Sammy’s Trip

Post on 13-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Sammy’s Trip

Sammy’s Trip

By Ayane

• Once upon a time in a far away land called Texas, lived a girl named Sammy. She was born in Africa.

• She came to Texas in a year 2000 on December 25 which was Christmas and her birthday.

• Her hair is long and the bottom part is a little bit curly. She knew how to swim and climb.

She is alone and she always thinking about God and Santa. One day she heard God speaking to her.

• The next day one little girl couldn’t get off from the tall wall. Her mother was worrying.

• Soon Sammy new what was going on but she couldn’t think what she could do.

• She thought a lot. At last she knew what to do, because God told her what to do.

• She climbed the tall wall and got her down.

• The next day another girl drown in the water. This time she knew what to do .

• She quickly swam to the ocean.

• So she was saved. The next day the girl and mothers came to Sammy’s house.

• They thanked her for helping their child. Sammy gave them some tea and a little snack. They were very happy.

• So the girls played together and they were friends.