S KATHERINE GREEK O RTHODOX CHURCH - Oct 23 2016.pdf · Our Vision (dream) is to be a growing,...

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Transcript of S KATHERINE GREEK O RTHODOX CHURCH - Oct 23 2016.pdf · Our Vision (dream) is to be a growing,...

SAINT KATHERINE GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 5965 N Wickham Road Melbourne Florida 32940

Church Phone (321) 254-1045 fax (321) 821-0450 Church hall (321) 254-1445 email adminsaint-katherineorg - website wwwsaint-katherineorg


fatherdemetrisaint-katherineorg cell phone 321-615-4431

Orthros 845 AM Divine Liturgy 1000 AM Fellowship Hour Noon

Church office hours Mon through Fri 1000 am to 300 pm Sat closed amp Sun closed during Liturgy

~ VISION amp MISSION STATEMENT ~ Our Vision (dream) is to be a growing loving united

Orthodox Christian family open to all Our Mission (job) is to grow our faith in Christ through love and respect

with humility and forgiveness


James (Iakovos) the Apostle amp Brother of our Lord

Ignatios Patriarch of Constantinople

Makarios the Roman

Nikephoros the founder of the

Monastery of Charsianos

~ Welcome to Our Guests ~ We are delighted that you are with us today Please keep in mind that according to the Holy Canons and teachings of the Orthodox Church you must be a baptized and chrismated member of the Orthodox faith in good standing in order to receive Holy Communion You are welcome to receive a portion of the blessed bread (antidoron) distributed at the end of the Divine Liturgy Please join us for coffee hour following services

Sunday October 24 2016 7th Morning Gospel - 1st Mode


Divine Liturgy of St James

Ἀπολυτίκιον Ἀναστάσιμον - Ήχος Arsquo - σ 98 - 100

Τού λίθου σφραγισθέντος ύπό τών Ίουδαίων καί στρατιωτών φυλασ-

σόντων τό άχραντον σου σώμα άνέστης τριήμερος Σωτήρ δωρούμε-

νος τώ κόσμω τήν ζωήν Διά τού το αί δυνάμεις τών ούρανών έβόων

σοι ζωοδότα Δόξα τή άναστάσει σου Χριστέ δόξα τή βασιλεία σου

δόξα τή οίκονομία σου μόνε φιλάνθρωπε

Resurrectional Apolytikion - 1st Tone - p 99 - 101

Although Your tomb was sealed with a stone O Savior and Your most

pure body was guarded by the soldiers You rose on the third day giving

life to all the world Therefore O giver of life the powers of heaven

praise You Glory to Your resurrection O Christ Glory to Your king-

dom Glory to Your saving wisdom O only lover of man kind

Τοῦ Ἀποστόλου - Ἠχος Δ

Ὡς τοῦ Κυρίου microαθητής ἀνεδέξω Δίκαιε τὸ Εὐαγγέλιον ὡς Μάρτυς

ἔχεις τὸ ἀπαράτρεπτον τὴν παρρησίαν ὡς Ἀδελφόθεος τὸ πρεσβεύ-

ειν ὡς Ἱεράρχης Ἱκέτευε Χριστῷ τῷ Θεῷ σωθῆναι τάς ψυχὰς ἠmicroών

For the Apostle - 4th Mode

As a disciple of the Lord you accepted the Gospel O James the Just As a

Martyr you have unchangeability as the Brother of the Lord you have

confidence and you can intercede as a hierarch Intercede with Christ

our God entreating Him to save our souls

Ἀπολυτίκιον τής Άγίας Αικατερίνης - Ήχος Πλ Α΄

Τήν πανεύφημον νύμφην Χριστού υμνήσωμεν Αικατερίναν τήν θεί-

αν καί πολιούχον Σινά τήν βοήθειαν ημών καί αντίληψινmiddot ότι εφί-

μωσε λαμπρώς τούς κομψούς τών ασεβών τού Πνεύματος τή δυ-

νάμειmiddot καί ως Μάρτυς Κυρίου στεφθείσα αιτείται πάσι τό μέγα


Apolytikion of St Katherine - Plagal 1st Mode

The all-blessed bride of Christ let us extol in song Katerina the divine

and protector of Sinai our assistance and unfailing firm support for

she did muzzle brilliantly the ungodly clever men by the power of the


Spirit And now as a crowned Martyr the great mercy she pleads

for all of us

ΚοντάκιονmdashΉχος β ndash σ 224 - 226

Προστασία τών Χριστιανών άκαταίσχυντε μεσιτεία πρός τόν ποι-

ητήν άμετάθετε μή παρίδης άμαρτωλών δεήσεων φωνάς άλλά

πρόφθαςον ώς άγαθή είς τήν βοήθειαν ήμων τών πιστώς κραυ-

γαζόντων σοι Τάχυνον είς πρεσβείαν καί σπεύσον είς ίκεσίαν ή

προστατεύουσα άεί Θεοτόκε τών τιμώντων σε

Kontakion - Second Tone

A protection of Christians unshamable Intercessor to our Holy Maker

unwavering Reject not the prayerful cries of those who are in sin

Instead come to us for You are good Your loving help bring unto us

who are crying in faith to You Hasten to intercede and Speed now to

supplicate as a protection for all time Theotokos for those who honor


The Reading is from St Pauls Letter to the Galatians 111-19 BRETHREN I would have you know that the gospel which was preached by me is not mans gospel For I did not receive it from man nor was I taught it but it came through a revelation of Jesus Christ For you have heard of my former life in Judaism how I persecuted the church of God violently and tried to destroy it and I advanced in Juda-ism beyond many of my own age among my people so extremely zeal-ous was I for the traditions of my fathers But when he who had set me apart before I was born and had called me through his grace was pleased to reveal his Son to me in order that I might preach him among the Gentiles I did not confer with flesh and blood nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me but I went away into Arabia and again I returned to Damascus Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to visit Cephas and remained with him fifteen days But I saw none of the other apostles except James the Lords brother

The Reading is from The Gospel of Luke 826-39 At that time as Jesus arrived at the country of the Gadarenes there met him a man from the city who had demons for a long time he had worn no clothes and he lived not in a house but among the tombs When he saw Jesus he cried out and fell down before him and said with a loud voice What have you to do with me Jesus Son of the Most High God I beseech you do not torment me For he had com-


manded the unclean spirit to come out of the man (For many a time it had seized him he was kept under guard and bound with chains and fetters but he broke the bonds and was driven by the demon into the desert) Jesus then asked him What is your name And he said Legion for many demons had entered him And they begged him not to command them to depart into the abyss Now a large herd of swine was feeding there on the hillside and they begged him to let them en-ter these So he gave them leave Then the demons came out of the man and entered the swine and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and were drowned When the herdsmen saw what hap-pened they fled and told it in the city and in the country Then people went out to see what had happened and they came to Jesus and found the man from whom the demons had gone sitting at the feet of Jesus clothed and in his right mind and they were afraid And those who had seen it told them how he who had been possessed with de-mons was healed Then all the people of the surrounding country of the Gadarenes asked him to depart from them for they were seized with great fear so he got into the boat and returned The man from whom the demons had gone begged that he might be with him but he sent him away saying Return to your home and declare how much God has done for you And he went away proclaiming throughout the whole city how much Jesus had done for him Please pray for our Brevard County State of Florida amp America Spiritual Leaders Patriarch Bartholomew Archbishop Demetrios Metropolitan Alexios amp Fr Demetri Civil Leaders President Barack Obama US Congress amp Supreme Court Governor Rick Scott all our civil authorities and our armed forces Parish Leadership Parish Council Philoptochos Chanters Choir Sunday amp Greek School teachers amp students Youth amp Dance Group leaders and children Those who are sick awaiting surgery recovering from surgery in need of prayers andor shut in Alexandra Diamond Peter Katsoulas Mae Charos Carlo Sedney Theresa Sempepos Peter amp Dorothy Pappademetriou Nicholas Gus Drivas Bill amp Ellen Werner Olga Despina Kalimnios Ashley Nazieh amp Yvonne Yacoub Savannah amp Zander Kelly Vada Ganakos Mirsini Sirounis Katherine Don Penny Princeton Suzanne Orosz Faye Nicholas Gerry amp Chris Veton Mark Ayad Saad amp family JoAnne Macheras John Cominos Van Katehakis Lisa Waddell Michael Donohue Angela DeCosta Marlaine amp Jim Manus Ann Prieston Anna Kris Stamatis Anasta-sia Kyriaki Renee Olga Taran George amp Sue Kanazeh Joseph Jay amp John Paul Figa-ri Matina Gabriel amp Markos Pongpipat George Mirek Maria Mary Katsenes Lisa Alexandra Joyce Stavrakis Taylor Pappas Connie Ortolani Maria Brewster Maria Iakovos Efstratia Sarah Wells Jan amp Mary James Petersen Denis Frawley David amp


Please turn your cell phones amp pagers off or on vibrate before entering Church


Check our on line calendar for updates on Liturgies amp events httpslocalendarcompublicsaintkatherine

Ashley Buckles James Pappas Bill Kokotis Lori Debbi Walker Leah Thomas Mary amp Pete Faines Robert amp Vel Mary Catalano Katie Mike Nicole Andromahi Rick Zelvis Kathy S Pauline Contakos Jessie Mary Donedini Christina Jamie Dail Jr amp Family George amp Steven Kiki amp Howard D Georgia amp Vasili Brandon Gilsenan Bob Dearmin John Kaye Aurelia Bocanu Peter amp JoAnn Zuras Nicoletta For those expecting Nicole amp Anthony Schultz For those with new babies Those serving in the Military Joseph Abadiotakis Jr Elias Panayiotis Maldonado Nicholas Tsamoutales Yanni Tshontikidis Harold David Ballard Samuel Joseph III Nicholas Cannaverde Travis Hunter Ethan Macheras Matthew Ryan Stinnett James Christian Figari For the protection of Christians who are being persecuted for their faith For the protection and freedom of the kidnapped Metropolitan Boulos Yazigi and Archbishop Yohanna Ibrahim both of Aleppo Syria Those preparing for Marriage College Students Arianna Bendlin Michael Courey Telly amp Tony Galanopoulos Alyssa Giglio Alyssa Marianthi amp Callia Karas Kimberley amp Dana Marie Koines Jen-nifer amp Andrew Loso Tommy Panouses Catherine Psarakis George amp Jessica Saad Catie amp Sydney Sergis Costas amp Alex Stathis Elizabeth Gaherty Brandon Arena Melanie Niarhos Ronnie Rickard Leah amp Austen Thomas Theodora Bendlin Joseph Daniel Figari

(If you know of anyone that should be added to this list please call the Church office)


~ Today ~

Chrismation of Elizabeth Makos Anastasia Theodorou is her sponsor

- Memorial Service -

Elias Corpas - 40 days Evangeline Whiteheadrsquos son

- Trisaghion -

Constance Palfi - 9 yrs Stephen Palfi - 13 yrs

Stephanie Zavitsanosrsquo parents


~ Upcoming Liturgies amp Events ~

Wed Oct 26th - St Demetrios - Orthros 9 am - Divine Liturgy 10 am Sun Oct 30th - Parish General Assembly - 1230 pm Sun Nov 6th - DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ENDS - TURN YOUR CLOCK BACK 1 HOUR BEFORE YOU GO TO BED AHEPA Breakfast following Divine Liturgy Thurs Nov 10th - ZOE will be visiting Rossetter House Museum then having Lunch See p 14 for information Sun Nov 13th amp Mon Nov 14th - Life Touch Portraits see below or insert for more details

SIGN UP FOR YOUR LIFETOUCH PORTRAIT SESSION NOW ON LINE AT httpswwwsecuredata-trans14comapstkatherinegreekorthodox1indexphppage=10

Or go to wwwsaint-katherineorg and click on ldquoMake an appointment hererdquo on the bottom of the page

Or you can sign up in the community center beginning Sun Oct 23rd following Divine Liturgy

Sessions Sunday Nov 13 1-7 PM Monday Nov 14 1-8 PM


VPK Kindergarten amp 1st grades - Brenda Roman amp Donna Thomson Last Sunday Mrs Brenda read the parable of The Good Samaritan We talked about the importance of being a Good Samaritan even today and what things we could do to be one As part of a GOYA project we were asked to make cards and donate items for the children in shelters Our children were ea-ger to make cards to go along with donations of socks blankets soaps and snacks Many thanks to Mrs Brenda Roman and Mrs Rania for bringing in all the donations from our class All will be given to the GOYA to take to the shel-ters I think the Sunday school children were surprised to know that there are children their own age in shelters So it made them very happy to know these cards they were making will go to their less fortunate peers Attendance 9

2nd - 4th Grades - Jonna Myatt With Halloween season here we did a lesson called Faith overcomes Fear We talked about things we are afraid of and learned that we need to have faith in God no matter what fearful time we are going through He will protect us and strengthen us Our Bible story was Jesus calms the storm and art project shields of faith Attendance 7

5th - 6th Grades - Daphne Courey amp Anastasia Theodorou We continued learning about Moses and his leadership role to set apart Godrsquos people so that they could be guided in worship and knowledge of our Lord We also talked about the Ten Commandments and how Jesus summarized these principles on how we are to live which is to ldquoLove the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and mind and to Love your neighbor as yourselfrdquo Vocabu-lary words Exodus covenant Attendance 10

7th - 8th Grade - Presvytera Eleni Attendance Orthodox LifeHigh School Bill Orosz and Warren Baker Attendance


~ Vision Statement ~ To be a community of engaged and educated young Orthodox Christians

~ Mission Statement ~ To encourage and foster spiritual growth of young people in our Orthodox Faith


Choir practice is held on Sundays at 930 am in the Community Center

If you would like to join them please do so


Workshops begin 10 am

November 1st 2nd amp 3rd - Assemble Baklava trays November 28th amp 29th - Koulourakia December 5th amp 6th - Kourambiethes December 13th - Bake Baklava December 15th amp 16th - Packing Baked Goods amp Decorating December 17th amp 18th - Bake Sale Pick up and Boutique In Education Building Double Classroom





Orthodox National Church Development A Spiritual Journey

ONCD is a long term strategic process for progressively im-proving our churchrsquos health It is a process of continual im-

provement Like growing a plant it requires a long term com-mitment which consistently addresses the critical issues fac-

ing our church at each stage of growth St Katherinersquos will be administering the ONCD spiritual sur-

vey next Sunday October 23rd at 100pm in the Church Hall This survey will take about 20 minutes to com-

plete To learn more please visit wwwoncdus to read about spiritual health and the ONCD process

So what exactly is ONCD

It reminds parishioners that God brings the growth and

that their role is to partner with God not try to generate the

growth themselves It offers universal growth principles that apply in all

churches everywhere and at all times It provides regular accurate ldquosnapshots of a churchs

health keeping the Church leadership focused on the most important issues to achieve sustainable growth It outlines a process of continuous improvement through

the ONCD life-cycle It helps the Church leadership focus on essential growth

values It provides concrete input for developing or refining our

vision It helps maximize the effective use of limited time limited

energy and limited resources It confirms a long-held beliefs ldquoONCD affirms what I have been thinking for a long time but until now nobody has done the researchrdquo Join us Sunday October 23rd at 100pm and begin the Spiritual Journey together


The Gospel amp the Constitution Fall Study Series on Wednesday Evenings

St Katherine Hellenic Community Center

5965 N Wickham Road - Melbourne Florida 32940

Beginning on September 7 and running through

November 2 2016 at 7 PM on Wednesday nights this Fall we

will be offering

Drive Thru History ndash ldquoThe Gospelsrdquo (Special Edition)

a humorous and inspiring series on the life of Jesus Christ

Host Dave Stotts will be taking us on a ride visiting over 50

places where Jesus lived and walked This series brings the

Bible to life using the text of the Gospels history art archeol-

ogy and geography We will we viewing two episodes each

week for 9 weeks

At 8 PM we will continue where we left off with the newest

DVD series from David Barton and Rick Green Constitution

Alive Well go article-by-article through the Constitution

and the Bill of Rights learning about executive orders recess

appointments the Electoral College the powers of Congress

and the President freedom of religion and much more Shot

on location in the amazing WallBuilders library of original

documents and in Philadelphiarsquos Independence Hall cele-

brating the 225th anniversary of the Constitution (A $15

workbook is available directly from Wallbuilders which in-

cludes a side-by-side original amp modern translation of the


Call the Church office 254-1045 or

Email adminsaint-katherineorg if you are going to attend




Each week wersquoll cover two sessions each from

Drive Thru History ndash THE GOSPELS (Special Edition)

amp one or two from Constitution Alive

September 7 Gospels ndash The Historical Landscape amp The Announce-


Constitution ndash Our Purpose amp Approach amp The Seeds of Liberty

September 14 Gospels ndash Jesus is Born amp Jesus Grows Up

Constitution ndash A 30000 feet Overview

September 21 Gospels ndash Jesus Starts His Ministry amp Jesus Returns to


Constitution ndash Article I Congress (Part 1) amp Article I Congress

(Part 2)

September 28 Gospels ndash Jesus Begins His Miracles amp Jesus Teaches

with Authority

Constitution ndash Article II The President amp The World Series of


October 12 Gospels ndash The Sermon on the Mount amp Jesus Travels the

Sea of Galilee

Constitution ndash Article III 4 Judicial Myths

October 19 Gospels ndash Jesus Travels North with His Apostles amp A Final

Trip to Jerusalem

Constitution ndash First Amendment Freedom OF Religion

October 26 Gospels ndash Jesus Arrives in Jerusalem amp The Last


Constitution ndash The Bill of Rights

November 2 Gospels ndash The Trial of Jesus amp The Crucifixion of Jesus

Constitution ndash The Amendment Process

November 9 Gospels ndash The Resurrection of Jesus amp Who is Jesus

Constitution ndash Duty of Citizens

A Class Workbook is available for the Constitution Alive Series We have pur-

chased 10 copies available for $20 each ($15 plus shipping amp handling) You can

also order it directly from wwwWallbuilderscom It contains ldquoThe Constitution

Made Easyrdquo with the original and a modern translation of the Constitution set

side-by-side which will be often referenced by Rick Green in the series


GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE OF AMERICA 8-10 East 79th St New York NY 10075-0106 Tel (212) 570-3530 Fax (212) 774-0237

wwwgoarchorg - Email communicationsgoarchorg Protocol Number 20416 October 23 2016 National Leadership 100 Sunday Beloved since God loved us so much we also ought to love one another No one has ever seen God if we love one another God lives in us and his love is perfected in us (1 John 411-12) To the Most Reverend Hierarchs the Reverend Priests and Deacons the Monks and Nuns the Presidents and Members of the Parish Councils of the Greek Orthodox Com-munities the Distinguished Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate the Day Afternoon and Church Schools the Philoptochos Sisterhoods the Youth the Hellenic Organizations and the entire Greek Orthodox Family in America Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ On this Sunday October 23 the Feast of Saint Iakovos we give thanks first to God whose love was revealed among us in sending his Son into the world so that we might love through him (I John 49) for the love manifested by the benevolent energies of the mem-bers of Leadership 100 and to celebrate these manifold acts of love and faithfulness now demonstrated for 32 years by the Leadership 100 Endowment Fund founded by Arch-bishop Iakovos of Blessed Memory Leadership 100 has been steadfast and faithful in its support of the ministries and institu-tions of our Church for the glory of God I have witnessed first-hand the loving dedica-tion of these extraordinary leaders who excel in the work of the Lord and advance our Orthodox Faith and Hellenic Heritage Leadership 100 has made it a labor of love to assist Hellenic CollegeHoly Cross School of Theology primarily by providing scholarship aid to men called to the Holy Priesthood It has also assisted active clergy retired clergy and their presvyteres supported our youth and children and families through the Center for Family Care and Church Summer Camps in the Direct Archdiocesan District and in every Metropolis enabled our Department of Inter-Orthodox Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations to advance the presence of our Church in national and international forums and most notably supported the Holy and Great Council of Orthodox Churches convened in Crete in June and the building of the Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine at the World Trade Center Leadership 100 has also supported innovations in our programs in outreach and evange-lism technology and video and digital communications and religious and Greek educa-


tion enriching our faithful and more effectively communicating our faith to the soci-ety and world at large In these confounding times when the voices of hatred and discrimination threaten the solidarity of our nation and the world order with the persecution of Christians in the Middle East the refugee crisis in Europe and the continued economic disrup-tions in Greece and other countries Leadership 100 has supported the charitable outreach of International Orthodox Christian Charities the Orthodox Christian Mis-sion Center and the Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry speaking truth in love We acknowledge too the readiness of Leadership 100 to respond with loving care direct-ly to humanitarian crises at home and abroad On this eighth commemoration of National Leadership 100 Sunday we hereby re-mind all the faithful and all who would seek God and desire a better world to remem-ber the insightful and profound words of I John 411-12 to love one another and know that God lives in us and that in continuing to act in love no matter how difficult that may be we can only then realize fully His purposes for us I ask all our parishes to honor the exemplary witness of love in action of Leadership 100 and to recognize its members We fervently pray that the Lord will continue to bless abundantly Lead-ership 100 and keep its members in His care as they labor in love in order to perfect His love that is within us and to fulfill their sacred mission With paternal love in Christ daggerDEMETRIOS Archbishop of America



ZOE Means life in Greek


Our ZOE meeting was a huge success this month and many thanks to all who attended We are still going strong so please join us for all the fun activities we are planning Many thanks to Marianthi Lagges we were entertained by a very good movie and it was a good happy comedy The lunch pizza and Greek salad was very good thanks to Kelseys Pizza NOVEMBER Thursday the 10th at 1130

The next meeting is a very interesting Tour of the Rosetter House Museum and then a lunch on your own

Tickets will be discounted to $6 pp if we have 10 or more attending Please call Maria Brewster for more information and to let her know if you can attend at 321-622-4747




In the name of Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen

Lord Jesus Christ our God accept our offerings as You have accepted the gifts of Your people throughout the ages We offer these gifts to Your glory for the support of the ministries of Your Holy Church for the alleviation of suffering and hunger and for the proclamation of Your Gospel to the whole world Grant us Your blessing Lord our Savior that we may always be faithful stewards continuing to share the gifts you have given us by the power of Your grace mercy and love May Your name be glorified forever Amen


133 Stewards Pledging $149627

Paid to Date $116772



47 Friends of St Katherine paid $23983 [For where your treasure is there your heart will be also

Luke 1234


Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ Υἱέ Θεοῦ

ἐλέησόν με τὸν ἁμαρτωλόν

(τὴν ἁμαρτωλόν if prayed by a female)

Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on me a sinner


Divine Liturgy of St James

Ἀπολυτίκιον Ἀναστάσιμον - Ήχος Arsquo - σ 98 - 100

Τού λίθου σφραγισθέντος ύπό τών Ίουδαίων καί στρατιωτών φυλασ-

σόντων τό άχραντον σου σώμα άνέστης τριήμερος Σωτήρ δωρούμε-

νος τώ κόσμω τήν ζωήν Διά τού το αί δυνάμεις τών ούρανών έβόων

σοι ζωοδότα Δόξα τή άναστάσει σου Χριστέ δόξα τή βασιλεία σου

δόξα τή οίκονομία σου μόνε φιλάνθρωπε

Resurrectional Apolytikion - 1st Tone - p 99 - 101

Although Your tomb was sealed with a stone O Savior and Your most

pure body was guarded by the soldiers You rose on the third day giving

life to all the world Therefore O giver of life the powers of heaven

praise You Glory to Your resurrection O Christ Glory to Your king-

dom Glory to Your saving wisdom O only lover of man kind

Τοῦ Ἀποστόλου - Ἠχος Δ

Ὡς τοῦ Κυρίου microαθητής ἀνεδέξω Δίκαιε τὸ Εὐαγγέλιον ὡς Μάρτυς

ἔχεις τὸ ἀπαράτρεπτον τὴν παρρησίαν ὡς Ἀδελφόθεος τὸ πρεσβεύ-

ειν ὡς Ἱεράρχης Ἱκέτευε Χριστῷ τῷ Θεῷ σωθῆναι τάς ψυχὰς ἠmicroών

For the Apostle - 4th Mode

As a disciple of the Lord you accepted the Gospel O James the Just As a

Martyr you have unchangeability as the Brother of the Lord you have

confidence and you can intercede as a hierarch Intercede with Christ

our God entreating Him to save our souls

Ἀπολυτίκιον τής Άγίας Αικατερίνης - Ήχος Πλ Α΄

Τήν πανεύφημον νύμφην Χριστού υμνήσωμεν Αικατερίναν τήν θεί-

αν καί πολιούχον Σινά τήν βοήθειαν ημών καί αντίληψινmiddot ότι εφί-

μωσε λαμπρώς τούς κομψούς τών ασεβών τού Πνεύματος τή δυ-

νάμειmiddot καί ως Μάρτυς Κυρίου στεφθείσα αιτείται πάσι τό μέγα


Apolytikion of St Katherine - Plagal 1st Mode

The all-blessed bride of Christ let us extol in song Katerina the divine

and protector of Sinai our assistance and unfailing firm support for

she did muzzle brilliantly the ungodly clever men by the power of the


Spirit And now as a crowned Martyr the great mercy she pleads

for all of us

ΚοντάκιονmdashΉχος β ndash σ 224 - 226

Προστασία τών Χριστιανών άκαταίσχυντε μεσιτεία πρός τόν ποι-

ητήν άμετάθετε μή παρίδης άμαρτωλών δεήσεων φωνάς άλλά

πρόφθαςον ώς άγαθή είς τήν βοήθειαν ήμων τών πιστώς κραυ-

γαζόντων σοι Τάχυνον είς πρεσβείαν καί σπεύσον είς ίκεσίαν ή

προστατεύουσα άεί Θεοτόκε τών τιμώντων σε

Kontakion - Second Tone

A protection of Christians unshamable Intercessor to our Holy Maker

unwavering Reject not the prayerful cries of those who are in sin

Instead come to us for You are good Your loving help bring unto us

who are crying in faith to You Hasten to intercede and Speed now to

supplicate as a protection for all time Theotokos for those who honor


The Reading is from St Pauls Letter to the Galatians 111-19 BRETHREN I would have you know that the gospel which was preached by me is not mans gospel For I did not receive it from man nor was I taught it but it came through a revelation of Jesus Christ For you have heard of my former life in Judaism how I persecuted the church of God violently and tried to destroy it and I advanced in Juda-ism beyond many of my own age among my people so extremely zeal-ous was I for the traditions of my fathers But when he who had set me apart before I was born and had called me through his grace was pleased to reveal his Son to me in order that I might preach him among the Gentiles I did not confer with flesh and blood nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me but I went away into Arabia and again I returned to Damascus Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to visit Cephas and remained with him fifteen days But I saw none of the other apostles except James the Lords brother

The Reading is from The Gospel of Luke 826-39 At that time as Jesus arrived at the country of the Gadarenes there met him a man from the city who had demons for a long time he had worn no clothes and he lived not in a house but among the tombs When he saw Jesus he cried out and fell down before him and said with a loud voice What have you to do with me Jesus Son of the Most High God I beseech you do not torment me For he had com-


manded the unclean spirit to come out of the man (For many a time it had seized him he was kept under guard and bound with chains and fetters but he broke the bonds and was driven by the demon into the desert) Jesus then asked him What is your name And he said Legion for many demons had entered him And they begged him not to command them to depart into the abyss Now a large herd of swine was feeding there on the hillside and they begged him to let them en-ter these So he gave them leave Then the demons came out of the man and entered the swine and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and were drowned When the herdsmen saw what hap-pened they fled and told it in the city and in the country Then people went out to see what had happened and they came to Jesus and found the man from whom the demons had gone sitting at the feet of Jesus clothed and in his right mind and they were afraid And those who had seen it told them how he who had been possessed with de-mons was healed Then all the people of the surrounding country of the Gadarenes asked him to depart from them for they were seized with great fear so he got into the boat and returned The man from whom the demons had gone begged that he might be with him but he sent him away saying Return to your home and declare how much God has done for you And he went away proclaiming throughout the whole city how much Jesus had done for him Please pray for our Brevard County State of Florida amp America Spiritual Leaders Patriarch Bartholomew Archbishop Demetrios Metropolitan Alexios amp Fr Demetri Civil Leaders President Barack Obama US Congress amp Supreme Court Governor Rick Scott all our civil authorities and our armed forces Parish Leadership Parish Council Philoptochos Chanters Choir Sunday amp Greek School teachers amp students Youth amp Dance Group leaders and children Those who are sick awaiting surgery recovering from surgery in need of prayers andor shut in Alexandra Diamond Peter Katsoulas Mae Charos Carlo Sedney Theresa Sempepos Peter amp Dorothy Pappademetriou Nicholas Gus Drivas Bill amp Ellen Werner Olga Despina Kalimnios Ashley Nazieh amp Yvonne Yacoub Savannah amp Zander Kelly Vada Ganakos Mirsini Sirounis Katherine Don Penny Princeton Suzanne Orosz Faye Nicholas Gerry amp Chris Veton Mark Ayad Saad amp family JoAnne Macheras John Cominos Van Katehakis Lisa Waddell Michael Donohue Angela DeCosta Marlaine amp Jim Manus Ann Prieston Anna Kris Stamatis Anasta-sia Kyriaki Renee Olga Taran George amp Sue Kanazeh Joseph Jay amp John Paul Figa-ri Matina Gabriel amp Markos Pongpipat George Mirek Maria Mary Katsenes Lisa Alexandra Joyce Stavrakis Taylor Pappas Connie Ortolani Maria Brewster Maria Iakovos Efstratia Sarah Wells Jan amp Mary James Petersen Denis Frawley David amp


Please turn your cell phones amp pagers off or on vibrate before entering Church


Check our on line calendar for updates on Liturgies amp events httpslocalendarcompublicsaintkatherine

Ashley Buckles James Pappas Bill Kokotis Lori Debbi Walker Leah Thomas Mary amp Pete Faines Robert amp Vel Mary Catalano Katie Mike Nicole Andromahi Rick Zelvis Kathy S Pauline Contakos Jessie Mary Donedini Christina Jamie Dail Jr amp Family George amp Steven Kiki amp Howard D Georgia amp Vasili Brandon Gilsenan Bob Dearmin John Kaye Aurelia Bocanu Peter amp JoAnn Zuras Nicoletta For those expecting Nicole amp Anthony Schultz For those with new babies Those serving in the Military Joseph Abadiotakis Jr Elias Panayiotis Maldonado Nicholas Tsamoutales Yanni Tshontikidis Harold David Ballard Samuel Joseph III Nicholas Cannaverde Travis Hunter Ethan Macheras Matthew Ryan Stinnett James Christian Figari For the protection of Christians who are being persecuted for their faith For the protection and freedom of the kidnapped Metropolitan Boulos Yazigi and Archbishop Yohanna Ibrahim both of Aleppo Syria Those preparing for Marriage College Students Arianna Bendlin Michael Courey Telly amp Tony Galanopoulos Alyssa Giglio Alyssa Marianthi amp Callia Karas Kimberley amp Dana Marie Koines Jen-nifer amp Andrew Loso Tommy Panouses Catherine Psarakis George amp Jessica Saad Catie amp Sydney Sergis Costas amp Alex Stathis Elizabeth Gaherty Brandon Arena Melanie Niarhos Ronnie Rickard Leah amp Austen Thomas Theodora Bendlin Joseph Daniel Figari

(If you know of anyone that should be added to this list please call the Church office)


~ Today ~

Chrismation of Elizabeth Makos Anastasia Theodorou is her sponsor

- Memorial Service -

Elias Corpas - 40 days Evangeline Whiteheadrsquos son

- Trisaghion -

Constance Palfi - 9 yrs Stephen Palfi - 13 yrs

Stephanie Zavitsanosrsquo parents


~ Upcoming Liturgies amp Events ~

Wed Oct 26th - St Demetrios - Orthros 9 am - Divine Liturgy 10 am Sun Oct 30th - Parish General Assembly - 1230 pm Sun Nov 6th - DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ENDS - TURN YOUR CLOCK BACK 1 HOUR BEFORE YOU GO TO BED AHEPA Breakfast following Divine Liturgy Thurs Nov 10th - ZOE will be visiting Rossetter House Museum then having Lunch See p 14 for information Sun Nov 13th amp Mon Nov 14th - Life Touch Portraits see below or insert for more details

SIGN UP FOR YOUR LIFETOUCH PORTRAIT SESSION NOW ON LINE AT httpswwwsecuredata-trans14comapstkatherinegreekorthodox1indexphppage=10

Or go to wwwsaint-katherineorg and click on ldquoMake an appointment hererdquo on the bottom of the page

Or you can sign up in the community center beginning Sun Oct 23rd following Divine Liturgy

Sessions Sunday Nov 13 1-7 PM Monday Nov 14 1-8 PM


VPK Kindergarten amp 1st grades - Brenda Roman amp Donna Thomson Last Sunday Mrs Brenda read the parable of The Good Samaritan We talked about the importance of being a Good Samaritan even today and what things we could do to be one As part of a GOYA project we were asked to make cards and donate items for the children in shelters Our children were ea-ger to make cards to go along with donations of socks blankets soaps and snacks Many thanks to Mrs Brenda Roman and Mrs Rania for bringing in all the donations from our class All will be given to the GOYA to take to the shel-ters I think the Sunday school children were surprised to know that there are children their own age in shelters So it made them very happy to know these cards they were making will go to their less fortunate peers Attendance 9

2nd - 4th Grades - Jonna Myatt With Halloween season here we did a lesson called Faith overcomes Fear We talked about things we are afraid of and learned that we need to have faith in God no matter what fearful time we are going through He will protect us and strengthen us Our Bible story was Jesus calms the storm and art project shields of faith Attendance 7

5th - 6th Grades - Daphne Courey amp Anastasia Theodorou We continued learning about Moses and his leadership role to set apart Godrsquos people so that they could be guided in worship and knowledge of our Lord We also talked about the Ten Commandments and how Jesus summarized these principles on how we are to live which is to ldquoLove the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and mind and to Love your neighbor as yourselfrdquo Vocabu-lary words Exodus covenant Attendance 10

7th - 8th Grade - Presvytera Eleni Attendance Orthodox LifeHigh School Bill Orosz and Warren Baker Attendance


~ Vision Statement ~ To be a community of engaged and educated young Orthodox Christians

~ Mission Statement ~ To encourage and foster spiritual growth of young people in our Orthodox Faith


Choir practice is held on Sundays at 930 am in the Community Center

If you would like to join them please do so


Workshops begin 10 am

November 1st 2nd amp 3rd - Assemble Baklava trays November 28th amp 29th - Koulourakia December 5th amp 6th - Kourambiethes December 13th - Bake Baklava December 15th amp 16th - Packing Baked Goods amp Decorating December 17th amp 18th - Bake Sale Pick up and Boutique In Education Building Double Classroom





Orthodox National Church Development A Spiritual Journey

ONCD is a long term strategic process for progressively im-proving our churchrsquos health It is a process of continual im-

provement Like growing a plant it requires a long term com-mitment which consistently addresses the critical issues fac-

ing our church at each stage of growth St Katherinersquos will be administering the ONCD spiritual sur-

vey next Sunday October 23rd at 100pm in the Church Hall This survey will take about 20 minutes to com-

plete To learn more please visit wwwoncdus to read about spiritual health and the ONCD process

So what exactly is ONCD

It reminds parishioners that God brings the growth and

that their role is to partner with God not try to generate the

growth themselves It offers universal growth principles that apply in all

churches everywhere and at all times It provides regular accurate ldquosnapshots of a churchs

health keeping the Church leadership focused on the most important issues to achieve sustainable growth It outlines a process of continuous improvement through

the ONCD life-cycle It helps the Church leadership focus on essential growth

values It provides concrete input for developing or refining our

vision It helps maximize the effective use of limited time limited

energy and limited resources It confirms a long-held beliefs ldquoONCD affirms what I have been thinking for a long time but until now nobody has done the researchrdquo Join us Sunday October 23rd at 100pm and begin the Spiritual Journey together


The Gospel amp the Constitution Fall Study Series on Wednesday Evenings

St Katherine Hellenic Community Center

5965 N Wickham Road - Melbourne Florida 32940

Beginning on September 7 and running through

November 2 2016 at 7 PM on Wednesday nights this Fall we

will be offering

Drive Thru History ndash ldquoThe Gospelsrdquo (Special Edition)

a humorous and inspiring series on the life of Jesus Christ

Host Dave Stotts will be taking us on a ride visiting over 50

places where Jesus lived and walked This series brings the

Bible to life using the text of the Gospels history art archeol-

ogy and geography We will we viewing two episodes each

week for 9 weeks

At 8 PM we will continue where we left off with the newest

DVD series from David Barton and Rick Green Constitution

Alive Well go article-by-article through the Constitution

and the Bill of Rights learning about executive orders recess

appointments the Electoral College the powers of Congress

and the President freedom of religion and much more Shot

on location in the amazing WallBuilders library of original

documents and in Philadelphiarsquos Independence Hall cele-

brating the 225th anniversary of the Constitution (A $15

workbook is available directly from Wallbuilders which in-

cludes a side-by-side original amp modern translation of the


Call the Church office 254-1045 or

Email adminsaint-katherineorg if you are going to attend




Each week wersquoll cover two sessions each from

Drive Thru History ndash THE GOSPELS (Special Edition)

amp one or two from Constitution Alive

September 7 Gospels ndash The Historical Landscape amp The Announce-


Constitution ndash Our Purpose amp Approach amp The Seeds of Liberty

September 14 Gospels ndash Jesus is Born amp Jesus Grows Up

Constitution ndash A 30000 feet Overview

September 21 Gospels ndash Jesus Starts His Ministry amp Jesus Returns to


Constitution ndash Article I Congress (Part 1) amp Article I Congress

(Part 2)

September 28 Gospels ndash Jesus Begins His Miracles amp Jesus Teaches

with Authority

Constitution ndash Article II The President amp The World Series of


October 12 Gospels ndash The Sermon on the Mount amp Jesus Travels the

Sea of Galilee

Constitution ndash Article III 4 Judicial Myths

October 19 Gospels ndash Jesus Travels North with His Apostles amp A Final

Trip to Jerusalem

Constitution ndash First Amendment Freedom OF Religion

October 26 Gospels ndash Jesus Arrives in Jerusalem amp The Last


Constitution ndash The Bill of Rights

November 2 Gospels ndash The Trial of Jesus amp The Crucifixion of Jesus

Constitution ndash The Amendment Process

November 9 Gospels ndash The Resurrection of Jesus amp Who is Jesus

Constitution ndash Duty of Citizens

A Class Workbook is available for the Constitution Alive Series We have pur-

chased 10 copies available for $20 each ($15 plus shipping amp handling) You can

also order it directly from wwwWallbuilderscom It contains ldquoThe Constitution

Made Easyrdquo with the original and a modern translation of the Constitution set

side-by-side which will be often referenced by Rick Green in the series


GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE OF AMERICA 8-10 East 79th St New York NY 10075-0106 Tel (212) 570-3530 Fax (212) 774-0237

wwwgoarchorg - Email communicationsgoarchorg Protocol Number 20416 October 23 2016 National Leadership 100 Sunday Beloved since God loved us so much we also ought to love one another No one has ever seen God if we love one another God lives in us and his love is perfected in us (1 John 411-12) To the Most Reverend Hierarchs the Reverend Priests and Deacons the Monks and Nuns the Presidents and Members of the Parish Councils of the Greek Orthodox Com-munities the Distinguished Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate the Day Afternoon and Church Schools the Philoptochos Sisterhoods the Youth the Hellenic Organizations and the entire Greek Orthodox Family in America Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ On this Sunday October 23 the Feast of Saint Iakovos we give thanks first to God whose love was revealed among us in sending his Son into the world so that we might love through him (I John 49) for the love manifested by the benevolent energies of the mem-bers of Leadership 100 and to celebrate these manifold acts of love and faithfulness now demonstrated for 32 years by the Leadership 100 Endowment Fund founded by Arch-bishop Iakovos of Blessed Memory Leadership 100 has been steadfast and faithful in its support of the ministries and institu-tions of our Church for the glory of God I have witnessed first-hand the loving dedica-tion of these extraordinary leaders who excel in the work of the Lord and advance our Orthodox Faith and Hellenic Heritage Leadership 100 has made it a labor of love to assist Hellenic CollegeHoly Cross School of Theology primarily by providing scholarship aid to men called to the Holy Priesthood It has also assisted active clergy retired clergy and their presvyteres supported our youth and children and families through the Center for Family Care and Church Summer Camps in the Direct Archdiocesan District and in every Metropolis enabled our Department of Inter-Orthodox Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations to advance the presence of our Church in national and international forums and most notably supported the Holy and Great Council of Orthodox Churches convened in Crete in June and the building of the Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine at the World Trade Center Leadership 100 has also supported innovations in our programs in outreach and evange-lism technology and video and digital communications and religious and Greek educa-


tion enriching our faithful and more effectively communicating our faith to the soci-ety and world at large In these confounding times when the voices of hatred and discrimination threaten the solidarity of our nation and the world order with the persecution of Christians in the Middle East the refugee crisis in Europe and the continued economic disrup-tions in Greece and other countries Leadership 100 has supported the charitable outreach of International Orthodox Christian Charities the Orthodox Christian Mis-sion Center and the Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry speaking truth in love We acknowledge too the readiness of Leadership 100 to respond with loving care direct-ly to humanitarian crises at home and abroad On this eighth commemoration of National Leadership 100 Sunday we hereby re-mind all the faithful and all who would seek God and desire a better world to remem-ber the insightful and profound words of I John 411-12 to love one another and know that God lives in us and that in continuing to act in love no matter how difficult that may be we can only then realize fully His purposes for us I ask all our parishes to honor the exemplary witness of love in action of Leadership 100 and to recognize its members We fervently pray that the Lord will continue to bless abundantly Lead-ership 100 and keep its members in His care as they labor in love in order to perfect His love that is within us and to fulfill their sacred mission With paternal love in Christ daggerDEMETRIOS Archbishop of America



ZOE Means life in Greek


Our ZOE meeting was a huge success this month and many thanks to all who attended We are still going strong so please join us for all the fun activities we are planning Many thanks to Marianthi Lagges we were entertained by a very good movie and it was a good happy comedy The lunch pizza and Greek salad was very good thanks to Kelseys Pizza NOVEMBER Thursday the 10th at 1130

The next meeting is a very interesting Tour of the Rosetter House Museum and then a lunch on your own

Tickets will be discounted to $6 pp if we have 10 or more attending Please call Maria Brewster for more information and to let her know if you can attend at 321-622-4747




In the name of Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen

Lord Jesus Christ our God accept our offerings as You have accepted the gifts of Your people throughout the ages We offer these gifts to Your glory for the support of the ministries of Your Holy Church for the alleviation of suffering and hunger and for the proclamation of Your Gospel to the whole world Grant us Your blessing Lord our Savior that we may always be faithful stewards continuing to share the gifts you have given us by the power of Your grace mercy and love May Your name be glorified forever Amen


133 Stewards Pledging $149627

Paid to Date $116772



47 Friends of St Katherine paid $23983 [For where your treasure is there your heart will be also

Luke 1234


Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ Υἱέ Θεοῦ

ἐλέησόν με τὸν ἁμαρτωλόν

(τὴν ἁμαρτωλόν if prayed by a female)

Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on me a sinner


Spirit And now as a crowned Martyr the great mercy she pleads

for all of us

ΚοντάκιονmdashΉχος β ndash σ 224 - 226

Προστασία τών Χριστιανών άκαταίσχυντε μεσιτεία πρός τόν ποι-

ητήν άμετάθετε μή παρίδης άμαρτωλών δεήσεων φωνάς άλλά

πρόφθαςον ώς άγαθή είς τήν βοήθειαν ήμων τών πιστώς κραυ-

γαζόντων σοι Τάχυνον είς πρεσβείαν καί σπεύσον είς ίκεσίαν ή

προστατεύουσα άεί Θεοτόκε τών τιμώντων σε

Kontakion - Second Tone

A protection of Christians unshamable Intercessor to our Holy Maker

unwavering Reject not the prayerful cries of those who are in sin

Instead come to us for You are good Your loving help bring unto us

who are crying in faith to You Hasten to intercede and Speed now to

supplicate as a protection for all time Theotokos for those who honor


The Reading is from St Pauls Letter to the Galatians 111-19 BRETHREN I would have you know that the gospel which was preached by me is not mans gospel For I did not receive it from man nor was I taught it but it came through a revelation of Jesus Christ For you have heard of my former life in Judaism how I persecuted the church of God violently and tried to destroy it and I advanced in Juda-ism beyond many of my own age among my people so extremely zeal-ous was I for the traditions of my fathers But when he who had set me apart before I was born and had called me through his grace was pleased to reveal his Son to me in order that I might preach him among the Gentiles I did not confer with flesh and blood nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me but I went away into Arabia and again I returned to Damascus Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to visit Cephas and remained with him fifteen days But I saw none of the other apostles except James the Lords brother

The Reading is from The Gospel of Luke 826-39 At that time as Jesus arrived at the country of the Gadarenes there met him a man from the city who had demons for a long time he had worn no clothes and he lived not in a house but among the tombs When he saw Jesus he cried out and fell down before him and said with a loud voice What have you to do with me Jesus Son of the Most High God I beseech you do not torment me For he had com-


manded the unclean spirit to come out of the man (For many a time it had seized him he was kept under guard and bound with chains and fetters but he broke the bonds and was driven by the demon into the desert) Jesus then asked him What is your name And he said Legion for many demons had entered him And they begged him not to command them to depart into the abyss Now a large herd of swine was feeding there on the hillside and they begged him to let them en-ter these So he gave them leave Then the demons came out of the man and entered the swine and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and were drowned When the herdsmen saw what hap-pened they fled and told it in the city and in the country Then people went out to see what had happened and they came to Jesus and found the man from whom the demons had gone sitting at the feet of Jesus clothed and in his right mind and they were afraid And those who had seen it told them how he who had been possessed with de-mons was healed Then all the people of the surrounding country of the Gadarenes asked him to depart from them for they were seized with great fear so he got into the boat and returned The man from whom the demons had gone begged that he might be with him but he sent him away saying Return to your home and declare how much God has done for you And he went away proclaiming throughout the whole city how much Jesus had done for him Please pray for our Brevard County State of Florida amp America Spiritual Leaders Patriarch Bartholomew Archbishop Demetrios Metropolitan Alexios amp Fr Demetri Civil Leaders President Barack Obama US Congress amp Supreme Court Governor Rick Scott all our civil authorities and our armed forces Parish Leadership Parish Council Philoptochos Chanters Choir Sunday amp Greek School teachers amp students Youth amp Dance Group leaders and children Those who are sick awaiting surgery recovering from surgery in need of prayers andor shut in Alexandra Diamond Peter Katsoulas Mae Charos Carlo Sedney Theresa Sempepos Peter amp Dorothy Pappademetriou Nicholas Gus Drivas Bill amp Ellen Werner Olga Despina Kalimnios Ashley Nazieh amp Yvonne Yacoub Savannah amp Zander Kelly Vada Ganakos Mirsini Sirounis Katherine Don Penny Princeton Suzanne Orosz Faye Nicholas Gerry amp Chris Veton Mark Ayad Saad amp family JoAnne Macheras John Cominos Van Katehakis Lisa Waddell Michael Donohue Angela DeCosta Marlaine amp Jim Manus Ann Prieston Anna Kris Stamatis Anasta-sia Kyriaki Renee Olga Taran George amp Sue Kanazeh Joseph Jay amp John Paul Figa-ri Matina Gabriel amp Markos Pongpipat George Mirek Maria Mary Katsenes Lisa Alexandra Joyce Stavrakis Taylor Pappas Connie Ortolani Maria Brewster Maria Iakovos Efstratia Sarah Wells Jan amp Mary James Petersen Denis Frawley David amp


Please turn your cell phones amp pagers off or on vibrate before entering Church


Check our on line calendar for updates on Liturgies amp events httpslocalendarcompublicsaintkatherine

Ashley Buckles James Pappas Bill Kokotis Lori Debbi Walker Leah Thomas Mary amp Pete Faines Robert amp Vel Mary Catalano Katie Mike Nicole Andromahi Rick Zelvis Kathy S Pauline Contakos Jessie Mary Donedini Christina Jamie Dail Jr amp Family George amp Steven Kiki amp Howard D Georgia amp Vasili Brandon Gilsenan Bob Dearmin John Kaye Aurelia Bocanu Peter amp JoAnn Zuras Nicoletta For those expecting Nicole amp Anthony Schultz For those with new babies Those serving in the Military Joseph Abadiotakis Jr Elias Panayiotis Maldonado Nicholas Tsamoutales Yanni Tshontikidis Harold David Ballard Samuel Joseph III Nicholas Cannaverde Travis Hunter Ethan Macheras Matthew Ryan Stinnett James Christian Figari For the protection of Christians who are being persecuted for their faith For the protection and freedom of the kidnapped Metropolitan Boulos Yazigi and Archbishop Yohanna Ibrahim both of Aleppo Syria Those preparing for Marriage College Students Arianna Bendlin Michael Courey Telly amp Tony Galanopoulos Alyssa Giglio Alyssa Marianthi amp Callia Karas Kimberley amp Dana Marie Koines Jen-nifer amp Andrew Loso Tommy Panouses Catherine Psarakis George amp Jessica Saad Catie amp Sydney Sergis Costas amp Alex Stathis Elizabeth Gaherty Brandon Arena Melanie Niarhos Ronnie Rickard Leah amp Austen Thomas Theodora Bendlin Joseph Daniel Figari

(If you know of anyone that should be added to this list please call the Church office)


~ Today ~

Chrismation of Elizabeth Makos Anastasia Theodorou is her sponsor

- Memorial Service -

Elias Corpas - 40 days Evangeline Whiteheadrsquos son

- Trisaghion -

Constance Palfi - 9 yrs Stephen Palfi - 13 yrs

Stephanie Zavitsanosrsquo parents


~ Upcoming Liturgies amp Events ~

Wed Oct 26th - St Demetrios - Orthros 9 am - Divine Liturgy 10 am Sun Oct 30th - Parish General Assembly - 1230 pm Sun Nov 6th - DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ENDS - TURN YOUR CLOCK BACK 1 HOUR BEFORE YOU GO TO BED AHEPA Breakfast following Divine Liturgy Thurs Nov 10th - ZOE will be visiting Rossetter House Museum then having Lunch See p 14 for information Sun Nov 13th amp Mon Nov 14th - Life Touch Portraits see below or insert for more details

SIGN UP FOR YOUR LIFETOUCH PORTRAIT SESSION NOW ON LINE AT httpswwwsecuredata-trans14comapstkatherinegreekorthodox1indexphppage=10

Or go to wwwsaint-katherineorg and click on ldquoMake an appointment hererdquo on the bottom of the page

Or you can sign up in the community center beginning Sun Oct 23rd following Divine Liturgy

Sessions Sunday Nov 13 1-7 PM Monday Nov 14 1-8 PM


VPK Kindergarten amp 1st grades - Brenda Roman amp Donna Thomson Last Sunday Mrs Brenda read the parable of The Good Samaritan We talked about the importance of being a Good Samaritan even today and what things we could do to be one As part of a GOYA project we were asked to make cards and donate items for the children in shelters Our children were ea-ger to make cards to go along with donations of socks blankets soaps and snacks Many thanks to Mrs Brenda Roman and Mrs Rania for bringing in all the donations from our class All will be given to the GOYA to take to the shel-ters I think the Sunday school children were surprised to know that there are children their own age in shelters So it made them very happy to know these cards they were making will go to their less fortunate peers Attendance 9

2nd - 4th Grades - Jonna Myatt With Halloween season here we did a lesson called Faith overcomes Fear We talked about things we are afraid of and learned that we need to have faith in God no matter what fearful time we are going through He will protect us and strengthen us Our Bible story was Jesus calms the storm and art project shields of faith Attendance 7

5th - 6th Grades - Daphne Courey amp Anastasia Theodorou We continued learning about Moses and his leadership role to set apart Godrsquos people so that they could be guided in worship and knowledge of our Lord We also talked about the Ten Commandments and how Jesus summarized these principles on how we are to live which is to ldquoLove the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and mind and to Love your neighbor as yourselfrdquo Vocabu-lary words Exodus covenant Attendance 10

7th - 8th Grade - Presvytera Eleni Attendance Orthodox LifeHigh School Bill Orosz and Warren Baker Attendance


~ Vision Statement ~ To be a community of engaged and educated young Orthodox Christians

~ Mission Statement ~ To encourage and foster spiritual growth of young people in our Orthodox Faith


Choir practice is held on Sundays at 930 am in the Community Center

If you would like to join them please do so


Workshops begin 10 am

November 1st 2nd amp 3rd - Assemble Baklava trays November 28th amp 29th - Koulourakia December 5th amp 6th - Kourambiethes December 13th - Bake Baklava December 15th amp 16th - Packing Baked Goods amp Decorating December 17th amp 18th - Bake Sale Pick up and Boutique In Education Building Double Classroom





Orthodox National Church Development A Spiritual Journey

ONCD is a long term strategic process for progressively im-proving our churchrsquos health It is a process of continual im-

provement Like growing a plant it requires a long term com-mitment which consistently addresses the critical issues fac-

ing our church at each stage of growth St Katherinersquos will be administering the ONCD spiritual sur-

vey next Sunday October 23rd at 100pm in the Church Hall This survey will take about 20 minutes to com-

plete To learn more please visit wwwoncdus to read about spiritual health and the ONCD process

So what exactly is ONCD

It reminds parishioners that God brings the growth and

that their role is to partner with God not try to generate the

growth themselves It offers universal growth principles that apply in all

churches everywhere and at all times It provides regular accurate ldquosnapshots of a churchs

health keeping the Church leadership focused on the most important issues to achieve sustainable growth It outlines a process of continuous improvement through

the ONCD life-cycle It helps the Church leadership focus on essential growth

values It provides concrete input for developing or refining our

vision It helps maximize the effective use of limited time limited

energy and limited resources It confirms a long-held beliefs ldquoONCD affirms what I have been thinking for a long time but until now nobody has done the researchrdquo Join us Sunday October 23rd at 100pm and begin the Spiritual Journey together


The Gospel amp the Constitution Fall Study Series on Wednesday Evenings

St Katherine Hellenic Community Center

5965 N Wickham Road - Melbourne Florida 32940

Beginning on September 7 and running through

November 2 2016 at 7 PM on Wednesday nights this Fall we

will be offering

Drive Thru History ndash ldquoThe Gospelsrdquo (Special Edition)

a humorous and inspiring series on the life of Jesus Christ

Host Dave Stotts will be taking us on a ride visiting over 50

places where Jesus lived and walked This series brings the

Bible to life using the text of the Gospels history art archeol-

ogy and geography We will we viewing two episodes each

week for 9 weeks

At 8 PM we will continue where we left off with the newest

DVD series from David Barton and Rick Green Constitution

Alive Well go article-by-article through the Constitution

and the Bill of Rights learning about executive orders recess

appointments the Electoral College the powers of Congress

and the President freedom of religion and much more Shot

on location in the amazing WallBuilders library of original

documents and in Philadelphiarsquos Independence Hall cele-

brating the 225th anniversary of the Constitution (A $15

workbook is available directly from Wallbuilders which in-

cludes a side-by-side original amp modern translation of the


Call the Church office 254-1045 or

Email adminsaint-katherineorg if you are going to attend




Each week wersquoll cover two sessions each from

Drive Thru History ndash THE GOSPELS (Special Edition)

amp one or two from Constitution Alive

September 7 Gospels ndash The Historical Landscape amp The Announce-


Constitution ndash Our Purpose amp Approach amp The Seeds of Liberty

September 14 Gospels ndash Jesus is Born amp Jesus Grows Up

Constitution ndash A 30000 feet Overview

September 21 Gospels ndash Jesus Starts His Ministry amp Jesus Returns to


Constitution ndash Article I Congress (Part 1) amp Article I Congress

(Part 2)

September 28 Gospels ndash Jesus Begins His Miracles amp Jesus Teaches

with Authority

Constitution ndash Article II The President amp The World Series of


October 12 Gospels ndash The Sermon on the Mount amp Jesus Travels the

Sea of Galilee

Constitution ndash Article III 4 Judicial Myths

October 19 Gospels ndash Jesus Travels North with His Apostles amp A Final

Trip to Jerusalem

Constitution ndash First Amendment Freedom OF Religion

October 26 Gospels ndash Jesus Arrives in Jerusalem amp The Last


Constitution ndash The Bill of Rights

November 2 Gospels ndash The Trial of Jesus amp The Crucifixion of Jesus

Constitution ndash The Amendment Process

November 9 Gospels ndash The Resurrection of Jesus amp Who is Jesus

Constitution ndash Duty of Citizens

A Class Workbook is available for the Constitution Alive Series We have pur-

chased 10 copies available for $20 each ($15 plus shipping amp handling) You can

also order it directly from wwwWallbuilderscom It contains ldquoThe Constitution

Made Easyrdquo with the original and a modern translation of the Constitution set

side-by-side which will be often referenced by Rick Green in the series


GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE OF AMERICA 8-10 East 79th St New York NY 10075-0106 Tel (212) 570-3530 Fax (212) 774-0237

wwwgoarchorg - Email communicationsgoarchorg Protocol Number 20416 October 23 2016 National Leadership 100 Sunday Beloved since God loved us so much we also ought to love one another No one has ever seen God if we love one another God lives in us and his love is perfected in us (1 John 411-12) To the Most Reverend Hierarchs the Reverend Priests and Deacons the Monks and Nuns the Presidents and Members of the Parish Councils of the Greek Orthodox Com-munities the Distinguished Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate the Day Afternoon and Church Schools the Philoptochos Sisterhoods the Youth the Hellenic Organizations and the entire Greek Orthodox Family in America Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ On this Sunday October 23 the Feast of Saint Iakovos we give thanks first to God whose love was revealed among us in sending his Son into the world so that we might love through him (I John 49) for the love manifested by the benevolent energies of the mem-bers of Leadership 100 and to celebrate these manifold acts of love and faithfulness now demonstrated for 32 years by the Leadership 100 Endowment Fund founded by Arch-bishop Iakovos of Blessed Memory Leadership 100 has been steadfast and faithful in its support of the ministries and institu-tions of our Church for the glory of God I have witnessed first-hand the loving dedica-tion of these extraordinary leaders who excel in the work of the Lord and advance our Orthodox Faith and Hellenic Heritage Leadership 100 has made it a labor of love to assist Hellenic CollegeHoly Cross School of Theology primarily by providing scholarship aid to men called to the Holy Priesthood It has also assisted active clergy retired clergy and their presvyteres supported our youth and children and families through the Center for Family Care and Church Summer Camps in the Direct Archdiocesan District and in every Metropolis enabled our Department of Inter-Orthodox Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations to advance the presence of our Church in national and international forums and most notably supported the Holy and Great Council of Orthodox Churches convened in Crete in June and the building of the Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine at the World Trade Center Leadership 100 has also supported innovations in our programs in outreach and evange-lism technology and video and digital communications and religious and Greek educa-


tion enriching our faithful and more effectively communicating our faith to the soci-ety and world at large In these confounding times when the voices of hatred and discrimination threaten the solidarity of our nation and the world order with the persecution of Christians in the Middle East the refugee crisis in Europe and the continued economic disrup-tions in Greece and other countries Leadership 100 has supported the charitable outreach of International Orthodox Christian Charities the Orthodox Christian Mis-sion Center and the Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry speaking truth in love We acknowledge too the readiness of Leadership 100 to respond with loving care direct-ly to humanitarian crises at home and abroad On this eighth commemoration of National Leadership 100 Sunday we hereby re-mind all the faithful and all who would seek God and desire a better world to remem-ber the insightful and profound words of I John 411-12 to love one another and know that God lives in us and that in continuing to act in love no matter how difficult that may be we can only then realize fully His purposes for us I ask all our parishes to honor the exemplary witness of love in action of Leadership 100 and to recognize its members We fervently pray that the Lord will continue to bless abundantly Lead-ership 100 and keep its members in His care as they labor in love in order to perfect His love that is within us and to fulfill their sacred mission With paternal love in Christ daggerDEMETRIOS Archbishop of America



ZOE Means life in Greek


Our ZOE meeting was a huge success this month and many thanks to all who attended We are still going strong so please join us for all the fun activities we are planning Many thanks to Marianthi Lagges we were entertained by a very good movie and it was a good happy comedy The lunch pizza and Greek salad was very good thanks to Kelseys Pizza NOVEMBER Thursday the 10th at 1130

The next meeting is a very interesting Tour of the Rosetter House Museum and then a lunch on your own

Tickets will be discounted to $6 pp if we have 10 or more attending Please call Maria Brewster for more information and to let her know if you can attend at 321-622-4747




In the name of Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen

Lord Jesus Christ our God accept our offerings as You have accepted the gifts of Your people throughout the ages We offer these gifts to Your glory for the support of the ministries of Your Holy Church for the alleviation of suffering and hunger and for the proclamation of Your Gospel to the whole world Grant us Your blessing Lord our Savior that we may always be faithful stewards continuing to share the gifts you have given us by the power of Your grace mercy and love May Your name be glorified forever Amen


133 Stewards Pledging $149627

Paid to Date $116772



47 Friends of St Katherine paid $23983 [For where your treasure is there your heart will be also

Luke 1234


Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ Υἱέ Θεοῦ

ἐλέησόν με τὸν ἁμαρτωλόν

(τὴν ἁμαρτωλόν if prayed by a female)

Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on me a sinner


manded the unclean spirit to come out of the man (For many a time it had seized him he was kept under guard and bound with chains and fetters but he broke the bonds and was driven by the demon into the desert) Jesus then asked him What is your name And he said Legion for many demons had entered him And they begged him not to command them to depart into the abyss Now a large herd of swine was feeding there on the hillside and they begged him to let them en-ter these So he gave them leave Then the demons came out of the man and entered the swine and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and were drowned When the herdsmen saw what hap-pened they fled and told it in the city and in the country Then people went out to see what had happened and they came to Jesus and found the man from whom the demons had gone sitting at the feet of Jesus clothed and in his right mind and they were afraid And those who had seen it told them how he who had been possessed with de-mons was healed Then all the people of the surrounding country of the Gadarenes asked him to depart from them for they were seized with great fear so he got into the boat and returned The man from whom the demons had gone begged that he might be with him but he sent him away saying Return to your home and declare how much God has done for you And he went away proclaiming throughout the whole city how much Jesus had done for him Please pray for our Brevard County State of Florida amp America Spiritual Leaders Patriarch Bartholomew Archbishop Demetrios Metropolitan Alexios amp Fr Demetri Civil Leaders President Barack Obama US Congress amp Supreme Court Governor Rick Scott all our civil authorities and our armed forces Parish Leadership Parish Council Philoptochos Chanters Choir Sunday amp Greek School teachers amp students Youth amp Dance Group leaders and children Those who are sick awaiting surgery recovering from surgery in need of prayers andor shut in Alexandra Diamond Peter Katsoulas Mae Charos Carlo Sedney Theresa Sempepos Peter amp Dorothy Pappademetriou Nicholas Gus Drivas Bill amp Ellen Werner Olga Despina Kalimnios Ashley Nazieh amp Yvonne Yacoub Savannah amp Zander Kelly Vada Ganakos Mirsini Sirounis Katherine Don Penny Princeton Suzanne Orosz Faye Nicholas Gerry amp Chris Veton Mark Ayad Saad amp family JoAnne Macheras John Cominos Van Katehakis Lisa Waddell Michael Donohue Angela DeCosta Marlaine amp Jim Manus Ann Prieston Anna Kris Stamatis Anasta-sia Kyriaki Renee Olga Taran George amp Sue Kanazeh Joseph Jay amp John Paul Figa-ri Matina Gabriel amp Markos Pongpipat George Mirek Maria Mary Katsenes Lisa Alexandra Joyce Stavrakis Taylor Pappas Connie Ortolani Maria Brewster Maria Iakovos Efstratia Sarah Wells Jan amp Mary James Petersen Denis Frawley David amp


Please turn your cell phones amp pagers off or on vibrate before entering Church


Check our on line calendar for updates on Liturgies amp events httpslocalendarcompublicsaintkatherine

Ashley Buckles James Pappas Bill Kokotis Lori Debbi Walker Leah Thomas Mary amp Pete Faines Robert amp Vel Mary Catalano Katie Mike Nicole Andromahi Rick Zelvis Kathy S Pauline Contakos Jessie Mary Donedini Christina Jamie Dail Jr amp Family George amp Steven Kiki amp Howard D Georgia amp Vasili Brandon Gilsenan Bob Dearmin John Kaye Aurelia Bocanu Peter amp JoAnn Zuras Nicoletta For those expecting Nicole amp Anthony Schultz For those with new babies Those serving in the Military Joseph Abadiotakis Jr Elias Panayiotis Maldonado Nicholas Tsamoutales Yanni Tshontikidis Harold David Ballard Samuel Joseph III Nicholas Cannaverde Travis Hunter Ethan Macheras Matthew Ryan Stinnett James Christian Figari For the protection of Christians who are being persecuted for their faith For the protection and freedom of the kidnapped Metropolitan Boulos Yazigi and Archbishop Yohanna Ibrahim both of Aleppo Syria Those preparing for Marriage College Students Arianna Bendlin Michael Courey Telly amp Tony Galanopoulos Alyssa Giglio Alyssa Marianthi amp Callia Karas Kimberley amp Dana Marie Koines Jen-nifer amp Andrew Loso Tommy Panouses Catherine Psarakis George amp Jessica Saad Catie amp Sydney Sergis Costas amp Alex Stathis Elizabeth Gaherty Brandon Arena Melanie Niarhos Ronnie Rickard Leah amp Austen Thomas Theodora Bendlin Joseph Daniel Figari

(If you know of anyone that should be added to this list please call the Church office)


~ Today ~

Chrismation of Elizabeth Makos Anastasia Theodorou is her sponsor

- Memorial Service -

Elias Corpas - 40 days Evangeline Whiteheadrsquos son

- Trisaghion -

Constance Palfi - 9 yrs Stephen Palfi - 13 yrs

Stephanie Zavitsanosrsquo parents


~ Upcoming Liturgies amp Events ~

Wed Oct 26th - St Demetrios - Orthros 9 am - Divine Liturgy 10 am Sun Oct 30th - Parish General Assembly - 1230 pm Sun Nov 6th - DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ENDS - TURN YOUR CLOCK BACK 1 HOUR BEFORE YOU GO TO BED AHEPA Breakfast following Divine Liturgy Thurs Nov 10th - ZOE will be visiting Rossetter House Museum then having Lunch See p 14 for information Sun Nov 13th amp Mon Nov 14th - Life Touch Portraits see below or insert for more details

SIGN UP FOR YOUR LIFETOUCH PORTRAIT SESSION NOW ON LINE AT httpswwwsecuredata-trans14comapstkatherinegreekorthodox1indexphppage=10

Or go to wwwsaint-katherineorg and click on ldquoMake an appointment hererdquo on the bottom of the page

Or you can sign up in the community center beginning Sun Oct 23rd following Divine Liturgy

Sessions Sunday Nov 13 1-7 PM Monday Nov 14 1-8 PM


VPK Kindergarten amp 1st grades - Brenda Roman amp Donna Thomson Last Sunday Mrs Brenda read the parable of The Good Samaritan We talked about the importance of being a Good Samaritan even today and what things we could do to be one As part of a GOYA project we were asked to make cards and donate items for the children in shelters Our children were ea-ger to make cards to go along with donations of socks blankets soaps and snacks Many thanks to Mrs Brenda Roman and Mrs Rania for bringing in all the donations from our class All will be given to the GOYA to take to the shel-ters I think the Sunday school children were surprised to know that there are children their own age in shelters So it made them very happy to know these cards they were making will go to their less fortunate peers Attendance 9

2nd - 4th Grades - Jonna Myatt With Halloween season here we did a lesson called Faith overcomes Fear We talked about things we are afraid of and learned that we need to have faith in God no matter what fearful time we are going through He will protect us and strengthen us Our Bible story was Jesus calms the storm and art project shields of faith Attendance 7

5th - 6th Grades - Daphne Courey amp Anastasia Theodorou We continued learning about Moses and his leadership role to set apart Godrsquos people so that they could be guided in worship and knowledge of our Lord We also talked about the Ten Commandments and how Jesus summarized these principles on how we are to live which is to ldquoLove the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and mind and to Love your neighbor as yourselfrdquo Vocabu-lary words Exodus covenant Attendance 10

7th - 8th Grade - Presvytera Eleni Attendance Orthodox LifeHigh School Bill Orosz and Warren Baker Attendance


~ Vision Statement ~ To be a community of engaged and educated young Orthodox Christians

~ Mission Statement ~ To encourage and foster spiritual growth of young people in our Orthodox Faith


Choir practice is held on Sundays at 930 am in the Community Center

If you would like to join them please do so


Workshops begin 10 am

November 1st 2nd amp 3rd - Assemble Baklava trays November 28th amp 29th - Koulourakia December 5th amp 6th - Kourambiethes December 13th - Bake Baklava December 15th amp 16th - Packing Baked Goods amp Decorating December 17th amp 18th - Bake Sale Pick up and Boutique In Education Building Double Classroom





Orthodox National Church Development A Spiritual Journey

ONCD is a long term strategic process for progressively im-proving our churchrsquos health It is a process of continual im-

provement Like growing a plant it requires a long term com-mitment which consistently addresses the critical issues fac-

ing our church at each stage of growth St Katherinersquos will be administering the ONCD spiritual sur-

vey next Sunday October 23rd at 100pm in the Church Hall This survey will take about 20 minutes to com-

plete To learn more please visit wwwoncdus to read about spiritual health and the ONCD process

So what exactly is ONCD

It reminds parishioners that God brings the growth and

that their role is to partner with God not try to generate the

growth themselves It offers universal growth principles that apply in all

churches everywhere and at all times It provides regular accurate ldquosnapshots of a churchs

health keeping the Church leadership focused on the most important issues to achieve sustainable growth It outlines a process of continuous improvement through

the ONCD life-cycle It helps the Church leadership focus on essential growth

values It provides concrete input for developing or refining our

vision It helps maximize the effective use of limited time limited

energy and limited resources It confirms a long-held beliefs ldquoONCD affirms what I have been thinking for a long time but until now nobody has done the researchrdquo Join us Sunday October 23rd at 100pm and begin the Spiritual Journey together


The Gospel amp the Constitution Fall Study Series on Wednesday Evenings

St Katherine Hellenic Community Center

5965 N Wickham Road - Melbourne Florida 32940

Beginning on September 7 and running through

November 2 2016 at 7 PM on Wednesday nights this Fall we

will be offering

Drive Thru History ndash ldquoThe Gospelsrdquo (Special Edition)

a humorous and inspiring series on the life of Jesus Christ

Host Dave Stotts will be taking us on a ride visiting over 50

places where Jesus lived and walked This series brings the

Bible to life using the text of the Gospels history art archeol-

ogy and geography We will we viewing two episodes each

week for 9 weeks

At 8 PM we will continue where we left off with the newest

DVD series from David Barton and Rick Green Constitution

Alive Well go article-by-article through the Constitution

and the Bill of Rights learning about executive orders recess

appointments the Electoral College the powers of Congress

and the President freedom of religion and much more Shot

on location in the amazing WallBuilders library of original

documents and in Philadelphiarsquos Independence Hall cele-

brating the 225th anniversary of the Constitution (A $15

workbook is available directly from Wallbuilders which in-

cludes a side-by-side original amp modern translation of the


Call the Church office 254-1045 or

Email adminsaint-katherineorg if you are going to attend




Each week wersquoll cover two sessions each from

Drive Thru History ndash THE GOSPELS (Special Edition)

amp one or two from Constitution Alive

September 7 Gospels ndash The Historical Landscape amp The Announce-


Constitution ndash Our Purpose amp Approach amp The Seeds of Liberty

September 14 Gospels ndash Jesus is Born amp Jesus Grows Up

Constitution ndash A 30000 feet Overview

September 21 Gospels ndash Jesus Starts His Ministry amp Jesus Returns to


Constitution ndash Article I Congress (Part 1) amp Article I Congress

(Part 2)

September 28 Gospels ndash Jesus Begins His Miracles amp Jesus Teaches

with Authority

Constitution ndash Article II The President amp The World Series of


October 12 Gospels ndash The Sermon on the Mount amp Jesus Travels the

Sea of Galilee

Constitution ndash Article III 4 Judicial Myths

October 19 Gospels ndash Jesus Travels North with His Apostles amp A Final

Trip to Jerusalem

Constitution ndash First Amendment Freedom OF Religion

October 26 Gospels ndash Jesus Arrives in Jerusalem amp The Last


Constitution ndash The Bill of Rights

November 2 Gospels ndash The Trial of Jesus amp The Crucifixion of Jesus

Constitution ndash The Amendment Process

November 9 Gospels ndash The Resurrection of Jesus amp Who is Jesus

Constitution ndash Duty of Citizens

A Class Workbook is available for the Constitution Alive Series We have pur-

chased 10 copies available for $20 each ($15 plus shipping amp handling) You can

also order it directly from wwwWallbuilderscom It contains ldquoThe Constitution

Made Easyrdquo with the original and a modern translation of the Constitution set

side-by-side which will be often referenced by Rick Green in the series


GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE OF AMERICA 8-10 East 79th St New York NY 10075-0106 Tel (212) 570-3530 Fax (212) 774-0237

wwwgoarchorg - Email communicationsgoarchorg Protocol Number 20416 October 23 2016 National Leadership 100 Sunday Beloved since God loved us so much we also ought to love one another No one has ever seen God if we love one another God lives in us and his love is perfected in us (1 John 411-12) To the Most Reverend Hierarchs the Reverend Priests and Deacons the Monks and Nuns the Presidents and Members of the Parish Councils of the Greek Orthodox Com-munities the Distinguished Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate the Day Afternoon and Church Schools the Philoptochos Sisterhoods the Youth the Hellenic Organizations and the entire Greek Orthodox Family in America Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ On this Sunday October 23 the Feast of Saint Iakovos we give thanks first to God whose love was revealed among us in sending his Son into the world so that we might love through him (I John 49) for the love manifested by the benevolent energies of the mem-bers of Leadership 100 and to celebrate these manifold acts of love and faithfulness now demonstrated for 32 years by the Leadership 100 Endowment Fund founded by Arch-bishop Iakovos of Blessed Memory Leadership 100 has been steadfast and faithful in its support of the ministries and institu-tions of our Church for the glory of God I have witnessed first-hand the loving dedica-tion of these extraordinary leaders who excel in the work of the Lord and advance our Orthodox Faith and Hellenic Heritage Leadership 100 has made it a labor of love to assist Hellenic CollegeHoly Cross School of Theology primarily by providing scholarship aid to men called to the Holy Priesthood It has also assisted active clergy retired clergy and their presvyteres supported our youth and children and families through the Center for Family Care and Church Summer Camps in the Direct Archdiocesan District and in every Metropolis enabled our Department of Inter-Orthodox Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations to advance the presence of our Church in national and international forums and most notably supported the Holy and Great Council of Orthodox Churches convened in Crete in June and the building of the Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine at the World Trade Center Leadership 100 has also supported innovations in our programs in outreach and evange-lism technology and video and digital communications and religious and Greek educa-


tion enriching our faithful and more effectively communicating our faith to the soci-ety and world at large In these confounding times when the voices of hatred and discrimination threaten the solidarity of our nation and the world order with the persecution of Christians in the Middle East the refugee crisis in Europe and the continued economic disrup-tions in Greece and other countries Leadership 100 has supported the charitable outreach of International Orthodox Christian Charities the Orthodox Christian Mis-sion Center and the Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry speaking truth in love We acknowledge too the readiness of Leadership 100 to respond with loving care direct-ly to humanitarian crises at home and abroad On this eighth commemoration of National Leadership 100 Sunday we hereby re-mind all the faithful and all who would seek God and desire a better world to remem-ber the insightful and profound words of I John 411-12 to love one another and know that God lives in us and that in continuing to act in love no matter how difficult that may be we can only then realize fully His purposes for us I ask all our parishes to honor the exemplary witness of love in action of Leadership 100 and to recognize its members We fervently pray that the Lord will continue to bless abundantly Lead-ership 100 and keep its members in His care as they labor in love in order to perfect His love that is within us and to fulfill their sacred mission With paternal love in Christ daggerDEMETRIOS Archbishop of America



ZOE Means life in Greek


Our ZOE meeting was a huge success this month and many thanks to all who attended We are still going strong so please join us for all the fun activities we are planning Many thanks to Marianthi Lagges we were entertained by a very good movie and it was a good happy comedy The lunch pizza and Greek salad was very good thanks to Kelseys Pizza NOVEMBER Thursday the 10th at 1130

The next meeting is a very interesting Tour of the Rosetter House Museum and then a lunch on your own

Tickets will be discounted to $6 pp if we have 10 or more attending Please call Maria Brewster for more information and to let her know if you can attend at 321-622-4747




In the name of Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen

Lord Jesus Christ our God accept our offerings as You have accepted the gifts of Your people throughout the ages We offer these gifts to Your glory for the support of the ministries of Your Holy Church for the alleviation of suffering and hunger and for the proclamation of Your Gospel to the whole world Grant us Your blessing Lord our Savior that we may always be faithful stewards continuing to share the gifts you have given us by the power of Your grace mercy and love May Your name be glorified forever Amen


133 Stewards Pledging $149627

Paid to Date $116772



47 Friends of St Katherine paid $23983 [For where your treasure is there your heart will be also

Luke 1234


Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ Υἱέ Θεοῦ

ἐλέησόν με τὸν ἁμαρτωλόν

(τὴν ἁμαρτωλόν if prayed by a female)

Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on me a sinner


Please turn your cell phones amp pagers off or on vibrate before entering Church


Check our on line calendar for updates on Liturgies amp events httpslocalendarcompublicsaintkatherine

Ashley Buckles James Pappas Bill Kokotis Lori Debbi Walker Leah Thomas Mary amp Pete Faines Robert amp Vel Mary Catalano Katie Mike Nicole Andromahi Rick Zelvis Kathy S Pauline Contakos Jessie Mary Donedini Christina Jamie Dail Jr amp Family George amp Steven Kiki amp Howard D Georgia amp Vasili Brandon Gilsenan Bob Dearmin John Kaye Aurelia Bocanu Peter amp JoAnn Zuras Nicoletta For those expecting Nicole amp Anthony Schultz For those with new babies Those serving in the Military Joseph Abadiotakis Jr Elias Panayiotis Maldonado Nicholas Tsamoutales Yanni Tshontikidis Harold David Ballard Samuel Joseph III Nicholas Cannaverde Travis Hunter Ethan Macheras Matthew Ryan Stinnett James Christian Figari For the protection of Christians who are being persecuted for their faith For the protection and freedom of the kidnapped Metropolitan Boulos Yazigi and Archbishop Yohanna Ibrahim both of Aleppo Syria Those preparing for Marriage College Students Arianna Bendlin Michael Courey Telly amp Tony Galanopoulos Alyssa Giglio Alyssa Marianthi amp Callia Karas Kimberley amp Dana Marie Koines Jen-nifer amp Andrew Loso Tommy Panouses Catherine Psarakis George amp Jessica Saad Catie amp Sydney Sergis Costas amp Alex Stathis Elizabeth Gaherty Brandon Arena Melanie Niarhos Ronnie Rickard Leah amp Austen Thomas Theodora Bendlin Joseph Daniel Figari

(If you know of anyone that should be added to this list please call the Church office)


~ Today ~

Chrismation of Elizabeth Makos Anastasia Theodorou is her sponsor

- Memorial Service -

Elias Corpas - 40 days Evangeline Whiteheadrsquos son

- Trisaghion -

Constance Palfi - 9 yrs Stephen Palfi - 13 yrs

Stephanie Zavitsanosrsquo parents


~ Upcoming Liturgies amp Events ~

Wed Oct 26th - St Demetrios - Orthros 9 am - Divine Liturgy 10 am Sun Oct 30th - Parish General Assembly - 1230 pm Sun Nov 6th - DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ENDS - TURN YOUR CLOCK BACK 1 HOUR BEFORE YOU GO TO BED AHEPA Breakfast following Divine Liturgy Thurs Nov 10th - ZOE will be visiting Rossetter House Museum then having Lunch See p 14 for information Sun Nov 13th amp Mon Nov 14th - Life Touch Portraits see below or insert for more details

SIGN UP FOR YOUR LIFETOUCH PORTRAIT SESSION NOW ON LINE AT httpswwwsecuredata-trans14comapstkatherinegreekorthodox1indexphppage=10

Or go to wwwsaint-katherineorg and click on ldquoMake an appointment hererdquo on the bottom of the page

Or you can sign up in the community center beginning Sun Oct 23rd following Divine Liturgy

Sessions Sunday Nov 13 1-7 PM Monday Nov 14 1-8 PM


VPK Kindergarten amp 1st grades - Brenda Roman amp Donna Thomson Last Sunday Mrs Brenda read the parable of The Good Samaritan We talked about the importance of being a Good Samaritan even today and what things we could do to be one As part of a GOYA project we were asked to make cards and donate items for the children in shelters Our children were ea-ger to make cards to go along with donations of socks blankets soaps and snacks Many thanks to Mrs Brenda Roman and Mrs Rania for bringing in all the donations from our class All will be given to the GOYA to take to the shel-ters I think the Sunday school children were surprised to know that there are children their own age in shelters So it made them very happy to know these cards they were making will go to their less fortunate peers Attendance 9

2nd - 4th Grades - Jonna Myatt With Halloween season here we did a lesson called Faith overcomes Fear We talked about things we are afraid of and learned that we need to have faith in God no matter what fearful time we are going through He will protect us and strengthen us Our Bible story was Jesus calms the storm and art project shields of faith Attendance 7

5th - 6th Grades - Daphne Courey amp Anastasia Theodorou We continued learning about Moses and his leadership role to set apart Godrsquos people so that they could be guided in worship and knowledge of our Lord We also talked about the Ten Commandments and how Jesus summarized these principles on how we are to live which is to ldquoLove the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and mind and to Love your neighbor as yourselfrdquo Vocabu-lary words Exodus covenant Attendance 10

7th - 8th Grade - Presvytera Eleni Attendance Orthodox LifeHigh School Bill Orosz and Warren Baker Attendance


~ Vision Statement ~ To be a community of engaged and educated young Orthodox Christians

~ Mission Statement ~ To encourage and foster spiritual growth of young people in our Orthodox Faith


Choir practice is held on Sundays at 930 am in the Community Center

If you would like to join them please do so


Workshops begin 10 am

November 1st 2nd amp 3rd - Assemble Baklava trays November 28th amp 29th - Koulourakia December 5th amp 6th - Kourambiethes December 13th - Bake Baklava December 15th amp 16th - Packing Baked Goods amp Decorating December 17th amp 18th - Bake Sale Pick up and Boutique In Education Building Double Classroom





Orthodox National Church Development A Spiritual Journey

ONCD is a long term strategic process for progressively im-proving our churchrsquos health It is a process of continual im-

provement Like growing a plant it requires a long term com-mitment which consistently addresses the critical issues fac-

ing our church at each stage of growth St Katherinersquos will be administering the ONCD spiritual sur-

vey next Sunday October 23rd at 100pm in the Church Hall This survey will take about 20 minutes to com-

plete To learn more please visit wwwoncdus to read about spiritual health and the ONCD process

So what exactly is ONCD

It reminds parishioners that God brings the growth and

that their role is to partner with God not try to generate the

growth themselves It offers universal growth principles that apply in all

churches everywhere and at all times It provides regular accurate ldquosnapshots of a churchs

health keeping the Church leadership focused on the most important issues to achieve sustainable growth It outlines a process of continuous improvement through

the ONCD life-cycle It helps the Church leadership focus on essential growth

values It provides concrete input for developing or refining our

vision It helps maximize the effective use of limited time limited

energy and limited resources It confirms a long-held beliefs ldquoONCD affirms what I have been thinking for a long time but until now nobody has done the researchrdquo Join us Sunday October 23rd at 100pm and begin the Spiritual Journey together


The Gospel amp the Constitution Fall Study Series on Wednesday Evenings

St Katherine Hellenic Community Center

5965 N Wickham Road - Melbourne Florida 32940

Beginning on September 7 and running through

November 2 2016 at 7 PM on Wednesday nights this Fall we

will be offering

Drive Thru History ndash ldquoThe Gospelsrdquo (Special Edition)

a humorous and inspiring series on the life of Jesus Christ

Host Dave Stotts will be taking us on a ride visiting over 50

places where Jesus lived and walked This series brings the

Bible to life using the text of the Gospels history art archeol-

ogy and geography We will we viewing two episodes each

week for 9 weeks

At 8 PM we will continue where we left off with the newest

DVD series from David Barton and Rick Green Constitution

Alive Well go article-by-article through the Constitution

and the Bill of Rights learning about executive orders recess

appointments the Electoral College the powers of Congress

and the President freedom of religion and much more Shot

on location in the amazing WallBuilders library of original

documents and in Philadelphiarsquos Independence Hall cele-

brating the 225th anniversary of the Constitution (A $15

workbook is available directly from Wallbuilders which in-

cludes a side-by-side original amp modern translation of the


Call the Church office 254-1045 or

Email adminsaint-katherineorg if you are going to attend




Each week wersquoll cover two sessions each from

Drive Thru History ndash THE GOSPELS (Special Edition)

amp one or two from Constitution Alive

September 7 Gospels ndash The Historical Landscape amp The Announce-


Constitution ndash Our Purpose amp Approach amp The Seeds of Liberty

September 14 Gospels ndash Jesus is Born amp Jesus Grows Up

Constitution ndash A 30000 feet Overview

September 21 Gospels ndash Jesus Starts His Ministry amp Jesus Returns to


Constitution ndash Article I Congress (Part 1) amp Article I Congress

(Part 2)

September 28 Gospels ndash Jesus Begins His Miracles amp Jesus Teaches

with Authority

Constitution ndash Article II The President amp The World Series of


October 12 Gospels ndash The Sermon on the Mount amp Jesus Travels the

Sea of Galilee

Constitution ndash Article III 4 Judicial Myths

October 19 Gospels ndash Jesus Travels North with His Apostles amp A Final

Trip to Jerusalem

Constitution ndash First Amendment Freedom OF Religion

October 26 Gospels ndash Jesus Arrives in Jerusalem amp The Last


Constitution ndash The Bill of Rights

November 2 Gospels ndash The Trial of Jesus amp The Crucifixion of Jesus

Constitution ndash The Amendment Process

November 9 Gospels ndash The Resurrection of Jesus amp Who is Jesus

Constitution ndash Duty of Citizens

A Class Workbook is available for the Constitution Alive Series We have pur-

chased 10 copies available for $20 each ($15 plus shipping amp handling) You can

also order it directly from wwwWallbuilderscom It contains ldquoThe Constitution

Made Easyrdquo with the original and a modern translation of the Constitution set

side-by-side which will be often referenced by Rick Green in the series


GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE OF AMERICA 8-10 East 79th St New York NY 10075-0106 Tel (212) 570-3530 Fax (212) 774-0237

wwwgoarchorg - Email communicationsgoarchorg Protocol Number 20416 October 23 2016 National Leadership 100 Sunday Beloved since God loved us so much we also ought to love one another No one has ever seen God if we love one another God lives in us and his love is perfected in us (1 John 411-12) To the Most Reverend Hierarchs the Reverend Priests and Deacons the Monks and Nuns the Presidents and Members of the Parish Councils of the Greek Orthodox Com-munities the Distinguished Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate the Day Afternoon and Church Schools the Philoptochos Sisterhoods the Youth the Hellenic Organizations and the entire Greek Orthodox Family in America Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ On this Sunday October 23 the Feast of Saint Iakovos we give thanks first to God whose love was revealed among us in sending his Son into the world so that we might love through him (I John 49) for the love manifested by the benevolent energies of the mem-bers of Leadership 100 and to celebrate these manifold acts of love and faithfulness now demonstrated for 32 years by the Leadership 100 Endowment Fund founded by Arch-bishop Iakovos of Blessed Memory Leadership 100 has been steadfast and faithful in its support of the ministries and institu-tions of our Church for the glory of God I have witnessed first-hand the loving dedica-tion of these extraordinary leaders who excel in the work of the Lord and advance our Orthodox Faith and Hellenic Heritage Leadership 100 has made it a labor of love to assist Hellenic CollegeHoly Cross School of Theology primarily by providing scholarship aid to men called to the Holy Priesthood It has also assisted active clergy retired clergy and their presvyteres supported our youth and children and families through the Center for Family Care and Church Summer Camps in the Direct Archdiocesan District and in every Metropolis enabled our Department of Inter-Orthodox Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations to advance the presence of our Church in national and international forums and most notably supported the Holy and Great Council of Orthodox Churches convened in Crete in June and the building of the Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine at the World Trade Center Leadership 100 has also supported innovations in our programs in outreach and evange-lism technology and video and digital communications and religious and Greek educa-


tion enriching our faithful and more effectively communicating our faith to the soci-ety and world at large In these confounding times when the voices of hatred and discrimination threaten the solidarity of our nation and the world order with the persecution of Christians in the Middle East the refugee crisis in Europe and the continued economic disrup-tions in Greece and other countries Leadership 100 has supported the charitable outreach of International Orthodox Christian Charities the Orthodox Christian Mis-sion Center and the Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry speaking truth in love We acknowledge too the readiness of Leadership 100 to respond with loving care direct-ly to humanitarian crises at home and abroad On this eighth commemoration of National Leadership 100 Sunday we hereby re-mind all the faithful and all who would seek God and desire a better world to remem-ber the insightful and profound words of I John 411-12 to love one another and know that God lives in us and that in continuing to act in love no matter how difficult that may be we can only then realize fully His purposes for us I ask all our parishes to honor the exemplary witness of love in action of Leadership 100 and to recognize its members We fervently pray that the Lord will continue to bless abundantly Lead-ership 100 and keep its members in His care as they labor in love in order to perfect His love that is within us and to fulfill their sacred mission With paternal love in Christ daggerDEMETRIOS Archbishop of America



ZOE Means life in Greek


Our ZOE meeting was a huge success this month and many thanks to all who attended We are still going strong so please join us for all the fun activities we are planning Many thanks to Marianthi Lagges we were entertained by a very good movie and it was a good happy comedy The lunch pizza and Greek salad was very good thanks to Kelseys Pizza NOVEMBER Thursday the 10th at 1130

The next meeting is a very interesting Tour of the Rosetter House Museum and then a lunch on your own

Tickets will be discounted to $6 pp if we have 10 or more attending Please call Maria Brewster for more information and to let her know if you can attend at 321-622-4747




In the name of Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen

Lord Jesus Christ our God accept our offerings as You have accepted the gifts of Your people throughout the ages We offer these gifts to Your glory for the support of the ministries of Your Holy Church for the alleviation of suffering and hunger and for the proclamation of Your Gospel to the whole world Grant us Your blessing Lord our Savior that we may always be faithful stewards continuing to share the gifts you have given us by the power of Your grace mercy and love May Your name be glorified forever Amen


133 Stewards Pledging $149627

Paid to Date $116772



47 Friends of St Katherine paid $23983 [For where your treasure is there your heart will be also

Luke 1234


Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ Υἱέ Θεοῦ

ἐλέησόν με τὸν ἁμαρτωλόν

(τὴν ἁμαρτωλόν if prayed by a female)

Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on me a sinner


~ Today ~

Chrismation of Elizabeth Makos Anastasia Theodorou is her sponsor

- Memorial Service -

Elias Corpas - 40 days Evangeline Whiteheadrsquos son

- Trisaghion -

Constance Palfi - 9 yrs Stephen Palfi - 13 yrs

Stephanie Zavitsanosrsquo parents


~ Upcoming Liturgies amp Events ~

Wed Oct 26th - St Demetrios - Orthros 9 am - Divine Liturgy 10 am Sun Oct 30th - Parish General Assembly - 1230 pm Sun Nov 6th - DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ENDS - TURN YOUR CLOCK BACK 1 HOUR BEFORE YOU GO TO BED AHEPA Breakfast following Divine Liturgy Thurs Nov 10th - ZOE will be visiting Rossetter House Museum then having Lunch See p 14 for information Sun Nov 13th amp Mon Nov 14th - Life Touch Portraits see below or insert for more details

SIGN UP FOR YOUR LIFETOUCH PORTRAIT SESSION NOW ON LINE AT httpswwwsecuredata-trans14comapstkatherinegreekorthodox1indexphppage=10

Or go to wwwsaint-katherineorg and click on ldquoMake an appointment hererdquo on the bottom of the page

Or you can sign up in the community center beginning Sun Oct 23rd following Divine Liturgy

Sessions Sunday Nov 13 1-7 PM Monday Nov 14 1-8 PM


VPK Kindergarten amp 1st grades - Brenda Roman amp Donna Thomson Last Sunday Mrs Brenda read the parable of The Good Samaritan We talked about the importance of being a Good Samaritan even today and what things we could do to be one As part of a GOYA project we were asked to make cards and donate items for the children in shelters Our children were ea-ger to make cards to go along with donations of socks blankets soaps and snacks Many thanks to Mrs Brenda Roman and Mrs Rania for bringing in all the donations from our class All will be given to the GOYA to take to the shel-ters I think the Sunday school children were surprised to know that there are children their own age in shelters So it made them very happy to know these cards they were making will go to their less fortunate peers Attendance 9

2nd - 4th Grades - Jonna Myatt With Halloween season here we did a lesson called Faith overcomes Fear We talked about things we are afraid of and learned that we need to have faith in God no matter what fearful time we are going through He will protect us and strengthen us Our Bible story was Jesus calms the storm and art project shields of faith Attendance 7

5th - 6th Grades - Daphne Courey amp Anastasia Theodorou We continued learning about Moses and his leadership role to set apart Godrsquos people so that they could be guided in worship and knowledge of our Lord We also talked about the Ten Commandments and how Jesus summarized these principles on how we are to live which is to ldquoLove the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and mind and to Love your neighbor as yourselfrdquo Vocabu-lary words Exodus covenant Attendance 10

7th - 8th Grade - Presvytera Eleni Attendance Orthodox LifeHigh School Bill Orosz and Warren Baker Attendance


~ Vision Statement ~ To be a community of engaged and educated young Orthodox Christians

~ Mission Statement ~ To encourage and foster spiritual growth of young people in our Orthodox Faith


Choir practice is held on Sundays at 930 am in the Community Center

If you would like to join them please do so


Workshops begin 10 am

November 1st 2nd amp 3rd - Assemble Baklava trays November 28th amp 29th - Koulourakia December 5th amp 6th - Kourambiethes December 13th - Bake Baklava December 15th amp 16th - Packing Baked Goods amp Decorating December 17th amp 18th - Bake Sale Pick up and Boutique In Education Building Double Classroom





Orthodox National Church Development A Spiritual Journey

ONCD is a long term strategic process for progressively im-proving our churchrsquos health It is a process of continual im-

provement Like growing a plant it requires a long term com-mitment which consistently addresses the critical issues fac-

ing our church at each stage of growth St Katherinersquos will be administering the ONCD spiritual sur-

vey next Sunday October 23rd at 100pm in the Church Hall This survey will take about 20 minutes to com-

plete To learn more please visit wwwoncdus to read about spiritual health and the ONCD process

So what exactly is ONCD

It reminds parishioners that God brings the growth and

that their role is to partner with God not try to generate the

growth themselves It offers universal growth principles that apply in all

churches everywhere and at all times It provides regular accurate ldquosnapshots of a churchs

health keeping the Church leadership focused on the most important issues to achieve sustainable growth It outlines a process of continuous improvement through

the ONCD life-cycle It helps the Church leadership focus on essential growth

values It provides concrete input for developing or refining our

vision It helps maximize the effective use of limited time limited

energy and limited resources It confirms a long-held beliefs ldquoONCD affirms what I have been thinking for a long time but until now nobody has done the researchrdquo Join us Sunday October 23rd at 100pm and begin the Spiritual Journey together


The Gospel amp the Constitution Fall Study Series on Wednesday Evenings

St Katherine Hellenic Community Center

5965 N Wickham Road - Melbourne Florida 32940

Beginning on September 7 and running through

November 2 2016 at 7 PM on Wednesday nights this Fall we

will be offering

Drive Thru History ndash ldquoThe Gospelsrdquo (Special Edition)

a humorous and inspiring series on the life of Jesus Christ

Host Dave Stotts will be taking us on a ride visiting over 50

places where Jesus lived and walked This series brings the

Bible to life using the text of the Gospels history art archeol-

ogy and geography We will we viewing two episodes each

week for 9 weeks

At 8 PM we will continue where we left off with the newest

DVD series from David Barton and Rick Green Constitution

Alive Well go article-by-article through the Constitution

and the Bill of Rights learning about executive orders recess

appointments the Electoral College the powers of Congress

and the President freedom of religion and much more Shot

on location in the amazing WallBuilders library of original

documents and in Philadelphiarsquos Independence Hall cele-

brating the 225th anniversary of the Constitution (A $15

workbook is available directly from Wallbuilders which in-

cludes a side-by-side original amp modern translation of the


Call the Church office 254-1045 or

Email adminsaint-katherineorg if you are going to attend




Each week wersquoll cover two sessions each from

Drive Thru History ndash THE GOSPELS (Special Edition)

amp one or two from Constitution Alive

September 7 Gospels ndash The Historical Landscape amp The Announce-


Constitution ndash Our Purpose amp Approach amp The Seeds of Liberty

September 14 Gospels ndash Jesus is Born amp Jesus Grows Up

Constitution ndash A 30000 feet Overview

September 21 Gospels ndash Jesus Starts His Ministry amp Jesus Returns to


Constitution ndash Article I Congress (Part 1) amp Article I Congress

(Part 2)

September 28 Gospels ndash Jesus Begins His Miracles amp Jesus Teaches

with Authority

Constitution ndash Article II The President amp The World Series of


October 12 Gospels ndash The Sermon on the Mount amp Jesus Travels the

Sea of Galilee

Constitution ndash Article III 4 Judicial Myths

October 19 Gospels ndash Jesus Travels North with His Apostles amp A Final

Trip to Jerusalem

Constitution ndash First Amendment Freedom OF Religion

October 26 Gospels ndash Jesus Arrives in Jerusalem amp The Last


Constitution ndash The Bill of Rights

November 2 Gospels ndash The Trial of Jesus amp The Crucifixion of Jesus

Constitution ndash The Amendment Process

November 9 Gospels ndash The Resurrection of Jesus amp Who is Jesus

Constitution ndash Duty of Citizens

A Class Workbook is available for the Constitution Alive Series We have pur-

chased 10 copies available for $20 each ($15 plus shipping amp handling) You can

also order it directly from wwwWallbuilderscom It contains ldquoThe Constitution

Made Easyrdquo with the original and a modern translation of the Constitution set

side-by-side which will be often referenced by Rick Green in the series


GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE OF AMERICA 8-10 East 79th St New York NY 10075-0106 Tel (212) 570-3530 Fax (212) 774-0237

wwwgoarchorg - Email communicationsgoarchorg Protocol Number 20416 October 23 2016 National Leadership 100 Sunday Beloved since God loved us so much we also ought to love one another No one has ever seen God if we love one another God lives in us and his love is perfected in us (1 John 411-12) To the Most Reverend Hierarchs the Reverend Priests and Deacons the Monks and Nuns the Presidents and Members of the Parish Councils of the Greek Orthodox Com-munities the Distinguished Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate the Day Afternoon and Church Schools the Philoptochos Sisterhoods the Youth the Hellenic Organizations and the entire Greek Orthodox Family in America Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ On this Sunday October 23 the Feast of Saint Iakovos we give thanks first to God whose love was revealed among us in sending his Son into the world so that we might love through him (I John 49) for the love manifested by the benevolent energies of the mem-bers of Leadership 100 and to celebrate these manifold acts of love and faithfulness now demonstrated for 32 years by the Leadership 100 Endowment Fund founded by Arch-bishop Iakovos of Blessed Memory Leadership 100 has been steadfast and faithful in its support of the ministries and institu-tions of our Church for the glory of God I have witnessed first-hand the loving dedica-tion of these extraordinary leaders who excel in the work of the Lord and advance our Orthodox Faith and Hellenic Heritage Leadership 100 has made it a labor of love to assist Hellenic CollegeHoly Cross School of Theology primarily by providing scholarship aid to men called to the Holy Priesthood It has also assisted active clergy retired clergy and their presvyteres supported our youth and children and families through the Center for Family Care and Church Summer Camps in the Direct Archdiocesan District and in every Metropolis enabled our Department of Inter-Orthodox Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations to advance the presence of our Church in national and international forums and most notably supported the Holy and Great Council of Orthodox Churches convened in Crete in June and the building of the Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine at the World Trade Center Leadership 100 has also supported innovations in our programs in outreach and evange-lism technology and video and digital communications and religious and Greek educa-


tion enriching our faithful and more effectively communicating our faith to the soci-ety and world at large In these confounding times when the voices of hatred and discrimination threaten the solidarity of our nation and the world order with the persecution of Christians in the Middle East the refugee crisis in Europe and the continued economic disrup-tions in Greece and other countries Leadership 100 has supported the charitable outreach of International Orthodox Christian Charities the Orthodox Christian Mis-sion Center and the Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry speaking truth in love We acknowledge too the readiness of Leadership 100 to respond with loving care direct-ly to humanitarian crises at home and abroad On this eighth commemoration of National Leadership 100 Sunday we hereby re-mind all the faithful and all who would seek God and desire a better world to remem-ber the insightful and profound words of I John 411-12 to love one another and know that God lives in us and that in continuing to act in love no matter how difficult that may be we can only then realize fully His purposes for us I ask all our parishes to honor the exemplary witness of love in action of Leadership 100 and to recognize its members We fervently pray that the Lord will continue to bless abundantly Lead-ership 100 and keep its members in His care as they labor in love in order to perfect His love that is within us and to fulfill their sacred mission With paternal love in Christ daggerDEMETRIOS Archbishop of America



ZOE Means life in Greek


Our ZOE meeting was a huge success this month and many thanks to all who attended We are still going strong so please join us for all the fun activities we are planning Many thanks to Marianthi Lagges we were entertained by a very good movie and it was a good happy comedy The lunch pizza and Greek salad was very good thanks to Kelseys Pizza NOVEMBER Thursday the 10th at 1130

The next meeting is a very interesting Tour of the Rosetter House Museum and then a lunch on your own

Tickets will be discounted to $6 pp if we have 10 or more attending Please call Maria Brewster for more information and to let her know if you can attend at 321-622-4747




In the name of Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen

Lord Jesus Christ our God accept our offerings as You have accepted the gifts of Your people throughout the ages We offer these gifts to Your glory for the support of the ministries of Your Holy Church for the alleviation of suffering and hunger and for the proclamation of Your Gospel to the whole world Grant us Your blessing Lord our Savior that we may always be faithful stewards continuing to share the gifts you have given us by the power of Your grace mercy and love May Your name be glorified forever Amen


133 Stewards Pledging $149627

Paid to Date $116772



47 Friends of St Katherine paid $23983 [For where your treasure is there your heart will be also

Luke 1234


Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ Υἱέ Θεοῦ

ἐλέησόν με τὸν ἁμαρτωλόν

(τὴν ἁμαρτωλόν if prayed by a female)

Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on me a sinner


VPK Kindergarten amp 1st grades - Brenda Roman amp Donna Thomson Last Sunday Mrs Brenda read the parable of The Good Samaritan We talked about the importance of being a Good Samaritan even today and what things we could do to be one As part of a GOYA project we were asked to make cards and donate items for the children in shelters Our children were ea-ger to make cards to go along with donations of socks blankets soaps and snacks Many thanks to Mrs Brenda Roman and Mrs Rania for bringing in all the donations from our class All will be given to the GOYA to take to the shel-ters I think the Sunday school children were surprised to know that there are children their own age in shelters So it made them very happy to know these cards they were making will go to their less fortunate peers Attendance 9

2nd - 4th Grades - Jonna Myatt With Halloween season here we did a lesson called Faith overcomes Fear We talked about things we are afraid of and learned that we need to have faith in God no matter what fearful time we are going through He will protect us and strengthen us Our Bible story was Jesus calms the storm and art project shields of faith Attendance 7

5th - 6th Grades - Daphne Courey amp Anastasia Theodorou We continued learning about Moses and his leadership role to set apart Godrsquos people so that they could be guided in worship and knowledge of our Lord We also talked about the Ten Commandments and how Jesus summarized these principles on how we are to live which is to ldquoLove the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and mind and to Love your neighbor as yourselfrdquo Vocabu-lary words Exodus covenant Attendance 10

7th - 8th Grade - Presvytera Eleni Attendance Orthodox LifeHigh School Bill Orosz and Warren Baker Attendance


~ Vision Statement ~ To be a community of engaged and educated young Orthodox Christians

~ Mission Statement ~ To encourage and foster spiritual growth of young people in our Orthodox Faith


Choir practice is held on Sundays at 930 am in the Community Center

If you would like to join them please do so


Workshops begin 10 am

November 1st 2nd amp 3rd - Assemble Baklava trays November 28th amp 29th - Koulourakia December 5th amp 6th - Kourambiethes December 13th - Bake Baklava December 15th amp 16th - Packing Baked Goods amp Decorating December 17th amp 18th - Bake Sale Pick up and Boutique In Education Building Double Classroom





Orthodox National Church Development A Spiritual Journey

ONCD is a long term strategic process for progressively im-proving our churchrsquos health It is a process of continual im-

provement Like growing a plant it requires a long term com-mitment which consistently addresses the critical issues fac-

ing our church at each stage of growth St Katherinersquos will be administering the ONCD spiritual sur-

vey next Sunday October 23rd at 100pm in the Church Hall This survey will take about 20 minutes to com-

plete To learn more please visit wwwoncdus to read about spiritual health and the ONCD process

So what exactly is ONCD

It reminds parishioners that God brings the growth and

that their role is to partner with God not try to generate the

growth themselves It offers universal growth principles that apply in all

churches everywhere and at all times It provides regular accurate ldquosnapshots of a churchs

health keeping the Church leadership focused on the most important issues to achieve sustainable growth It outlines a process of continuous improvement through

the ONCD life-cycle It helps the Church leadership focus on essential growth

values It provides concrete input for developing or refining our

vision It helps maximize the effective use of limited time limited

energy and limited resources It confirms a long-held beliefs ldquoONCD affirms what I have been thinking for a long time but until now nobody has done the researchrdquo Join us Sunday October 23rd at 100pm and begin the Spiritual Journey together


The Gospel amp the Constitution Fall Study Series on Wednesday Evenings

St Katherine Hellenic Community Center

5965 N Wickham Road - Melbourne Florida 32940

Beginning on September 7 and running through

November 2 2016 at 7 PM on Wednesday nights this Fall we

will be offering

Drive Thru History ndash ldquoThe Gospelsrdquo (Special Edition)

a humorous and inspiring series on the life of Jesus Christ

Host Dave Stotts will be taking us on a ride visiting over 50

places where Jesus lived and walked This series brings the

Bible to life using the text of the Gospels history art archeol-

ogy and geography We will we viewing two episodes each

week for 9 weeks

At 8 PM we will continue where we left off with the newest

DVD series from David Barton and Rick Green Constitution

Alive Well go article-by-article through the Constitution

and the Bill of Rights learning about executive orders recess

appointments the Electoral College the powers of Congress

and the President freedom of religion and much more Shot

on location in the amazing WallBuilders library of original

documents and in Philadelphiarsquos Independence Hall cele-

brating the 225th anniversary of the Constitution (A $15

workbook is available directly from Wallbuilders which in-

cludes a side-by-side original amp modern translation of the


Call the Church office 254-1045 or

Email adminsaint-katherineorg if you are going to attend




Each week wersquoll cover two sessions each from

Drive Thru History ndash THE GOSPELS (Special Edition)

amp one or two from Constitution Alive

September 7 Gospels ndash The Historical Landscape amp The Announce-


Constitution ndash Our Purpose amp Approach amp The Seeds of Liberty

September 14 Gospels ndash Jesus is Born amp Jesus Grows Up

Constitution ndash A 30000 feet Overview

September 21 Gospels ndash Jesus Starts His Ministry amp Jesus Returns to


Constitution ndash Article I Congress (Part 1) amp Article I Congress

(Part 2)

September 28 Gospels ndash Jesus Begins His Miracles amp Jesus Teaches

with Authority

Constitution ndash Article II The President amp The World Series of


October 12 Gospels ndash The Sermon on the Mount amp Jesus Travels the

Sea of Galilee

Constitution ndash Article III 4 Judicial Myths

October 19 Gospels ndash Jesus Travels North with His Apostles amp A Final

Trip to Jerusalem

Constitution ndash First Amendment Freedom OF Religion

October 26 Gospels ndash Jesus Arrives in Jerusalem amp The Last


Constitution ndash The Bill of Rights

November 2 Gospels ndash The Trial of Jesus amp The Crucifixion of Jesus

Constitution ndash The Amendment Process

November 9 Gospels ndash The Resurrection of Jesus amp Who is Jesus

Constitution ndash Duty of Citizens

A Class Workbook is available for the Constitution Alive Series We have pur-

chased 10 copies available for $20 each ($15 plus shipping amp handling) You can

also order it directly from wwwWallbuilderscom It contains ldquoThe Constitution

Made Easyrdquo with the original and a modern translation of the Constitution set

side-by-side which will be often referenced by Rick Green in the series


GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE OF AMERICA 8-10 East 79th St New York NY 10075-0106 Tel (212) 570-3530 Fax (212) 774-0237

wwwgoarchorg - Email communicationsgoarchorg Protocol Number 20416 October 23 2016 National Leadership 100 Sunday Beloved since God loved us so much we also ought to love one another No one has ever seen God if we love one another God lives in us and his love is perfected in us (1 John 411-12) To the Most Reverend Hierarchs the Reverend Priests and Deacons the Monks and Nuns the Presidents and Members of the Parish Councils of the Greek Orthodox Com-munities the Distinguished Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate the Day Afternoon and Church Schools the Philoptochos Sisterhoods the Youth the Hellenic Organizations and the entire Greek Orthodox Family in America Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ On this Sunday October 23 the Feast of Saint Iakovos we give thanks first to God whose love was revealed among us in sending his Son into the world so that we might love through him (I John 49) for the love manifested by the benevolent energies of the mem-bers of Leadership 100 and to celebrate these manifold acts of love and faithfulness now demonstrated for 32 years by the Leadership 100 Endowment Fund founded by Arch-bishop Iakovos of Blessed Memory Leadership 100 has been steadfast and faithful in its support of the ministries and institu-tions of our Church for the glory of God I have witnessed first-hand the loving dedica-tion of these extraordinary leaders who excel in the work of the Lord and advance our Orthodox Faith and Hellenic Heritage Leadership 100 has made it a labor of love to assist Hellenic CollegeHoly Cross School of Theology primarily by providing scholarship aid to men called to the Holy Priesthood It has also assisted active clergy retired clergy and their presvyteres supported our youth and children and families through the Center for Family Care and Church Summer Camps in the Direct Archdiocesan District and in every Metropolis enabled our Department of Inter-Orthodox Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations to advance the presence of our Church in national and international forums and most notably supported the Holy and Great Council of Orthodox Churches convened in Crete in June and the building of the Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine at the World Trade Center Leadership 100 has also supported innovations in our programs in outreach and evange-lism technology and video and digital communications and religious and Greek educa-


tion enriching our faithful and more effectively communicating our faith to the soci-ety and world at large In these confounding times when the voices of hatred and discrimination threaten the solidarity of our nation and the world order with the persecution of Christians in the Middle East the refugee crisis in Europe and the continued economic disrup-tions in Greece and other countries Leadership 100 has supported the charitable outreach of International Orthodox Christian Charities the Orthodox Christian Mis-sion Center and the Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry speaking truth in love We acknowledge too the readiness of Leadership 100 to respond with loving care direct-ly to humanitarian crises at home and abroad On this eighth commemoration of National Leadership 100 Sunday we hereby re-mind all the faithful and all who would seek God and desire a better world to remem-ber the insightful and profound words of I John 411-12 to love one another and know that God lives in us and that in continuing to act in love no matter how difficult that may be we can only then realize fully His purposes for us I ask all our parishes to honor the exemplary witness of love in action of Leadership 100 and to recognize its members We fervently pray that the Lord will continue to bless abundantly Lead-ership 100 and keep its members in His care as they labor in love in order to perfect His love that is within us and to fulfill their sacred mission With paternal love in Christ daggerDEMETRIOS Archbishop of America



ZOE Means life in Greek


Our ZOE meeting was a huge success this month and many thanks to all who attended We are still going strong so please join us for all the fun activities we are planning Many thanks to Marianthi Lagges we were entertained by a very good movie and it was a good happy comedy The lunch pizza and Greek salad was very good thanks to Kelseys Pizza NOVEMBER Thursday the 10th at 1130

The next meeting is a very interesting Tour of the Rosetter House Museum and then a lunch on your own

Tickets will be discounted to $6 pp if we have 10 or more attending Please call Maria Brewster for more information and to let her know if you can attend at 321-622-4747




In the name of Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen

Lord Jesus Christ our God accept our offerings as You have accepted the gifts of Your people throughout the ages We offer these gifts to Your glory for the support of the ministries of Your Holy Church for the alleviation of suffering and hunger and for the proclamation of Your Gospel to the whole world Grant us Your blessing Lord our Savior that we may always be faithful stewards continuing to share the gifts you have given us by the power of Your grace mercy and love May Your name be glorified forever Amen


133 Stewards Pledging $149627

Paid to Date $116772



47 Friends of St Katherine paid $23983 [For where your treasure is there your heart will be also

Luke 1234


Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ Υἱέ Θεοῦ

ἐλέησόν με τὸν ἁμαρτωλόν

(τὴν ἁμαρτωλόν if prayed by a female)

Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on me a sinner


Choir practice is held on Sundays at 930 am in the Community Center

If you would like to join them please do so


Workshops begin 10 am

November 1st 2nd amp 3rd - Assemble Baklava trays November 28th amp 29th - Koulourakia December 5th amp 6th - Kourambiethes December 13th - Bake Baklava December 15th amp 16th - Packing Baked Goods amp Decorating December 17th amp 18th - Bake Sale Pick up and Boutique In Education Building Double Classroom





Orthodox National Church Development A Spiritual Journey

ONCD is a long term strategic process for progressively im-proving our churchrsquos health It is a process of continual im-

provement Like growing a plant it requires a long term com-mitment which consistently addresses the critical issues fac-

ing our church at each stage of growth St Katherinersquos will be administering the ONCD spiritual sur-

vey next Sunday October 23rd at 100pm in the Church Hall This survey will take about 20 minutes to com-

plete To learn more please visit wwwoncdus to read about spiritual health and the ONCD process

So what exactly is ONCD

It reminds parishioners that God brings the growth and

that their role is to partner with God not try to generate the

growth themselves It offers universal growth principles that apply in all

churches everywhere and at all times It provides regular accurate ldquosnapshots of a churchs

health keeping the Church leadership focused on the most important issues to achieve sustainable growth It outlines a process of continuous improvement through

the ONCD life-cycle It helps the Church leadership focus on essential growth

values It provides concrete input for developing or refining our

vision It helps maximize the effective use of limited time limited

energy and limited resources It confirms a long-held beliefs ldquoONCD affirms what I have been thinking for a long time but until now nobody has done the researchrdquo Join us Sunday October 23rd at 100pm and begin the Spiritual Journey together


The Gospel amp the Constitution Fall Study Series on Wednesday Evenings

St Katherine Hellenic Community Center

5965 N Wickham Road - Melbourne Florida 32940

Beginning on September 7 and running through

November 2 2016 at 7 PM on Wednesday nights this Fall we

will be offering

Drive Thru History ndash ldquoThe Gospelsrdquo (Special Edition)

a humorous and inspiring series on the life of Jesus Christ

Host Dave Stotts will be taking us on a ride visiting over 50

places where Jesus lived and walked This series brings the

Bible to life using the text of the Gospels history art archeol-

ogy and geography We will we viewing two episodes each

week for 9 weeks

At 8 PM we will continue where we left off with the newest

DVD series from David Barton and Rick Green Constitution

Alive Well go article-by-article through the Constitution

and the Bill of Rights learning about executive orders recess

appointments the Electoral College the powers of Congress

and the President freedom of religion and much more Shot

on location in the amazing WallBuilders library of original

documents and in Philadelphiarsquos Independence Hall cele-

brating the 225th anniversary of the Constitution (A $15

workbook is available directly from Wallbuilders which in-

cludes a side-by-side original amp modern translation of the


Call the Church office 254-1045 or

Email adminsaint-katherineorg if you are going to attend




Each week wersquoll cover two sessions each from

Drive Thru History ndash THE GOSPELS (Special Edition)

amp one or two from Constitution Alive

September 7 Gospels ndash The Historical Landscape amp The Announce-


Constitution ndash Our Purpose amp Approach amp The Seeds of Liberty

September 14 Gospels ndash Jesus is Born amp Jesus Grows Up

Constitution ndash A 30000 feet Overview

September 21 Gospels ndash Jesus Starts His Ministry amp Jesus Returns to


Constitution ndash Article I Congress (Part 1) amp Article I Congress

(Part 2)

September 28 Gospels ndash Jesus Begins His Miracles amp Jesus Teaches

with Authority

Constitution ndash Article II The President amp The World Series of


October 12 Gospels ndash The Sermon on the Mount amp Jesus Travels the

Sea of Galilee

Constitution ndash Article III 4 Judicial Myths

October 19 Gospels ndash Jesus Travels North with His Apostles amp A Final

Trip to Jerusalem

Constitution ndash First Amendment Freedom OF Religion

October 26 Gospels ndash Jesus Arrives in Jerusalem amp The Last


Constitution ndash The Bill of Rights

November 2 Gospels ndash The Trial of Jesus amp The Crucifixion of Jesus

Constitution ndash The Amendment Process

November 9 Gospels ndash The Resurrection of Jesus amp Who is Jesus

Constitution ndash Duty of Citizens

A Class Workbook is available for the Constitution Alive Series We have pur-

chased 10 copies available for $20 each ($15 plus shipping amp handling) You can

also order it directly from wwwWallbuilderscom It contains ldquoThe Constitution

Made Easyrdquo with the original and a modern translation of the Constitution set

side-by-side which will be often referenced by Rick Green in the series


GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE OF AMERICA 8-10 East 79th St New York NY 10075-0106 Tel (212) 570-3530 Fax (212) 774-0237

wwwgoarchorg - Email communicationsgoarchorg Protocol Number 20416 October 23 2016 National Leadership 100 Sunday Beloved since God loved us so much we also ought to love one another No one has ever seen God if we love one another God lives in us and his love is perfected in us (1 John 411-12) To the Most Reverend Hierarchs the Reverend Priests and Deacons the Monks and Nuns the Presidents and Members of the Parish Councils of the Greek Orthodox Com-munities the Distinguished Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate the Day Afternoon and Church Schools the Philoptochos Sisterhoods the Youth the Hellenic Organizations and the entire Greek Orthodox Family in America Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ On this Sunday October 23 the Feast of Saint Iakovos we give thanks first to God whose love was revealed among us in sending his Son into the world so that we might love through him (I John 49) for the love manifested by the benevolent energies of the mem-bers of Leadership 100 and to celebrate these manifold acts of love and faithfulness now demonstrated for 32 years by the Leadership 100 Endowment Fund founded by Arch-bishop Iakovos of Blessed Memory Leadership 100 has been steadfast and faithful in its support of the ministries and institu-tions of our Church for the glory of God I have witnessed first-hand the loving dedica-tion of these extraordinary leaders who excel in the work of the Lord and advance our Orthodox Faith and Hellenic Heritage Leadership 100 has made it a labor of love to assist Hellenic CollegeHoly Cross School of Theology primarily by providing scholarship aid to men called to the Holy Priesthood It has also assisted active clergy retired clergy and their presvyteres supported our youth and children and families through the Center for Family Care and Church Summer Camps in the Direct Archdiocesan District and in every Metropolis enabled our Department of Inter-Orthodox Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations to advance the presence of our Church in national and international forums and most notably supported the Holy and Great Council of Orthodox Churches convened in Crete in June and the building of the Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine at the World Trade Center Leadership 100 has also supported innovations in our programs in outreach and evange-lism technology and video and digital communications and religious and Greek educa-


tion enriching our faithful and more effectively communicating our faith to the soci-ety and world at large In these confounding times when the voices of hatred and discrimination threaten the solidarity of our nation and the world order with the persecution of Christians in the Middle East the refugee crisis in Europe and the continued economic disrup-tions in Greece and other countries Leadership 100 has supported the charitable outreach of International Orthodox Christian Charities the Orthodox Christian Mis-sion Center and the Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry speaking truth in love We acknowledge too the readiness of Leadership 100 to respond with loving care direct-ly to humanitarian crises at home and abroad On this eighth commemoration of National Leadership 100 Sunday we hereby re-mind all the faithful and all who would seek God and desire a better world to remem-ber the insightful and profound words of I John 411-12 to love one another and know that God lives in us and that in continuing to act in love no matter how difficult that may be we can only then realize fully His purposes for us I ask all our parishes to honor the exemplary witness of love in action of Leadership 100 and to recognize its members We fervently pray that the Lord will continue to bless abundantly Lead-ership 100 and keep its members in His care as they labor in love in order to perfect His love that is within us and to fulfill their sacred mission With paternal love in Christ daggerDEMETRIOS Archbishop of America



ZOE Means life in Greek


Our ZOE meeting was a huge success this month and many thanks to all who attended We are still going strong so please join us for all the fun activities we are planning Many thanks to Marianthi Lagges we were entertained by a very good movie and it was a good happy comedy The lunch pizza and Greek salad was very good thanks to Kelseys Pizza NOVEMBER Thursday the 10th at 1130

The next meeting is a very interesting Tour of the Rosetter House Museum and then a lunch on your own

Tickets will be discounted to $6 pp if we have 10 or more attending Please call Maria Brewster for more information and to let her know if you can attend at 321-622-4747




In the name of Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen

Lord Jesus Christ our God accept our offerings as You have accepted the gifts of Your people throughout the ages We offer these gifts to Your glory for the support of the ministries of Your Holy Church for the alleviation of suffering and hunger and for the proclamation of Your Gospel to the whole world Grant us Your blessing Lord our Savior that we may always be faithful stewards continuing to share the gifts you have given us by the power of Your grace mercy and love May Your name be glorified forever Amen


133 Stewards Pledging $149627

Paid to Date $116772



47 Friends of St Katherine paid $23983 [For where your treasure is there your heart will be also

Luke 1234


Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ Υἱέ Θεοῦ

ἐλέησόν με τὸν ἁμαρτωλόν

(τὴν ἁμαρτωλόν if prayed by a female)

Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on me a sinner


Orthodox National Church Development A Spiritual Journey

ONCD is a long term strategic process for progressively im-proving our churchrsquos health It is a process of continual im-

provement Like growing a plant it requires a long term com-mitment which consistently addresses the critical issues fac-

ing our church at each stage of growth St Katherinersquos will be administering the ONCD spiritual sur-

vey next Sunday October 23rd at 100pm in the Church Hall This survey will take about 20 minutes to com-

plete To learn more please visit wwwoncdus to read about spiritual health and the ONCD process

So what exactly is ONCD

It reminds parishioners that God brings the growth and

that their role is to partner with God not try to generate the

growth themselves It offers universal growth principles that apply in all

churches everywhere and at all times It provides regular accurate ldquosnapshots of a churchs

health keeping the Church leadership focused on the most important issues to achieve sustainable growth It outlines a process of continuous improvement through

the ONCD life-cycle It helps the Church leadership focus on essential growth

values It provides concrete input for developing or refining our

vision It helps maximize the effective use of limited time limited

energy and limited resources It confirms a long-held beliefs ldquoONCD affirms what I have been thinking for a long time but until now nobody has done the researchrdquo Join us Sunday October 23rd at 100pm and begin the Spiritual Journey together


The Gospel amp the Constitution Fall Study Series on Wednesday Evenings

St Katherine Hellenic Community Center

5965 N Wickham Road - Melbourne Florida 32940

Beginning on September 7 and running through

November 2 2016 at 7 PM on Wednesday nights this Fall we

will be offering

Drive Thru History ndash ldquoThe Gospelsrdquo (Special Edition)

a humorous and inspiring series on the life of Jesus Christ

Host Dave Stotts will be taking us on a ride visiting over 50

places where Jesus lived and walked This series brings the

Bible to life using the text of the Gospels history art archeol-

ogy and geography We will we viewing two episodes each

week for 9 weeks

At 8 PM we will continue where we left off with the newest

DVD series from David Barton and Rick Green Constitution

Alive Well go article-by-article through the Constitution

and the Bill of Rights learning about executive orders recess

appointments the Electoral College the powers of Congress

and the President freedom of religion and much more Shot

on location in the amazing WallBuilders library of original

documents and in Philadelphiarsquos Independence Hall cele-

brating the 225th anniversary of the Constitution (A $15

workbook is available directly from Wallbuilders which in-

cludes a side-by-side original amp modern translation of the


Call the Church office 254-1045 or

Email adminsaint-katherineorg if you are going to attend




Each week wersquoll cover two sessions each from

Drive Thru History ndash THE GOSPELS (Special Edition)

amp one or two from Constitution Alive

September 7 Gospels ndash The Historical Landscape amp The Announce-


Constitution ndash Our Purpose amp Approach amp The Seeds of Liberty

September 14 Gospels ndash Jesus is Born amp Jesus Grows Up

Constitution ndash A 30000 feet Overview

September 21 Gospels ndash Jesus Starts His Ministry amp Jesus Returns to


Constitution ndash Article I Congress (Part 1) amp Article I Congress

(Part 2)

September 28 Gospels ndash Jesus Begins His Miracles amp Jesus Teaches

with Authority

Constitution ndash Article II The President amp The World Series of


October 12 Gospels ndash The Sermon on the Mount amp Jesus Travels the

Sea of Galilee

Constitution ndash Article III 4 Judicial Myths

October 19 Gospels ndash Jesus Travels North with His Apostles amp A Final

Trip to Jerusalem

Constitution ndash First Amendment Freedom OF Religion

October 26 Gospels ndash Jesus Arrives in Jerusalem amp The Last


Constitution ndash The Bill of Rights

November 2 Gospels ndash The Trial of Jesus amp The Crucifixion of Jesus

Constitution ndash The Amendment Process

November 9 Gospels ndash The Resurrection of Jesus amp Who is Jesus

Constitution ndash Duty of Citizens

A Class Workbook is available for the Constitution Alive Series We have pur-

chased 10 copies available for $20 each ($15 plus shipping amp handling) You can

also order it directly from wwwWallbuilderscom It contains ldquoThe Constitution

Made Easyrdquo with the original and a modern translation of the Constitution set

side-by-side which will be often referenced by Rick Green in the series


GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE OF AMERICA 8-10 East 79th St New York NY 10075-0106 Tel (212) 570-3530 Fax (212) 774-0237

wwwgoarchorg - Email communicationsgoarchorg Protocol Number 20416 October 23 2016 National Leadership 100 Sunday Beloved since God loved us so much we also ought to love one another No one has ever seen God if we love one another God lives in us and his love is perfected in us (1 John 411-12) To the Most Reverend Hierarchs the Reverend Priests and Deacons the Monks and Nuns the Presidents and Members of the Parish Councils of the Greek Orthodox Com-munities the Distinguished Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate the Day Afternoon and Church Schools the Philoptochos Sisterhoods the Youth the Hellenic Organizations and the entire Greek Orthodox Family in America Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ On this Sunday October 23 the Feast of Saint Iakovos we give thanks first to God whose love was revealed among us in sending his Son into the world so that we might love through him (I John 49) for the love manifested by the benevolent energies of the mem-bers of Leadership 100 and to celebrate these manifold acts of love and faithfulness now demonstrated for 32 years by the Leadership 100 Endowment Fund founded by Arch-bishop Iakovos of Blessed Memory Leadership 100 has been steadfast and faithful in its support of the ministries and institu-tions of our Church for the glory of God I have witnessed first-hand the loving dedica-tion of these extraordinary leaders who excel in the work of the Lord and advance our Orthodox Faith and Hellenic Heritage Leadership 100 has made it a labor of love to assist Hellenic CollegeHoly Cross School of Theology primarily by providing scholarship aid to men called to the Holy Priesthood It has also assisted active clergy retired clergy and their presvyteres supported our youth and children and families through the Center for Family Care and Church Summer Camps in the Direct Archdiocesan District and in every Metropolis enabled our Department of Inter-Orthodox Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations to advance the presence of our Church in national and international forums and most notably supported the Holy and Great Council of Orthodox Churches convened in Crete in June and the building of the Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine at the World Trade Center Leadership 100 has also supported innovations in our programs in outreach and evange-lism technology and video and digital communications and religious and Greek educa-


tion enriching our faithful and more effectively communicating our faith to the soci-ety and world at large In these confounding times when the voices of hatred and discrimination threaten the solidarity of our nation and the world order with the persecution of Christians in the Middle East the refugee crisis in Europe and the continued economic disrup-tions in Greece and other countries Leadership 100 has supported the charitable outreach of International Orthodox Christian Charities the Orthodox Christian Mis-sion Center and the Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry speaking truth in love We acknowledge too the readiness of Leadership 100 to respond with loving care direct-ly to humanitarian crises at home and abroad On this eighth commemoration of National Leadership 100 Sunday we hereby re-mind all the faithful and all who would seek God and desire a better world to remem-ber the insightful and profound words of I John 411-12 to love one another and know that God lives in us and that in continuing to act in love no matter how difficult that may be we can only then realize fully His purposes for us I ask all our parishes to honor the exemplary witness of love in action of Leadership 100 and to recognize its members We fervently pray that the Lord will continue to bless abundantly Lead-ership 100 and keep its members in His care as they labor in love in order to perfect His love that is within us and to fulfill their sacred mission With paternal love in Christ daggerDEMETRIOS Archbishop of America



ZOE Means life in Greek


Our ZOE meeting was a huge success this month and many thanks to all who attended We are still going strong so please join us for all the fun activities we are planning Many thanks to Marianthi Lagges we were entertained by a very good movie and it was a good happy comedy The lunch pizza and Greek salad was very good thanks to Kelseys Pizza NOVEMBER Thursday the 10th at 1130

The next meeting is a very interesting Tour of the Rosetter House Museum and then a lunch on your own

Tickets will be discounted to $6 pp if we have 10 or more attending Please call Maria Brewster for more information and to let her know if you can attend at 321-622-4747




In the name of Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen

Lord Jesus Christ our God accept our offerings as You have accepted the gifts of Your people throughout the ages We offer these gifts to Your glory for the support of the ministries of Your Holy Church for the alleviation of suffering and hunger and for the proclamation of Your Gospel to the whole world Grant us Your blessing Lord our Savior that we may always be faithful stewards continuing to share the gifts you have given us by the power of Your grace mercy and love May Your name be glorified forever Amen


133 Stewards Pledging $149627

Paid to Date $116772



47 Friends of St Katherine paid $23983 [For where your treasure is there your heart will be also

Luke 1234


Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ Υἱέ Θεοῦ

ἐλέησόν με τὸν ἁμαρτωλόν

(τὴν ἁμαρτωλόν if prayed by a female)

Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on me a sinner


The Gospel amp the Constitution Fall Study Series on Wednesday Evenings

St Katherine Hellenic Community Center

5965 N Wickham Road - Melbourne Florida 32940

Beginning on September 7 and running through

November 2 2016 at 7 PM on Wednesday nights this Fall we

will be offering

Drive Thru History ndash ldquoThe Gospelsrdquo (Special Edition)

a humorous and inspiring series on the life of Jesus Christ

Host Dave Stotts will be taking us on a ride visiting over 50

places where Jesus lived and walked This series brings the

Bible to life using the text of the Gospels history art archeol-

ogy and geography We will we viewing two episodes each

week for 9 weeks

At 8 PM we will continue where we left off with the newest

DVD series from David Barton and Rick Green Constitution

Alive Well go article-by-article through the Constitution

and the Bill of Rights learning about executive orders recess

appointments the Electoral College the powers of Congress

and the President freedom of religion and much more Shot

on location in the amazing WallBuilders library of original

documents and in Philadelphiarsquos Independence Hall cele-

brating the 225th anniversary of the Constitution (A $15

workbook is available directly from Wallbuilders which in-

cludes a side-by-side original amp modern translation of the


Call the Church office 254-1045 or

Email adminsaint-katherineorg if you are going to attend




Each week wersquoll cover two sessions each from

Drive Thru History ndash THE GOSPELS (Special Edition)

amp one or two from Constitution Alive

September 7 Gospels ndash The Historical Landscape amp The Announce-


Constitution ndash Our Purpose amp Approach amp The Seeds of Liberty

September 14 Gospels ndash Jesus is Born amp Jesus Grows Up

Constitution ndash A 30000 feet Overview

September 21 Gospels ndash Jesus Starts His Ministry amp Jesus Returns to


Constitution ndash Article I Congress (Part 1) amp Article I Congress

(Part 2)

September 28 Gospels ndash Jesus Begins His Miracles amp Jesus Teaches

with Authority

Constitution ndash Article II The President amp The World Series of


October 12 Gospels ndash The Sermon on the Mount amp Jesus Travels the

Sea of Galilee

Constitution ndash Article III 4 Judicial Myths

October 19 Gospels ndash Jesus Travels North with His Apostles amp A Final

Trip to Jerusalem

Constitution ndash First Amendment Freedom OF Religion

October 26 Gospels ndash Jesus Arrives in Jerusalem amp The Last


Constitution ndash The Bill of Rights

November 2 Gospels ndash The Trial of Jesus amp The Crucifixion of Jesus

Constitution ndash The Amendment Process

November 9 Gospels ndash The Resurrection of Jesus amp Who is Jesus

Constitution ndash Duty of Citizens

A Class Workbook is available for the Constitution Alive Series We have pur-

chased 10 copies available for $20 each ($15 plus shipping amp handling) You can

also order it directly from wwwWallbuilderscom It contains ldquoThe Constitution

Made Easyrdquo with the original and a modern translation of the Constitution set

side-by-side which will be often referenced by Rick Green in the series


GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE OF AMERICA 8-10 East 79th St New York NY 10075-0106 Tel (212) 570-3530 Fax (212) 774-0237

wwwgoarchorg - Email communicationsgoarchorg Protocol Number 20416 October 23 2016 National Leadership 100 Sunday Beloved since God loved us so much we also ought to love one another No one has ever seen God if we love one another God lives in us and his love is perfected in us (1 John 411-12) To the Most Reverend Hierarchs the Reverend Priests and Deacons the Monks and Nuns the Presidents and Members of the Parish Councils of the Greek Orthodox Com-munities the Distinguished Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate the Day Afternoon and Church Schools the Philoptochos Sisterhoods the Youth the Hellenic Organizations and the entire Greek Orthodox Family in America Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ On this Sunday October 23 the Feast of Saint Iakovos we give thanks first to God whose love was revealed among us in sending his Son into the world so that we might love through him (I John 49) for the love manifested by the benevolent energies of the mem-bers of Leadership 100 and to celebrate these manifold acts of love and faithfulness now demonstrated for 32 years by the Leadership 100 Endowment Fund founded by Arch-bishop Iakovos of Blessed Memory Leadership 100 has been steadfast and faithful in its support of the ministries and institu-tions of our Church for the glory of God I have witnessed first-hand the loving dedica-tion of these extraordinary leaders who excel in the work of the Lord and advance our Orthodox Faith and Hellenic Heritage Leadership 100 has made it a labor of love to assist Hellenic CollegeHoly Cross School of Theology primarily by providing scholarship aid to men called to the Holy Priesthood It has also assisted active clergy retired clergy and their presvyteres supported our youth and children and families through the Center for Family Care and Church Summer Camps in the Direct Archdiocesan District and in every Metropolis enabled our Department of Inter-Orthodox Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations to advance the presence of our Church in national and international forums and most notably supported the Holy and Great Council of Orthodox Churches convened in Crete in June and the building of the Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine at the World Trade Center Leadership 100 has also supported innovations in our programs in outreach and evange-lism technology and video and digital communications and religious and Greek educa-


tion enriching our faithful and more effectively communicating our faith to the soci-ety and world at large In these confounding times when the voices of hatred and discrimination threaten the solidarity of our nation and the world order with the persecution of Christians in the Middle East the refugee crisis in Europe and the continued economic disrup-tions in Greece and other countries Leadership 100 has supported the charitable outreach of International Orthodox Christian Charities the Orthodox Christian Mis-sion Center and the Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry speaking truth in love We acknowledge too the readiness of Leadership 100 to respond with loving care direct-ly to humanitarian crises at home and abroad On this eighth commemoration of National Leadership 100 Sunday we hereby re-mind all the faithful and all who would seek God and desire a better world to remem-ber the insightful and profound words of I John 411-12 to love one another and know that God lives in us and that in continuing to act in love no matter how difficult that may be we can only then realize fully His purposes for us I ask all our parishes to honor the exemplary witness of love in action of Leadership 100 and to recognize its members We fervently pray that the Lord will continue to bless abundantly Lead-ership 100 and keep its members in His care as they labor in love in order to perfect His love that is within us and to fulfill their sacred mission With paternal love in Christ daggerDEMETRIOS Archbishop of America



ZOE Means life in Greek


Our ZOE meeting was a huge success this month and many thanks to all who attended We are still going strong so please join us for all the fun activities we are planning Many thanks to Marianthi Lagges we were entertained by a very good movie and it was a good happy comedy The lunch pizza and Greek salad was very good thanks to Kelseys Pizza NOVEMBER Thursday the 10th at 1130

The next meeting is a very interesting Tour of the Rosetter House Museum and then a lunch on your own

Tickets will be discounted to $6 pp if we have 10 or more attending Please call Maria Brewster for more information and to let her know if you can attend at 321-622-4747




In the name of Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen

Lord Jesus Christ our God accept our offerings as You have accepted the gifts of Your people throughout the ages We offer these gifts to Your glory for the support of the ministries of Your Holy Church for the alleviation of suffering and hunger and for the proclamation of Your Gospel to the whole world Grant us Your blessing Lord our Savior that we may always be faithful stewards continuing to share the gifts you have given us by the power of Your grace mercy and love May Your name be glorified forever Amen


133 Stewards Pledging $149627

Paid to Date $116772



47 Friends of St Katherine paid $23983 [For where your treasure is there your heart will be also

Luke 1234


Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ Υἱέ Θεοῦ

ἐλέησόν με τὸν ἁμαρτωλόν

(τὴν ἁμαρτωλόν if prayed by a female)

Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on me a sinner




Each week wersquoll cover two sessions each from

Drive Thru History ndash THE GOSPELS (Special Edition)

amp one or two from Constitution Alive

September 7 Gospels ndash The Historical Landscape amp The Announce-


Constitution ndash Our Purpose amp Approach amp The Seeds of Liberty

September 14 Gospels ndash Jesus is Born amp Jesus Grows Up

Constitution ndash A 30000 feet Overview

September 21 Gospels ndash Jesus Starts His Ministry amp Jesus Returns to


Constitution ndash Article I Congress (Part 1) amp Article I Congress

(Part 2)

September 28 Gospels ndash Jesus Begins His Miracles amp Jesus Teaches

with Authority

Constitution ndash Article II The President amp The World Series of


October 12 Gospels ndash The Sermon on the Mount amp Jesus Travels the

Sea of Galilee

Constitution ndash Article III 4 Judicial Myths

October 19 Gospels ndash Jesus Travels North with His Apostles amp A Final

Trip to Jerusalem

Constitution ndash First Amendment Freedom OF Religion

October 26 Gospels ndash Jesus Arrives in Jerusalem amp The Last


Constitution ndash The Bill of Rights

November 2 Gospels ndash The Trial of Jesus amp The Crucifixion of Jesus

Constitution ndash The Amendment Process

November 9 Gospels ndash The Resurrection of Jesus amp Who is Jesus

Constitution ndash Duty of Citizens

A Class Workbook is available for the Constitution Alive Series We have pur-

chased 10 copies available for $20 each ($15 plus shipping amp handling) You can

also order it directly from wwwWallbuilderscom It contains ldquoThe Constitution

Made Easyrdquo with the original and a modern translation of the Constitution set

side-by-side which will be often referenced by Rick Green in the series


GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE OF AMERICA 8-10 East 79th St New York NY 10075-0106 Tel (212) 570-3530 Fax (212) 774-0237

wwwgoarchorg - Email communicationsgoarchorg Protocol Number 20416 October 23 2016 National Leadership 100 Sunday Beloved since God loved us so much we also ought to love one another No one has ever seen God if we love one another God lives in us and his love is perfected in us (1 John 411-12) To the Most Reverend Hierarchs the Reverend Priests and Deacons the Monks and Nuns the Presidents and Members of the Parish Councils of the Greek Orthodox Com-munities the Distinguished Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate the Day Afternoon and Church Schools the Philoptochos Sisterhoods the Youth the Hellenic Organizations and the entire Greek Orthodox Family in America Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ On this Sunday October 23 the Feast of Saint Iakovos we give thanks first to God whose love was revealed among us in sending his Son into the world so that we might love through him (I John 49) for the love manifested by the benevolent energies of the mem-bers of Leadership 100 and to celebrate these manifold acts of love and faithfulness now demonstrated for 32 years by the Leadership 100 Endowment Fund founded by Arch-bishop Iakovos of Blessed Memory Leadership 100 has been steadfast and faithful in its support of the ministries and institu-tions of our Church for the glory of God I have witnessed first-hand the loving dedica-tion of these extraordinary leaders who excel in the work of the Lord and advance our Orthodox Faith and Hellenic Heritage Leadership 100 has made it a labor of love to assist Hellenic CollegeHoly Cross School of Theology primarily by providing scholarship aid to men called to the Holy Priesthood It has also assisted active clergy retired clergy and their presvyteres supported our youth and children and families through the Center for Family Care and Church Summer Camps in the Direct Archdiocesan District and in every Metropolis enabled our Department of Inter-Orthodox Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations to advance the presence of our Church in national and international forums and most notably supported the Holy and Great Council of Orthodox Churches convened in Crete in June and the building of the Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine at the World Trade Center Leadership 100 has also supported innovations in our programs in outreach and evange-lism technology and video and digital communications and religious and Greek educa-


tion enriching our faithful and more effectively communicating our faith to the soci-ety and world at large In these confounding times when the voices of hatred and discrimination threaten the solidarity of our nation and the world order with the persecution of Christians in the Middle East the refugee crisis in Europe and the continued economic disrup-tions in Greece and other countries Leadership 100 has supported the charitable outreach of International Orthodox Christian Charities the Orthodox Christian Mis-sion Center and the Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry speaking truth in love We acknowledge too the readiness of Leadership 100 to respond with loving care direct-ly to humanitarian crises at home and abroad On this eighth commemoration of National Leadership 100 Sunday we hereby re-mind all the faithful and all who would seek God and desire a better world to remem-ber the insightful and profound words of I John 411-12 to love one another and know that God lives in us and that in continuing to act in love no matter how difficult that may be we can only then realize fully His purposes for us I ask all our parishes to honor the exemplary witness of love in action of Leadership 100 and to recognize its members We fervently pray that the Lord will continue to bless abundantly Lead-ership 100 and keep its members in His care as they labor in love in order to perfect His love that is within us and to fulfill their sacred mission With paternal love in Christ daggerDEMETRIOS Archbishop of America



ZOE Means life in Greek


Our ZOE meeting was a huge success this month and many thanks to all who attended We are still going strong so please join us for all the fun activities we are planning Many thanks to Marianthi Lagges we were entertained by a very good movie and it was a good happy comedy The lunch pizza and Greek salad was very good thanks to Kelseys Pizza NOVEMBER Thursday the 10th at 1130

The next meeting is a very interesting Tour of the Rosetter House Museum and then a lunch on your own

Tickets will be discounted to $6 pp if we have 10 or more attending Please call Maria Brewster for more information and to let her know if you can attend at 321-622-4747




In the name of Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen

Lord Jesus Christ our God accept our offerings as You have accepted the gifts of Your people throughout the ages We offer these gifts to Your glory for the support of the ministries of Your Holy Church for the alleviation of suffering and hunger and for the proclamation of Your Gospel to the whole world Grant us Your blessing Lord our Savior that we may always be faithful stewards continuing to share the gifts you have given us by the power of Your grace mercy and love May Your name be glorified forever Amen


133 Stewards Pledging $149627

Paid to Date $116772



47 Friends of St Katherine paid $23983 [For where your treasure is there your heart will be also

Luke 1234


Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ Υἱέ Θεοῦ

ἐλέησόν με τὸν ἁμαρτωλόν

(τὴν ἁμαρτωλόν if prayed by a female)

Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on me a sinner


GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE OF AMERICA 8-10 East 79th St New York NY 10075-0106 Tel (212) 570-3530 Fax (212) 774-0237

wwwgoarchorg - Email communicationsgoarchorg Protocol Number 20416 October 23 2016 National Leadership 100 Sunday Beloved since God loved us so much we also ought to love one another No one has ever seen God if we love one another God lives in us and his love is perfected in us (1 John 411-12) To the Most Reverend Hierarchs the Reverend Priests and Deacons the Monks and Nuns the Presidents and Members of the Parish Councils of the Greek Orthodox Com-munities the Distinguished Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate the Day Afternoon and Church Schools the Philoptochos Sisterhoods the Youth the Hellenic Organizations and the entire Greek Orthodox Family in America Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ On this Sunday October 23 the Feast of Saint Iakovos we give thanks first to God whose love was revealed among us in sending his Son into the world so that we might love through him (I John 49) for the love manifested by the benevolent energies of the mem-bers of Leadership 100 and to celebrate these manifold acts of love and faithfulness now demonstrated for 32 years by the Leadership 100 Endowment Fund founded by Arch-bishop Iakovos of Blessed Memory Leadership 100 has been steadfast and faithful in its support of the ministries and institu-tions of our Church for the glory of God I have witnessed first-hand the loving dedica-tion of these extraordinary leaders who excel in the work of the Lord and advance our Orthodox Faith and Hellenic Heritage Leadership 100 has made it a labor of love to assist Hellenic CollegeHoly Cross School of Theology primarily by providing scholarship aid to men called to the Holy Priesthood It has also assisted active clergy retired clergy and their presvyteres supported our youth and children and families through the Center for Family Care and Church Summer Camps in the Direct Archdiocesan District and in every Metropolis enabled our Department of Inter-Orthodox Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations to advance the presence of our Church in national and international forums and most notably supported the Holy and Great Council of Orthodox Churches convened in Crete in June and the building of the Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine at the World Trade Center Leadership 100 has also supported innovations in our programs in outreach and evange-lism technology and video and digital communications and religious and Greek educa-


tion enriching our faithful and more effectively communicating our faith to the soci-ety and world at large In these confounding times when the voices of hatred and discrimination threaten the solidarity of our nation and the world order with the persecution of Christians in the Middle East the refugee crisis in Europe and the continued economic disrup-tions in Greece and other countries Leadership 100 has supported the charitable outreach of International Orthodox Christian Charities the Orthodox Christian Mis-sion Center and the Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry speaking truth in love We acknowledge too the readiness of Leadership 100 to respond with loving care direct-ly to humanitarian crises at home and abroad On this eighth commemoration of National Leadership 100 Sunday we hereby re-mind all the faithful and all who would seek God and desire a better world to remem-ber the insightful and profound words of I John 411-12 to love one another and know that God lives in us and that in continuing to act in love no matter how difficult that may be we can only then realize fully His purposes for us I ask all our parishes to honor the exemplary witness of love in action of Leadership 100 and to recognize its members We fervently pray that the Lord will continue to bless abundantly Lead-ership 100 and keep its members in His care as they labor in love in order to perfect His love that is within us and to fulfill their sacred mission With paternal love in Christ daggerDEMETRIOS Archbishop of America



ZOE Means life in Greek


Our ZOE meeting was a huge success this month and many thanks to all who attended We are still going strong so please join us for all the fun activities we are planning Many thanks to Marianthi Lagges we were entertained by a very good movie and it was a good happy comedy The lunch pizza and Greek salad was very good thanks to Kelseys Pizza NOVEMBER Thursday the 10th at 1130

The next meeting is a very interesting Tour of the Rosetter House Museum and then a lunch on your own

Tickets will be discounted to $6 pp if we have 10 or more attending Please call Maria Brewster for more information and to let her know if you can attend at 321-622-4747




In the name of Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen

Lord Jesus Christ our God accept our offerings as You have accepted the gifts of Your people throughout the ages We offer these gifts to Your glory for the support of the ministries of Your Holy Church for the alleviation of suffering and hunger and for the proclamation of Your Gospel to the whole world Grant us Your blessing Lord our Savior that we may always be faithful stewards continuing to share the gifts you have given us by the power of Your grace mercy and love May Your name be glorified forever Amen


133 Stewards Pledging $149627

Paid to Date $116772



47 Friends of St Katherine paid $23983 [For where your treasure is there your heart will be also

Luke 1234


Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ Υἱέ Θεοῦ

ἐλέησόν με τὸν ἁμαρτωλόν

(τὴν ἁμαρτωλόν if prayed by a female)

Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on me a sinner


tion enriching our faithful and more effectively communicating our faith to the soci-ety and world at large In these confounding times when the voices of hatred and discrimination threaten the solidarity of our nation and the world order with the persecution of Christians in the Middle East the refugee crisis in Europe and the continued economic disrup-tions in Greece and other countries Leadership 100 has supported the charitable outreach of International Orthodox Christian Charities the Orthodox Christian Mis-sion Center and the Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry speaking truth in love We acknowledge too the readiness of Leadership 100 to respond with loving care direct-ly to humanitarian crises at home and abroad On this eighth commemoration of National Leadership 100 Sunday we hereby re-mind all the faithful and all who would seek God and desire a better world to remem-ber the insightful and profound words of I John 411-12 to love one another and know that God lives in us and that in continuing to act in love no matter how difficult that may be we can only then realize fully His purposes for us I ask all our parishes to honor the exemplary witness of love in action of Leadership 100 and to recognize its members We fervently pray that the Lord will continue to bless abundantly Lead-ership 100 and keep its members in His care as they labor in love in order to perfect His love that is within us and to fulfill their sacred mission With paternal love in Christ daggerDEMETRIOS Archbishop of America



ZOE Means life in Greek


Our ZOE meeting was a huge success this month and many thanks to all who attended We are still going strong so please join us for all the fun activities we are planning Many thanks to Marianthi Lagges we were entertained by a very good movie and it was a good happy comedy The lunch pizza and Greek salad was very good thanks to Kelseys Pizza NOVEMBER Thursday the 10th at 1130

The next meeting is a very interesting Tour of the Rosetter House Museum and then a lunch on your own

Tickets will be discounted to $6 pp if we have 10 or more attending Please call Maria Brewster for more information and to let her know if you can attend at 321-622-4747




In the name of Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen

Lord Jesus Christ our God accept our offerings as You have accepted the gifts of Your people throughout the ages We offer these gifts to Your glory for the support of the ministries of Your Holy Church for the alleviation of suffering and hunger and for the proclamation of Your Gospel to the whole world Grant us Your blessing Lord our Savior that we may always be faithful stewards continuing to share the gifts you have given us by the power of Your grace mercy and love May Your name be glorified forever Amen


133 Stewards Pledging $149627

Paid to Date $116772



47 Friends of St Katherine paid $23983 [For where your treasure is there your heart will be also

Luke 1234


Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ Υἱέ Θεοῦ

ἐλέησόν με τὸν ἁμαρτωλόν

(τὴν ἁμαρτωλόν if prayed by a female)

Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on me a sinner



ZOE Means life in Greek


Our ZOE meeting was a huge success this month and many thanks to all who attended We are still going strong so please join us for all the fun activities we are planning Many thanks to Marianthi Lagges we were entertained by a very good movie and it was a good happy comedy The lunch pizza and Greek salad was very good thanks to Kelseys Pizza NOVEMBER Thursday the 10th at 1130

The next meeting is a very interesting Tour of the Rosetter House Museum and then a lunch on your own

Tickets will be discounted to $6 pp if we have 10 or more attending Please call Maria Brewster for more information and to let her know if you can attend at 321-622-4747




In the name of Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen

Lord Jesus Christ our God accept our offerings as You have accepted the gifts of Your people throughout the ages We offer these gifts to Your glory for the support of the ministries of Your Holy Church for the alleviation of suffering and hunger and for the proclamation of Your Gospel to the whole world Grant us Your blessing Lord our Savior that we may always be faithful stewards continuing to share the gifts you have given us by the power of Your grace mercy and love May Your name be glorified forever Amen


133 Stewards Pledging $149627

Paid to Date $116772



47 Friends of St Katherine paid $23983 [For where your treasure is there your heart will be also

Luke 1234


Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ Υἱέ Θεοῦ

ἐλέησόν με τὸν ἁμαρτωλόν

(τὴν ἁμαρτωλόν if prayed by a female)

Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on me a sinner



In the name of Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen

Lord Jesus Christ our God accept our offerings as You have accepted the gifts of Your people throughout the ages We offer these gifts to Your glory for the support of the ministries of Your Holy Church for the alleviation of suffering and hunger and for the proclamation of Your Gospel to the whole world Grant us Your blessing Lord our Savior that we may always be faithful stewards continuing to share the gifts you have given us by the power of Your grace mercy and love May Your name be glorified forever Amen


133 Stewards Pledging $149627

Paid to Date $116772



47 Friends of St Katherine paid $23983 [For where your treasure is there your heart will be also

Luke 1234


Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ Υἱέ Θεοῦ

ἐλέησόν με τὸν ἁμαρτωλόν

(τὴν ἁμαρτωλόν if prayed by a female)

Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on me a sinner


In the name of Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen

Lord Jesus Christ our God accept our offerings as You have accepted the gifts of Your people throughout the ages We offer these gifts to Your glory for the support of the ministries of Your Holy Church for the alleviation of suffering and hunger and for the proclamation of Your Gospel to the whole world Grant us Your blessing Lord our Savior that we may always be faithful stewards continuing to share the gifts you have given us by the power of Your grace mercy and love May Your name be glorified forever Amen


133 Stewards Pledging $149627

Paid to Date $116772



47 Friends of St Katherine paid $23983 [For where your treasure is there your heart will be also

Luke 1234


Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ Υἱέ Θεοῦ

ἐλέησόν με τὸν ἁμαρτωλόν

(τὴν ἁμαρτωλόν if prayed by a female)

Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on me a sinner