Running = Good. Running + Smartphone GPS Running Apps = Better

Post on 29-Jun-2015

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Lightning talk about how the use of spatially enabled mobile technology has energized my interest in running. This presentation was given at Ignite Spatial Boston 2 on August 12, 2010 at Microsoft NERD in Cambridge, MA.

Transcript of Running = Good. Running + Smartphone GPS Running Apps = Better

Running = Good.

Running + Smartphone GPS Running Apps = Better

Mike Olkin,GIS Guy & Runner

Runner in the Rain:

I like to run.

Running is Spatial.

That was virtually irrelevant to me…until recently.

Photo by Jim Plumb @ Lawyer Runner

I’m not a high-tech


I never used tobother

keeping arunning log

I had some challenges, too

*I would occasionally digitize a route, but rarely had time for that.

June, 2009: I got an iPhone.

Got an armband soon after so I could run & listen to ‘tunes, This American Life, etc…

*home-crafted ear buds that don’t pop out of my ears when I run!

I soon discovered some apps that map my route

My Favorites

…and they do a whole lot more

Mike, you’re going slower than usual today. Go home now & get your

kids onto the school bus. I’ll post this sorry

excuse for a run to Facebook & keep a

permanent record of it.

Props to the creators of these apps

The interfaces

Typical accuracy level


Otherwise, the lines are usually straight & are even on the proper side of the street.

What have I learned?

Becoming a human penMy friend Leah commented on Facebook that she thought that this route looked like a bird

Naming the shape has since become a fun part of the morning routine.

“GPS Art” has actually been around for a while

This person is one of the more prolific GPS artists out there

Let’s play a game of “Name that Shape”

1 of 6

Name that Shape

2 of 6

Name that Shape

3 of 6

Name that Shape

4 of 6

Name that Shape

5 of 6

Name that Shape

6 of 6

Thanks for your time. See you on the road!

Mike on Twitter

Photo courtesy of