities of getting things done - Able to spot opportunities - Ableto influence and convince others to accomplish goals

    High IQ and EQ with excellent logical and analytical skills - Know how to go around obstacles to getresults - Skilful in making strategic decision for problem solving - Creative, innovative and logical

    Select friends who can contribute to ones well-beings - Socialize on a need to basis - Know how to useother's strengths to make things happen - Be able to mobilize support

    High self esteem - Prefer to take the lead - Seek power and authority - Ambitious competitive andconfident - Seek challenges in life

    . - Loving and caring - Friendly, outgoing and gregarious - Helpful and cooperative - Sensitive to othersfeelings - High sense of belonging - Able to relate with others

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    Good thinking skills - Willingness to learn - Reasonable and Responsible - Accepts criticism and advice -

    Studious and hardworking - Reliable and trustworthy - Seeking progress in life

    Knows when to assert and give in to others - Pushes others on the need to basis - Knows when to talkand listen - Understands when to lead and follow


    Learn to manage your time by avoiding long conversation with others - Try not to take things personally -Learn not to get hurt when dealing with insensitive people

    Learn to keep your cool when you are upset - Improve your listening skills - Try to appreciate and acceptgood ideas - Learn not criticize and hurt others' feelings - Learn to improve your level of tolerance forambiguity

    Leadership Profile

    A dynamic and effective leader able to mobilize resources to make things happen - Excellent thinking andlogical skills - High standard of excellence - Focus on resources and energies on essential operations -Think positively and quickly get over ones failures - Willing to work long hours - Inward desire to do one'sbest - Possess a positive outlook in life - Ethical and deal fairly with others - Constantly learning andovercoming a myriad of problems and obstacles - Desire to build and progress in ones ventures - Learnquickly, enjoy feedback, and are able to learn from mistakes - Constantly seeking and improving onesknowledge, skills and competencies - Tireless in the pursuit of ones goals - A strong need to accomplishsomething in life - Spend a lot of time and attention on the business - Thrive on activity - Hard working,high drive and energy levels - Willing to work long, hard hours to weather the storms - Able to trust othersappropriately and delegate responsibilities - Accept personal responsibility for successes and failures -

    Accept things as they are and deal with them accordingly - Helicopter vision can see the big and smallpicture of a situation - Constantly scanning the environment - Aware of competitors and market forces,

    and customers needs - Visionary - using ones vision to motivate employees to reach toward a future goal- Tying the goal to substantial personal rewards and values. - Alert and conscious of what is happening inthe environment - Know many ways of getting things done - Can anticipate the future - Able to adapt todifferent types of personalities and situations - Understand the reality of the environment -- its values,goals, politics and limits. - Focus on organization needs to succeed - Able to reconstruct ones plans, andvisions, to address new challenges and opportunities. - Switching instinctively between styles according tothe people and work they are dealing with. - Persuade, convince, motivate, praise counsel, guide, advise,recommend, instruct, support and influence to get the jobs done - Able to tolerate frustration and stress -Prefer empowering others than ruling others.

    Self-assurance, confident and resiliency Protective of their integrity and reputation Want to direct,lead and control Focus on power to get things done Use autocratic and authoritative style in theappropriate situation Task-oriented - focuses only on getting the job done Want immediate actions andquick results Use fear management on marginal performers Competitive and decisive Enjoy

    overcoming obstacles Assertive in their dealings Optimistic, action-oriented and expressive Excellentat toning down the above qualities and become submissive and accommodative in a favorable, friendlyand conducive environment to achieve their goals

    Visible leadership Empathetic can put themselves in others shoes Socially aggressive Maintainopen door policy Put a strong emphasis on building teams Responsive to others High emotionalstamina. Promote harmony and cordial relationship Use participative, democratic and supportive style

    People oriented - Focus on people to get the results Attend social functions appropriately Powerderived from others support Excellent at becoming asocial in an unfavorable, hostile and unfriendlyenvironment to achieve a purpose

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    Generally, neither pragmatic nor idealistic System compliance on the need to basis Monitor,supervise, and check when there is a need - Take calculated moderate risk Excellent at becomingbecome pragmatic in an unfavorable and hostile environment and less pragmatic in a favorableenvironment to achieve a purpose

    Decision-Making & Problem-Solving Profile

    Moderately practical - Neither idealistic nor pragmatic - Pay some attention to details in the decisionmaking process - Satisfied with some information to make decision

    Good analytical skills strategic approach in making decision and solving problems - Able to see acomprehensive and complete picture of a problematic situation - Skilful in identifying and analyzing theroot causes of a problem - Be able to analyze and interpret information to develop strategies - Good atgenerating, analyzing and selecting the best solutions - Capable of anticipating the consequences of eachalternative for decision-making - Can do a success and failure analysis in developing new strategies -Proactive in preventing problems from recurring - Able to mobilize and use the right people in addressingproblems - Be able to maneuver and influence others in making decision and resolving problems Good at

    influencing and convincing others to accept ones decision

    Good intellectual skills - likely to address and select the best solution to resolve problems - Make sounddecisions based on logics and rational thinking - Encourage ideas generation to solve problems -

    Appreciate and accept good ideas - Focus on the bottom line in the decision making process - Always gofor a win-win situation - Responsible willing to take accountability for their decision - Perceive problemas an opportunity for learning and growing

    Wants to take charge of the problem-solving and decision-making process - Defend aggressively theirdecision making strategies - Dominant, firm and decisive in making decision - Drive and push people tosolve problems

    Engage others in discussing problem issues - Take into consideration the needs and sensitivity of othersin selecting a solution - Make decision by consensus - Take collective accountability for the outcomes ofdecision making process

    Planning Profile

    High commitment to achieve company vision and mission - Focus on the bottom line in ones plans -Responsible and committed to the plans - Willing to work long hours to implement their plans - Takeresponsibilities for ones success and failures

    Decide on ones plans and set direction for others to implement them - Set high expectation andperformance goals and objectives for each action - Dictate who, what, when and how resources should beutilized. - Identify, direct and pressurize each individual to carry out ones plan - Concern about task

    accomplishment of each individual - Drive others to produce the bottom line - Want fast results - Wantthings done ones way

    Get people to participate in the planning and made decision by consensus - Encourage differentviewpoints on directions, goals and strategies that will lead to creative solutions - Believe in teamcohesiveness, synergy and symbiosis in implementing his plans - Expect key people to assist, cooperate,support, collaborate and assist each other - Collaborate together what, when and how resources shouldbe utilized - Concern about people feelings and sensitivities to get results. - Promote and instill sharedvision, values, responsibility and accountability. - Share power with key people

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    Average in their planning and organizing skills - Satisfied with sufficient information to develop their plans

    Possess a satellite vision - Able to conduct strategic analysis on the business environment - Be able tosee the broad perspective and take the long view on what the company needs and how to go aboutaccomplishing them - Spells out the companys vision, mission, values, primary goals, measurableobjectives - Cascade vision and mission into strategic performance goals and objectives - Be able todevelop strategies and action plans - Can develop a master plan and tactically cascade it into long term,

    medium term and short term plans - Skilful in organizing the master plan strategically into smaller actionplans - Ability to mobilize and organize resources effectively to implement their plans - Be able toanticipate errors in advance and develop contingency plans

    Motivation Profile

    Able to motivate others to produce results - Energize when rewards are tied to performance - Skillful inidentifying and satisfying other's needs - Opportunity to use analytical and logical skills

    Opportunity for growth and self development - Job enrichment - Find great fulfillment in doing a good job -Intrinsically motivated to contribute meaningfully to others - Motivated by growth needs - Self motivated in

    carrying out duties and responsibilities - Task identity able to see the fruits of effort

    Recognition and reward for goal accomplishment - Opportunity for career advancement - Motivated byimportant and challenging tasks - Energized by praises and strokes - Positive feedback of a job well done- Like to play the role of a leader - Take charge and control others

    Excited working and building teams - Enjoy working towards a harmonious working relationship - Loveraising funds to help the less fortunate - Likes public relations and customer relations jobs - Enthusiasticdoing jobs dealing with people

    Communication Profile

    Know how to use information effectively - Encourage others to voice their opinions - Recognize andaddress instantly communication breakdowns - Be able to use the appropriate channels to communicateinformation - Open to good ideas and appreciate those who give them - Able to understand, accept anduse others point of view

    Able to give instruction satisfactory - No preference for formal and informal channels of communication -Satisfied with sufficient information to arrive at a decision

    Be able to impress others with ones speeches - Dominant, vocal and expressive in addressing issues -Likely to assert ones ideas - Likely to lose ones cool in an argument - Talk more than listen -

    Aggressively defend ones opinions - Likely to talk down on others

    Able to communicate ideas powerfully and effectively - Understand how their communicative style affectothers - Create a collaborative environment where open communication and trust are fostered - Tactful ingiving criticisms and negative feedback that promotes positive change of attitude - Know how to analyzeand use information effectively - Recognize and address instantly communication breakdowns - Be able touse the right channels to communicate information effectively - Know how to withhold vital information andimpart essential information of their strategies - Be able to convert information into intelligence - Skilful inselecting the right communication styles to suit an occasion - Be able to influence others with theirspeeches - Think of the consequences before they speak - Be able to communicate in a way thatencourages discussions

    Able to communicate in ways that foster collaboration and cooperation - Avoid communicating issues that

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    are sensitive - Likely to communicate empathy, care, understanding and support - Open lines ofcommunication to encourage a cordial working environment - Want to communicate with others personally- Utilize different levels of listening to improve relationships and understanding

    InterpersonalRelationship Profile

    High Emotional Intelligence - able to manage self and others feelings - Be able to work towards a totalquality culture - Able to win respect and gain loyalty from bosses, customers, peers and subordinates -Good at creating excitement for others to work - Describe ones feelings - Know how to relate, build trust,convince and influence difficult people - Work tactically towards a harmonious relationship - Be able todevelop others potentials to become member of high performance teams - Assist, support, cooperateand collaborate strategically with others to get things done - Can develop mutual trust among ones team

    Quite dependable to get things done - Quite reasonable and fair in their dealing - Often honor theircommitment - Quite trustworthy , courteous and helpful

    Enjoy being in the spotlight - Wants to take charge - Vocal and expressive in addressing issues - Wantsto take control of a situation - Firm, tough, domineering and hot tempered - Capable of bulldozing their


    Work towards a harmonious and cordial relationship with others - Outgoing, diplomatic, friendly and warm- Enjoy social interactions - Work well in teams - Concern about others needs and feelings - Can putthemselves in others shoes - Interpersonal sensitivity

    Neither conservative nor unconventional - Average respect for rules and regulations - Moderatelysystematic in their ways of doing things - Strike a balance between ideas and practices

    Time Management Profile

    Capable of creating time effectively - Understand different work styles and how to work with them - Knowwhat, who and how to delegate - Know how deal with procrastination - Expend time to socialize on theneed to basis - Can give polite excuses in terminating telephone calls effectively - Be able to handledistractions and interruptions effectively - Able to use ones time in the most effective way possible - Ableto control the distractions that waste ones time and break the flow - Abe to tactfully cut short onesconversation with drop in visitors

    Average in their ability to plan and organize their time

    Enjoy having long conservation with drop-in visitors - Likely to prolong a discussion - Make longtelephone calls - Spend too much time on social interaction

    Spend most of their time deliberating on issues - Use their time to project their self-image - Likely to givelong and windy speeches - Conduct unnecessary long meetings

    Know how to conduct productive meetings - An effective discussion leader - Goal and result oriented -Focus most of their time on productive activities - Work at a fast pace - Concentrate on the bottom line -Spend time on functional activities

    ConflictManagement Profile

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    Able to size up the opponents intent - Be able to evaluate the pros and cons of each conflicting techniquebefore making a decision - Tactfully persuade the opponents to agree to ones terms - Skilful in identifyingconflict management options and choose the right approach for the specific situation - Strategicallyresolve conflicts constructively to reach a favorable agreement - Able to filter and give only the informationthat is needed - Use analytical approach in addressing issues - Use multiple conflicting techniques underdifferent circumstances

    Go for a win-win situation - Work towards conflict resolution that is beneficial to both parties - Honest andfair in their dealings - Use logical reasoning with their opponent on conflicting issues - Likely to use theconfrontation and compromising techniques - See conflict as an opportunity for self development - Focuson the bottom line in its resolutions

    Poor listener when others disagree with their opinions - Use their power to reach an agreement -Dominant and aggressive in addressing issues - Enjoy having a verbal battle - Likely to use theconfrontation and forcing techniques - Talk more than they listen - Likely to interrupt others in the midst ofa discussion - Use forcing and withdrawal technique when the resolutions are not in their favor

    Use diplomacy in addressing conflict - Avoid sensitive issues of conflicts - Emotional in addressing issues- Likely to use the compromise and smoothening techniques to resolve differences - Concern aboutopponents feelings when handling issues - Work towards a resolution happy to both parties

    Moderately careful and cautious in handling issues - Comfortable in a formal and informal setting - Mayuse facts and figures in resolving issues

    Change Management Profile

    Good at entrepreneur skills - Likely to use the rational-empirical approach to change management - Seechange as an opportunity for continuous improvement and progress - Skilful at identifying andimplementing corrective action - Take high initiative to learn new technologies - Committed to changemanagement for the better - Show great enthusiasms and excitement

    Take moderate risks in managing change - May need some information to adopt changes

    Likely to take the power-coercive approach to change management - Managing change from ones ownperspectives - Seeking chances to take the lead - Use coercive power to bring about changes - Vocal andexpressive in addressing change issues

    Likely to take the environmental-adaptive approach to change management - Good at political andanalytical skills - Capable of choosing the right strategies for change - Able to identify and manage thedifferent reactions and responses of people involved in the change process - Able to identify points ofresistance - Diagnose gaps in communications and training - Possess a helicopter vision of the changescenario - Capable of developing strategic adoption and diffusion strategies for change - Able to influenceand persuade others to accept change - Be able to mobilize and use resources to facilitate change

    Likely to take the normative-re-educative approach to change management - Good at people skills -

    Managing change from the employees perspective - Help employees through the change process -Concern about how change affects the feelings and needs of others - Participate actively in discussingchange issues - Likely to follow the majority

    Entrepreneur Category of Business Potentials

    - Sales and Marketing Industry - Hotel and Catering Industry - Tourism Industry - Social Service Industry -Education Industry - Personnel Care Industry - Trading Industry - Training and Consultancy Industry -

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    Retail Industry - Nursing Industry

    - Security Industry - Defense Industry - Aerospace Industry

    Job Potentials

    Management, Politicians, Heads of Organization, Departments or Units, Industries and Call Center andOther Related Jobs

    Sales, Customer Service, Hospitability, Healthcare and Personal Care Services, Community and SocialServices, Social Work Professionals, Education Services, Social Welfare Services, Service Industry,Support Services, Front Liners and Other Related Jobs

    Protective Personnel, Armed Forces, Navy Forces, Air Forces, Police, Security Personnel, Prison Wardenand Other Related Jobs

    Sales and Marketing, Public Relations, Personnel Professionals, Human Resource Management,

    Training and Development, Customer Service Professionals and Other Related Jobs OverallAssessment

    Overall Success Index : 79.54%

    DescriptionAverage (50% -64_99%)

    Excellent (75%- 100%)

    Competitiveness, Self-Confidence, Sense ofUrgency & Persistency


    Adaptability, Persuasiveness, EnvironmentalAwareness & Influence 81.02

    Drive, Intellectual Ability, Commitment, Ethics &Integrity


    Human Relation, Caring & Teamwork 77.55

    Self-Discipline, Planning & Organizing Ability,Detail-Oriented, Methodical & Realistic


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