RWA 1.2 Initial Instruction Greek Prefixes

Post on 24-Feb-2016

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RWA 1.2 Initial Instruction Greek Prefixes. anti = opposite Antibacterial: Destructive to or inhibiting the growth of bacteria. Greek Prefixes. geo = earth Geography: The study of the earth. Greek Prefixes. a, an = without Amoral: Without moral standards. Greek Prefixes. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of RWA 1.2 Initial Instruction Greek Prefixes

RWA 1.2 Initial InstructionGreek Prefixesanti = oppositeAntibacterial:

Destructive to or inhibiting the growth of bacteria.

Greek Prefixesgeo = earthGeography:

The study of the earth

Greek Prefixesa, an = without

Amoral: Without moral standards

Greek Prefixeshyper = excessive

Hyperactive:Displaying exaggerated physical


Greek Prefixeshypo = under, in small measure

Hypoallergenic:Containing relatively few or no potentially irritating substances

Greek Prefixesmicro = small

Microwave:A small oven

Greek Prefixesmono – one, single, alone

Monorail:A railroad or other transportation

system using such a single rail

Greek Prefixesneo = new, recent

Neonatal: Relating to new born children

Greek Prefixespan = all Panorama:

An unobstructed and wide view of an extensive area in all directions

Greek Prefixesperi = around about

Perimeter: The border or outer boundary

around a two-dimensional figure

Latin Prefixesuni = oneUnicycle:

A one-wheeled bicycle

Latin Prefixesbi = two Bicycle:

A two-wheeled vehicle

Latin Prefixestri = threeTricycle:

A three-wheeled vehicle

Latin Prefixessemi = halfSemicircle:

A half of a circle

Latin Prefixesab = thrown downAbject (poverty):

To be thrown down into a hopeless situation

Latin Prefixesad = toAddress:

Directed to a particular place

Latin Prefixespost = after; behind

Postdate:To date (a check, invoice, letter, document) with a date later than

the actual date

Latin Prefixesin = not; without

Inappropriate:Not being appropriate

Latin Prefixescon = together

Consort:One vessel or ship accompanying


Latin Prefixes contra = against

Contradict:To speak contrary (against)

someone's point of view

Greek Suffixesphobia = fear of a specific thing

Xenophobia:An unreasonable fear or hatred of

foreigners or strangers.

Greek Suffixeslogue = to speak

Dialogue:Conversation between two or more


Greek Suffixphile- one that loves

Audiophile:One who is especially interested in

high-fidelity sound reproduction

Latin Suffixesation- forms nouns from verbs

Create = verbCreation = noun

ment- forms nouns from verbsAmaze = verb

Amazement = noun