SACRED HEART WADSWORTH, OHIO · Susan randner [Family] Sunday, May 17 -Sixth Sunday of Easter Mary...

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Transcript of SACRED HEART WADSWORTH, OHIO · Susan randner [Family] Sunday, May 17 -Sixth Sunday of Easter Mary...

SACRED HEART WADSWORTH, OHIO The good news is that we will be able to have public Masses again beginning on Monday, May 25. The first Sunday for public Masses will be on Sunday, May 31, the Feast of Pentecost. I am sure we are all well aware of the fact that we will have to observe certain guidelines as we resume our public worship of God. All the rules of social distancing will be in

effect, which includes six feet of distance, wearing a mask during Mass, except when receiving Holy Communion. Attendance will be limited to a maximum of 50% of the church’s total capacity in order to assure compliance with social distancing requirements. Families who reside in the same dwelling will be able to sit in the same pew. We will have to sit in every other pew, with a safe distance between. The same distancing will be in effect as we process to Holy Communion. There will be no hymnals, so we will sing the songs we already know. As we transition back, we will have Mass at 5 PM on Saturday and 9:30 AM on Sunday. All parishioners are encouraged to take their temperatures prior to coming to Mass. Any parishioner with a temperature of 100.4 F or more should stay home. Anyone not feeling well needs to stay home. The dispensation from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass remains in effect for the Catholic faithful who reside in the Diocese of Cleveland and all other Catholics in the diocese until further notice. I ask that everyone enter the church at the EAST DOOR under the portico. As you enter you will be given instructions as to where you may sit. We will have to get used to sitting in new places in the church as we will not be able to sit in our “usual places”. The entry door will be propped open before Mass and all exit doors will be propped open at the end of Mass to prevent people from touching the door handles, knobs, or push plates. The ushers will not take up the collection from the congregation. Stationary baskets are to be used for donations from the assembly and are to be monitored by the ushers until the donations are collected. For the health and safety of all, reception of Holy Communion is strongly encouraged in the hand to avoid contact with individual’s saliva. Presiders are encouraged to announce that all who wish to receive on the tongue should be last in the communion line to allow for proper sanitizing between each communicant. When approaching the Communion minister, the communicant is to pull their mask below the chin and present one hand resting on the palm of the other. After responding “Amen,” the communicant reverently places the Eucharist in his or her mouth and immediately replaces their mask. Family units should depart the church in an organized manner wearing masks and observing six feet of distance between other households. Ushers or clergy may need to direct this process. Ushers are not to hand out bulletins or other materials without gloves and distancing. The CRYROOM will not be available for the time being. The restrooms on the lower level of the church will not be available. If needed, please use the restroom near the choir area. The church will need to be cleaned with disinfectant after each Mass so we will be needing volunteers who can stay after Mass to clean. I would like to have a few teams of 8 to ten people to do this. If you would like to volunteer please call the parish office at 330.336.3049 or via email These are the basic directions we have received so far. I know it seems like a lot for all of us to do and there are some things that do not seem to make sense to everyone, but we must try to be patient and trusting and do the best we can. It may not come off exactly as planned, but we will give it our best shot. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated. Please pray for all priests, deacons, teachers, catechists, and all our parish leaders and volunteers through the diocese. Please continue to pray for one another and be good to one another. IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT CONCERNING SACRED HEART SCHOOL: Mr. Bill Adams announced his retirement and that he will be stepping down as principal of our parish school, as of June 30. The past nine years Mr. Adams has served our parish in a most faithful and dedicated way always trying to do his very best for our children, teachers, staff, and parents. He has spent the past 44 years of his life in education of young people and has done an outstanding job. He is a man of faith, the Catholic Faith, and that is what he shared with those around him every day. This is what God called him to do and to be and he has answered that call in the best possible way. I am sorry to see him go, but I know this is the time for him to take it a little bit easier and spend more time with his family. It is a blessing from God that he is able to do this at this time in his life. I am sure I speak for many that we will miss him very much and we wish him all the best and God’s abundant blessings for the years to come. John Czaplicki, an 8 year veteran Principal, is ready and eager to lead our school. John is currently the principal of St. Matthews in Akron. He and his wife Mary have 4 children with 3 to be enrolled at Sacred Heart. I met John about three years ago and have found him to be a very committed Catholic educator. He too is a man of faith. I am very confident that he will carry on the good work of the principals that have gone before him here at Sacred Heart. Please pray for Mr. Adams, Mr. Czaplicki, our students, teachers, staff and parents as we embark on this new chapter in the 71 year history of Sacred Heart School. May God bless us all.


Baptism: By prior arrangement with the Parish Office. Parents are expected to attend the Pre-Baptismal Instruction which is held the first Sunday of March, June, September and December after the noon Mass.


Anointing of the Sick: In case of serious illness or before surgery, please call the Parish Office. Communion Calls: Homebound parishioners unable to come to Mass should notify the Parish Office so that Holy Communion may be brought to their homes. Sacrament of Penance: Saturday, 11:00 a.m. to Noon, and 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. or by appointment. To Be A Godparent/Sponsor: You must be registered at a parish and a practicing Catholic at least 16 years old and have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist as well as being in a valid marriage, if married. Those Catholics who have joined another religion may not act as Godparent or Christian Witness or who no longer attend Mass weekly. Crisis Pregnancies: Don’t panic. Help of ALL KIND is available. If unsure of what to do, call Embrace Clinic and Care Center (330-825-1900). You will find lots of support for you and your unborn child. Every human life is sacred and a gift from God. Bequests: A bequest to your parish is a way to honor your church and faith of your lifetime. A bequest, included in your will, is exempt from state and inheritance taxes and reduces the amount of estate to be taxed. For more information, please call the Parish Office.


Saturday, May 16 Susan Brandner [Family] Sunday, May 17 - Sixth Sunday of Easter Mary Ann Roberts [Gary & Kathleen Roberts] For Our Parish Liz Carretta [Brad & Nancy] Monday, May 18 - Saint John I Joe Gruber [Family] Tuesday, May 19 Louise Ravetta [Tom & Judy Polomsky] Wednesday, May 20 - Saint Bernardine of Siena Elsa Immormino [Sacred Heart Parish Office] Frank & Estelle Witschey [Tom Witschey Family] Thursday, May 21 - Saint Christopher Magallanes Edmund Barnes [Caesar & Lynda Carrino] Carol Heim [Dick & Linda Peebles] Friday, May 22 - Saint Rita of Cascia Art & Helen Schaefer [Tim & Connie Perry] Saturday, May 23 Reynold Desman [Family] Jamie Chamier [Sue & Ray Leach] Sunday, May 24 - THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD Wallace & Ann Clark [Schlueter Family] Carol Pantalone [Deacon Roger & Helen Klaas] For Our Parish


Monday Acts 16:11-15; Jn 15:26—16:4A Tuesday Acts 16:22-34; Jn 16:5-11 Wednesday Acts 17:15,22-18:1;Jn 16:12-15 Thursday Acts 18:1-8; Jn 16:16-20 Friday Acts 18:9-18; Jn 16:20-23 Saturday Acts 18:23-28; Jn 16:23B-28


Question for Adults: What difficulties have you overcome because of your belief in the power of the Holy Spirit? Questions for Children: Name some times when you need the help of the Holy Spirit?

Please be assured that Mass Intentions are still being prayed during the 9:30am Live Streamed Mass on Sunday and at the 8:00am weekday Masses. Fr Joe is including all

other Mass intentions during his daily private Masses. All intentions noted in the bulletin are being prayed for by Fr. Joe and Fr. Pat.

Sixth Sunday of Easter Jesus said to his disciples: “If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you always, the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot accept, because it neither sees nor knows him. But you know him, because he remains with you, and will be in you. I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you. In a little while the world will no longer see me, but you will see me, because I live and you will live. On that day you will realize that I am in my Father and you are in me and I in you. Whoever has my commandments and observes them is the one who loves me. And whoever loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and reveal myself to him.”


Envelope Offertory (87 Envelopes) ................. $18,121

Online Giving Offertory (120 Givers)

Budget Offertory ............................................. $18,500

Weekly Difference ........................................... ($379)

Actual YTD Offertory ....................................... $864,463

Budget YTD Offertory ...................................... $869,500

YTD Difference................................................. ($5,037)


Capital Improvement ...................................... $836

St. Vincent de Paul .......................................... $1,890

Support Our School ......................................... $145

Thank you for your generosity!

Banns of Marriage II Ben Hanna - Sacred Heart


Jessica Dixon - St Francis de Sales


FOR THE WEEK OF May 10, 2020 is

Bonnie Mulhollan

REGISTRATION IS CURRENTLY TAKING PLACE AT SACRED HEART OF JESUS SCHOOL Seeking a Catholic education for your child? Registration for new students and re-registration for current students for the 2020-2021 school year is currently taking place. If you are looking for a Christ-centered, safe and nurturing environment, please consider our parish school. Sacred Heart School has much to offer its students including excellence in academics, a spiritually contagious atmosphere, service projects to enhance learning outside the classroom, and small class sizes to help keep our focus on the individual needs of every student. In an attempt to meet each child’s needs, we offer full-day and half-day kindergarten programs, as well as many enrichment and intervention opportunities. We are a Jon Peterson and Ed Choice Expansion Scholarship school. Please call 330-334- 6272 for more information or visit our websites at www.sacredheartexcellence or to learn more about our school.

During the “Stay at Home” order, for those who would like to continue their offertory to the church, it may be in everyone ’s best interest to consider online giving. To sign up, go to our website at, under the “About Us” tab, select Online Giving. At the bottom of the page select “Get Started with Online Giving to Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish”. Follow the instructions. There is also an option to give without creating an account on the same page where it says, “Give one time without creating an account”, click on Quick Give. This allows a person to give each week, temporarily, until we resume our normal Mass schedule. Thank you!

Daily Masses will live stream until further notice: Sunday Mass: 9:30 am

Monday -Wednesday: 8:00 am Thursday: 9:30 am

Friday-Saturday: 8:00 am

The parish office is now open from 9am-noon, M-F

The SVDP Society through the help of Father Joe and Sacred Heart Parish has received a grant to help any of our parishioners who need financial assistance due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19). To request this financial assistance please email or call Bill Leahy (330-714-6731) or Greg Pero (330-620-9207). This financial assistance can be for rent/mortgage, utilities, medical, or any viable request. SVDP will only need a copy of the invoice and some basic information to process your request. If you email your request, please specify that you are a parishioner. God Bless us all and keep us safe.


The Tony Gillespie Food Pantry is in great need of the following food items: - Canned beans (i.e. kidney, black, pinto beans, etc.) - Canned SpaghettiOs and/or Ravioli for kids - Canned soups - Canned meats

Drop off options: Monday & Thursday 6-8pm corner of Humbolt & Broad St. Monday through Friday 9-12am at the Parish Office

Thank you for your continued support!

Monday, May 18, 2020 Be Someone’s Angel

Mr. Tony Agnesi, Host, The Storytellers Radio Program heard locallon on WILB, Living Bread Radio

Join the Live Stream at 7:00 pm -2iVayQrFQ9w

Sponsored by St. Sebastian Parish, Akron

DIGITAL GRIEF SUPPORT—The Catholic Cemeteries Association is constantly monitoring guidance set by the CDC, the State of Ohio, and the Diocese of Cleveland in regard to stopping the spread of COVID-19. With that in mind, many of our scheduled events have been postponed or moved to a different format. To view our most updated calendar of events, please visit Digital bereavement resources, which include our blog and podcasts, can be found by visiting the “Media” tab on our website. To request materials contact us at .