Safety in Hair Relaxing Precautions and Procedures in Chemical Services.

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Transcript of Safety in Hair Relaxing Precautions and Procedures in Chemical Services.

Safety in Hair Relaxing Precautions and Procedures in Chemical Services

Safety Procedures in Chemical ServicesBegin each service with an in-depth client consultation to determine the following: 1. If a relaxer service is

recommended at time of request.

2. If so, what strength and type of relaxer is best for the client?

3. Are their any special considerations, (previously hair breakage, sensitive scalp, hair damage etc)?

Scalp ExaminationDuring the hair analysis, check

for following: 1. Redness 2. Swelling 3. Abrasions 4. Signs of Infection 5. Extreme hair breakage

If any conditions exist, do not proceed with service, it must be decline for safety reasons.

Record Keeping Keeping accurate records

for client services is extremely important.

Include services performed, products used, time processed, and results

Note any concerns, or client comments, if needed.

Make adjustments as necessary for future services.

Release Statement Release statements are

recommended to be used in salons when providing chemical services.

Ask client to provide any information about prior chemical services, allergies, and/or adverse reactions that may effect the end results of a service.

Most malpractice insurance companies require implementation of release statements.

Note: Cosmetologists are not cleared completely of responsibility if damage occurs.

Important Points to Remember Never apply hydroxide

relaxer on hair that has been previously treated with thio relaxer. (or vice versa),

Do not relax hair that has been treated with metallic dyes.

Do not relax hair that is showing signs of extreme damaged.

Do not relax more than 80% of the hair.

Safety Preparations for Hair Relaxing Have client remove any

jewelry. Provide client with a two-

towel drape. Apply protective cream

around hairline. Apply base cream on scalp,

if needed. Wear gloves during relaxer

service. Work neatly & cautiously.

Safety Procedures Work carefully near the

client’s face. Do not allow relaxer to

come in contact with client’s ears or skin.

If client states scalp is burning, immediately rinse thoroughly.

If relaxer comes in contact with client’s eyes, flush the eye immediately with cool water and refer to doctor.

Safety During the Relaxer Process Never process a relaxer under

a hooded dryer, extreme breakage will occur.

Perform periodic strand tests to gauge degree of hair relaxing.

Do not overlay relaxer on previously relaxed hair.

Inform client not to scratch their scalp during relaxer process.

Do not leave client unattended during service.

Rinsing and Neutralizing Relaxer Completely rinse relaxer

from hair, if not scalp irritation or hair breakage could occur.

Use neutralizing shampoo according to manufacture’s directions.

Use normalizing conditioner/lotion to restore hair and scalp to normal Ph level.

Post Hair Relaxer Service Inform client that they

should not receive bleach services after relaxer.

Do not use excessive heat on hair or hot irons on relaxed hair.

Use recommended shampoo and conditioner.

Wait at least 4 -6 weeks before next relaxer service.

Summary Hair Relaxer services

require the use of powerful chemicals on the hair, great care must be given to the client.

Client’s depend on high level of experience and skills from the cosmetologist.

Professional hair relaxing services are in great demand. Perfect your skills to achieve success!

Work Sited Milady Standard

Textbook, copyright 2004