Rubrics - Carey Business School · 2016-09-09 · Rubrics Webinar Webinar Objectives At the end of...

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Developing and Using Rubrics for Assessing

Student Learning

Presented by Ilknur Kelceoglu, Ph.D.

Rubrics Webinar Webinar Objectives

At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to

• Explain what rubric is,

• List most common types of rubrics,

• Discuss use of rubrics,

• Follow steps for creating rubrics, and

• Modify rubrics to meet their needs.

Rubrics Webinar Overview

• Rubric definition

• Types of rubrics

• Importance of rubrics

• Developing rubrics

• Tips for developing rubrics

• Modifying rubrics

• Q&A

Rubrics Webinar What is a rubric?

A rubric is an assessment tool

• for communicating expectations,

• for scoring student work, and

• for providing feedback.

Rubrics Webinar Rubric Examples

Rubric Example - A

Rubric Example - B

Rubric Example - C

Rubrics Webinar Types of Rubrics

There are two major types of rubrics:

Holistic Rubrics

Analytic Rubrics

• Assess as a whole • Quick and overall judgment

• Suitable for simple works

• No specific feedback

• No weighted criteria

Holistic Rubrics

Rubrics Webinar Holistic Rubrics

Rubrics Webinar Analytic Rubrics

• Identify and assess components

• Relatively complex assignments

• Useful feedback

• Weighted criteria

• More time needed to create

Analytic Rubrics

Rubrics Webinar Types of Rubrics

General Rubrics

Task Specific Rubrics

Holistic and analytic rubrics can be

Rubrics Webinar Why are rubrics important?

Align assessments

Reduce questions

Detailed feedback

Offer benchmarks

Objective assessments

Time saving

Self & peer assessment

Clear expectations

Rubrics Webinar Steps for Developing Rubrics

Identify Topic List Criteria Identify

Quality Levels

Describe Each Criterion Level

Draft, Test, Revise

Rubrics Webinar Step 1: Identify what you are assessing

Learning Objective Given a business scenario, students will be able to identify and reflect on their personal behaviors and tendencies impacting their leadership styles.

Assessment Leadership Analysis Paper

What is being assessed? Ability to identify and reflect on their personal behaviors and tendencies impacting their leadership styles

Rubrics Webinar Step 2: List your criteria

Assessment Criteria

Business Scenario Analysis

Leadership Components

Self Analysis

Personal Goals

Rubrics Webinar Step 3: Identify levels of quality/performance

Assessment Criteria

Business Scenario Analysis

Leadership Components

Self Analysis

Personal Goals

Rubrics Webinar

Assessment Criteria

Business Scenario Analysis

List main issues Provide detailed analysis

Leadership Components

Describe key leadership components

Self Analysis List personal behaviors and tendencies Reflect

Personal Goals Discuss leadership goals Provide insights and development plan

Step 4: Describe each level of quality within each criterion

Rubrics Webinar Step 4: Describe each level of quality within each criterion

Assessment Criteria

Business Scenario Analysis

Does not list or lists few of the issues in the business scenario. Provides an incomplete analysis or no analysis of the issues.

Lists most of the main issues in the business scenario. Provides a detailed analysis of most of the issues listed.

Lists all of the main issues in the business scenario. Provides an insightful and detailed analysis of all of the issues listed.

Leadership Components

Describe key leadership components

Self Analysis List personal behaviors and tendencies Reflect on

Personal Goals Discuss leadership goals Provide insights and development plan

Adapted from ecline rubric (code#D4535B) downloaded from on 3/27/2014

Rubrics Webinar Step 4: Describe each level of quality within each criterion

Assessment Criteria

Business Scenario Analysis

Does not list or lists few of the issues in the business scenario. Provides an incomplete analysis or no analysis of the issues.

Lists most of the main issues in the business scenario. Provides a detailed analysis of most of the issues listed.

Lists all of the main issues in the business scenario. Provides an insightful and detailed analysis of all of the issues listed.

Leadership Components

Does not describe or use any key leadership components or vaguely describes and uses key leadership components.

Adequately describes and uses key leadership components.

Effectively describes and uses key leadership components.

Self Analysis List personal behaviors and tendencies Reflect on

Personal Goals Discuss leadership goals Provide insights and development plan

Adapted from ecline rubric (code#D4535B) downloaded from on 3/27/2014

Rubrics Webinar Step 4: Describe each level of quality within each criterion

Assessment Criteria

Business Scenario Analysis

Does not list or lists few of the issues in the business scenario. Provides an incomplete analysis or no analysis of the issues.

Lists most of the main issues in the business scenario. Provides a detailed analysis of most of the issues listed.

Lists all of the main issues in the business scenario. Provides an insightful and detailed analysis of all of the issues listed.

Leadership Components

Does not describe or use any key leadership components or vaguely describes and uses key leadership components.

Adequately describes and uses key leadership components.

Effectively describes and uses key leadership components.

Self Analysis Mentions personal behaviors and/or tendencies impacting student’s leadership style. Provides a vague reflection or no reflection on their impact.

Lists personal behaviors and tendencies impacting student’s leadership style. Provides an adequate reflection on each behavior and tendency’s impact .

Lists and analyzes personal behaviors and tendencies impacting student’s leadership style. Provides an in-depth reflection on behavior and tendency’s impact .

Personal Goals Discuss leadership goals Provide insights and development plan

Adapted from ecline rubric (code#D4535B) downloaded from on 3/27/2014

Rubrics Webinar Step 4: Describe each level of quality within each criterion

Assessment Criteria

Business Scenario Analysis

Does not list or lists few of the issues in the business scenario. Provides an incomplete analysis or no analysis of the issues.

Lists most of the main issues in the business scenario. Provides a detailed analysis of most of the issues listed.

Lists all of the main issues in the business scenario. Provides an insightful and detailed analysis of all of the issues listed.

Leadership Components

Does not describe or use any key leadership components or vaguely describes and uses key leadership components.

Adequately describes and uses key leadership components.

Effectively describes and uses key leadership components.

Self Analysis Mentions personal behaviors and/or tendencies impacting student’s leadership style. Provides a vague reflection or no reflection on their impact.

Lists personal behaviors and tendencies impacting student’s leadership style. Provides an adequate reflection on each behavior and tendency’s impact .

Lists and analyzes personal behaviors and tendencies impacting student’s leadership style. Provides an in-depth reflection on behavior and tendency’s impact .

Personal Goals Does not discuss or discuses briefly personal leadership goals. Provides limited insights or no insights for the goals.

Adequately discusses personal leadership goals as they relate to student’s self analysis. Provides additional insights and a brief development plan for the goals.

Effectively discusses personal leadership goals as they relate to student’s self analysis. Provides additional insights and a detailed development plans for the goals.

Adapted from ecline rubric (code#D4535B) downloaded from on 3/27/2014

Rubrics Webinar Step 5: Create a draft, test it, and revise it

Assessment Criteria Weight Score

Business Scenario Analysis

Does not list or lists few of the issues in the business scenario. Provides an incomplete analysis or no analysis of the issues.

Lists most of the main issues in the business scenario. Provides a detailed analysis of most of the issues listed.

Lists all of the main issues in the business scenario. Provides an insightful and detailed analysis of all of the issues listed.

10 %

Leadership Components

Does not describe or use any key leadership components or vaguely describes and uses 1-2 key leadership components.

Adequately describes and uses 3-4 key leadership components . Provides descriptions based on course materials.

Effectively describes and uses 5 or more key leadership components. Provides sophisticated descriptions that go beyond course materials.

20 %

Self-Analysis Does not mention or mentions few personal behaviors and/or tendencies impacting student’s leadership style. Provides a vague reflection or no reflection on their impact.

Lists several personal behaviors and tendencies impacting student’s leadership style. Provides an adequate reflection on each behavior and tendency’s impact.

Lists and analyzes all personal behaviors and tendencies impacting student’s leadership style. Provides an in-depth reflection on behavior and tendency’s impact.

40 %

Personal Goals Does not discuss or discuses briefly 1-2 personal leadership goals. Provides limited insights or no insights for the goals.

Adequately discusses 3 personal leadership goals as they relate to student’s self-analysis. Provides additional insights and a brief development plan for the goals.

Effectively discusses 4 or more personal leadership goals as they relate to student’s self-analysis. Provides additional insights and a detailed development plans for the goals.

30 %

Total Score

Adapted from ecline rubric (code#D4535B) downloaded from on 3/27/2014

Rubrics Webinar Tips for Developing and Using Rubrics

• Aligned with the learning objective and the assessment

• Has limited criteria (4 to 8) with brief statements

• Each criterion is focused on a different skill

• Performance descriptions are measurable

• Tested and reevaluated

Rubrics Webinar Tips for Developing and Using Rubrics

• Avoids vague language

• Avoids unnecessarily negative language

• Emphasize on quality rather than just quantity

• Has consistent and clear distinctions for gradations of quality

• Avoids too much or too little detail

Rubrics Webinar Describing Various Degrees of Performance

Depth Quality Scope Extent

Breadth Complexity Degree Accuracy

Frequency Level of Detail


Rubrics Webinar Finding and Modifying Rubrics – Steps

A rubric is needed for “Class Participation”

1. Search and Find - An iRubric Rubric

2. Import from iRubric

3. Modify the rubric

4. Cite the rubric

5. Use the rubric

Rubrics Webinar Questions & Answers

Any questions?

Thank you for your participation!

Rubrics Webinar Resources

Authentic Assessment Toolbox by Jon Mueller

Understanding Rubrics by Heidi Goodrich Andrade

Guidelines for Rubric Development by Nancy Pickett

Writing Rubrics Right: Avoiding Common Mistakes in Rubric Assessment by Megan Oakleaf

Rubrics for Web Lessons by Nancy Pickett and Bernie Dodge

Checklist for Quality Rubrics by Learner Centered Initiatives Quality Rubrics Wiki

Evaluation Process Introduction by the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition at University of Minnesota:

Course Level Example by Rubric Type by Carnegie Mellon Eberly Center Teaching Excellence and Educational Innovation

Rubrics Webinar Finding and Modifying Rubrics – Finding Rubrics

Value Rubrics Rubistar


Rubrics Webinar Finding and Modifying Rubrics – Finding a Rubric

Rubrics Webinar Finding and Modifying Rubrics – Modifying a Rubric

Rubrics Webinar Finding and Modifying Rubrics – Citing a Rubric

Adapted from Rob Elkington Class Discussion Leadership and Ethics rubric downloaded from on 3/10/2014.

Adapted from AUTHOR RUBRIC NAME downloaded from URL on DATE.

Rubrics Webinar Finding and Modifying Rubrics – Using a Rubric

Rubrics Webinar Example Rubric – Kindergarten

Rubrics Webinar Example Rubric B

Rubrics Webinar Example Rubric – Holistic Rubric

Rubrics Webinar Example Rubric C

Rubrics Webinar Example Rubric – Analytic Rubric

Rubrics Webinar Example Quality Levels



Completion Incomplete 0-1 concepts

Complete 2-3 concepts

Complete with+ 4+concepts

Frequency Never Rarely Sometimes

Often Usually Sometimes

Always Usually

Depth Absent Missing Very Little/Few None

Present Some Most

Present with+ All

Rubrics Webinar Levels of Quality/Performance

• Needs Improvement/Good/Excellent

• Novice/Intermediate/Expert

• Below Expectations/Meets Expectations/Exceeds Expectations

3 Levels of Quality

• Fair/Good/Better/Best

• Unacceptable/Developing/Acceptable/Exemplary

• Novice/Developing/Proficient/Expert

4 Levels of Quality

• Missing/Unacceptable/Below Expectations/Meets Expectations/Exceeds Expectations

• Never/Rarely/Sometimes/Often/Always

• Numeric scale ranging from 1 to 5

5 Levels of Quality