SA2 - Structure of Ceramics (Part 2)

Post on 22-Nov-2015

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Transcript of SA2 - Structure of Ceramics (Part 2)


  • Atomic structure

    Quantum theory & wave mechanics

    Bohr atom

    Electron orbits

    Orbital shape, density, electron distribution

  • Interatomic bonds

    Ionic bonds

    Covalent bonds

    Van der Waals bonds

    Metallic bonds

  • Atomic bonding in solids






  • Ionic crystals

    Madelung constant

    depends on the geometry of the crystal structure and is characteristic for a particular structure type

    Example: NaCl structure: = 1.748

    CsCl structure: = 1.763

    zincblende structure: = 1.748

  • Madelung constant represents the Coulomb energy of an ion pair in a crystal relative to the Coulomb energy of an isolated ion pair

    > 1 but not far

    Penurunan Madelung constant sbb:

    The energy of one ion of charge Zie in a crystal (ex NaCl) = summation of its interaction with the other j ions in the crystal

  • Ei =










  • Ionic crystals are characterized by:

    Strong infrared absorption

    Transparency in the visible wavelength

    Low electrical conductivity at low temp,but good electrical conductivity at high temp

  • Compounds of metal ions with group III anion are strongly ionic. Ex: NaCl, LiF

    Compounds of metals with oxygen are largely ionic. Ex: MgO, Al2O3, ZrO2

    Compounds with with higher atomic weight elements of group VI (S, Se, Te) which have lower electronegativity are increasingly less ionic.

  • Ionic bonds

    The strength of ionic bonds increases as the valence increases.

    The electron distribution in ions is nearly spherical

    The interatomic bond (since it arises from coulombic forces) is nondirectional

  • Covalent crystals

    A pair of electron is concentrated in the space between the atoms

    Covalent crystals form when a repetitous structure can be built up consistently with the strong directional nature of the covalent bond


  • C form 4 tetrahedral (covalent) bond

    In methane, CH4: all the tetrahedral bonds are used up in forming a molecule so that no electron are available for forming additional covalent bonds. No covalent crystal can be built up

    In diamond: covalent crystal is formed. Each C is surrounded by 4 other C atoms. The tetrahedral (fourfold) coordination doesnot allow dense packing

  • Covalent crystal (ex: diamond, SiC) Have high hardness High melting point Low electrical conductivity (when pure) at low

    temp Formed between atoms of similar

    electronegativity which are not close in electronic structure to inert gas config: C, Ge, S, Te etc

  • Molecular bond

    In organic molecules, inert gases. Atoms are bound together in solid phase by means of weak vd waals forces: weak, compressible, low melting point, low boiling point.

    These forces occur in all crystals and important only when other forces are absent

    In ceramics: the bonding together of silicate sheet in clays.

  • Hydrogen bond crystal

    In inorganic crystals

    H ions form a rather strong bonds between two anions

  • Metal crystals

  • Crystal structures

    The most stable crystal structures are those that have the densest packing of atoms; consistent with other requirements, such as the no of bons per atom, atom size and bond direction.

  • Crystal structures

    Simple cubic

    Close-packed cubic

    Close-packed hexagonal

  • Simple cubic structure

    48% void space (not very dense)

    6 nearest neighbours

    Typical structures with

    anions forming simple cubic

    5. Cesium chloride


    Formula = AX

    e. g. CsCl, CsBr

    Anions = simple cubic

    Cations = fill all of

    the cubic centres

    CN = 8 for both

    anions and cations

  • Close-packed cubic structure

    26 void volume

    12 nearest neighbours

    Example of the most simple unit cell: face centered cubic

    For fcc, there are two kinds of interstices: octahedral and tetrahedral

  • Close-packed hexagonal structure

  • Space lattice

    32 permissible arrangements 14 different Bravais or space lattice, grouped into 6 system:







  • Grouping of ions and Paulings Rules

    For crystals having a large measure of ionic bond character (halides, oxides and silicates), the structure is (in large part) determined on the basis of how + and ions can be packed to maximize electrostatic attractive forces and minimize electrostatic repulsion. The stable array of ions in a crystal is the one with the lowest energy.

  • Ionic crystal structure Paulings Rules 1st rule

    Coordination polyhedron of anions is formed about each cation (and vice versa)

    Cation anion distance

    Coordination number (CN) = the number of anions surrounding a cation

  • A given coordination is stable only when the ratio of cation to anion radius is greater than a critical value (#9)

    Critical radius ratio govern the coordination of cation about anion (#9)

  • Since anions are larger than cations, crit radius ratio is determined by the coordination of anions about the cation cation coordination polyhedron.

    Geometry would permit the structure to form with any one of a number of smaller coordination number. The most stable structure however always has the maximum permissible coordination number (#9).

  • Pauling,s 2nd Rule

    Local electrical neutrality

    The formal charge of cation divided by its CN = ionic bond strength (#10)

    Example: Si, valence 4; tetrahedral coordination bond strength = 4/4 = 1

    Al3+, octahedral coordination; bond strength = 3/6 = , regardless whether all coordinating anions are of the same species.

  • In a stable structure, the total strength of the bonds reaching an anion from all surrounding cations should be equal to the charge of the anion.

    Example: SiO2 two bonds of strength 1 reached the shared O ion from the surrounding Si ions 2 x 1= 2 == valence of O.

    Implying that in Si2O7 no additional cation may be bonded to the shared O

  • MgAl2O4 (spinel structure). Each O2- is surrounded by one Mg2+ which donate bond of strength 2/4 and three Al3+ which donate three bonds of strength 3/6: 2 == (1)(2/4) + (3)(3/6)


  • Paulings 3rd rule

    The separation of cations within the polyhedron decreases as the polyhedron successively shared corners, edges and faces and the repulsive interaction between cations accordingly increases

  • Pauling,s 4th rule

    Polyhedron formed about cations of lowest CN and high charge tend to be linked by corner

    --- the repulsive interaction between a pair of cations increases as the square of their charge and that the separation of caations within a coordinated polyhedron decreases as the CN becomes smaller

  • Pauling,s 5th rule

    The number of different constituents in a structure tends to be small

    --- follow from the difficulty encountered in efficiently packing into a single structure ions and coordination polyherda of different size.

  • Oxide structures

    Rock salt






    Cesium chloride


  • Antifluorite



  • Derivative structures, mechanism

    Substitution of different atoms

    Omission of atoms

    Addition of an atom to an unoccupied site (stuffing)

    Distortion of an atomic array

  • Silicate structures

    Radius ratio Si-O = 0.29 tetrahedral coordination (CN = 4)

    Bond strength = 4/4 = 1 O may be coordinated with only two Si low CN of O makes silica not so dense

  • Silicates classification

    are based on the number of shared O ions per [SiO4] tetrahedra (bridging oxygen). Silicates characteristics largely depend on the nature of the tetrahedral arrangement. Inversely, the characteristics and behaviour of silicates provide many clues to their internal structure.

  • Silicates classification

    1. Independent silicates (orthosilicates)

    2. Ring silicates (cyclosilicates)

    3. Chain/linear silicates (polysilicates)

    4. Layer/sheet silicates (phyllosilicates)

    5. Framework silicates

  • Orthosilicates The silica tetrahedra do not share any O bonds

  • examples

  • Cyclosilicates the tetrahedra are joined forming ring, each tetrahedron shares two O with the adjacent tetrahedra. The rings are complex groups of (SiO3)3

    -6 or (SiO3)6-12. Charges are balanced by

    metal ions holding the rings together in a crystal structure.

  • examples

  • polysilicates a linear open structure of tetrahedra in which each tetrahedron share two O with its adjacent tetrahedra. In effect a giant negative ion is created with an indefinite number of tetrahdera, each carrying 2 negative charges. The chains are aligned and held together by metal ions other than silicon.

  • pyroxenes

  • Phyllosilicates are formed when each tetrahedron shares 3 O with other tetrahedra. The resulting giant negative ions extends imdefinitely in 2D. The sheet consists of (Si2O5)-2 units held together in stacks by metal ions.

  • Framework silicates the tetrahedra shares all of its 4 O with the other tetrahedra forming a framework structure extending in 3D. Al can substitute Si as the centre of the tetrahedra. If part of the [SiO4] tetrahedra are substituted by [AlO4]- tetrahedra, the corresponding minerals are termed aluminosilicates. As Al has 3 positive charges while the 4 O give 4 negative charges, the resultant tetrahedra has to be charge-balanced by a cation, usually of the alkali and alkaline-earth metals.

  • Silica, crystalline SiO2

    Polymorphs: quartz, tridymite and cristobalite, each exist in two or three modif.

  • SiO2, silica are both monotropic and enantiotropic. and quartz are two stable form of silica showing enantiotropic behaviour.

    and cristobalite are two metastable form of silica which are enantiotropic wrt one another but monotropic to the stable forms of and quartz.

  • enantiotropy

    Type of polymorphism in which each phase posses a definite range of stability

    It is a common type

  • Monotropy

    One that posseses more than one crystalline form but where one form is stable over the whole temp range and the other form is merely metastable at all temp

  • Derivative structures, of silicates

    Structures that are derived from a more simple one; by distortion or by substitution of different chemical species.

    Examples: quartz, tridymite and cristobalite, all have low-temp structures that are distorted from the more symmetrical high-temp structures (Fig 2-32)

  • Examples; in stuffed silica structures in which Si4+ is replaced by Al3+.

    LiAlSiO4, eucryptite, is a stuffed derivative of quartz

  • Clay minerals