Rusty Moore Visual Impact for Women

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Transcript of Rusty Moore Visual Impact for Women

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Visual Impact  for Women 1 by Rusty Moore

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able of ontents

"ntroduction% &inally 'omeone is Listening( )

 Nobody seems to be listening to what the ma*ority of women want. +orewomen would rather loo! good in a bi!ini...than loo! li!e muscular fitnessmodels. " - this...yet most of the people in the fitness industry simplyarent listening.

  hapter /% +yth 0usting /1

'ic! of hearing that it impossible for you to gain too much muscle becauseyou dont have enough testosterone2 " will discuss that and other myths toldto women on a consistent basis.

  hapter 3% "s ardio 4eally 5Dead62 /7

8ollywood actresses use cardio li!e cra9y to get fit for movie whydo so many fitness experts claim that cardio is dead2 "ll explain in detail whycardio is an ama9ing tool to get a slim and sexy physi:ue and why circuittraining isnt always all it is crac!ed up to be.

  hapter ;% 8igh$4ep raining 31

<hy women have been pushed towards high rep training to 5tone6 the

muscles. <hat actually happens in the body when training for high reps. Astudy which shows that high reps tend to add muscle mass about as well aslow reps.

  hapter 1% Low$4ep raining 3)

<hat happens in the body during low rep training. <hy low reps =done properly> are the ideal way to get a lean and slim physi:ue that loo!s great ina bi!ini.

hapter ?% raining to &ailure 37

<hy training to failure or training short of failure ma!es a 8@- impact onhow your muscle loo!. his is one of the most overloo!ed variables in all ofwomens fitness.

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  hapter )% &ree <eights, +achines, and 0ody <eight raining ;/

he benefits and drawbac!s of each type of resistance =free weights,machines, body weight training, and resistance bands>. <hy the idealwor!out uses a combination of various forms of resistance.

hapter 7% #oga ;?

reat for mobility, but not the fastest route to a slim and lean physi:ue. <hy" believe this should only be considered a supplementary form of exercise,not a way to stay slim and lean year$round.

  hapter % Adding +uscle to 0urn +ore 0ody &at2 ;7

<hy putting on muscle to lose body fat is a slow indirect approach to gettinglean. "ll will also discuss how adding muscle burns an insignificant amountof calories per day.

hapter B% Dieting hallenges for <omen ;

<hy the conventional methods you have been taught will ma!e fat loss closeto impossible. <omen have it tougher than men...but here is a strategy thatwor!s well.

  hapter /C% Dieting 'trategies in Detail 1C

8ow many calories should you eat per day2 <hat ratio of carbs, protein, andfat2 8ow many meals2 'trategies for women who li!e to eat every few hours.

'trategies for women who li!e to eat fewer, but larger meals.

  hapter //% Dieting for an -vent 1?

8ow dieting for an event li!e a vacation or wedding is much different thanthe way you would normally eat. Need to lose ?$ pounds in less than ;wee!s2 " outline a tough but extremely effective plan for that.

  hapter /3% A &lat$ut -ffective ardio <or!out ?C

An incredibly effective ; minute cardio routine that drops fat on demand.

<ays to ad*ust it to complement your resistance training routine.

  hapter /;% 8ow to ustomi9e #our 4outines ?;

<hy there is no such thing as a one$si9e$fits$all wor!out solution. +asteringwhat wor!s best for your body is what is going to help you loo! exceptionalin any situation.

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  hapter /1% he 5o$o 3 Day 'plit6 $ ym 4outine ??

" will outline the current routine that " use with my girlfriend. Although wetrain together, " use different schemes to add muscle while she slims down.his is a great starting point to base your customi9ed routine on.

hapter /?% he 5; Days Eer <ee!6 $ ym 4outine )?

8ere is a routine you can use if you are only able to hit the gym ; days perwee!. his uses a special ; day split which ma!es a lot of sense once "explain the principles.

  hapter /)% 'etting @p a 'imple F -ffective 8ome ym )

"ll explain some creative ways to train with very little e:uipment =ad*ustable bench and dumbbells>. As long as you get the set and rep schemes correct,

you can get in tremendous shape at home.

  hapter /7% he 5o$o 3 Day 'plit6 $ 8ome 4outine 7;

his is the routine to use if you are able to train 1 days or more per wee! athome. his is the recommended base routine to use from home, that you cancustomi9e over time and use year after year.

  hapter /% he 5; Days Eer <ee!6 $ 8ome 4outine C

his is a simple but effective routine for women who simply want to wor!out

on +onday, <ednesday, and &riday. his is best for women who areextremely challenged for time.

  hapter /B% 8ow to Lose +uscle +ass on Eurpose ;

Legions of women have muscular thighs and calves that they would li!e toma!e slim and defined. his is common especially with women who have

 been given poor training advice. Despite this being a taboo sub*ect, "m goingto give you a strategy that wor!s.

hapter 3C% &inal houghts

<or!ing hard for ?$) months and then being in 5maintenance mode6 the restof you life. A simple way to loo! and feel good for a lifetime.

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&inally 'omeone is Listening(

"ts %A+ in LA &itness  and "ve *ust completed 3 minutes of intervals onthe 'tepmill machine. 0ehind me is a station where the personal trainers meetwith their clients.

=" dont bring my iEod to the gym, because observing and listening to whathappens in the gym is crucial to me...and entertaining.>

8ere is what " hear today... 5<e are going to blit9 your lower body today.

#ou are going to have a hard time wal!ing when "m through, but imagine

how great you are going to loo! for your honeymoon.6

he woman this trainer is tal!ing to is probably in her late 3s and maybehas $? pounds of weight to lose. " can tell by her build that she puts onmuscle easy in her thighs and calves. +y best guess is that this particularbride$to$be , played sports when she was younger .

...the trainer ta!es her to the s:uat rac! and has her do 1$? sets of ? reps.his is followed by dumbbell lunges done until her legs are sha!ing."mmediately after lunges, come dumbbell step$ups.

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'he has a hard time completing the full ? reps, but the trainer pushes herhard and ma!es her complete those final 5super tough6 3$; reps.

After the wor!out, the woman has a concern and says this...

5+y *eans are getting tighter..." really want to ma!e sure my legs loo! slim in

my wedding dress. "s the the right wor!out for me26

he personal trainer assures her that it is only because she is gaining muscleunder her layer of fat...and that once she loses some of that body fat her legswill loo! toned and muscular.

0ut the bride isnt as!ing for muscular legs. 'he wants to loo! li!e a sexy

 bride on her wedding day...not a muscular fitness model in a wedding dress(

" want to *ump in and give her proper advice, but my approach is simply toobserve what happens in nature. " feel li!e one of those guys who films

documentaries of animals hunting. "m sure they want to warn the cutega9elle that a lion is patiently waiting for them near the water hole...but theydont want to interfere with nature.

" see this same scene play out over and over again...

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<omen are told not to worry about adding too much muscle, because they dont have the hormones necessary to ma!e thathappen. 4eally2

'o why do " hear these complaints from women on a regular basis2

5" en*oy wor!ing out, but my legs tend to bul! up6.5" li!e the way training ma!es me feel, but hate the way it ma!es me loo!6.5" have tried training in the gym and it simply ma!es me loo! bul!y.6

+aybe every single one of these women is simply imagining this(

Eerhaps they should get used to loo!ing a bit more muscular, li!e the trainerin their gym suggested.

+y guess is that most women would +@C8 rather have a physi:ue similarto a 50ond irl6, than the typical fitness model.

="n fact, it really isnt a guess at all..." have hard evidence that this is the case>

'o while most fitness courses help women aim for a physi:ue li!e Gillian+ichaels ...this one will focus more on a traditional fit and feminine physi:uewith *ust a 5hint6 of definition =thin! Gessica Alba >.

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"ve mastered the techni:ue of slightly increasing muscle tone to a body part while decreasing the si9e of that same body part.

he best way to avoid 5bingo flaps6 on your arms as you get older is totighten up the arm and ma!e it compact and firm. #ou dont want to add

excessive si9e to any muscle group, because then gravity ta!es over.

nce you master this techni:ue, you can drop a si9e or two while firming upyour entire body. he goal of this course is to teach you this s!ill.

his boo! is meant to 5teach you to fish6. he principles " teach here can beused in any training environment. he e:uipment you use doesnt matter as

much as the principles. " will give you some great specific wor!outs, but "want you to use the !nowledge of the principles to customi9e these wor!outs.

ver time you will figure out exactly what wor!out will help you hit yourgoals.

<A4N"N% #ou are going to become a handful for any personal trainer.

'ome of this info is far ahead of the mainstream literature. " doubt that thetypical personal trainer is going to get what is going on with your wor!outs. will be untrainable once you finish this course(

Eossibly the only downside of this course is that it may ma!e you somewhatuntrainable. " !now my girlfriend will never be able to wor!out with a

 personal trainer ever again. "ve ruined her with this !nowledge.

#ou will be able to modify other trainers routines and ma!e themeffective...but out of the box they may not allow you to hit your goals.

he LA' thing you will want is for a trainer to push you past the pain

barrier H$$$ this will ma!e a lot of sense later in this course. #ou would thin!that being pushed hard would produce better results, but that isnt the waythis wor!s.

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Cardio will be the only thing in this program where you will need to operateon the edge of the pain barrier from time to time. "ll explain why cardio isnot dead in a later chapter...and why you will achieve phenomenal resultsimplementing cardio into your routine in a strategic way.

'o "ll end this introductory chapter with a little bac!ground about me.

+y name is 4usty +oore.

"ve been a bit of a gym fanatic since B7. &romB7$BBB..." trained 1$? days per wee!solid...adding as much muscle as possible.@nfortunately after 3 years of training, " loo!ed a

 bit li!e a 5gym guy6. Although " wasnt as big as a

 pro bodybuilder, it was blatantly obvious that "trained all the time. legs were so big that " could only fit into really baggy *eans. Aroundthis same time " saw the movie &ight Club . " was sic! of this slightly cheesyoverly muscular loo! and decided to do something about it(#ou see, " never had the intentions of loo!ing li!e a cheesy gym guy.

+y goal after watching &ight Club  was to transform my physi:ue from being

a meat$head, to closer to that of a slim and toned male model. 0rad Eittloo!ed great in &ight Club  and he was slightly older than me, so he was agreat role model.

"t too! me from /BBB$3CC/ to get the loo! " desired.

"n roughly a year and a half " accomplished the goal of leaning down. "t too!me a long time, because there wasnt any mainstream literature on losingmuscle mass on purpose.

&rom 3 going forward " perfected the techni:ue of getting lean withoutadding excessive si9e. uys were coming up to me on a regular basis andas!ing for wor!out advice. " would do my best to explain the concepts, but itwas hard to do in a simple minute conversation. here wasnt a course "could refer people to. 'o " needed to do something about it...

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"n Gune of 3CC7, " started a blog called

&itness 0lac! 0 !


he blog was a compilation of all the tips " learned to get this lean58ollywood Loo!6. " wrote about my 7I years of intense research andfindings when it came to getting fit without adding additional si9e.

he blog was critici9ed by the bodybuilding sites, because " was tal!ingabout foreign concepts. heir thoughts...5who in their right mind wouldntwant to get as big as possible26

" !new for a fact that there was a LA4- group of men and womenwho wanted to get lean without loo!ing li!e a typical 5gym


he problem of loo!ing li!e a gym person is that it ma!es it appear as if youare trying too hard. hat is why the men and women in 0ond movies aregreat physi:ue role models. Games 0ond is in phenomenal shape, but loo!sstylish. "f he was much more muscular he wouldnt have that cool 5J6 loo!. 

'ame with the women in Games 0ond movies. hey loo! incredible, but youdont thin! 5gym bunny6 the moment you see them.

Despite initial criticisms, my blog too! off within one year.

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" was blown away by the response( " was simply trying my best to give outtips " learned in my pursuit of getting the slim 58ollywood Loo!6. " wasrunning a mens suit store at the time and wor!ing ?I hours per wee! at my

 *ob...and 3I hours per wee! on my blog.

Despite being a little more focused towards guys, my blog was more popularwith women. <hen " chec!ed my website analytics it showed that )K of myreaders were women...and 1K were guys. A large portion of my traffic alsocame from Australia.

" dig the readers from 9, because they were the ones who really got thecomments rolling on my site in the beginning and made it interactive

0y 3CCB, my 5little6 blog was getting 7,CCCI uni:ue visits per day(

" now had the good 5problem6 of not being able to answer all of thecomments anymore. "n 3B alone, " had over ; million visitors to my blogand over ), approved comments. he "nternet is C4AM# that way(

" still read and manually approve each and every comment. 'oalthough " cant respond bac! to every comment..." feel " have ama*or grasp on the :uestions that men and women want answered.

As nutty as it sounds, " have read over 3, :uestions and comments

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relating to getting the lean 58ollywood Loo!6. " feel this puts me in a uni:ue position to create the ideal products for both men and women to attain thisloo!.

"n +ay of 3, " released a product for men called isual "mpact +uscle

0uilding . " planned on writing my womens eboo! shortly after, but creatingthe mens product too! a lot out of me.

" had been pushing hard since 3CC7 and simply needed a breather.

" too! it easy in the summer of 3...went on a <est Coast road trip formost of August =and had a blast>. "t was exactly what was needed to rechargeme to create this womens course.

'o over million visits F 3C,CCC comments later..." have finally created thecourse " have been thin!ing about creating for the past years. +y hope isthat this course will empower you with the !nowledge to create the body youhave always hoped for.

-n*oy the Gourney %>

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want to lose body and cardio is about 1$? times more effective(

+yth O;% ardio is a waste of time.

ne of my favorite fitness authors hates cardio. " still respect the guy and

thin! he gives great advice. " even recommend his course for people who arechallenged for time. 8e teaches circuit training for fat loss and believescardio is a 5waste of time6.

8ere is what " say to that $$$P a!e AN# wor!out and add my strategiccardio routine to it and you will burn more calories and lose more bodyfat...compared to doing the same routine without cardio.

here is a reason that the women in 8ollywood do large amounts of

cardio to slim down for movie roles. "t wor!s every time, it hasalways wor!ed, and it will continue to wor!(

he biggest advantage of cardio over other forms of exercise is that you can

do short intense sessions to boost 88 levels...or you can simply burncalories directly at a lower intensity. he best way is to combine both types ofcardio in the same session. "ll tal! about this in great detail in the stayed tuned.

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+yth O1% #ou need to eat every few hours when losing weight.

+eal fre:uency has nothing to do with losing weight. "t is fine to eat as fewas $3 meals per day or more than ). here is nothing magical about eating )meals per day.

he overall calorie inta!e is what matters. 'o if you eat ) times per day, youare going to have to eat smaller meals. "f you only eat $3 times per day, youare going to be able to eat larger meals...but you may get hungry in betweenmeals. A lot of this comes down to preference. " eat ;$1 times most of thewee! and $3 times per day on other times.

 Note% here is a specific advantage to an 5occasional fast6. " will tal! aboutthis more in the diet chapter.

+yth O?% Lifting heavy will increase muscle si9e, lifting light will increase

muscle tone.

Did you !now that lifting to failure or simply approaching failure is whatcauses a muscle to grow...regardless of the rep range2 his is one of the bigta!eaways " want you to have after reading and studying this course.

0enching ? pounds for ? reps to failure is -4# li!ely to increase muscle

si9e in your chest shoulders and triceps. his is especially true if you are pushing past the pain barrier to get those last few reps up.

0enching ) pounds and stopping at ? reps, when you could probably do $ is a way to increase the strength and tone of the muscle without increasingthe si9e of that muscle. "t will feel too easy compared to the 5no pain nogain6 way of training most are used to, but wor!s extremely well.

0y the time you are finished with this course you will be sold on

low reps well short of failure. "f you want to add si9e, then simplyadd higher reps and push until the reps are hard to complete.

 +ore about this in future chapters.

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  hapter 3

"s ardio 4eally 5Dead62

n my blog " interviewed Leonardo DiCaprios  personal trainer for 5he

0each6...Cornel Chin. 8e got all the actors and actresses in that movie in phenomenal shape, using large amounts of cardio. 8e had the actresses do1?$) minutes cardio 3 times per day for two wee!s(

he only reason he had the cast do that much cardio was that they werecramming wee!s of training into 3 wee!s. Cornel  was flown to hailandlast minute to whip Leo  and the cast into shape.



had /7 pounds to lose in 3 wee!s(

Cornel  !new that the only viable option was to have Leo  do cra9y amounts ofcardio. 8e had Leo  and the cast do unreal amounts of cardio in addition to

resistance training. he reason cardio was the only option was that he coulddial down the intensity so the cast of 5he 0each 6 wouldnt become badlyovertrained. #ou couldnt add large amounts of circuit training because itwould brea! down the body.

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"f you put a gun to my head and told me " would have to lose 3 pounds in two wee!s..." would diet hard, do some high intensityinterval cardio, and cra9y amounts of low intensity cardio.

"m not saying that it is advisable to spend such a large amount of time doing

cardio. he point "m trying to ma!e is that it is the one variable you canincrease when everything else is 5maxed out6.

#ou can only lower the calories down so far before you are starving andslowing down your metabolism.

#ou can only do so many weight lifting wor!outs before your body is bro!en down beyond repair.

#ou can only do so many intense circuit training routines before you

 become overtrained =plus some of those exercises done to failure havethe potential to put on si9e...fine of you are trying to gain muscle...notso good if you want to slim down.>

'o what if all these variables are pushed to the limit and you have moreweight to lose2

#ou add cardio to the e:uation( his strategy has been used successfully fordecades. iven enough time, you can create large calorie deficits with cardio.

he biggest issue with cardio is that it is time consuming. his is why so maytrainers have come forward with circuit style routines that save time.

he problem with these brief 5circuit style6 routines is that in my observationthey only get people about K of the way to their goals. 0ac! in the s

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and early Bs, when cardio was more popular, there were many more lean people in most of the gyms " trained at. Note% " havent conducted is *ust an observation.

hese days " go into the gym and dont see as many lean members.

"n my gym, me and my girlfriend practically have the entire cardio section toourselves. -veryone seems to be doing trendier type of training. his has leadto a gym full of 5slightly chubby6 members and personal trainers.

"t !ind of frustrates me because " !now that some of the time they spend isredundant and unproductive. " could have them refocus part of their time inthe gym to strategic cardio and their results would dramatically improve.

he strategic cardio " am going to teach here s!ips past the unproductive portion and gives you much more bang for the buc!. here is a way to ma!ecardio much more efficient.

a!e a loo! at this diagram.

"ntense exercise, li!e various forms of circuit training, !ettlebells, etcQ 

4eleases fat from fat cells into the bloodstream

0urns calories =contributing to fat loss>

Creates an 5Afterburn -ffect6 burning calories after the wor!out

<hile all of that sounds niceQit is only /3 of the fat loss e:uation(

#ou seeQthose &ree &atty Acids are going to get deposited bac! into the fatcells, if they are not used for energy during the wor!out. <ith *ust a little bitof planning and cardio done strategically, people can get much better fat lossresults with their wor!out.

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 No matter how hard people are busting their butts with this briefintense interval type of trainingQit is N getting the *ob done all

the way.

<ant to see a better fat loss formula2

 Now you are strategically ta!ing advantage of a small window of opportunity

to burn much more body fat during your wor!outs. Low$to$medium intensitycardio uses fat for fuel and since the intense exercise released the free fattyacids into the bloodstream...cardio becomes extremely effective.

0ut you have to be careful when doing intense exercise(

"f your resistance training wor!out routine is is very li!ely thatyou will add muscle mass to your frame. his isnt a big deal if you want toadd muscle, but my guess is that the ma*ority of women reading this want to

increase definition without increasing their body mass.

" recommend 8"" cardio as the ideal form of intense exercise.

he reason "m a big fan of 8igh "ntensity "nterval raining on a treadmill orother piece of cardio that you can twea! the intensity perfectlyto the ideal setting. #ou dial down the settings if the wor!out feels toointense or dial it up a notch to add more intensity.

&or those who are unfamiliar with interval cardio2 he basic idea isalternating a period of time wal!ing with a period of timerunning...until the wor!out has been completed. ypically this isdone for no longer than $3 minutes.

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Another 8@- reason " prefer cardio for intense exercise2

"nterval cardio gives the perfect resistance to shape the legs hips and butt. "fdone a ;$1 times per wee!, there isnt really any reason to do a bunch ofdirect lower body resistance training.

his flies in the face of most the womens routines you see in fitnessmaga9ines and online. he fact is that running stairs on a stepmill machine orsprinting on a treadmill...will slim and tighten all of the muscles in yourlower body simultaneously.

"n fact at times youll need to dial down the intensity of this type of cardio.

+ost of the time interval cardio will offer 5*ust the right6 amount ofresistance to your legs and butt. ver time this will slim down and firm upyour legs and entire lower body...but occasionally you will even have to becautious with the types of interval cardio you do.

Different cardio e:uipment has different effects on the lower body.

'tepmill % his one is the toughest piece of cardio e:uipment and is perfect for fat loss along with wor!ing the butt and bac! of the legs.his is great for women who want to add a little more curve to their

 bac!side. he downside is that it isnt the best when trying to lose

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muscle mass in the legs. "f you fall into the category of easily putting onmuscle, then you will want to dial down the intensity when using the'tepmill.

-xercise 0i!e % his is a definite leg builder especially if the intervals

are intense. "t creates a 5pump6 in the legs which will encourage growthin the legs. his is ideal for women who have s!inny legs and want toadd si9e. +y sister doesnt go near the exercise bi!e, because in herwords... 5it ma!es my *eans tight6.

he readmill % his is the 5o$o6 piece of cardio e:uipment in myopinion. #ou can do intense intervals on the treadmill with a muchsmaller chance of increasing muscle si9e in the legs and butt. "f " had agym and was only allowed one piece of cardio e:uipment it would be

the treadmill. his is great for intervals or the less intense 5steady statecardio6 that " recommended after intense exercise =as shown in the charton page 3>.

-lliptical % A lot of people put down the elliptical as not being intense.his is actually why " thin! it is such a great piece of e:uipment( his isthe perfect lower intensity steady cardio to do after your interval cardio.

 Nordic rac! % his is a great one for steady state cardio. "t ta!es a few

times getting used to, but wor!s well.

'tair 'tepper % his can be used for intervals, but "ve found this to wor! best as a lower intensity version of cardio done after intervals. "mseeing less and less of these in gyms " visit.

4ower % " have never really been able to maximi9e this machine, butmany swear by this. "f it wor!s for you then by all means you caninclude it in your wor!out routine.

Erimary ardio +achines vs 'econdary ardio +achines

'o there are a few cardio machines that lend themselves well to intervals andsome are much better for the lower intensity cardio that follows. " li!e to callthe ones used for intervals as 5primary6 cardio machines. he ones that you

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use after the intervals " li!e to call 5secondary6 cardio machines.

Erimary $$$Preadmill, 'tepmill, and -xercise 0i!e

'econdary $$$P -lliptical, Nordic rac!, 'tair 'tepper, and 4ower 

'o a typical cardio wor!out would include $3 minutes of intervals usingany of the 5primary6 pieces of cardio e:uipment...followed by ?$3 minutesof steady cardio on a 5secondary6 piece of e:uipment.

 Note% he treadmill also is a great secondary piece of e:uipment, which iswhy " consider the 5o$o6 cardio machine. <hen in a doubt you cant gowrong with a treadmill.

he idea is to use two different pieces of e:uipment for your cardio wor!out.'o if you do your intervals on a treadmill, then wal! over to the elliptical anddo your slower steady state cardio. +ixing up the cardio will ma!e the timego by :uic!er than stic!ing with the same machine the entire time.

Eroper cardio is one of the most important tools in getting the slimand lean feminine loo!. A side benefit is that it will ma!e youhealthier over the long haul.

'o cardio is far from 5dead6(

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  hapter ;

8igh 4ep raining

<hat if " told you that high rep training was more li!ely to build muscle massthan low reps2 +y definition of high rep training in the I reprange. +ost people who use high rep training stic! in the $? rep range.

he problem with higher rep training is that it is more li!ely to create a5pump6 in the muscles. After much debate, 5the pump6 has been shown to bea !ey component in maximi9ing muscle si9e.

8igh reps force blood into the muscle fibers. ver time this will

increase the si9e of the muscle fibers as well as the number and si9eof the capillaries. reat for bodybuilders...0" vascular muscles( "sthat what you are aiming for2

he pump is so sought after by 0odybuilders that one of the best muscle building supplements does nothing but increase the pump. -ver heard of Nitric xide =N3> supplements2 hese are aimed at increasing the pump toa muscle...for better muscle building potential.

raining for the Eump =by my friend Geff Anderson, a!a he5+uscle Nerd6>

$3 reps per set.

At least 1 sets per exercise with $3 minutes rest in between sets.

Eause in the max contracted position and s:uee9e for $3 seconds.

&inish with a ? rep 5finisher6.

Geff Anderson has a bunch of great products online about adding muscle mass

:uic!ly. 8e has become a friend of mine over these past two years anddefinitely !nows what he is tal!ing about. 'ince you are a woman and mostli!ely dont want large veiny muscles...

+y advice is to avoid the pump as much as possible(

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 Not only that...higher reps increase the sarcoplasm inside a muscle cell. hisis the fastest way to increase the si9e of a muscle. Let me explain the twotypes of muscle growth and this will ma!e more sense.

'arcoplasmic 8ypertrophy% his is an increase in the muscle cell fluid

=sarcoplasm> within the muscle cell. his is a fast way to increase thesi9e of a muscle, but since sarcoplasm is a fluid and cant contract...itwont ma!e the muscle significantly stronger. his is why sometimes ahuge body builder isnt as strong as a smaller lympic Lifter.

+yofibrillar 8ypertrophy% his is actual muscle fiber growth. 'incemuscle fibers can contract, growth in this area leads to dramaticimprovements in strength. his leads to very limited gains in musclesi9e. hin! of a water$ ma!e it bigger it would be much

faster and easier to fill it with water than to ma!e the rubberthic!er...but thic!er rubber would probably ma!e the balloon stronger.

 Not the perfect example, but hopefully you get the idea.

8igh rep training wont ma!e you significantly stronger, but it has the potential to increase the si9e of the muscles. here are other variables in playwhen it comes to gaining muscle :uic!ly, but high reps will get you there:uic!er than low reps.

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  hapter 1

Low 4ep raining

"t is very li!ely that you e:uate low reps with getting bul!y. " dont blame

you, because that is what many fitness maga9ines have been preaching foryears.

A reminder of what happens with 58igh 4eps6 first.

8igh reps $$$P Eroduce the pump in the muscle8igh reps $$$P "ncrease the sarcoplasm in the muscle =fast muscle growth>8igh reps $$$P "ncrease the si9e and numbers of the capillaries in the muscle8igh reps $$$P <ont ma!e the muscles significantly stronger 

"m certainly not against high$rep training( "n fact it is a ma*or component ofmy mens muscle building course, isual "mpact +uscle 0uilding . "t is greatfor adding muscle mass...and a lot of the guys are aiming for larger vascularmuscles. guess, however, is that you are N after a lot more si9e.

'o using lower reps is a better approach. " train with my girlfriend and she

never goes above ? reps with resistance training...while " will go as high as? reps =since " want to increase si9e as well>.

"f you stic! to ? reps or less =and avoid failure>, there is very littlechance that your muscles will increase in si9e. "n fact, most li!elyyour body will become smaller, tighter and more compact as youdrop a bit of body fat F slowly gain strength and muscle definition.

he !ey to using low reps <"8@ gaining si9e2

A"D 4A"N"N &AL@4-(

his leads us into one of the most important chapters of this entire course...

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  hapter ?

raining to &ailure

" could have titled this chapter 5Avoid raining to &ailure6 ...because that is

going to be my suggestion for the ma*ority of women who are following thiscourse.

A study showing that training to failure is the !ey to muscle si9e2

An important study was published in Gournal of -xercise 'cience and &itness ,volume ), number 3, Dr 4alph N. Carpinelli. Dr Carpinelli studiedmuscle growth under a large variety of rep schemes. 8e found that as long assets were pushed close to failure that muscle growth would occur.

5"f a maximalRor near maximalReffort is applied at the end of a set ofrepetitions, the evidence strongly suggests that the different external forces

 produced with different amounts of resistance elicit similar outcomes.6 

8is findings are that it doesnt matter whether you lift heavy for ;$? reps...orlighter with $? reps% "f the last rep or two re:uires maximum effort, thenyou will achieve similar outcomes.

"f lifting to failure is a big !ey to muscle growth, then avoid failureif you do not want your muscles to grow(

<hen my blog started in 37, it was K aimed toward increasing muscledefinition without adding muscle si9e. A year before this study was published" was telling both men and women to avoid training to failure if muscledefinition =not si9e> was their main goal. his was something " figured outyears ago...and now there is finally a study which bac!s this.

8eres how avoiding failure, while getting stronger, increases definition.

he first thing you need to understand is that it is possible to gain strength ina muscle without adding si9e. "n fact, this is the best approach for firm,compact muscles.

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'o how does a muscle get stronger without getting larger2

he harder a muscle contracts, the more force it can generate. #our nervoussystem is what causes the muscle to contract. #our nervous system operates

well below capacity when it comes to sending impulses to a muscle group.

'tronger Nerve "mpulses S 'tronger +uscles S "ncreased +uscle Definition

aining strength without si9e creates an 5efficient muscle6.

-fficient muscles have more neural electricity flowing throughthem even when at rest. his creates residual tension in a muscle,even when in a relaxed state =muscle tone>. this more efficient muscle will feel firmer to the touch than a muscle

which isnt as strong for its si9e. As the strength increases, so does thefirmness and 5muscle tone6.

...0@ you must avoid fatiguing the muscle(

here are two reasons to avoid muscle fatigue.

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. <hen you fatigue the muscle, your nervous system will not be able tosend strong impulses to the muscle. 'o you wont be able to lift as muchand your muscles will exhibit less muscle tone when at rest.

3. &atiguing the muscle will most li!ely lead to an increase in muscle si9e.'o if you want si9e, but dont care as much about tone, then aim formuscle fatigue.

Lifting short of failure with low reps S the 5perfect storm6 for muscle tone.

Lower reps$$$PLess li!ely to create a 5pump6.Lower reps$$$PAllow for stronger nerve impulses to the muscle.Lower reps$$$PLess li!ely to fatigue and increase muscle si9e.Lower reps$$$P"ncrease tension in a muscle which further increases tone.

A lot of people in fitness circles hate the term 5muscle tone6. hey simply believe that the only way to increase tone is to increase muscle mass and

decrease body fat. his is because very few people have explored the conceptof increasing the strength of a muscle while purposely avoiding adding si9e.

ery few in the fitness community purposely avoid lifting to failure.

+ost personal trainers pride themselves on pushing their clients harder than

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they would push if they were training on their own. "n fact this is a hugeselling point in hiring a personal trainer.

<hat if 5pushing harder6 was not only unnecessary, but counterproductive2

Eushing hard while lifting is a great way to add si9e to the muscle. Done properly it is also a great way to add si9e and strength simultaneously. 0ut pushing close to failure is to be avoided if you want to gain strength anddefinition without si9e.

his is why " feel that personal trainers arent a necessity forcreating your ideal body. "n fact, they may be doing more harmthan good if you are trying to get a slim and lean 5bi!ini bod6.

Note% 'ome personal trainers are very s!illed. "m *ust tal!ing about theaverage personal trainer in this case.

8eres a 'ummary of his "mportant hapter in / 'entence

Lift with low reps and a couple reps short of failure to increase muscle tonewithout adding si9e to the muscle.

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  hapter )

&ree <eights, +achines, and 0ody <eight

"ve seen women who have got in outstanding shape using nothing but free

weights. "ve also seen women who reach pea! condition with nothing but Nautilus machines. 'ame thing with body weight exercise. isnt the type of resistance that ma!es the biggest difference.

<hat ma!es or brea!s your wor!out routine is the set and rep scheme.

Any form of resistance that allows you to train somewhat heavy forstrength... in the low rep range...while avoiding failure by a fewreps...will get the *ob done.

'o this does limit body weight training to a certain extent. here isntanything wrong with using your body weight for resistance, it is *ust harder to

twea! the weight to hit the right rep range.

+any machines allow you to wor! you way into body weight training.

Currently my girlfriend is doing 5machine assisted6 dips and 5machine

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assisted6 chin ups. his allows her to do these body weight exercises withoutusing K of her body weight.

As she is getting stronger she is using closer to K of her body weight for? reps. Li!e all of the lifts, she is stopping about 3$; reps short of failure. At

some point she wont need to do these as 5machine assisted6.

Note% he normal route to teach someone to get stronger at chin ups and dipsis to do them to failure each wee! and try to add a rep each wor!out.4emember, the normal route will add si9e to the muscle group. +y girlfriendwill slowly get stronger...avoiding failure...increasing muscle tone withoutincreasing muscle si9e.

A big benefit of free weights is the ability to trac! progress from gym to gym.

Curling a ? pound dumbbell for ? reps, is the same in your gym as it is inmy gym. 0ench pressing ) pounds for ? reps is also the same no matterwhat gym you train in. "n my opinion, this is one of the biggest strengths offree weights...the ability to trac! progress no matter where you train.

#ou cant say the same thing with machines...

A Nautilus incline press will provide a different degree of resistance than say

a 8ammer 'trength incline press. -ven if you were using the same weight, itwould provide a different amount of resistance to your muscles.5ariable 4esistance6 S 0iggest benefits of machines over free weights.

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<ith free weights there exists a 5'trength Curve6. he easiest way to explaina strength curve is to tal! about arm curls which are a single$*oint exercise.

<hen you curl a dumbbell, there is very little resistance in the bottom position ='tart of Lift>. he resistance increases until your arm reaches the

midway point =+iddle>. At this point you are holding close to the full weightof the dumbbell.

'o the mid point is the part of the curl with the most resistance. As you wor!from the midpoint up to the top...resistance decreases. nce the dumbbellsreach the very top of the lift, there is very little resistance at all =-nd of Lift>.

+achines use special engineering to 5correct6 the strength curve.

Arthur Gones was the first to do this with his Nautilus machines. 8e twea!edthese machines to perfection, to ma!e sure there was the same amount ofresistance throughout the full range of motion of a lift.

'o when you hop on his Nautilus Curl +achine, for will stillfeel your biceps contracting hard at the top position of the curl. #ou also havea much harder time using momentum, because there is full resistance at the

 bottom of the curl as well.

"t almost sounds li!e " favor machines over free weights.

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he benefit of free weights is that your body has to balance the weights anduse the smaller stabili9ing muscles. 0ecause of this, " li!e a good mix of freeweights as well.

+y advice is to use a mix of free weights as well as machines to getthe benefits of both types of exercise...then mix in body weightexercises where it ma!es sense.

" would suggest to ease you way in to body weight training.

he main body weight exercises " recommend are machine assisted dips andmachine assisted pull ups. he other body weight wor! " would recommendis for abs...plan! variations and lying leg raises =a few other options for abs

as well>.

Note% here are a few guys " follow who come out with fresh body weightroutines $3 times per year. "f you want to challenge yourself and mix thingsup, drop your gym membership for ; months and follow their course.

he sets and reps are different than " suggest in this course..."ve found thatyou can follow these for ; months without fear of bul!ing up. Adam 'teer,'cott 'onnon, 4yan +urdoc!, and Craig 0allantyne all put out great stuff. the time the ; months are up, you will be dying to get bac! in the gym.

=and you will be pumped to begin using this routine again>.

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