Saints Beatrice & Maria Goretti 14th 2021

Post on 18-Feb-2022

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Transcript of Saints Beatrice & Maria Goretti 14th 2021

Holy Virgin Martyrs Saints Beatrice & Maria Goretti

Rectory: 4157 Atlantic Avenue Schiller Park, IL 60176

847-678-0138 Email:


Rev. Robert Schultz, Pastor Marlene Bacha, Business Manager

Richard Gersten, Music Director Zerlina Kirchen, Coordinator of Lifelong Faith Formation

Sue Hilger, Parish Nurse

Weekend Mass: Saturday—4:30pm, Sunday—9:30am, 11:30am

Weekday Mass: Monday—Thursday at 8:30am

Holy Day Masses: 8:30am, 12:00pm, 7:00pm

Confession (Reconciliation): Saturdays from 3:30-4:00pm

Baptisms: Celebrated once a month at 1:00pm

Contact the rectory to register as a new parishioner or to

schedule a Baptism, Wedding, Funeral, or Anointing.


14th 2021


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From the Pastor’s Desk

This weekend is the Follow-Up Weekend for the 2021 Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA). I’ve wri en about this in the previous two bulle ns, so let me just recap the main points. Our goal is $26,673, and every dollar that we collect beyond that comes back to us. To make a pledge to the ACA, you can text ACA2021 to 345345. You can go to, or find the link on our parish website. Or you can take a pledge envelope in church, fill it out, and drop it in the Sunday collec on at any me (the Appeal lasts for a full year). Make sure that you credit your gi to “Saints Beatrice & Maria Gore Parish” (as that is how we are listed with the ACA office). Thank you to all who are helping to make this ACA successful for our parish!

The 40-day season of Lent begins this week on Feb. 17th, Ash Wednesday. We will have three Masses and one prayer service that day (8:30am, 12:00pm, 4:00pm (service), 7:00pm), although registra on for these has now closed. We will also have an As Wednesday Mass on our YouTube channel (the link is always posted on our parish website).

Our Lenten schedule can be found on our parish website and Facebook page. To summarize it: We will have Sta ons of the Cross in church every Friday during Lent at 6:30pm (registra on is not required). We will also have a new online Sta ons posted every Friday at 9:00am. And as Pope Francis has declared this to be the Year of St. Joseph, I will be offering a one-night prayer service and reflec on on St. Joseph, on Wednesday, March 10th at 7pm (registra on required). That talk will also be posted online a er the event. Also, there will be no communal penance service during Lent, but individual confessions will be offered every Saturday from 3-4pm in the Reconcilia on Room, as well as on March 17th, 24th, & 31st from 6-8pm. And finally, don’t forget that you can sign up to receive free daily Lenten reflec ons from Dynamic Catholic at:

And while we s ll cannot have missale es in the pews (to prevent many people from touching the same books), we do have copies of the new issue of the missale e for the Lenten season. If you would like to have a copy to use, we ask that you take your book home with you and bring it to church when you want, but please do not leave it in the pews. The new missale es are available at the rectory, if you would like to take one or more copies. While we are certainly happy to offer these for free, if you would like to make a dona on to help offset the cost of the books, that would be appreciated (since we ordered these books for individual use, not public use). When you factor in shipping, each missale e costs us around $2 each. You’re welcome to make a $1 or $2 dona on for each book that you take, but again, that is not required.

On another note: You may remember that we celebrated Legacy Masses at each of our former parishes last November. Sax-Tiedemann Funeral Home in Franklin Park is graciously helping us put together the DVDs from these Masses, as well as the montage of parishioner photos. The staff at Sax are very busy, but as soon as we have the DVDs available, I will let you know. And if you dropped off hard copies of photographs for the montage, I will let you know (whenever I have some me to get organized!) when you can pick those up at the rectory.

Finally, just an FYI, if you pay close a en on, you might no ce a slight change to the wording at the end of the opening prayer at Mass, beginning this Wednesday. You may remember that ten years ago the Church in the U.S. received and began using a new transla on of the Mass prayers in the Roman Missal (the most notable line is “And with your spirit.”) Well, Rome has now made one more slight change to the transla on that we are using (but don’t worry, this change only affects the priest). At the end of every opening prayer at Mass, the priest concludes by saying, “…in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever.” The short story is this: The original La n does not men on the word “one,” and the word “God” refers to Jesus Christ. So, from now on, the opening prayer will omit the word “one,” as it will say, “…in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God for ever and ever.” If you’re wondering why this change did not occur ten years ago, all I can say is: Don’t ask me, ask Rome!

Happy Valen ne’s Day! Holy Virgin Martyrs, pray for us. May God bless you.

Fr. Rob

PAGE THREE Sixth Sunday In Ordinary Time:

In the Gospel today Jesus moved with pity touched the leper and healed him. Let us pray

today for the grace to be generous with our gifts to help those who are suffering.

By your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul you indeed put your faith into action as your bring healing to the poor, hungry,

and weeping.

Readings For The Week

Monday: Gn 4:1-15, 25; Ps 50:1, 8, 16bc-17, 20- 21; Mk 8:11-13 Tuesday: Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10; Ps 29:1a, 2, 3ac-4, 3b, 9c-10; Mk 8:14-21 Wednesday: Jl 2:12-18; Ps 51:3-6ab, 12-14, 17; 2 Cor 5:20 — 6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Thursday: Dt 30:15-20; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 9:22-25 Friday: Is 58:1-9a; Ps 51:3-6ab, 18-19; Mt 9:14-15 Saturday: Is 58:9b-14; Ps 86:1-6; Lk 5:27-32 Sunday: Gn 9:8-15; Ps 25:4-9; 1 Pt 3:18-22; Mk 1:12-15

FEAST OF FAITH The Gloria (2)

The Gloria is a rejoicing prayer, an exclamation of praise. It begins with the song of the angels at the announcement of the birth of Jesus (Luke 2:14), a heavenly burst of praise for God’s loving action in the world. But in the Gloria, the song goes on, leaping, as it were, from height to height, with every kind of praise, blessing, adoration, glory, and thanksgiving. We begin by thanking and praising God the Father; then we turn our gaze to Christ, the Lamb of God. The paschal mystery of Christ’s suffering, death, and resurrection is found here, at the heart of this prayer, which descends to the depths with Christ, but then rises with him to the heavens, where he is seated at the Father’s right hand. The Gloria ends with a series of acclamations to Christ, emphasizing over and over that he “alone” is the Holy One, the Lord, the Most High, truly God, with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Our prayer of praise ends where it began, in the “glory of God the Father.” The Gloria, with its arc leading us from the glory of God to the suffering of Christ and again to glory, is the pattern of the Mass itself. At the center of all our prayer is the sacrificial love of Christ. —Corinna Laughlin, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

2021 Annual Catholic Appeal Come, follow me …

and bring hope to the world.

Our parish is conducting our campaign for the Annual Catholic Appeal. Please remember that the Annual Catholic Appeal is much different than a one-time special collection. It is a pledge campaign where you can make a gift payable in installments.

The Annual Catholic Appeal theme, “Come, follow me … and bring hope to the world,” was selected because as disciples of Jesus, we follow the Master who both gives us hope and sends us to bring his hope to our world that needs it so much. Each pledge makes a difference!

All parishes communities participate in the campaign and the gifts of many enable our parishes, schools, and ministries to deliver needed services. Thank you for your prayerful consideration and generous response.

PAGE FOUR Lectors Ash Wednesday—February 17th 8:30—Don Kasper 12:00—Char Fiore 4:00—Ellen Melnitzke 7:00—Liz Lynch Saturday—February 20th 4:30—Char Fiore Sunday—February 21st 9:30—Lynn Louis-Charles 11:30—Roy McCampbell

Rest in Peace It is a holy and wholesome thought that we

pray for the dead,” please remember:

Mauro Barbaccia, Nicola Petrera, Maria Rosa Calderone,

Mike Masucci, & William Mackey in your prayers.

Masses For The Week Sunday—February 14th 9:30— Len Olender, req. Family Lena & Raymond Genne , req. Family James, Mary, Margaret Florio, req. Dolores Florio Gene Danhoffer, req. Family Ma hew O’Brien, req. Family Joseph Castellen , req. E. Olender Thomas Griffin, req. Family Francine & Kra Family, req. Family Ray Solare, req. Albert & Cynthia Gual er Donna Roberts, req. The Jennings Family George Hoss, req. Jerry Hoss & Family Robert (Bobby) Irsuto, req. Bob & Kitch Gorzynski 11:30—Ralph Vitucci, req. Ministry of Consola on Jozef Szczepanski, Zofia Szczepanski Monday—February 15th 8:30— Daniel Thilges, Jr., req. Judy Wisnoski Bernice Kirchen, req. Zerlina Kirchen Tuesday—February 16th 8:30— Edith Garcia, req. Ministry of Consola on Wednesday—February 17th 8:30—George Hoss, req. Ministry of Consola on Inten on Urbaniak Family, req. Family 12:00—Joseph Cunningham, req. Family 4:00—Prayer Service 7:00—Parishioners Thursday—February 18th 8:30—Lily M. Glatzczak, req. Ministry of Consola on Poor Souls in Purgatory, req. Heidorn Family Saturday—February 20th 4:30—Margaret Florio, req. Dolores Florio Joseph & Mary Traxler, req. Family Raymond Majca, req. Family Bobby Irsuto, req. Toots & Family Sunday—February 21st 9:30— Lena & Raymond Genne , req. Family Ma hew O’Brien, req. Family Jean Pabuta, req. Castellen Family Wilbert Saathoff, req. Lima Family Grace & Joseph Castellen , req. Minstry of Consola on Thomas Griffin, req. Family Roger Louis—Charles, req. Family Eleno Mayol, Sr., Calexta Mayol, and Eleno Mayol, Jr., req. Family Donna Roberts, req. The Jennings Family Robert Irsuto, req. Ministry of Consola on 11:30—Stanislaw Kowalec, req. Justyna Parczewski Josephine Matassa, req. Ministry of Consola on

Mass Presider

Ash Wednesday—February 17th 8:30—Fr. Rob 12:00—Fr. Rob 4:00—Fr. Rob 7:00—Fr. Rob

Saturday—February 20th 4:30—Fr. Rob Sunday—February 21st 9:30—Fr. Rob 11:30—Fr. Rob


Religious Education News Coordinator of Lifelong Faith Formation: Ms. Zerlina Kirchen

Phone: 847-671-6429 Email:

Upcoming Events

Tuesday, February 16, 2021 Religious Ed. Class—6:00—8:00pm

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Special Sacraments Class—9:00—11:00am

Saturday, March 6, 2021 Religious Ed. Class—9:00—11:30am ALL MASS & SERVICE HOURS DUE!

Confirmation Sponsor Commitment & Saint Worksheet Due.

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Confirmation Retreat—1:00—4:00pm

Tuesday, March 16, 2021 Religious Ed. Class—6:00—8:00pm ALL MASS & SERVICE HOURS DUE!

Confirmation Sponsor Commitment & Saint Worksheet Due.

What We’re Learning

4th Grade (Tuesdays) We learned that Jesus treated people with dignity. We read about examples of this in the Story of Zacchaeus, Curing Lepers, and talking with the Samaritan woman at the well. We learned about the different types of sins – mortal and venial.

5th Grade (Tuesdays) The students examined the ways St. Teresa of Calcutta joined her life to Christ’s in the Paschal Mystery. We identified Jesus as the redeemer bringing us back from the slavery of sin and death. We related the Paschal Mystery to the experience of the Seven Sacraments.

Reminder Don’t forget to be practicing the

prayer of the month! February’s prayer:

The Act of Contrition.

PAGE SIX Hypod Winner February 8, 2021

$100 Winner—Natalie Machul Ticket # 00402

Tickets are s ll available in the

pamphlet rack in the back of church or from the Rectory during the week

COVID-19 GUIDELINES Face Coverings Face Coverings must be worn the entire time you are in church and in all parish buildings. Hand Sanitizer and Social Distancing • Please use the hand sanitizer located at the entrances of church. • Please make sure to sit 6 feet

away from those not in your household.

• Please follow the lines in the center aisle when you come up for Communion.

Reception of Communion • Please make sure to leave your mask on when

you come up to Communion. • Communion will only be given in the hand. • After you receive Communion, please step to the

marker on either side of Father and pull down your mask and consume the Consecrated Host before returning to your pew.

Lucy Ramirez Adriana Morello

Bill Cyplick Gloria Sullivan

Paul Medo Denise Stoll

James Cunningham Anthony Manna Patrick Sullivan

Carl Schuyler Lou Falco

Eleanor Vogel Marlene O’Brien

Jerry Hoss

Blanca Selsky Carol Heidorn

Eugene For n, Jr. Kathy Sassolino Francine Nuccio

Char Banyai Frank Banyai Lilian Medo

Howard Heidorn Joan Kohut Leroy Plier

Curly Sheridan

cÄxtáx cÜtç YÉÜ

Week of February 6th & 7th

Weekly $5,376.00

Solemnity of Mary $70.00

Maintenance $183.00

Fuel & Heat $68.00

Ash Wednesday $15.00

Total Collec on $5,732.00 MANY THANKS!

La n America $20.00

Holy Union The union of man and wife

is from God. —St. Augustine


Please Pray For Those Who Are Ill: Christopher Slawecki, Regina Kasper, Marian Ruth, Elizabeth Polce, Joseph & Beatrice Giannone, Jennifer

Kober, Evelyn Cusinato, John Rozak, Be y Ann Graham, Adam Williams, Vincent & Michelle San Filippo, Maria Giangrasso, Norma Orsi, Noella Schu , Sarah Gragnani, Patrick Stark, Mary Ann Posinger, Marie Quinlan, Catherine & Steve Schreiner, Wally Glover, Jean Wesolowski, Charlo e Sarno, Edith Jendruczek, Vicky Majewski (nee Julitz), Sophia Nunez, Susan Siekierski, Dolores Jozsa, Sr. Laure e Bellamy, S.P., Bernie Cwan, Bill McMurray, Bill Hjelmgren, Jim Puchner, John Oakey, Ronald C. Miller, Anna Tylewski, Louis Ramirez, Jim Hermann, Mary Lauro, Joseph Miranda, Odis L. Clark, Kathy Rothgery, Mary Zoch, Jimmy Kokonas, Ma hew Ksiavek, Ann Baxter, Gregory Novak, Sr., Judy Mitrenga, Gus Campeo o, Angela DeFranco, Ted & Joan Lester,

Gary Hickerson, Angela Ewart, Michael & Vivian Jennings, Be y Bajzek, Tina Baroni, Wayne Castrovillari, Thomas Gibb, Irene Ze l, Jonathan Hernandez, Viktor Heinz, Shannon Vaile, Jacob Corona, Odelia Mar nez, Joan Weichbrodt, Dolores Lacorte, Rev. Mike Valente, Cathy DiGiovanni, Kathryn Radek, Valerie Simosko, Brian Kelly, Patricia Jahnke, Claudio DiBenede o, Sarah Tripoli, Joseph D’Amico, Nancy Wright, Chester Piowarczyk, De Covelli, Lorraine Quintana, Sonia Bonacci, Kathy Reinhofer, Mary Ann Jaeger, Angelo Passialis

Please Pray For Those in the Military: Sergeant Michael Bavone & Private Christopher Bavone, US Army. Staff Sergeant John J. Schreiner, U.S.A.F. Sargeant Michael Keaty, HN Nathan Wrobbel US Navy, U.S.M.C. Gunnery Sergeant Osvaldo Rodriguez, U.S.M.C. Kyle E. Ruth

Scholarship Opportunity

The Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women (ACCW) is offering a 4 year $1000 renewable scholarship for female High School Seniors. Application and guidelines available on website: Deadline for submissions is April 30, 2021.



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ConsiderRememberingYour Parish in

Your Will.For further information,

please call the Parish Office.