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Transcript of S O C I A L S T U D I E S F I N A L E X A M

Social Studies Final Exam

Andrés Herrera M.

Mr. Diego Villamizar



 To your regard what is a Constitution?

• A Constitution is the rules and laws governing a sovereign country and serves as a guide to being governed, well defined rights and duties of citizens. The constitution sets the limits and relations between the branches of government: legislative, judicial and executive. 

 When was Slavery abolished?

• Slavery was abolished between 1777 and 1804 in the United States, in 1792 in Denmark, and Britain between 1807 and 1815 in 1791-1793 in France, but in 1803 he returned to legalize, slavery in Colombia on January 1, 1852.

What is a constitutional reform?

• When we speak of reform refers to the desire to change or modify any rule in effect on the current constitution of any nation. This is intended to obsolete rules that could impede the development of specific sectors or that are detrimental to the welfare of society can be changed or abolished for the sole purpose of the collective good.

 Explain the concept State of Siege?

• Emergency rule is that a government declares special situations (it is a mechanism included in the constitución of a country if there is any situation, such as natural disaster, serious disruption of internal order, foreign war, civil war, invasion, or any other hazards considered very serious, in order to cope with it). example Earthquake in Chile in March 2010. 

 What  is a Plebiscite?

• The plebiscite is a sharing mechanism offered by the Colombian Constitution to participate in political decisions that affect them. The plebiscite is called by the President of the Republic with support of all Ministers whenever it sees fit to consult the people about a decision to be planning to take Example:

What was the National Front and what was its main objective?

• The Nacional Front was a political agreement between liberals and conservatives between 1958-1974. The main characteristic of this period was equal agreement between two parties for 16 years: 4 years Liberals and Conservatives would rule 4. The main objective of this political agreement was the reorganization of the country after the presidential term of General Gustavo Rojas Pinilla.

– The Presidents  for the National Front were:• Alberto Lleras Camargo (liberal]) 1958-1962.• Guillermo León Valencia (Conservative) 1962-1966.• Carlos Lleras Restrepo (Liberal) 1966-1970.• Misael Pastrana Borrero (Conservative) 1970-1974. 

 What were the main requirements to    become President of Colombia?

• Being born in national territory.

• To have reached 40 years of age.• Possessing the qualities to be a citizen 

entitled to vote. This means you can not have been convicted (more than three years imprisonment and a day). 

Prior to the 1991 Constitution, could a President be reelected?

• No, the re-election was approved by the Constitutional Court in 2004, and allowed the reelection of the President of the Republic

 What is a Bureaucracy?

• Bureaucracy is an organization or structure characterized by precise procedures, based on responsibility and specialization of labor, ie. any type of organization, private, public, social, with or without profit, and so on.

What are the main functions of Congress? • The Congress of the Republic will be composed of the Senate and House of 


• 1. Amend the Constitution.

2. Create, modify and repeal laws.

3. Judging by State officials politically accountable.

4. Do take the oath to the President of the Republic day of possession.

5. Receive the Heads of State or Government of other nations.

6. Choose the Comptroller General of the Republic, the judges of the Disciplinary Chamber of the Supreme Judicial Council and the Vice President and the Attorney General's Office.

7. Try officials as the President of the Republic, for political accountability 

 What are the functions of the House of Representatives?

• Choose the Ombudsman.• Examine the accounts and balance sheets 

submitted by the Comptroller General's Office.• Accusing the Senate to the President of the 

General's Office for serious crimes against the state. 

• Republic, judges of the Constitutional Court, Supreme Court of Justice and the Attorney

What are the functions of the Senate?

It is the responsibility of admitting the resignation of President and Vice President.

Must disapprove or approve military promotions granted by the government (high military ranks).

Grant temporary license to the President for removal from office.Allows or prohibits the transit of foreign troops across the country.

Authorizes the Federal Government to declare war on other nations.

Choose the judges of the Constitutional Court.

Choose the Attorney General's Office.

Learn about the accusations you make the House of Representatives

 Who elects Congress?

• Colombia's Congress is composed of the 102 Senate seats, and the 166 seats in the House of Representatives Members of both houses are elected by popular vote to serve four years.

How is each member of Congress Elected? ((Mandatory QuestionMandatory Question))

• It is a bicameral Congress composed of the upper house called the Senate of the Republic, composed of 102 Senators, elected by national constituency of which 2 are chosen by a special Indian constituency, and the lower house called the House of Representatives, is made by 166 representatives, including 2 in a special constituency of indigenous communities, 2 in a special constituency of black and 1 representing the Colombians abroad. Both chambers are divided into committees according to the themes of the law.

What is the role of the Ministry of Justice in the control of the Judiciary?

• It is a central executive body responsible for overall coordination of the policies of participation citizenship, decentralization, land management, political and legislative affairs, public order (next to Ministry of National Defense), electoral processes, administration of justice, notary records, ethnic minorities, human rights, among other issues. Its owner, the Minister of Interior and Justice is appointed by the President of the Republic, ranking First order of precedence in the cabinet ministers. 

What are the functions of the Council of State?

• Decide the conflicts over the administrative function, are made between the State and individuals and between various state agencies.• Serve as Consultant to the government on matters of administration.• To advise the Government in case of transit of foreign troops, war ships or aircraft in waters or territory.

What is the role of the Attorney General?

• The Attorney General's Office and the Ombudsman's Office is:

• 1. Monitor compliance with the Constitution and laws.

2. Protecting Human Rights and ensure its effectiveness.

3. To defend the interests of society.

• 4. Ensure compliance with administrative functions.

5. Exercise oversight over the conduct of those who hold public office, popular elections.

• 6. To submit an annual management report to Congress.

What can be understood by career service?

• The Career Service System is a key public policy for the professionalization of public servants, encourages efficiency and the develop intellectual public servants. Through public service career professionals provide better service to government entities.

That is a Department ?

It is each of the parties to divide a territory.

The 1991 Constitution established Colombia as a unitary republic that is divided politically into 33 administrative divisions: 32 departments, which are ruled from their capital cities, and one Capital District. The departments are geographic regions, cultural and economic.

What are the functions of a Governor?

• Keep in the province of public order and security of its people and property.

Authorize meetings in squares, streets and other public places.

Require the assistance of the security forces in the territory of its jurisdiction.

Take steps to prevent and deal with emergencies.

To exercise the supervision of existing utilities in the province, according to the instructions of the Mayor.

It is noteworthy that in every province there is a Government, which is a completely decentralized body of the Mayor. It is headed by a Governor who is appointed by the President of the Republic.