Saint Catherine Catholic Community Comunidad Católica de … · 2019-09-19 · We, at St....

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Transcript of Saint Catherine Catholic Community Comunidad Católica de … · 2019-09-19 · We, at St....

We, at St. Catherine Parish, are a grow-

ing, diverse, and welcoming Catholic Community, called to live and proclaim the

good news of Jesus Christ through Worship, Discipleship and Service.

La Parroquia de Santa Catalina de Alejan-

dría, es una comunidad en crecimiento, acogedora y diversa, llamada a vivir y

proclamar la Buena Nueva de Jesucristo por medio de la Oración, el Discipulado y

el Servicio.


Monday-Saturday: 8:15am Saturday: 5:30pm Sábado: 7:00pm Sunday: 7:15, 8:45, 10:30am 5:30pm Domingo: 12:15pm

CONFESSION / CONFESIÓN Saturday / Sábado: 4:00 -

5:00pm (Or by appointment / O hacer una cita.)

ADORACIÓN /ADORATION Wednesday / Miércoles 7:00pm

17400 Peak Avenue

Morgan Hill, CA 95037 (408) 779-3959

Fax: (408) 779-0289


Catechetical Ministry (408) 779-9604

St. Catherine School (408) 779-9950

Saint Catherine Catholic Community Comunidad Católica de Santa Catalina


Rectory Office Hours / Horarios de la Rectoría Monday - Friday (Lunes - Viernes)

8:00am - 6:00pm Saturday (Sábado) / Sunday (Domingo)


Pastoral Staff / Equipo Pastoral Fr. Sergio Ovando, Pastor -

Msgr. Francisco Rios, Parochial Vicar– Fr. Francis Kalaw, Parochial Vicar - Deacon Rick Haeckel, Deacon - Deacon Phil Flowers, Deacon - Deacon Juan Aquino, Deacon -

Carmelo Jimenez

Anna Quiñones,

Fabienne Esparza, Principal - Diana-Lynn Inderhees,

Maria Dominguez, Office Manager, Juanita Martinez,

Maria Miranda


TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — See, I am doing something new! (Isaiah 43:16-21) or Ezekiel 37:12-14. Psalm — The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy (Psalm 126) or Psalm 130. Second Reading — I have been taken possession of by Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:8-14) or Romans 8:8-11. Gospel — Go, and from now on do not sin any more (John 8:1-11) or John 11:1-45 [3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45]. The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, Interna-tional Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.


Monday: Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 [41c-62]; Ps 23:1-6; Jn 8:12-20 Tuesday: Nm 21:4-9; Ps 102:2-3, 16-21; Jn 8:21- 30 Wednesday: Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95; Dn 3:52-56; Jn 8:31-42 Thursday: Gn 17:3-9; Ps 105:4-9: Jn 8:51-59 Friday: Jer 20:10-13; Ps 18:2-7; Jn 10:31-42 Saturday: Ez 37:21-28; Jer 31:10, 11-13; Jn 11:45- 56 Sunday: Lk 19:28-40 (procession); Is 50:4-7; Ps 22:8-9, 17-20, 23-24; Phil 2:6-11; Lk 22:14 — 23:56 [23:1-49]


3:30-4:30pm CH Confirmation Talk by Fr. Sergio 4:30-5:30pm CH Worship Band & Singers 3:30-5:00pm MC High School Sacramental Prep. 4:00-5:30pm DC 4:30-7:30pm Rm.10

6:00-7:00pm Community Super 6:30-8:30pm NUR Handmaids Stitching Group 7:00-8:00pm CH Angelica Choir Practice 7:00-8:30pm JPC Junta de Equipo 7:15-9:00pm CR1 SVDP - Quarterly Meeting 7:30-9:00pm MC English - Pre-Baptismal Class

6:30-9:00pm MC Spanish - Platica Pre–Bautismal 7:00-8:00pm CR1-2 Cub Scouts Pack 766 Den 4 Mtg. 7:00-9:00pm KOC - Council Meeting

9:00-11:00am CR1-2 Women’s Group - Study 4:00-8:30pm NUR Choir Practice / FilAM Choir 5:00-6:00pm CH Children’s Choir Practice 6:00-7:30pm UPDE Meeting 6:30-7:30pm CH Hora Santa 6:30-7:45pm Rm.8 Jesus to Mankind Prayer Group 6:30-9:00pm Rm.11 JPC Coro 7:00-8:30pm CR3-4 Encuentro Matrimonial 7:00-8:30pm LR RICA 7:30-9:00pm CH Alpha & Omega

2:30-3:00pm CH School - Stations of the Cross 6:00-7:30pm NUR UPDE Volunteer Meeting 6:00-9:00pm CH Spanish Choir 6:30-7:30pm CR1-2 Cub Scouts Pack 766-Den 3 Mtg. 7:00-8:30pm Rm.11 Grupo Amigos - Teen Leader 7:30-9:30pm MC Cat. Min. - Adult FF / RCIA

9:30-11:00am CR1-2 Bible Study 7:00-9:00pm CH Stations of the Cross (Sp. & Eng.) 7:00-9:00pm MC Grupo Amigos Youth Group 7:00-9:00pm JPC Reunion Semanal

1:00-5:00pm MC Retiro de Confimación 8:00-10:00pm CH Práctica de Pasion de Cristo

8:15am Mass Intentions

Monday, April 8 † William P. Doyle † Purificación Rojas Tuesday, April 9 † Ezequiel Salinas Gloria Gonzalez Wednesday, April 10 † Margaret Wagner † Minnie Aguirre Thursday, April 11 † Purificación Rojas † Lorraine Schloesslin Friday, April 12 † † Saturday, April 13 † James Pereira † Purificación Rojas

There will not be a daily Mass on Thursday, April 18th, Friday, April 19th and Saturday, April 20th.



It’s hard to believe that next weekend is Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week. Holy Week is to the year what Sunday is to the week – special time set aside to renew our relation-ship with the Lord and His Body, the Church. This weekend’s gospel is focusing on the situa-tion of a woman caught in adultery. The demand of such a situation was to be stoned. The Ro-mans prohibited the Jews from imposing the death penalty when violations of Jewish reli-gious laws are committed. This puts Jesus in the position of having to reject either the law of Moses or the Roman authorities. If Jesus agreed that the woman should be stoned, He could be accused of stoning her without hearing her case, which was against the law of Moses. If Jesus indiscriminately pardoned her then He would be accused of “casually absolving the woman,” thus becoming her accomplice. If He insisted they stone her, He would have to con-tend with the Roman authorities. For Jesus, it was a non-win situation. No matter what He an-swered, He would be caught. However, Jesus turned the trap on the accusers, and the woman was left alone with Him. When Jesus was exhorting the crowd, anyone without a sin be the first to throw the stone, was a reminder to the accusers the need of their own repentance. There is an inherent warning against those who would judge another person. In this text, Jesus recognized the woman’s sin, told her to avoid it, and explained that He did not stand in condemnation. As sinners, we are all unworthy to judge the sins of others and we would stand convicted by God for our transgressions. Yet Jesus, the one with-out sin and thus our judge, offers us who are sinners his mercy and forgiveness. Gifted by Jesus' compassion, we are sent to sin no more and to live in God's love and peace. Next weekend, our Confirmation candidates are attending a retreat at Camp St. Francis in Aptos. Please pray for our candidates as they continue with their preparation for the Rite of Confirma-tion on May 4th.


The Gospel today, well into our Lenten journey, speaks forcefully about sin, judgment and forgiveness. Hmm... one might say that describes, in simple terms, a familiar pattern that we experience on our journey of faith. As with much of Jesus’ teachings, it responds to a challenge by the “holier than thou” people of his times, the scribes and the Pharisees. It’s not a blanket condemnation of all scribes and Pharisees but rather those whose sin is in their judgement of others … with no awareness of their own sinfulness. Now, just as then, it is too easy to judge ourselves worthy because we “know” others who have sinned in ways we judge ourselves worthy. It’s worth noting that this kind of “comparison shopping” misses the mark widely. We too easily forget that we are to love God and one another. There is no place in loving that benefits from feeli/*ng better than, holier, closer to God … than someone else. Especially those whose community stature is less than ours. We are all sinners, it’s part of the DNA of being human. One concrete way we can practice (and we do need practice) loving is to offer one of loves closest corollaries, forgiveness. The funny thing is our tendency to see forgiveness as something we give only when we have been wronged. That’s surely correct but sorely lacking… we need to forgive people we’ve never even met personally. Forgive without a quid pro quo measurement. God’s forgiveness, exampled by Jesus with regard to the woman in the Gospel, doesn’t deny that the offense happened or even that the sinner may be apparently unrepentant. No, forgiveness is its own virtue. The very act cleanses us by freeing the negative feelings that come with unneeded judgment of others. It is most often a freedom that allows us to put down the burden of unwarranted judgment, almost like a spiritual shower or cleansing. Like every cleansing, we’ll get “dirty” again so it’s important to avoid self judgment about our failures to forgive. Note to self: we need to give ourselves the benefit of the bumper sticker that reads “Be patient, God isn’t finished with me yet.” We can’t avoid all judgment, only that which tends to belittle or breed dislike both others and ourselves too. It’s certainly prudent to judge that we are always in need of God’s forgiveness but along with that we are also worthy of that gift. Lent is a good time to be a little pensive. Spend some time alone in a quiet setting and contemplate the wonder of forgiveness, knowing that it depends mightily on being open enough to find that God is with us, every moment.


In honor of the past St. Patrick’s day, consider some “green.” Not just your clothing but “greenbacks.” Make a conscious effort to give some money to a person or cause … just be-cause… but not to yourself :-).


¡BIENVENIDO! Nuestra más cordial bienvenida a todos los que es-tán celebrando con nosotros, ya sean residentes de largo plazo o recién llegados a la parroquia. Damos gracias a Dios por ustedes. Si aún no estás registra-do, por favor, llene este formulario y colóquelo en la canasta de la colecta o mandarlo por correo a la oficina de la parroquia.

Nombre (s): ____________________________ Dirección:______________________________ Ciudad:_______________________________ Código postal:_____________ Numero teléfono:______________________ Email:_______________________________ ¿Desea recibir sobres de contribución? _____Sí _____No ¿Desea recibir información de la parroquia? _____Sí _____No


Es difícil creer que el próximo fin de semana sea el Domingo de Ramos y el comienzo de la Semana Santa. La Semana Santa es para el año lo que es el domingo para la semana, un tiempo especial reser-vado para renovar nuestra relación con el Señor y su Cuerpo, la Iglesia.

El evangelio de este fin de semana se centra en la situación de una mujer sorprendida en adulterio. El requerimiento de tal situación era el ser apedreada. Los romanos habían prohibido a los judíos imponer la pena de muerte cuando se cometían violaciones de las leyes religiosas judías. Esto pone a Jesús en la posición de tener que rechazar la ley de Moisés o a las autoridades Romanas. Si Jesús estuviera de acuerdo en que la mujer debería ser apedreada, se le podría acusar de apedrearla sin escuchar su ca-so, lo cual estaba en contra de la ley de Moisés. Si Jesús la perdonara indiscriminadamente, entonces lo acusarían de "absolver a la mujer casualmente", convirtiéndose así en su cómplice. Si Él insistiera en que la apedrearan, tendría que lidiar con las autori-dades Romanas. Para Jesús, fuera una situación no ganadora. No importa lo que él respondiera, él sería atrapado. Sin embargo, Jesús volvió la trampa a los acusadores, y la mujer se quedó sola con él.

Cuando Jesús exhortó a la multitud, cualquiera que no tuviera pecado fuera el primero en tirar la piedra, era un recordatorio para los acusadores de la nece-sidad de su propio arrepentimiento. Hay una adver-tencia inherente contra aquellos que juzgarían a otra persona. En este texto, Jesús reconoció el pe-cado de la mujer, le dijo que lo evitara y le explicó que no estaba condenada. Como pecadores, todos somos indignos de juzgar los pecados de otros y estaríamos condenados por Dios por nuestras transgresiones. Sin embargo, Je-sús, el que no tiene pecado y, por lo tanto, nuestro juez, nos ofrece a los que somos pecadores su mi-sericordia y perdón. Dotados por la compasión de Jesús, somos enviados a no pecar más y a vivir en el amor y la paz de Dios. El próximo fin de semana, nuestros candidatos para la Confirmación asistirán a un retiro en el Campa-mento St. Francis en Aptos. Oremos por nuestros candidatos mientras continúan con su preparación para el Rito de Confirmación el 4 de mayo


Lunes: Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 [41c- 62];Sal 23 (22):1-6; Jn 8:12-20 Martes: Nm 21:4-9; Sal 102 (101):2-3, 16-21; Jn 8:21-30 Miércoles: Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95; Dn 3:52-56; Jn 8:31-42 Jueves: Gn 17:3-9; Sal 105 (104):4-9: Jn 8:51- 59 Viernes: Jer 20:10-13; Sal 18 (17):2-7; Jn 10:31 -42 Sábado: Ez 37:21-28; Jer 31:10, 11-13; Jn

11:45-56 Domingo: Lc 19:28-40 (procesión); Is 50:4-7; Sal 22 (21):8-9, 17-20, 23- 24;Fil 2:6-11; Lc 22:14 — 23:56 [23:1-49]


Primera lectura — El Señor hace algo nuevo para el pueblo escogido (Isaías 43:16-21) o Ezequiel 37:12-14. Salmo — Grandes cosas has hecho por noso-tros, Señor (Salmo 125 [124]) o Salmo 130 (129). Segunda lectura — El bien supremo es cono-cer a Jesús como Señor (Filipenses 3:8-14) o Romanos 8:8-11. Evangelio — Que el que no tenga pecado tire la primera piedra. (Juan 8:1-11) o Juan 11:1-45 [3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45]. Salmo responsorial: Leccionario I © 1976, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. Usado con permiso. Todos los derechos reservados.

¡Dios es Grande Todo el Tiempo, Todo el Tiempo Dios es Grande!



Adulto: ¿Alguna vez has estado demasiado dispuesto a "lanzar la primera piedra" cuando desapruebas el comportamiento de alguien? ¿Cómo puedes resistirte a estos sentimientos?

Niño: ¿Cuándo has criticado o te has burla-do de alguien? ¿Qué podría ayudarte a actuar de manera diferente?

FORMACIÓN DE FAMILIAS EN LA FE El camino de cuaresma nos está llevando cada día más cerca al inicio de la Semana Santa. En esta Cuaresma hemos caminado varios sende-ros, hemos atravesado varios desiertos en nuestro diario vivir y Jesús sigue a nuestro lado. Tal vez con el cansancio, las preocupaciones, la rutina y hasta con el dolor no nos permiten ver o sentir su presencia pero ¡Jesús siempre está con nosotros! De esa misma manera el programa de Cate-quesis está en el último mes de clases y en unas semanas estaremos celebrando en familia y en comunidad los Sacramentos de Iniciación de varios niños. Ha sido un caminar en el pro-ceso de la preparación Sacramental para estos niños elegidos y para las familias. Gracias a Dios por cada familia que ha decidido seguir fiel en este camino que nos llevara con gran gozo al día tan esperado.


Nos encontramos con Ona en Gaza, donde a pesar de la falta de oportunidades económicas, las perso-nas persiguen sus sueños construyendo negocios para mejorar sus vidas. ¿Cómo afectan tus decisio-nes diarias a otros en todo el mundo? ¿Cómo pue-den tus elecciones apoyar la dignidad de los trabaja-dores? Visita para más informa-ción.


Domingo: Quinto Domingo de Cuaresma; Tercer Escrutinio Jueves: San Estanislao Viernes: Abstinencia Sábado: San Martín I


Artesanos preparan alfombras de flores y plu-mas de Quetzal en Guatemala para las fiestas de esta semana santa. Grupos de fieles practi-can su papel de personaje judío o romano para los vía crucis en México, Texas, Chicago y tan-tos lugares más. Fraternidades penitenciales están preparándose espiritualmente para car-gar con imágenes sagradas y pesadas por ca-lles españolas. Muchos más están preparando sus maletas para irse a la playa o las montañas donde, probablemente, nunca recordaran el nombre de Jesús. Estos últimos se perderán las liturgias más significativas de nuestra fe cristiana; ritos llenos de movimiento desde afuera de la Iglesia hasta adentro. Están llenos de símbolos que nos lla-man a la verdad de la existencia cristiana y hu-mana: somos personas paradójicas. Comenza-mos entre los hosannas del Domingo de Ra-mos, pasamos por las dolorosas imágenes del Viernes Santo y terminamos entre juegos de oscuridad, fuego y agua en la Vigilia Pascual. Muchas veces honramos al Señor y tantas ve-ces lo negamos, pero él nunca deja de llamar-nos. En fin nos recuerda que la condición hu-mana es sagrada y profana a la vez. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co


HORA SANTA - MIERCOLES DE 6:30 A 7:30PM Durante los momentos mas dolorosos, Jesús nuestro Señor pidió a sus discípulos que oraran una hora con El en el huerto de Getsemaní. Todos los miércoles a las 6:30 pm tenemos la oportunidad de orar una hora con el Señor en frente de Santísi-mo Sacramento. No pierda la oportunidad de pasar este tiempo con el Señor en el Santísimo Sacramento.

CONFESIONES DURANTE CUARESMA Durante el tiempo de Cuaresma, aparte de el horario usual de confesiones los sábados de 4pm a 5pm, también tendremos confesiones los días miércoles de 6:30pm a 7:30pm.

VIACRUCIS TODOS LOS VIERNES DE CUARESMA Acompáñenos todos los Viernes de Cuaresma a rezar el Viacru-cis bilingüe. La cita es todos los Viernes de Cuaresma a las 7pm en el templo. Los esperamos

GRUPO AMIGOS Se les invita a todos los jóvenes de 14 a 17 años de edad para que asistan al Grupo Amigos. Una oportunidad para hacer bue-nas amistades y crecer en la fe. Los esperamos todos los vier-nes a las 7:00pm en el Centro Milani.

GRUPO DE ORACIÓN ALPHA Y OMEGA El grupo se reúne los miércoles al terminar la Hora Santa. De 8:00 pm a 9:30 pm. Acompáñenos a alabar al Señor con cánti-cos y oración.

JÓVENES PARA CRISTO Se invita a las personas mayores de 18 años a reunirse todos los Viernes en el salón 10 a las 7:00pm. Tenemos momento de alabanzas y temas para crecer en nuestra fe. Los esperamos, todos son bienvenidos.

¿PASANDO POR UN TIEMPO DIFÍCIL? Stephen Ministry en St. Catherine está ahora disponible en es-pañol. Aquí hay ministros capacitados que hablan español para ayudarlo durante crisis de la vida, como problemas familiares, pérdida de un ser querido, divorcio, pérdida de trabajo o enfer-medad. Lo escuchan sin juzgarte, acompañan en tu sufrimiento y ofrecen esperanza, ánimo y oración. Es gratis y completa-mente confidencial. Si usted o alguien que conoce se encuentra en un momento difícil, hay alguien que puede ayudarlo. Para obtener más información, llame a Santa Alvarez al 408-722-8880. Para inglés, llame a Claranne al 408-782-1413 o Kenny al 408-722-7600.

¿Por qué cuarenta días? El significado teológico de la Cuaresma es muy rico. Su estructura de cuarentena conlleva un enfoque doc-trinal peculiar. En efecto, cuando el ayuno se limitaba a dos días o una semana a lo sumo, esta praxis litúrgica podía jus-tificarse simplemente por la tristeza de la Iglesia ante la ausencia del Esposo, o por el clima de ansiosa es-pera; mientras que el ayuno cuaresmal supone desde el principio unas connotaciones propias, impuestas por el significado simbólico del número cuarenta. En primer lugar, no debe pasarse por alto que toda la tradición occidental inicia la Cuaresma con la lectura del evangelio de las tentaciones de Jesús en el desier-to: el período cuaresmal constituye, pues, una expe-riencia de desierto, que al igual que en el caso del Se-ñor, se prolonga durante cuarenta días. En la Cuaresma, la Iglesia vive un combate espiritual intenso, como tiempo de ayuno y de prueba. Así lo manifiestan también los cuarenta años de peregrina-ción del pueblo de Israel por el Sinaí. Otros simbolismos enriquecen el número cuarenta, como se advierte en el Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento. Así, la cuarentena evoca la idea de preparación: cua-renta días de Moisés y Elías previos al encuentro de Yahveh; cuarenta días empleados por Jonás para al-canzar la penitencia y el perdón; cuarenta días de ayuno de Jesús antes del comienzo de su ministerio público. La Cuaresma es un período de preparación para la celebración de las solemnidades pascuales: iniciación cristiana y reconciliación de los penitentes. Por último, la tradición cristiana ha interpretado tam-bién el número cuarenta como expresión del tiempo de la vida presente, anticipo del mundo futuro. El Con-cilio Vaticano II(cfr. SC 109) ha señalado que la Cua-resma posee una doble dimensión, bautismal y peni-tencial, y ha subrayado su carácter de tiempo de pre-paración para la Pascua en un clima de atenta escu-cha a la Palabra de Dios y oración incesante. El período cuaresmal concluye la mañana del Jueves Santo con la Misa crismal —Missa Chrismalis— que el obispo concelebra con sus presbíteros. Esta Misa ma-nifiesta la comunión del obispo y sus presbíteros en el único e idéntico sacerdocio y ministerio de Cristo. Du-rante la celebración se bendicen, además, los santos óleos y se consagra el crisma. El tiempo de Cuaresma se extiende desde el miérco-les de Ceniza hasta la Misa de la cena del Señor ex-clusive. El miércoles de Ceniza es día de ayuno y abs-tinencia; los viernes de Cuaresma se observa la absti-nencia de carne. El Viernes Santo también se viven el ayuno y la abstinencia. Fuente:


Equipping Families to Pass On the Faith



Half Day Camps (2 Sessions) Session I: June 17-21, 2019 Session II: June 24-28, 2019

9:00 am - 12:00 noon

SPANISH SESSION: June 17-21, 2019 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm

For all children ages 4-11 (entering PK - grade 5 in

Fall 2019)

Middle School and Teen Vol-unteer Registration is also

open! Registration forms are available online, in the Recto-

ry and the Faith Formation Office. For further infor-

mation, please call (408) 779-9604.


IS NOW OPEN for English for Spanish. Registration closes 5/6 but it will fill up. IF you’re an adult and interested in going as a leader (that was my first experience of DYR—SO AMAZING),

If you’re interested in fundraising for DYR (or MSDYR), contact Beth at A Passion through Music (the

annual high school reenactment) has been can-celed due to lack of participation. We apologize for those who look forward to this every year, and we hope to be able to bring it back next year.

Edge None this week, but we’re back up again next week! All 6-8th graders are welcome.

Life Teen is on hiatus until further notice—when the new director is hired, they will decide what is best for the future of high school youth ministry here.

Director of Youth Ministries We are still accepting applications for the position of Director of Youth Ministries. This includes mid-dle school (in conjunction with Family Faith For-mation), and high school (which also includes Con-firmation). If you are interested or have questions, please contact Fr. Sergio at, or for more details go to Any questions about youth ministry events or Confirmation should go to


God is great all the time, all the time, God is great!


The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered every Wednesday of Lent in the Church from 6:30pm to 7:30pm.

WAYS OF GIVING St. Catherine Church accepts a variety of gifts that support our various ministries and programs. The fol-lowing list may be helpful to determine which gift is most appropriate for you. Please consult with a tax ad-visor regarding current applicable income tax regula-tions. Some of the ways you can make an outright gift: Matching Gifts. Many corporations demonstrate their support to nonprofit organizations by matching—often dollar for dollar—or multiplying their employees’ gifts up to a set amount. Please note that each compa-ny has its own guidelines and policies regarding its matching gifts program. Before pledging your gift, ask whether your employer participates in such a pro-gram. Certain restrictions apply to matching gifts. Please consult your company’s personnel office for more information. Gifts from Retirement Funds – IRA and 401(k) Funds. When individuals withdraw funds from their IRA or 401(k) fund(s) during their lifetime, income tax-es must be paid. At death, any amount remaining in such plans is potentially subject to two taxes: income and estate taxes. Donors are invited to consider desig-nating Jesuits West as a partial or full beneficiary of their retirement plans.


Triduum Schedule Holy Thursday Mass

April 18, 2019 7:30pm

Good Friday Service April 19, 2019

12:00pm Noon English 7:30pm Spanish

Easter Vigil April 21, 2019

8:30pm Bilingual

Easter Sunday 7:15 am English 8:45am English

(Church and Par-ish Center)

10:30am English (Church and Par-

ish Center) 12:15pm Spanish (Church and Parish Center)

Please note: There is no 5:30pm Mass on Easter Sunday


Encounter Ona We encounter Ona in Gaza, where despite lack of eco-nomic opportunity, people pursue their dreams by build-ing businesses to better their lives. How do your daily choices impact others throughout the world? How can your choices support the dignity of workers? Visit for more.

SAVE THE DATE Young Ladies' Grand Institute #172, El Gabilan cordially invites you to our Fashion Show Fund-raiser held on Sunday, May 5th at noon at Old City Hall Restaurant! $25 Donation includes lunch! There are raffle prizes! Proceeds benefit Fishes & Loaves, Sacred Heart Thrift Store, Seminarians and the 2018-2019 Grand Presi-dent's Program: The American Heart Associa-tion. Full details to follow. For questions con-tact Julie at


St. Catherine School leads on Thursdays during Lent at 2:30pm in the Church. Adults lead on Fridays during Lent at 7:00pm, Bilingual in the Church.

SURE CURE The only cure for sorrow is to kill it with pa-tience. —Irish Proverb

GOOD INFORMATION Our judgments are only as good as our in-formation. —Anonymous

Welcome! Our warmest welcome to all who celebrate with us, whether long-time residents or newly arrived in the parish. We thank God for you. If you are not registered, please fill out this form and place it in the collection basket or mail it to the parish office. Name:________________________________________ Address:______________________________________ City:____________________ Zip: _________________ Phone:______________ Email: ___________________ Would you like to receive envelopes? Yes / No



Adult: Have you ever been too willing to “cast the first stone” when you disapprove of someone’s behavior? How can you resist these feelings?

Child: When have you criticized or made fun of someone? What could help you act different-ly?

40 DAYS FOR LIFE Join with others in South County to end abor-tion, support the sanctity of life, and support young mothers who struggle to make a life af-firming choice. The 40 Days Prayer kickoff was Wednesday, March 6th. Hosted vigils are held three days a week M,W,F at 11:45am adjacent to Planned Parenthood, 760 Renz Lane, Gilroy March 6th to April 14th , 2019. For all information Call Brian Cunningham 408-847-2000 or email

TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Next weekend, many churches provide palms to be carried in the opening moments of the liturgy, as we gratefully recall Jesus’ entry into the holy city of Jerusa-lem. The children who greeted him on that day used what was both handy and traditional, since palms were carried to inaugurate the joyful harvest feast of Succoth. To this day, faithful Jews are directed to take a beautiful palm branch, green and straight as possible, called a lulav, and bind it with three myrtle branches fifteen inches long, and two longer willow branches. At the end of the temple ser-vice, everyone carries the lulav, circling the sanctuary in a dance called the Hoshanot, singing hymns of joy.

In other climates, Jews and Christians alike have had to make accommodations over the years. In Italy, every-one carries olive branches today, often brought from their own garden. In England, forsythia branches are pre-ferred, a relative of the olive, sign of peace. Germans prefer pussywillows, and others look for flowering spring branches. In our part of the world, what do you think would be the best choice to express joy and welcome, and to remind us of the joy of Christ’s victory even as we prepare to commemorate his passion? —James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.



All are welcome! All denominations share friendship, prayer and socials. Meetings are held at noon in St. Catherine’s O’Donnell Parish Center. Bring your own table service, potluck dish and/or dessert as suggested in the meeting schedule below. Refreshments are furnished. Members have voted to collect two dollars for club expenses at each meeting. Contributions are welcome (canned foods or money) for the Reach Out Program.

Meeting Schedule for 2019 Apr. 15 Potluck and/or dessert all mem- bers May 20 Lasagna, chips & dip by club, salad and dessert all members For more information, please call Alicia (408) 842-6928.


St. Catherine’s Community Clos-et is one of the great organiza-tions in the Parish. We are known for our successful Back to School giveaway one week every sum-

mer. But we are also there all year to offer help to those in need. We appreciate lightly used adult and children’s clothing, household items, and some types of furniture and appliances. As we enter the winter months, please donate these items. You can do so at the Parish of-fice, or at our location at 13570 Depot Street, San Martin. If you are so inclined and want to volunteer, come to San Martin Hall and talk to Debbie or any other volunteer. The facility is open every Tuesday and Thursday, 10:00am - 1:00pm and the first Saturday of the month from 10:00am to 12:00pm. Currently we are in urgent need of the following items…

• Boys clothing sizes 2T to 6X & boys jackets (all sizes)

• Girls clothing sizes 2T to 6X


The Handmaidens are a group of St. Catherine nee-dle crafters. We bring knit-ting, crocheting, quilting or embroidery projects to share and work on each Monday night from 6:00-8:00pm in the Nursery Room in the Parish Center. We also make booties, blankets, baby

hats, etc. for the Diocesan Layette Program. Con-tact Diane at 408-839-3553 for questions or if you would like to learn to knit or crochet. All are wel-come to drop in anytime.

The Bright Beginnings Nursery is open on Sun-days for the 8:45 and 10:30 Masses. There are toys and activities for children from ages 1 to 4. Heidi Betancourt is the Nursery Supervisor who has led the

Nursery for years. Enter the Parish Center, and the Nursery is off to the left. We are open when you see the Bright Beginnings sign in the front of the Parish Center.


When Jews celebrate the Passover, they al-ways tell the story of the Exodus in present terms, as if they themselves experienced those events: when we were prisoners in Egypt; when God brought us out of slavery and through the waters of the sea. We would do well to follow their example and see the works of Jesus and his sacrifice as being in the present, as happen-ing to us now. We believe that Christ’s work, his teachings, and his sacrifice on the cross were not just for his followers in the past, but for all people at all times. When we think of this in our prayers, we become one in faith with that great cloud of witnesses, the saints. We have been striving through Lent to re-pent of our sins and failings, and to follow Jesus more closely. Today in the story of the woman caught in adultery, we see Jesus forgiving the woman, saving her from a horrible death, and urging her not to sin any more. This is new, and brings out something for which the law had not allowed—forgiveness. Of course one can sin no more if one is dead, caught in one’s sins forev-er. But Jesus introduces the concepts of for-giveness and reconciliation.

Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.


St. Catherine School News


Join the students of St. Catherine School for Stations of the Cross every Thursday during Lent at 2:30 in the church. All are welcome!

St. Catherine School--Summer Programs July 1-18, 2019

To register, go to and click the Summer Programs link. Sewing for Beginners—July 1-3, 10:00-12:00 for students in grades 6-8. Max 8 students. Students will learn basic sewing techniques using a sewing machine and will produce a pillow and a ditty bag. Each student will need to bring one yard of cotton or cotton blend fabric. All other materials will be provid-ed Creating With Little Bits-- July 1-3, 12:30-2:00 for students in grades 2-5. Max 10 students. Stu-dents will learn basic circuitry/engineering skills to design a variety of devices using Little Bits units. Intro to VEX IQ Robotics— July 8-11 9:00 am - 11:00 am Students will be working in pairs using VEX IQ super kits and Modkit for VEX software to build and program robots. Middle school students who are signed up for a VRC competition team at St. Catherine School in the upcoming season will use VEX EDR pieces and VEX Coding Studio instead. The curriculum includes learning about drive trains, object manipulators, and basic programming concepts. This camp is intended for students who are VEX IQ or EDR beginners. This is a great intro into the Advanced VEX IQ Robotics. Students 4th-8th grades. Max 16 students. Advanced VEX IQ Robotics July 15-18 8:00 - 11:00 am Students will learn about more advanced engi-neering and programming concepts to be able to design more complex robots. Then, they will work in groups using VEX IQ super kits and Modkit for VEX software to build and program a robot using the con-cepts they have learned. Middle school students who are signed up for a VRC competition team at St. Catherine School in the upcoming season will use VEX EDR pieces and VEX Coding Studio instead. This camp is intended for students who have some experience with VEX robotics systems and are inter-ested in participating in competitive robotics at St. Catherine School next school year. Competitive robot-ics teams that have already been put together will be given time to start work on their robot and/or STEM project for next season. Students 4th-8th grades. Max 30 students. Focus on Reading July 8-18 9:00-11:00 am Students will focus on improving reading fluency and comprehension. Students entering 1st and 2nd grades. Max 10 students. Math Camp—July 8-18, 9:00 am-12:00 noon Mondays through Thursdays, for students entering grades 1-8. Grades will be clustered into three groups: 1-3, 4-6, and 7-8. Instruction will be tailored to the specific needs of the students in the class, while also emphasizing the development of number sense, basic facts and real world applications as appropriate for each grade level. Students will use technology, hands on learning, collaboration, projects and pen and pencil activities to deepen their un-derstanding of mathematics, with lots of fun thrown in for good math measure. This program will meet the needs of those students who are recommended or required to do additional work in math this sum-mer. Kinder Program—July 8-18, 9:00 am-11:00 am Monday through Thursdays The program will sup-port a smooth transition for students entering kindergarten. Phonemic Awareness, Number and Letter Recognition, Letter/Sound Correspondence, and Fine Motor Skills will be addressed through small group work and hands-on activities. We will also address the social and developmental needs of the students as they prepare to begin their academic journey. Fun With Handwriting-- July 8- 18, 11:15 am-12:15 am Monday through Thursdays Students grades 1-3. Students will participate in a variety of Handwriting Without Tears activities to improve pencil grip, letter formation, and writing stamina with Mrs. Garcia, our certified handwriting instructor. Cookie Madness—July 8-11, 12:30-3:00 pm Students grades 4th-8th. Max 12 students. Students will learn baking techniques as they make multiple types of cookies (drop, rolled, molded, etc.). Extended Care --Care will be offered from 12:00-6:00 pm on program days for students participating in the programs. If you need care from 7:30-9:00/11:00-12:00 noon, contact Ms. Esparza.

Love One Another