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Human Nature

Inward & Outward

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ISBN: 978-1-61813-847-7

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Human Nature

Inward & Outward

Guide to Behaviors & Thoughts of People, to Your

Thoughts and Patterns of Behaviors

Vishal Pinglikar


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About this book

If we somehow make ourselves able to clear this fog of

material world and perceive all there that really is and

surrounds us are humans and their activities. The wealth

and poverty of the nations, strategic decisions,

professions, businesses, relationships, powers, sadness,

happiness, wars, peace, progress, expeditions are all

related to humans. How important it is then to

understand fellow humans? Ironically, it is the topic of

least interest or just assumed to be inferior when

compared to any other material topic. While the research

in transport industry is important, It is also important to

have good relations with travelers as they use transport

facility. Advertising, investment and innovations cannot

be directed in correct direction unless the director is fully

aware of the humans he is going to direct these things


This book deals with all practical aspects of human

nature. It talks in detail about the outward manifestations

of its inward world. It makes us aware of the behavior

patterns of types of people in diverse circumstances and

their inward thoughts. It also helps you to understand

your type and traits helping to improve yourself

according to that knowledge.

This book is first-hand information on author's

opinion of life. Author is not representing any person or

organization. It is hereby made clear by the Author of

this book that the views expressed by him are his own,

and not that of the Government. Although the author has

made every effort to ensure that the information in this

book was correct at press time, the author do not assume

and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any

loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or

omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from

negligence, accident, or any other cause. This is a work

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of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events

and incidents are either the products of the author’s

imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any

resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual

events is purely coincidental. The information contained

within this book and any other associated content

(hereinafter collectively referred to as “Information”) is

provided for informational and educational purposes

only. All examples are provided for educational

purposes. You agree that author shall not be liable for

any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential

damages. 'You' referred in this book is Author's 'I'. It is a

general form of expression, “there are times in life when

you have this desire to give it up, what do you do then?

Do you give up? No, you do not. You continue.” This

'You' is not referring to a person but is a fictional

expression. This book is presented solely for educational

and entertainment purposes. The author and publisher

are not offering it as legal, accounting, or other

professional services advice. While best efforts have

been used in preparing this book, the author and

publisher make no representations or warranties of any

kind and assume no liabilities of any kind with respect to

the accuracy or completeness of the contents and

specifically disclaim any implied warranties of

merchantability or fitness of use for a particular purpose.

Neither the author nor the publisher shall be held liable

or responsible to any person or entity with respect to any

loss or incidental or consequential damages caused, or

alleged to have been caused, directly or indirectly, by the

information or programs contained herein. No warranty

may be created or extended by sales representatives or

written sales materials. The story and its characters and

entities are fictional. Any likeness to actual persons,

either living or dead, is strictly coincidental.

The contents of this book are for informational and

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educational purposes only. Nothing found in this book is

intended to be a substitute for professional

psychological, psychiatric or medical advice, diagnosis,

or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician

or other qualified mental health provider with any

questions you may have regarding a medical condition

or mental disorder. Never disregard professional medical

advice or delay in seeking it because of something you

have read in this book. P

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S/N. Chapter Name Pages

1 Primitive Human 1

2 Intellectual Human 22

3 Emotional Human 28

4 Social Human 66

5 Selfish Human 88

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Vishal Pinglikar


Primitive Human


Why do you work? You do a job? Or a business? What

is work and why you have to do it? You need to fill your

belly so you can live, you need a roof on your top so you

can be well protected, and you need clothes to protect

your body. Is it all about your body then? Do you do

something that is not for your body? Hardly.

Humans are basically animals. These animals have

learned various ways to make their life comfortable by

using the system of nature to their advantage. Their body

consists of elements of nature; their consciousness is

generated when these elements stay in right order and in

right proportions. Humans have learned to use their parts

of body very effectively. We are not the most powerful

animal in nature, in fact, we stand nowhere when

compared with wild animals, yet by our intellect we

dominate the world.

Although we have developed ourselves great

intellectually than other animals, we still need to have

our primitive abilities to function properly. So, it can be

said that we have extended our capabilities with

intelligence, that our intelligence is a supplement to our

animal body. We need legs to stand up, to walk, to run

and most recently to drive a car, bicycle and other

mechanical devices. Our entire research is addressed

toward fulfilling key requirements of our primitive


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Human Nature - Inward & Outward


needs. We researched in agriculture, animal husbandry,

transport, medical science, industry, communication

which focused on food, longevity, clothes, automation of

works like producing sugar and harvesting. Higher

technologies like books, computers, nanotechnology,

electronics, geology, anthropology and many such other

fields relate to basic needs of humans. Humans have

gone through great length to come to this place. It should

not be demeaning to count ourselves as animals, though

advanced ones, because truth is truth. Truth is neither

good nor it is bad, it just is. This is what we have got and

we need to work with it.

What is more interesting is when these truths are

brought down to our personal level. It might serve as an

eye-opener for many people. This fact that we are

basically animals and this sense that we are all working

toward fulfilling our base desires deserves to be known

by all people. Truth is much better than lies. As humans,

we need three basic things. Food, Shelter and Clothes.

These are very basic needs. In our evolutionary days, we

hunted and foraged for food. We lived on trees and

strength wise we were very weak creatures. Every other

animal outran us. The possibility of our survival was

very low. Humans could become extinct. Imagine a lion

with sharp claws, sheer muscle power, piercing teeth,

big size, great weight, very good running speed almost

double than any human. What is human? He is no match

for wild animals. He has no venomous sting, he has not

much muscle power, he is not so swift, he is not immune

many diseases, he has no natural weapons that have been

gifted to him. If alien civilization watched these

creatures with curiosity, they would conclude that by

few thousand years, these ape like not so significant

creatures would be no more. They reproduce neither in

great quantity nor in high frequency. They have no

significant defense mechanism in comparison with all

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surrounding animals.

Yet, it is by some magical thing about us humans

that we have survived. It is some remarkable trait that

separates us from other species so distinctively that

being animals, humans do not seem to be one. We share

all basic needs with animals. We need food, we can live

only in certain range of temperature, just like them we

are a group of individually functioning cells that co-

operate to exist as one. We are physically a country with

billions of citizens which are our cells in body which co-

operate so effectively that all cells benefit from it. This

co-operation is in nature and is common in trees and in

animals. We focus on our basic needs and it affects our


The basic needs can be likened to fundamental

structure of a complex industrial building. These are

standing pillars upon which the architectural monument

is developed. These factors will help us to establish

starting points in analyzing human nature. Once we

understand these basic principles, we can delve deep into

human nature.

Survival is of most importance. To continue to live

is an obligation, a natural obligation that has been

obeyed throughout centuries by humans. Humans which

did not obey this holy law lost their existence by their

own deeds. So, what we have as a result are humans

who always strive to survive. Those who did not want to

survive, did not, could not pass on their nature in shape

of genes to future generations. So, even if this nature

ever existed, it has been lost. Time and again, we are

getting new generations which are more and more

willing to survive. Those who slacken in this desire to

carry on living by any reason are becoming extinct. It is

better therefore, to assume that almost all people who are

living have incessant desire to live on. There are

exceptions though but for sake of understanding of this

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Human Nature - Inward & Outward


primitive human nature let us assume that all people

want to live. This is true to observation also. We see,

that people do not give up living, most of the people find

ingenious ways in situations like which never occurred

before. They use all they have to live on, to continue to

exist. The percentage of people who do not want to live

is minuscule, so insignificant that it can be safely left out

from this point of view.

With this conclusion and assumption that all

humans want to live, let us dig deep into human nature.

People are practicing very diverse ways to fulfill their

basic needs. Some people are practicing profession of

doctor, lawyer, some specialize in forging of weapons

and metallic tools, some work on farm to produce food,

some work as a domestic helper, some operate different

machines and some specialize in beauty and care thereof.

But in basic there are two types of works that we

humans do. Our progress has given us choice to choose

which type of work we want to do. The first type is

manual. This is what humans can do naturally. Almost

all people have the ability to walk, talk and ability of

handling an object. Works which mostly consist of these

abilities, these dominantly physical abilities are manual

works. Some examples of them would be a potter,

Carpenter, sculptor, farmer, load bearer or porter, a

construction worker and so on. These people have

chosen to make use of their physical capabilities rather

than their intellectual capabilities. It will be wrong to

assume though that these types of people have low

intelligence. It is not so. There is a possibility that a

sharp intellectual subject to forces of circumstances

might have been trapped into these types of job. But

mostly, people of these types specialize in physical

abilities. Being physically able and fit is a great thing.

People of these classes have low lifestyle diseases as

they are physically active. There is a principle called use

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it or lose it, which is basic for their continued ability to

perform well physically. Their bones are generally

stronger, their hands and muscles are more powerful;

and they do not shy away from physical labor. Over time

their bodies adapt to their work and they do not feel

much like doing hard work. It comes to them as

breathing to put it into words.

Humans to an extent are like a ball thrown into

vastness of space which travels in straight line and in

same speed for eternity. Once, people choose to follow a

path, mostly, they want to propel themselves further in

that direction for all their life. Humans by nature, by this

primitive nature, resist change of all kind. It might be

because it requires deployment of more brainpower to

adjust oneself in new environment, to new ways of

accomplishing the same tasks. That is the reason that

people in manual type of work mostly resist change in

their work and in their life. As sufficient amount of time

passes, these people like to 'settle themselves down' in a

profession, in a place of residence, in a group of people

and with a language. These types of people also mostly

resist any psychological change in their lives. They like

to go by the same psychological path of trust, faith, fear,

insecurity, safety, love and sacrifice. A point to be noted

here is that we are merely observing things and not

judging them. It should nowhere be concluded that any

trait is being condescended or exalted. This book is

merely an observation of human nature.

It can be said that these types of people are

more likely to follow the same psychological path over

the course of years. However, as we will see that this

tendency to follow the same path is not uncommon. It is

also found in other classes of people. Moreover, that

some people gravitate to this tendency even if they were

flexible in the beginning.

The other type is intellectual work, that is work

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which is highly dominated by intellect. Doctors, lawyers,

technicians, engineers, scientists, managers, traders,

industrialists or businessmen, clerks are some of the

examples. These types of people have chosen to use their

brainpower instead of basic abilities to make their living.

These types of people tend to have more willingness to

learn new things, new ways of accomplishing things and

generally welcome changes in their lives for better. They

are generally stronger by intellect as they work on it

from their childhood. At the current stage, it does not

appear that these two types are born with any difference

in intelligence. It is how they use their abilities

determines their type. A son of a carpenter can become

a brilliant scientist and a son of a scientist might settle to

being a taxi driver. It is by use the ability becomes

stronger. It is by practice the individual gains skill. It

means that a son of a potter, whose father is illiterate,

can be a good mathematician if he from his childhood or

from any point of time in his life, begins to make himself

perfect in math by practicing it over and over.

It is in this section of their lives, that we see,

humans are mostly very serious about. Almost all people

understand the importance of living and strive to just

live. People strive for basic necessitates, many times

people do not hesitate to trample on other's rights to

fulfill their basic needs. Morals have least effect in this

section of life of humans. If compulsion truly arises to

make a choice from basic necessities and morals, it is

more likely that person will choose to continue to live

even if that is against the morals. Because, to live on is

the basic moral principle that has been holistically


This need to live on, to continue even in harshest

situations is wiser than it appears on emotional level. It

might seem that it is better to end living than being a war

prisoner in a hostile country on emotional level but it is

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wiser to continue to live, to continue to bear the tortures

even until the last breath. This is because of the basic

truth that there is possibility of him escaping and

continuing to live. There is wisdom in going on through

days of trial, in waiting till a death sentence is executed,

to walk towards hanging place, to stand blindfolded

before an execution squad because there is a possibility

of this execution being canceled. Is this an exaggeration?

No! We saw many examples of executions getting

canceled at the very last moment. This wisdom has been

developed throughout millions of years. Our mind

correctly understands that there are things beyond our

comprehension, beyond our ability of calculation of

possibilities of circumstances. This learned truth is at the

core of every human being unless it is corrupted by

overflow of emotions by means of seemingly

compulsory obligation to listen to incessantly negative

mental outcomes of scenarios or by of weakening of

brainpower owing to psychologically affecting

addictions. It should also be noted that individuals in

their strong determination can convince themselves to

give up living. Be it for whatever reason, they

continuously focus on the benefits of ending life than of

living it. The benefits can be imaginary or social, still it

is different from defense. Loss of life in attempt to

defend self or others does not fall into this category. This

overflow of emotions which obscures the will to live is

not same with determination and acts in the intention of

defense. This overflow of emotions is usually without a

definite purpose and is a product of sustained attention

to mind's activities. A significant part of the

consciousness is constantly occupied by unconscious /

uncontrolled mind. His thoughts are not conscious in

other words they are automatic. It is the core of the

person which does not allow him to commit suicide but

overflow of emotions which corrupts his mental state.

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So, the person committing suicide is actually going

against his will without an exception that is to say in any

given scenario. Constant occupation of his mental space

by unconscious mind often leads to unpleasant emotions.

When person identifies himself with his automatic mind,

believing that mind is 'him', the automatic thoughts of

mind are his, he goes on to take the guilt of wrong deeds

of his mind. Mind sucks more and more attention by

various means, for person going through this, it appears

that events happening outside have little significance. It

also seems that all the events happening around are

mostly happening in the same depressing manner, that

they happen in pattern, that they mean something, that

their meaning is depressing. He begins to lose hope, the

basic tried and tested hope, that salvation is possible in

hopeless situations, that there can come a favorable

outcome from worst situations. Moreover, this

hopelessness of the situation is psychological portrayal

of his subconscious mind. It makes it so depressing that

person begins to hate the outcomes of his mind. Now,

mind throws at him an option to give it all up, to give up

living, to end life by suicide. This is far extreme end of

depression. Although it might seem that mind is guilty of

making a person going against his will to end his life,

yet, it is doing so in the intention that by offering

suggestions to go against the very basic desire to live,

the basic moral principle, person will start to ignore the

outcomes of mind and will continue to focus outward

concluding that his mind is not giving him correct

output. This is last attempt of mind to get his attention

away from its automatic thoughts. It is wonderful how

mind works at varying degrees of attention and in

different mental states. Most people, when they

experience this suggestion to give up living, try to find

psychological help, they begin to identify the factors

which cause this psychological pain and try to avoid

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them. Most people try to overcome this depression, heed

to last warning by mind and continue to live. Some

however, give in to this fallacy and end their lives.

Contrary to our ignorant assumption, situations

change rapidly. No event is like other. We try to take a

short cut to avoid deployment of our marvelous

brainpower by trying to resemble current events with old

ones. Had we lived a million year, our emotional

understanding would also have resembled to this

wisdom that there exists possibility of having a greater

life although there seems no apparent sign of it. This

wisdom has been learned by our primary instincts

therefore by this marvelous wisdom a deer does not give

up trying to escape when caught by a lion. There is

always a possibility of favorable outcome from hopeless


All the efforts of humans can be traced back to

fulfilling of these basic needs. It is food, safety &

reproduction and by this desire to live on he acts in any

way possible. No matter how complicated his actions

may seem, they narrow down to his or his fellow

humans' basic needs that he is doing these acts for. A bee

chooses to sacrifice itself for the protection of colony,

same with ants, likewise we observe in humans that

some sacrifice their lives for the protection of others.

Yet, in their very act of protection, we can trace back the

basic needs of the fellow humans they are working for. It

is by this understanding that we can simplify the

intricate workings of human mind, that is the external

manifestation of it.

These primitive instincts are very hard to conquer

rather it can be said that hardly anyone ever tries to

conquer them. They are good for their basic purposes but

as humans began to live and experiment with their

environment they learned greater truths. They excelled

in their understandings of themselves and of the world.

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Human Nature - Inward & Outward


They began to abide by the principles superior than

primitive instincts. But before, we head into that let us

first understand the inward primitive nature.

Inward primitive nature operates mostly on

chemical level. Intricate balances of chemicals decide

the moves of any animal including human. An animal

can hardly control his hunger and it never goes against

it. When body demands rest animals rest, likewise

humans are subject to urges of body. These urges

manifest themselves on psychological level as well as on

physical level. Psychological urges are harder to resist

than physical urges. While there may be sufficient level

of energy in body to continue to run but if there is a

psychological urge to give it up and rest, we are most

likely to stop. If a man lost his balance while walking on

a footpath and collapsed on road, his body will be hurt.

He will have the urge to touch his body parts that were

hit and to take care of them. He will feel the paining

sensation in his butt, in his back and can also in hands or

feet. This is physical urge to take care of one's body, to

stay in the same position for few seconds when

collapsed. It is like a man observes period of moaning

which lasts for few seconds. But, now, if he falls on a

busy road, and sees that a vehicle is coming fast in his

direction. If he can see that vehicle will hit him if he

remains in same position for few seconds, he will

immediately ignore his physical urges. Psychological

urge takes over, fear takes over. He will immediately rise

on his legs and run toward footpath. When he perceives

that immediate threat is over, then he can resume

satisfying his physical urges. Survival is always of top

priority. Fear is one of the psychological urges; it is of

first priority in its class. Primitive mind uses fear to

primitively protect itself from threats.

There are two types of threats, first is immediate threat

and second is perceived threat. When we identify

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